
Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue) - Yuudachi Houteishiki

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Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

00:05:341 (5,6) - this rhythm is still a bit not so good since 00:04:873 (3,4) - 2 random clicks on nothing and then 00:05:810 - vocal on slider end here

00:08:388 (3,4,5,6) - it makes more sense to put the clicks on the vocals though? since you've been doing that. having jumps and lots of clicks on background 1/2 stuff detracts from vocal focus 00:08:154 (2,3,4,5) - It does not have the presence of vocal so I chose to place circle.
00:09:091 (6) - At this point there was a vocal presence again so I use the slider normally.

00:21:982 (4,5) - red tick vocal D= Fixed

00:26:201 (5,1,2,3) - same here, it seems really prominent. Fixed
01:00:654 (2,3) - wat is this 01:00:732 (3) - removed :v

idk, kiai seems kinda 1/2 spammy. like 00:56:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - its hard to tell what this rhythm is actually following.

im probably rly biased cuz i also mapped this song tho :^

00:10:498 (2,3,4) - ctrl G to follow vocals better imo Fixed

00:18:935 (1,2,3,4) - this is a bit odd, imo 3/4 slider > 1/2 slider works better. or just 2 1/2 sliders. atm the circles dont really follow anything and there's a vocal on a slider end Fixed

00:30:420 (1,2,3,4) - if u simplify it as 1/4 the first time do it the 2nd time too Ok

u put a lot of stronger vocals on slider ends which is just kinda lame imo. like 01:10:966 - 01:12:373 - 00:55:966 - etc.

00:02:998 (2) - this doesnt really follow anything, imo delete it to focus on the vocals more Ok, removed

00:32:295 - try to differentiate this section, the song is clearly different but you continue your 1/1 spam =/ I changed this section.

00:41:670 - 3/4 slider? works nicer here with the drums Ok

the kiai is weird, i mean the song has really clear offbeat (red tick) based rhythm but you try and force it onto white ticks anyway. like 00:47:998 (2,3,4) - where 00:47:998 - 00:48:466 - 00:48:935 - have the vocals but are not given any importance since 00:47:295 (1,3) - surrounds it and makes it into a filler rhythm

00:55:498 (2,3,4,5) - this was good until 5 happened =( Fixed

01:09:326 (1,2,3) - the slider end of 1 is so freaking strong lol Fixed

00:18:701 (3) - this is meh, end of this slider has nothing on it while repeat is quite strong, but since its a repeat it has no emphasis. 00:18:701 - This moment is the most prominent and not this 00:19:170 -

00:25:966 - these red ticks are really strong too =( The beat is who is being made and not the vocal

overall combos are a bit too short, try doing 2 measure ncs since atm you haave lots of 2 object combos which is subpar.
good luck~
As for the vocals in the reds ticks, I moved to the better understanding because it really seems like I was not following anything, I think I solved the problems in all the difficulties I needed.
lost irc
15:35 *Alexsander is listening to [ Sodachi Oikura(CV:Inoue Marina) - Yuudachi Houteishiki (TV Size)]
15:35 Alexsander: refiz umas partes dessa diff
15:40 *Marianna is editing [ Sodachi Oikura(CV:Inoue Marina) - Yuudachi Houteishiki (TV Size) [Lost]]
15:41 Marianna: 00:05:810 (1) - essa nota seria melhor se aqui fosse um circle 00:05:810 - e aqui um slider 00:06:045 - pra dar ênfase no vocal, jogado fica melhor tbm
15:42 Alexsander: bl
15:42 Alexsander: ok fixed
15:42 Marianna: 00:07:216 (6,1) - deixa o DS aqui ligado, eles estão muito perto, essa nota precisa de ênfase já que é NC 00:07:685 (1) -
15:44 Marianna: 00:16:670 (6) - coloca isso em 120|356 e isso 00:16:748 (7) - em 136|364, fica uma reta melhor
15:45 Marianna: 00:22:920 - acho que aqui deveria ter um whistle, ta muito vazio
15:45 Alexsander: fixed
15:45 Alexsander: vdd adicionei
15:47 Marianna: 00:45:654 - você poderia ter feito um tripple aqui, já que você seguiu anteriormente sons muito mais "undergroud" que esse 00:42:373 - 00:30:654 -
15:48 Marianna: 00:54:326 (4,5) - se vc der ctrl+g nesses dois fica perfeito
15:48 Marianna: que n
15:48 Marianna: pera
15:48 Alexsander: n tem nada
15:48 Marianna: 00:54:795 (1) - aqui fica estranho se desse ctrl, então deixa assim mesmo
15:48 Alexsander: ou está muito muito baixo já aqueles q fiz antes davam para perceber
15:49 Marianna: ué, mas aqui da pra ouvir muito bem 00:45:654 -
15:49 Marianna: até sem fone
15:49 Marianna: 01:01:357 - é o mesmo som daqui
15:49 Alexsander: ok vdd
15:49 Alexsander: entendi errado
15:50 Marianna: 01:10:498 (2,3) - acho que essas duas notas precisam de hitsound
15:50 Marianna: 01:15:654 (2,3) - acho que o jump entre essas duas é muito grande já que é 1/6 pra 1/4
15:50 Marianna: 01:21:748 (2) - NC aqui
15:51 Alexsander: ops não tinha colocar...
15:51 Alexsander: colocado*
15:51 Alexsander: fix
15:51 Marianna: o resto pra mim ta bom
15:51 Alexsander: diminui a distãncia
15:52 Alexsander: :)
Topic Starter

[victor's easy]
00:17:295 (1) - try to avoid distances higher than x1.0 here


00:30:732 (2,3,4) - use a slider of 1/6 instead, it doesn't feel natural with slow rhythms in hard, it also does rhythm incosistency with 00:30:654 (2) - in lost which is repeating slider unlike here which is circles
01:07:216 (3) - extend the ds here, it feels awkward

01:21:748 (1,2,1,2) - not really a problem but i love the way you used this rhythm for song context

sorry for short mod but map is already good. gl
Topic Starter

Underforest wrote:


[victor's easy]
00:17:295 (1) - try to avoid distances higher than x1.0 here Fixed


00:30:732 (2,3,4) - use a slider of 1/6 instead, it doesn't feel natural with slow rhythms in hard, it also does rhythm incosistency with 00:30:654 (2) - in lost which is repeating slider unlike here which is circles I used repeats i think it gets better, fixed
01:07:216 (3) - extend the ds here, it feels awkward Sure, fixed

01:21:748 (1,2,1,2) - not really a problem but i love the way you used this rhythm for song context Thanks :)

sorry for short mod but map is already good. gl
Thanks for mod
Victor's Easy

00:06:045 (2) - whistle on sliderend? would apply to the other difficulties at this point as well
00:42:607 (2) - it felt a little odd as a repeat slider here, mostly due to the repeat being at 00:43:545 with that finish; 00:43:545 is the strong part, hence you used finish as well, it would be nicer to start there with something, also a NC would begin at 00:43:545 - :


00:10:732 - this gap is quite odd, I would not have expected it to be as such, I think it works better if you swap 00:10:498 (2,3) - :
00:14:951 (2) - because of the beat at 00:15:185 - by overlooking that part with the slider, the emphasis shifted away, I think a rhythm like this would help emphasize the song better, you can stack the slider and circle like you did at 00:05:341 (4,5) - :
00:35:341 (6,7) - if you stack for 1/2s like 00:05:341 (4,5) and 00:37:685 (3,4) - do not stack 1/1
00:48:935 (4) - keep the curves closer to the middle of the slider so that the curves don't get cut off by the slider heads? Like try to avoid this:
00:50:576 (7,1) - 00:54:326 (7,1) - 01:01:826 (7,1) - 01:15:888 (5,6) - like 00:35:341 (6,7) avoid 1/1 stack


00:06:982 (3,4) - I think it would be better unstacked
00:13:076 (1) - the beat at 00:13:545 is pretty strong, try and make it clickable
00:43:310 (1,2) - unstack like 00:41:435 (4,1) -


00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - space closer together? Given that it is 1/6s, try to make sure that no other 1/4 spacings are smaller than this, but 00:45:654 (2,3,4) - is smaller, I think that would really help distinguish things
01:20:576 (5,6,7,8,1) - thought the stream would curve more, but it kinda flatlines at 01:20:810 (7,8,1) - I think you can make it curvier, would be neater

Good Luck
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Victor's Easy

00:06:045 (2) - whistle on sliderend? would apply to the other difficulties at this point as well Ok, fixed
00:42:607 (2) - it felt a little odd as a repeat slider here, mostly due to the repeat being at 00:43:545 with that finish; 00:43:545 is the strong part, hence you used finish as well, it would be nicer to start there with something, also a NC would begin at 00:43:545 - :



00:10:732 - this gap is quite odd, I would not have expected it to be as such, I think it works better if you swap 00:10:498 (2,3) - : Fixed
00:14:951 (2) - because of the beat at 00:15:185 - by overlooking that part with the slider, the emphasis shifted away, I think a rhythm like this would help emphasize the song better, you can stack the slider and circle like you did at 00:05:341 (4,5) - : Fixed
00:35:341 (6,7) - if you stack for 1/2s like 00:05:341 (4,5) and 00:37:685 (3,4) - do not stack 1/1 Fixed
00:48:935 (4) - keep the curves closer to the middle of the slider so that the curves don't get cut off by the slider heads? Like try to avoid this: Fixed
00:50:576 (7,1) - 00:54:326 (7,1) - 01:01:826 (7,1) - 01:15:888 (5,6) - like 00:35:341 (6,7) avoid 1/1 stack All fixed


00:06:982 (3,4) - I think it would be better unstacked Ok
00:13:076 (1) - the beat at 00:13:545 is pretty strong, try and make it clickable
00:43:310 (1,2) - unstack like 00:41:435 (4,1) -
All fixed

