
Shimotsuki Haruka - EXEC_PAJA/.#Orica extracting.

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, October 2, 2017 at 3:36:29 PM

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: EXEC_PAJA/.#Orica extracting.
Source: アルトネリコ ~世界の終わりで詩い続ける少女~
Tags: ar tonelico melody of elemia Aurica Nestmile The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo 彌紗・アルトセルク・リューン jrpg gust best game hymn Tsuchiya Akira土屋 暁 purger
BPM: 50.35
Filesize: 10500kb
Play Time: 05:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Wish (5.41 stars, 1283 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - EXEC_PAJA/.#Orica extracting.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
more ar tonelico indonesian drum and bass choir hybrid also most of the song is 157 bpm the 50.35 is pretty troll

hitsounds were basically collab'd with shurelia lol

ty gowo, raiden, dsco, chaos for input with timing
Holyshit mir

You can actually just copy stuffs for tags from chroni but without misha and my name but ill do it anyways so

Have some stars anyway

  1. add "purger" to the tags since it's the eng ver title of this song

  1. 00:16:520 (1) - i really prefer if i can go to click 'n hold to follow the last bell like sound at here. Might want to try a super slow slider at here to increase the prettyness
  2. 00:18:259 (2) - should be NC since it's actually a new sound and really different thing from before
  3. 00:19:720 (1) - give more DS please, the sound is pretty louder than the other. try 214|320
  4. 00:34:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - sexy
  5. 00:40:464 (1,2) - dunno what this NC for
  6. 00:59:859 (2) - you sure that you didn't misplace this on that actually on 00:59:954 - ?
  7. 01:05:687 (1,2,1,2) - prolly the 2nd (1,2) should follow how the 1st 1,2 plays.
  8. 02:27:087 (1,2,1,2) - same issue like i previously mentioned
  9. 03:30:716 (5,6) - this with 03:31:576 (2,3) - might actually confuse people , should do something about this.
  10. 03:40:270 (3,4,5) - please give more spaced stream like 1.0x for each objects to emphasize stuffs and pp
  11. 03:42:945 (2,1,2,3,1) - kinda meh looking , might want to place 3 on 03:42:563 (2) - 's tail
  12. 03:48:103 (3,1) - this too, should have more DS than it's actually look, like try 1.5x or 1.6x. the sounds are pretty heavy too soo
  13. 03:49:441 (5,6) - would CTRL G these two so could have more emphasize
  14. 03:56:127 - 03:56:509 - are you actually gonna ignore these two? I mean the background bell sounds are pretty strong to be listened and imo ignoring them could make things awkward, like really awkward. I really suggest for you to map these 2 spot
  15. 04:08:634 - the break should start at here instead
  16. 04:46:380 (3,4,1) - muh triangle
  17. 04:48:291 (5) - might want to go for 1/4 repeat instead , only as an alternative tho (o you actually map it with 1/4 at here 04:54:023 (4) - )
  18. 04:57:463 (5) - 04:45:233 (5) - same issue
  19. 04:59:182 (1) - miss stacked with 04:58:418 (2) -
Topic Starter

Shurelia wrote:

Holyshit mir

You can actually just copy stuffs for tags from chroni but without misha and my name but ill do it anyways so

