peppy wrote:
ziin wrote:
Full disclosure of the system would be nice.
Such as?
This is good enough:
peppy wrote:
Further information will be made available as the system matures, and after we decide it is working well. Giving out information now would skew results.
peppy wrote:
or 10+ to consider permanent actions.
Obviously you hate second chances (and I can't blame you for it), but there are bound to be repeat offenders, and I am of the belief that everyone gets multiple chances, especially when the punishment is for extended periods of time (weeks or months even) but very rarely for permanent actions. Severe offenses or repeated idiocy can be dealt with accordingly.
Since you're not going to automatically permaban anyone with 10+ infractions, this is fine. Just be warned that if automatic action isn't taken at any point, there's a likelihood that no action will
ever be taken. And if action isn't taken immediately, often times the recipient won't know what they did wrong. Sending a PM to the offender automatically detailing the conditions of the action would be nice too.
Another thing you can think about is adding a severity of the infraction. Typing a "NSFW word" into osu and getting automatically silenced for it would be much different than flaming a moderator or posting a link to pornographic material.
IMO flaming would count x2, and porn would be x5 or something, and after two postings of porn you would likely be suspended for a time from whatever functions are necessary (on top of obviously being silenced for a few days).
CDFA wrote:
yeah no.
You pay 50 kudosu to get 1 infringement removed. Usable once a month. Or at least that's what I was thinking.
10 months and ~400 mods for a clean slate is no laughing matter and would prove that the recipient truly cares about the community (and only 26 people have more than 500 total kd right now, so it's not really "IT'S OK I GOT MAH KUDOSUDOSU.")
Also, note that previously, you could spam osu, get silenced, and nothing really bad happened at all. All spending kudosu would do is bring it right back to the old system, which I thought was working well.