
GARNiDELiA - Aikotoba TV Size ver.

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018 at 10:43:38 p.m.

Artist: GARNiDELiA
Title: Aikotoba TV Size ver.
Source: アニメガタリズ
Tags: animegataris anime gataris opening ガルニデリア 阿部 尚徳 Yoshinori Abe 水橋 舞 Mai Mizuhashi MARiA メイリア
BPM: 148
Filesize: 15492kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.5 stars, 92 notes)
  2. Hard (3.17 stars, 252 notes)
  3. Insane (4.45 stars, 343 notes)
  4. Normal (2.03 stars, 132 notes)
Download: GARNiDELiA - Aikotoba TV Size ver.
Download: GARNiDELiA - Aikotoba TV Size ver. (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
ED by DakiniBrave -

mp3 & video taken from Doormat
Wow, this map is really well done :D

Some comments: [Insane]
00:46:826 (1) - 00:47:232 (2) - , I'm not sure why these are kick sliders
00:47:637 (3) - I like how you represent echo, here 00:49:259 (3,4,5,6) - too
I feel like the 5 note stream at 00:55:137 (2) - should start at 00:55:339 (4) - since it is very similar to the 5 note stream before.
Topic Starter

dretland2 wrote:

Wow, this map is really well done :D

Some comments: [Insane]
00:46:826 (1) - 00:47:232 (2) - , I'm not sure why these are kick sliders they here like 1/8 if you listen carefully
00:47:637 (3) - I like how you represent echo, here 00:49:259 (3,4,5,6) - too thanks
I feel like the 5 note stream at 00:55:137 (2) - should start at 00:55:339 (4) - since it is very similar to the 5 note stream before. fixed

  1. 00:09:124 (2,3) - I did not understand because the distance is less than 00:07:908 (3,4) - It's the same beat, I recommend you equalize the distance so that the two are the same
  2. 00:34:158 (2,3,6,7,1) - This overlay is not legal visually, you could go up a bit 00: 35: 272 (6,7,1,2,3) -
  3. 00:47:232 - The volume drops a bit, could you put a green line to represent it? it is strange that the two have the same volume with one being taller than the other

  4. 00:58:178 (1,2,3,4) - it would be cool to give + g control in this jump to emphasize the change in the beat

    01:27:367 (2) - There is nothing here, I do not understand why you wanted to emphasize it, who should receive the highlight is 01:27:570 (3) -
  • Very consistent :)
  1. 00:20:881 (1,4) - avoid these overlaps do not get legal in lower difficulties
  2. 00:36:691 (6,1) - blanket can be better
  3. 00:46:826 (1,2,3,4) - 00:53:313 (1,2,3,4) - I think players can get confused but I'm not sure
  1. 01:01:016 (2,3) - 01:02:637 (4,1) - I did not like it visually, it's very strange
Overall it's very consistent.
This song is very addictive :)



00:12:773 (5,1) - maybe stack them
00:31:826 (8,1) - I think you should increase the spacing here to emphasize the downbeat/vocal
00:35:880 (3,4) - maybe if you ctrl g them your rhythm should fit better to the vocal
01:02:232 (1,2) - more spacing to this part should be reasonable to emphasize the vocal since you already nc'd it with the same reason I guess


00:32:536 - maybe if you put a note here should be fine to cover that "piano" sound and plays nice imo
01:00:610 (3) - maybe rotate the tail to improve this blanket


01:15:610 (7,1) - ds looks off


00:44:597 (2) - maybe make it linear to 00:43:583 (1,3) - ?

M4M from ur Q

01:07:705 (2) - I hear 2 syllables, should change into 2 circles?
01:01:826 (5,1,2) - & 01:14:799 (5,1,2) - tbh the spacing is too small, should emphasize the important sounds on the 1 & 2 sliderheads more with bigger spacing.
01:24:124 (1,2) - imo should be circles instead for the climax of the song. If you don't like the circle spam, you could make 01:23:313 (1,2) - into a slider instead.

00:58:178 (1,2) - not sure why this is stacked. If you want to stack them, you should stack 00:58:583 (3,4) - too for balance.
01:07:705 (2) - Same as Insane; should make into 2 circles, or if that rhythm becomes too dense for you, do this instead so you don't leave out the downbeat on the big white tick.
01:10:745 (5,2) - I wouldn't recommend this stack, i don't think players would expect to read this on the first try cause it's hidden.