Have some stars anyway

  1. add "purger" to the tags since it's the eng ver title of this song

  1. 00:16:520 (1) - i really prefer if i can go to click 'n hold to follow the last bell like sound at here. Might want to try a super slow slider at here to increase the prettyness - hmm i prefer just a click like the first one
  2. 00:18:259 (2) - should be NC since it's actually a new sound and really different thing from before
  3. 00:19:720 (1) - give more DS please, the sound is pretty louder than the other. try 214|320
  4. 00:34:731 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - sexy
  5. 00:40:464 (1,2) - dunno what this NC for - wanted to emphasize the drums here
  6. 00:59:859 (2) - you sure that you didn't misplace this on that actually on 00:59:954 - ? - nope it's for drums
  7. 01:05:687 (1,2,1,2) - prolly the 2nd (1,2) should follow how the 1st 1,2 plays.
  8. 02:27:087 (1,2,1,2) - same issue like i previously mentioned - first has a stronger sound so more spacing so plays differently
  9. 03:30:716 (5,6) - this with 03:31:576 (2,3) - might actually confuse people , should do something about this. - I think the ds is large enough to compensate, we'll see
  10. 03:40:270 (3,4,5) - please give more spaced stream like 1.0x for each objects to emphasize stuffs and pp - it already is a massive spike, no more buffs!
  11. 03:42:945 (2,1,2,3,1) - kinda meh looking , might want to place 3 on 03:42:563 (2) - 's tail - adjusted another way
  12. 03:48:103 (3,1) - this too, should have more DS than it's actually look, like try 1.5x or 1.6x. the sounds are pretty heavy too soo
  13. 03:49:441 (5,6) - would CTRL G these two so could have more emphasize - mmm i think it should be fine as it is im more focused on the snares here
  14. 03:56:127 - 03:56:509 - are you actually gonna ignore these two? I mean the background bell sounds are pretty strong to be listened and imo ignoring them could make things awkward, like really awkward. I really suggest for you to map these 2 spot - actually i didn't notice them at all but will keep in mind if pointed out again
  15. 04:08:634 - the break should start at here instead
  16. 04:46:380 (3,4,1) - muh triangle
  17. 04:48:291 (5) - might want to go for 1/4 repeat instead , only as an alternative tho (o you actually map it with 1/4 at here 04:54:023 (4) - ) -
  18. 04:57:463 (5) - 04:45:233 (5) - same issue
  19. 04:59:182 (1) - miss stacked with 04:58:418 (2) -
Ty Shurelia!!
osu! needs more Ar tonelico!

I think offset have some problem, It lates for 44ms overall, and should adjust more in start part, so I try to give a timingpoints that i have adjusted. you can refer it to adjust.

02:26:194 (3,1,2) - how about
04:38:130 (2) - I think here have no sound.
04:45:677 (1) - here maybe can use a reverse slider to follow the vocal
04:56:951 (3,4) - try to ctrl+g?

