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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年6月21日 at 22:40:20

Artist: Camellia
Tags: cametek kamelcamellia かめるかめりあ INVAIDAS FROM DA JUNGLE drumstep dubstep wub 1112deng
BPM: 174
Filesize: 11810kb
Play Time: 05:08
Difficulties Available:
  1. MORI AKA (6.45 stars, 1198 notes)
Download: Camellia - ATTACK FROM MANDRAKE
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Bubbled by SnowNiNo_
Qualified by Ryuusei Aika

01:33:050 (1) - 建议这之后的偶数滑条都ctrlG一下打起来不会无聊
02:20:292 (1) - 和前面02:18:912 (2) - nc不一样
02:28:912 (1,1,1,1) - 后面这里没nc
02:58:568 (1) - 出界了
04:12:705 (7) - 看着前后感觉应该nc
04:19:257 (1,1,1) - 04:20:637 (1,2,3) - nc不一样
04:49:602 (4) - 04:53:740 (1) - nc不一样
02:04:602 (3) - 04:06:671 (1) - nc不一样
02:05:809 (1) - 04:07:188 (3) - nc不一样

:( :( 摸...摸不动...
2017-10-29 02:33 z1085684963: 这里加note
2017-10-29 02:33 z1085684963: 加强节奏感
2017-10-29 02:33 Suzuki_1112: 02:34:430 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个就是抄09了
2017-10-29 02:34 Suzuki_1112: hao
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 这种图啊其实
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 别想着再空拍了
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 就是要高强度节奏
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 02:48:912 (1) -
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 这种嘛当然要往下移一点
2017-10-29 02:35 z1085684963: 和前面的鸡蛋连打呼应
2017-10-29 02:35 Suzuki_1112: 下移了
2017-10-29 02:35 Suzuki_1112: 鸡蛋连打笑死
2017-10-29 02:38 z1085684963: 03:09:602 (1) -
2017-10-29 02:39 z1085684963: 有点莫名其妙的感觉
2017-10-29 02:39 z1085684963: 不过flow uhartd
Topic Starter

papapa213 wrote:


01:33:050 (1) - 建议这之后的偶数滑条都ctrlG一下打起来不会无聊
02:20:292 (1) - 和前面02:18:912 (2) - nc不一样
02:28:912 (1,1,1,1) - 后面这里没nc
02:58:568 (1) - 出界了
04:12:705 (7) - 看着前后感觉应该nc
04:19:257 (1,1,1) - 04:20:637 (1,2,3) - nc不一样
04:49:602 (4) - 04:53:740 (1) - nc不一样
02:04:602 (3) - 04:06:671 (1) - nc不一样
02:05:809 (1) - 04:07:188 (3) - nc不一样

:( :( 摸...摸不动...
all fixed!

z1085684963 wrote:

2017-10-29 02:33 z1085684963: 这里加note
2017-10-29 02:33 z1085684963: 加强节奏感
2017-10-29 02:33 Suzuki_1112: 02:34:430 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个就是抄09了
2017-10-29 02:34 Suzuki_1112: hao
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 这种图啊其实
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 别想着再空拍了
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 就是要高强度节奏
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 02:48:912 (1) -
2017-10-29 02:34 z1085684963: 这种嘛当然要往下移一点
2017-10-29 02:35 z1085684963: 和前面的鸡蛋连打呼应
2017-10-29 02:35 Suzuki_1112: 下移了
2017-10-29 02:35 Suzuki_1112: 鸡蛋连打笑死
2017-10-29 02:38 z1085684963: 03:09:602 (1) -
2017-10-29 02:39 z1085684963: 有点莫名其妙的感觉
2017-10-29 02:39 z1085684963: 不过flow uhartd
Ryuusei Aika
03:17:878 - 03:39:774 - 你这也太懒了

Edit: 9 Jan. 2018 finished modding.
As your request.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. Uh-oh, it seems your drum-hitnormal.wav has only 99.98ms for length. As the ranking criteria said:

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Every .wav file must be at least 100ms long to prevent issues with soundcards. If you want a silent/blank hitsound, then you must use a 0-byte wave file. Note: Due to a technical issue having any files that are 0 bytes in size in the beatmap folder will cause files after the (first) 0-byte file to be missing. Please do NOT use any 0-byte files. The one linked above is 44KB in size and won't cause issues.
    So the length of this hitsound file is not in accord to the rule. Just prolong it a little bit would be good.
    - 99.98ms也太蛋疼了,你延长一下吧,笑死我了


  1. I don't quite understand the usage of the clap sound from 00:10:292 (1) - to 00:15:637 - . It's fine to use them after this part as there have some cute sounds like whose at 00:16:326 - . But in my opinion, using this sounds more earlier in the last half of the beginning part will kinda ruin the consistency of your hitsound arranging. So I think it's better to not use them at this part.
    - 你00:10:292 (1) - to 00:15:637 - 这块用那个clap音的话感觉就无法突出后面那个clap音特意去跟的鼓点声了(比如00:16:326 -),有点毁consistency,建议还是不要在一开始用
  2. 00:32:188 - . think it would be better if you put a note here. It's kinda nonsense to make something like intentional blank, as you have follow all similar parts with 2 notes (00:27:878 (2,3) - , 00:29:947 (3,4) - ...) with the same pattern. Just copy them here.
    - 这里为啥空着......你前面像00:27:878 (2,3) - , 00:29:947 (3,4) - 这里都好好跟了这里忽然空一下显得不太自然
  3. 00:33:050 (1) - Put it at something like 188|123 will make flow more fancy and the visual ds of 00:33:050 (1,2,3) - more reasonable.
    - 你把00:33:050 (1) - 放188|123试一下?
  4. 01:16:499 - 01:38:395 - that hitsound really makes me headache. Please try something more gentle as there have literally no sounds need that strong emphasize by using those hitsounds.
    - 大哥你杀了我吧你能不能换个hs我求你了
  5. 03:17:878 - 03:39:774 - ^.
  6. 02:02:878 (2) - This note do not need to put that far than 02:02:705 (1) - , as there has nothing special. You can make it simply stack with the head of 02:02:878 (2) - , which would represent the intensity of the sound better, with not ruining much the flow.
    - 你02:02:878 (2) - 没必要放那么远吧感觉也没啥可以强调的地方......你跟02:02:878 (2) - 的头stack起来都好
  7. 04:08:137 (3) - Stack it with the head of 04:07:878 (1) - is not a very good idea. It's right that players will "logically" told by the following pattern here may have a note, but the hitting and the sliding effect of 04:07:878 (1) - may cause serious read problem of this note as it can not be seen very clearly. To avoid that, you can change this pattern like the picture below, which imo mostly reserve your general idea here. (In fact, 04:08:567 (3,4,5,1) - works well.)
    - 这个04:08:137 (3) - 其实有点难读,因为打04:07:878 (1) - 的时候击打和滑条那个特效把3挡得比较厉害,有可能出读图问题。你看看我给你这图片里主意行不行:
  8. 04:09:258 (3,4,5) - ^.
  9. 04:38:223 (2) - Set a nc here will emphasize the "pair" of the hit-hat sound 04:38:223 (2,3) - better.
    - 04:38:223 (2) - 你这里可以考虑加个nc,这样04:38:223 (2,3) - 就成一对了
  10. 04:38:740 (4) - ^.
  11. 04:45:464 (2,3,4,5) - Why this part use default soft clap hitsounds? I think something stronger would be better.
    - 你这怎么用的默认soft clap......换个强点的鼓点hitsound呗
  12. Really stunning hitsounds, but some technical part may needs more work imo. keep on!
    - 你是不是remap过什么地方啊,我觉得02:28:223 - 02:50:292 - 这一段高出其他所有部分一个档次
Good luck, and have fun! :D
wow nice map
nika mika
01:58:912 (1,2,3,4,1) - 和前四个圈的角度放小一点(3412看上去有点别扭 虽然和04:00:119 (3,4,1,2) - 是一样是我的错觉吗……)
02:03:740 (1,2) - 对调下顺序?
02:11:154 (2,3,4) - 卡手
02:20:809 (1) - 按捺不住想要ctrl g的欲望w
02:31:585 (3,1,2,3) - 比起02:32:619 (2,3,4,5) - 就乱不少 能不能调整下滑条方向让滑条尾也是三角形
02:37:188 (4,1,2) - 分别ctrl g?
02:42:619 (3) - 不用叠在1上而是和123放成一个弧怎么样
02:46:240 - 这附近漏了不少音
04:19:085 - 我觉得 这里不要管那些SFX直接跟鼓去拉长滑条
04:56:326 (4,2) - 这俩1/8的就很突兀……前后也没一直用这个梗 统一一下?
->真要说的话05:01:499 (2) - 这个也能拉成你那样的……应该还有不少
Topic Starter