00:52:502 (5,1) - could line up better!!!
01:24:124 (4,5) - instead of this rhythm, the rhythm you did for 01:22:502 (1,2,3) - fits better with the vocals imo. If you don't want the rhythm to repeat, you can do something like this

01:11:151 (3) - Could curve it more to blanket with the previous slider.

That's all I have for an already solid set. Goot luck!
M4M :3

  1. 00:31:826 (8,4,5,6) - Not stacked correctly, is it on purpose ?
  2. 01:06:489 (2,3) - 3 has a snare but it has a smaller ds than 01:06:691 (3,4) - where 4 is a pretty soft sound
  3. 01:10:948 (7,1) - ds here doesn't feel very bigger than ds 01:10:745 (6,7) - here imo, maybe put 01:11:151 (1) - far enough so that 01:11:151 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make a perfect triangle ?
  4. 01:12:975 (2,3,4) - Same for ds here, strong sound on 3
  5. 01:16:421 (3,1) - Awkward overlap imo
  6. 01:22:705 (2,3,4) - ds, well I think you understand xd
  1. 01:10:745 (5,2) - this overlap might be hard to read since it's the first on in the diff
Solid set, I don't have much to say about the two lowest diff, I think they are pretty good.

Anyway I hope this was useful, have a nice day and good luck !

00:14:597 (4,5) - El jump entre estos dos no tiene mucho sentido para mi, o sea, como es en 00:15:002 - donde está la nota más aguda, esperaba como sentir eso mapeao, pero acá y en 00:08:313 (5) - no lo hiciste así. Podrías considerar cambiarlo un poco.

  1. 00:10:239 (6) - 00:16:725 (6) - Este sonido no lo siento muy relevante que digamos, para mí, se siente más cómodo quitarlo para darle más relevancia al siguiente triple.
  2. 00:25:745 (1,2,3) - si mueves el (3) un poco más a la izquierda, el flow queda más suavecito :3
  3. 00:38:718 (1,2,3) - la estética y el flow acá me dejaron triste :(, porque no quedó del todo derecho el (3), pero en lo personal, bajarlo un poco más lo hace sentir mejor al jugar.
  4. 00:46:421 (4) - Yo sugeriría mover este un poco más para arriba de forma que quede un pequeño jump antes del triple, que me parece quedaría más divertido:
  1. 00:09:529 (5,6) - Yo los movería un poco más a la derecha, para que flow sea más claro:
  2. 00:16:827 (1,2,3,4) - Podrías hacer que todos estos sigan la misma circunferencia:
    El de (4) la imagen es solo un circulo de referencia:
  3. 00:20:070 (5) - Actualmente el eje está apuntando no hacia el centro del pattern siguiente, y para mí, se ve como feíto de esa forma xD
    Así es como está actualmente, sería cosa de mover hacia donde apunta el slider y ya.
  4. 00:22:502 (4,5) - Están muy juntos en comparación al spacing que usaste en el mapa. Sepáralos un poquito:
  5. 00:37:502 (2,3) - Este spacing fue un poco engañoso, le dí antes de tiempo. La razón es que en la música sonó un drum, y que como el slider está tan cerca de (1), pues, es fácil confundirse.
  6. 00:58:989 (5) - Podrías ponerle más nodos rojos, así como está, lo sentí como muy simple, un poquito aburrido ^^U
  7. 01:01:421 (5) - 01:14:394 (5) - please, considera ponerlo a apuntar hacia el circulo que le sigue (así como está es como que sí apunta pero no, entonces me triggea un poquito lol).
  8. 01:05:475 (6) - 01:18:448 (6) - igual acá, pero ponlo a apuntar hacia el circulo anterior xD
Se ve bien, aunque en lo personal no me gusta como llevas el flow en algunas partes del kiai: 01:02:232 (3) - 01:12:367 (4) - 01:15:205 (3) -

Good luck! :3
Topic Starter

Alexsander wrote:


  1. 00:09:124 (2,3) - I did not understand because the distance is less than 00:07:908 (3,4) - It's the same beat, I recommend you equalize the distance so that the two are the same fixed
  2. 00:34:158 (2,3,6,7,1) - This overlay is not legal visually, you could go up a bit 00:35:272 (6,7,1,2,3) - "legal"
  3. 00:47:232 - The volume drops a bit, could you put a green line to represent it? it is strange that the two have the same volume with one being taller than the other Volume isn't dropping, it's almost the same
  4. 00:58:178 (1,2,3,4) - it would be cool to give + g control in this jump to emphasize the change in the beat it inverts rhythm

    01:27:367 (2) - There is nothing here, I do not understand why you wanted to emphasize it, who should receive the highlight is 01:27:570 (3) - a beat, which you can hear at 0.25 playback
  • Very consistent :)
  1. 00:20:881 (1,4) - avoid these overlaps do not get legal in lower difficulties "legal"
  2. 00:36:691 (6,1) - blanket can be better fixed
  3. 00:46:826 (1,2,3,4) - 00:53:313 (1,2,3,4) - I think players can get confused but I'm not sure don't think so
  1. 01:01:016 (2,3) - 01:02:637 (4,1) - I did not like it visually, it's very strange fixed
Overall it's very consistent.
This song is very addictive :)

SrSkyPlayer wrote:




00:12:773 (5,1) - maybe stack them whoops
00:31:826 (8,1) - I think you should increase the spacing here to emphasize the downbeat/vocal for now I'll keep it like that, I don't want to do things hard
00:35:880 (3,4) - maybe if you ctrl g them your rhythm should fit better to the vocal look above
01:02:232 (1,2) - more spacing to this part should be reasonable to emphasize the vocal since you already nc'd it with the same reason I guess hmm


00:32:536 - maybe if you put a note here should be fine to cover that "piano" sound and plays nice imo fixed
01:00:610 (3) - maybe rotate the tail to improve this blanket fixed


01:15:610 (7,1) - ds looks off fixed


00:44:597 (2) - maybe make it linear to 00:43:583 (1,3) - ? I tried


-Just Monika wrote:

M4M from ur Q

01:07:705 (2) - I hear 2 syllables, should change into 2 circles? it's not like that it has important vocals to become circle, in this case "君に"
01:01:826 (5,1,2) - & 01:14:799 (5,1,2) - tbh the spacing is too small, should emphasize the important sounds on the 1 & 2 sliderheads more with bigger spacing. gonna think about it
01:24:124 (1,2) - imo should be circles instead for the climax of the song. If you don't like the circle spam, you could make 01:23:313 (1,2) - into a slider instead. it emphatizes the finishes

00:58:178 (1,2) - not sure why this is stacked. If you want to stack them, you should stack 00:58:583 (3,4) - too for balance. fixed
01:07:705 (2) - Same as Insane; should make into 2 circles, or if that rhythm becomes too dense for you, do this instead so you don't leave out the downbeat on the big white tick. same reason
01:10:745 (5,2) - I wouldn't recommend this stack, i don't think players would expect to read this on the first try cause it's hidden. I already fixed it

00:52:502 (5,1) - could line up better!!! fixed
01:24:124 (4,5) - instead of this rhythm, the rhythm you did for 01:22:502 (1,2,3) - fits better with the vocals imo. If you don't want the rhythm to repeat, you can do something like this hmm gonna think about this

01:11:151 (3) - Could curve it more to blanket with the previous slider. done

That's all I have for an already solid set. Goot luck!

Atalanta wrote:

M4M :3

  1. 00:31:826 (8,4,5,6) - Not stacked correctly, is it on purpose ? nope, it isn't
  2. 01:06:489 (2,3) - 3 has a snare but it has a smaller ds than 01:06:691 (3,4) - where 4 is a pretty soft sound fixed
  3. 01:10:948 (7,1) - ds here doesn't feel very bigger than ds 01:10:745 (6,7) - here imo, maybe put 01:11:151 (1) - far enough so that 01:11:151 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make a perfect triangle ? fixed i guess
  4. 01:12:975 (2,3,4) - Same for ds here, strong sound on 3 fixed
  5. 01:16:421 (3,1) - Awkward overlap imo fixed
  6. 01:22:705 (2,3,4) - ds, well I think you understand xd it's fine here
  1. 01:10:745 (5,2) - this overlap might be hard to read since it's the first on in the diff fixed
Solid set, I don't have much to say about the two lowest diff, I think they are pretty good.

