
Yasuda Rei - Mirror

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Updated~! >w</
NM From my "Modding Madness!" queue!
The beatmap is safe, clean, what can I say? Don't expect me to be able to point out to many things in this one =P

00:04:155 (4,1) - 00:06:044 (4,1) - 00:07:934 (4,1) - While there is nothing particularly "wrong" with these, my personal tastes forbid me from not mentioning this haha I had way too hard of a time on this because of how poorly the streams lead into not only the slider head but the angle of which the slider body is facing as well
00:12:541 (2) - Considering this is your highest difficulty in the map set I strongly dislike the fact that you choose to go with these 1/2 beat gap stationary circles. I feel you can add some distance to emphasize the sound better while still following the flow.
00:18:210 (2,1,2) - Whoa, same sound emphasized (other than vocals) but the distance is so extremely different.
00:32:383 - The sound here changes drastically from 00:32:147 - so the rhythm choice can be explored further here instead of adding a simple repeating slider.
01:00:966 (1) - Rotate this so it's slider head is blanketed by the stream?
01:04:037 (6,7) - 01:07:816 (7,8) - Oh I hate you so much and I shouldn't have to explain why </3
02:35:808 (2,3) - Time gap here is quite odd, I'd say if you're going for a safe beatmap you should just move the slider end back to the blue tick instead of using 1/8 but hell this is so optional.

Sorry it was a light mod, but if you'd allow me to pay it back...
I'm kindof starved for songs and would like to try my wings at making a GD for this! This is irrelevant to the mod so just P.M me if you're still open to it or not.

Regardless, good luck! Great visuals!
page 2 if you don't see the mod lol

(but if you don't kd it ignore this message~)
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ShogunMoon wrote:

page 2 if you don't see the mod lol

(but if you don't kd it ignore this message~)
Thank youuu ♡
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OMG double post :'(
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ShogunMoon wrote:

Heyo! Heyo! Σd(≧ω≦*)

NM from Q

  • Easy
  1. 03:22:698 (2) - nc to be consistent with 02:26:005 (1,1) - and 01:23:643 (1,1) Fixed~!
  • Normal
  1. 00:52:462 (2,3) - blanket? Fixed~!
  2. 01:04:745 (1,2) - imperfect blanket It looks pretty fine for me owo/
  • Advanced
  1. Looks fine~ Yayyyy \>w</
  • Hard
  1. 02:37:344 (1,2) - when i played the diff, this stack annoyed me, it was a little confusing i thought it's was a slow part but not really lo (played 2 times)
    if you fix this, you need to do it on the rest of this part Hmm... I'll think about it
  2. This diff feel so comfortable to play owo Thank youuuuu (*^ワ^*)
  • Mirror
  1. 01:00:848 - add a note for consistence Um.... Yep, I'll think about this too xd
  2. 01:15:612 (1) - remove nc and add it here 01:16:084 (3) - for consistence 02:17:974 (8,9,1) Fixed~!
  3. 02:26:005 (1,2) - you don't want to try a blanket? Nope sorry >v< I wanna keep the consistency of the distance snap with 02:27:659 (3) owo/
tbh don't give kd if it wasn't helpful lol

This is a very good and clean mapset! Thanks!!! .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.

Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

Maxylan wrote:

NM From my "Modding Madness!" queue!
The beatmap is safe, clean, what can I say? Don't expect me to be able to point out to many things in this one =P Thank you (。・ω・。)

00:04:155 (4,1) - 00:06:044 (4,1) - 00:07:934 (4,1) - While there is nothing particularly "wrong" with these, my personal tastes forbid me from not mentioning this haha I had way too hard of a time on this because of how poorly the streams lead into not only the slider head but the angle of which the slider body is facing as well No change sorry ;w;
00:12:541 (2) - Considering this is your highest difficulty in the map set I strongly dislike the fact that you choose to go with these 1/2 beat gap stationary circles. I feel you can add some distance to emphasize the sound better while still following the flow. Yep. But this section is like one of the calmest part of the song, so no change sorry ;w;
00:18:210 (2,1,2) - Whoa, same sound emphasized (other than vocals) but the distance is so extremely different. Eh? I'm sure that most of the time I used the same distance snap at this section except for the downbeats o.O
00:32:383 - The sound here changes drastically from 00:32:147 - so the rhythm choice can be explored further here instead of adding a simple repeating slider. Yep. I did that to 01:34:509 (4,5) , but not on this one because I still don't want to make the rhythms too intense at the beginning of the song ;)
01:00:966 (1) - Rotate this so it's slider head is blanketed by the stream? Nope sorry >v<. I want to make this slider mirrored with 01:01:438 (2)
01:04:037 (6,7) - 01:07:816 (7,8) - Oh I hate you so much and I shouldn't have to explain why </3 (・ω・)
02:35:808 (2,3) - Time gap here is quite odd, I'd say if you're going for a safe beatmap you should just move the slider end back to the blue tick instead of using 1/8 but hell this is so optional. Yep. No change xd

Sorry it was a light mod, but if you'd allow me to pay it back...
I'm kindof starved for songs and would like to try my wings at making a GD for this! This is irrelevant to the mod so just P.M me if you're still open to it or not. Thank you >v< But sorry ;w; It is kind of hard to rank a map with almost 4 minutes length that has a lot of diffs nowadays