nika mika wrote:

01:58:912 (1,2,3,4,1) - 和前四个圈的角度放小一点(3412看上去有点别扭 虽然和04:00:119 (3,4,1,2) - 是一样是我的错觉吗……) 这个还行啊,两段kiai的确是增大了一点间距
02:03:740 (1,2) - 对调下顺序? fixed
02:11:154 (2,3,4) - 卡手 改了
02:20:809 (1) - 按捺不住想要ctrl g的欲望w fixed
02:31:585 (3,1,2,3) - 比起02:32:619 (2,3,4,5) - 就乱不少 能不能调整下滑条方向让滑条尾也是三角形 还行,我后面也有这段,能读没问题的
02:37:188 (4,1,2) - 分别ctrl g? 这样会卡手啊
02:42:619 (3) - 不用叠在1上而是和123放成一个弧怎么样
02:46:240 - 这附近漏了不少音 加个滑条
04:19:085 - 我觉得 这里不要管那些SFX直接跟鼓去拉长滑条 这里我不是很懂,而且这里太多节奏了,会超级浪费
04:56:326 (4,2) - 这俩1/8的就很突兀……前后也没一直用这个梗 统一一下? 其实全是sv变成这样的(
->真要说的话05:01:499 (2) - 这个也能拉成你那样的……应该还有不少
Topic Starter

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

03:17:878 - 03:39:774 - 你这也太懒了
怎么都过年了时间过得真快 是啊,8012年了,真快啊

Edit: 9 Jan. 2018 finished modding.
As your request.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. Uh-oh, it seems your drum-hitnormal.wav has only 99.98ms for length. As the ranking criteria said:

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Every .wav file must be at least 100ms long to prevent issues with soundcards. If you want a silent/blank hitsound, then you must use a 0-byte wave file. Note: Due to a technical issue having any files that are 0 bytes in size in the beatmap folder will cause files after the (first) 0-byte file to be missing. Please do NOT use any 0-byte files. The one linked above is 44KB in size and won't cause issues.
    So the length of this hitsound file is not in accord to the rule. Just prolong it a little bit would be good.
    - 99.98ms也太蛋疼了,你延长一下吧,笑死我了 我操。。这,我他妈,不是故意的啊,这我音效偷的,OVQ。