Anyway I hope this was useful, have a nice day and good luck !

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:


00:14:597 (4,5) - El jump entre estos dos no tiene mucho sentido para mi, o sea, como es en 00:15:002 - donde está la nota más aguda, esperaba como sentir eso mapeao, pero acá y en 00:08:313 (5) - no lo hiciste así. Podrías considerar cambiarlo un poco. Lo puse aqui porque antes suena un cymbal y quise enfatizarlo un poco

  1. 00:10:239 (6) - 00:16:725 (6) - Este sonido no lo siento muy relevante que digamos, para mí, se siente más cómodo quitarlo para darle más relevancia al siguiente triple. lo consideo importante porque ahi hay un clap
  2. 00:25:745 (1,2,3) - si mueves el (3) un poco más a la izquierda, el flow queda más suavecito :3 listo
  3. 00:38:718 (1,2,3) - la estética y el flow acá me dejaron triste :(, porque no quedó del todo derecho el (3), pero en lo personal, bajarlo un poco más lo hace sentir mejor al jugar. listo
  4. 00:46:421 (4) - Yo sugeriría mover este un poco más para arriba de forma que quede un pequeño jump antes del triple, que me parece quedaría más divertido: listo
  1. 00:09:529 (5,6) - Yo los movería un poco más a la derecha, para que flow sea más claro: listo con otra forma
  2. 00:16:827 (1,2,3,4) - Podrías hacer que todos estos sigan la misma circunferencia: creo que lo intentaré
    El de (4) la imagen es solo un circulo de referencia:
  3. 00:20:070 (5) - Actualmente el eje está apuntando no hacia el centro del pattern siguiente, y para mí, se ve como feíto de esa forma xD ok
    Así es como está actualmente, sería cosa de mover hacia donde apunta el slider y ya.
  4. 00:22:502 (4,5) - Están muy juntos en comparación al spacing que usaste en el mapa. Sepáralos un poquito: Traté de hacerlo pero prefiero no arriesgarme con otro DS
  5. 00:37:502 (2,3) - Este spacing fue un poco engañoso, le dí antes de tiempo. La razón es que en la música sonó un drum, y que como el slider está tan cerca de (1), pues, es fácil confundirse. En realidad se puede dar despues de tiempo, ya que normalmente una blue tick estaría más cerca que lejos
  6. 00:58:989 (5) - Podrías ponerle más nodos rojos, así como está, lo sentí como muy simple, un poquito aburrido ^^U quiero hacer las cosas mucho mas simples
  7. 01:01:421 (5) - 01:14:394 (5) - please, considera ponerlo a apuntar hacia el circulo que le sigue (así como está es como que sí apunta pero no, entonces me triggea un poquito lol). listo
  8. 01:05:475 (6) - 01:18:448 (6) - igual acá, pero ponlo a apuntar hacia el circulo anterior xD ok
Se ve bien, aunque en lo personal no me gusta como llevas el flow en algunas partes del kiai: 01:02:232 (3) - 01:12:367 (4) - 01:15:205 (3) - arreglado

Good luck! :3
thanks everyone

  1. 00:34:158 (2,3,6,7,1) - This overlay is not legal visually, you could go up a bit 00:35:272 (6,7,1,2,3) - "legal"
I typed it wrong, sorry.
What I meant was: This overlap is not visually beautiful, you could go up a bit
sorry :(
Topic Starter
oh, then fixed
Nao Tomori
00:08:719 (1,2) - i think converting that to a 1/1 slider would work well with emphasizing the melody, since then all the clicks would be on melody notes.

00:35:880 (3,4) - ctrl g on this fits way better with vocal, since 00:36:083 - now thers slider here instead of slider end

00:56:556 (1) - i think you can make these jump patterns rotate the other way since all the pattern leading up to it are the same direction, so spinning in same direction circle over and over is kind of boring.

