
sasakure.UK feat. Hatsune Miku - *Hello,Planet.

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02:03:085 (7,8,9,10,11) - Move these down and right to adjust for stacking
04:47:485 (1) - Nice, haha

01:15:285 (1) - I'm wary of this since you're using tick rate 1 and can't see the slowdown via ticks.
04:11:485 (4) - Aaah so many whistles on slider slides during this section

Hooray for 8bit video being smaller than the sound file, haha.

Cute set.
Topic Starter
Fixed !
Since tick rate was changed, I have to reset this to #1, but you should be good to go, me thinks. Excellent set, you guys.

Bubble #1!
Topic Starter
Come on come on !
Actually, crap, hold on a sec. Check SOLO. The sliders at the beginning should be snapped to 1/6. Also since you changed to tick rate 2, I'd recommend you silence the ticks for the introduction since 2 doesn't fit well.
also, add eveless (goodbye's former username) to the tags.
Topic Starter
Done & done.

I appreciate it.
Sorry about that. Shoulda caught that initially. Anyway.

ReReBubble #1
Topic Starter
Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry HURRY HURRY HURRY HURRYHURRYHURRYHURRYHURRY

Tears of blood.
As I said earlier, I can't support a map that has so many inexplicable spacing changes. I don't really know where to begin with this so I guess I'll just give you a set of general guidelines for when spacing changes are effective and then a long list of places where you have spacing changes that are ineffective.

First, the guidelines: jumps are like spices, they work best if you put them in places that work with the rest of the dish and can end up being rather bad if you put them in places they don't belong. Generally, jumps work well when either 1. they make up an entire phrase of the song that stands out 2. they occur between musical phrases (a sort of phrase-breaker if you will) 3. they are required to form a symmetrical pattern in your map or 4. there is a shift in the music midphrase (a random note much higher or lower than the rest, a key change, etc). Usually, placing jumps in a location that does not fit one of these will be bad for your map.

Now the list, this is for [Multiplayer]
00:02:485 (6) - (should be farther away from 5)
00:06:685 (2) - (should be closer to 1)
00:08:885 (4,5) - (both should be spaced farther away from the previous note)
00:23:485 (8) - (should be closer to 7)
00:24:685 (12) - (should be farther from 11)
00:28:885 (6,7) - (should switch places)
00:35:085 (4,5,6,8) - (each should be farther from the previous note)
00:38:285 (6) - (should be farther away from 5)
00:38:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (has no consistent spacing whatsoever)
00:47:085 (8) - (should be closer to 7)
00:52:485 (4,5) - (both should be closer to previous note)
01:11:685 (6) - (should be closer to 5)
01:33:485 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
01:34:085 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
01:47:085 (5) - (should be closer to 4)
01:55:085 (8) - (should be closer to 7 and form a pattern to justify the closer spacing of 7)
01:58:885 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
02:08:685 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
02:10:485 (6) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
02:12:085 (4) - (should be closer to 5)
02:14:085 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
02:28:085 (5) - (should be closer to 4)
02:29:885 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
03:30:685 (1) - placing a note within one beat of the end of a spinner forces the player to stop spinning early in order to hit the note. Unfortunately, this defeats the purpose of ending the spinner where it ends (because the last bit gets cut off anyways)
03:32:085 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
03:35:285 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
03:36:285 (6) - (should be closer to 5)
03:47:685 (4) - (should be either closer to 3 or farther from 5)
03:49:285 (2) - (should be either farther from 1 or closer to 3)
03:54:085 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
03:55:685 (3) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
03:55:885 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
04:00:685 (5) - slider is about 50% hidden, can you move it so that its more visible?
04:02:085 (3) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
04:10:885 (1) - note within one beat of spinner end
04:29:485 (4) - (should be closer to both 3 and 5)

