This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 07 de diciembre de 2008 at 09:39:46 a.m.
Artist: Newton
Title: Streamline
Tags: pepsi streamline commercial coke newton gens
BPM: 150.07
Filesize: 6390kb
Play Time: 02:43
Difficulties Available:
Download: Newton - Streamline
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Yes, there's a custom skin, but it isn't that awesome. It was one of my first works so don't complain about it. =/
Why is this map so related to pepsi? I knew this song as "The Pepsi Song", and this is because it was used for a pepsi commercial. Here's a Youtube link if you're curious.
Artist: Newton
Title: Streamline
Tags: pepsi streamline commercial coke newton gens
BPM: 150.07
Filesize: 6390kb
Play Time: 02:43
Difficulties Available:
Download: Newton - Streamline
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Yes, there's a custom skin, but it isn't that awesome. It was one of my first works so don't complain about it. =/
Why is this map so related to pepsi? I knew this song as "The Pepsi Song", and this is because it was used for a pepsi commercial. Here's a Youtube link if you're curious.