  1. I don't quite understand the usage of the clap sound from 00:10:292 (1) - to 00:15:637 - . It's fine to use them after this part as there have some cute sounds like whose at 00:16:326 - . But in my opinion, using this sounds more earlier in the last half of the beginning part will kinda ruin the consistency of your hitsound arranging. So I think it's better to not use them at this part.
    - 你00:10:292 (1) - to 00:15:637 - 这块用那个clap音的话感觉就无法突出后面那个clap音特意去跟的鼓点声了(比如00:16:326 -),有点毁consistency,建议还是不要在一开始用
  2. 00:32:188 - . think it would be better if you put a note here. It's kinda nonsense to make something like intentional blank, as you have follow all similar parts with 2 notes (00:27:878 (2,3) - , 00:29:947 (3,4) - ...) with the same pattern. Just copy them here.
    - 这里为啥空着......你前面像00:27:878 (2,3) - , 00:29:947 (3,4) - 这里都好好跟了这里忽然空一下显得不太自然
  3. 00:33:050 (1) - Put it at something like 188|123 will make flow more fancy and the visual ds of 00:33:050 (1,2,3) - more reasonable.
    - 你把00:33:050 (1) - 放188|123试一下? 不好
  4. 01:16:499 - 01:38:395 - that hitsound really makes me headache. Please try something more gentle as there have literally no sounds need that strong emphasize by using those hitsounds.
    - 大哥你杀了我吧你能不能换个hs我求你了
  5. 03:17:878 - 03:39:774 - ^. ^
  6. 02:02:878 (2) - This note do not need to put that far than 02:02:705 (1) - , as there has nothing special. You can make it simply stack with the head of 02:02:878 (2) - , which would represent the intensity of the sound better, with not ruining much the flow.
    - 你02:02:878 (2) - 没必要放那么远吧感觉也没啥可以强调的地方......你跟02:02:878 (2) - 的头stack起来都好
  7. 04:08:137 (3) - Stack it with the head of 04:07:878 (1) - is not a very good idea. It's right that players will "logically" told by the following pattern here may have a note, but the hitting and the sliding effect of 04:07:878 (1) - may cause serious read problem of this note as it can not be seen very clearly. To avoid that, you can change this pattern like the picture below, which imo mostly reserve your general idea here. (In fact, 04:08:567 (3,4,5,1) - works well.)
    - 这个04:08:137 (3) - 其实有点难读,因为打04:07:878 (1) - 的时候击打和滑条那个特效把3挡得比较厉害,有可能出读图问题。你看看我给你这图片里主意行不行:
  8. 04:09:258 (3,4,5) - ^. 把pattern微改了一下位置
  9. 04:38:223 (2) - Set a nc here will emphasize the "pair" of the hit-hat sound 04:38:223 (2,3) - better.
    - 04:38:223 (2) - 你这里可以考虑加个nc,这样04:38:223 (2,3) - 就成一对了
  10. 04:38:740 (4) - ^.
  11. 04:45:464 (2,3,4,5) - Why this part use default soft clap hitsounds? I think something stronger would be better.
    - 你这怎么用的默认soft clap......换个强点的鼓点hitsound呗
  12. Really stunning hitsounds, but some technical part may needs more work imo. keep on!
    - 你是不是remap过什么地方啊,我觉得02:28:223 - 02:50:292 - 这一段高出其他所有部分一个档次 完全没动过,不是很懂你说的档次是啥意思。。。
Good luck, and have fun! :D
no reply = fixed or reply is maimeng
Thank you~
Lily Bread

01:16:499 (1) - 这个后面一长串...有点无聊...

01:57:878 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 不拆连打,好评!!

02:04:085 (1,2) - 这个flow稍稍有点不顺手

02:32:705 (3,4,5) - 这个...不拖开根本看不懂呀...

02:43:654 (2,3,4,5) - ^

04:18:050 (2) - ctrl+g?

呃..对我来说太难了..摸不到什么, gl

1.00:43:395 (1) - 可以改的像00:37:878 (1) - 这个滑条一样吗?


4.04:36:499 (1) - 可读吗?点有点难看到

5.04:19:947 (1) - 考虑重新摆一下(

6.04:06:671 (3,1) - 建议这两个用类似04:06:843 (1) - 的滑条,后面这个04:07:016 (2) - 改的jb点好

1112牛逼 :DSpy小姐姐我就抱走了XD
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:


01:16:499 (1) - 这个后面一长串...有点无聊...
后面还有一长串.. 好多人吐槽啊=。=我改了吧

01:57:878 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 不拆连打,好评!! 好评!
02:04:085 (1,2) - 这个flow稍稍有点不顺手 其实我感觉这里海星,因为只是滑条头的问题而已,还是个顺flow的

02:32:705 (3,4,5) - 这个...不拖开根本看不懂呀... 233正常心态玩就好,只当1/4看没问题的

02:43:654 (2,3,4,5) - ^ ^

04:18:050 (2) - ctrl+g? 感觉有点不顺手啊

呃..对我来说太难了..摸不到什么, gl

DustMoon wrote:


1.00:43:395 (1) - 可以改的像00:37:878 (1) - 这个滑条一样吗? 不好啊。。要不同pattern才没这么无聊


4.04:36:499 (1) - 可读吗?点有点难看到 可读

5.04:19:947 (1) - 考虑重新摆一下( 为什么?

