
R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 3:34:24 PM

Artist: R3 Music Box
Title: Naraku no Hana
Source: ひぐらしのなく頃に
Tags: higurashi when they cry visual novel anime instrumental horror
BPM: 88
Filesize: 1476kb
Play Time: 00:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.31 stars, 41 notes)
  2. Suffer (1.67 stars, 47 notes)
Download: R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
lol is r3 even a thing at this point

still pushing for ranked :sad:

thank you Envory for the new top diff name yours was way better than mine
Hey, from #modreqs
My english isn't good so sorry for the mistakes

As I can see you are new at mapping, me too!
But you have to know some rules

Look at this and read it :!


-The Preview point isn't at the same time as the normal diff
-CS is too low, I recommend CS 3
-There must be the same distance spacing, I recommend 1.0x
-About the rhythm, there must be 2/1 and 1/1 rhythms (white tick) but you can use sometimes the red ticks
-The Slider Velocity is too high, I recommend 0.90


-Same about the preview point
-Same about the distance spacing, but on normal diff, you can sometimes change it. But it must be coherent
-About the rhythm, there must be generally 1/1 rhythms and possibly 2/1
-The Slider Velocity is too high. I recommend beetwen 0.9 and 1.3

This map breaks many rules. You are beginning at mapping and there is no problem about it but just learn some patterns and read the rules
Pattern is used to make your map more beautiful like that : for example
Look at ranked maps too.

I hope my advices helped you ! Good luck ! (=
Topic Starter

Jval93700 wrote:

Hey, from #modreqs
My english isn't good so sorry for the mistakes

As I can see you are new at mapping, me too!
But you have to know some rules

Look at this and read it :!


-The Preview point isn't at the same time as the normal diff
-CS is too low, I recommend CS 3
-There must be the same distance spacing, I recommend 1.0x
-About the rhythm, there must be 2/1 and 1/1 rhythms (white tick) but you can use sometimes the red ticks
-The Slider Velocity is too high, I recommend 0.90


-Same about the preview point
-Same about the distance spacing, but on normal diff, you can sometimes change it. But it must be coherent
-About the rhythm, there must be generally 1/1 rhythms and possibly 2/1
-The Slider Velocity is too high. I recommend beetwen 0.9 and 1.3

This map breaks many rules. You are beginning at mapping and there is no problem about it but just learn some patterns and read the rules
Pattern is used to make your map more beautiful like that : for example
Look at ranked maps too.

I hope my advices helped you ! Good luck ! (=
Just saying, mistake on easy by the way, you say CS is lower than it should but its higher than what you reccomeneded

I just wanted to give a couple of general suggestions:
  1. You might want to change the sampleset of the notes to "Soft", since the normal sampleset doesn't seem to blend well with the melodic tune of the song.
  2. Try adding or changing combo colors. Unique colors can make the map look prettier.
I hope this helped. I didn't really know how to word my sentences properly, so sorry if what I said was a little confusing. :oops:
Topic Starter

crs100 wrote:


I just wanted to give a couple of general suggestions:
  1. You might want to change the sampleset of the notes to "Soft", since the normal sampleset doesn't seem to blend well with the melodic tune of the song.
  2. Try adding or changing combo colors. Unique colors can make the map look prettier.
I hope this helped. I didn't really know how to word my sentences properly, so sorry if what I said was a little confusing. :oops:
Thanks for the small suggestions!
Not modding, but helped the map look pretty!
bite you death
atleast hitsound ur map before asking for bns jfc
Topic Starter

bite you death wrote:

atleast hitsound ur map before asking for bns jfc
lol yea idk why I said bn lmao
ty for tip
July - San
Hi from Mod req! This is my first mod and Sorry for my bad English..

Lower the sound to the hitsounds, it sounds too loud and could be annoying..

In Timing Setup or Song Setup


Okay let's see here..

00:12:272 (2,3,4) - (Remove that, and try to make a slider like this) 00:09:545 (1) -

00:14:318 (1) - (Avoid in easy make that kind of sliders, could be complicated for beginners, change it for something like this) 00:16:363 (1) -

(Something like that could be easier.)

00:19:090 (1,2,1) - (They are many sliders, try to do, circle, circle, circle, short slider, and a long slider)

Like This

Has not been placed a Kiai Time..

00:31:022 (1,2,3) - (They are very separated, put them together a little more, or do something like this)

00:36:178 (1,1,2,1,1,1) - (are far apart, activate the "Distance Snap" to help you in these situations)

That have been things I noticed a lot in the easy


00:11:590 (1) - (Enlarge this until here 00:11:931 - )

00:32:045 (4,1) - (Try something like this to make it look better.)

00:37:212 (1,2,1,2,3) - (Activates the "Distance Snap")

00:15:000 (2,3,4) - (That looks weird, and it could be complicated, Turn it into a Long / Short Slider, or you could also put them together in a straight line or piled up)

That was everything I noticed most on your map, on the other hand that nice song, sorry if I did not explain myself in some parts and that my English is not very good
Good luck! <3 :)
From Modding Queue:

General Feedback
Your offset is wrong; should be 44 instead of 0.

CS could be lower (larger circles).
Your overall map looks random and cluttered. You'll need to remap it in order to fix the issues but let me give you some advice:
00:20:498 (2,1) - See how the slider turned counterclockwise and the second turned clockwise? You want to have a circular flow of notes so that the player can easily anticipate the next note. So try to move your cursor with the notes as they play in the editor, make as many circular motions as possible. You can switch directions during long gaps in the music.
00:31:066 (1,2,3) - This is a bad thing to do for many reasons:
1) On an Easy difficulty, players shouldn't have to jump this far. The notes should be stacked on top of each other.
2) The layout makes it very confusing. Do players have to jump there 1/2 beat later or 1 full beat later? I would turn 3 into a slider of sorts.
3) Your spacing is not even. For easy, normal, and some Hard difficulties you want to turn Distance Snap on (located on the right side of the editor).
00:14:362 (1,2) - Way too far of a jump!

