
Official Beatmapping Contest #1

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Official Beatmapping Contest #1

  1. Elemeno P - Every Day's A Saturday
    Timing: 168.9/5800
    1. English - Normal
    2. English - Hard
  1. Arashi - Sakura Sake (嵐 - サクラ咲ケ)
    Timing: 168.86/945
    1. Japanese - Normal
    2. Japanese - Hard
  1. Each person may enter one beatmap in each category. You can enter as many or as few categories as you like. You do not have to submit a map for both difficulties of a song. Therefore, you can submit a minimum of one map and a maximum of four maps.
  2. Timing for the songs has been provided above, but you do not have to use the given timings.
  3. The songs will be released on Sunday 28th September 1200 hours (GMT+8). MP3s will be provided.
  4. Entries close Sunday 12th October 0000 hours (GMT+8). No entries after the competition closes will be accepted.
Submitting beatmaps
  1. Do not use the BSS (File -> Upload) option in the menu to upload your map.
  2. Submissions should be submitted here instead.
  3. Once a map is uploaded for a particular category, you cannot upload another map for that category.
  1. Judges may not participate in the contest.
  2. All entries will remain anonymous for the duration of the judging. The entries will only be matched to their creators after a winner has been decided upon.
  3. The judges will give each map a rating out of 10. Comments will also be given by each judge for each map. The map with the highest overall rating will be declared the winner.
  4. Judges:
    1. Echo
    2. Cyclone
    3. Sinistro
    4. Saturos
    5. Tapdancingmetroid
    6. peppy
Criteria outline
  1. Original patterns and rhythms
  2. Intuitive beat spacing
  3. Breaks are suitably used
  4. Sound effects (whistle, finish, etc.) are used effectively
  5. Difficulty selected is appropriate
*** Feel free to suggest any other rules/corrections to current rules. Make sure it's before the contest starts though :P
I want to be a judge.
can i be a fake judge

I'd like to help with judging, if possible.

Download: Marie - My Silly Days (gregar55) [ayey's Hard].osu
YES! Now I can be lazy about this. It'll be interesting to see how this folds out.Even though I have an idea of who will win the Hard categories

Anyways, Saturos and Mogsworth were willing to be judges yesterday for something else, but now that you're doing it, you can check with them and see if they're up to do this.

Just posting to say that, and that I may participate. *waits for the 28th*

Thanks for fi

Saturos in the Beatmap Making Contests? thread wrote:


Now accepting bribes
Thanks for getting this going, Echo! :)

I think for better organization of all the beatmaps, you can mention that the difficulty name should be "<beatmap creator> - <difficulty>" for everyone that submits one, or wherever else you can think of as long as you know who submits what map.

Other than that, don't really see much else you can change. Can't wait till this goes underway.
tbh i dont like the categories thingy. wellthatsjustme~

anyways if there is a lack of judge people doodz and i cant be a fake judge, might as well join the judge guy doods
I'd like to be a judge. :3
Do you think peppy would be interested in judging?
I'd be honoured to be a judge :P. Also good on Echo for picking this up - this contest won't go wrong :).
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Current Judge list:

Remember the judges must go through every single submitted beatmap, which could be a lot :P

James can you confirm whether you want to be a judge or not... I can't make out your post ^^;
hrm, judge or map.

I'll map since i'd be one asshole of a judge
No worse than I will be. Now I get an opportunity to bitch at maps that I don't like placement in general, rather than just spacing errors, since this is an anonymous competition rather than 'baaaawwww, it's my style of mapping!'. I hate placements on most maps, so this should be fun. <3
I'm with lukewarm on this one.

But now I have to actually work fast on maps now! >_> Meeee=Slowmappr.
I'll try to submi something as long as I have time next week... I hope the songs are good ones!
Can I be a judge? Wait, never mind, I suck at insane difficulties...

I think I'll try my hand at this thing. I hope I don't utterly fail.
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Olinad wrote:

I'll try to submi something as long as I have time next week... I hope the songs are good ones!
Me too :P

As you can tell from the BPM, they're both relatively fast (and relatively the same tempo too :)). I don't really know much about song genres but I'd say they're both pop songs. English one was released in 2002, Japanese one was released in 2005.
Kinda tempted to join the mapping side, if I have the time/conviction/memory. Time is the biggest factor, unless the songs turn out to be really gay (in which case musical selection would be a barrier, but I feel reason to doubt that...right guys? Right?) so I'm a maybe-probably on the mapping side. Sounds like there aren't a lot of people showing enthusiasm toward the actual mapping part?
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I think we can do a global announcement/news topic once it starts, if it's alright with peppy.
since there are already 5+you judges so im not going to be one :)
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Even if we have five, I guess a few backups would be nice in case anyone pulls out

James you're on the backup judge list :D
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OK, we have our set of judges decided! Competition starts in 48 hours~
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Could I be a judge? I'm not a BAT... but I think I have enough experience to accurately rate the qualities of a beatmap.

It didn't say "u must be a BAT to judge lolol", so I'm giving it a shot. :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
oh i missed that

argh; can I be a late judge or something? :(
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Sorry Ash... I think 6 judges are more than enough, and it looks like the turnout might not be that great anyway :/
To be totally frank, wouldn't it be better to have an odd number of judges?

But okay. How you're currently expressing it feels like it's already abysmal. How wonderful. :cry:
Is it just me, or is the mp3 kind of low quality?

EDIT: For Sakura Sake.
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I made them 128kbps to keep the size down, since they're both upppy'd. But yeah, it's not just you :P
Why didn't I notice this before?? I wanted to judge, but too late, I guess. :|
^^ this sounds really fun~ if I unban in time, I'll definitely enter :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I will win this, oh yes, I will win this

Echo wrote:

I made them 128kbps to keep the size down, since they're both upppy'd. But yeah, it's not just you :P
Ouch, brother.

Anyhow I've taken a liking to Every Day's a Saturday so those judges better not flake on me.
so how many people actually joined? :D
That would ruin the competition James..

I'm entering.. Need to see how my Non-Authentic Beatmapping compares to other people..

No I haven't submitted yet.
Listened to the songs and ditched my plans on taking part. I don't like either. Have fun guys!
Card N'FoRcE
Sorry, but i don't like the songs, so I'll not take part in this...
(I'm busy with two maps to half storyboard now)

Anyway I'm curious about the whole thing :D
Good luck to all of you.
I like the songs. I'm taking part in this.

Good luck to everyone else!
This looks interesting. Unfortunately, I can't join in yet, so I'll probably sit this one out.

I'm a slow mapper anyways.

Why isn't Hito all over this bitch? Did she disappear too?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
/me judges contest maps.

Hmmm, I wonder which map is Hito's? Oh, I know, the spinner clusterfuck!
brb adding notes in the center of the map 0.25s after a spinner and copypasta'ing that to the nth degree
When I entered my map it briefly showed a page with only "file too large, must be between 0kb and 30kb" before redirecting my back to the entry page and saying it was uploaded successfully. Was this bad? I just want to make sure...
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Backgrounded beatmap is more profitable than None- Backgrounded beatmap?

I don't want to insert image....
It's .osu only, so you can't even upload an image, just the beatmap, so don't worry. ;)
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There's something in one of the menus that will help you (sorry, can't be any less cryptic than that)
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