
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst

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I'm a huge fan of this game, and I have an account on the Schthack private server. If anybody plays, or wants to play, let me know. to get to the server's website to register, download and all that fun stuff.

NOTE: The installer sets off a trojan on my antivirus, but after quarantine the game still runs fine. Just a word of caution.
Me and 3 IRL frinds played PSO on gamecube for hours, we were farming mines on ultimate before one of us lost our data(me). And then we slowly lost intrest.

Find a safe download and Ill play it, I don't want to put my computer at any risk before my cleanup this weekend(non virus related cleanup)
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Hmm, after looking into it a bit, it's apparently a false-positive. Every version of the installer pick up a trojan. It also seems that a similar thing would occur when installing Phantasy Star Universe off the disc for some people...

The file in question is SHPsoBB_multi.exe (at least for the main installer it is) The game doesn't actually seem to need this. I remember when i was playing this before, it didn't even exist.
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Apparently not. Like i said, the game doesn't even seem to need the file in question...
I played that game a lot. SCHTSERV is awesome. I never had any problems with it. Although, my internet at my college won't let me play online games very much. :|

If I'm ever online, I'm usually Adan Rayen. Lvl 40-ish. Professional box opener. Seriously, you want me to open boxes. My luck is through the roof, and I get loads of rares. I found one rare I like, so I usually give everything else away. :P
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Cyclone wrote:

That's awesome. My luck is horribly low. (I killed 14 Pal Rappies and never got the rare drop) I find plenty out of boxes though. Nothing ever good except photon drops. (even though there's something i want off of episode 4 hard.)

Hmm, meeting up on this game randomly won't ever happen i don't think. If anybody wants to play contact me.

There's some contact info in my profile, as well as DarkCyclone6 for my Skype (skype is awesome)

Pal rappies don't like giving up their rares. certain IDs have a 1/24 drop rate for their items.

Other IDs have some ludicrisly high drop rate too :3 Red Scorpio only took me 2 kills to get.

My friends force had a holy ray. Last I know beforer he lost his data he was farming the real agito(the weapon with about a bagillion different types but only one can be upgraded into the true agito).

Anyone ever figure out what exactly the red weapons did and how to legitimately get parasitic gene: flow to drop?

last I heard you used the RED weapons in order to spell out HEATHCLIFF with the letters engraved on the side and it allows the final boss to drop it, I doubt thats true but i dunno. its been a while.
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That's what i was hunting.. the Agito 1985, which is turned into the Oritiagito. It's ok though, i've decided that katana's suck for the most part, though i've never seen the female animation for one. Also i'm curious as to the Oritiagito's special attack. I have the Shouren now. Just need a Guren, and i'll have an INSANELY powerful twin saber(i've had my Musashi for quite some time, need to upgrade.)

If 4 people (including myself) actually get on, i was thinking we could start new characters and just play with those most of the time.

Those red weapons are awesome, but Sega NEVER actually included the Flow gene in the game. I think the drop rate was calculated to be 0/64.

Cyclone wrote:

Those red weapons are awesome, but Sega NEVER actually included the Flow gene in the game. I think the drop rate was calculated to be 0/64.
I could have sworn there was one player who got it in one of the versions, oh well.

I may join in, I'm going to fucking miss not having my max level MAGs.
I remember seeing Flow DNA in the old PSO. A few, actually. Was the droprate changed in BB? >>

Saturos wrote:

I remember seeing Flow DNA in the old PSO. A few, actually. Was the droprate changed in BB? >>
well finding someone with the gene isn't rare. finding someone who legitimately obtained it is.

last I heard(about 2-3 YEARS ago) some Oran Force from Korea was able to obtain it with "proof"~
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er, somebody contacted me on AIM and i lost that... It appeared on my laptop, which i wasn't using.. for days... Sorry about that whoever it was.
I'm willing to play the game but I'm not going to be able to do shit in october, most of my weekday I'm going to be gone.
Bringing this thread back to life due to new interest.