If you need help let me know and message me! I'll try to help you out. Otherwise, good luck :)
IRC modding with mapper
12:40 Faputa: may I mod your map
12:40 Dunced: yes
12:40 Dunced: <3
12:41 Dunced: I will take any mods in :)
12:41 Faputa: IRC?
12:41 Dunced: as you can see though, Its a NM map (no mod) so i wont mod a map of yours if thats ok
12:41 Faputa: no problem
12:41 Dunced: ok
12:42 Dunced: You may mod
12:42 Dunced: through this text is also ok, I mostly say try modding on forums though, for your own benefit
12:42 *Faputa is editing [ R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana/Eiko Shimamiya [Normal]]
12:42 Dunced: Kudos can help your map get ranked too, (and/or noticed by a BN (Beatmap Nominator))
12:43 Dunced: Yes, it is meant to just be 2 Difficulties (yes for normal it would have a custom name usually but i couldn't come up with anything)
12:44 Faputa: as you may know, Time-distance equality should be used in normal
12:44 Dunced: mhm.
12:46 Faputa: therefore, you should keep things distance snapped
12:46 Dunced: is there something that isnt distance snapped in normal?
12:46 Faputa: there is:
12:47 Faputa: 00:06:818 (2,3,4) - for example
12:47 Faputa: it clearly is quite far compared with the other notes' distance
12:47 Dunced: ah i see
12:47 Faputa: 00:09:545 (2,1) - and this one is too small
12:48 Dunced: yea, i did try to make it hard with the spacing to make it + *
12:48 Faputa: for the former one, if you want to keep it, its fine, but change the other distance snaps so that overall the map has this DS
12:48 Faputa: for the latter one, you can stack (1) to (2)
12:49 Faputa: (2)'s slider end
12:49 Dunced: ah, ok
12:49 Faputa: another type of issue is this one 00:19:090 (1,3) -
12:50 Faputa: you may make these slider shapes the same to keep the map tidy
12:50 Dunced: ah ok
12:50 Faputa: using the tools at the top right hand corner -> edit
12:52 Faputa: and about the hitsounding, I don't suggest using too many finishes becuase the repetitive symbol sound is quite annoying
12:52 Dunced: yeah, i realized that but i didnt really know it would leave a big effect
12:53 Faputa: you can use custom hitsounds if in that case,
12:53 Dunced: i know i can, i just dont really know how :/
12:54 Faputa: There are tutorial posts at the forum, let me find it for you
12:55 Faputa:
12:55 Faputa: also, your timing is not accurate enough at the end
12:56 Dunced: it isnt?
12:56 Faputa: and the starting is also offsetted a bit
12:57 Dunced: hmm
12:57 Dunced: yea someone said 44 instead of 0
12:57 Faputa: first one try 44 to 51
12:57 Faputa: yeah
12:57 Dunced: hm
12:57 Dunced: ok
12:57 Dunced: do i change around the slider then? or keep them there
12:58 Dunced: the first slider in the map (Well the first note in the map)
12:58 Faputa: the slider starts at somewhere near 44 to 51 as well, so move them
12:59 Dunced: hm
12:59 Dunced: ok
12:59 Dunced: i thought it sounded like it started right away
13:00 Faputa: try this timing:
13:00 Faputa:
13:01 Faputa: copy+paste it at the .osu file
13:01 Dunced: mk
13:02 Faputa: open it at the top right File -> open .osu file -> and find the [timing points] replace it with this timing
13:02 Dunced: yea ik i will
13:02 Dunced: one second
13:03 Faputa: so basically these are the issues that affects the map, in terms of design, maybe I'll post at the forum, if you don't mind
13:03 Dunced: thats ok
13:03 Dunced: if you post at forum
13:04 Dunced: but yea
13:04 Dunced: ill use the timing
13:04 Faputa: let me post this log at the forum first, I'll add the second part later <3

I'll edit this post and give mods in terms of the map itself later :)
GL with the map
00:32:089 (3) -
that note should go further from the previous one

I do not see many mistakes x2 XD

Good luck ;v
Topic Starter

XexarX wrote:

00:32:089 (3) -
that note should go further from the previous one

I do not see many mistakes x2 XD

Good luck ;v
would give kudos but one mistake only = not really a mod so
ye thanks
From #modreqs


The first think I want to say about is slider velocity - I think slider velocity 1.1 is much better than 0.9, so fix it.
Spacing - use 0.7, it looks nicely.
00:01:407 (2,1,2) - Can you make something like this? ~,
00:09:589 (2) - Fix this slider (slider velocity 1.1) and turn off "new combo"
00:12:657 (3,4) - There's should be slider ~
00:14:362 (1,2,3,4) - I think, newbie will get confused here
00:19:134 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing 1.3 ~
00:21:862 (1,2) - Spacing 0.7 ~ and turn off "new combo" and turn it on next slider
00:23:225 (2) - Fix this slider (slider velocity 1.1)
00:24:589 (1,2) - Spacing 0.7 ~
00:25:953 (2,1,2,1) - Rip spacing? (0,7 and fix some sliders (you'll know about the sliders if you will try to make straight map)
00:30:044 (1,2,3,4,1) -,
00:34:799 (1,2,3) -
00:38:936 (1,2,3) - Spacing 1.3

