
Ali Project - Waga Routashi Aku no Hana

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008 at 08:23:48 p.m.

Artist: Ali Project
Title: Waga Routashi Aku no Hana
BPM: 130
Filesize: 5737kb
Play Time: 03:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.13 stars, 134 notes)
  2. Hard (4.85 stars, 457 notes)
  3. Insane (4.96 stars, 488 notes)
  4. Normal (4.49 stars, 354 notes)
Download: Ali Project - Waga Routashi Aku no Hana
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
waiting for your comments
plz reply and tell me what u think :)
What a coincidence, since I myself just started working on Yuukyou Seishunka last night. Anyways, I'm not an expert, but I'll let you know what I think.

The first thing I've noticed is that some of your combos are rather long... And coupled with your current drain rate, I've been unable to make it very far playing it (I have to get better O.o). You get a nice point bonus, as well as a nice HP boost if you can hit an entire combo without missing any beats or getting any 50s... And of course, a longer combo makes it tougher to do this, simply because there's more beats that you could potentially screw up. :P So I would recommend going through and double-checking where new combos would be suitable. Definitely, this is an upper-level Hard, above where I am.

For the most part, your timing sounds alright (to my ears), except for a couple of your triplets, doubles, and a couple stray markers here or there which sound a little bit fast or slow once I slow the speed down. They may need a little bit of adjustment. I can't remember which in specific are slow/fast. Sorry! XD

I've noticed your spinners have some notes relatively quick after them, this tends to make them a great deal harder to hit. My biggest thing is 01:20:08 (1) (followed by 02:21:90 (1)), the notes come very fast after this one. I'd probably say to shorten this spinner, take it out, or to remove some of the beats after it, I look at this one and I can just see the potential for disaster here.

One more thing, there's only one break in this map, and it's rather late in the song, at about 1:50... Just with the level of activity in the song, I myself would recommend putting another one in somewhere earlier. Not required, just my thoughts, since I'm sure that if I could get through all this, my arm would probably feel like it would actually fall off at the 1:50 point.

Aside from this, I love what you've done with this map. You've used your whistles, finishes, and claps (most important, I say, thanks for the lack of abuse!) sparingly, and where you've got them is very nice placement. I myself would love to see more done for this song (easier difficulty, perhaps?).
I haven't actually looked at the timing in the editor or anything but nothing felt off while playing. I'd just suggest adding another break and lowering the HP drain a couple notches. It takes a very long time to recover from even a single mistake on this map.
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I LOVE, let me emphasize that, LOOOOOOOOOVE what you've done with insane! :) While parts of it resemble Hard quite a bit (it's rather easy to tell you used Hard as your base), I am so not going to bug you for that (three words: Wizards in Winter, it's even more obvious). There are a couple of spots where the hp drain looks touchy, however, I can't say if it really is or not since I'm definitely not good enough to even come close to completing Insane.

I haven't gone in to look closely at your timing, but it still sounds right to me.

I think you've made something which may even challenge the best. Then again, I'm not the best, so I can't say that absolutely for certain. XD I'm definitely looking forward to that potential normal/easy.

EDIT: Lol. Come to think of it, if you end up looking for this to get ranked (please do!), this would actually require peppy attention, due to the 10,000,000+ max score on insane. XD I don't think it's a bad thing, though.
(Weee, double-post! Ah, well, you updated so meh. :P)

Normal = <3

Has the same sort of feel as Hard and Insane, you did really well with this. This is also the first one where I notice any big things that seem funny.

00:11:79 (2) - This sounds like it's not actually on anything.... I will suggest possibly moving this back or moving this forward so it's on something in the song. Maybe forward 1/2 beat or back 1/2 beat, of course adjusting distance afterwards. I see either movement working just fine, though.
00:15:71 (2) - This beat is just a little funny... It's not placed quite like the others in this combo are. It bugged me. I had to point it out.
01:21:69 (1) - Very fast after the spinner. O.o First spinner at 00:14:10 isn't so bad, though this is only a half-beat, and doesn't give a lot of time to go for the coming beat (I think I pointed this out for the other diffs, I can't remember what the times for those are).
01:48:91 (1) - Same thing as the previous.
01:58:83 (7) - Seems kinda mistimed.... Move back (<-) 1/2 note, perhaps? (and adjust spacing of course).
02:29:98 (1) - Same deal as around the other two spinners. 1/2 beat of reaction time after spinning seems kinda fast...
02:40:13 (1) - Same as above.

