[Space's Normal]
02:23:637 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - This whole part looks too undermapped for a Normal diff. Mapping the instrumentals between those gaps 02:27:298 (3) - 02:31:482 (3) - and so on would propose a better song representation to a Normal diff.
The rest of the diff is really solid and clean.
01:43:626 (4,5,6,7) - I would start the stack at (5) instead of (4), this way it proposes more movement to the patterning because having 4 circles stacked at this part kinda of breaks the flow considering song is not slow or something liek that. Also you could propose a better symmetrical pattern, check it out:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1083592902:07:946 (1,2) - Song is asking for more at this part rather than just two 1/1 with low spacing circles. You could rather increase the spacing for those to make cursor movement higher or make the rhythm harder by following the ''ye ye'' completely.
02:13:176 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Why did you increase the spacing for this part when the previous part 02:08:992 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - where song is exactly the same, has a much lower spacing. It feels unconsistent to my view, consider using the same spacing for both.
Feels simple and clean.
[Talk to me GURL]
gurl00:25:567 (2) - I see you put the normal whistle to this part because his vocals just started, but it looks inconsistent as you didn't use it anywhere else on his vocals afterwards. Leaving this one with no hitsounds should represent the part better.
00:40:080 (4) - I would stack this one under 00:39:296 (2) - the current spacing is too big while song is actually not that strong. Stacking under (2) would lower the spacing and it fits the song best.
01:15:645 (1,1) - I would recommend for you to map something different there rather than continuing the decrease pattern. The decreasing vocals stops at those sliders, and the male vocals/instrumentals continues in a stronger way. Mapping his vocals would represent the song better.
01:34:735 (2) - The current placement of this circle kinda of kills the emphasys of the pattern, the beat on (3) is much stronger than (2) and they should be more distant than each other than they are from (1) to (2). Moving (2) lower would improve the flow/emphasys a lot. Check it out:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1083559501:37:350 (5) - The normal sampleset on the head of this slider might have just been an accident, as it weren't used here 00:47:141 (5) - and it doesn't fit the song well.
01:47:026 (2) - Consider adding 5% volume to the tail of this slider, a 1/8 slider used only once to emphasize vocals like that feels weird if the tail doesn't get muted, it doesn't fit anywhere the song/vocals having two hitsounds that close.
02:04:024 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - The song is keeping the same intensity here so I don't get why you are using a decreasing pattern there, it plays weird as it doesn't relate to the song. Consider using more or less the same spacing for those circles.
02:22:591 (8) - Adding a Nc here would improve readability a lot and would also help to consistency, since this combo is too long compared to the other ones in this section.
I hope this mod helps you in anything. Bye!