00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - space closer together? Given that it is 1/6s, try to make sure that no other 1/4 spacings are smaller than this, but 00:45:654 (2,3,4) - is smaller, I think that would really help distinguish things I increased a little
01:20:576 (5,6,7,8,1) - thought the stream would curve more, but it kinda flatlines at 01:20:810 (7,8,1) - I think you can make it curvier, would be neater Ok,fixed

Good Luck
Thanks for mod

  1. 00:45:420 (2) - NC since main instrument changes from vocals to snares.
  2. 00:52:920 (2) - feels kinda empty. Like, 00:53:857 - vocals are quite prominent so it would be better to have 1/1 slider with a circle, instead. What do you think? Also, it's kiai so music is pretty intense and I'm sure it is fine to have a bit complex rhythm.
  3. I do really think 01:01:123 - these vocals shouldn't be undermaped because of their prominency and it's always easier to follow vocals if you're newbie. I suggest start slider at the red tick, instead.
    01:16:357 (3) - the same.
  1. 00:38:857 (6,7) - maybe try out a slider instead of a two circles. If we take this circle 00:38:388 (5) - , it is snapped on snares but this 00:38:857 (6,7) - on vocals so it would emphasis vocals in a better way. You may want to place a 1/2 reverse slider, or just 1/1. Both seem good to me.
    00:53:857 (6,7) - the same.
    01:08:857 (6,7) - as well.
  2. 00:41:435 (4) - such slider would've been justified if it supported vocals even on that reverse but I can hear a lot of undermapped intrumentals here.

    Try somerthing like this.

    This gives fine emphasis on vocals and on this prominent beat right here 00:41:670 - which you have covered with a slider rn.
  3. So if you're about to change the point above then also you may want to change these 00:42:607 (5,6) - into a 1/2 reverse slider. Ot the second option is to stack these as you don't have such stacks for the entire diff but this pattern.
  4. 01:00:888 (5) - I am fine with having undermapped vocals on red tick becasue this is normal but having this unclickable 01:01:357 - makes little sense to me as this is kind of a peak of the part in music so she's making an emphasis on these words and it's also supported by 1/4 intrumentals. Consider placing either 1/2 reverse or three circles.
  1. 00:13:076 (1) - random NC appears here.
  2. 00:15:185 (5,1) - this doesn't seem like a sound for making jump here, it's not that prominent.
  3. Compare 00:20:107 (4,5) - with 00:20:810 (6,1) - . From my side it looks kinda weird. Like, 00:20:107 (4,5) - this is stacked because of vocals 00:20:341 - which is less prominent than 00:20:107 - so it's fine, but 00:21:045 - doesn't seem that weak for being stacked.
    tl.dr: Consider unstacking 00:20:810 (6,1) - because of the lack of emphasis.
  4. 00:27:841 (4,5) - spacing to 5 seems a bit low. Try 1.2x, instead.
  5. 00:41:435 (4,1) - as you went super consistent don't ruin the idea. 1.4x for sure.
  6. 00:56:435 - vocals require some hitsound for being better emphasized, try whistle out. 01:18:935 - for this as well.
  7. 01:21:045 (1) - clap does not really fit the music here. Consider removing it.
    Suggestions for hitsound apply for other diff too.
  1. The main concern is that some prominent sounds are stacked which make little sense. For instance, 00:18:701 (5,6) - vocals / 00:21:982 (4,5) - vocals / 00:41:435 (4,1) - prominent intrumental. I suggest you to simply unstack these.
  2. 01:12:138 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this whole pattern is made in way that each jump has the same intensity and gives quite the same feedback to the player but both vocals and intrumentals differ. 01:12:607 (4,5,6,7) - these have more intensity than 01:12:138 (2,3) - and also snares on the red ticks 01:12:841 - / 01:13:076 - . Consider emphasizing it.
I don't feel like I want to nominate this mapset tbh, sorry
hello, from my modding queue.

Victor's Easy
00:07:685 - since you were focusing your rhythm on vocals you should emphasize this one too. a circle would work nicely here
00:09:560 - here's another vocal line. maybe shorten 00:09:091 (4) - this slider to 1/1?
00:21:045 (1) - seems like you were focusing on vocal here, but you ignored ones on white ticks. that would work nicely here
00:23:857 (5,6) - angle seems a little bit too sharp in comparison to 00:21:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - these ones. maybe use similar one?
00:30:420 (3) - remove a finish here
00:37:920 (3) - missing a finish on head
00:57:841 (5,1) - this rhythm full of 1/2s what's a bit hard on easy diff. maybe replace 00:57:841 (5) - this with 1/1 instead? like you did 01:12:841 (4) - here on the same rhythm
01:00:185 (2,3) - this angle seems a bit uncomfortable, maybe move up 01:00:185 (2) - this circle a bit?
01:04:170 (2,3) - fix this blanket please
01:06:045 (1,2) - 1/2 seems unnecessary here, the rhythm like 00:51:045 (1,2) - that would work better here.
01:21:045 (2) - probably missing a finish

cs 3.7 is a bit too much for normal i think, maybe try 3.5 to get perfect spread with easy and hard?
00:14:951 (2,3) - overall, your using of stack seems a little bit random, maybe try to use it on one type of rhythm for example on vocals like here, if you are stacked it you should stack 00:20:810 (6,1) - 00:28:310 (6,1) - 00:41:201 (4,5) - 00:43:076 (7,1) - too
01:15:888 (5,6) - this flow seems uncomfortable because of very wide angle, what do you think about something like that?
00:35:810 (7,1,2) - this rhythm feels a bit inconsistent with rest of the map, maybe try something like that to keep consistency?
00:38:388 (5,6,7,1) - you should use the same spacing between those objects
00:39:795 (1) - repeat probably isn't the best option here, you are missing vocal line 00:40:263 - here. maybe try something like this instead?

00:07:216 (4) - repeat arrow seems a little bit random here and it ignores vocal line at the end, something like this would work better here:
00:15:185 (5,1) - seems really overspaced in comparison to other spacing changes, maybe stack 00:15:185 (5) - with 00:14:013 (2) - it would work nicely here.
00:14:716 (4,1) - fix this blanket also.
00:15:420 (1,2) - flow seems a bit harsh because of this weird angle between objects, making circular flow here like could fix it.
00:33:935 (5,1) - you put higher spacing for every downbeat so you should do this here too.
00:43:310 (1,2) - you should swap those ncs for consistency.
00:54:326 (5,1) - this is overspaced a lot in comparison to other downbeats on this part.
01:03:701 (4,1) - according to entire of kiai this actually needs the spacing increase because of downbeat.
01:04:170 (1) - it needs a finish
01:18:935 (1) - maybe move this a bit more away from 01:18:466 (3) - this to get a perfect blanket?

00:02:295 - spacing on this, peaceful part of music is bigger than spacings on 00:17:295 - this, intense in music part. it should be fixed asap because it makes your map look very inconsistent.
00:06:045 (1,3) - fix that blanket lol
00:07:216 (5,1) - you were emphasizing downbeats by increasing the spacing so why here spacing is so small? looks inconsistent so i'd prefer to fix it.
00:17:763 (2,3,4) - you were focusing your spacings on vocals on this part so back'n'forth pattern doesn't work here at all. i'd prefer to use higher spacing for 00:17:998 (3,4) - this to keep consistency.
00:29:013 (2,3,4) - same as above
00:31:591 (1,2) - stack here looks a bit weird because sounds are different at all. it could be better to unstack those circles.
00:32:060 (3,1) - you used to emphasize downbeats by big spacing change so why it's so small here?
00:43:076 (6) - by using 3/4 slider here you are ignoring important beat on the red tick 00:43:310 - here, maybe use 1/2 instead?
00:50:107 (4,5,6) - a similar issue to one of the previous ones, you shouldn't use back'n'forth here because it looks really flat with this rhythm
00:58:076 (5,1) - increase the spacing for downbeat lol
01:02:060 (5,6,1) - the same here
01:04:170 (1) - probably missing a finish on the head
01:12:138 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - using the same spacing between circles of this jump looks a bit flat because it actually doesn't follow anything. you should focus on something, maybe on 01:12:607 (4) - 01:13:076 (6) - 01:13:545 (1) - those beats to keep consistency with the rest of kiai?

good luck!
Topic Starter

Namki wrote:


  1. 00:45:420 (2) - NC since main instrument changes from vocals to snares. Sure
  2. 00:52:920 (2) - feels kinda empty. Like, 00:53:857 - vocals are quite prominent so it would be better to have 1/1 slider with a circle, instead. What do you think? Also, it's kiai so music is pretty intense and I'm sure it is fine to have a bit complex rhythm. Ok
  3. I do really think 01:01:123 - these vocals shouldn't be undermaped because of their prominency and it's always easier to follow vocals if you're newbie. I suggest start slider at the red tick, instead. Fixed
    01:16:357 (3) - the same.Fixed
  1. 00:38:857 (6,7) - maybe try out a slider instead of a two circles. If we take this circle 00:38:388 (5) - , it is snapped on snares but this 00:38:857 (6,7) - on vocals so it would emphasis vocals in a better way. You may want to place a 1/2 reverse slider, or just 1/1. Both seem good to me. I put a 1/1 slider, corrected
    00:53:857 (6,7) - the same. ^
    01:08:857 (6,7) - as well. ^
  2. 00:41:435 (4) - such slider would've been justified if it supported vocals even on that reverse but I can hear a lot of undermapped intrumentals here.

    Try somerthing like this.