in [Solo]
00:28:485 (8) - should be closer to 7
00:33:285 (10) - should be farther from 9
00:38:285 (11) - should be closer to 10
00:45:485 (2) - should be closer to 1
00:53:485 (8) - should be closer to 7
00:59:685 (6) - if you want to make this spacing you have to make it obvious that this is a semi-symmetrical pair with 5, which means it should be parallel
sorry I need to accelerate to get this done by dinner, I'll come back with exact suggestions later
01:00:085 (7) - should be closer to 6
01:03:285 (6,7) - since these are clearly supposed to be a pair, can you make it so that one is a vertical flip of the other instead of having different slopes so that the map looks a bit cleaner?
01:04:085 (8) - should be farther away from 7
01:07:085 (8) - should be closer to 7
01:11:285 (4) - this note isnt quite centered between 3 and 5, you need to move it farther to the right
01:12:885 (3) - should be closer to 2
01:22:885 (4) - too far from 3 to parse as a pair
01:28:485 (7,8,9) - these notes are too close to each other, please space them out a bit more
01:31:085 (3,4) - I think these notes were intended to be a pair utilizing oval flow, but the arc of 4 doesn't return towards 3. To make them more pairlike it should look like this:
01:34:085 (5) - should be closer to 4
01:35:685 (3) - should be closer to 2
01:37:485 (3,4) -Again, I think you intended these to be a pair but in order to have them act that way they need to form some sort of a pattern, maybe make 4 a h-flip of 3?
01:40:685 (6,7,8) - stack
01:43:685 (2) - should be closer to 3
01:46:085 (2) - should be closer to 1
01:48:085 (12) - i think this is supposed to pair with 7, in which case they should be parallel
01:52:885 (5) - new combo to show jumps
02:00:885 (7) - ^
02:03:085 (7) - should be farther from 6
02:04:685 (5) - please center this between 2 and 4 for the sake of making your map look cleaner
02:12:485 (5) - I think this is supposed to pair with 4, but again you need to h-flip so that the sliders have the same curve to create the "pair" sensation
02:20:685 (4) - should be farther from 3
02:29:085 (10) - should be closer to 9
02:42:685 (3) - can you center this between 1 and 2 for neatness' sake? pic:
03:16:085 (5) - should be closer to 4
03:19:685 (5,6,7,8,9) - none of these notes has consistent spacing; please pick a distance snap and apply it to them all.
03:46:685 (7) - (maybe 4 for the sake of symmetry) 7 needs to start closer to 6
03:49:285 (6) - should be farther from 7
03:49:885 (7,9) - please make 7 and 9 h-flips from each other to emphasize the symmetry
04:06:685 (9) - please make this parallel to 8
04:20:085 (4) - I think I see what you are doing with this combo but you need to decrease the spacing between notes by a set amount each time, so perhaps 2x between 1 and 2, then 1.8, 1.6, 1.4 etc throughout the combo
04:39:485 (5) - should be closer to 4

It has come to my attention that you've also failed to make some important edits requested by Sync earlier. You should really be sticking to what the people who have been handpicked for their modding skills have to say about your map. It also occurred to me that I wrongly denied you of SP by forgetting to put the popped bubble icon on my post originally, so I will do so now.

Edit: as requested, a list of places where the spacing changes properly

00:05:418 (7,8,9) -
00:11:685 (4) -
00:12:485 (9) -
00:17:885 (4) -
00:20:485 (5) -
00:32:385 (5) -
00:32:685 (7) -
00:34:285 (4) -
00:36:685 (7) -
00:37:485 (9) -
00:42:285 (4) -
00:47:685 (10) -
00:48:685 (4) -
00:49:685 (3) -
00:52:785 (5) -
00:59:285 (5) -
01:02:785 (3) -
01:03:085 (5) -
01:10:785 (2) -
01:11:585 (6) -
01:17:485 (5) -
01:19:285 (8) -
01:31:685 (4) -
01:32:385 (6) -
01:36:485 (5) -
01:38:085 (4) -
01:38:785 (6) -
01:41:285 (7) -
01:42:085 (9) -
01:42:885 (11) -
01:44:485 (4,5,6) -
ok I think you get the idea. by now and this is taking up a lot of my time. Roughly speaking, my point is that I'm not just sitting here being a nazi about 100% perfect spacing, I'm pointing out serious design issues and trying to allow you as much freedom as possible. If you want, I can point you to several maps and/or mappers that use jumps and spacing changes properly and you can study their maps, because I'd rather you achieve an innate understanding of what makes a good spacing change rather than robotically following all of my suggestions. If there is anything I can do to help, send me a message and I will be on it.
SB in collaber names? Shouldn't be so hard, no?

The rest of the map is perfectly fine.
Great job, Faust and co.

I especially like how the map flows and is intuitive when it comes to playing. 8-)

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

As I said earlier, I can't support a map that has so many inexplicable spacing changes. I don't really know where to begin with this so I guess I'll just give you a set of general guidelines for when spacing changes are effective and then a long list of places where you have spacing changes that are ineffective.