Playing a HUnewerl now, because I am a pirate.
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I would imagine we could find a party of 4 and then start completely new characters.
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Damn PSO o_0
I was lvl 89 on the Gamecube and had a Stupid Data Error, Then I did 3 other chars lvl 50 but I lost interest... And I don't wanna play it again. I'm willing to play PSU, but you need a Guardian's Liscence :(

Ashura43 wrote:

I was lvl 89 on the Gamecube and had a Stupid Data Error, Then I did 3 other chars lvl 50 but I lost interest...
that happened to me 3 times.

Start up a party and a time to get new characters started cyclone before IRC friends from LCN pull me into atlantica again.
I used to play PSO on the gamecube when i was like... 11? It was the first MMO i played :)

I hardly remember anything about it now... :/
I play Phantasy star Online

Character name: Dave001
Level: 19
Type HUmar

If anyone wants me to join their party just say

I might be on, i might not but that's the way it goes
UFO Donut
just started playing yesterday.. i am a huge fan of this game and i've got some experince
i am usually playing as Tank-b-HM an army looking RAcast, i like hanging out on skyline or atlas
and i am hitchhiking for cct but nobody goes there =_=
BTW i remember seeing a charecter named DanDan is that you cyclone?
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Uh, yeah, that's my FOmar... But i wasn't on yesterday...
Time to move on gents, PS:P
Another attempt at reviving this game on osu!

If anyone still plays this game or wants to, fire me a PM. Since there's nothing for me to do at the moment besides waiting for Starcraft 2 and Dragon's Nest which will never come out, I'll pick this up again where I last left off. Got one friend with me who still plays, if anyone else still owns this game, come on over this way. Schtserv is of course still operational.

It would be awesome to have a couple more people start new characters on this game. Come on people! D:
I think my RAcaseal can qualify for this escapade, the last time I remember I hadn't leveled her. If not I'll probably just make a HUcaseal. ;D
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oh man I need to get into this

I'm replaying PSO one and two on the gamecube, but playing alone is so fucking boring my brother and I have only gotten to the beginning of episode two.

Maybe I'll actually have fun with this.
I would play but I would just spend like 40 hours playing a FOmar/FOmarl/HUnewerl just to get a double saber then I would stop after getting it.
fffff I need a client to play this and my Wii can't connect to the Internet. goddammit

!summon Ival's magical powers
uh, just play blue burst. As in not the gamecube version. You will most definitely want to invest in a pc controller if you haven't done so.
We're all on Blue Burst anyway, by me I mean Zerostarry, Cyclone, MegaManEXE, possibly YellowYoshi1 and I.

If you need a BB client, I can provide you with a direct download from one of my servers.
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Character names don't really help on their own ._.

Well, I guess they do in case you see someone in the lobby but neither I nor Mystearica play often enough that you'd see either of us randomly hanging around in the lobby most likely lol

It'd probably just be easier to coordinate meeting up to exchange cards either in this topic or via PM/MSN/AIM/in osu/whatever

Zero is a patient teacher. Ival probably would have ditched me but Zero stuck with me ;).
Back in the DC/GC games I was a hell of a player; on PSO I & II for GameCube I had a FOmar who was over level 160 (Ace) and a newer FOnewearl who was around 115 when I quit (Narina).

I have downloaded Blue Burst, and have recreated cute little Narina. I've played some and have become somewhat acquainted with the basic functionality of the game and its controls without anyone's help to cut down on my looking so incredibly embarassing, especially after coming from a place where I had ridiculously high levels to a place where I have to start from scratch again (but that's half the fun, right?).

As I type this, Narina is level 6; she's a tiny little thing with a purple costume and purple hair with pigtails; she is not wearing any face paint.

My play type is a fighting-type force, which I was able to pull off, according to other GameCube players, "astoundingly well" on that console (thanks to a good mag, awesome equipment, and, of course, being high-level), but it would seem that either they've weakened FOnewearls or I don't remember the base stats as well as I thought I did; I had a great deal of trouble with, and still cannot defeat, the Dragon boss in the forest; I resorted to going ahead to the Caves, where I killed some enemies and picked up a level or two before concluding that I simply couldn't do it alone.