Regardless, good luck! Great visuals! Thank youuu owo/
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</
Tbh I'm not quite sure what to say, this song is very well made and it's a lot of fun to play :)
The only thing I noticed was the HP drain is a little high in the Hard difficulty, it's definitely playable, but it might make it challenging for people who can barely play that difficulty level.
Really sorry if I didn't help very much, I'm no good at mapping or modding >.<
Topic Starter

Geminous wrote:

Tbh I'm not quite sure what to say, this song is very well made and it's a lot of fun to play :)
The only thing I noticed was the HP drain is a little high in the Hard difficulty, it's definitely playable, but it might make it challenging for people who can barely play that difficulty level.
Really sorry if I didn't help very much, I'm no good at mapping or modding >.<
Fixed~! Thank you very much~ >v<

Updated~! >w</
Chihara Minori
Soft Cream Cheese Cake uguuu

last one
00:21:281 (1) - gak sayang circularnya ini? di ctrl+h sih menurutku
00:33:328 (3) - mengingat rata rata well stctured rasanya agak sayang deh ini slider, coba di blanket ke (2)
00:38:761 (2) - yang ini kenapa ga sekalian disamain sama 00:41:360 (3) - rasanya agak canggung di paksa sudur tajam dengan blanket
00:41:596 (4,1) - mending ini dibalik arahnya (satu") jadi bukan cuman buat nambah point konsisten, tapi juga bisa di lihat kalau (1) ke arah atas, 3/4 gapnya bisa ketutup lebih mulus
00:47:265 (4) - sama sih ini di ctrl+g buat nilai kecantikan flownya haha, lagipula (1)nya kan transisi ke flow berlawanan jadi sedikit jump ok lah
00:58:131 (4) - sebenernya ini ga ada alasan khusus yang kuat sih, cuman dari sisi hitsounding aja, kalo aku pasti naruh (4) di ekoran (3) 00:58:013 - dan lagi bisa buat variasi duplet kalo gini
01:05:572 (3) - ^sama, buat supporting hitsound sama ngasih variasi
01:10:769 - kalo misalnya di section ini emang mau fokusin ke vocalnya point ini kelewat, sebenernya karna mappingnya juga santai 1x 3/4 reverse slider enak kok
01:13:013 (3) - pake 1/4 slider disini, mirroring dari (4)
01:17:974 - kenapa harus takut main di vocal rhytm? toh highest diff
01:23:407 (9) - emang bener cymbal note itu harusnya di pisah, tapi kalo dari sisi stacking pattern pattern sebelumnya lebih fokus ke slider head (terutama yang habis 5 brust), atau sekalian triplet aja disini
01:29:076 (5) - agak bosenin deh kalo sampe harus stack 3 note gini, mungkin kasih sedikit movement? di pisah aja note tengahnya. ini juga 01:32:856 (5) - 01:36:635 (5) -
01:34:509 (4,5) - kalo dari sisi view udah jelas buat variant, tapi kick slider gini malah ngebuat dsnya kecil lho, masa decreased dari 01:30:730 (4,5) - kalo mau ubah aja arah (5) kebawah
01:42:305 (5) - kalo yang ini sah sah aja, karna ada downbeat yang cukup ngesupport
02:04:155 (3,4,5,6) - engga di bikin bentuk pelangi aja ini macam 02:00:257 - biar mendalami diff gitu, mirroring lol
02:16:084 - oftion sih, mungkin coba jadiin round slider aja searah jarum jam, yup buat curcularnya aja sih sebenernya, agak sayang gitu
02:17:974 (8,1) - agak maksa ya ini, mungkin blanket tengah (8) buat (1)nya
02:39:942 (3) - kalo aku sih ctrl+g, biar (3,4,5) muter aja sih
03:05:690 (1) - agak geser ke kiri? nazi banget ini
03:10:297 - balik lagi ke rhytm section di kiai pertama, clickable prefered
03:15:494 - ini undermapped? circle lah

itu dulu buat sekarang, pesenan kue numpuk ahaha
gud lak
Hi Mirage here from NM Request

First of all, I think that the Skin is a a little over the top in the sense that there is too many decals which is too distracting so I would personally make it simpler by removing the points (Hit100, Hit300 etc) to make it less cluttered but this is from an aesthetic point of view and hence may not necessarily be important for you. Less can be more sometimes :)

  1. 00:00:494 (1) - Make this a Double by adding a Hit Circle at 00:00:375
  2. 00:23:171 (1,2,3,4) - Change 00:23:171 (1) to a 2/4 Slider and add 2 2/4 Sliders here 00:23:525 and here 00:23:879 then add a Hit Circle here 00:24:352 to fill up the gap, something like this: - I feel that this part doesn't really fit the rhythm so this should be an improvement
  3. 02:01:675 (2) - Move this somewhere else - I feel that this is unnecessarily confusing especially with the skin
  4. 03:30:494 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You might want to consider not overlapping the Streams to make it less cluttered and confusing and rather spread it out and stretch it as well
  5. 01:58:604 (3) - Make this a double by adding a Hit Circle here 01:58:486
Well I can't find many faults with this difficulty since I think its pretty solid :)
i'm trash at modding hard and below.
Lesser mods (nitpicks):
00:33:328 (3) - This shape doesn't really fit with the other notes around it.Something like this fits a bit nicer:

00:35:218 (3) - Try reversing this.It'll make it easier for players to hit (because this is an insane).
00:41:596 (4) - Making this slider curved would add a bit to the aesthetic the map is presenting.
00:48:446 (2,3) - That's a little far,especially since 00:46:556 (2,3) came just before it.
01:12:777 (2,3,4,5) - This placement is just...odd.
01:40:651 (1,2) - This is again just a bit difficult for an Insane player to pull off.
01:47:029 (2) - Doesn't feel right.Make this curved instead.
02:13:722 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This is a huge issue for anyone to tackle who actually plays Insane at the proper level.
03:07:580 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - That feels a bit extreme.

There aren't actually a whole lot of problems,but the one problem I do see is huge.
You use streams a lot,but I don't think the crowd you're making this map for (Insane players) can stream at such a low BPM.And you can probably count that not many Insane players can single tap that consistently on these streams.
Instead of using these large amount of slow BPM streams,use repeating sliders or kick sliders (like on 00:17:029 (4,5) ).Streams at this low of BPM should be exceedingly rare and especially for an Insane difficulty.
By doing this,you separate what the map is right now (a somewhat streamy map made to be only playable with DT) into what it should be (a map newer players can gain a good grasp on without having to adapt to the inhumanly slow streams).

Anyways,good map!Good song,good BG,good times!If we can get the big elephant out of the room,I'm sure this map'll improve dramatically.
Good luck with rank!
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod guys~! I will answer on all of them when I get some free time >v</
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Time Capsule wrote:

Soft Cream Cheese Cake uguuu

last one
00:21:281 (1) - gak sayang circularnya ini? di ctrl+h sih menurutku Nggak deh, soalnya nanti jumpnya bakal terlalu tajam :)
00:33:328 (3) - mengingat rata rata well stctured rasanya agak sayang deh ini slider, coba di blanket ke (2) Nggak deh, mau keep aja hehe >v<
00:38:761 (2) - yang ini kenapa ga sekalian disamain sama 00:41:360 (3) - rasanya agak canggung di paksa sudur tajam dengan blanket Soalnya ritme berikutnya berubah, jadi ngasih semacam 'tekanan' sebelum ritmenya berubah bisa ngasih kesan asik xd
00:41:596 (4,1) - mending ini dibalik arahnya (satu") jadi bukan cuman buat nambah point konsisten, tapi juga bisa di lihat kalau (1) ke arah atas, 3/4 gapnya bisa ketutup lebih mulus Nggak deh. Flownya sekarang udah lumayan mulus kok ;)
00:47:265 (4) - sama sih ini di ctrl+g buat nilai kecantikan flownya haha, lagipula (1)nya kan transisi ke flow berlawanan jadi sedikit jump ok lah
00:58:131 (4) - sebenernya ini ga ada alasan khusus yang kuat sih, cuman dari sisi hitsounding aja, kalo aku pasti naruh (4) di ekoran (3) 00:58:013 - dan lagi bisa buat variasi duplet kalo gini Nggak deh, nanti kesannya overmapped. Soalnya nggak ada beat yang kuat di 00:58:013 :D
01:05:572 (3) - ^sama, buat supporting hitsound sama ngasih variasi Sama ^
01:10:769 - kalo misalnya di section ini emang mau fokusin ke vocalnya point ini kelewat, sebenernya karna mappingnya juga santai 1x 3/4 reverse slider enak kok Nggak deh. Mau keep ½ repeated slider aja xd
01:13:013 (3) - pake 1/4 slider disini, mirroring dari (4) Nggak deh. Nanti overmap >v<
01:17:974 - kenapa harus takut main di vocal rhytm? toh highest diff Nggak deh. Mau fokus ke musik aja
01:23:407 (9) - emang bener cymbal note itu harusnya di pisah, tapi kalo dari sisi stacking pattern pattern sebelumnya lebih fokus ke slider head (terutama yang habis 5 brust), atau sekalian triplet aja disini Nope. I still wanna keep it uwu it doesn’t break the flow anyway, sooo xd
01:29:076 (5) - agak bosenin deh kalo sampe harus stack 3 note gini, mungkin kasih sedikit movement? di pisah aja note tengahnya. ini juga 01:32:856 (5) - 01:36:635 (5) - Nggak deh, soalnya di bagian yang lain dengan ritme yang sama notesnya juga distack kok. Buat konsistensi sih, biar *cough* lebih gampang cari BN *cough*
01:34:509 (4,5) - kalo dari sisi view udah jelas buat variant, tapi kick slider gini malah ngebuat dsnya kecil lho, masa decreased dari 01:30:730 (4,5) - kalo mau ubah aja arah (5) kebawah Nggak deh, nanti bisa ngebreak flow ke 01:34:982 (1)
01:42:305 (5) - kalo yang ini sah sah aja, karna ada downbeat yang cukup ngesupport Yayyyy \>w</
02:04:155 (3,4,5,6) - engga di bikin bentuk pelangi aja ini macam 02:00:257 - biar mendalami diff gitu, mirroring lol Well..... Kejauhan entar bayangannya XD. Don’t worry though, beberapa bentuk slidernya udah aku bikin ‘mirror’ kok xd
02:16:084 - oftion sih, mungkin coba jadiin round slider aja searah jarum jam, yup buat curcularnya aja sih sebenernya, agak sayang gitu Nggak deh, soalnya mau ngemphasize suara penyanyinya sama slider yang punya sudut yang agak tajem, so..... xd
02:17:974 (8,1) - agak maksa ya ini, mungkin blanket tengah (8) buat (1)nya Nggak deh. Sudah kebanyakan bikin blanket soalnya wkwkwkwk
02:39:942 (3) - kalo aku sih ctrl+g, biar (3,4,5) muter aja sih Nope sorry.... Emang sengaja dibikin opposite biar arah flownya naik ke atas owo/
03:05:690 (1) - agak geser ke kiri? nazi banget ini Eh? Perasaan udah lurus sama ekornya o.o
03:10:297 - balik lagi ke rhytm section di kiai pertama, clickable prefered Tapi nggak ada beat yang kuat dari main music nya >3<
03:15:494 - ini undermapped? circle lah ^