    This gives fine emphasis on vocals and on this prominent beat right here 00:41:670 - which you have covered with a slider rn. [b]Fixed[/b]
  3. So if you're about to change the point above then also you may want to change these 00:42:607 (5,6) - into a 1/2 reverse slider. Ot the second option is to stack these as you don't have such stacks for the entire diff but this pattern. I added a reverse slider
  4. 01:00:888 (5) - I am fine with having undermapped vocals on red tick becasue this is normal but having this unclickable 01:01:357 - makes little sense to me as this is kind of a peak of the part in music so she's making an emphasis on these words and it's also supported by 1/4 intrumentals. Consider placing either 1/2 reverse or three circles.I put the 3 circles and removed the slider in 01:00:888 -
  1. 00:13:076 (1) - random NC appears here. Fixed
  2. 00:15:185 (5,1) - this doesn't seem like a sound for making jump here, it's not that prominent. Fixed
  3. Compare 00:20:107 (4,5) - with 00:20:810 (6,1) - . From my side it looks kinda weird. Like, 00:20:107 (4,5) - this is stacked because of vocals 00:20:341 - which is less prominent than 00:20:107 - so it's fine, but 00:21:045 - doesn't seem that weak for being stacked.
    tl.dr: Consider unstacking 00:20:810 (6,1) - because of the lack of emphasis. Sure, fixed
  4. 00:27:841 (4,5) - spacing to 5 seems a bit low. Try 1.2x, instead. Ok
  5. 00:41:435 (4,1) - as you went super consistent don't ruin the idea. 1.4x for sure. Fixed
  6. 00:56:435 - vocals require some hitsound for being better emphasized, try whistle out. 01:18:935 - for this as well. Added
  7. 01:21:045 (1) - clap does not really fit the music here. Consider removing it.
    Suggestions for hitsound apply for other diff too.Added in all diff
  1. The main concern is that some prominent sounds are stacked which make little sense. For instance, 00:18:701 (5,6) - vocals / 00:21:982 (4,5) - vocals / 00:41:435 (4,1) - prominent intrumental. I suggest you to simply unstack these. All fixed
  2. 01:12:138 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this whole pattern is made in way that each jump has the same intensity and gives quite the same feedback to the player but both vocals and intrumentals differ. 01:12:607 (4,5,6,7) - these have more intensity than 01:12:138 (2,3) - and also snares on the red ticks 01:12:841 - / 01:13:076 - . Consider emphasizing it. I emphasized, Fixed
I don't feel like I want to nominate this mapset tbh, sorry
gl~!I understand, thanks for mod

Venix wrote:

hello, from my modding queue.

Victor's Easy
00:07:685 - since you were focusing your rhythm on vocals you should emphasize this one too. a circle would work nicely here Ok
00:09:560 - here's another vocal line. maybe shorten 00:09:091 (4) - this slider to 1/1? I followed the vocal and the sound in 00:09:795 -
00:21:045 (1) - seems like you were focusing on vocal here, but you ignored ones on white ticks. that would work nicely here Fixed
00:23:857 (5,6) - angle seems a little bit too sharp in comparison to 00:21:045 (1,2,3,4,5) - these ones. maybe use similar one? I went down the slider a bit
00:30:420 (3) - remove a finish here It has the sound of dish in the background
00:37:920 (3) - missing a finish on head would be inconsistent
00:57:841 (5,1) - this rhythm full of 1/2s what's a bit hard on easy diff. maybe replace 00:57:841 (5) - this with 1/1 instead? like you did 01:12:841 (4) - here on the same rhythm fixed
01:00:185 (2,3) - this angle seems a bit uncomfortable, maybe move up 01:00:185 (2) - this circle a bit? Fixed
01:04:170 (2,3) - fix this blanket please Fixed
01:06:045 (1,2) - 1/2 seems unnecessary here, the rhythm like 00:51:045 (1,2) - that would work better here. the loud sound was in 01:07:85 - and not in 01:07:920 - different from the other case
01:21:045 (2) - probably missing a finish There is no finish sound

cs 3.7 is a bit too much for normal i think, maybe try 3.5 to get perfect spread with easy and hard? No problem for the spread
00:14:951 (2,3) - overall, your using of stack seems a little bit random, maybe try to use it on one type of rhythm for example on vocals like here, if you are stacked it you should stack 00:20:810 (6,1) - 00:28:310 (6,1) - 00:41:201 (4,5) - 00:43:076 (7,1) - too I kept the consistency in the session
01:15:888 (5,6) - this flow seems uncomfortable because of very wide angle, what do you think about something like that?
00:35:810 (7,1,2) - this rhythm feels a bit inconsistent with rest of the map, maybe try something like that to keep consistency? I mapped the vocals and the rhythm together so as not to get worse, his method was inconsistent

00:38:388 (5,6,7,1) - you should use the same spacing between those objects Fixed
00:39:795 (1) - repeat probably isn't the best option here, you are missing vocal line 00:40:263 - here. maybe try something like this instead? the sound was better 1/4

00:07:216 (4) - repeat arrow seems a little bit random here and it ignores vocal line at the end, something like this would work better here: Ok
00:15:185 (5,1) - seems really overspaced in comparison to other spacing changes, maybe stack 00:15:185 (5) - with 00:14:013 (2) - it would work nicely here. Fixed
00:14:716 (4,1) - fix this blanket also. Fixed
00:15:420 (1,2) - flow seems a bit harsh because of this weird angle between objects, making circular flow here like could fix it. I do not see a problem

00:33:935 (5,1) - you put higher spacing for every downbeat so you should do this here too. Sure, fixed
00:43:310 (1,2) - you should swap those ncs for consistency. is consistent since it has changed dramatically in the circle
00:54:326 (5,1) - this is overspaced a lot in comparison to other downbeats on this part. What counting on is the distance from slider head.
01:03:701 (4,1) - according to entire of kiai this actually needs the spacing increase because of downbeat. Ok
01:04:170 (1) - it needs a finish hitsound are already consistent
01:18:935 (1) - maybe move this a bit more away from 01:18:466 (3) - this to get a perfect blanket? Sure, fixed

00:02:295 - spacing on this, peaceful part of music is bigger than spacings on 00:17:295 - this, intense in music part. it should be fixed asap because it makes your map look very inconsistent. I only noticed this difference in the beginning, fixed
00:06:045 (1,3) - fix that blanket lol Fixed
00:07:216 (5,1) - you were emphasizing downbeats by increasing the spacing so why here spacing is so small? looks inconsistent so i'd prefer to fix it. Fixed
00:17:763 (2,3,4) - you were focusing your spacings on vocals on this part so back'n'forth pattern doesn't work here at all. i'd prefer to use higher spacing for 00:17:998 (3,4) - this to keep consistency. Fixed
00:29:013 (2,3,4) - same as above Fixed
00:31:591 (1,2) - stack here looks a bit weird because sounds are different at all. it could be better to unstack those circles. Ok
00:32:060 (3,1) - you used to emphasize downbeats by big spacing change so why it's so small here? has 1/3 before
00:43:076 (6) - by using 3/4 slider here you are ignoring important beat on the red tick 00:43:310 - here, maybe use 1/2 instead?1/3 is more important
00:50:107 (4,5,6) - a similar issue to one of the previous ones, you shouldn't use back'n'forth here because it looks really flat with this rhythm in this case it is very different from that because I differentiated with a slider getting better for the beat
00:58:076 (5,1) - increase the spacing for downbeat lol it's already good enough, fixed
01:02:060 (5,6,1) - the same here Fixed
01:04:170 (1) - probably missing a finish on the head hitsound are already consistent
01:12:138 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - using the same spacing between circles of this jump looks a bit flat because it actually doesn't follow anything. you should focus on something, maybe on 01:12:607 (4) - 01:13:076 (6) - 01:13:545 (1) - those beats to keep consistency with the rest of kiai? I tried to improve

good luck!
Thanks for mod :D
Heyo from my Queue

feel free to pm me either on the forums or in-game if anything I say is unclear or if you need further help with applying something.

What do you mean by "video edited by me"? I ask because I think its quality is kind of low and would like to provide you with a different video file, but am not sure what changes you made.

- Unicode Title: 夕立方程式
- Romanised Title: Yuudachi Houteishiki
- Unicode Artist: 老倉育(CV: 井上麻里奈)
- Romanised Artist: Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue)
- Source: 終物語

+ ... ge/03.html

I did not find anywhere which made use of the (TV Size) tag despite looking around quite a bit. If you have an official reference for it which I missed, please let me know. Otherwise, please copy the suggested metadata exactly.

00:05:810 - feels wrong after having 2 1/2 sliders following the vocals that 00:06:045 (2) - doesn't start here.
my reccomendation: 00:05:341 (1) - make this a circle, move 00:06:045 (2) - to start at 00:05:810 - and then be sure to extend it to end at the same time. though 00:05:341 (1) - leaving this as a 1/2 would be fine with as well (I think), since there's quite a few 1/2 gaps between objects later on in the song.
00:07:685 (3) - What about a circle instead? the vocal kinda fades out, and there isn't a syllable at 00:07:920 - for it to end on unlike 00:03:701 (2) - and 00:05:341 (1) - .
00:09:091 (4,1) - would switch NCs here as the new lyric line starts at 00:09:091 - and this difficlty's intro follows vocals quite a lot.
00:15:185 (2) - cute slider, but could be cuter. Move the circled point in my screenshot to x:330 y:202
00:21:045 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) -
00:49:170 (2) - missing whistle?
00:51:045 (1,2) - why not the same rhythm as 01:06:045 (1,2) - ?
00:58:545 (1,2) - 2 problems here: the wave is kinda ugly looking, and 2 is in a fairly non intuitive direction afterwards making the 3/2 a bit harder to read than it already is. reccomendation (be sure to adjust following objects as needed)
01:09:795 (1,2,3,4) - I think the rhythm you used at 00:54:795 (1,2,3,4,5) - fit better :'c
01:19:170 (1) - remove nc, there's not one here in normal, and having 01:17:295 (1) - as the only object in its combo is kind of lonesome.

why is the ds set to .89.. just use .9?... ?_? (it doesn't really matter but just why aha)

00:33:935 (4,5,6,7) - entire section here feels lacking in hitsounds
00:36:513 (1,2,3,4) - possibly change this rhythm to instead?
00:39:795 (1) - errr.. this isn't.. the reverse isn't mapped to anything..? I reccomend adjusting this and the above point together.
01:10:966 (3,4) - ok so this looks similar to blankets you've done but it's.. not blanketing :c
01:18:935 (4) - other angled sliders which you had, had their angles more towards the middle, consider making this consistent with those o;

00:16:357 (3) - the way this overlaps with 00:15:420 (1) - looks cool, but that this 00:16:591 - 00:16:826 - range of intense sounds is mapped at the end of a slider that started to something else feels wrong and lacking. How about a circle here 00:16:357 - and a 1/4 slider starting here 00:16:591 - to reflect the quick high sound at that point?
00:30:654 (2,3) - while it's kinda-ok-ish, the sounds here are so faint and indistinct that these reverses end up sounding made-up with the main component here that someone would hear being the hitsounds. Honestly, I'd think these would be better off as two 1/2s.
01:00:185 (4,1) - perhaps extend (4) to be a 1/1 slider instead, I think it would go better with the intense held guitar at this point, and the current 1/2 slider feels a bit short.