First, the guidelines: jumps are like spices, they work best if you put them in places that work with the rest of the dish and can end up being rather bad if you put them in places they don't belong. Generally, jumps work well when either 1. they make up an entire phrase of the song that stands out 2. they occur between musical phrases (a sort of phrase-breaker if you will) 3. they are required to form a symmetrical pattern in your map or 4. there is a shift in the music midphrase (a random note much higher or lower than the rest, a key change, etc). Usually, placing jumps in a location that does not fit one of these will be bad for your map.

Now the list, this is for [Multiplayer]
00:02:485 (6) - (should be farther away from 5)
00:06:685 (2) - (should be closer to 1)
00:08:885 (4,5) - (both should be spaced farther away from the previous note)
00:23:485 (8) - (should be closer to 7)
00:24:685 (12) - (should be farther from 11)
00:28:885 (6,7) - (should switch places)
00:35:085 (4,5,6,8) - (each should be farther from the previous note)
00:38:285 (6) - (should be farther away from 5)
00:38:485 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - (has no consistent spacing whatsoever)
00:47:085 (8) - (should be closer to 7)
00:52:485 (4,5) - (both should be closer to previous note)
01:11:685 (6) - (should be closer to 5)
01:33:485 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
01:34:085 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
01:47:085 (5) - (should be closer to 4)
01:55:085 (8) - (should be closer to 7 and form a pattern to justify the closer spacing of 7)
01:58:885 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
02:08:685 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
02:10:485 (6) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
02:12:085 (4) - (should be closer to 5)
02:14:085 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
02:28:085 (5) - (should be closer to 4)
02:29:885 (7) - (should be closer to 6)
03:30:685 (1) - placing a note within one beat of the end of a spinner forces the player to stop spinning early in order to hit the note. Unfortunately, this defeats the purpose of ending the spinner where it ends (because the last bit gets cut off anyways)
03:32:085 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
03:35:285 (3) - (should be closer to 2)
03:36:285 (6) - (should be closer to 5)
03:47:685 (4) - (should be either closer to 3 or farther from 5)
03:49:285 (2) - (should be either farther from 1 or closer to 3)
03:54:085 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
03:55:685 (3) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
03:55:885 (4) - (should be closer to 3)
04:00:685 (5) - slider is about 50% hidden, can you move it so that its more visible?
04:02:085 (3) - (make this a new combo to indicate the fact that you are switching which melodic line you are following with the map)
04:10:885 (1) - note within one beat of spinner end
04:29:485 (4) - (should be closer to both 3 and 5)

in [Solo]
00:28:485 (8) - should be closer to 7
00:33:285 (10) - should be farther from 9
00:38:285 (11) - should be closer to 10
00:45:485 (2) - should be closer to 1
00:53:485 (8) - should be closer to 7
00:59:685 (6) - if you want to make this spacing you have to make it obvious that this is a semi-symmetrical pair with 5, which means it should be parallel
sorry I need to accelerate to get this done by dinner, I'll come back with exact suggestions later
01:00:085 (7) - should be closer to 6
01:03:285 (6,7) - since these are clearly supposed to be a pair, can you make it so that one is a vertical flip of the other instead of having different slopes so that the map looks a bit cleaner?
01:04:085 (8) - should be farther away from 7
01:07:085 (8) - should be closer to 7
01:11:285 (4) - this note isnt quite centered between 3 and 5, you need to move it farther to the right
01:12:885 (3) - should be closer to 2
01:22:885 (4) - too far from 3 to parse as a pair
01:28:485 (7,8,9) - these notes are too close to each other, please space them out a bit more
01:31:085 (3,4) - I think these notes were intended to be a pair utilizing oval flow, but the arc of 4 doesn't return towards 3. To make them more pairlike it should look like this:
01:34:085 (5) - should be closer to 4
01:35:685 (3) - should be closer to 2
01:37:485 (3,4) -Again, I think you intended these to be a pair but in order to have them act that way they need to form some sort of a pattern, maybe make 4 a h-flip of 3?
01:40:685 (6,7,8) - stack
01:43:685 (2) - should be closer to 3
01:46:085 (2) - should be closer to 1
01:48:085 (12) - i think this is supposed to pair with 7, in which case they should be parallel
01:52:885 (5) - new combo to show jumps
02:00:885 (7) - ^
02:03:085 (7) - should be farther from 6
02:04:685 (5) - please center this between 2 and 4 for the sake of making your map look cleaner
02:12:485 (5) - I think this is supposed to pair with 4, but again you need to h-flip so that the sliders have the same curve to create the "pair" sensation
02:20:685 (4) - should be farther from 3
02:29:085 (10) - should be closer to 9
02:42:685 (3) - can you center this between 1 and 2 for neatness' sake? pic:
03:16:085 (5) - should be closer to 4
03:19:685 (5,6,7,8,9) - none of these notes has consistent spacing; please pick a distance snap and apply it to them all.
03:46:685 (7) - (maybe 4 for the sake of symmetry) 7 needs to start closer to 6
03:49:285 (6) - should be farther from 7
03:49:885 (7,9) - please make 7 and 9 h-flips from each other to emphasize the symmetry
04:06:685 (9) - please make this parallel to 8
04:20:085 (4) - I think I see what you are doing with this combo but you need to decrease the spacing between notes by a set amount each time, so perhaps 2x between 1 and 2, then 1.8, 1.6, 1.4 etc throughout the combo
04:39:485 (5) - should be closer to 4