Good luck! ;)
m4m from queue, reminder that this is my map
R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana/Eiko Shimamiya


  1. 00:15:044 (2) - there's no really a need to increase the spacing here, players at this level wont be able to hit this right
  2. 00:20:498 (1) - this visually looks like it falls on 00:20:157 - because it has the same spacing as a 1 beat gap, al though there is a 4 beat gap, increase the spacing so its less awkward to hit
  3. 00:31:066 (1) - same thing as before,unneccasary spacing change


  1. 00:17:430 - personally i think you should map the sounds here
  2. 00:32:089 (4) - same thing as before, its visually spaced as a 1 beat gap but its actually a 4 beat gap, increase spacing
turn down all of your hitsound volume to 80%, it overpowers the music at 100% and i would like to say that your map needs to utilize the play field more, both of the diff's entire play field is in the middle, don't be afraid to branch out more.
Ouh Dear, i have really no idea about low-star Maps. If i want to be of help i will have to just play it a lot and see how it feels like :D. Lets get started:

Easy Diff ---

00:05:498 (1) - it feels a little weird ending to the right and having the next note on the left side, so maybe change the direction of that slider with Ctrl+G or you move it a little
00:14:362 (1) - The distance to the (2) is bigger than the distance between the following notes, although they're all in the same time-distance to each other. Its a little irritating because it feels like there's a break between (1) and (2)
00:19:134 (2) - If you make this a new Combo it would fit more into the break indicated by the music. Just a personal preference though!
00:20:498 (1,2) - Same thing as the first Stamp, the way (1) ends should point into the direction of (2)
00:31:066 (1) - This note is super far away from the one before.

Cry ---

First of all, the Audio is still at 100% though it should be like in the Easy Difficulty, bu you probably know that

00:02:771 (1,2) - The Distance between these two is bigger than between the previous two. It would look (and feel) nicer if they were the same
00:08:225 (1) - Maybe move this a little bit further away from (4) since there is a little break. I kept on hittin it early
00:14:362 (1,2,3,4) - Here (2) (3) and (4) should be really close to each other (so there doesnt appear a connection between them), and the distance between (1) and the other 3 notes can be a little bigger.
00:19:134 (1,2,3,4) - Here you made a big distance between notes that are close together and a short distance between notes that have a break in between. Maybe switch that so (1) and (2) / (3) and (4) are closer together and (2) and (3) are a little bit apart
00:24:589 (1,2) - Here the connection line "cuts through" the slider, which looks unpleasant.
You can fix this by making the slider more straight, or turn it a little
00:31:407 (3,4) - The distance should be bigger since you used the same distance between the fast notes (1) (2) and (3) before
00:35:833 (2) - This one is really far away from the last note, and its also pointing into the wrong direction again. Maybe Ctrl+G the slider and move it a little closer

Thats all i found :)

Good Luck with your Map m8
I don't normally post on this type of map but it's short why not

Your hitsounds are very overdone and don't match the song well. Have a look at some of the ranked sets of R3 music box, you are allowed to use the hitsounds they use.
If you want to stick to default hitsounds, I would mainly just use the whistle, and completely avoid finish/clap since they are too much for the song.
Not every object needs a hitsound, only use them to highlight the important stuff
There is not much aesthetic consistency, sliders have very little relation to each other. This is something only more practice with mapping you will get better at.

General issues, applies to both diffs
Your slider velocity should be higher, very little movement right now.
00:06:862 (2) - On a easy/normal diff, distance snap should always be used so that it is easy for players to read.
00:11:634 (1) - On normal, there is no sound on this slider tail, using a circle would be better
00:14:362 (1) - Avoid using 1/4 in easy
00:24:589 (1) - This slider is too curved, the arrow is overlapping the slider head. Using too much curve doesn't look very nice
00:42:121 (1) - The spinner end is not snapped to any sound
Easy is pretty much the same thing with lower CS. Between diffs, there should be differences in what rhythm is being followed.

I would not suggest trying to continue pushing this for rank or looking for BNs. You still have plenty of room to grow as a mapper, and it would be better if you focused on improving how you mapped, rather than the map itself. Try spending some time making maps on fun songs you like which have higher bpm and more interesting rhythms, rather than trying to spend more time on this set which probably won't go anywhere. (maybe revisit this in a couple months and see how much you've changed ;)
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

I don't normally post on this type of map but it's short why not

Your hitsounds are very overdone and don't match the song well. Have a look at some of the ranked sets of R3 music box, you are allowed to use the hitsounds they use.
If you want to stick to default hitsounds, I would mainly just use the whistle, and completely avoid finish/clap since they are too much for the song.
Not every object needs a hitsound, only use them to highlight the important stuff
There is not much aesthetic consistency, sliders have very little relation to each other. This is something only more practice with mapping you will get better at.

General issues, applies to both diffs
Your slider velocity should be higher, very little movement right now.
00:06:862 (2) - On a easy/normal diff, distance snap should always be used so that it is easy for players to read.
00:11:634 (1) - On normal, there is no sound on this slider tail, using a circle would be better
00:14:362 (1) - Avoid using 1/4 in easy
00:24:589 (1) - This slider is too curved, the arrow is overlapping the slider head. Using too much curve doesn't look very nice
00:42:121 (1) - The spinner end is not snapped to any sound
Easy is pretty much the same thing with lower CS. Between diffs, there should be differences in what rhythm is being followed.