Anywho, I'll point out the spinners with 1/2 beats of time between the end of them and the beats after that are in Hard and Insane again.... Maybe consider fixes for those. Besides that, know that I love this map.
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Haha!!! XD I failed normal on a test run. Wow. Stupid glare.

Anyways. For Easy:

00:14:10 (1) - That first spinner in Easy seems just a touch unfriendly with it's shortness. Not sure how to work around this without taking something out. Though I felt the need to point it out.
01:29:31 (4) - This slider feels kinda misplaced on the timeline. I guess, move it back 1/2 beat? And then recheck distances.
02:02:29 (5) - This also kinda feels off. 1/2 back and reajust distances, maybe.
02:43:36 (4) - I think you're safe if you want to add another repeat to this. Flows just a little better with the music, I think.

Other than that, everything looks fantastic. =3 And I have just realized that among the hard maps, I've yet to play this with doubletime and relax. And thus, I shall go do that now. X3
In reaction to her last update:

Why does the background turn black now? O.o Just surprised me at first. Although I can see you changed the background colour. I guess I don't have a huge problem with that. XD Although it does make the purple circles a little harder to see. I personally find it just a little less awesome with the black background (something about the colours sitting on something so solid and dark). Meh.

Ok. Something happened when I played through Easy. It failed me. When I shouldn't have failed. I find this more than a little weird so I'm looking into it further.

^ Weird, weird, weird. I don't know why it failed me. Didn't fail Auto. And I've tried it again, didn't fail me this time. Weird. Don't know what happened.

Anyways. There's a beat I know I probably forgot to point out earlier, which really bugged me.
02:17:06 (5) - Feels very weird. I think it'd work best to move it back 1/2 beat and readjust distances.

Another weird thing... There's another mode in here, which shows up in the list. Another hard. O.o I get the feeling these are identical.

O_o Weirdness abounds for me tonight, as it just disappeared. FIRST, there were the four regular difficulties, I found that weird duplicate in the files list, THEN the duplicate shows up on the maps list, THEN it vanishes from the files list again... You know what? It's beyond me. osu! is obviously screwing with me tonight.
(It's still there on the maps list...)
When I open this duplicate, the Song Setup comes up like when it does when you first start a map... AND THEN all things that were in it when I opened it from the file list vanish if I open from map list....

If it's not just me, I'd say to go ask peppy about it, since this is beyond weird.
(Once again weird file disappearing from file list...)

Besides all the weirdness that's going on for me, looking nice (aside from that background... Solid black is too much for me. ^^')

EDIT: Ok, downloaded your map again to check the files... Nothing weird. Deleted the weird extra unmapped/cloned mp3, which happened to delete the maps as well. Weirdness abounds further. (Good think I DL'd it again, eh?) So.... Yeah. If I'm not the only one having weird stuff happen, give the mods a call.
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btw, is just me, or there´s something weird in the timing after spinner 2:21:90 ??
This in Easy or one of the other difficulties, or just the map in general? I've checked all difficulties and nothing seems really off or anything... Though I'll take a closer look after school. Especially if you can tell me how you mean weird. Like, timing off kinda weird or funny way that the beats are placed within the song kinda weird?
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In Easy, I think that it might seem that way since it's mapped more to the background than the lyrics for the first two combos after that slider. The beats of the background are just a little bit subtle (not too much, though), that might be why it sounds just a little funny.

Meh. I do admit, feels just a little weird in all difficulties, not sure why, though. Still, in my opinion, it's fine. It still plays very nicely. And, of course, you're welcome.

*points to her "Favorite Maps" list which has Waga Routashi on Hard as #1*
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ok, well i think i ll dont mess with that anymore. if works, is fine for me.
i guess it´s done for know, i hope this map catch attetion of a mod, i really want to be rank. :D
see ya around, thx.
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i need critics of this beatmap, if anyone have suggestions plz reply
00:53:78 (5) - Too much overlap.
02:50:05 (13) - Here too.

03:03:43 (1) - Spinner ends at an odd time.

01:03:24 (11) - Not timed to the vocals.
02:33:67 (1) - This is a little confusing, even for a Hard mode.
And some of your stacked notes are misaligned.