kiai part is too hard for me :o

waiting for ranked!!
minor timing stuff and some gameplay + hitsound things

22:12 Lasse: actually we can just go over the timing now I guess lol
22:12 Mir: wait wha
22:12 Mir: i was just asking some people xD
22:13 Mir: if you wanna tho sure
22:13 Lasse: these intro sounds are so tilt though
22:13 Lasse: hard to determine where the main attack point is imo
22:13 Mir: yeah..
22:13 Mir: kinda had to guess
22:13 Lasse: but 00:03:424 (3) - seems kinda late
22:14 Lasse: sounds better at like
22:14 Lasse: 76 bpm to me
22:14 Lasse: idk
22:14 Mir: mhm a bit
22:14 Lasse: 4 is fine again
22:14 Mir: yeah i did 76
22:15 Lasse: 00:02:975 - might also be a bit late?
22:15 Lasse: that sounds
22:15 Lasse: sound
22:15 Mir: i don't think so?
22:15 Mir: that one actually sounds fine to me
22:16 Lasse: yea
22:16 Lasse: i'm getting thrown off by the sound
22:16 Lasse: also
22:16 Lasse: that part would probably sound better without the hihat hitnormal
22:16 Mir: what hitnormal do you suggest?
22:16 Mir: i can definitely change it (kinda agree)
22:16 Lasse: just no custom
22:17 Lasse: default is fine in these cases i think
22:17 Lasse: next few lines sound good to me
22:17 Lasse: 00:06:480 - this might be late though
22:17 Mir: ;-;
22:17 Lasse: just use a custom set with muted slide?
22:17 Lasse: lol
22:17 Mir: yeah that is late
22:18 Lasse: 89?
22:18 Mir: fixed that
22:18 Mir: ill do that later
22:19 Lasse: 00:08:009 - the ding sound here also seems like it is earlier than the hitsound
22:19 Lasse: just a little
22:19 Mir: that sounds fine to me personally
22:19 Mir: i think the actual impact is on point it just kinda
22:19 Mir: ... is it called the attack?
22:20 Lasse: attack point
22:20 Lasse: i think
22:20 Lasse: lol
22:20 Mir: the attack is just a bit earlier than i timed the actual hit
22:20 Lasse: but it's hard to tell so lol
22:20 Lasse: yea
22:20 Mir: yeeaaah. x.x
22:20 Lasse: 00:10:207 - seems a bit weird
22:20 Lasse: like it's on something
22:20 Lasse: but the more impactful thing seems to be a bit before
22:21 Mir: hmm
22:21 Mir: same deal as the one we just mentioned i think
22:21 Mir: attack is before and the hit is where i timed it
22:23 Lasse: even timing is subjective after all
22:23 Lasse: :eyes:
22:23 Lasse: at least for retarded sounds like these
22:23 Lasse: map piano next time thanks
22:23 Mir: what piano
22:23 Lasse: other stuff seemed okay at 100 to me
22:24 Lasse: i mean song where multi bpm is piano
22:24 Lasse: or drums
22:24 Mir: alright
22:24 Lasse: lol
22:24 Mir: oh
22:24 Mir: yeah if there were any
22:24 Mir: i only timed this cuz i needed drain
22:24 Mir: which tilted me
22:25 Lasse: I'll just play through it and mention other stuff that bothered me after that, been a bit since I last played it
22:26 Mir: kk
22:26 Mir: wait
22:26 Mir: let me updoot
22:26 Lasse: already started lol
22:26 Lasse: also some
22:26 Lasse: click in intro seemed indaudible?
22:27 Mir: did it?
22:27 Mir: uhh
22:27 Mir: let me check
22:27 Lasse: i'll play the update then to see if timing feels okay lol
22:27 Mir: redl if you want a silenced slider
22:28 Mir: k go for it
22:33 Lasse: how do i play osu
22:33 Lasse: fuck
22:33 Mir: you click circles really fast
22:33 Lasse: d
22:34 Lasse: 04:36:410 (4,1) - this is so harsh
22:34 Lasse: other 2 kias had that much more untuitive to play
22:34 Lasse: the movement on slider
22:34 Mir: yeah
22:34 Mir: ill rotate by 90 degrees
22:35 Lasse: 00:56:577 - + volume a bit
22:35 Lasse: feels like clicking nothing
22:35 Lasse: even 30 would be good
22:35 Mir: 30 it is
22:35 Mir: applying to the other part
22:35 Lasse: it's suddenly less than half of the part
22:36 Lasse: also the rhythm on these things 01:05:749 (1,2,1,2) - would probably be better to read without nc cause sudden blue tick ncs
22:37 Lasse: though it seemed fine to me either way
22:37 Mir: hm
22:37 Mir: i'll keep that in mind cuz i don't really feel to strongly about either way
22:37 Mir: if it gets brought up i might as well change it
22:38 Lasse: pretty indifferent about it tbh
22:38 Lasse: lol
22:38 Mir: i guess lol
22:38 Lasse: also 01:56:195 (1,2,3) - can you not start this section with like
