I am happy to share a collection of converted BMS files with you. There is a total of 512MB, containing 796 difficulties converted for 161 different songs, including:
- 158 7-key Normal Scale difficulties ranging from ☆1 to ☆13, labeled with NM Lv.xx
- 101 7-key Insane Scale difficulties ranging from ★1 to ★24, labeled with Lv.xx*
- 158 7+1-key Normal Scale difficulties ranging from ☆1 to ☆13, labeled with BMS NM xx
- 101 7+1-key Insane Scale difficulties ranging from ★1 to ★24, labeled with BMS xx*
- 64 9-key PMS difficulties from pop'n scale, labeled with "Normal", "Hyper" and "Another"
- 56 9-key Insane PMS difficulties ranging from ⚫1 to ⚫17, labeled with PMS Lv.xx
- 92 14+2-key DP Normal Scale difficulties ranging from δ1 to δ12, labeled with DP NM xx
- 66 14+2-key DP Insane Scale difficulties ranging from ★1 to ★14, labeled with DP xx
Some important facts about the pack:
1. The main purpose of the convertion is to introduce beginners to 7K/7+1K BMS-style maps and allow them to train them. The biggest BMS convertion pack made by Davteezy and Doorknob includes only Insane Scale converts which begin at roughly 4*, which is way too hard for most people beginning their 7K journey. This is why I decided to make this collection. Normal Scale 11-12s are around Insane Scale 01-03s in difficulty.
2. Since 7K and 7K+1 files are taken directly from BMS, their patterning is very characteristic to BMS. This is especially true for Normal Scale (NM) converts, which are more friendly to controller play. They contain high amounts of trilly and anchor patterning, especially on outer columns. Therefore, playing with Random mod is advised. This is a habit that will come in handy when tackling harder BMS charts, as it makes some of the patterns smoother and helps to avoid mindblocking, which results in faster progression.
Playing PMS and DP on Random is generally not advised, though.
3. The conversion is made with Normal Scale in mind. Therefore, I put main focus on it. Other keymodes, such as PMS and DP, are of secondary importance in the pack, so their difficulties were converted "by the way", which resulted in uneven spread of the difficulties. There's still a hefty amount of them, so players of every level will find something for themselves.
4. The converts are made in a format that is similar to Davteezy's and Doorknob converts. That is, the files are NOT keysounded, OD7/HP7 and there is one mp3 without hitsounds for every song. I am aware that some of the charts (Dengeki Tube, End Time, etc.) are introducing delay patterns not audible in used mp3s. I was too lazy to include different mp3s for those songs. However, I believe this is a really minuscule issue.
5. This pack is meant to be complementary to Davteezy/Doorknob conversions. I did not convert Insane difficulties which were already converted by them (or at least, I didn't convert many of them). For full BMS experience, please use both their and mine converts. The naming schematic overlaps - if you type "Lv.23" in search bar, both Davteezy/Doorknob and my converts will appear.
6. When choosing songs to convert, I checked Normal Scale and arbitrarily chose songs, that I like and feel they should be converted. The process was entirely subjective. Additionally, I converted some extra files I liked or wanted to see in osu!mania, as well as files recommended/requested to me by some polish players (mostly Insanes, Lv.XX and Overjoys). I am sorry if I didn't include a song you wished to see - I can't satisfy everyone. Almost every difficulty taken is in one of main Stairway scales - I didn't bother to convert Insane No.2 or other difficulties which are in novelty scales or not in any of them.
7. I did try my best to find original BMS backgrounds and include them in the pack. However, this was not always possible/easy to do, so in these casees I picked some backgrounds from the Internet. Most of the backgrounds are low quality - this stems from the fact that BMS backgrounds are usually saved in .bmp, 640x480.
8. I MANUALLY checked each difficulty, looking for converting errors, and flipping scratches for DP charts, since Raindrop is not perfect. I also manually named each diff and transliterated Japanese names using Google Translate. However, this does not mean that the pack is free from mistakes/errors. If you spot a mistake in metadata, transliteration, difficulty rating or notes, message me and I will fix it (unless it's really minor)
9. I chose to include 7K versions of 7+1K BMS charts in order to increase the audience, since most players ignore the scratch. However, since almost no one plays DP without scratches, I did not include 14K versions of 14+2K charts - that would be too much trouble, and I already spent way too much time converting these.
10. This goes without saying, but I'll state it anyway - I am not the author of ANY of converted difficulties, nor did I create/own any of the music involved. The content converted is made by BMS creators - charters, producers etc., and all credit goes for them. I merely converted their works to osu!mania, and since asking them for permission would be impossible for me because of many reasons, I believe that increasing exposure of their works is only beneficial and not harmful in any way (since BMS authors do not sell their content).