A lot of parts here are iffy. I'll leave it up to another BAT who's better at actually PLAYING Insane modes. :/

Looking pretty good, though, so starred.
01:00:70 (3) - move that up to match the notes before it
01:22:38 (5) - move it up to match the notes before it and move the end of it's tail to the left a little, because it's crooked at the moment. Actually, the entire line of notes here looks off to me and so do the notes at 01:30:00 (1) -> 01:30:92 (6) and 01:49:38 (3) -> 01:50:07 (5)
02:28:36 (9) - move this up a little to match the other notes
02:57:66 (7) - move this left a little to match the other notes
02:58:81 (12) - move the tail of that to the left a little because it's crooked at the moment

I'm going to add the .osu, so you don't have to manually change the things I listed.

Also, are you sure this song needs multiple timing sections? I tried removing all but the first one and it seemed to play fine, but I don't know anything about timing.

Download: Ali Project - Waga Routashi Aku no Hana (Lizbeth) [Insane].osu
BPM 130 offset 486.

Give or take 5 ms.

edit: Also, I didn't take the time to mod your whole map, however.

02:33:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This makes me throw up. Unclusterfuck it please.
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Rolled wrote:

02:33:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This makes me throw up. Unclusterfuck it please.

hehe, i cleaned up that mess...
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i fixed all the things u guys listed, plz check it out and tell me what u think....
see ya
Ok, first thing, and this is more important than it normally is, inherit your timing sections and resnap. They throw off the sync later in the song. Also, one more thing, why do all difficulties have the same slider velocity? Shouldn't Easy's velocity be lower than Insane's? Maybe it's not a big deal. Hmm...Hard and Insane are really similar, too. Just smaller hit circles and unstacked notes and such.

Why is this slider tick rate 4 when the other maps are 2? Lower it.
02:17:94 (1) - I don't even know what happened here, but resnap the notes, then select everything starting at this point and nudge it 1/4 beat to the right because everything will get synced to a 4th.
02:18:48 (2) - Except for this one. This one should remain on the white tick.
02:21:94 (1) - This would be better if you started it 1/2 beat earlier.

00:43:17 (3) - I think this blends in a little too much with the slider underneath it. I didn't even realize it was a slider until the editor started sliding it. Threw me off for sure. And since this is Normal, you should probably make that a little easier to see.
03:03:48 (1) - Does this spinner have to be so long? And if it does, at least end it 1/2 beat earlier. No, make that 1 1/2 beat earlier so the song concludes instead of ending on the start of a new measure.

03:03:48 (1) - Same as Normal.

03:03:48 (1) - Same as Normal.

Hmm...the offset seems a little early. I used something like 500, but be sure to inherit the sections and resnap first, then you can change the offset without putting everything on 4ths. This mod post was based on the inherited sections, too. It's important. Anyway, check out that offset and see what you think.
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Thanks for reply Seibei..
I ve changed a lot in easy, y put the slider velocity lower.
in normal, i ve changed what you suggested.
and cut off the last spinners in all dificulties.

i know that the insane is very similiar to hard, i dont have much time to correct that right know, but i flipped in the two direction, check it out. But if even with this is to similar, i could cut it off, cause i dont have time to make a huge change on it.
tell me what u think...
bye, and thnx gor the help.....
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
492 offset?

00:09:26 (6) - new combo color
00:17:10 (9) - "
01:03:26 (11) - new combo co--- GAH long combos are too long, cut them in half! :(
01:25:76 (8) - not snapped

00:39:96 (6,7) - ??? spacing

change those confusing notes, circles going back and forth like 00:28:42 (1,2,3,4) and 00:15:26 (1,2,3,4)

02:59:92 - remove this nasty break

pretty good, i say!

more hitsounds pls some parts feels empty(my request)
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James wrote:

492 offset?

00:09:26 (6) - new combo color
00:17:10 (9) - "
01:03:26 (11) - new combo co--- GAH long combos are too long, cut them in half! :(
01:25:76 (8) - not snapped

00:39:96 (6,7) - ??? spacing

change those confusing notes, circles going back and forth like 00:28:42 (1,2,3,4) and 00:15:26 (1,2,3,4)

02:59:92 - remove this nasty break

pretty good, i say!

more hitsounds pls some parts feels empty(my request)

I fixed all u listed. hope is ok know, take a look
btw, thanks for helping.
hi again
all good~
and may i suggest to put a break on normal? feels like theres not enough break there..
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just added the break on normal
check it out
thankx ;)
01:20:10 (1,1,2,3) - you could remove this bunch of circles and spinner and add a break~
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Download: Vale, Clari, Pau & Vane - Amigas Por Siempre (Beuchi-chan) [Normal].osu
Sounds a couple ms early to me. I'd +4 it or so.