22:38 Lasse: one of the hardest movement
22:38 Lasse: s
22:38 Mir: yeah
22:38 Mir: adjusted that
22:38 Lasse: like getting used to the now spaced 1/4 stuff is hard already
22:39 Mir: wondering if i should make 02:00:780 (2) - clickable
22:40 Lasse: 02:06:130 (1,2,3,4) - this looks kinda out of place with your other visuals cause it's perfectly horizontal/vertical
22:40 Mir: i was going for the bass but i think the drum hitsounding overpowers that
22:40 Lasse: both could work
22:40 Mir: rotated by 4 degrees
22:41 Mir: i like them clickable i think
22:41 Lasse: also the transition here 02:06:704 (4,1,2) - might be a bit harsh
22:42 Lasse: with the linear stuff cause the spaced stream goes into same direction
22:42 Mir: lemme see if i can show you what i have
22:43 Lasse: and the spacing spike is enough imo
22:43 Mir: i did this
22:44 Mir: i wonder if that's too high of a diff spike
22:44 Lasse: the movement
22:45 Lasse: if you flip the right thing or something like that at least
22:45 Lasse: cause linear spacing + snapping change stuff is ??
22:45 Lasse: it's already pretty harsh to hit as it is right now lol
22:45 Mir: i think i'll leave it as 1/4 sliders
22:45 Mir: uhh how to make less harsh
22:45 Mir: it looked fairly okay
22:46 Mir: maybe rotate by 72
22:46 Lasse: maybe flipping 02:06:895 (1,2,3,4,1) - or something idk
22:46 Lasse: at least not keeping linear movement there
22:46 Lasse: 02:06:704 (4,1,2) -
22:47 Lasse: just rotating a bit might be cute too
22:47 Mir: ?
22:48 Lasse: yea
22:48 Lasse: seems to be nice to play
22:48 Mir: kk
22:49 Lasse: also I just noticed01:07:277 - 01:19:507 - use different volume
22:49 Lasse: but
22:49 Lasse: next time b0th are 60
22:50 Lasse: 02:28:678 - 02:40:907 -
22:50 Mir: adjusted both to 60
22:52 Lasse: 03:41:669 (2,1) - good stack :eyes:
22:52 Mir: tilted
22:52 Mir: 03:43:007 (2,2) -
22:52 Mir: a
22:52 Lasse: more serious thing though
22:52 Lasse: oh
22:52 Lasse: i wanted to point that out
22:52 Lasse: cause it looked kinda intentional
22:53 Lasse: but made no sense to me
22:53 Lasse: lol
22:53 Mir: nah it wasn't
22:53 Mir: i moved stuff and forgot to restack
22:53 Lasse: ooh the breaking glass hitsound
22:53 Lasse: cute
22:54 Lasse: 04:08:696 - thing could be nice with custom snapped break maybe?
22:54 Lasse: you're at like 5:15 drain I think
22:54 Mir: i can afford to break this part
22:54 Mir: dunno how to though
22:55 Lasse: how about delay until 04:10:708 -
22:55 Lasse: but idk
22:56 Mir: mh
22:56 Lasse: seems cute and short enough to give no fail/pass thing
22:56 Mir: delay until 04:08:696 -
22:56 Lasse: cause stopping drain there has a nice effect imo
22:56 Mir: but
22:56 Mir: that gives the thing
22:57 Mir: then 04:11:397 - retract to here
22:57 Mir: hey that works
22:57 Mir: but meh
22:57 Mir: idk about the warning arrows just suddenly flashing
22:57 Mir: kinda ruins the mood
22:57 Lasse: true
22:58 Mir: i think just
22:58 Mir: letting it drain is fine
22:58 Lasse: i'm fine with either
22:58 Mir: yeah ill let it drain
22:58 Lasse: 04:36:792 - how about removing this?
22:58 Lasse: since you focus on vocals there
22:59 Lasse: and it takes away from the vocal on slidertail imo
22:59 Lasse: also 04:36:506 - could be 1/4 repeat ?
22:59 Lasse: seems to have blue tick vocal
22:59 Mir: yeah
22:59 Mir: that works
22:59 Mir: thing is
22:59 Mir: 04:36:792 - drum
23:00 Lasse: 04:41:091 (1) - is missing drum hs on repeat/tail?
23:00 Lasse: or on all parts
23:00 Mir: yep
23:00 Lasse: also not really sure about the sample there
23:01 Mir: i fixed it
23:02 Lasse: also 04:53:321 - you put it here too
23:02 Lasse: but
23:02 Lasse: the sound is later than that?
23:02 Lasse: 04:53:512 -
23:02 Lasse: or between
23:03 Mir: blame shurelia
23:03 Mir: yeah it's on red
23:03 Lasse: 05:19:308 - lower volume a bit?
23:03 Mir: it kinda builds up over the white into impact on red
23:03 Mir: sure
23:03 Lasse: other stuff seemed fine to me
23:04 Mir: cool
23:04 Mir: post for early kds
23:04 Mir: :D
23:04 Mir: you don't get 2 tho cuz gust has a mod i still didn't reply to
23:05 Lasse: I'll just post log then, get the remaining sp somehow and I can bubble
Topic Starter