I would not suggest trying to continue pushing this for rank or looking for BNs. You still have plenty of room to grow as a mapper, and it would be better if you focused on improving how you mapped, rather than the map itself. Try spending some time making maps on fun songs you like which have higher bpm and more interesting rhythms, rather than trying to spend more time on this set which probably won't go anywhere. (maybe revisit this in a couple months and see how much you've changed ;)
Thanks for mod! :)
before I start
I just tell you that I didnt read the previous mods on your map, so keep it in mind if you find something contraddictory

General stuff
You put "shigurashi" in the tags, correct it (remove s)
Change Combo Colour 1, it has 240 luminosity which is too much (below 220 according to the criteria)


00:09:589 (1) - I think you dont need a new combo here
00:14:362 (1) - I would put a clap sound on the beginning of the slider since you put it on 00:11:634 (1) - ; and you could also line up slider 1 and 2 since they are not on the same line
00:20:498 (1) - Remove new combo here and put one on 00:21:862 (2) - ; and I think you can also Ctrl-G this slider (00:20:498 (1) - ), so the distance snapping gets more natural
00:27:316 (1) - to 00:30:044 (1) - : I see a similar structure from 00:05:498 (1) - to 00:08:225 (1) - but you put 2 new combos on the first one and 3 on the other one; so either you put a new combo on 00:06:862 (2) - or you can just remove the combo on 00:28:680 (1) - , as you please. (I would personally suggest the first option btw) Also maybe you could remove the whistle from 00:30:044 (1) -
00:31:066 (1) - I would rather put a new combo on 00:32:089 (3) - , I dont think you need it here
00:34:799 (1) - I would remove the whistle and put it on 00:36:178 (1) - instead

Lower the OD to 3 because it doesnt fit the criteria
Change Combo Colour 1, it has 240 luminosity which is too much (below 220 according to the criteria)


00:04:134 (2) - remove the red waypoint
00:05:498 (3) - new combo and space it a bit more
00:11:634 (1) - This slider is weird, so change it to a circle or into a slider which stops at 00:12:316 (2) - (removing the circle); if you choose the first option space the two circles a bit more because they have the same distance as 00:12:316 (2,3) - (so a different snapping)
00:14:362 (1) - a bit closer to 00:15:044 (2) - (reduce the snapping from ~1.9 to ~1.6 like the following notes); also I suggest to put whistle on 00:14:362 (1) - because you put it on 00:11:634 (1) -
00:19:816 (2,4) - wowowo snapping of 1.8 was still reasonable (in the previous sections) but I see ~3 here. Move these two circles closer to the sliders right before. And mind that 00:19:816 (2,3) - must be further than 00:19:134 (1,2) - or 00:20:498 (3,4) - since they have different timings
00:23:225 (2) - similar stuff, snapping ~2. consider changing a bit here
00:27:316 (1,1,1,2,3) - similar to what I said on Easy, it is similar to 00:05:498 (3,4,5,6,1) - and it has 3 new combos while the first part has 2 (if you added 1 where I told you. They have a different amount of combo colours anyways). So either you put a new combo on 00:06:862 (4) - or you remove it on 00:28:680 (1) - .
00:30:044 (1,2,3,4,1) - snapping as I wrote above; in particular note that 00:31:407 (3,4) - have to be further than the circles before and put 00:32:089 (4,1) - closer
00:34:799 (1,2) - neeej snapping of 3.84! also I think its better to remove whistle here and put it on 00:36:178 (3) -
00:40:967 (3) - lets give him a new combo why not

Lower AR and OD (4-5 instead of >6) since this diff is classified as Normal

I think it is a good map for being one of your first ones (I cant say much since I dont have many aswell heh).
Keep it up and good luck!
Topic Starter

Bluecrow309 wrote:

before I start
I just tell you that I didnt read the previous mods on your map, so keep it in mind if you find something contraddictory

General stuff
You put "shigurashi" in the tags, correct it (remove s)
Change Combo Colour 1, it has 240 luminosity which is too much (below 220 according to the criteria)


00:09:589 (1) - I think you dont need a new combo here
00:14:362 (1) - I would put a clap sound on the beginning of the slider since you put it on 00:11:634 (1) - ; and you could also line up slider 1 and 2 since they are not on the same line
00:20:498 (1) - Remove new combo here and put one on 00:21:862 (2) - ; and I think you can also Ctrl-G this slider (00:20:498 (1) - ), so the distance snapping gets more natural
00:27:316 (1) - to 00:30:044 (1) - : I see a similar structure from 00:05:498 (1) - to 00:08:225 (1) - but you put 2 new combos on the first one and 3 on the other one; so either you put a new combo on 00:06:862 (2) - or you can just remove the combo on 00:28:680 (1) - , as you please. (I would personally suggest the first option btw) Also maybe you could remove the whistle from 00:30:044 (1) -
00:31:066 (1) - I would rather put a new combo on 00:32:089 (3) - , I dont think you need it here
00:34:799 (1) - I would remove the whistle and put it on 00:36:178 (1) - instead

Lower the OD to 3 because it doesnt fit the criteria
Change Combo Colour 1, it has 240 luminosity which is too much (below 220 according to the criteria)