itu dulu buat sekarang, pesenan kue numpuk ahaha Semangat senpai >w</
gud lak
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

TheBlackMirage wrote:

Hi Mirage here from NM Request

First of all, I think that the Skin is a a little over the top in the sense that there is too many decals which is too distracting so I would personally make it simpler by removing the points (Hit100, Hit300 etc) to make it less cluttered but this is from an aesthetic point of view and hence may not necessarily be important for you. Less can be more sometimes :) Hmmmm yeah, I might consider to change it xd

  1. 00:00:494 (1) - Make this a Double by adding a Hit Circle at 00:00:375 It would make the rhythm at the beginning of the map a little bit too hard, so nope sorry ;w;
  2. 00:23:171 (1,2,3,4) - Change 00:23:171 (1) to a 2/4 Slider and add 2 2/4 Sliders here 00:23:525 and here 00:23:879 then add a Hit Circle here 00:24:352 to fill up the gap, something like this: - I feel that this part doesn't really fit the rhythm so this should be an improvement Nice suggestion owo/ But I still want to keep mine sowwy ;w;
  3. 02:01:675 (2) - Move this somewhere else - I feel that this is unnecessarily confusing especially with the skin There's a clear 1/1 gap before the next stacked object at 02:02:147 (4) , so I'm sure that it wouldn't be that confusing ;)
  4. 03:30:494 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You might want to consider not overlapping the Streams to make it less cluttered and confusing and rather spread it out and stretch it as well Yep. I might consider to change this as well XD
  5. 01:58:604 (3) - Make this a double by adding a Hit Circle here 01:58:486 Nope sorry >v< I want to keep 01:58:131 (2) as a 1/8 slider because I want to keep it consistent with the rhythm at 00:55:297 (1,2,3) owo/
Well I can't find many faults with this difficulty since I think its pretty solid :) Thank youuuuu >v<

Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

-Nishiki- wrote:

i'm trash at modding hard and below.
Lesser mods (nitpicks):
00:33:328 (3) - This shape doesn't really fit with the other notes around it.Something like this fits a bit nicer: That's nice owo But I wanna make a variety in terms of the slider shape at this kind of rhythm, so I wanna keep it sorry ;w;
That's nice owo But I wanna make a variety in terms of the slider shape at this kind of rhythm, so I wanna keep it sorry ;w;
00:35:218 (3) - Try reversing this.It'll make it easier for players to hit (because this is an insane). Yeah, but up until this point, I always make a jump for the beat with a strong drum like 00:25:769 (3) , 00:27:659 (3) , 00:29:549 (3) , and 00:31:438 (3) which is why I want to keep it for the sake of consistency. Moreover, the jump's flow is circular for 00:34:864 (2) to 00:35:218 (3), so it shouldn't be that hard to hit. Plus, I already test-played this jump, so it is safe owo
00:41:596 (4) - Making this slider curved would add a bit to the aesthetic the map is presenting. Nope sorry >v< I want to keep it as a straight slider ;)
00:48:446 (2,3) - That's a little far,especially since 00:46:556 (2,3) came just before it. Wow, I don't realize it XD. Okay, fixed~!
01:12:777 (2,3,4,5) - This placement is just...odd. Eh? Why?? I'm sure that it has a pretty good flow o.o plus I used a distance snap to place them :D
01:40:651 (1,2) - This is again just a bit difficult for an Insane player to pull off. Sorry, I wanna keep it ;w; Because I want to keep it consistent with 00:38:289 (1,2)
01:47:029 (2) - Doesn't feel right.Make this curved instead. Nope sorry >v< I wanna keep it for the variety of the slider shapes
02:13:722 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - This is a huge issue for anyone to tackle who actually plays Insane at the proper level. Um yeah, I might consider to change that xd
03:07:580 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - That feels a bit extreme. Not really I guess o3o

