
Importance of picking the right skin

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So I noticed how people stress the importance of choosing the right skin aka "pro" skin that's transparent/clean/minimal.
This is a play after a full warm up with Rafis' skin

And a play without warm up with default skin (with 300's included)

Only explanation I have for this is that I'm actually more focused because I'm not used to the default skin. I'd like to hear your opinion on this. Or maybe someone has done some kind of research?

Be serious or I'll report you jk I'll just cry without anyone knowing

OMG he made a serious post better get ready for the apocalypse
The default skin is just pretty damn good.
I think it depends a lot on what kind of maps and mods you are playing.
Especially for HD, EZ, FL and any combination of these, the choice of skin can play a major role but especially for nomod, pretty much everything that is not completely awkward will serve you relatively well.
The default skin is absolutely awful, and I can't play with it at all. The osu!lazer skin is even worse, I fail songs I can SS. Your mileage may vary.
Idk, sometimes I randomly change skin and play 10x better. But I'm usually sticking to few skins, and when I cannot focus, I change between them.
So basically the Right Skin for the people (their preferences) is the skin which they are comfortable at most with. :D
I suggest you a skin without circle on slider end . Really!!
Deafault skin is nice , just remove slider end
pick the one you like
Old default skin is better
You say you are serious but I'm not sure if you are actually serious
default skin actually isn't that bad, yeah. but people have different tastes and skins where they're better at. e.g. people always tell me how it must suck playing with a skin that doesn't have any 300's, x's, 100's etc. in it, yet i get FAR worse scores with normal skins. to each his own :x
play more
focus more
be more
Report me I fuking dare you

OT: one off results isn't accurate, consistency of performance matters
i can only play with one skin
Default skin is a good skin for me, the only downside is slider ends and too many particles.
Changing skin from the one you are used to always increase focus.
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