Gust wrote:

osu! needs more Ar tonelico!

I think offset have some problem, It lates for 44ms overall, and should adjust more in start part, so I try to give a timingpoints that i have adjusted. you can refer it to adjust. - fixed this with lasse

02:26:194 (3,1,2) - how about - you tap the same rhythm anyways so i think it's fine
04:38:130 (2) - I think here have no sound. - there is no sound but any other rhythm felt really weird here, I'll keep it in mind
04:45:677 (1) - here maybe can use a reverse slider to follow the vocal - i don't follow vocals with these so i don't need a reverse here
04:56:951 (3,4) - try to ctrl+g? - not following vocals :(

kiai part is too hard for me :o

waiting for ranked!!
Thanks! Sorry for late, gonna start actually pushing this now.

soft-hitwhistle99 seems to be unused

00:40:812 (2,2) - Maybe you could place them so they wouldn't overlap for the sake of the structure

00:45:780 (4,1) - I can't really say this feels boring but I expected more from such a sound. Maybe i have been playing cycle hit too much and have got used to the last object of a stream begin spaced from the other stream for the sake of emphasis. I'd personally find something like this (Or even 04:42:524 (4,1) - ) to really fit there but yeah

00:51:513 (4,1,4,1) - Not sure if intentional but these aren't similar nor are they similarly angled

01:05:271 (2,1,2) - I feel like this concept may be thrown into the players' face bit too unexpectedly since you have represented similar spacing with 1/2 gaps prior 00:35:175 (5,6) - . Considering that the intensity hasn't skyrocketed yet, i think it would be better to not have them spaced though you can ready up the player for bigger changes by making it so the circles overlap but barely or make the 1/2 gaps that look like that (in sections roughly as intense as this) bit more spaced

01:19:125 (1,2,1) - Maybe you could use straight sliders for 01:19:125 (1,2) - these or other kind of patterning in general to avoid the overlap?

In the kiais I have a feeling that the way you choose either to have the hitcircle|slider transitions spaced 01:56:481 (2,3) - or not 01:57:054 (5,6) - pretty much randomly since the sounds are similar and you use both options for comfortable movement and uncomfortable movement. It'd be nice to hear your PoV on this since from my perspective they fall on similar beats and don't really have an explanation through movement ^^

Somewhat related to ^ for example 03:28:295 (4,5,6,7,1) - this is the only zigzag stream into a slider where the transition from one another is not spaced

02:00:589 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would've liked to see the 1/4 drum beats under 2 and 4 get mapped as clickables since while it's totally acceptable to do that kind of mapping but it feels kinda weird to have two drum hit beat patterns mapped like the one drum hit ones right next to each other

Small edit 03:20:270 (1,2) - While playtesting I found this jump to be uncomfortably big when compared to the other slider->hitcircle jumps

04:37:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Perhaps you could cut the combo somewhere here since most of the time you use 6-7 object comboes instead of 11

