
osu!International Mapping Contest #2

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Contest organised mostly by C00L
With the help from Cheesecake, _DT3, Pachiru and -Touka-

Welcome to the osu!Interntional Mapping Contest #2!
This post is the official post for the contest, any updates or changes will be posted here!

Current Stage: Contest Ended, Thanks for Participating!
Winners are located at the bottom of the post!

Applications are now OPEN!

Note: The Applications close on the 18th of March at 14:00 UTC
The contest begins on the 19th of March at 14:00 UTC and will end on the 2nd of April at 14:00 UTC

There seems to be some confusion regarding what needs to be mapped. Just to clarify you will only need to map one difficulty marathon from the 6min song! Not a full spread mapset!

Please read everything below to familiarize yourself with the contest.

Q: What is this contest and what is osu!International?
A: osu!International is a discord server solely focused on unity and mapping. This mapping contest is its celebration for surpassing 200 users! Keep in mind this is an unofficial mapping contest!

Q: Did I have to be a part of the server before this got announced to enter?
A: Not at all! This contest is open for everyone!

Q: Do I have to join the server to participate?
A: Answer is no and yes. If you don't feel like joining the server since maybe you're in too many already or feel like you don't want to be part of the osu!International server then you are free not to join, although not joining will cut you out of important announcements and a contest specific chat room where you can discuss the contest with other contestants!

Q: How do I join the server?
A: Go to the registrations tab, there is a link there that will lead you to a register form where you can register yourself and your team! Afterwhich you will be given a invite link which you can share ONLY with your team.

Q: I'm banned, can I still participate?
A: Yes of course! But keep in mind that if you decide to participate you will not receive rewards if your team wins!

Q: Does my teammate have to be the same nationality as I am?
A: Not at all, you can assemble a team no matter how far away you are from each other nor how close. The point is to unite with your friends and form a team!

Q: What is the song, is it going to be long?
A: The song will be a mix of some of the more popular genres (Artcore, DnB and Japanese Rock) put into one mp3. Each genre will last for ~2 min. The whole mp3 will be ~5-6mins. Bpm will be ~160-200.

Q: How does this contest work?
A: This contest works like this: You will have to find a minimum of 1 friend and maximum of 3 friends (This is required since unity is the theme of the osu!International server and this is what is being created here by inviting your friends to join) to gather together and map a marathon length difficulty of the given song. This can range from a 4-way part collab to 1 and 1/2 songs per person (this solely depends on your team size!). After that's done, you send over the .osu files to me. Everything is then compiled and judged!

Q: If I apply as a judge, but don't get chosen ... can I still participate?
A: Yes! there are no restrictions in how you participate in the contest, if you don't get chosen as one of the judges you will still have at least 4 days to apply as a contestant with an existing team or a new team!

Q: Can I make a Mania/Taiko/CTB set?
A: No! this contest is only for the osu!std mode only! Although other mods may also be included in future osu!International contests.

Q: Can I just map this myself?
A: No! This contests theme is revolved around unity and teamwork, therefore mapping yourself without a team is breaking that rule!

Q: Can I collab the diffs with my team?
A: Yes! This contests song enforces collaboration even more than the previous one! Collaborations can range from a 4-way per song collab to 1 and 1/2 song per person collab.

Q: So what if there are only 2 of us in the team?
A: If you cannot find more people or others are already in a team, then you could map 1 and 1/2 of the song each or collaborate on every song!

Q: Can I use my own custom hitsounds?
A: No! The reason for this is because the entries are submitted in the .osu format. You may only use custom hitsounds provided by us in the contest .osz!

Q: What are the winner prizes?
A: The winners are going to receive supporter, profile badges and the first place mapset is going to be pushed into the ranking section! Runner up prizes are listed below!

  1. 2-4 members per team required - This is a teamwork based contest so it will rely on teamwork based effort to make the diff required.
  2. Copying other peoples work is prohibited - Copying other peoples work is strictly forbidden because the whole point of the contest is to be unique and fair with everyone and most importantly to show off your skill, not somebody else's! If we or the judges find out your work has been copied, your entire team gets disqualified. So keep that in mind!
  3. Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline - Everybody will have the same time to map the diff so it will ultimately become unfair if somebody had more time than the others. Therefore, after the deadline any submitted entries will be disqualified.
  4. Custom hitsounds outside of the provided ones are prohibited - Name speaks for itself, reason for that is to avoid huge internet usage for the judges and again to avoid less things getting lost whilst compiling all entries. You may only use custom hitsounds provided in the contest .osz!
  5. Changing the mp3 or timing of the .osz is prohibited - Name speaks for itself, reason for that is to avoid any complications during the judging process since you will be submitting .osu rather than .osz.
  6. The osu!Standard Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria are in effect for this contest - As you may know the #1 is to push the entry to the ranked section, we cannot do that if you don't obey the Ranking Criteria.
  7. You have to have a team name and a team tag - If you are registering as a contestant you will get the option to choose a team name and a team tag (3 letter name relating to your team) for you and your group of friends, doing this will save time during the judging process as it's easier to identify people by their team name rather than individual participants names.
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Hello everyone!