There aren't actually a whole lot of problems,but the one problem I do see is huge.
You use streams a lot,but I don't think the crowd you're making this map for (Insane players) can stream at such a low BPM.And you can probably count that not many Insane players can single tap that consistently on these streams.
Instead of using these large amount of slow BPM streams,use repeating sliders or kick sliders (like on 00:17:029 (4,5) ).Streams at this low of BPM should be exceedingly rare and especially for an Insane difficulty.
By doing this,you separate what the map is right now (a somewhat streamy map made to be only playable with DT) into what it should be (a map newer players can gain a good grasp on without having to adapt to the inhumanly slow streams). Well, in my opinion, most of the osu players nowadays adapt to any kind of rhythms pretty fast, especially for Insane diff players. So, consistent streams throughout the Insane diff at a low BPM map will be a very good challange for them ;) . Morover, changing some of the streams at this diff would make this diff isn't different from the Hard diff because I use them most of the time at the Hard diff, so no change sorry ;w;

Anyways,good map!Good song,good BG,good times!If we can get the big elephant out of the room,I'm sure this map'll improve dramatically
Thank youuuuuu >v<
Good luck with rank!
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</
coke bottle
hi again i'm from my q again. I'm modding another one of your maps again. yay(?)

00:38:289 (5) - move a bit more to the left maybe?
01:40:651 (5) - move up a bit to align with 01:40:415 (4) -

Don't stack 01:04:273 (7) - under 01:04:037 (6) - as it may confuse players thinking that it's a 1/4 gap and may click early and lose combo
same for 01:07:816 (7,8) - and if you find more you can fix this

EZ skin and useless mod cuz i sucx
00:00:375 - you can put a 1/8 reverse slider here
00:08:053 (1) - Ctrl+G This is way too hard
01:51:517 (4) - Ctrl+G
01:53:171 (3,4) - I don't think stack these two slider is a good idea. pls separate it a bit
02:37:226 (8,1) - way too hard
03:08:761 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - maybe 1.0 DS is better
03:32:147 (1) - Ctrl+G

Sry IDK how to mod hard and NM EZ.

good luck
Hi M4M as requested

Can you mod this map instead: the drain time is quite similar so ya

03:03:801 (1,1) - 03:22:698 (1) - 03:26:478 (1) - cancel NC

00:53:171 - add a circle
01:08:997 (2,3,4,5,6) - 02:11:360 (2,3,4,5,6) - kind of better if you make a stream like 01:01:438 (2,3,4,5,6) - just to make the map more beautiful lol
03:05:218 (4,1) - etc idk why you extend sliders to 1/8 in this map lol, why not 1/4? 1/8 is very hard to follow tbh
03:24:116 (1,3) - swap nc

Not bad, i think kiai time is bit too long lol

Might call me back for an irc recheck, there are some stuff in normal/advanced id like to say
Topic Starter

Reynolduh wrote:

hi again i'm from my q again. I'm modding another one of your maps again. yay(?) YAY \OWO/

00:38:289 (5) - move a bit more to the left maybe? Nope sorry ;w; I think the placement is good enough as it is
01:40:651 (5) - move up a bit to align with 01:40:415 (4) - Fixed~!

Don't stack 01:04:273 (7) - under 01:04:037 (6) - as it may confuse players thinking that it's a 1/4 gap and may click early and lose combo Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
same for 01:07:816 (7,8) - and if you find more you can fix this ^

EZ skin and useless mod cuz i sucx Hey, you're good owo
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

blueloniess wrote:

00:00:375 - you can put a 1/8 reverse slider here Nope sorry ;w; I don't wanna make the beginning of the song too intense
00:08:053 (1) - Ctrl+G This is way too hard Nope sorry, I wanna keep it ;w;
01:51:517 (4) - Ctrl+G Nice owo. Fixed~!
01:53:171 (3,4) - I don't think stack these two slider is a good idea. pls separate it a bit Nope sorry, I wanna keep it >w<
02:37:226 (8,1) - way too hard Um, yeah. Maybe I will change it owo
03:08:761 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - maybe 1.0 DS is better Nope sorry, because the rhythm in this section is more intense than the other sections with the same rhythm ;w;
03:32:147 (1) - Ctrl+G Nope sorry ;w; I think that downwards flow is good enough

Sry IDK how to mod hard and NM EZ.

good luck
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Hi M4M as requested

Can you mod this map instead: the drain time is quite similar so ya Okay owo/

03:03:801 (1,1) - 03:22:698 (1) - 03:26:478 (1) - cancel NC Fixed~!

00:53:171 - add a circle Fixed~!
01:08:997 (2,3,4,5,6) - 02:11:360 (2,3,4,5,6) - kind of better if you make a stream like 01:01:438 (2,3,4,5,6) - just to make the map more beautiful lol Fixed~!
03:05:218 (4,1) - etc idk why you extend sliders to 1/8 in this map lol, why not 1/4? 1/8 is very hard to follow tbh Fixed~!
03:24:116 (1,3) - swap nc Fixed~!