GL~ ^^
mir's map as 🍑 requested

00:01:259 - so I already pm'd you about timing, but it would take me like 4 hours for me to fix it, and I have a bunch of other things I could be doing instead, so aaaaaaaaa
00:16:582 (1) - I think it would be a cool effect if this was in the exact same place as 00:01:258 (1) - since they are the same sound
also nice job on using sliders to create a nicer feel for the player since the timing for this intro is alksjdfkl;asjdf;lkasdjfl;aj
00:33:933 - you should make this a 1/4 slider just like 00:30:876 (2) - cuz of the weird sound happening again.
00:38:042 (3,1,2) - since these are spaced roughly the same, the player tends to rush to (2) get there early and have to wait to click, which is kind of strange since there is a vocal on the red tick. I think it would be nicer if you made a greater distinction between the 1/2 gap and the 3/4 gap. (this is applicable to all the 3/4 gaps later on really)
00:56:577 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - alright I never point this stuff out because its rather irrelevant, but maybe you'll care, (it looks ugly LOL) the increased spacing is irrelevant during play because of how minimal it is though.
01:06:418 - there is a sound here similar to the ones you mapped with 01:05:749 (1,2,1,2,3) -
01:07:851 (3) - aaa why is this so far away from previous lol
01:15:685 (5) - I don't think I can agree to this being mostly passive in contrast to these 01:13:392 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:19:793 (2,3) - ok this time spacing is big boi and it shouldn't be maybe more like this 01:22:851 (2,3) - :D
02:05:748 (3,4,1) - I don't think the spacing here should be too drastic, because it takes away the emphasis from 02:06:130 (1,2,3,4) - where I think you should consider increasing spacing a bit since the vocals are !! at this point.
02:06:895 (1,2,3,4) - ok so I looked at all of these from the 3 kiai's and I noted this one was a bit harder than the rest to hit. this is because the entry direction (between 02:06:704 (4,1) - ) and the pattern direction 02:06:895 (1,2,3,4) - are a bit inverted. (compare to 03:39:186 (4,1) - and 04:35:933 (4,1) -

this 👈 map is 💦 fairly 👶 consistent with 👏 its 🙅 stuffs man 👨 :D 🚹
which means if you agreed with something I pointed out you could most likely apply it to the other points (I'm just to lazy to link them xD)
Topic Starter

DTM9 Nowa wrote:


soft-hitwhistle99 seems to be unused

00:40:812 (2,2) - Maybe you could place them so they wouldn't overlap for the sake of the structure - structure seems fine here imo

00:45:780 (4,1) - I can't really say this feels boring but I expected more from such a sound. Maybe i have been playing cycle hit too much and have got used to the last object of a stream begin spaced from the other stream for the sake of emphasis. I'd personally find something like this (Or even 04:42:524 (4,1) - ) to really fit there but yeah

00:51:513 (4,1,4,1) - Not sure if intentional but these aren't similar nor are they similarly angled - they're intentional

01:05:271 (2,1,2) - I feel like this concept may be thrown into the players' face bit too unexpectedly since you have represented similar spacing with 1/2 gaps prior 00:35:175 (5,6) - . Considering that the intensity hasn't skyrocketed yet, i think it would be better to not have them spaced though you can ready up the player for bigger changes by making it so the circles overlap but barely or make the 1/2 gaps that look like that (in sections roughly as intense as this) bit more spaced - i don't think this is necessary since they're so far apart and it introduces spaced 1/4 quite well in preparation for the kiai, plus approach circles should make it obviously 1/4

01:19:125 (1,2,1) - Maybe you could use straight sliders for 01:19:125 (1,2) - these or other kind of patterning in general to avoid the overlap?