6.04:06:671 (3,1) - 建议这两个用类似04:06:843 (1) - 的滑条,后面这个04:07:016 (2) - 改的jb点好 不是很懂,目前看来还行

1112牛逼 :DSpy小姐姐我就抱走了XD 不是开玩笑的事
  • [EX]
  1. 00:10:119 (6) - 雖然這邊也有音 但個人覺得刪掉給個小停頓會比較好
  2. 00:48:912 (1) - 做個self blanket?
  3. 01:54:774 (3,4,5,1) - 移開會比較好 這會讓人誤讀成2連而不是3連
  4. 02:12:533 (2) - NC 跟02:13:050 (1,1) - 一樣
  5. 02:48:912 (1) - 分成4個? 白線有音可以分段
  6. 04:21:671 (1,2,3,4) - 音還是一樣 間距別減小
star! <3 plz rank!
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

  • [EX]
  1. 00:10:119 (6) - 雖然這邊也有音 但個人覺得刪掉給個小停頓會比較好
  2. 00:48:912 (1) - 做個self blanket?
  3. 01:54:774 (3,4,5,1) - 移開會比較好 這會讓人誤讀成2連而不是3連
  4. 02:12:533 (2) - NC 跟02:13:050 (1,1) - 一樣
  5. 02:48:912 (1) - 分成4個? 白線有音可以分段
  6. 04:21:671 (1,2,3,4) - 音還是一樣 間距別減小 嗯。。這裡我原本的意思就是在轉盤做一個停頓,所以以間距減少的方式表達了,而且這裡的節奏有些還是會有停頓的感覺的,雖然說音還是一樣,但是這裡的節奏也沒有前面這麼激烈,所以我保留了。
no reply = fixed
Thank you~

MujouSekai wrote:

star! <3 plz rank!
Thanks for your support~
From my mod queue.

00:04:774 (1) - I feel like this sound could be better emphasized with a 2.50sv or 1.50sv, it would give the player a taste of what the rest of the map will be, since this sound is usually on a 2.50sv slider throughout your map. Just make sure its an easy to read slider. (If you take my suggestion then the slider tail would be on a white tick)

00:10:809 (2) - This slider is placed over a strong beat.

00:18:223 (5) - This slider feels a bit awkward for filler rhythm, maybe you should delete it or replace it with a circle.

00:42:705 (1) - Again this slider is placed over a bit but I understand why its placed here. But why nc?

00:49:430 - Spinner?

02:06:843 (1,1) - Since these objects lands on a particular beat, they would deserve a Slightly different shape just to make them stand out a little bit. (You had this idea for this slider 02:08:223 (1) also )

02:28:912 (1,2,3,4,1) - 02:34:085 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - These are really cool.

02:57:533 (1) - I would say to move this slider so it isn't clipping with 02:55:809 (1) - to make things a tad bit more neat, but it seems to be a reoccurring theme in this section, so I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to change or not.

03:28:137 (1) - Why nc here?

04:05:637 (2) - What happened to the red anchor here? Isn't this supposed to be the same shape as 04:17:361 (2,1) - these ones?

04:06:671 (3) - Shouldn't this slider be in a circular shape like (1) (2)? its placed on the same sound.

04:31:499 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I have bit a problem with this pattern here. Not only is it insanely hard to read at first but it only appears once throughout the map from what I can tell. This can be super hard for players to combo this far into the map and would likely make them go through the editor just to understand it properly. I would suggest to change the pattern entirely or make it a reoccurring pattern so players have a chance to get ready for it.

04:36:499 (1,2,3,1) - This slider makes a petty uncomfortable transition into the stream, I would recommend changing it in some way.

That's all I could find, super cool map though.

Good Luck.
X Light
  1. 00:37:533 (2) - 00:37:705 - 这里可以放三连或者SCS
  2. 00:39:430 (2) - 可以试着放慢速的3/4 S
  3. 01:38:912 (2) - 拆开比较有感觉,01:51:499 (3) - ^
  4. 02:09:602 (1) - 最好不要用这种折线因为这个音并不是像这个滑条一样分为两部分
  5. 02:20:637 (1) - ctrlG?
  6. 02:45:464 (3,4,1,2) - 我局的要不就像之前一样要不就跟人声比较好,这样节奏有点怪
  7. 04:31:499 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 感觉太难了..要不23往右下放点
Topic Starter

MrMan wrote:

From my mod queue.

