
Touhou PyP Mafia [GAME OVER - Town wins!]

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Welcome to Touhou PyP Mafia! :) I'll be hosting this game along with Lilac.


This is a PyP (pick your poison, or pick your path) mafia. When signing up, you must PM me with the names of three Touhou characters you want to be, ordered from most preferred to least preferred. After signups are over, you will receive one of those three roles. Please make sure to send your PM in as soon as possible~

Note: If you're not familiar with Touhou, you don't have to send in a PM, and I'll pick a character for you.


Copy-pasted from LS's games:


1. Unless otherwise stated in your Role PM, this game takes place in this thread only - do not discuss it anywhere else. Doing so will get you modkilled or immediately replaced, depending on the severity of the offence. (This is important for mafia games.)

2. Do not quote any PM, part or whole, you receive from the Mod. This includes fake or erroneous quoting. Breaking this rule will get you modkilled. However, you may claim any role you please, and explain the powers in any way you please.

3. If you believe I've made an error as the mod, send me a PM. Please do not post about such things in the thread. If you have anything else you need me to read or address, post something like this - "Mod: You're the best."

4. A player who is modkilled will lose the game, regardless of whether their team mates eventually win.

5. Omitted.

Voting, Lynching and Deaths

6. Any voting action must be bolded - Vote: destructor, etc.

7. You may vote to end the day without a lynch by voting No Lynch.

8. Voting is back to the normal system.

9. A lynch occurs when a player has an absolute majority of votes on them.

10. At deadline, the player with the most votes is lynched. In the event of a draw, the player who had the most votes before being tied will be lynched.

11. Once a lynch occurs the Day is considered to be over. Please, please, PLEASE do not post again until the next Day begins, especially if you are the player who was just lynched. (I accept talking beforehand as long as I haven't posted the lynch scene yet.)

12. On death, a player's role will be revealed.

13. A modkill will end the Day.

14. Once a player is dead, they cannot contribute any more to the game. They are not to post anything. (I'll accept a simple Bah! or Go Town!)


15. Please treat this game as a commitment.

16. Day 1 will be 5 IRL days - I will adjust the day length after that as I see fit.

17. If a player has not posted in 24 hours, I will prod them if requested to do so. That is, it's up to you to ask me to prod a certain player.

17b. Don't make me prod someone. As in, post once every 24 hours. If you have nothing to say, say "I'm here." I will be much more strict with prods than normal.

18. Prods must be responded to in thread.

19. A player who doesn't respond to their prod will be replaced or modkilled.

20. If you are going to be unable to post for over 24 hours, leave me a note in thread. As long as I am personally given notice, you will not be prodded.


21. Be courteous and respectful to your fellow players.

22. Blatantly antisocial and offensive behaviour or personal attacks will be grounds for replacement at my own discretion.

23. Finally, Mafia is for fun, so enjoy yourself.

24. If you've noticed I've missed something, feel free to ask me about it.

25. I reserve the right to change these rules.

Living Players:

1. Lybydose
10. Rolled
11. 0_o Kiddo-kun DeathxShinigami
13. Wojjan
14. bmin11
17. Gabi Backfire

Replacements: none

Dead players:

2. Quaraezha - Kirisame Marisa - Town Lover+1-shot Strongman - Lynched D1
8. animask - Alice Margatroid - Mafia Lover - Role-required death D1
6. Two - Murasa Minamitsu - Bus Driver - Nightkilled N1
7. Mashley - Patchouli Knowledge - Hider - Nightkilled N1
5. Chris - Unnamed Giant Catfish - Mafia 2-shot Strongman - Lynched D2
4. JInxyjem - Mystia Lorelei - Mafia Roleblocker - Lynched D3
9. LadySuburu - Cirno - Mason+9% Vigilante - Nightkilled N3
15. Raging Bull - Fujiwara no Mokou - Lyncher - Nightkilled N3
16. Salvage - Hijiri Byakuren - Mafia goon - Lynched D4
12. akrolsmir - Houraisan Kaguya - Lyncher - Nightkilled N4
3. Rantai - Konpaku Youmu - Seraph Knight - Nightkilled N4
18. KRZY - Himekaidou Hatate -Mafia Voyeur - Lynched D5