Not bad, i think kiai time is bit too long lol I love long kiai times xd

Might call me back for an irc recheck, there are some stuff in normal/advanced id like to say OWO THANK YOU VERY MUUUCH <333
Thanks for the mod~! >w</
Topic Starter
Updated~! >w</
I love the top diff so much
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

I love the top diff so much
Thank you soooo much sahuang >w</
I'm most likely going to pop this today/tomorrow, depending on how much time I'm going to have today. But I'm willing to re-bubble/qualify this once the issues are resolved. The map looks nice to me.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

I'm most likely going to pop this today/tomorrow, depending on how much time I'm going to have today. But I'm willing to re-bubble/qualify this once the issues are resolved. The map looks nice to me.
tried to map this masterpiece by myself but failed due to the complex rhythm
but seems like you handled it very well, good luck!!

yasuda rei <33
As I haven't seen metadata confirmed in the thread, it seems to be correct according to the artist's official website.
  1. The map could use some more tags other than romanisation of the title. I would personally add these people to tags as they're composers and arrangers of this song, don't forget romanisations: 林奈津美, Hayashi Natsumi, 玉井健二, Tamai Kenji, 釣俊輔, Tsuri Shunsuke. You can come up with more things, but I think these people are important.
  2. Some skin parts are missing, these must be added:
  3. sliderendcircle.png
sliderendcircleoverlay.pngsliderstartcircle.pngsliderstartcircleoverlay.pngscorebar-marker.pngSliderTrackOverride should be set along with SliderBorder. This is a rule, but I believe you'll be fine skipping this, because I think it's a new rule, so you don't have to follow it if the map was submitted before the RC change. I will have to confirm, if this was older or wasn't, so I'm not 100% sure here.The hitbursts for 50, 100 and 300 are very difficult to distinguish. The colours used are from a very similar spectrum, you're basically using a blue for 50, turquoise for 100 and cyan for 300. These are all essentially blue or bluish green colour. I get that you wanted to achieve a blue skin, but hitbursts simply must be different so that it's very easy to notice. You need to change your colours for 100 and 50. Try something out of the blue spectrum.The dark blue combo colour seems to blend with the hair on the background. I tested it with 2 monitors and all default presets that you can set on them and all options had impaired readability. I recommend you to use quite a lighter blue to avoid that, it's not very easy to read even with disabled background, but it's a bit better than that. Now this may be different for every person as we all see colours differently. If you're not having a similar problem, we should do some research and get feedback from other people.These are the reasons (not all of these suggestions are, of course) why I'm popping this map. I currently did not manage to get enough time to fully mod this, so I'm at least posting my concerns in case someone wanted to qualify it before I mod it. If nobody qualifies it, I'll finish a full mod tomorrow and I'm willing to bubble/qualify this.
Edit 1:
  1. If possible, it's always better to have consistent settings of Widescreen support and similar things. Not an important thing right now, but it could make a difference in future.
  1. I think that drum-hitwhistle2.wav is not cut correctly. You should think about the way the hitsound is played in-game. It has some kind of echo, which gets really quiet on its own, but osu! also reduces that volume. For example at 00:41:832 - , it's only 40% of the volume + the song is relatively loud, so it will entirely cover the hitsound really. In the end, that can reduce the file size quite a bit. You might simply replace it with this one.
  2. I love how much effort you put into the hitsounds, but it's a pity that only the kiai part is really significant. Other parts blend kinda lot with the map. I think you could boost the volume up a little bit so that it's a bit more noticeable. Generally up to you, I just thought it'd be a pity to spend so much time on relatively nice hitsounds, but making it barely possible to notice that it's an addition.
  1. 02:36:871 (5,6,7,8,1) - I would say that this stream jump is quite unexpected as you haven't really used this anywhere in the map, especially not in such a part (this one is much less significant part of the song than 01:59:076 (1,2,3,4,1) - for example, which has a very little jump.
  2. 00:57:186 (1) - Could maybe have a bit bigger jump, as you did at 01:59:549 (1) - . I'd say it's exactly the same part, so making it the same could make it look different from streams in the less intense parts.
  1. 00:54:824 (6,1) - 01:57:186 (6,1) - I would say that these jumps are kinda unnecessary. It is honestly much less expectable than in the Mirror difficulty, and even in comparison with rest of this difficulty, this is not as understandable as most of the patterns in the difficulty are.
  2. I don't quite understand the concept of jumps in the kiais. I believe that it should have jumps, but it is not clear to me why 00:59:076 (1) - 01:02:856 (1) - do have a jump, but for example 01:04:509 (5,6,1) - 01:19:627 (5,6,1) - 01:24:824 (5,6,7) - 02:06:871 (5,6,1) - 02:21:990 (5,6,1) - 02:27:659 (3,4,1) - 03:16:793 (5,6,1) - 03:22:462 (6,7,1) - 03:39:470 (5,6,1) - don't have a jump, while these are kinda important places in the song. (There are others too, but that would require more drastic changes, such as 01:12:305 (1) - but you'd have to change it so that the jump is 1/2, not 1/4.
  3. 03:30:494 (2,3,4) - This slider pattern doesn't seem to be clickable very predictably.03:30:966 - and 03:31:438 - don't really have any sound that would make sense for being clickable, it's more or less random, but 03:30:966 (3) - has quite a significant sound at 03:31:202 - , which is not clickable. I'd suggest you to use 2 sliders instead, one starting at 03:30:494 - and ending at 03:31:084 - (with repeats, obviously), and second starting at 03:31:202 - and ending at 03:31:793 - . That makes at least a bit more sense with clicking.
  1. 00:23:171 (4) - It's very apparent that you've forgotten a new combo here. It breaks the way you're making combos throughout the whole map.
  2. 02:33:564 (3) - Same as above.
  3. 03:05:690 (3) - Same as above.
  4. 02:17:265 (2) - I can see the whole map is composed in 1.5x spacing constantly, and this is literally the only place where you used 1.6x. I guess it was a mistake, so I'm pointing this out.
  5. There's one stylistic thing I don't like and that's some of the blankets. Sometimes when you make a blanket, you leave as much space as distance snap keeps between other objects. 00:11:360 (3,1,2) - This is a great example. I think such patterns look decent. But things such as 00:06:163 (1,3) - feel way too close in comparison. I personally think it makes the spacing look inconsistent. It's generally up to you if you fix this or not, it's just an aesthetic thing I wanted to point out because it could make the map look cleaner. Nothing crucial. If you decided that you like it, you should apply it to all blankets that are similar to 00:06:163 (1,3) - .
  6. 00:17:029 (3,4) - This place could make a little bit more sense with a slider instead to emphasize the violin better with holding than clicking. Same applies to 01:34:509 (3,4) - .
I personally don't think Easy and Normal need any changes. Call me back after things are addressed. If something is not clear or you need help anything, feel free to ask me.
Topic Starter