1. The main purpose of the convertion is to introduce beginners to 7K/7+1K BMS-style maps and allow them to train them. The biggest BMS convertion pack made by Davteezy and Doorknob includes only Insane Scale converts which begin at roughly 4*, which is way too hard for most people beginning their 7K journey. This is why I decided to make this collection. Normal Scale 11-12s are around Insane Scale 01-03s in difficulty.
2. Since 7K and 7K+1 files are taken directly from BMS, their patterning is very characteristic to BMS. This is especially true for Normal Scale (NM) converts, which are more friendly to controller play. They contain high amounts of trilly and anchor patterning, especially on outer columns. Therefore, playing with Random mod is advised. This is a habit that will come in handy when tackling harder BMS charts, as it makes some of the patterns smoother and helps to avoid mindblocking, which results in faster progression.
Playing PMS and DP on Random is generally not advised, though.
3. The conversion is made with Normal Scale in mind. Therefore, I put main focus on it. Other keymodes, such as PMS and DP, are of secondary importance in the pack, so their difficulties were converted "by the way", which resulted in uneven spread of the difficulties. There's still a hefty amount of them, so players of every level will find something for themselves.
4. The converts are made in a format that is similar to Davteezy's and Doorknob converts. That is, the files are NOT keysounded, OD7/HP7 and there is one mp3 without hitsounds for every song. I am aware that some of the charts (Dengeki Tube, End Time, etc.) are introducing delay patterns not audible in used mp3s. I was too lazy to include different mp3s for those songs. However, I believe this is a really minuscule issue.
5. This pack is meant to be complementary to Davteezy/Doorknob conversions. I did not convert Insane difficulties which were already converted by them (or at least, I didn't convert many of them). For full BMS experience, please use both their and mine converts. The naming schematic overlaps - if you type "Lv.23" in search bar, both Davteezy/Doorknob and my converts will appear.
6. When choosing songs to convert, I checked Normal Scale and arbitrarily chose songs, that I like and feel they should be converted. The process was entirely subjective. Additionally, I converted some extra files I liked or wanted to see in osu!mania, as well as files recommended/requested to me by some polish players (mostly Insanes, Lv.XX and Overjoys). I am sorry if I didn't include a song you wished to see - I can't satisfy everyone. Almost every difficulty taken is in one of main Stairway scales - I didn't bother to convert Insane No.2 or other difficulties which are in novelty scales or not in any of them.
7. I did try my best to find original BMS backgrounds and include them in the pack. However, this was not always possible/easy to do, so in these casees I picked some backgrounds from the Internet. Most of the backgrounds are low quality - this stems from the fact that BMS backgrounds are usually saved in .bmp, 640x480.
8. I MANUALLY checked each difficulty, looking for converting errors, and flipping scratches for DP charts, since Raindrop is not perfect. I also manually named each diff and transliterated Japanese names using Google Translate. However, this does not mean that the pack is free from mistakes/errors. If you spot a mistake in metadata, transliteration, difficulty rating or notes, message me and I will fix it (unless it's really minor)
9. I chose to include 7K versions of 7+1K BMS charts in order to increase the audience, since most players ignore the scratch. However, since almost no one plays DP without scratches, I did not include 14K versions of 14+2K charts - that would be too much trouble, and I already spent way too much time converting these.
10. This goes without saying, but I'll state it anyway - I am not the author of ANY of converted difficulties, nor did I create/own any of the music involved. The content converted is made by BMS creators - charters, producers etc., and all credit goes for them. I merely converted their works to osu!mania, and since asking them for permission would be impossible for me because of many reasons, I believe that increasing exposure of their works is only beneficial and not harmful in any way (since BMS authors do not sell their content).
If any problems regarding download appear, do not hesistate to contact me, since I'm a complete noob when it comes to Dropbox uploading.
29.03: Fixed w_tre - mom [DP 09] - stacked note
Fixed ストラトライン(Sutoratorain) - stacked notes
30.03 Fixed We are the xxx - stacked notes
31.03 Fixed G.N. - note cluster at the end
Fixed ZENITHALIZE - note cluster at the end
Fixed Valhalla - wrong BPM change
01.04 Fixed Poppin' Shower [DP 01] - stacked notes
10.04 Fixed サンバランド (Sanbarando) - stacked notes across multiple diffs
25.06 Fixed サンバランド (Sanbarando) - two notes in PMS Lv.06
If any problems regarding download appear, do not hesistate to contact me, since I'm a complete noob when it comes to Dropbox uploading.
29.03: Fixed w_tre - mom [DP 09] - stacked note
Fixed ストラトライン(Sutoratorain) - stacked notes
30.03 Fixed We are the xxx - stacked notes
31.03 Fixed G.N. - note cluster at the end
Fixed ZENITHALIZE - note cluster at the end
Fixed Valhalla - wrong BPM change
01.04 Fixed Poppin' Shower [DP 01] - stacked notes
10.04 Fixed サンバランド (Sanbarando) - stacked notes across multiple diffs
25.06 Fixed サンバランド (Sanbarando) - two notes in PMS Lv.06