It has come to my attention that you've also failed to make some important edits requested by Sync earlier. You should really be sticking to what the people who have been handpicked for their modding skills have to say about your map. It also occurred to me that I wrongly denied you of SP by forgetting to put the popped bubble icon on my post originally, so I will do so now.
I tried to correct the video offset, and it is -3860 ( +80 (aka +2 frames)) plus

in the Folder

and add
in the Multiplayer.

So you have "2-Player" selected after some time from the start XD

No Kudosu, this was just for fun

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

As I said earlier, I can't support a map that has so many inexplicable spacing changes. I don't really know where to begin with this so I guess I'll just give you a set of general guidelines for when spacing changes are effective and then a long list of places where you have spacing changes that are ineffective


ok I think you get the idea. by now and this is taking up a lot of my time. Roughly speaking, my point is that I'm not just sitting here being a nazi about 100% perfect spacing, I'm pointing out serious design issues and trying to allow you as much freedom as possible. If you want, I can point you to several maps and/or mappers that use jumps and spacing changes properly and you can study their maps, because I'd rather you achieve an innate understanding of what makes a good spacing change rather than robotically following all of my suggestions. If there is anything I can do to help, send me a message and I will be on it.
if these mods have not been applied yet i sincerely hope they never will be, this map is great and everyone i've played it with has agreed

"I can point you to several maps and/or mappers that use jumps and spacing changes properly"
"places where you have spacing changes that are ineffective"
"You should really be sticking to what the people who have been handpicked for their modding skills have to say about your map"

aka map how i want not how you want

"I'm not just sitting here being a nazi"

haha. to any decent player these spacing changes are not only intiutive and easy to read, but they are FUN. this map is low bpm, not difficult, and yet as a player who can stream 230+ bpm i still enjoy to just play this map where countless other <180 bpm random maps are boring after 1 play. it's things like the spacing changes that make it fun. popping a bubble because you like to look at maps that have consistent spacing and very few jumps is nazi, as this isnt breaking any of the retard rules is it? and if it is those rules should not exist because they are purely to diminish creativity, and that is horrid

if i had kd i would star the shit out of this map, i love it
Topic Starter
Back from the grave.
03:24:885 (1) - You should silence the ticks during this combo
04:15:085 (7) - The alignment feels slightly off. Maybe move down about a grid and left half or so.
04:39:485 (5) - This speed up is just weird. Maybe make it a little less extreme, at least?

00:50:085 (8,9) - Maybe apply drum sounds to these sliders? They sound really muddled with the soft sound set so it feels off.
03:23:685 (1) - You should silence the ticks during this section
03:31:885 (2,3) - This spacing read a little odd, especially since you follow it up with 03:32:485 (6,1) - You would also expect jumps to accompany the cymbal crashes, not an interlude to a light chiptune lilt.
04:11:485 (4,6) - Sliderwhistle on sliderslide D: Sounds like D: D: D: D:
04:13:085 (1,2) - ^
04:19:085 (5) - ^
04:22:085 (7) - If you had it on this slider, I could accept it, but alas, 'tis silent.
04:52:485 (1,2,1) - Suddenly way too quiet. Make this decrescendo more gradual.

This song makes me cry a little. ;_;
Squeezing a mod in here.

