
Official Beatmapping Contest #1

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Where is results?
i ate them all not yet done
Where is results?

Metalik wrote:

Where is results?
Judges arent finished
Okay, here are the results...

kidding. :P
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Who's not done? peppy is. =P
Tapdancing. ;x

I've got four more.
I'll try to finish ASAP.
Though I've got some homework to finish, among other things... :cry:
Hopefully I'll finish by today or tomorow :oops:
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Man you guys judge sloooooow.



Still can't wait to see who won~
Yay I finished judging. :D
Now we just need Echo!


...Ah poo. Hopefully he'll get on... in a week or so.
Word from the wise:

When Hito says j/k she doesn't mean "I'm just kidding" - she just doesn't want you to feel badly about what she thinks. And you shouldn't~
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James wrote:

awp wrote:

Word from the wise:

When Hito says j/k she doesn't mean "I'm just kidding" - she just doesn't want you to feel badly about what she thinks. And you shouldn't~
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
What? My slider clusterfuck on JP Normal didn't win? *gasp*

All sarcasm aside, awp's entries are fun as heck. The contest was nice, not to mention nice song choices.

Do another one. I want to submit a real entry, now that I can actually map something that's not a clusterfuck!

Let's see how my predictions went:

1. In the English category, awp would do well.

We all know how that went...

2. Pokebis would take the Japanese Normal category

Goddammit, so close.

3. Someone that's well known would take Japanese Hard

Oh shoot, that one's right too.

4. I wouldn't place, since I was aiming for a really low placing.

Oh shoot again.

5. The judging would take a while.

*prays there's a next one*

And congrats to the winners for winning. And congrats for the people that didn't place for getting the courage to spend time and submitting and entry. :)

...-100 points if you hinted that you were a first timer in your entry, for obvious reasons. :D Although two people I don't know much did take some 3rds. Super congrats to you guys for getting a good place. NOW MAP SOME MORE. <_<; *Ahem* I mean, map more please. I wanna see more from you two. ;)
Holy crap. I didn't expect my map to be 2nd place..

I thought it wasn't all that great..

But Congrats to Awp.

When will we be able to see the other people's maps?
Japanese [Normal]
silasw (48)
Pokebis (46)
Gladi (43)

dood silasw i rooted for you and you won, awesome
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m980 wrote:

When will we be able to see the other people's maps?
Oh, crap, don't look at mine. Japanese - Hard was the only one that I tried hard on. =/

awp wrote:

though I imagine if Rolled had chosen to enter I might not have walked away with both Golds.
The songs weren't gay enough for Rolled to map.

Saturos wrote:

awp wrote:

though I imagine if Rolled had chosen to enter I might not have walked away with both Golds.
The songs weren't gay enough for Rolled to map.
I dunno the English one was pretty close
Just goes to show how gay a song has to be.
Rolled's actually mapping something not gay for a change. Maybe it's his Thank You for my kickass mapping of his request.
Wtf I got thirth on a map? Back then I didn't even know there was an 'Alt' Button where you have distance spacing.. Oo
The whole spacing of it is fkud up for sure xd

Saturos wrote:

awp wrote:

though I imagine if Rolled had chosen to enter I might not have walked away with both Golds.
The songs weren't gay enough for Rolled to map.
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Echo wrote:

Here are the results. A results page will be up soon (ie. 2-3 weeks unless peppy does it) so you can view all the judges' comments and the individual scores given by each judge.
I think that's what he means.
A month 1/2 later?

It's fine.

/me renames 'Page 7' to 'Results Page (7)'
hi Ghosty McGhost what's up this fine evening
Topic Starter
Late Christmas prezzy to all
The winners had some pretty good beatmaps. <3 Worth the wait.

*reads judges comments* *looks at map* Yeah, that sounds about right.

Note to self: Don't make hard-to-read-clusterfucks
Note to self 2: Don't make what is essentially a Hard, then try to change it into a Normal.
Note to self 3: Don't use so many goddam Etna sliders

Yeah, I think that covers it... Then again, there's probably a reason that I don't make maps like that anymore, but I apologize for any headaches caused by my entry.

P.S. Start working on another contest, please. This contest worked well IMO. (I'd probably do better if there was a second one, too, now that I know what the hell I'm doing. :P Or at least I wouldn't confuse the judges [I hope]). I know what you could call it too:

"Official Beatmapping Contest #2" <-- Sounds like a good title. Although if you DO do another one, you may have to put in big letters, "YOU MUST MAP THE SONGS CHOSEN - DO NOT GO AHEAD AND MAP A SONG THAT IS NOT CHOSEN AND SUBMIT THAT AS AN ENTRY - IT DOESN'T WORK". Sure, it may seem like common sense, but... <_<;

In the end, though I like the results page. Thanks! It was worth the wait.

P.S.S. This post is longer than intended. Oops.
This is a great results page. I love it. I hope to see another contest like what Ekaru said...looking forward to ruining my hopes and optimism of winning making a good stab at beatmapping. Though there's not really any new breaks with those lines, kind of like what Word Wrap on Notepad does to its text, hm...

Makes it a very annoying read at times.
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My map:

Echo: 7
peppy: 7
Sinistro: 9
Tapdacingmetroid: 7

Cyclone: 4.


Anyways, I didn't suck too much and I'm happy with that. And since I've learnt much since I made that map I even might get to the Top 3 in the next Contest :3

Sheesh, compared to everybody else i was really harsh... :|

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Cyclone : 2
Echo : 7
peppy : 6
Saturos : 6
Sinistro : 8
Tapdancingmetroid : 5
Apparently, you guys were pretty lenient on unfinished maps. I'm surprised. Though I'm a bit dismayed at my other scores. Japanese/Normal got me 1 point higher than Japanese/Hard; I put a lot of time and confidence in Hard than Normal. :P

Cyclone was really harsh, but I'm to blame anyway. =_=

Saturos's 1 line comments are pro.

Looking forward to #2!! :)
I was varying degrees of harsh with some copy pasta thrown in. I'm sure that's obvious if you look through my comments. ;x

Also, I kept my comments short for a couple reasons:

1. I wanted to mod them all in one sitting.
2. This wasn't direct modding, so I basically typed out my thoughts on what I would have said to the mapper in irc after 1 or 2 plays.
3. Laziness.

EDIT: I lol'd at the score I gave m980's map. 8/9's from everyone else while I gave a 5. That's right, bitch.

m980 Edit


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go go.. pick out some new songs,, cuz I wanna map again ^^ since I know finally know what distance snappin' is xD and back then not.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I don't know why I didn't entered the contest this time.
Anyways, I WILL enter next time I assure you.

/me sits and waits for the Official Beatmapping Contest #2
Sir Minelli

Gens wrote:

I don't know why I didn't entered the contest this time.
Anyways, I WILL enter next time I assure you.

/me sits and waits for the Official Beatmapping Contest #2

/me sits beside Gens.
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