In the kiais I have a feeling that the way you choose either to have the hitcircle|slider transitions spaced 01:56:481 (2,3) - or not 01:57:054 (5,6) - pretty much randomly since the sounds are similar and you use both options for comfortable movement and uncomfortable movement. It'd be nice to hear your PoV on this since from my perspective they fall on similar beats and don't really have an explanation through movement ^^ - it's to emphasize the kick xD i spaced them sometimes for other strong sounds eg finishes but they mainly follow kicks

Somewhat related to ^ for example 03:28:295 (4,5,6,7,1) - this is the only zigzag stream into a slider where the transition from one another is not spaced - this should be spaced

02:00:589 (1,2,3,4,5) - I would've liked to see the 1/4 drum beats under 2 and 4 get mapped as clickables since while it's totally acceptable to do that kind of mapping but it feels kinda weird to have two drum hit beat patterns mapped like the one drum hit ones right next to each other - yeah i was considering this but I think I want to have the bass arpeggio emphasized more with this fluid movement... we'll see i might think of something

Small edit 03:20:270 (1,2) - While playtesting I found this jump to be uncomfortably big when compared to the other slider->hitcircle jumps

04:37:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Perhaps you could cut the combo somewhere here since most of the time you use 6-7 object comboes instead of 11 - it's just a consequence of the 1/4 i don't have to cut it just cuz there's lots of notes in the combo xD

GL~ ^^

_83 wrote:

mir's map as 🍑 requested

00:01:259 - so I already pm'd you about timing, but it would take me like 4 hours for me to fix it, and I have a bunch of other things I could be doing instead, so aaaaaaaaa
00:16:582 (1) - I think it would be a cool effect if this was in the exact same place as 00:01:258 (1) - since they are the same sound
also nice job on using sliders to create a nicer feel for the player since the timing for this intro is alksjdfkl;asjdf;lkasdjfl;aj
00:33:933 - you should make this a 1/4 slider just like 00:30:876 (2) - cuz of the weird sound happening again.
00:38:042 (3,1,2) - since these are spaced roughly the same, the player tends to rush to (2) get there early and have to wait to click, which is kind of strange since there is a vocal on the red tick. I think it would be nicer if you made a greater distinction between the 1/2 gap and the 3/4 gap. (this is applicable to all the 3/4 gaps later on really) - the map so far never followed vocals so it should be quite clear that im using a consistent 3/4 rhythm, this gap should be second nature to play at this point and i'd be surprised if it weren't. I will consider adjusting them if it becomes an issue
00:56:577 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - alright I never point this stuff out because its rather irrelevant, but maybe you'll care, (it looks ugly LOL) the increased spacing is irrelevant during play because of how minimal it is though. - agreed
01:06:418 - there is a sound here similar to the ones you mapped with 01:05:749 (1,2,1,2,3) - i can't hear it :(
01:07:851 (3) - aaa why is this so far away from previous lol
01:15:685 (5) - I don't think I can agree to this being mostly passive in contrast to these 01:13:392 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i mean i wanted a rhythm variation here for the bass ideally because it felt softer so i didn't make much active. I quite like it
01:19:793 (2,3) - ok this time spacing is big boi and it shouldn't be maybe more like this 01:22:851 (2,3) - :D - that was a mistake
02:05:748 (3,4,1) - I don't think the spacing here should be too drastic, because it takes away the emphasis from 02:06:130 (1,2,3,4) - where I think you should consider increasing spacing a bit since the vocals are !! at this point.
02:06:895 (1,2,3,4) - ok so I looked at all of these from the 3 kiai's and I noted this one was a bit harder than the rest to hit. this is because the entry direction (between 02:06:704 (4,1) - ) and the pattern direction 02:06:895 (1,2,3,4) - are a bit inverted. (compare to 03:39:186 (4,1) - and 04:35:933 (4,1) -