00:04:134 (2) - remove the red waypoint
00:05:498 (3) - new combo and space it a bit more
00:11:634 (1) - This slider is weird, so change it to a circle or into a slider which stops at 00:12:316 (2) - (removing the circle); if you choose the first option space the two circles a bit more because they have the same distance as 00:12:316 (2,3) - (so a different snapping)
00:14:362 (1) - a bit closer to 00:15:044 (2) - (reduce the snapping from ~1.9 to ~1.6 like the following notes); also I suggest to put whistle on 00:14:362 (1) - because you put it on 00:11:634 (1) -
00:19:816 (2,4) - wowowo snapping of 1.8 was still reasonable (in the previous sections) but I see ~3 here. Move these two circles closer to the sliders right before. And mind that 00:19:816 (2,3) - must be further than 00:19:134 (1,2) - or 00:20:498 (3,4) - since they have different timings
00:23:225 (2) - similar stuff, snapping ~2. consider changing a bit here
00:27:316 (1,1,1,2,3) - similar to what I said on Easy, it is similar to 00:05:498 (3,4,5,6,1) - and it has 3 new combos while the first part has 2 (if you added 1 where I told you. They have a different amount of combo colours anyways). So either you put a new combo on 00:06:862 (4) - or you remove it on 00:28:680 (1) - .
00:30:044 (1,2,3,4,1) - snapping as I wrote above; in particular note that 00:31:407 (3,4) - have to be further than the circles before and put 00:32:089 (4,1) - closer
00:34:799 (1,2) - neeej snapping of 3.84! also I think its better to remove whistle here and put it on 00:36:178 (3) -
00:40:967 (3) - lets give him a new combo why not

Lower AR and OD (4-5 instead of >6) since this diff is classified as Normal

I think it is a good map for being one of your first ones (I cant say much since I dont have many aswell heh).
Keep it up and good luck!
TY for mod <3 By the way, this is my atleast 50th map :lol:
Oh ok hahaha
Chihara Minori
since it mostly the same thing to say ill just recap it. Start from the rhythm, i dont really see any part that miss emphasis by how clear you optimalized the piano tiles hit as line to map the diff, however theres some tricky point such as
00:31:066 (1) - where the visual of snappin indicated to 1/1 while it placed as 1/2. just turn the snapping on and replacing will do it
a bit more words about visual, this not really an issue actually it just a good habbit to realize it conciously when mapping
00:00:044 (1,2) - this compare with 00:02:771 (1,2) - you can already see it doesnt apply same ds, this kind of thing usually not appear to AIMod but theres plently of this stuff on the diff, so would be great if you just sweep and check it by yourself
then go to NC. For Easy and Normal it usually NCed every 4~8 combo count or at some point "strong beat". So the current one is just like a mess of NC applyment for me.

00:01:066 - 00:03:794 - 00:22:884 - 00:25:612 - missing beat
00:05:498 - for normal its more free for variant of rhthm so a section like
00:04:134 (2) - is that really neccesary to angle the slider head? i dont think so
00:11:975 - theres some argument about how shadow beat work, it was like overmap where the music not really support to be mapped but for consistency rhythtm pick yes its allowed. which i mean 00:11:634 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - you can just make them similar by add reverse to first (1)
00:12:998 (4) - you can change it to 1/1 slider
00:17:771 - try to avoid this big gap on normal even if it was instrumental song (which quite hard at start ik) try this 00:16:407 -
00:27:316 (1,1) - 4 1/2 slider is another option
00:33:794 - 1/1 slider
00:37:212 (1) - moce 1/2 to back and place a circle at current point
get the nc right again just like I said earlier
preview points a bit off tho

theres some word, feel free to ask if theres confusing one, gl
July - San

Hi! again xd

I hope it does not bother you asking for a m4m

My map:

okay let's start!
(I have not done mods for a long time)


00:05:498 (3) - It is always better to place the NC (new combo) in the stronger "pulses", You know, the white bars, but the ones that are longer than the others there put the nc, I hope I explained well, I'm disgusting, well as I said, new combo here!

00:06:862 (4) - Hitsound Whistle here

00:12:316 (2,3,4) - The claps here sound horrible, quitalos

00:10:953 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:11:634 (1) - Again I repeat the same, this slider is very short, should end here 00:11:975 -

00:13:680 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:20:498 (3) - Maybe a NC here?

00:27:316 (1,1,1) - Whistle...Maybe?

00:32:089 (4) - For my taste, you can change that slider by a circle, it looks better

00:32:089 - Circle here.

00:36:867 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:42:121 (1) - This Spinner should end here 00:45:202 -

I think with these improvements the map would be much better! I'll wait for my mod, if it does not bother you, good luck! :)
Topic Starter

July - San wrote:


Hi! again xd

I hope it does not bother you asking for a m4m

My map:

okay let's start!
(I have not done mods for a long time)


00:05:498 (3) - It is always better to place the NC (new combo) in the stronger "pulses", You know, the white bars, but the ones that are longer than the others there put the nc, I hope I explained well, I'm disgusting, well as I said, new combo here!

00:06:862 (4) - Hitsound Whistle here

00:12:316 (2,3,4) - The claps here sound horrible, quitalos

00:10:953 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:11:634 (1) - Again I repeat the same, this slider is very short, should end here 00:11:975 -

00:13:680 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:20:498 (3) - Maybe a NC here?

00:27:316 (1,1,1) - Whistle...Maybe?

00:32:089 (4) - For my taste, you can change that slider by a circle, it looks better

00:32:089 - Circle here.