00:04:774 (1) - I feel like this sound could be better emphasized with a 2.50sv or 1.50sv, it would give the player a taste of what the rest of the map will be, since this sound is usually on a 2.50sv slider throughout your map. Just make sure its an easy to read slider. (If you take my suggestion then the slider tail would be on a white tick) hmm i think this too fast

00:10:809 (2) - This slider is placed over a strong beat. although i don't understand what you mean, i changed it.

00:18:223 (5) - This slider feels a bit awkward for filler rhythm, maybe you should delete it or replace it with a circle.

00:42:705 (1) - Again this slider is placed over a bit but I understand why its placed here. But why nc?

00:49:430 - Spinner? no

02:06:843 (1,1) - Since these objects lands on a particular beat, they would deserve a Slightly different shape just to make them stand out a little bit. (You had this idea for this slider 02:08:223 (1) also )

02:28:912 (1,2,3,4,1) - 02:34:085 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - These are really cool.

02:57:533 (1) - I would say to move this slider so it isn't clipping with 02:55:809 (1) - to make things a tad bit more neat, but it seems to be a reoccurring theme in this section, so I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want to change or not.

03:28:137 (1) - Why nc here?

04:05:637 (2) - What happened to the red anchor here? Isn't this supposed to be the same shape as 04:17:361 (2,1) - these ones? anyway thanks for reminding me

04:06:671 (3) - Shouldn't this slider be in a circular shape like (1) (2)? its placed on the same sound. no, i think this is a transition, so it doesn't need to be.

04:31:499 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I have bit a problem with this pattern here. Not only is it insanely hard to read at first but it only appears once throughout the map from what I can tell. This can be super hard for players to combo this far into the map and would likely make them go through the editor just to understand it properly. I would suggest to change the pattern entirely or make it a reoccurring pattern so players have a chance to get ready for it. oh my fault

04:36:499 (1,2,3,1) - This slider makes a petty uncomfortable transition into the stream, I would recommend changing it in some way. looks like good

That's all I could find, super cool map though.

Good Luck.

X Light wrote:

  1. 00:37:533 (2) - 00:37:705 - 这里可以放三连或者SCS 呃、、还是算了吧233
  2. 00:39:430 (2) - 可以试着放慢速的3/4 S 这样反而奇怪了,有点overmap
  3. 01:38:912 (2) - 拆开比较有感觉,01:51:499 (3) - ^ 拆开一点了
  4. 02:09:602 (1) - 最好不要用这种折线因为这个音并不是像这个滑条一样分为两部分 改圆了
  5. 02:20:637 (1) - ctrlG? 不要了,之前就是因为02:20:809 (1) - 这个以前是ctrl+g才变得难打的
  6. 02:45:464 (3,4,1,2) - 我局的要不就像之前一样要不就跟人声比较好,这样节奏有点怪 前面大部分都是跟割锯音的啊,所以就不改了
  7. 04:31:499 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 感觉太难了..要不23往右下放点 改了上面的摸,现在应该好点了
thank you~
02:58:568 (1) - this object is just a few pixels off screen

no kds
00:42:705 (4) - 漏太多音了 00:42:878 - 00:43:050 - 都忽略掉了 改一下吧?

這張圖的總長為 05分13秒206 (05分16秒499 結束 - 00分02秒705 開始) , 扣掉第一個break (約為20秒) 和第二個break (約為5秒), 總長剩下04:48:206, 也就是說, 你要馬把圖總長延到5分鐘以上 要馬做個full set, 不然以目前狀況是unrankable的

Topic Starter

MrMan wrote:

02:58:568 (1) - this object is just a few pixels off screen

no kds

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

00:42:705 (4) - 漏太多音了 00:42:878 - 00:43:050 - 都忽略掉了 改一下吧?