00:30:654 (2,3) - same issue as on hard
01:24:560 (1) - I'd remove this nc, you didn't have one in hard, and having the NC in the middle of the sliderarts spelling out "LOST" makes it less obvious that they all go together to make a word. Also please consider applying Ataraxia's suggestion for the slidershape.
00:48:935 (1,4) - Maybe adjust 00:49:638 (2,3,4,5,6) - so these two could be nicely stacked :'v
01:15:654 (2,3) - uhhh.. what. why the 1/6, it doesn't feel fitting at all. Possibly just put a circle here 01:15:654 - and a triple where 01:15:888 (3) - the parts of this slider land, similar to 01:16:357 (1,2,3) - which is right after it.
01:19:873 (3) - again.. my speakers are fairly alright, but i really dont hear the 1/3 here... am I missing something?

bip bop
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, I'll answer soon :)
Topic Starter

Noffy wrote:

Heyo from my Queue

feel free to pm me either on the forums or in-game if anything I say is unclear or if you need further help with applying something.

What do you mean by "video edited by me"? I ask because I think its quality is kind of low and would like to provide you with a different video file, but am not sure what changes you made. You could send me, I'd be grateful.

- Unicode Title: 夕立方程式
- Romanised Title: Yuudachi Houteishiki
- Unicode Artist: 老倉育(CV: 井上麻里奈)
- Romanised Artist: Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue)
- Source: 終物語

+ ... ge/03.html

I did not find anywhere which made use of the (TV Size) tag despite looking around quite a bit. If you have an official reference for it which I missed, please let me know. Otherwise, please copy the suggested metadata exactly. There is no official source, I removed the (tv size), thanks for the metadata

00:05:810 - feels wrong after having 2 1/2 sliders following the vocals that 00:06:045 (2) - doesn't start here.
my reccomendation: 00:05:341 (1) - make this a circle, move 00:06:045 (2) - to start at 00:05:810 - and then be sure to extend it to end at the same time. though 00:05:341 (1) - leaving this as a 1/2 would be fine with as well (I think), since there's quite a few 1/2 gaps between objects later on in the song. I kept the slider 1/2 (00:05:341 (1) -) and i placed the slider 00:06:045 (2) - to start 00:05:810 - and ends in 00:06:982 -
00:07:685 (3) - What about a circle instead? the vocal kinda fades out, and there isn't a syllable at 00:07:920 - for it to end on unlike 00:03:701 (2) - and 00:05:341 (1) - . [b]Ok, fixed

00:09:091 (4,1) - would switch NCs here as the new lyric line starts at 00:09:091 - and this difficlty's intro follows vocals quite a lot. Ok,
00:15:185 (2) - cute slider, but could be cuter. Move the circled point in my screenshot to x:330 y:202 improved
00:21:045 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Não entendi
00:49:170 (2) - missing whistle? Added
00:51:045 (1,2) - why not the same rhythm as 01:06:045 (1,2) - ? Fixed
00:58:545 (1,2) - 2 problems here: the wave is kinda ugly looking, and 2 is in a fairly non intuitive direction afterwards making the 3/2 a bit harder to read than it already is. reccomendation (be sure to adjust following objects as needed) I applied
01:09:795 (1,2,3,4) - I think the rhythm you used at 00:54:795 (1,2,3,4,5) - fit better :'c I agree, fixed
01:19:170 (1) - remove nc, there's not one here in normal, and having 01:17:295 (1) - as the only object in its combo is kind of lonesome. Sure

why is the ds set to .89.. just use .9?... ?_? (it doesn't really matter but just why aha) I do not know why .89 instead of .9x haha

00:33:935 (4,5,6,7) - entire section here feels lacking in hitsounds I added some whistles
00:36:513 (1,2,3,4) - possibly change this rhythm to instead? Okay, I changed.
00:39:795 (1) - errr.. this isn't.. the reverse isn't mapped to anything..? I reccomend adjusting this and the above point together. Fixed
01:10:966 (3,4) - ok so this looks similar to blankets you've done but it's.. not blanketing :c I improved
01:18:935 (4) - other angled sliders which you had, had their angles more towards the middle, consider making this consistent with those o; Sure

00:16:357 (3) - the way this overlaps with 00:15:420 (1) - looks cool, but that this 00:16:591 - 00:16:826 - range of intense sounds is mapped at the end of a slider that started to something else feels wrong and lacking. How about a circle here 00:16:357 - and a 1/4 slider starting here 00:16:591 - to reflect the quick high sound at that point? I added the circle where you suggested and i added the 1/4 also in the other point(00:16:591 - )
00:30:654 (2,3) - while it's kinda-ok-ish, the sounds here are so faint and indistinct that these reverses end up sounding made-up with the main component here that someone would hear being the hitsounds. Honestly, I'd think these would be better off as two 1/2s. As it is difficult, I will take into consideration, but the last diff (lost) I do not intend to change because it is something I want to leave something more challenging
01:00:185 (4,1) - perhaps extend (4) to be a 1/1 slider instead, I think it would go better with the intense held guitar at this point, and the current 1/2 slider feels a bit short. Fixed

00:16:357 (3) - ?
00:30:654 (2,3) - same issue as on hard I do not think the change in the last diff is ideal, even if it is too low, to have something more in the last difference is good even being something like this
01:24:560 (1) - I'd remove this nc, you didn't have one in hard, and having the NC in the middle of the sliderarts spelling out "LOST" makes it less obvious that they all go together to make a word. Also please consider applying Ataraxia's suggestion for the slidershape. I tried to improve as much as possible :(
00:48:935 (1,4) - Maybe adjust 00:49:638 (2,3,4,5,6) - so these two could be nicely stacked :'v Fixed
01:15:654 (2,3) - uhhh.. what. why the 1/6, it doesn't feel fitting at all. Possibly just put a circle here 01:15:654 - and a triple where 01:15:888 (3) - the parts of this slider land, similar to 01:16:357 (1,2,3) - which is right after it. Ok, I made a stack on the triplet in 01:15:888 - to be consistent with 01:17:060 (5,6,1) -
01:19:873 (3) - again.. my speakers are fairly alright, but i really dont hear the 1/3 here... am I missing something? Oops, fixed

bip bop
Thanks :D
hey from q xd

  • Victor's Easy
  1. 00:05:810 (2) - not very attractive tbh, make something more structured
  2. 00:10:498 (2,3) - blanket?
  3. 00:22:451 (2,3,4,5) - to much circles for no reason, there is no special sound (like drums or even strong vocals) so remove just these circles 00:23:388 (4,5) - and replace them by a 1/1 slider
  4. 00:24:795 - should be clickable imo there is a strong sound on a big white tick, so remove the slider renverse, and make something like this it's fit better
  5. 00:52:685 (2) - you can start this slider here instead 00:52:920 - and fish it here 00:53:388 - it's sound good, you don't really need to map vocals atm
  6. 00:58:545 (1,2) - improve this blanket, it's not attractive to look :v
  7. 01:04:170 (2,3,4) - this pattern isn't like the previous one while it is the same rhythm 00:49:170 (2,3,4)
  8. 01:07:685 (2) - like i said before you can move it to the big white tick, it's work so much better
  9. 01:08:857 (3) - should be 2 circles like before for consistency
  10. 01:15:185 (2) - you can replace this circle by a 1/1 slider because it's can be cool to map this sound 01:15:654
  11. 01:21:045 (3) - add nc?
  • Normal
  1. 00:13:076 (2,3) - stack these notes like 00:14:951 (2,3) - it's fit well with the calm part
  2. 00:20:107 (5) - make it's straight, the flow should be better imo
  3. 00:42:607 (6,1) - these notes doesn't fit with the rhythm tbh something like this work better because the sound is on the blue tick
  4. 00:53:857 (6) - at this moment there are important sound to map so a 1/1 slider isn't a very good idea tbh, i can recommend to replace it by 2 circles or to make a 1/2 then to add a circle on the white tick 00:54:326 - but it's necessary to emphasis this part
  5. 01:08:857 (6) - like i said before ^
  6. 01:12:138 (5,6) - why suddendly a stack, you don't stack before so why here?
  7. 01:16:357 (6) - this slider should be curved imo it's look more attractive
  8. 01:18:466 (3) - pls replace it by a 1/2 slider this sound need to be mapped 01:18:701
  • Hard
  1. 00:28:310 (5,1) - no special reason to increase DS imo
  2. 00:30:654 (2,3) - drums in the middle of these sliders so a 3/4 sliders renverse for these sliders should sound good
  3. 01:00:185 (4) - nc pleasee
Topic Starter