00:36:867 - why there is nothing there?, you should put at least one circle

00:42:121 (1) - This Spinner should end here 00:45:202 -

I think with these improvements the map would be much better! I'll wait for my mod, if it does not bother you, good luck! :)
Them for mod, mod should be there for you at 4PM Central Time which is when I'm active and modding
Serizawa Haruki
short M4M return

  1. In my opinion, distance snap should always be used for easy, it's kinda confusing if the distance changes so much, for example 00:14:362 (1,2,3) - and 00:30:044 (3,1,2,3) - are really confusing
  2. 00:00:044 (1,2) - and 00:01:407 (2,1) - blankets could be better
  1. 00:11:634 (1) - should end at 00:11:975 -
  2. 00:32:089 (3) - Move further away from 00:31:407 (2) -
  3. 00:34:799 (1,2) - big distance for no reason
The rest seems fine to me, gl
I checked your map and found out that it would be not fair to have you mod my map that is way longer than yours.
So, please mod only one diff of your choice, and I'll mod yours. Thx.
Topic Starter

Jayel wrote:

I checked your map and found out that it would be not fair to have you mod my map that is way longer than yours.
So, please mod only one diff of your choice, and I'll mod yours. Thx.
Nah is ok we good
After Stalking Navigating the thread of random maps in the game chat i saw that some rather important information was pretty much ignored and i feel that its really something you should take note of;

Sinnoh wrote:

I would not suggest trying to continue pushing this for rank or looking for BNs. You still have plenty of room to grow as a mapper, and it would be better if you focused on improving how you mapped, rather than the map itself. Try spending some time making maps on fun songs you like which have higher bpm and more interesting rhythms, rather than trying to spend more time on this set which probably won't go anywhere. (maybe revisit this in a couple months and see how much you've changed ;)
to what doesnt seem like much this is incredibly important and just yesterday i saw this;

asking for mods is one thing, but if you never mod the map yourself your not going to see ways you yourself can improve, modders are there to assist you in the creation of your map, not to do all the work for you.
I really recommend that you read Sinnoh's post again and understand what he says (you can pm me if you want, id me more then happy to help) its to help you improve as a mapper, not to be a pain.

Self modding is the key to becoming a better mapper

Dont kudo <3
i HIGHLY recommend that you reply to each mod explaining what you did and didn't change for each point they modded on, it not only shows everyone that you care about improving your beatmap, this helps the modders know that they've done their job to help you, but it also shows everyone else you've actioned these changes. Denying changes is fine but doing this you should give your opinion as to why you decided to deny the change.

sorry for the separate post but this was important, i also cant edit it for some reason
Topic Starter

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

After Stalking Navigating the thread of random maps in the game chat i saw that some rather important information was pretty much ignored and i feel that its really something you should take note of;

Sinnoh wrote:

I would not suggest trying to continue pushing this for rank or looking for BNs. You still have plenty of room to grow as a mapper, and it would be better if you focused on improving how you mapped, rather than the map itself. Try spending some time making maps on fun songs you like which have higher bpm and more interesting rhythms, rather than trying to spend more time on this set which probably won't go anywhere. (maybe revisit this in a couple months and see how much you've changed ;)
to what doesnt seem like much this is incredibly important and just yesterday i saw this;

asking for mods is one thing, but if you never mod the map yourself your not going to see ways you yourself can improve, modders are there to assist you in the creation of your map, not to do all the work for you.
I really recommend that you read Sinnoh's post again and understand what he says (you can pm me if you want, id me more then happy to help) its to help you improve as a mapper, not to be a pain.

Self modding is the key to becoming a better mapper

Dont kudo <3
yea but this is my first successful map, who cares if they said avoid pushing rank, I'm going to try to reach the goal I'm going for for this.

CrumpetFiddler wrote:

i HIGHLY recommend that you reply to each mod explaining what you did and didn't change for each point they modded on, it not only shows everyone that you care about improving your beatmap, this helps the modders know that they've done their job to help you, but it also shows everyone else you've actioned these changes. Denying changes is fine but doing this you should give your opinion as to why you decided to deny the change.

sorry for the separate post but this was important, i also cant edit it for some reason
mk, i will do that
Topic Starter
i mean OF COURSE i'm still not gonna focus on just this, im still mapping in the background, just havent finished anything and uploaded it
Topic Starter
self mod


  • 00:34:799 (1,2,1) - straighten slider 1 and other slider 1 so they match

  • 00:10:953 (3) - move circle a bit to the right
    00:12:657 (3) - move circle a bit to the left
    00:16:407 (1) - straighten slider
    00:38:936 (1) - straighten slider
    00:40:967 (3) - straighten slider
Topic Starter
cri no new mods
Akebana Yukio
hello im from #modreq

00:11:634 (1,2) - equate distance with 00:12:316 (2,3)
00:32:089 (3,1) - equate distance with 00:31:407 (2,3)
00:36:867 (4,1) - same 00:36:178 (3,4)

if you want in one slider there is whistle, click 2 times on the beat you want to give whistle
the first click

apply also to reverse slider and add the whistle hitsound

Be Aesthetic ;) ;)
Topic Starter

Akebana Yukio wrote:

hello im from #modreq

00:11:634 (1,2) - equate distance with 00:12:316 (2,3)
00:32:089 (3,1) - equate distance with 00:31:407 (2,3)
00:36:867 (4,1) - same 00:36:178 (3,4)

if you want in one slider there is whistle, click 2 times on the beat you want to give whistle
the first click

apply also to reverse slider and add the whistle hitsound

Be Aesthetic ;) ;)
tysm! Updating all of it
Topic Starter

Akebana Yukio wrote:

hello im from #modreq

00:11:634 (1,2) - equate distance with 00:12:316 (2,3)
00:32:089 (3,1) - equate distance with 00:31:407 (2,3)
00:36:867 (4,1) - same 00:36:178 (3,4)

if you want in one slider there is whistle, click 2 times on the beat you want to give whistle
the first click

apply also to reverse slider and add the whistle hitsound

Be Aesthetic ;) ;)
:o one second, this wasn't labeled which diff, plz labelldled
Joe Castle
Hi, i have seen this map on #modreqs and many other modding queues, and i think i can help you with the meta.