01:02:232 (1,2) - tbh, i think you should try emphasize 1 a bit more.... atm it is kind of low spacing from 5 even tho it has distinct sounds and finish and everything... maybe point 5 the other direction? so ther eis more pressure to 1

01:08:718 (6) - can u rotate it a little bit so that the follow points lead into the slider btter:
(-10 degree rotate)

01:15:205 (1) - same here, u can ctrl g 1 2 maybe?

01:27:164 (1,2) - plz slider lol

00:08:719 (1,2) - 1/1 slider + circle for melody i think is more interesting than white tick only rhythm

00:20:475 (4,1) - i think i would be confusing after triple to have 1/1 stack, players would expect 1/2... unstack maybe better

00:46:826 (1,1,2,3) - why these density are so different...? use lower for 2nd time too plz

01:23:718 (5,1) - ctrl g to follow vocal well, there isnt much on white tick anyway
01:24:326 (2,3) - and same here

you can add some small jumps in kiai by flipping sliders or out of slider ends imo, having no jump but then full jump spam insane maybe not so good

00:22:502 (3,4) - this look kinda cramped.. you can break ds a bit to make the spacing look more even with 00:23:110 (4,5) -imo

00:46:421 (6) - ctrl h + j!!!

01:20:678 (4,5) - ctrl g?
rhythm follow vocals way better that way.

think you should add more circles in kiai, replace some 1/1 slider or even 1/2 sliders. would be more fun to play

00:09:529 (4) - i think you should make it circles, only sliders is lame imo

00:16:016 (4) -

00:58:178 (3,4) - those can be circles too for buildup
Topic Starter
all fixed
stealing my 2 kd smh - anyways let me mod before u call back nao since i can only bubble


  • Insane
  1. 00:09:327 (2,3) - spacing right here is a tad too high here imo compare to everything as I think the note doesn't really deserve that much emphasis so I suggest adjusted the spacing some more here by reducing it some way

  • Hard
  1. 01:09:124 (1) - think this NC is a bit unnessary right here ~ also another thing I like to mention is - shouldn't the rhythm here be more similar to the other time this occur just not too long ago 01:02:637 (2,3) - which works better imo
  2. 01:24:732 (2) - turn this into small circle jump instead maybe? Just think it be better to have the ending be more emphasis with like that instead of just a plain old slider and also it fits better imo

other difficulties is pretty solid so nothing to mention

call me back
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori
00:57:164 (4,1,2) - dont have a giant line jump in the middle, please... do something else
00:48:448 (1,2,3) - this still too dense for the part, 1/1 repeat works much better
01:24:326 (1,2) - ctrl g rhythm as i said
Topic Starter
fixed all, just waiting for osu! server to recover as it is dead xd ok we're now good
Nao Tomori
dai dai dai dai dai daisuki!!!!!
Hey! I have some concerns about the spinner usage in this mapset.

In Hard and Insane, you're ending a spinner at the white tick 00:00:611 (1) - and then start a second one on the blue tick right after. That's pretty unintuitive to play, especially on Hard level, because a spinner ending on white feels like it's done. The second spinner isn't particularly short so it's not a big problem but it would be nice if you could end the first spinner on blue or red, silence it's end and start the second one on white.
More importantly, I wonder why you didn't add spinner(s) to Easy and Normal? Spinners add a lot to lower difficulties because they increase score diversity, so it seems like a weird decision to leave them out there while you had them in the higher difficulties. A single spinner from 00:00:611 - to 00:05:475 - would work fine in both diffs, for example.

Otherwise cute little mapset, though I don't really like how the maps don't really go into the corners of the playfield, especially on the lower diffs it feels imbalanced. I hope you'll consider to change the spinners, good luck!
Topic Starter

Myxomatosis wrote:

Hey! I have some concerns about the spinner usage in this mapset.

In Hard and Insane, you're ending a spinner at the white tick 00:00:611 (1) - and then start a second one on the blue tick right after. That's pretty unintuitive to play, especially on Hard level, because a spinner ending on white feels like it's done. The second spinner isn't particularly short so it's not a big problem but it would be nice if you could end the first spinner on blue or red, silence it's end and start the second one on white.
Doing two spinners emphatizes a pitch change which happen at the end of the first spinner, ignoring it would feel weird in terms of rhythm and that's why it's ending in white tick with a whistle.