Day 1: viewtopic.php?p=1042329#p1042329
Day 2: viewtopic.php?p=1052297#p1052297
Day 3: viewtopic.php?p=1059356#p1059356
Day 4: viewtopic.php?p=1062492#p1062492
Day 5: viewtopic.php?p=1064150#p1064150
Sleep Powder
I might as well sign up for this. I wonder which character is the Jester.
Co-Host's Corner.

Oh well, writing up scenarios and stuff now. I will be in charge of the storytelling, constant updating of votecounts (at least every page) and certain role description and balancing. I will also answer mod questions in regards to flavor and role questions.

EDIT: You can send anything either to me or pieguy.

Man, D1's gonna have a long post. Really long post... And wow, 18 people have signed up. It's gonna be a blast guys, especially when there's a ton of people playing. I'll be sure to make this good. ^_^

I won't be very active since I'm currently to and from a work experience job but I'll be looking at the thread.
In :D

Can't resist...

...Well, since posts are only in-thread...

Not in this time, but giving players their first preference on a first-come-first-served basis may not be a good idea. Say the third person to sign up picks the same person as the first or second: if that person gets their second choice then they would know that either the first or second player chose their #1 pick.

Even if the last person to sign up doesn't get their #1 choice, they know that whoever they picked for #1 is in the game.

Just thought I'd point it out; that's why I made all preferences equal in my game.
if it's closed setup I'm in
Of course it's closed setup...

That could be the case 0_o, but in this flavour anything goes really with most characters. It wouldn't matter to much of who you know gets chosen because you don't know the role nor the alignment, you just know that they exist in the game.

However we will discuss this further and might consider to have no preference whatsoever.
I will play
In, but I know fuck all about touhou so give me whatever part
Sign me up.
fiiiiiiiine i'll do it. fucking hate touhou
Topic Starter

0_o wrote:

Not in this time, but giving players their first preference on a first-come-first-served basis may not be a good idea. Say the third person to sign up picks the same person as the first or second: if that person gets their second choice then they would know that either the first or second player chose their #1 pick.

Even if the last person to sign up doesn't get their #1 choice, they know that whoever they picked for #1 is in the game.

Just thought I'd point it out; that's why I made all preferences equal in my game.
well, that's a good point o.o

We might change this before the game starts. (Thanks for pointing it out :P)
I strongly agree with faceman's point, for the record.

Rolled wrote:

I strongly agree with faceman's point, for the record.

So hopefully if someone sniped my character I get it anyway. <.<
This should be interesting. ^_^
no one picked any of my characters

ok you know what


I am so irresponsible
I've been reading quicktopics for the past hour and a half, while I have a paper due in 2 hours.
I'll be a replacement.
no more serial killer roles please~

Chris wrote:

no more serial killer roles please~
I do think that team vs team with no outliers is the best fun wise
Since that's 12, we'll be waiting around a few days or so to see if more people join.

Otherwise, we start Sunday/Monday
in like chitin
tin or chitin?
both. chitintin
ㅜㅜ 엉엉

now we all lose

Two wrote:

ㅜㅜ 엉엉

now we all lose
In osu! Comminity I actually initially wanted you to be bmin11 as a mafia godfather since he always gets away with being scum. That was scrapped when we decided on the "corrupt BAT" theme though.

Two wrote:

ㅜㅜ 엉엉

now we all lose
but... but I don't always end up being scum and lucky at the same time ;~;
Topic Starter
Yay, we've reached the mininum number of players~

I'll keep signups going until sometime around Sunday or Monday (longer if more people keep signing up).
Raging Bull
Wee in
I don't know anything about touhou but it doesn't matter lol

Should have known Touhou was the best way to attract new players :U
bmin11 certainly did not put a knife under my throat and threatened me to play I'm signing up
Raging Bull
I don't think we'll start anytime soon.