First of all, youre using the whole name of the video, when in reality, you should be using only the "naraku no hana" part, since Eiko Shimamiya is the one who sings the original song :P. So the name should be "R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana"

On the tags, delete "r3 music box" and "haraku no hana", you dont need that in the tags since youre already using them in the name of the beatmap, and replace "anime" with "visual novel"

In the source section, you can put "ひぐらしのなく頃に" since thats the japanese name of the visual novel where the song is from.

Also, the timing youre using isnt the correct one, so i recommend asking this user called "tokiko" since he has made most of my r3 music box's timings. He will help you!

And about the mapping... eh... is not attractive, is very simple and doesnt follow the song correctly in my opinion, if you want, take a look on other R3 Music Box maps, including my maps, they can help you about how to map this kind of songs and how to make them look attractive!

Topic Starter

Joe Castle wrote:

Hi, i have seen this map on #modreqs and many other modding queues, and i think i can help you with the meta.

First of all, youre using the whole name of the video, when in reality, you should be using only the "naraku no hana" part, since Eiko Shimamiya is the one who sings the original song :P. So the name should be "R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana"

On the tags, delete "r3 music box" and "haraku no hana", you dont need that in the tags since youre already using them in the name of the beatmap, and replace "anime" with "visual novel"

In the source section, you can put "ひぐらしのなく頃に" since thats the japanese name of the visual novel where the song is from.

Also, the timing youre using isnt the correct one, so i recommend asking this user called "tokiko" since he has made most of my r3 music box's timings. He will help you!

And about the mapping... eh... is not attractive, is very simple and doesnt follow the song correctly in my opinion, if you want, take a look on other R3 Music Box maps, including my maps, they can help you about how to map this kind of songs and how to make them look attractive!

ty :D changed everything
Joe Castle

Dunced wrote:

Joe Castle wrote:

Hi, i have seen this map on #modreqs and many other modding queues, and i think i can help you with the meta.

First of all, youre using the whole name of the video, when in reality, you should be using only the "naraku no hana" part, since Eiko Shimamiya is the one who sings the original song :P. So the name should be "R3 Music Box - Naraku no Hana"

On the tags, delete "r3 music box" and "haraku no hana", you dont need that in the tags since youre already using them in the name of the beatmap, and replace "anime" with "visual novel"

In the source section, you can put "ひぐらしのなく頃に" since thats the japanese name of the visual novel where the song is from.

Also, the timing youre using isnt the correct one, so i recommend asking this user called "tokiko" since he has made most of my r3 music box's timings. He will help you!

And about the mapping... eh... is not attractive, is very simple and doesnt follow the song correctly in my opinion, if you want, take a look on other R3 Music Box maps, including my maps, they can help you about how to map this kind of songs and how to make them look attractive!

ty :D changed everything
not even kudo hmmm
Topic Starter
I avoided it because it was only general tips but fiNE
why it deleted my post for no reason ;è;

nvm, from #modreq, extremely short mod

The timing is off, change the bpm to 87,950 and offset to 50, delete all the laters reds timing points. i'm not sure about the bpm of the last part
I highly recommand disabling grid snap while mapping, it make the distance snap very inconsistant.

The distance snap is so inconsistant, change the distance snap to 1,5 and make it that distance snap consistant through the map.
00:05:498 (1,2,3) - avoid overlaps, also i would change the rotation of 2,3 because 2 and 3 express differents sounds.
you should rethink about flow because it seems that it is almost inexistant here.

it has the same problem as easy, distance snap and overlaps
the note density is almost the same as easy, you could increase it by adding more circles/slider in the red ticks. distance snap isn't the greatest way to increase the difficulty.

gl for your future maps.
Topic Starter

realy0_ wrote:

why it deleted my post for no reason ;è;

nvm, from #modreq, extremely short mod

The timing is off, change the bpm to 87,950 and offset to 50, delete all the laters reds timing points. i'm not sure about the bpm of the last part
I highly recommand disabling grid snap while mapping, it make the distance snap very inconsistant.

The distance snap is so inconsistant, change the distance snap to 1,5 and make it that distance snap consistant through the map.
00:05:498 (1,2,3) - avoid overlaps, also i would change the rotation of 2,3 because 2 and 3 express differents sounds.
you should rethink about flow because it seems that it is almost inexistant here.

it has the same problem as easy, distance snap and overlaps
the note density is almost the same as easy, you could increase it by adding more circles/slider in the red ticks. distance snap isn't the greatest way to increase the difficulty.

gl for your future maps.
fixing all but the timing for now, im questioning changing the timing because i dont think it needs any changing right now seeing that everyone who ive talked to about it says otherwise
Hello :)


00:05:498 (1,2,3) - Maybe try to get more creative with these 3 sliders? Also (1) and (2) have unnecessary slider point in the middle which could be removed if you decide to keep this pattern
00:15:044 (2,3) - The overlap here looks ugly and could be easily fixed by moving the 2nd slider to the bottom
00:19:134 (1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing and ugly overlap between (2) and (3), could be easily fixed if you use the distance snap.
00:27:316 (1,2,3) - Yet again, ugly overlaps. Maybe try doing something like this?
00:34:799 (1,2,1) - I would recommend to reduce the curve here, by that I mean make the cursor turn more gentle. Perhaps something like this would work?
00:38:936 (1,1,1) - Increase the spacing so that these 3 sliders dont overlap.
00:42:121 (1) - The spinner should end at the blue tick after the big white tick.