這張圖的總長為 05分13秒206 (05分16秒499 結束 - 00分02秒705 開始) , 扣掉第一個break (約為20秒) 和第二個break (約為5秒), 總長剩下04:48:206, 也就是說, 你要馬把圖總長延到5分鐘以上 要馬做個full set, 不然以目前狀況是unrankable的

all fixed~
Topic Starter

SnowNiNo_ wrote:

thank you~
rebub cuz tag fix
Get rid of those notes that used to be where the first break was... That's overmapped. No reason to have it.
Topic Starter

Abronymous wrote:

Get rid of those notes that used to be where the first break was... That's overmapped. No reason to have it.
Where is overmap? Please explain, and I did all this for a reason.

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

Abronymous wrote:

Get rid of those notes that used to be where the first break was... That's overmapped. No reason to have it.
Where is overmap? Please explain, and I did all this for a reason.
00:52:188 Until 01:10:981 It was perfect without those notes.
Topic Starter

Abronymous wrote:

00:52:188 Until 01:10:981 It was perfect without those notes.
Please wear your headphones, and adjust to maximum volume, or you can adjust to 50% or 25% speed, then you can hear the sound of a bass piano.
Ryuusei Aika
Re:check after 8 months

00:06:326 (2) - move it a little bit down for a better visual ds?
- 00:21:843 (2) - ^ as well

00:12:188 (3,4,5) - can change rhythm to smth like this for better following the instrumental sounds

01:05:981 (1,2,3,4,5) - bass sounds are audibly off, here is the correct rhythm
- 01:09:085 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ and here is the correct rhythm (more irregular)

01:39:602 (1) - not seeing too much necessity to add a NC here, better remove that

02:00:981 (1,2,1,1,2,3) - just stack sliderends together seems a little bit boring... can at least change 02:01:499 (1,2,3) - into smth like this
- 02:02:188 (1,3) - ^ can move 02:02:533 (3) - up to let its sliderend stack with the end of 02:03:395 (1) -

02:18:050 (1,1) - ds is a little bit small for those two, feel the emphasis isn't enough, can ctrl+g 02:18:223 (1) - or put it into a horizontal direction etc

02:21:326 - drum clap feels quite weird here since originally there is a kick sound, can change the sampleset to auto

02:25:809 (1,1,1,1,2) - can try some curved slider thing (can do smth like handsome style if you want) for fitting the previous curved slider 02:25:464 (1) - better + give more variety

02:32:619 (2,3,4,5) - flow has no problem but looks super weird, can rotate those kick sliders a bit to let ther ends expose, example if you want (if you literally use the same maybe you need to move 02:32:188 (2) - to the left to avoid the overlap
- 02:43:654 (2,3,4,5) - ^ and do the similar thing if you accept my advice above

02:36:068 - can overmap it by putting a note and add hitsound like on 02:30:550 - since current distance doesn't do its emphasizing work really well, also that can make rhythm here become consistent with the part 02:30:292 (1,2,3) - and 02:41:326 (1,2,3) -

04:01:154 (2,3,4) - completely overlap the stream and the slider feels a little bit meh here, can try smth much more cute like this

04:25:464 (1) - consider shorten it to create a 1/4 time spacing between this slider and its next note, current spacing is dramatically large
- 04:36:499 (1) - ^ and do the same thing if you accept that

04:36:412 (2,1) - spacing feels too large here too, can nerf it a bit by moving the slider nearer to the stream, example here

04:39:774 (2,1) - can keep your usage of small distance on larger time spacing logic like on 04:38:395 (2,1) - and 04:38:912 (2,1) - , much more cute and can have a better consistency

05:08:654 (1) - just delete this spinner would be good since you already have enough drain time for approval and using a extremely long spinner at the end is a little bit :/ for me

let me know when you think it's ready
Topic Starter

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

Re:check after 8 months

00:06:326 (2) - move it a little bit down for a better visual ds?
- 00:21:843 (2) - ^ as well

00:12:188 (3,4,5) - can change rhythm to smth like this for better following the instrumental sounds

01:05:981 (1,2,3,4,5) - bass sounds are audibly off, here is the correct rhythm
- 01:09:085 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ and here is the correct rhythm (more irregular)