ShogunMoon wrote:

hey from q xd

  • Victor's Easy
  1. 00:05:810 (2) - not very attractive tbh, make something more structured I improved, fixed
  2. 00:10:498 (2,3) - blanket? it wasn't the intention to make blanket, I changed not to have that thought
  3. 00:22:451 (2,3,4,5) - to much circles for no reason, there is no special sound (like drums or even strong vocals) so remove just these circles 00:23:388 (4,5) - and reple them by a 1/1 slider Ok, fixed
  4. 00:24:795 - should be clickable imo there is a strong sound on a big white tick, so remove the slider renverse, and make something like this it's fit better Sure, fixed
  5. 00:52:685 (2) - you can start this slider here instead 00:52:920 - and fish it here 00:53:388 - it's sound good, you don't really need to map vocals atm Fixed
  6. 00:58:545 (1,2) - improve this blanket, it's not attractive to look :v Fixed
  7. 01:04:170 (2,3,4) - this pattern isn't like the previous one while it is the same rhythm 00:49:170 (2,3,4) Fixed
  8. 01:07:685 (2) - like i said before you can move it to the big white tick, it's work so much better Fixed
  9. 01:08:857 (3) - should be 2 circles like before for consistency Fixed
  10. 01:15:185 (2) - you can replace this circle by a 1/1 slider because it's can be cool to map this sound 01:15:654 Ok
  11. 01:21:045 (3) - add nc?Added

  • Normal
  1. 00:13:076 (2,3) - stack these notes like 00:14:951 (2,3) - it's fit well with the calm part Ok
  2. 00:20:107 (5) - make it's straight, the flow should be better imo Ok
  3. 00:42:607 (6,1) - these notes doesn't fit with the rhythm tbh something like this work better because the sound is on the blue tick Fixed
  4. 00:53:857 (6) - at this moment there are important sound to map so a 1/1 slider isn't a very good idea tbh, i can recommend to replace it by 2 circles or to make a 1/2 then to add a circle on the white tick 00:54:326 - but it's necessary to emphasis this part I decided to put a 1/2 slider and a circle
  5. 01:08:857 (6) - like i said before ^ ^
  6. 01:12:138 (5,6) - why suddendly a stack, you don't stack before so why here? oops, fixed
  7. 01:16:357 (6) - this slider should be curved imo it's look more attractive It would not look good since it's a short space
  8. 01:18:466 (3) - pls replace it by a 1/2 slider this sound need to be mapped 01:18:701 Ok
  • Hard
  1. 00:28:310 (5,1) - no special reason to increase DS imo Fixed
  2. 00:30:654 (2,3) - drums in the middle of these sliders so a 3/4 sliders renverse for these sliders should sound good I didn't want to use 1/6 in this diff
  3. 01:00:185 (4) - nc pleasee Ok
Thanks for mod
hello, m4m from my queue

boxes of mods
Victor's Easy
check AImod for inconsistant spacing

00:05:341 (1,2) - i heard that everyone hates 1/2 in easy so it's better to use only 1/1 and avoid 1/2 rhythms, better move 2 to the white tick because it has a slighter stronger sound
00:09:091 (1) - idk why i hate so much this curve, doesn't look clean for me. move up sligltly the middle gray anchor even if it changes nothing
00:11:435 (3,4,5) - DS must be consistant
00:32:295 (1) - it feel a bit too curved, curve less ?
00:51:045 (1,2) - intended to blanket like that ?
00:52:920 (2,3,4,1) - i don't really like this pattern, it's the double circle that make the visual battern meh, try a another placement for them like a triangle or something else
00:58:545 (1) - improve this curve, it looks really meh, it doesn't fit well with all these slider curves
01:19:170 (2) - ^
01:21:045 (1) - why not start the spinner here ? i don't think the song isn't powerful enough to be clickable here

in this diff, some of the patterns aren't aligned or curved enough to be aesthetically good personnally, example : 00:24:795 (1,2,3) - 3 could be moved down to look like this one 00:29:482 (2,3,4) -

00:06:045 (1) - seems to not fit well the precedent slider, maybe try this placement : x350 y219
00:09:795 (1,2,3) - make them aligned ?
00:14:248 (1,2,3) - same as the first issue, idk which gimmicks are you using here
00:15:185 (3,4) - fix blanket ? use the approach circle to fix that
00:22:920 (4,5) - fix blanket
00:33:935 (4,5) - ^ this one is horrible
01:00:888 (5,6,7,8) - ^
00:37:685 (3,4) - move down 4 to fit more the slider's curve
00:54:795 (1,2,3) - fix 0,9x ds
01:07:685 (4,5) - why make them sightly different from 00:53:857 (6,7) - ?

00:09:795 (1,2) - why not blanket ?
00:10:498 (2,3,4) - this is really hard to read stacks like that
00:21:513 (2,3,4) - fix blanket ?
00:29:248 (2,3,4) - this gimmick should be a least used 2 times in the beginning so players are used to it
00:33:701 (4,5,1) - why this is different from above ?
00:30:185 (5,1) - different sounds but you represented them identically, a nc isn't enough to differienciate them
00:42:607 (3,1,2) - wtf, why inconsistant spacing between 1 and 2 ?
00:45:420 (1,2) - i would make them overlapping a bit instead of stacking them
00:47:998 (2,3,4) - i find this flow is very inconfortable to play
00:57:841 (4,1) - they seemed not really aligned
01:09:091 (4,5,6) - i would instead stack on the slider's end of 1
01:13:076 (5,1) - the slidershape of 1 doesn't fit 5, i would rotate 1 by 10°

looks like a pp map 8-)

don't juge me, i succ

00:02:998 (4) - looks closer to 1, make the visual spacing consistant xddd 00:02:295 (1,2,4) -
00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - players would read this as a triple, i missed every time i pass this part, i'm sure that this use 1/4 instead of 1/6
00:38:857 (3,4,1) - why not rotating 3 by 3° and 4 by -3° and 1 using the same angle as 3 ?

this could be polished more before you ask for bn's
Topic Starter

realy0_ wrote:

hello, m4m from my queue

boxes of mods
Victor's Easy
check AImod for inconsistant spacing Fixed

00:05:341 (1,2) - i heard that everyone hates 1/2 in easy so it's better to use only 1/1 and avoid 1/2 rhythms, better move 2 to the white tick because it has a slighter stronger sound bpm is very low i don't see problem having 1/2 and is following the vocals
00:09:091 (1) - idk why i hate so much this curve, doesn't look clean for me. move up sligltly the middle gray anchor even if it changes nothing For me it looks good
00:11:435 (3,4,5) - DS must be consistant
00:32:295 (1) - it feel a bit too curved, curve less ? I don't think it's too curved.
00:51:045 (1,2) - intended to blanket like that ? yea
00:52:920 (2,3,4,1) - i don't really like this pattern, it's the double circle that make the visual battern meh, try a another placement for them like a triangle or something else I don't see problem =/
00:58:545 (1) - improve this curve, it looks really meh, it doesn't fit well with all these slider curves I liked the idea of noffy, I will not change
01:19:170 (2) - ^ It's good for me
01:21:045 (1) - why not start the spinner here ? i don't think the song isn't powerful enough to be clickable here It's a closing, I found the circle interesting

in this diff, some of the patterns aren't aligned or curved enough to be aesthetically good personnally, example : 00:24:795 (1,2,3) - 3 could be moved down to look like this one 00:29:482 (2,3,4) - really don't see it as a problem, vary slider instead of something repetitive every time is good

00:06:045 (1) - seems to not fit well the precedent slider, maybe try this placement : x350 y219 Ok
00:09:795 (1,2,3) - make them aligned ? no =/
00:14:248 (1,2,3) - same as the first issue, idk which gimmicks are you using here I followed the vocals =/
00:15:185 (3,4) - fix blanket ? use the approach circle to fix that Fixed
00:22:920 (4,5) - fix blanket Fixed
00:33:935 (4,5) - ^ this one is horrible It was horrible, I changed, fixed
01:00:888 (5,6,7,8) - ^ It's OK for me
00:37:685 (3,4) - move down 4 to fit more the slider's curve It's already good for me
00:54:795 (1,2,3) - fix 0,9x ds I'm using 0.89x ds
01:07:685 (4,5) - why make them sightly different from 00:53:857 (6,7) - ? It's ok for me in 00:53:857 (6,7) - and 01:08:857 (6,7) -

00:09:795 (1,2) - why not blanket ? I didn't want to do
00:10:498 (2,3,4) - this is really hard to read stacks like that Fixed
00:21:513 (2,3,4) - fix blanket ? it wasn't my intention to make blanket
00:29:248 (2,3,4) - this gimmick should be a least used 2 times in the beginning so players are used to it I used near a passage in the music so I started to use it here
00:33:701 (4,5,1) - why this is different from above ? It's another moment of music so I made it different.
00:30:185 (5,1) - different sounds but you represented them identically, a nc isn't enough to differienciate them I used a difference in the distance between them
00:42:607 (3,1,2) - wtf, why inconsistant spacing between 1 and 2 ? 00:43:545 (2) - it's got a loud sound
00:45:420 (1,2) - i would make them overlapping a bit instead of stacking them I would not like an overlap
00:47:998 (2,3,4) - i find this flow is very inconfortable to play I didn't find it uncomfortable
00:57:841 (4,1) - they seemed not really aligned it's not to stay in aligned
01:09:091 (4,5,6) - i would instead stack on the slider's end of 1 I didn't do something like that in this kiai.
01:13:076 (5,1) - the slidershape of 1 doesn't fit 5, i would rotate 1 by 10° It's good for me

looks like a pp map 8-)

don't juge me, i succ That nothing :oops:

00:02:998 (4) - looks closer to 1, make the visual spacing consistant xddd 00:02:295 (1,2,4) - Fixed
00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - players would read this as a triple, i missed every time i pass this part, i'm sure that this use 1/4 instead of 1/6 this is 1/6 does not make sense 1/4
00:38:857 (3,4,1) - why not rotating 3 by 3° and 4 by -3° and 1 using the same angle as 3 ? I think it's good

this could be polished more before you ask for bn's I will see it
Thanks for mod
from q

00:03:232 (5) - move this slider bit up , x-184 y-116 , for me the overlap you did there is ugly :(
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - i love this <3
00:13:545 (1) - i would move this note and blanket it with 00:12:841 (4) - this reverse slider cuz it more easy to hit and the patern look more neat
00:37:920 (1,2) - can be better blanket
01:00:654 (2,3,4,1) - why dont make them equally spaced cuz the intensity of the song is just the same , there nothing changes to suddenly distance 01:01:123 (4) - this note

00:03:232 (3,1) - not a good transition to the next slider tho , 00:03:232 (3) - ctrl + g this slider would fix the problem
00:05:341 (5,1) - like this is a good transition imo , maybe because its moved in circle flow i guess
00:21:513 (2,3,4) - blanket would be nice

sorry for just 2 diff mod :?
yeah goodluck with your map
Topic Starter

YukiZura- wrote:

from q

00:03:232 (5) - move this slider bit up , x-184 y-116 , for me the overlap you did there is ugly :( Ok
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - i love this <3 <3
00:13:545 (1) - i would move this note and blanket it with 00:12:841 (4) - this reverse slider cuz it more easy to hit and the patern look more neat
I didn't like it so much but I increased the distance from this note
00:37:920 (1,2) - can be better blanket Fixed
01:00:654 (2,3,4,1) - why dont make them equally spaced cuz the intensity of the song is just the same , there nothing changes to suddenly distance 01:01:123 (4) - this note Fixed

00:03:232 (3,1) - not a good transition to the next slider tho , 00:03:232 (3) - ctrl + g this slider would fix the problem Ok
00:05:341 (5,1) - like this is a good transition imo , maybe because its moved in circle flow i guess yea
00:21:513 (2,3,4) - blanket would be nice it wasn't my idea to make blanket

sorry for just 2 diff mod :?
yeah goodluck with your map
Thanks for mod :D


  1. 00:16:826 (1) - the slower SV actually makes the DS between 00:16:748 (7,1) - lower than 0.9x. Try and use DS without the green line first and slow the slider down afterwards.
  2. 00:20:576 (6) - the beat here is not that emphasized bc of low spacing, but its on a vocal and drum sound I it should deserve some higher spacing for emphasis. Stacking the head on 00:19:873 (3) - , while being a small change, helps more with the emphasis.
  3. 00:40:732 - inconsistent spacing here
  4. 01:13:310 (7) - doesnt seem as emphasized bc its pretty lowly spaced and looks kinda awkward with the slight overlap. Maybe space it a bit further bc the vocal also is a bit stronger here.


  1. 00:33:701 (4,1) - since you rarely use these overlaps here and mostly just stack, you should do it here too to preserve your visual structure
  2. 00:44:248 (3) - the reverse here seems rhythmically out of place, since it doesn't seem like it mapped on anything significant other than the vocal on the head. Something like maps all the significant sounds in this pattern, consider using that.
Topic Starter

Kaitjuh wrote:


  1. 00:16:826 (1) - the slower SV actually makes the DS between 00:16:748 (7,1) - lower than 0.9x. Try and use DS without the green line first and slow the slider down afterwards. Ok, fixed
  2. 00:20:576 (6) - the beat here is not that emphasized bc of low spacing, but its on a vocal and drum sound I it should deserve some higher spacing for emphasis. Stacking the head on 00:19:873 (3) - , while being a small change, helps more with the emphasis. Ok, i decided to stack it
  3. 00:40:732 - inconsistent spacing here Fixed
  4. 01:13:310 (7) - doesnt seem as emphasized bc its pretty lowly spaced and looks kinda awkward with the slight overlap. Maybe space it a bit further bc the vocal also is a bit stronger here. I increased the distance


  1. 00:33:701 (4,1) - since you rarely use these overlaps here and mostly just stack, you should do it here too to preserve your visual structure Ok
  2. 00:44:248 (3) - the reverse here seems rhythmically out of place, since it doesn't seem like it mapped on anything significant other than the vocal on the head. Something like maps all the significant sounds in this pattern, consider using that. Ok
Thanks for mod :D
Ryuusei Aika
:) Hello!
From my modding queue. / As request.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. Why "dvd blu-ray" in tags? Is this a limited song for blu-ray dvd purchasers or something?

Victor's Easy

  1. 00:45:420 (1) - Maybe cancel this NC? As you have put NCs on every two long white lines, so in Easy it should be better to keep such consistency.
  2. 01:21:513 (1) - How about make this spinner start at 01:21:748 - ? Would (at a certain extent) represent better the bell sound.
  3. Clean and solid work!


  1. 00:13:310 (3) - Maybe change this into a 3/2 slider (like 00:15:185 (3) - ) for a better consistency (they are all silence parts followed by a short vocal sound)?
  2. 01:01:357 (6,7,8) - Personally I think rhythm here is a little bit weird. The combination of vocal and drum beats from 01:01:357 - to 01:02:060 - can be divided as two part: 01:01:357 - 01:01:591 - / 01:01:826 - 01:02:060 - (both with two vocal sounds + 1 note + 1 triple), so in order to represent this better, I suggest you to map this part "symmetrically" (that means you can either remove 01:01:591 (7) - , or change this whole pattern into two 1/2 sliders).
  3. 01:04:873 (6,7) - As your main idea for kiai part is to follow the vocal, so it would be better if you change the rhythm arrangement to:
  4. Interesting rhythm choices, but I think they works!


  1. 00:16:591 (4,5) - Really subjective but I think instead of using a triple which is easier to hard players but failed to represent correctly the music, I'd prefer to put a 1/6 reverse slider here to represent the music better and also not raise the difficulty of this part.
  2. 00:43:545 (2) - Maybe move the NC on 00:43:310 (1) - to here? As you put them on every long white line at this part.
  3. Well organized, properly emphasized!


  1. 01:06:045 (1,2) - Subjective, but make them parallel would make this pattern looks much more better.
  2. Great consistency!

Really solid set, just need to fix some minor issues and it would be perfect!
Good luck, and have fun!
Topic Starter

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

:) Hello!
From my modding queue. / As request.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. Why "dvd blu-ray" in tags? Is this a limited song for blu-ray dvd purchasers or something? Yes, it's exclusive

Victor's Easy

  1. 00:45:420 (1) - Maybe cancel this NC? As you have put NCs on every two long white lines, so in Easy it should be better to keep such consistency. Ok
  2. 01:21:513 (1) - How about make this spinner start at 01:21:748 - ? Would (at a certain extent) represent better the bell sound. I don't think it's necessary
  3. Clean and solid work!


  1. 00:13:310 (3) - Maybe change this into a 3/2 slider (like 00:15:185 (3) - ) for a better consistency (they are all silence parts followed by a short vocal sound)? Okay, and yes.
  2. 01:01:357 (6,7,8) - Personally I think rhythm here is a little bit weird. The combination of vocal and drum beats from 01:01:357 - to 01:02:060 - can be divided as two part: 01:01:357 - 01:01:591 - / 01:01:826 - 01:02:060 - (both with two vocal sounds + 1 note + 1 triple), so in order to represent this better, I suggest you to map this part "symmetrically" (that means you can either remove 01:01:591 (7) - , or change this whole pattern into two 1/2 sliders). Okay, I added two 1/2 sliders and I hope I don't have problems about havining many notes
  3. 01:04:873 (6,7) - As your main idea for kiai part is to follow the vocal, so it would be better if you change the rhythm arrangement to: I didn't want to overdo it and it's consistent with 00:49:873 (6) -
  4. Interesting rhythm choices, but I think they works!


  1. 00:16:591 (4,5) - Really subjective but I think instead of using a triple which is easier to hard players but failed to represent correctly the music, I'd prefer to put a 1/6 reverse slider here to represent the music better and also not raise the difficulty of this part. [b]I used 1/4 because I don't think would lose the rhythm that a player would have, I wanted to just leave it in the top diff[/b]
  2. 00:43:545 (2) - Maybe move the NC on 00:43:310 (1) - to here? As you put them on every long white line at this part. Ok
  3. Well organized, properly emphasized!


  1. 01:06:045 (1,2) - Subjective, but make them parallel would make this pattern looks much more better. Ok
  2. Great consistency!

Really solid set, just need to fix some minor issues and it would be perfect!
Good luck, and have fun!
Thanks for mod :D :)
hey, from my queue o/

i like monogatari songs uwu


00:02:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pattern can easily be improved like this ->

00:07:216 (5) - Can also improve pattern by shifting this up a little, for the sake of symmetry ->

00:10:498 (3,4,5,1) - I'd adjust this pattern to keep them same visual distace away from each other, shwon by the red lines i drew on this screenshot -> This also does a better job at emphasising the increase in vocal pitch at 00:11:201 (5) -

00:27:138 (3) - I'd ctrl+g this since it makes for better flow imo

00:48:466 (3) - Highly recommend ctrl+g this, flows much better

00:51:045 (1,2) - Easy blanket improvement just by doing this to the slider ->

00:59:248 (2,3) - I'd increase spacing between these to emphasise the finish better, and to keep it consistent with the spacing with other similar parts, such as: 00:54:560 (5,1) - 00:56:435 (5,1) - 01:13:310 (7,1) - 00:52:685 (4,1) - etc.


