
nobody making 7k anymore?

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someone explain this shit please
Have you tried bms converts
Not surprising, when osu!mania is in such a shitty state that having to set your system locale to Japanese, playing in 480p and unexpectedly crashing every hour just to play a buggy, memory leaking 7K game that will never get any updates due to its source code being lost, is actually quite appealing.


If you haven't looked at unranked maps; you should. You'll find there are a lot of high quality unranked maps that make some ranked maps look like garbage.
dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode

Kempie wrote:

Not surprising, when osu!mania is in such a shitty state that having to set your system locale to Japanese, playing in 480p and unexpectedly crashing every hour just to play a buggy, memory leaking 7K game that will never get any updates due to its source code being lost, is actually quite appealing.


If you haven't looked at unranked maps; you should. You'll find there are a lot of high quality unranked maps that make some ranked maps look like garbage.
You're aware I said converts. You sound pretty jaded about lunatic rave 2 though.

aitor98 wrote:

dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode

aitor98 wrote:

dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode

ggsnipess wrote:

aitor98 wrote:

dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode

aitor98 wrote:

dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode
Full Tablet

kmkay wrote:

someone explain this shit please
In the early days of osu!mania, ranked 7K maps were more numerous than ranked 4K maps.

I think it was in a big part because the ranking criteria back then encouraged having a higher keycount in higher difficulties of a mapset (with the current ranking criteria, it is considerably harder to rank maps with higher keycounts). Lower keycounts were seen more like a stepping stone to 7K/8K than a separate mode of playing.

The mapping meta was somewhat influenced by the style of autoconverts (which are mostly 7K maps by default); there were very few osu!mania maps, so it was common to play autoconverts.

Also, over time, osu!mania has gained features that made it more appealing for stepmania players (ubiquitous stepmania converts, reverse reverse scrolling, skins that support arrow notes, an effective CMOD for maps as long as they don't have SVs). This allowed the 4K playerbase to grow relatively more quickly compared to other keycounts.
well when vibro is considered as the best skill in the pp system
why play 7k????,

Full Tablet wrote:

kmkay wrote:

someone explain this shit please
In the early days of osu!mania, ranked 7K maps were more numerous than ranked 4K maps.

I think it was in a big part because the ranking criteria back then encouraged having a higher keycount in higher difficulties of a mapset (with the current ranking criteria, it is considerably harder to rank maps with higher keycounts). Lower keycounts were seen more like a stepping stone to 7K/8K than a separate mode of playing.

The mapping meta was somewhat influenced by the style of autoconverts (which are mostly 7K maps by default); there were very few osu!mania maps, so it was common to play autoconverts.

Also, over time, osu!mania has gained features that made it more appealing for stepmania players (ubiquitous stepmania converts, reverse reverse scrolling, skins that support arrow notes, an effective CMOD for maps as long as they don't have SVs). This allowed the 4K playerbase to grow relatively more quickly compared to other keycounts.

No, the reason for so many 7k charts was that the majority of experienced mappers (and some of the newer mappers in the beginning too) were o2jam players who moved over to osu!mania because o2jam is in a worse state of affairs than lr2 (it's buggy, requires separate installations for playing different servers, has no native support for offline play, has severe limitations, requires actual hacking of the game to make certain modifications, such as new scroll speeds or different backgrounds/skins)...

The thing about keycount going up for harder difficulties was talked about, but there was IIRC only 1 map ranked that actually did that (expew's wintersun)

The problem was that these mappers either quit because ranking a map was a goddamn nightmare (trust me, however bad they are now, it was worse then), or got hate for the o2jam influenced style, and other issues (drama, etc.) Oh, and some of them just made unranked maps from the beginning (like monizotic, M_A_S, and to a large degree Entozer, among others) because the ranking process was never going to accept the things they were doing:
lack of 7K mappers and imba generic 4K maps growth

aitor98 wrote:

dude 7K sucks go play 4K the real keymode
Show 10k+ some luv
4k is better obviously
7 keys is too many
who even has that many fingers
BeMani Sim (bms, much better game) is where all osu mappers go
I am doing

kmkay wrote:

someone explain this shit please
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