KRZY wrote:

bmin11 certainly did not put a knife under my throat and threatened me to play I'm signing up
inb4 RV
Topic Starter
Okay, we've decided to pick a random role from the three choices instead of the first preference~

We might end signups a bit earlier (Friday or so), as well :P
What pieguy means is that he'll end signups at around Friday, possibly.

Also, be on the look out for my area. It's the 4th post and certain things will be posted there as well. More to do with the flavour of Touhou though once it starts.
Raging Bull

pieguy1372 wrote:

We might start signups a bit earlier (Friday or so), as well :P

Pieguy would be real lost without you Lilac.
I believe we're waiting on a response on Qua and Salvage to see whether they want to choose a character or not.
I don't want to. I want mine random ;D
Oh i'm sorry .. as i said on the previous page i don't know pretty much anything on touhou so i'd prefeer to get a random character.

You should start them today since I have to leave on Friday and want to play~

plus 18 people is a lot ^_^ I think we've basically got everybody who plays
I agree that 18 is a good enough number to start with.
Plus, TWEWY themed mafia is queued. Let's all just roleclaim D1 and get to that one.
I hereby state that the signups are now closed. Discussions will take place later today.
When are roles gonna be sent out? ^_^

can't wait to see mine, it's like the most fun part of the game~

Chris wrote:

can't wait to see mine, it's like the most fun part of the game~
inorite, I'm pretty sure I join these games just for the excitement of opening up the role PM.

It's like Christmas morning.
Okay okay guys, it seems people are very eager to get their roles.

Right now, I've written up about 45% of the roles. The main issue was balancing the roles and I still think there are some issues with it so we're discussing about it once pieguy gets up.

EDIT: Roles are now being sent out, please confirm in thread.
got it
Topic Starter
Role PMs have been sent. Please confirm in this thread. Once 14 have confirmed, Day 1 will start~
Raging Bull
I like how I didn't understand a word of my role flavour.

I didn't understand anything also ..

oh lol, I'm not the only one then.
I have my thing.
Sleep Powder
I have confirmed, sir!
Well then, let's get this rolling.

Topic Starter
14 people have confirmed...

“Warning all citizens of Gensokyo! Danger is imminent!”

This is the time when everyone feared the most, a sign of when everything will fall apart. The spell card system made by Hakurei Reimu had somehow managed to fail. That in itself isn’t the main issue and it could easily be fixed if Reimu was given enough time. Problem is, she doesn’t. Not with all the commotion about the Hakurei Barrier breaking apart as well.

Reimu’s job is to focus on the barrier itself and not the spell cards so she brought upon people she previously knew. She knew that a couple of them had to be responsible for the gradual corroding of the barrier as well as some of them who she knew would help. However, in the mess, anyone could have done it.

“Currently,” she said out loud to everyone, “the Hakurei Barrier is breaking apart. I’m not sure who might have been responsible, nor do I have the time to find out so I ask everyone who is here to work out who is doing this. I’m also sure you are aware that spell cards are out of the question as well so I’m pretty sure that it will ultimately be a quiet conversation.”

Knowing that spell cards can’t be used, most people feared as to how they could stop this, others ultimately didn’t care but it was final. Someone has to be responsible and they were going to do it in the most democratic way possible. Everyone who gathered agreed to make sure that the perpetrators were caught and publicly humiliated/killed/banished/hit by a train.

She gave a final line that if the people didn’t find the people behind this incident and stop them, this could mean the end for Gensokyo. Use ANY means you can within your grasp. With that, she flew away to start assessing the damage and ultimately stop the calamity that has ONCE AGAIN plagued this land.

With that in mind, Day 1 has started. 10 to lynch, deadline is Thursday, 04:52 GMT.
vote: Quaraezha
Vote: JInxyjem
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