Overall, I find the whistle use grates on my nerves a bit. But I won't dwell on it.

[Easy, Normal]
Are fine I think.
00:43:64 (5) - I'd move this down so it doesn't overlap the notes before it.
01:58:64 (13) - And I'd move this one to the right.
02:13:41 (13) - I don't like overlap~
02:15:26 (6) - "
02:26:33 (4) - Okay there's a fair amount of this going on.
Well, first you have about 6 seconds of rest in a 3 minute beatmap. Not sure if that's a problem. It does lead to a max score of 11 million though, and while that's not unreasonable, I think it could use another break here or there.
01:03:95 (5,6,7) - this is a bit messy after the score explosions from 1 and 2. Dunno where you could move 'em, but I recommend moving 'em.

Beatmaps are really well made regardless. Last gripe: background image? Something??? Gonna nerf it to a star for now, but it shouldn't take much more to get this ranked.

Sounds a lot like Seishojo Ryoko whatever MD mapped.
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awp wrote:

Sounds a couple ms early to me. I'd +4 it or so.

Overall, I find the whistle use grates on my nerves a bit. But I won't dwell on it.

[Easy, Normal]
Are fine I think.
00:43:64 (5) - I'd move this down so it doesn't overlap the notes before it.
01:58:64 (13) - And I'd move this one to the right.
02:13:41 (13) - I don't like overlap~
02:15:26 (6) - "
02:26:33 (4) - Okay there's a fair amount of this going on.
Well, first you have about 6 seconds of rest in a 3 minute beatmap. Not sure if that's a problem. It does lead to a max score of 11 million though, and while that's not unreasonable, I think it could use another break here or there.
01:03:95 (5,6,7) - this is a bit messy after the score explosions from 1 and 2. Dunno where you could move 'em, but I recommend moving 'em.

Beatmaps are really well made regardless. Last gripe: background image? Something??? Gonna nerf it to a star for now, but it shouldn't take much more to get this ranked.

Sounds a lot like Seishojo Ryoko whatever MD mapped.
well i think is all done.
i cut off all overlaps, i lightened the wishtles a bit, anyway, everything u listed :)
thanks very much for your help.
oh..and also added a background
take a look plz
Some nice structural changes, though I noticed some of your soft sections are gone now. Little disappointed, as those sounded really nice.

Seem to be quite a lot of use of the whistle in Easy and Normal (more than I remember), but meh.
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An64fan wrote:

Some nice structural changes, though I noticed some of your soft sections are gone now. Little disappointed, as those sounded really nice.

Seem to be quite a lot of use of the whistle in Easy and Normal (more than I remember), but meh.
yeah, i cut off all the timing sections :?
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Cool :)
glad is ok know :) thanks
This map is looking great, but there's just one little section:

01:03:26 to 01:04:18 - This section, especially on Hard and Insane just throws me right off (on Easy and Normal nothing's on the 1/4 beats anyway so it sounds fine). But it could be throwing me off in an awesome way, which it isn't. Try putting notes in this section on 1/3 beats (or put a slider/spinner there), which is what the vocals are actually doing here. There are a couple other sections also in 1/3, but they're less noticeable and mapping on 1/4s works out fine. 02:21:72 to 02:22:64 is the exact same as this section, but you've got a spinner there so it works out.

Back to a bubble for now, sorry~
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CheeseWarlock wrote:

This map is looking great, but there's just one little section:

01:03:26 to 01:04:18 - This section, especially on Hard and Insane just throws me right off (on Easy and Normal nothing's on the 1/4 beats anyway so it sounds fine). But it could be throwing me off in an awesome way, which it isn't. Try putting notes in this section on 1/3 beats (or put a slider/spinner there), which is what the vocals are actually doing here. There are a couple other sections also in 1/3, but they're less noticeable and mapping on 1/4s works out fine. 02:21:72 to 02:22:64 is the exact same as this section, but you've got a spinner there so it works out.

Back to a bubble for now, sorry~
fixed that :D
thanks for the help
take a look :)
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fixed that... background color darker
thanks for the bubble :D
see ya! n_n
Everything seems to be in order here.
This epic. Instant favorite. Please do more. I love Code Geass.
Love this beatmap!! I spent ages tonight trying to beat it.
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is great that ppl liked :)
im working on another ali project map... take a look in pending beatmaps. :)
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