Komore wrote:

tried to map this masterpiece by myself but failed due to the complex rhythm
but seems like you handled it very well, good luck!!

yasuda rei <33
Thank youuuuu ( ´∀`)σ)_ಠ) ♡♡♡♡
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

If nobody qualifies it, I'll finish a full mod tomorrow and I'm willing to bubble/qualify this.
Okay, I'll wait for the full mod (〃´∀`〃)
Thank you Wafu~
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

As I haven't seen metadata confirmed in the thread, it seems to be correct according to the artist's official website.
  1. The map could use some more tags other than romanisation of the title. I would personally add these people to tags as they're composers and arrangers of this song, don't forget romanisations: 林奈津美, Hayashi Natsumi, 玉井健二, Tamai Kenji, 釣俊輔, Tsuri Shunsuke. You can come up with more things, but I think these people are important. Fixed~!
  2. Some skin parts are missing, these must be added:
  3. sliderendcircle.png
sliderendcircleoverlay.pngsliderstartcircle.pngsliderstartcircleoverlay.pngscorebar-marker.png Okay, I added all of them~!SliderTrackOverride should be set along with SliderBorder. This is a rule, but I believe you'll be fine skipping this, because I think it's a new rule, so you don't have to follow it if the map was submitted before the RC change. I will have to confirm, if this was older or wasn't, so I'm not 100% sure here. Okay, added~!The hitbursts for 50, 100 and 300 are very difficult to distinguish. The colours used are from a very similar spectrum, you're basically using a blue for 50, turquoise for 100 and cyan for 300. These are all essentially blue or bluish green colour. I get that you wanted to achieve a blue skin, but hitbursts simply must be different so that it's very easy to notice. You need to change your colours for 100 and 50. Try something out of the blue spectrum. Fixed~!The dark blue combo colour seems to blend with the hair on the background. I tested it with 2 monitors and all default presets that you can set on them and all options had impaired readability. I recommend you to use quite a lighter blue to avoid that, it's not very easy to read even with disabled background, but it's a bit better than that. Now this may be different for every person as we all see colours differently. If you're not having a similar problem, we should do some research and get feedback from other people. Fixed~! These are the reasons (not all of these suggestions are, of course) why I'm popping this map. I currently did not manage to get enough time to fully mod this, so I'm at least posting my concerns in case someone wanted to qualify it before I mod it. If nobody qualifies it, I'll finish a full mod tomorrow and I'm willing to bubble/qualify this. Thank youuu