Today I'm proud to announce the second instalment of the osu!International Mapping Contest! There were a couple of changes made from the previous contest, so make sure to read up on the changes both in the Rules and Judging Criteria. Once again we tried to go for something unique and new to offer everyone something new to participate in! Below you will find the most important information about How to participate; How to apply as a judge; What prizes will be given out to the winners; etc.

Since this is the second instalment of the osu!International Mapping Contest let me do a quick run down of how things are going to work this time round.

  1. Register as a contestant through the given link down below to join our Discord. Joining the server will allow you to stay up to date with any news regarding the contest (all new information will be posted in the server). It will also allow you to meet up with the osu!International community! So make sure to join to stay up to date!
  2. The base .osz file will be released at the beginning of the contest on the specified date and time. The link to the .osz will only be available to those in the discord server.
  3. From the moment the contest begins the contestants have a total of 2 weeks to map a marathon legth song/genre compilation (~6min). There will be 3 genres included in this contest: Drum and bass, Artcore and Japanese Rock.
  4. Once the contestants finish mapping their set, they should submit their individual .osu files to me via osu! PM's ONLY.
  5. After the 2 week time period has ended, no more entries will be accepted and any that are submitted past the deadline will be automatically disqualified. Judges will be given anonymous .osz sets and in the following weeks they will make up their scores based on their given criteria and thoughts.
  6. Once the judging period has concluded, I'll compile the results/all the entries and release them to the public.

    Please Note: If any changes occur to your teams status, e.g. one of your team members cannot participate because of such and such reason or a person joined your team after the application was sent. Please report this to me! I keep a log of every team registered, but as you may know sometimes things may happen between people and I don't find out, so please let me know whenever something changes.

  1. 1st Place - 4 months of supporter to each team member in the winning set, winning mapset gets pushed to the pending section after the end of the contest and eventually after a short period of time it will be ranked by dedicated contest Beatmap Nominators and a profile badge for the team members!
  2. 2nd Place - 2 months of supporter to each team member, a free mod from one dedicated contest Beatmap Nominator (no icon guarantee).
  3. 3rd Place - 1 month of supporter to each team member.

Please follow this link to register for the osu!International Mapping Contest #2: here
  1. Complete the form as a contestant and follow the link at the end of the application to the server. All information will be available for you via the server. Only the captain should register, meaning that one person only should register their whole team and then provide the rest of the team members with the invite link.
  2. If you are applying as a Judge then fill out the form as a Judge Applicant.
  3. If you wish to just to join the osu!International community please fill out the forum as a Community member.
Please Note: Even if you are already in the osu!International Discord server you still have to complete the forum to register for the contest!


PLEASE NOTE: Judge Tests will begin on the 8th of March at 19:00 UTC Time and will close on the 12th of March at 19:00 UTC Time
You may apply as a Judge now! Go to the Registration tab for more info.

Everyone gets a chance to apply as a judge, again the theme of the contest is unity! More or less unity falls under equality too, therefore we are giving everyone a equal chance to participate wherever they want.
The judge application will test your skills at judging and if you have what it takes to become the contest judge.
You will have a total of 96 hours (4 days) to complete your application. After the time period of 96 hours has concluded any forms submitted past the deadline will be automatically disqualified.

All applications will be reviewed by me and the contest helpers after which the 5 chosen judges will be announced here and on the Discord server. Shortly after the .osz for the contestants will be released!

Please Note: Due to a mistake being made by us in the previous contest, the judging .osz for this contest will be an Extra difficulty with a similar length to the contests song. The map won't be as basic and we will be looking for formal language and more in depth explanations about your choices.

Important information
  1. View the Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) here
  2. View the Contest Rules here
  3. View the Judging Criteria here
All of these will be available to view in the osu!International server in the #contest-information channel.

If you have any questions regarding this contest, please do not hesitate to ask me or anybody on the #contest-discussion text channel! I'm always online on discord and always happy to help.


osu! International Mapping Contest #2 Results

Hello everyone! Once again the post is getting updated with the results for this contest! Sadly though, this time round not many people participated therefore a badge might not happen, which is really sad considering most of the entries were really high quality. On another note LowAccuracySS has been excluded from the judging team because of IRL issues, stuff like this happens so it is understandable.Anyway after going through some of the sadder things that occurred, let's shine some light on the winners, shall we?