  1. 00:05:418 (7,8,9) - I found that this is rather difficult to read as this first part of the song changes between 1/3 and 1/4 streams. To make this more readable, I would end 00:04:885 (6) one 1/3 tick shorter, and start a 1/3 repeat slider where (6) previously ended. Example goes here.
  2. 00:23:818 (1) - Kinda sounds awkward the way you have it snapped at the moment. If you want this to be more awesome, more accurate to the music (listen to this part at 25% speed), and less odd-sounding, I would just make this a normal 1/3 repeat slider as so.
  3. 01:44:685 (5,6) - This is hard to read while playing it for the first time. Also, why even have a 1/4 jump this large when the 1/4 distance spacing in this difficulty has previously been at a normal/consistent spacing? That's pretty silly.
  4. 02:50:085 (3) - You're missing a clap at the beginning of this slider.
  1. Wait.. what is this doing here right at the beginning of the map?
  2. 01:00:885 (1,2,3) - I thought there were in normal 1/2 snap due to the fact that their spacing is so close to the 1/2 spacing. I would space them out a bit more or turn at least the first one into a slider so that a player would know that the notes after that slider are most likely in the same beat.
  3. 01:36:885 (1,2) - I'd be safe and move this a bit (1 or 2 grids) from it's original location because I almost messed this part off.
  4. 04:52:485 (1,2,1) - Like Garven said; it just suddenly gets quiet here.
Topic Starter
Applied a good portion of the suggestions respectively, and updated !
Did a couple more minor mods that I already forgot what they contained because I wanted to say this:

To the map that I bubbled 6 months ago, オハヨーハヨー♪

Bubble #1 for approval!
\ ( ・ω・) /

00:17:985 (7) - Maybe stack a note ontop of this at the red tick? Yeah there is no beat there but this will make the pattern a bit more intuitive and easier to catch onto instead of the pause the song creates. This is just a suggestion though, players should be able to pick up on the rhythm here after a try or so.
00:19:485 (6) - Start the new combo here instead of 1? Seeing as the vocal phrase starts on this beat!
00:50:485 (9) - Right here is feels like you are making the rhythm of the circles more complicated to hit than it should be. Yes you are following the song exactly and that isn't the problem, but the way the notes are places is. If you take this repeat slider and make it 3 repeats then adding a note to start to stream it will play more intuitively. It will keep the player starting the stream on the red tick and not offbeat on the blue tick. It serves as a better connection into the 1/4 stream rather then starting it on the 2nd 1/4 note. (Sorry if this is too complicated lol.) The same theory can be applied to 00:49:485 (4) - but as that is 1/4 it is more predictable, while 1/6 rhythms are very uncommon in today's mapping standards and need to be handled carefully.
01:00:885 (1) - Rhythms like this are always a bit shaky on the grounds of readability. With the spacing almost similar to the normal 1/2 spacing the player has to rely heavily on the hitcircles to understand this rhythm at first glance rather then feeling the rhythm through the original beatplacement/spacing. An easy to way to get around issues is making the first three notes a repeat slider, this way the player is taught the rhythm and can resume into the more complex part without worries. But just like my first suggestion most players can pick this up easy after playing a few times, so this is only a suggestion.
01:36:885 (1) - Could you change the combo color on this? I'm asking because the previous slider that was overlapping is also a shade of pink and almost blinded me from the fact there is a similar slider under it. If you make this the green/blue shade you are using it will be more distinguishable.
01:50:285 (3) - Start the combo here instead of the next note? Seeing as these are sort of connected it would make more sense they are in the same combo.

00:37:685 (10) - Totally nitpicking but lift up this curve a little? Just for a nice blanket. xD
02:03:085 (7) - Any reason this is spaced to close to the previous pattern? It made me break at first glance and I'm really not getting it. I would rather it be normally spaced apart.