Edit 1:
  1. If possible, it's always better to have consistent settings of Widescreen support and similar things. Not an important thing right now, but it could make a difference in future. Fixed~!
  1. I think that drum-hitwhistle2.wav is not cut correctly. You should think about the way the hitsound is played in-game. It has some kind of echo, which gets really quiet on its own, but osu! also reduces that volume. For example at 00:41:832 - , it's only 40% of the volume + the song is relatively loud, so it will entirely cover the hitsound really. In the end, that can reduce the file size quite a bit. You might simply replace it with this one. Fixed~! Thank you very muuch >3<
  2. I love how much effort you put into the hitsounds, but it's a pity that only the kiai part is really significant. Other parts blend kinda lot with the map. I think you could boost the volume up a little bit so that it's a bit more noticeable. Generally up to you, I just thought it'd be a pity to spend so much time on relatively nice hitsounds, but making it barely possible to notice that it's an addition. Fixed~!
  1. 02:36:871 (5,6,7,8,1) - I would say that this stream jump is quite unexpected as you haven't really used this anywhere in the map, especially not in such a part (this one is much less significant part of the song than 01:59:076 (1,2,3,4,1) - for example, which has a very little jump. Fixed~!
  2. 00:57:186 (1) - Could maybe have a bit bigger jump, as you did at 01:59:549 (1) - . I'd say it's exactly the same part, so making it the same could make it look different from streams in the less intense parts. Fixed~!
  1. 00:54:824 (6,1) - 01:57:186 (6,1) - I would say that these jumps are kinda unnecessary. It is honestly much less expectable than in the Mirror difficulty, and even in comparison with rest of this difficulty, this is not as understandable as most of the patterns in the difficulty are. Fixed~!
  2. I don't quite understand the concept of jumps in the kiais. I believe that it should have jumps, but it is not clear to me why 00:59:076 (1) - 01:02:856 (1) - do have a jump, but for example 01:04:509 (5,6,1) - 01:19:627 (5,6,1) - 01:24:824 (5,6,7) - 02:06:871 (5,6,1) - 02:21:990 (5,6,1) - 02:27:659 (3,4,1) - 03:16:793 (5,6,1) - 03:22:462 (6,7,1) - 03:39:470 (5,6,1) - don't have a jump, while these are kinda important places in the song. (There are others too, but that would require more drastic changes, such as 01:12:305 (1) - but you'd have to change it so that the jump is 1/2, not 1/4. Okay, fixed~!
  3. 03:30:494 (2,3,4) - This slider pattern doesn't seem to be clickable very predictably.03:30:966 - and 03:31:438 - don't really have any sound that would make sense for being clickable, it's more or less random, but 03:30:966 (3) - has quite a significant sound at 03:31:202 - , which is not clickable. I'd suggest you to use 2 sliders instead, one starting at 03:30:494 - and ending at 03:31:084 - (with repeats, obviously), and second starting at 03:31:202 - and ending at 03:31:793 - . That makes at least a bit more sense with clicking. Fixed~!
  1. 00:23:171 (4) - It's very apparent that you've forgotten a new combo here. It breaks the way you're making combos throughout the whole map. Fixed~!
  2. 02:33:564 (3) - Same as above. Fixed~!
  3. 03:05:690 (3) - Same as above. Fixed~!
  4. 02:17:265 (2) - I can see the whole map is composed in 1.5x spacing constantly, and this is literally the only place where you used 1.6x. I guess it was a mistake, so I'm pointing this out. Woah that's right XD Fixed~!
  5. There's one stylistic thing I don't like and that's some of the blankets. Sometimes when you make a blanket, you leave as much space as distance snap keeps between other objects. 00:11:360 (3,1,2) - This is a great example. I think such patterns look decent. But things such as 00:06:163 (1,3) - feel way too close in comparison. I personally think it makes the spacing look inconsistent. It's generally up to you if you fix this or not, it's just an aesthetic thing I wanted to point out because it could make the map look cleaner. Nothing crucial. If you decided that you like it, you should apply it to all blankets that are similar to 00:06:163 (1,3) - . Well um yeah. That is my habit for making an indirect blanket like that >v< but can I keep it please?? >3< Because I kinda do the same thing all over the map like 00:13:249 (3,1) , 00:18:210 (2,1) , 00:33:328 (2,1) , etc XD
  6. 00:17:029 (3,4) - This place could make a little bit more sense with a slider instead to emphasize the violin better with holding than clicking. Same applies to 01:34:509 (3,4) - . Fixed~!
I personally don't think Easy and Normal need any changes. Call me back after things are addressed. If something is not clear or you need help anything, feel free to ask me. Yayy thank youuu

Thank you very much Wafu~! >w<

Updated again~! >w</
wafu told me the skinning stuff is fine now, so lets rebubble.

@wafu tell me if anything is still wrong (which needs rebubble), as I'm not checking forum so frequently.

Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

wafu told me the skinning stuff is fine now, so lets rebubble.

@wafu tell me if anything is still wrong (which needs rebubble), as I'm not checking forum so frequently.

Thank youuu ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Popping again for unrankable issue (we have to pop + rebubble if we find unrankable issue). Every difficulty has inaudible slider ticks at 03:26:714 - . Using 5% volume on slider ticks makes them silent, so that's not allowed. The rest is completely fine, going to qualify after this is resolved. Also call sahuang to rebubble.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Popping again for unrankable issue (we have to pop + rebubble if we find unrankable issue). Every difficulty has inaudible slider ticks at 03:26:714 - . Using 5% volume on slider ticks makes them silent, so that's not allowed. The rest is completely fine, going to qualify after this is resolved. Also call sahuang to rebubble. Okay fixed~! owo/
Thank you very much Wafu~

Updated~! >w</
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Thank youuuuuuu >w</
Congrats!!!! :) ((I hope this got r a n k e d))
Topic Starter

tiffany yu tyu wrote:

Congrats!!!! :) ((I hope this got r a n k e d))
Thank youuuuu (●´ω`●)
Fixed one hitsound, rest of the map seems nice to me. Qualified!
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Fixed one hitsound, rest of the map seems nice to me. Qualified!
Thank youuuuuu (*≧▽≦)
gratz !!
Topic Starter

Kyousukee wrote:

gratz !!
Thank youuuu >w<
Kanzaki H Aria
Congrats! :)
'osu needs more'

Yasuda Rei <3
osu! needs more Yasuda Rei <3

Congratulations! <3
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
i want the skin so bad hahahaha if you can provide me the skin im going to be really grateful :D
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