1st place - At first place comes team WE LOVE APPLE which managed to earn itself 150 points! Congratulations to Sotarks, appleeaterx, Kalibe and Milan-! Your rewards will be issued as soon as possible, again regarding the badge I still need to get an answer from the osu! staff whether or not it's possible (because of the lack of entries). Fantastic mapset nonetheless, well done!

2nd place - At second place comes team Mapper's Guild which managed to also earn themselves a score of 145 points! (5 short of the top entry) Congratulations to Sing, Byfar, ProfessionalBox and toybot! Great job!

3rd place - Last but not least at third place we have team Wave Slider Enthusiasts which managed to earn themselves a score of 129 points! Congratulations to StarrStyx, xLolicore-, Regou and Kibbleru!

That concludes the results of the winners. The detailed results for each judge and detailed summaries of points awarded can be found below.

Additional Files

Last note to the winners: Please contact me about how you would like your supporter rewards distributed!

Thanks again to all of you that participated! Although this time round it wasn't as successful it was still fun nonetheless!
Topic Starter

Teams (Captains are bolded)

  1. Team SO Police - SOP
    Kaine , Truzon
  2. C00L - C0L
    Deppyforce , - Frontier -
  3. LowTec - LTC
    LowComboFC , Hakura
  4. junk generator 2018 - MAD
    InternalLight , CookieBite
  5. results when - RES
    Jory , Celektus , Shanipika , Knightc0re
  6. shen mapo - SMP
    Karen , yf_bmp , Crystal , Skystar
  7. Flameo Hotman - HoT
    IceKalt , Mun , Plaudible , Hobbes2
  8. Those Whomst From Hell Came - THC
    Mayuzumi Sayaka , FrenZ396 , -Shizuku
  9. bengbengbeng - BBB
    FoxyGrandpa , Shiratoi , Nevo
  10. Atalanta's Sex Squad - ASS
    Atalanta , newton- , -Aqua , Lulu-
  11. Sample Text - SPT
    handsome , pishifat , Asphyxia , Bonzi
  12. Sassy Ravioli Vortex - SRV
    Gero , Irreversible , Nhawak , Voli
  13. Black MIDI Team - BMT
    b00 , sdafsf , ScubDomino
  14. nyab is justice - DAB
    _Meep_ , walaowey , Sinnoh , JeirYagtama
    Sotarks , appleeaterx , Kalibe , Milan-
  16. Mapper's Guild - MPG
    Sing , byfar , ProfessionalBox , toybot
  17. Chill Squad - CSQ
    [ L u k a s ], Venellys
  18. ErogeIsBest - EIB
    Arf , Warpyc
  19. Wave Slider Enthusiasts - WAV
    StarrStyx , xLolicore- , Regou , Kibbleru
  20. El Equipo M - EEM
    MrMenda , Mking
  21. bang riot - RGB
    4n3c , dynamix ~
  22. Nisman vive en nuestros corazones - NNC
    MaestroSplinter , Chekito
  23. MirashPlayingPUBG - MPP
    Trynna , Testo , Mirash , Bariton
  24. sleepy bois - zzz
    Hayuza , Morroni
  25. Blue Rose - BRS
    Bluekrait , Rose Pacifica
  26. suwakofans56 - SWK
    revurii , Uberzolik
  27. Clayson Zero - CS0
    clayton , Jace
  28. SO MAD - SMD
    IOException, Ayyri
Cerulean Veyron
bring it on bois!!!!!!!!!
hello there
free sb from LowAccuracySS for the winners
Time to find a team
now if only i had friends :^)
At #1, i thought i would get friends to participate with at #2

I was wrong
good luck ww

Rizen wrote:

good luck ww
we miss you master

Rizen wrote:

good luck ww
Rizen uwu

ShiiTsuin wrote:

now if only i had friends :^)
Topic Starter

Rizen wrote:

good luck ww
I wish you were here
results when
gg Sample Text!

Sotarks wrote:

gg Sample Text!
refait une excelsia v2
Topic Starter

Discord wrote:

@everyone hey yall
Contest Launch

Contest has now begun, from this moment onwards you have exactly 2 WEEKS to complete your entry with your team.

You can find all the neccessary information and the .osz here: ... sp=sharing
You can find the FAQ here: ... sp=sharing
You can find the judging Criteria here: ... sp=sharing
The original thread post may also be of use: t/710303

Countdown until entry deadline: ... &font=slab

Good luck again to all participating, I hope you enjoy the rest of the contest. Also once again we'd like to apologise with the problems we had with the judges, we will figure out a better solution for the next contest!
Topic Starter

Discord wrote:

Mapping Period Extention

Due to the results of the strawpoll regarding whether or not an extention should happen, there will be a 2 week extention to the mapping period. This means that the new deadline is on the 16th of APRIL at 14:00 UTC
I hope you're happy about the new deadline!
Gratz to everyone!
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