00:36:045 (1) - I'd curve this slider a bit more to blanket the circle nicely, makes for much better aesthetic imo ->

00:36:982 (3) - Maybe add a ltitle curve to this slider to flow onto next object really nicely ->

01:06:748 (2,3) - I don't like the movement between these, but it might mess up your ds if you change. Personally i'd like 01:07:216 (3) - to be ctrl+g'd since it feels inconsistent with the rest of the difficulty where you had them flow nicely (eg: 01:09:795 (1,2,3) - 01:02:295 (1,3,4) - 01:17:295 (1,2,3) - )


Solid diff, no issues found.

Victors Easy

00:32:295 (1) - i'd reduce the curve of this slider, it seems a bit too much imo, i'd do this ->

00:52:920 (2) - Increase curvature of slider to blanket prev slider better (and keep consistent with all other blankets in diff) ->
01:17:295 (1) - ^


ok that's all from me
from personally one of my favourite arcs in the anime :>

good luck!

00:09:091 (6) - That's probably worth separating from the pattern 00:08:154 (2,3,4,5) and increasing DS a bit because of new strong vocal stanza.
00:23:388 (3,4) - ^ \\ 00:38:623 (2,3) -
00:14:248 (4,5) - Since you follow vocal line, I don't a reason why not to swap this.
00:24:795 (1,2,3,4) - Aesthetics, this is random out of nowhere. No distinct sound to reflect with such separated stylistic nor your style in this part supports them, consider to stick to your general mapping here.
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - awesome

00:32:295 (1,2) - increase DS a bit here, seems too close atm and in similar patterns

That's pretty solid set already.
Topic Starter

hypercyte wrote:

hey, from my queue o/

i like monogatari songs uwu <3


00:02:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pattern can easily be improved like this -> Sure

00:07:216 (5) - Can also improve pattern by shifting this up a little, for the sake of symmetry -> Fixed

00:10:498 (3,4,5,1) - I'd adjust this pattern to keep them same visual distace away from each other, shwon by the red lines i drew on this screenshot -> This also does a better job at emphasising the increase in vocal pitch at 00:11:201 (5) - Ok

00:27:138 (3) - I'd ctrl+g this since it makes for better flow imo I wanted to copy the pattern in 00:24:795 (1,2) - only opposite maintaining the consistency

00:48:466 (3) - Highly recommend ctrl+g this, flows much better nah

00:51:045 (1,2) - Easy blanket improvement just by doing this to the slider -> Fixed

00:59:248 (2,3) - I'd increase spacing between these to emphasise the finish better, and to keep it consistent with the spacing with other similar parts, such as: 00:54:560 (5,1) - 00:56:435 (5,1) - 01:13:310 (7,1) - 00:52:685 (4,1) - etc. Ok


00:36:045 (1) - I'd curve this slider a bit more to blanket the circle nicely, makes for much better aesthetic imo -> Fixed

00:36:982 (3) - Maybe add a ltitle curve to this slider to flow onto next object really nicely -> I don't find it interesting

01:06:748 (2,3) - I don't like the movement between these, but it might mess up your ds if you change. Personally i'd like 01:07:216 (3) - to be ctrl+g'd since it feels inconsistent with the rest of the difficulty where you had them flow nicely (eg: 01:09:795 (1,2,3) - 01:02:295 (1,3,4) - 01:17:295 (1,2,3) - ) Fixed


Solid diff, no issues found.

Victors Easy

00:32:295 (1) - i'd reduce the curve of this slider, it seems a bit too much imo, i'd do this -> It's good for me

00:52:920 (2) - Increase curvature of slider to blanket prev slider better (and keep consistent with all other blankets in diff) ->
01:17:295 (1) - ^


ok that's all from me
from personally one of my favourite arcs in the anime :> It's my favorite, Oikura Sodachi <3

good luck!
Thanks for mod :D

Sieg wrote:


00:09:091 (6) - That's probably worth separating from the pattern 00:08:154 (2,3,4,5) and increasing DS a bit because of new strong vocal stanza.
00:23:388 (3,4) - ^ \\ 00:38:623 (2,3) -
I don't think it's necessary
00:14:248 (4,5) - Since you follow vocal line, I don't a reason why not to swap this. I don't see sense to follow the vocals since I followed the forts 00:11:435 (1,2,3) -, 00:07:216 (5,1) - etcs
00:24:795 (1,2,3,4) - Aesthetics, this is random out of nowhere. No distinct sound to reflect with such separated stylistic nor your style in this part supports them, consider to stick to your general mapping here. I wanted to vary pattern
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - awesome Thanks

00:32:295 (1,2) - increase DS a bit here, seems too close atm and in similar patterns Fixed

That's pretty solid set already.
g a y
NM from q

pretty sure the video size is much larger than it should be. you need to compress it properly

Victor's Easy
01:15:654 - pretty sure this isnt supposed to have a clap on it

00:42:607 - add clap?
01:20:810 (1) - remove clap, add whistle

00:15:888 (2,3) - smol blanket fix
00:16:709 (5) - theres nothing here, delete circle
00:30:888 - add clap
00:42:607 - add clap

00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - this rhythm is just weird tbh, its not even 1/4 like u did in Hard. you can delete these 00:16:670 (6,7)
00:30:888 - add clap
00:31:123 (3) - having all claps on here sounds weird, u can just do all whistles instead, like the previous object
00:42:607 - add clap
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - cute

solid set, good luck
Topic Starter

Yahuri wrote:

g a y
NM from q

pretty sure the video size is much larger than it should be. you need to compress it properly I don't see problem about this

Victor's Easy
01:15:654 - pretty sure this isnt supposed to have a clap on it Yea, fixed

00:42:607 - add clap? Sure
01:20:810 (1) - remove clap, add whistle Ok

00:15:888 (2,3) - smol blanket fix Fixed
00:16:709 (5) - theres nothing here, delete circle Ok
00:30:888 - add clap
00:42:607 - add clap

00:16:357 (5,6,7,1) - this rhythm is just weird tbh, its not even 1/4 like u did in Hard. you can delete these 00:16:670 (6,7) The beat is 1/6
00:30:888 - add clap
00:31:123 (3) - having all claps on here sounds weird, u can just do all whistles instead, like the previous object
00:42:607 - add clap Ok
01:21:748 (1,2,3,4) - cute

solid set, good luck
Thanks for mod :D
00:53:857 (6,7) - A reverse slider and a circle represents better the music, no? is the kiai, don't be too simplistic here
01:04:873 (6) - Trade this slider for a revert one
01:05:576 (7) - Do a 1/2 beat slider here
01:08:623(-) - Put a circle here , 1:09:560 (-) and here too , or replace the previous objects with a slider.


00:31:591 (4) - this circle breaks the flow, do something like this (
01:04:170 (1) - maybe cntrl H its better here, but if you do this, you'll need to fix the rest of the pattern here 01:05:576 (4,5) -


01:04:873 (2,3,4) - This section breaks the flow ( do something like this 01:04:873 (2,3,4,5) - )
01:15:185 (1) - replace the slider tail and do a overlap with the (2) circle.

Only this, good luck AlexSSSSSSander (I wrote his name without the S sometimes)
Topic Starter

-Smine- wrote:

00:53:857 (6,7) - A reverse slider and a circle represents better the music, no? is the kiai, don't be too simplistic here doesn't have a vocal in 00:54:560 - :/
01:04:873 (6) - Trade this slider for a revert one I followed vocal as in 00:52:685 (4) -
01:05:576 (7) - Do a 1/2 beat slider here consistency with 00:53:388 (5) -
01:08:623(-) - Put a circle here , 1:09:560 (-) and here too , or replace the previous objects with a slider. I left consistent with 00:53:857 (6,7) - i ignored the vocals in this part


00:31:591 (4) - this circle breaks the flow, do something like this ( Ok
01:04:170 (1) - maybe cntrl H its better here, but if you do this, you'll need to fix the rest of the pattern here 01:05:576 (4,5) - no, it would make it strange :/


01:04:873 (2,3,4) - This section breaks the flow ( do something like this 01:04:873 (2,3,4,5) - ) I don't think it's bad
01:15:185 (1) - replace the slider tail and do a overlap with the (2) circle. Ok

Only this, good luck AlexSSSSSSander (I wrote his name without the S sometimes) :)
Thanks for mod :D
no kds

I think your hitnormal is really quiet and hard to hear, made obvious by things such as 00:12:373 (1) - in normal.
try out replacing both files with this -> (it's the same but a smidge louder) (ok actually it may be a bit too loud just let me know what you think and we could try to find a compromise)

00:52:685 - whistle
00:55:732 - whistle
01:03:935 - whistle
01:11:435 - whistle?

01:21:045 (1,1) - maybe delete the circle and have the spinner start at that time instead (and make sure it ends at the same time it currently does), atm it's rather odd that the spinner on easy starts later than the one on normal.

00:09:795 (1) - you could rotate this by like -2 degrees, right now it's a bit asymmetrical which clashes with 00:06:045 (1,2,3,4) - the symmetry that was just before it.
00:52:685 (4) - i recommend adding a whistle on the head
01:19:873 (6,1) - consider having 6 as just a reverse slider instead, the vocals are rather continuous in holds, so not holding to a slider between the two objects feels off.