01:39:602 (1) - not seeing too much necessity to add a NC here, better remove that

02:00:981 (1,2,1,1,2,3) - just stack sliderends together seems a little bit boring... can at least change 02:01:499 (1,2,3) - into smth like this
- 02:02:188 (1,3) - ^ can move 02:02:533 (3) - up to let its sliderend stack with the end of 02:03:395 (1) - it's a mess, so i think starfish is ok

02:18:050 (1,1) - ds is a little bit small for those two, feel the emphasis isn't enough, can ctrl+g 02:18:223 (1) - or put it into a horizontal direction etc

02:21:326 - drum clap feels quite weird here since originally there is a kick sound, can change the sampleset to auto

02:25:809 (1,1,1,1,2) - can try some curved slider thing (can do smth like handsome style if you want) for fitting the previous curved slider 02:25:464 (1) - better + give more variety i will change to an obtuse angle slider cuz there have riddim bass sound.

02:32:619 (2,3,4,5) - flow has no problem but looks super weird, can rotate those kick sliders a bit to let ther ends expose, example if you want (if you literally use the same maybe you need to move 02:32:188 (2) - to the left to avoid the overlap
- 02:43:654 (2,3,4,5) - ^ and do the similar thing if you accept my advice above

02:36:068 - can overmap it by putting a note and add hitsound like on 02:30:550 - since current distance doesn't do its emphasizing work really well, also that can make rhythm here become consistent with the part 02:30:292 (1,2,3) - and 02:41:326 (1,2,3) -

04:01:154 (2,3,4) - completely overlap the stream and the slider feels a little bit meh here, can try smth much more cute like this oWo owo OwO OWO 0w0 0W0

04:25:464 (1) - consider shorten it to create a 1/4 time spacing between this slider and its next note, current spacing is dramatically large
- 04:36:499 (1) - ^ and do the same thing if you accept that

04:36:412 (2,1) - spacing feels too large here too, can nerf it a bit by moving the slider nearer to the stream, example here

04:39:774 (2,1) - can keep your usage of small distance on larger time spacing logic like on 04:38:395 (2,1) - and 04:38:912 (2,1) - , much more cute and can have a better consistency

05:08:654 (1) - just delete this spinner would be good since you already have enough drain time for approval and using a extremely long spinner at the end is a little bit :/ for me

let me know when you think it's ready
no reply = fixed
thank you~
qualified wen
Ryuusei Aika

do something to objects on the last part of bass piano sounds to make them more accurate (01:09:056 (1,2,3,4,5) - )

A mandrake is the root of a plant, historically derived either from plants of the genus Mandragora found in the Mediterranean region, or from other species, such as Bryonia alba, the English mandrake, which have similar properties. The plants from which the root is obtained are also called "mandrakes".
Because mandrakes contain deliriant hallucinogenic tropane alkaloids and the shape of their roots often resembles human figures, they have been associated with a variety of superstitious practices throughout history. They have long been used in magic rituals, today also in contemporary pagan traditions such as Wicca and Odinism.
Topic Starter
owo oWo OwO OWO 0w0 0W0
DeRandom Otaku
sick map, Grats
00:52:188 - is it supposed to have 5% volume? the hitsounds become very quiet and hard to hear, I would boost it to at least 30% or so. It would still be very quiet since the rest of the map is 70% volume consistently.

Also, it would make sense to use lower volume when the music is less loud. The intro for example, 00:04:774 - , 02:50:292 - this section, 04:46:154 - and this part could do with 50% volume instead of keeping 70% like the loudest parts.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

00:52:188 - is it supposed to have 5% volume? the hitsounds become very quiet and hard to hear, I would boost it to at least 30% or so. It would still be very quiet since the rest of the map is 70% volume consistently.

Also, it would make sense to use lower volume when the music is less loud. The intro for example, 00:04:774 - , 02:50:292 - this section, 04:46:154 - and this part could do with 50% volume instead of keeping 70% like the loudest parts.
fixed~ thank you~ :)
as requested
Topic Starter
Thank you Lasse~
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