this 👈 map is 💦 fairly 👶 consistent with 👏 its 🙅 stuffs man 👨 :D 🚹
which means if you agreed with something I pointed out you could most likely apply it to the other points (I'm just to lazy to link them xD)
Thanks guys!!
2017-09-20 17:46 HighTec: 02:06:321 (2,3) -
2017-09-20 17:46 HighTec: 02:06:704 (4,1) -
2017-09-20 17:48 HighTec: 04:36:124 (1,2,3,4,1) - move this a little to the left then
2017-09-20 17:48 HighTec: to create a situation similarin 2nd kiai
2017-09-20 17:50 HighTec: 03:47:018 (1,2,1,2,3) -
2017-09-20 17:52 HighTec: 03:51:987 (1,2) -
2017-09-20 17:52 HighTec: what if
2017-09-20 17:52 HighTec: these were actual
2017-09-20 17:52 HighTec: triples
2017-09-20 17:52 HighTec: 03:55:998 (3) - slidertoo?
2017-09-20 17:53 HighTec: 04:12:651 (1,1) -
2017-09-20 17:55 HighTec: 02:00:589 (1,2,3,4,5) - but then later on 02:02:118 (4,5,6,1) -
2017-09-20 17:55 HighTec: the direction sliders are pointing
2017-09-20 17:56 HighTec: 02:13:009 (1,2,3,4) - might deserve more spacing
2017-09-20 17:56 HighTec: due to different strength
2017-09-20 17:57 HighTec: 01:06:895 (1,2) -
2017-09-20 17:58 HighTec: 01:06:513 (1) - to hear 4 ticks but i didnt
2017-09-20 17:58 HighTec: hence i sliderbroke
2017-09-20 18:00 HighTec: 01:35:558 (3) -
2017-09-20 18:00 HighTec: delet
2017-09-20 18:00 HighTec: this
2017-09-20 18:01 HighTec: 01:55:717 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - this was shit dont start streams on blue ticks u ahole
2017-09-20 18:02 HighTec: 02:19:123 (1) - shouldnt this be 2 reverses aswell
2017-09-20 18:06 HighTec: 03:10:716 (3,4) -
2017-09-20 18:13 HighTec: 04:25:042 (4,5,6,7,1) - too linear angery
2017-09-20 18:14 HighTec: no weird enough shape
2017-09-20 18:15 Mir: 03:27:912 (3,4,5,6,7,1) -
Discussed most of the stuff on Discord, we fixed the pentagons!!!!
@hightec no one likes u
Hoyl mir
as req

02:04:220 - I don't think this is 8/4, the measure is probably divided into a 3/4 + 5/4 or there is simply a syncopation on 02:05:366 - and is flat 4/4
03:36:702 - similarly here

03:39:759 - I'd say a 9/4 divided into 4/4+5/4 so adding a 5/4 at 03:41:287 - would make the metronome to 6/4 smoother

03:45:490 - flat 4/4 works here

03:50:076 - similarly as some suggestions above, 5/4

03:54:279 - flat 4/4 works here too

04:33:449 - 3/4+5/4

that would be all from my side ;) good luck
Topic Starter
So I spoke to Gowo about the timing signatures (since he gave them to me to start with) he said that those you pointed out are what the current timing subdivides into, so changing it would be inconsequential to how the metronome already is. after some more discussion we changed the 8/4 things to be 4/4 and some 3/4 was added in place of 6/4. :?

Thank you for checking though!

Also there was a timing error so *pop*
Fixed like 3 patterns. 00:56:959 - 02:18:359 - 04:25:997 -

timing for intro is wrong:

objects that come late in reference to music
00:01:259 (1) -
00:07:702 (5) -
00:10:711 - (just so barely)

objects that come early in reference to music
00:02:451 -
00:03:632 (4) -
00:03:891 -
00:04:638 -
00:05:092 -
00:06:074 -
00:08:392 -
00:09:203 -
00:09:973 -
00:10:853 -
00:11:364 -

I can post more later
Topic Starter
Those all sound fine to me?

I'm timing to the impact not to the first audible instance of the sound so it might be that there's audio marginally before or after the note. I talked about this with the BNs that nominated this and we found no issues with it. Unless something is clearly off I'll fix it but atm those sound fine.
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