Myxomatosis wrote:

More importantly, I wonder why you didn't add spinner(s) to Easy and Normal? Spinners add a lot to lower difficulties because they increase score diversity, so it seems like a weird decision to leave them out there while you had them in the higher difficulties. A single spinner from 00:00:611 - to 00:05:475 - would work fine in both diffs, for example.
I had plans to do so, but unfortunately the spinner waiting time (4 beats for Easy and 2 beats for Normal) is not the enough to emphatize the clap. Idea sounds good but it leaves out an emphasis I regularly follow in this case.

Gonna keep these spinners and breaks for now. It's not like it is an issue which can seriously affect map atmosphere imo.

Underforest wrote:

Doing two spinners emphatizes a pitch change which happen at the end of the first spinner, ignoring it would feel weird in terms of rhythm and that's why it's ending in white tick with a whistle.
Of course they emphasize the pitch change, but the common way to do this is to start the spinner on the sound and end the previous one slightly earlier, just like you'd do with sliders. The current way just makes the second spinner seem delayed.

Underforest wrote:

I had plans to do so, but unfortunately the spinner waiting time (4 beats for Easy and 2 beats for Normal) is not the enough to emphatize the clap. Idea sounds good but it leaves out an emphasis I regularly follow in this case.
What emphasis you regularly follow? You could keep the other objects the same as they are, spinner recovery time of 3 beats seems totally enough on a 150 BPM Easy or Normal.
Ending a spinner on a white tick is perfectly fine, even for a hard diff. For one, I think you're overvalueing how much starting a spinner actually does, because the start of the spinner doesn't actually provide any feedback. At least the end of the spinner has a definite hitsound to it that can be set on a white tick giving it some feedback there. and tbh, players aren't blind; they should be paying attention to see that they should keep spinning lol

I don't think your suggestion is wrong, but I don't think it's an actual improvement worth dqing over
Nao Tomori
no the common way to do this is definitely to end the spinner on the strong sound... that way there's a hit sound here. spinners aren't active rhythm so there isnt a click, players would just constantly be spinning. the feedback would then be where the spinner ends, which is on the white tick. i think the current choice is good.

easy/normal thing is up to you

Naotoshi wrote:

no the common way to do this is definitely to end the spinner on the strong sound
I haven't seen that done in years, maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention, though. Part of it might be that consecutive spinners are much more rarely used these days anyway.

Myxomatosis wrote:

Naotoshi wrote:

no the common way to do this is definitely to end the spinner on the strong sound
I haven't seen that done in years, maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention, though. Part of it might be that consecutive spinners are much more rarely used these days anyway.
I can safely say that I have almost entirely only seen people end spinners on the strong beat if there are consecutive spinners
If you want to get this DQ'd for w/e reason it might be worth moving the object 00:07:097 (1) more closer to the centre, the amount of recovery time is pretty low for a hard and having it start more closer to the centre would make it a bit easier.

I like the spaced 1/2 beat structure in the normal, works nicely
Topic Starter
Moving that object to the center works but I think the current position is pretty fine too. I did this in too and had no problems.

Same thing with the spinners, I prefer to keep them for emphasis. Both issues are not really high for a reasonable DQ I think.
Ending the spinner in the strong sound is what ur supposed to do anyways. There's a reason when you hitsound a spinner it's attached only to the end and not the head. With sliders there is a definitive start but you have some leeway in terms of when you want to release. The release of a slider is not bound by time. The opposite is true for spinners. There is no definitive starting point for the spinner. You can start spinning immediately or wait about before spinning. Because of that interaction hutsounding the beginning of a spinner is not reliable. If a hitsound plays right when the spinner starts it can throw people off like a storyboardrd hitsound. Similarly having the hitsound be when the player starts spinning can cause rhythmic issues since the payer could effectively begin spinning halfway through a spinner and still get 300 in long spinner cases. What's why the hitsound is st the end of the spinner, because that's the only place you can definitely end the spinner. Putting a hitsound on a random blue tick before the actual note is stupid because how are you supposed to hitsound it then.
MeAqua tete

Monstrata wrote:

Because of that interaction hutsounding the beginning of a spinner is not reliable.
yeah I agree but... hey may I ask what's a hutsound :o
It's when you live in a hut and bang a drum.
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