Ok that's all! Everything is just suggestions, so go over it and decide what you want to do then call me back for bubble #2.
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:


00:17:985 (7) - Maybe stack a note ontop of this at the red tick? Yeah there is no beat there but this will make the pattern a bit more intuitive and easier to catch onto instead of the pause the song creates. This is just a suggestion though, players should be able to pick up on the rhythm here after a try or so.
00:19:485 (6) - Start the new combo here instead of 1? Seeing as the vocal phrase starts on this beat!
00:50:485 (9) - Right here is feels like you are making the rhythm of the circles more complicated to hit than it should be. Yes you are following the song exactly and that isn't the problem, but the way the notes are places is. If you take this repeat slider and make it 3 repeats then adding a note to start to stream it will play more intuitively. It will keep the player starting the stream on the red tick and not offbeat on the blue tick. It serves as a better connection into the 1/4 stream rather then starting it on the 2nd 1/4 note. (Sorry if this is too complicated lol.) The same theory can be applied to 00:49:485 (4) - but as that is 1/4 it is more predictable, while 1/6 rhythms are very uncommon in today's mapping standards and need to be handled carefully.
01:00:885 (1) - Rhythms like this are always a bit shaky on the grounds of readability. With the spacing almost similar to the normal 1/2 spacing the player has to rely heavily on the hitcircles to understand this rhythm at first glance rather then feeling the rhythm through the original beatplacement/spacing. An easy to way to get around issues is making the first three notes a repeat slider, this way the player is taught the rhythm and can resume into the more complex part without worries. But just like my first suggestion most players can pick this up easy after playing a few times, so this is only a suggestion.
01:36:885 (1) - Could you change the combo color on this? I'm asking because the previous slider that was overlapping is also a shade of pink and almost blinded me from the fact there is a similar slider under it. If you make this the green/blue shade you are using it will be more distinguishable.
01:50:285 (3) - Start the combo here instead of the next note? Seeing as these are sort of connected it would make more sense they are in the same combo.

00:37:685 (10) - Totally nitpicking but lift up this curve a little? Just for a nice blanket. xD
02:03:085 (7) - Any reason this is spaced to close to the previous pattern? It made me break at first glance and I'm really not getting it. I would rather it be normally spaced apart.

Ok that's all! Everything is just suggestions, so go over it and decide what you want to do then call me back for bubble #2.
Both suggestions taken for SOLO, and the 2nd & last ones taken on MULTI
Bubble #2!
"feat. Hatsune Miku"?
yeah ok, the video..

  1. 00:23:751 (1) - Hmm, 1/12 snapped? seems 1/12 beat and 4 reverse sounds better

  1. 00:23:685 (9) - How about 1/12 and 5 reverse
  2. 01:00:885 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Hmm, why those 3/4 beats use the same spacing? Confusing :/
Call me back
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. 00:23:751 (1) - Hmm, 1/12 snapped? seems 1/12 beat and 4 reverse sounds better

  1. 00:23:685 (9) - How about 1/12 and 5 reverse
  2. 01:00:885 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Hmm, why those 3/4 beats use the same spacing? Confusing :/
Call me back
All done !

The 1/12 beats are an excellent observation, thanks !
Map is on FIRE!
Congrats :D
Woooo >w< Grats Faust~
Gloria Guard
Faust Gratz!!
Oh finally! :)
y u c a
someone changed my part many times without my permission, so i wanna remove my name in this collab because it is not my part anymore :)
thanks and grats :)
少し遅いyuca ww

Congrats, Faust! Its been a long time coming, for sure.

y u c a wrote:

someone changed my part many times without my permission, so i wanna remove my name in this collab because it is not my part anymore :)
thanks and grats :)
deleted. next time specially for that "someone", ask permission from the mapper who mapped which is which before changing anything. changing without any notification is a very rude to do IMO, specially if that someone is a BAT or MAT omg
Snowy Dream
Nice Job ! Congratz :3
Topic Starter
Thanks to everyone's contributions, and my panel of guest mappers for their understanding and patience.
Faust \:D/
Congratz :3
wow :3
need more sasakure.UK please
congratz :oops:
I think it needs a fix on the artist:

So, the fix must be:
Artist: sasakura.UK
Tags: Hatsune Miku etc etc.

also, great map!

-Cloudchaser wrote:

I think it needs a fix on the artist:

So, the fix must be:
Artist: sasakura.UK
Tags: Hatsune Miku etc etc.

also, great map!
Download the map with the video and watch the end of it.

Jacob wrote:

-Cloudchaser wrote:

I think it needs a fix on the artist:

So, the fix must be:
Artist: sasakure.UK
Tags: Hatsune Miku etc etc.

also, great map!
Download the map with the video and watch the end of it.
That's ok, but the rules says that "Vocaloid names must NEVER be on the artist". Even if in the artist from the album says the name of the vocaloid.
Author prefers "Sasakure-P" as his alias for Vocaloid songs he does. js.

Good map tho
Topic Starter
Chile man.
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