00:00:044 (1) - I would recommend you to make this a normal curved slider which would look much cleaner and overall better. You can do so by deleting one of the middle slider points.
00:02:771 (1) - ^
00:05:498 (1) - Unnecessary red slider point in the middle
00:08:225 (1) - ^
00:10:953 (3,2) - Because you are later placing a circle in the same position, I recommend you get rid of the overlap with the slider there.
00:14:362 (1) - Unnecessary slider point in the middle
00:24:589 (1) - ^
00:24:589 (1,2) - It's a very mild overlap but it's still there
00:28:680 (2) - Unnecessary slider point in the middle
00:30:044 (3) - ^
00:35:833 (2,3) - ^
00:37:212 (1) - ^
00:38:936 (1,2,3) - ^
00:42:121 (1) - The spinner should end at the blue tick after the big white tick.

You are getting there, keep it up! :)

Joe Castle wrote:

not even kudo hmmm
I belive that metadata checks shouldn't even be awarded kudosu

Easy (1.19 stars, 37 notes)
  1. I believe the whistles are too loud on 00:00:044 (1) - and 00:02:771 (1) - they don't really fit with the peaceful theme of this song. (In my opinon)
  2. Why is 00:15:044 (2) - on top of 00:16:407 (3) - ? I'd make it more like what you have here - 00:06:862 (2) - I feel as if this plays a lot nicer.
Cry (1.67 stars, 47 notes)
  1. 00:01:407 (2) - Why's this slider using a red anchor point? It'd be much nicer as a straight slider or one with a grey anchor to make the curve smoother and more aesthetically pleasing. Same with 00:04:134 (2) - there's nothing in the song that really stands out so I don't see the need for these sliders to be red anchored.
  2. Adding on to the above, 00:04:134 (2) - should, in my opinion, come down and left (like this: as it flows better. Repeat this throughout the difficulty.
  3. There's several sliders in this difficulty that have random slider points - is this intentional or? If not, should be removed.
I'm new to this so please take my advice with a grain of salt :) Good luck.
Topic Starter

Jools wrote:


Easy (1.19 stars, 37 notes)
  1. I believe the whistles are too loud on 00:00:044 (1) - and 00:02:771 (1) - they don't really fit with the peaceful theme of this song. (In my opinon)
  2. Why is 00:15:044 (2) - on top of 00:16:407 (3) - ? I'd make it more like what you have here - 00:06:862 (2) - I feel as if this plays a lot nicer.
Cry (1.67 stars, 47 notes)
  1. 00:01:407 (2) - Why's this slider using a red anchor point? It'd be much nicer as a straight slider or one with a grey anchor to make the curve smoother and more aesthetically pleasing. Same with 00:04:134 (2) - there's nothing in the song that really stands out so I don't see the need for these sliders to be red anchored.
  2. Adding on to the above, 00:04:134 (2) - should, in my opinion, come down and left (like this: as it flows better. Repeat this throughout the difficulty.
  3. There's several sliders in this difficulty that have random slider points - is this intentional or? If not, should be removed.
I'm new to this so please take my advice with a grain of salt :) Good luck.
tanks m8
Here's the mod:

Some sliders have 3 nodes on them but are straight and I'm not sure if that's intended

00:09:589 (4,5,6) - Could make these three triangles:
00:10:953 (5,6,7) - Could also be made to triangles:
00:11:634 (6,7,8) - ^
00:05:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This Combo covers ~17% of the song maybe cut it up at some points
00:21:862 (3) - Could start a new combo here with the song change (as you did on 00:24:589 (1) and 00:27:316 (1))
00:38:936 (1,1,1) - I feel like this could look better, but I'm unsure how you'd change it.

Why do you update ur map while I'm modding aaaaaaa

Imma redo this now

Some sliders have 3 nodes on them but are straight and I'm not sure if that's intended
00:10:953 (5,1,3) - Could be made into a triangle
00:05:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This Combo covers ~17% of the song maybe cut it up at some points
00:21:862 (3) - Could start a new combo here with the song change (as you did on 00:24:589 (1) and 00:27:316 (1))
00:38:936 (1,1,1) - I feel like this could look better, but I'm unsure how you'd change it.

I only cry because I noticed that some charakters in the background are missing their feet and I'm annoyed that I can't unsee that. oh and because of modding v1 >.<
00:00:044 (1) - This looks weird.
00:02:771 (1) - This looks better.
00:09:589 (2,3) - Could really confuse players at this skill level, like my friend Heigoon who hated that. (Though he got salty and that was funny.)
00:15:044 (2,3,4) - He could also not read that at all
00:19:134 (1,2) - You can blanket that better:
00:20:498 (3,4) - Same though here you can just turn 00:20:498 (3) two degree anti clockwise
00:21:862 (1,2) - Could be blanketed like this:
00:23:225 (2,1) - ^ :
00:35:833 (2,3,4) - Could be triangulated:
00:36:867 (4,1,2,3) - Same but:
NM from discord lole

  1. Its best u find a 16:9 background since 4:3 is pretty uncommon these days
  2. You will need proper hitsounding if your pushing this for rank
  3. Highly recommended to have custom combo colors too, if you find a higher quality background and decide to use it, just use the color scheme of the background for your combo colors


Always distance snap on Easy. Especially R3 Music box since the music is quite static. Probably needs a remap due to its current structure with sliders too.
for example a spacing of 2.21x here: 00:04:134 (2,1) is definitely not rankable.
00:14:362 (1) - this would be too dense for easy
00:19:134 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3) - there are too many slider only sections

you should probably read up on the ranking guidelines for Easy difficulties:!


See the mod in Easy for this. Its quite similar issues here.

You should also attempt to over map this a little more (map the weaker sounding music box strikes) since the current double Easy spread isnt really ideal to rank
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