
playing ONLY 4k

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im a regular osu! player but i starter recently to play osu mania more. I have a pretty good acc and i progress very well but the thing is that im only playing 4k, is it ok? Shall i play all keymodes?

also im playing with a step mania skin wich isn't available in other keymode than 4k, shall i stay with step mania or is it bad?

thanks and sorry for my bad english :)
Sandy Hoey
It is fine if you dont want to be able to play the other key counts. And skin is completely preference

But one tip is that you should play mania specific maps, not converted maps.
Personally, I would suggest you try to play all key modes. At least up to 7k, because after 4k, 7k has the most maps available.

If you care about PP/rank, playing 7k is also helpful, because you can get more PP for 7k than 4k on harder maps.

The other benefit is that if you get good at 7k, it will make playing lower key modes easier, but being good at 4k doesn't make any higher key modes any easier. Getting good at 4k and then deciding to try to play 7k after will make it seem way harder to learn.

And Sandy is right about playing mania specific maps instead of osu maps converted to mania. When osu converts standard maps to mania, the patterns it makes don't make any sense, and don't teach you the kind of patterns you will see in mania specific maps.

Another tip is to make sure that you turn off BPM scaled scroll speeds. If you go into options, find the option (in gameplay) called "Scale Osu!mania scroll speed with BPM" and make sure it's turned off (the circle is empty). You will need to adjust your scroll speed after you do this (F3 and F4 change your scroll speed), but after that, it won't change when you play songs with different BPMs. This should make it easier in the beginning.
Basically, everything Bobbias just said haha

Also because just playing 4k can get boring eventually. You'll want to try out 7k eventually since there are many songs that are only mapped (well) in 7k. You can choose to learn 4k side by side with 7k and it won't hinder your progress. It's easier to pick it up now while you're starting since if you try to do it later, you might be discouraged from playing 7k since it feels like you've just went from god mode to peasant mode.

But otherwise, it's really fine. I mostly play 4k nowadays myself.
I'll give my 5 cent on it, I think it's important to have an open mind about things in life and you should definitely give a serious attempt at 7K(if you like 7K then you'll get into all other keymodes as well). If you either find 7K fun then yea stick with it. I don't necessarily agree that it'll help other key modes and you shouldn't go into 7K, expecting to get better at 4K, playing 4K will make you better at it and there's no avoiding that.

If however you arrive at the conclusion that 7K isn't too fun then there's no need for you to get into it, for all intent and purposes it is like a different gamemode and focusing on 4K is just fine as it is. If you do decide to focus on 4K though I don't recommend playing this game but Etterna(Can find links on it easily through google). As Etterna is more optimized for general 4K playing, it can be a bit tricky to get into but it will be worth it as Etterna at least have a competent, active dev group who cares about the game.
Not very much I can add here :p, most things have been said already.
Skins are your own preference so thats ok.
And for 4k only, just ask yourself if you are fine with not having the benefits of learning higher keymodes and you dont want to learn 7k in the near future.
If both answers to these questions are yes, then go have some fun with 4k,
otherwise I recommend you to try to learn 7k together with 4k (I am a 4k only btw).
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