Which frankly didn't surprise me; I'm big on supporting others. It would simply seem my ability to fend for myself has gone to shit. lol

I think it's time I started playing with some of you guys if I can find ya and play with you without dragging behind.

I bring with me my knowledge the ins and outs of this game, I do not bring with me my old levels (or any knowledge of Episode IV, coincidentally). I did figure out how to assign those newfangled number-key shortcuts though.

In other's time I asked for help with some leveling. I promise if I can get some help that I will eventually prove to be an invaluable asset: you will not regret spending time with me.

If I can start playing regularly with you guys, I will very likely become as addicted to Blue Burst now as I was to Ep I & II back in 2003.

I will work hard to become great again; it will take some time, but I can do it!!

tl;dr (really that was quite a long essay, but I read it nonetheless and felt compelled to respond with tl;dr ~_~)

MSN me or MegaManEXE kthxbai
I keep saying I'm going to play and keep... not playing. At any rate I would love someone to play with Ace so feel free to AIM/MSN or PM me anytime so we can meet up and get guild cards and the like. I have a low level RAcaseal below you so we could level together.
Hahahaha me and tode just killed Dark Falz

We are the hero!
That was some fun TTF'ing with Zero and Tode. Falz's third form completely obliterated us though. His arm swipe is just too painful to deal with.
any party with me and zero is a fun party

also fuck you ival rar zero and I are inseparable. But this reminded me of why I stopped trying to draw years ago. Too animey for my taste.

also I have no sense of proportion and can't draw inanimate objects

edit: tired of looking at that
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where's the picutre of me reviving you guys multiple times after falz grants you both to death?


/me runs
Damn, I want to say that drawing is horrendous, but it has a certain charm to it. It's bad and not bad at the same time.

To Ace: If you tried doing melee with a fonewerl at level 4-5, I'm not surprised you died to Dragon. Should have just been a barta festival.

Ival didn't completely shut down my art?


Ivalset wrote:

Damn, I want to say that drawing is horrendous, but it has a certain charm to it. It's bad and not bad at the same time.

To Ace: If you tried doing melee with a fonewerl at level 4-5, I'm not surprised you died to Dragon. Should have just been a barta festival.
That and FOnewearl in general is terrible at melee. I have used a Lv 200 FOnewearl extensively and it's pretty much Bringer's Rifle for Demon's or Slicer of Fanatic for Demon's, then Vivienne or Last Swan to finish. She can't wield anything else really.

Madam's Umbrella with some hit and sphered percentages can be good. Principal's Gift Parasol for Charge is a bit stronger but only goes up to 30 hit from the Casino.
If you want to melee with a Force, the best choice is generally an even argument between either the FOmar or the FOmarl.

The FOmar has the best ATP of the Forces and has decent MST to go with it. They also get a 30% boost to Grants and Gi- level spells and 2x range boost to Shifta/Deband. They have the absolute worst ATA in the game though, along with the 2nd worst HP.

The FOmarl has the highest HP of the forces along with the 2nd best ATP. They have better ATA than the FOmar but also have the lowest MST of the Forces. They get a 50% boost to Grants and a 2x range boost to Shifta/Deband, Resta, and Anti. It should be noted that it is generally considered that FOmarls get most of the worst weapon animations other than slicers.

I generally prefer the FOmar for a melee force, but there's still people that would say otherwise.

If you just want to melee with a FOnewearl for a challenge or uniqueness then enjoy the challenge I suppose... but if you want to play a serious melee force, you can't go wrong with either of the two mentioned above.
I use my FOmarl to do everything, have tried a FOmar but didin't really like it. I have ytry to try FOnewm but IIRC they are able to equip Excalibur so that shouldn't be much of an issue seeing as they can't possibly have lower ATA than FOmars plus they also get a 30% boost to RA level techs which happen to be the most useful.

That being said since I'm a FOmarl fanatic (I have a Lv 200 FOmarl already yet I'm making another one, she's Lv93 right now I believe), I find it easiest to use the FOmarl to party just because she doesn't need a Resta Merge unlike the FOmar. FOmar in solo games should do better than FOmarl but when you play with 4 people the FOmarl wins hands down against any other force in terms of combined offense/support ability.
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