00:16:826 (5) - NC?
00:38:857 (3,4) - visually space these a bit more, like 00:25:732 (3,4)
00:51:045 (1,2,3) - I'd think it'd be nice if visually these were the same spacing apart currently
> 01:09:795 (1,2,3) - ^

yeah tell me when you're done applying 🌼
Topic Starter

Noffy wrote:

no kds

I think your hitnormal is really quiet and hard to hear, made obvious by things such as 00:12:373 (1) - in normal.
try out replacing both files with this -> (it's the same but a smidge louder) (ok actually it may be a bit too loud just let me know what you think and we could try to find a compromise) I think getting a little lower would look better, it's high

00:52:685 - whistle
00:55:732 - whistle
01:03:935 - whistle
01:11:435 - whistle? Ok

01:21:045 (1,1) - maybe delete the circle and have the spinner start at that time instead (and make sure it ends at the same time it currently does), atm it's rather odd that the spinner on easy starts later than the one on normal. Ok

00:09:795 (1) - you could rotate this by like -2 degrees, right now it's a bit asymmetrical which clashes with 00:06:045 (1,2,3,4) - the symmetry that was just before it. Ok
00:52:685 (4) - i recommend adding a whistle on the head ^
01:19:873 (6,1) - consider having 6 as just a reverse slider instead, the vocals are rather continuous in holds, so not holding to a slider between the two objects feels off. Ok

00:16:826 (5) - NC? Yea
00:38:857 (3,4) - visually space these a bit more, like 00:25:732 (3,4) Fixed
00:51:045 (1,2,3) - I'd think it'd be nice if visually these were the same spacing apart currently
> 01:09:795 (1,2,3) - ^
Okay, the two corrected
yeah tell me when you're done applying 🌼
🏮 closest emoji to the lantern in the video 🏮

actual note: did some discussion about the hitsound and tags in IRC, the map is cute, let's do this :D
Topic Starter
Gratz Alexssssssander-chan
Topic Starter
Boa caraio

Noffy deusa
Rank soon owo

Topic Starter

hypercyte wrote:

Rank soon owo


Ataraxia wrote:

Boa caraio

Noffy deusa
owo :D
just a few things worth to be mentioned before qualifying this~

[Victor's Easy]
  1. 01:16:123 (3) - By starting this on the red tick you're ignoring a lot of beats and even the vocal. That's not the better option there and would be much better if you could start it on the white tick so you can follow everything there.
  1. 00:32:060 - Try adding something there to be more consistent with the rhythm you're following. It's a Normal after and you don't really need to skip beats like these since they're pretty audible.
  2. 01:01:357 (6,7) - I feel like you can add more circles there instead of 2 sliders for more variation and pre-section emphasis.This might look really ugly but it's a suggestion of rhythm you can follow.
  1. 00:44:951 (4) - There's nothing to be mapped in this blue tick, make this an 1/2 slider instead.
  2. 01:21:748 (2) - Would play and look visually better if you could ctrl + H this. It kinda overlaps (kinda because it doesn't really overlap but it shows right after it) with the previous slider so readability might get affected. Just make sure to rearrange the notes after the ctrl + H.
  1. 00:48:466 (3) - Ctrl + G this would make much more sense with the flow you're following in the whole difficulty (circular flow and such).
Topic Starter
all applied
Topic Starter

Chaoslitz wrote:

parabéns porraaaaaAAA
ayyy congrats !!
Topic Starter
thank you guys <3
Nice set. Since I was checking through this, I wanted to leave a few suggestions that could help improve the set even further if you wish. Most of these are a few inconsistencies, some borderline edge notes, and some rhythm suggestions.

First off, the AR is kind of high. The Lower ends of 5, 7 and 8 for Normal/Hard/Insane would fit the song more at this BPM and difficulty.

01:01:123 (3) - This would actually have more impact and represent the music better if started later at 01:01:357 - as the note before is part of the lead-in on the offbeat. This is also backed up with the drums giving heavy support that it should be clicked there instead. You actually do this at 01:16:357 (3) - already.

I would also try to make 01:15:185 (2) - consistent with 01:00:185 (2) - as well. But instead of using either or, I would personally use a slider start at 01:00:185 (2) - and end at 01:00:888 - where the strong beat is, since there's no vocals to carry over at this point.

00:54:326 (7) - & 01:09:326 (7) - Strong vocal here, since the Kiai is already somewhat dense, another 1/2 slider would have fit nicely.
00:58:076 (7) - and 01:13:076 (7) - Inconsistencies. The 2nd link would actually be better in this case, since you are making the Normal fairly dense, and this is probably the densest part of the map, so a gap here fits well.

00:17:295 (1) - This is safe, but it's pretty borderline. If you do decide to fix a few things in the other difficulties, please move this off the wall a little more. (Edit: I realized I was in the wrong standard resolution, and this is more than far enough away from the edge of the screen. However, it does mean that it nearly goes off in 1280x1024 (5:4) if you still feel you want to change it)
00:41:670 (1) - Like the other diffs map, It would be nice if you could aim for the blue tick at 00:42:021 - in some shape or form to capture the stronger drums.
Only other thing is that the rhythm may be a little too dense, but at a low bpm such as this, it isn't the end of the world. a few more 1/1 gaps would not hurt the map.

00:16:826 (1) - Cutting it close again yikes. Anyways. move this up some if you decide to fix a few things.
That's about it. If you feel like making some changes, let me or a QAT know.

Lanturn wrote:

00:17:295 (1) - This is safe, but it's pretty borderline. If you do decide to fix a few things in the other difficulties, please move this off the wall a little more. (Edit: I realized I was in the wrong standard resolution, and this is more than far enough away from the edge of the screen. However, it does mean that it nearly goes off in 1280x1024 (5:4) if you still feel you want to change it)
00:41:670 (1) - Like the other diffs map, It would be nice if you could aim for the blue tick at 00:42:021 - in some shape or form to capture the stronger drums.
Only other thing is that the rhythm may be a little too dense, but at a low bpm such as this, it isn't the end of the world. a few more 1/1 gaps would not hurt the map.

00:16:826 (1) - Cutting it close again yikes. Anyways. move this up some if you decide to fix a few things.
That's about it. If you feel like making some changes, let me or a QAT know.

I was requested to help out with language barrier. I'll make a partial translation of what Laturn said since Alexsander is a bit confused.

00:17:295 (1) - Foi uma escolha segura, mas bem próxima ao limite da tela. Caso você decida modificar os outros pontos mencionados por favor considere afastar um pouco isso do limite da tela.

00:41:670 (1) - Como mencionado nas outras dificuldades, seria interessante que você pudesse mapear o som no tick azul em 00:42:021 - através do formato do slider para conseguir capturar o som forte da bateria.
Uma outra coisa a ser mencionada é que o mapa está bem denso, mas como o mapa é de baixo bpm, isso não é o fim do mundo. Alguns gaps 1/1 a mais no ritmo da dificuldade não vão prejudicar o mapa.


00:16:826 (1) - Mais uma vez um objeto muito próximo de estar offscreen, mova ele um pouco para cima caso decida modificar as outras coisas no mapa.
É basicamente isso. Se você sentir que pode fazer as modificações, por favor me avise ou avise um membro do QAT."

Any further language help feel free to contact me.
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Nice set. Since I was checking through this, I wanted to leave a few suggestions that could help improve the set even further if you wish. Most of these are a few inconsistencies, some borderline edge notes, and some rhythm suggestions.

First off, the AR is kind of high. The Lower ends of 5, 7 and 8 for Normal/Hard/Insane would fit the song more at this BPM and difficulty. I don't find it relevant to change, sorry

01:01:123 (3) - This would actually have more impact and represent the music better if started later at 01:01:357 - as the note before is part of the lead-in on the offbeat. This is also backed up with the drums giving heavy support that it should be clicked there instead. You actually do this at 01:16:357 (3) - already.

I don't feel like this slider starts at 01:01:357 - because we have a lot of vocals to follow like 01:01:123 -, 01:01:357 -, 01:01:591 - and 01:01:826 - then use only a slider was the best way to represent it, so i will not use your suggestion (which is not wrong)

I would also try to make 01:15:185 (2) - consistent with 01:00:185 (2) - as well. But instead of using either or, I would personally use a slider start at 01:00:185 (2) - and end at 01:00:888 - where the strong beat is, since there's no vocals to carry over at this point.

the sound at 01:00:185 - doesn't understand continuity so i just represented with the circle and the sound between 01:15:185 - and 01:00:185 would not look ideal with the sounds at 01:15:888 - 01:16:123 - and 01:00:654 - 01:00:888 - so i represented in different ways

00:54:326 (7) - & 01:09:326 (7) - Strong vocal here, since the Kiai is already somewhat dense, another 1/2 slider would have fit nicely. in this diff i considered a vocal as 00:54:795 - well as loud '' strong ''
00:58:076 (7) - and 01:13:076 (7) - Inconsistencies. The 2nd link would actually be better in this case, since you are making the Normal fairly dense, and this is probably the densest part of the map, so a gap here fits well.
the vocal at 00:58:076 - is somewhat continuous 00:58:310 - and at 01:13:076 - doesn't imply this
00:17:295 (1) - This is safe, but it's pretty borderline. If you do decide to fix a few things in the other difficulties, please move this off the wall a little more. (Edit: I realized I was in the wrong standard resolution, and this is more than far enough away from the edge of the screen. However, it does mean that it nearly goes off in 1280x1024 (5:4) if you still feel you want to change it) I really don't see a problem in leaving it as it is.
00:41:670 (1) - Like the other diffs map, It would be nice if you could aim for the blue tick at 00:42:021 - in some shape or form to capture the stronger drums. I don't feel the need to use 1/4 at this point :/
Only other thing is that the rhythm may be a little too dense, but at a low bpm such as this, it isn't the end of the world. a few more 1/1 gaps would not hurt the map. no :/

00:16:826 (1) - Cutting it close again yikes. Anyways. move this up some if you decide to fix a few things. I don't see the need to change

That's about it. If you feel like making some changes, let me or a QAT know.
There's nothing I want to change, sorry

Thanks net0 <3
e aqui temos

o primeiro Mapper que veio do 0 até agora

em menos de 1 ano, alexsander conseguiu rankear seu 1 mapa, lembramos que seu 1 mapa era literalmente um lixo e que a gente fingiu ser legal pra ele n desmotivar

ok sem jokes, meus parabens , Alexsander e Victor também, os 2 são otimos mappers, tem um grande futuro pela frente !
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