
Mafia Game [Town Win]

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@ pieguy, nah that's good enough for me, I just wanted to see your reasoning. Though I still heavily disagree for the most part.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

There is a 50-50 chance as to whether or not the mafia gets to know about my role.
This makes me pretty sure that NoHItter is mafia, but Hammering right now would be a horrible idea for multiple reasons.

Also, someone viewing this thread, mind posting something real quick?
Hi, I am posting in this thread with the intention of fulfilling a request.

Rantai wrote:

Hi, I am posting in this thread with the intention of fulfilling a request.
Awesome, thanks. Now I don't have to worry as much anymore.
I should mention that the results of Mashley's flip invalidated the main reason I was suspicious of DxS.
Should I stop trying to understand?

No actually I'll sleep first, it's been a long day.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
"Nearly no way to tell"? Guess you people haven't checked the clues.

Roleclaim: Fanatic Worshiper (ie: Cop, Psychic)

Option 1: Every night, I'm allowed to pray to my god and ask for someone's role. However, my god is cruel, and gives me a 50-50 chance. One side of that is to be unnoticed. The other is to have my role given to the mafia. (NoHitter CONFIRMED the second half by stating that I am part cop. PLUS, he even STATED that I had another role!)

Option 2: If it is night 1, I am able to sacrifice myself. Of course, doing so does nothing. However, I am able to submit TWO names and get their information. Instead of getting this information myself, it goes to two other people. I have a feeling that DxS watched me in this situation, but right now, all I know is that NoHitter is mafia.
Oh well gg for me.
Man why do I always get unlucky when it comes to Cops.
As planned, self-hammer time to cut discussion.
BTW guys, you can't post after the hammer as it's Night time already :D

Had fun guys. Oh and I don't know if you would believe me but I was actually scumhunting for the SK. Not that you guys will believe me.

Now that that's' over with...
Vote: NoHItter
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Day 2 is now over. Give me a minute pls thx
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Final Vote Count

NoHItter (7): Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Rantai, animask, 0_o, pieguy1372, Chris, NoHItter

Swiftwolf Yellowtail (1): DeathxShinigami

Not Voting: Rolled, LadySuburu, Wojjan, foulcoon, Lybydose

NoHItter - Mafia Graverobber was lynched
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It's now Night 2. Send all night actions within 24 hours.
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It's now Day 3. You wake up to find...

Rolled - Townsperson dead :(

You have 72 hours until nightfall.
Wojjan/Foulcoon/Lybydose haven't posted in 2 days

mod: prod ^
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what do you think is different from a prod and that pm I sent everyone like 2 minutes ago
prod means they're required to post
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I don't have a prodding rule. If inactivity becomes a problem, I'll just replace/modkill case by case.

Two wrote:

I don't have a prodding rule. If inactivity becomes a problem, I'll just replace/modkill case by case.
it's a problem now cause they haven't posted in 2 days~
Seeing as yesterday only lasted about 12 hours, and nobody posted for the last 24 hours, I'd say not posting for the last 48 hours is somewhat reasonable?
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day 2 ended fast

0_o wrote:

Seeing as yesterday only lasted about 12 hours, and nobody posted for the last 24 hours, I'd say not posting for the last 48 hours is somewhat reasonable?
they are the only 3 which is why I called them out

none of them voted/posted at all

even though it doesn't prove guilt it's still more than worth pointing out

and not having prod rules is dumb
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Yeah, D2 did end quickly. Plus, my FoS from D1 was quite interesting. Remember when I FoS'd Wojjan? Yeah, I thought he was just being rude. Apparently, my investigations show him as part of the mafia, as well. Bye, Wojjan!

Vote: Wojjan
vote: Wojjan

wow if they're mafia I want an apology
though swift I am curious why they wouldn't kill a confirmed cop but rolled who was not only inactive but unconfirmed town
rantai my friend, don't lurk ~

give me your opinion on this
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
That's what I'm wondering, too. I roleclaimed cop, and even NoHitter confirmed it. There's a possibility that I was getting protected that night, and if that's the case, they want to take out the doctor, first.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

That's what I'm wondering, too. I roleclaimed cop, and even NoHitter confirmed it. There's a possibility that I was getting protected that night, and if that's the case, they want to take out the doctor, first.
or maybe bus driver exists?

.. hopefully not a serial killer -_-
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Doctor or bus driver. I don't know which one exists, but I know what Wojjan is.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
..wait. If it IS a bus driver, wouldn't it have come up as such? I mean, if there IS one, wouldn't Rolled come up as such, and not townsperson?

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

..wait. If it IS a bus driver, wouldn't it have come up as such? I mean, if there IS one, wouldn't Rolled come up as such, and not townsperson?
Bus Drivers just switch what happens to two people during night actions.

Mafia tries to kill you.
Bus Driver switches you and Rolled.
Rolled dies instead.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
...Triple posting because I don't like to edit.

That is, IF he was the one that switched with me... then again, wouldn't that mean he would've been protected IF I was the one protected?

This doesn't make any sense.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail'd.

That's what I was getting at, Chris. But there's one thing that still doesn't register as right. Wouldn't it show that he's a bus driver?

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:'d.

That's what I was getting at, Chris. But there's one thing that still doesn't register as right. Wouldn't it show that he's a bus driver?

The bus driver doesn't have to switch with himself, he can switch any two people freely.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Confirmed your statement. Bus drivers may not be able to switch themselves.
Speaking of those three, I know for sure that they couldn't have understood my meaning.

So, I no longer really see them as town. That leaves faceman as the only one on my list.

As for swift's investigation and lack of death, I only see two possibilities.

Doctor + SK - Swift was investigated and SK killed someone.

Bus Driver - Swapped swift and rolled.

A bus driver existing who did anything else but swap swift and someone would've just made a really bad move overall.
Vote: Wojjan

I see no reason for Swift to lie.

I was wondering why Rolled was killed, bus driver makes sense. Then again with the doctors... more on this later, little busy.
Not voting for a bit since I want people to actually get a chance to post and I barely even got two posts in yesterday before self-hammer ended the day.

Oh, by the way we can post after a lynch until Two posts that the day is officially over. I asked that after yesterday's event.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Yeah, I had a feeling NoHitter was pulling his last lie before Two made his post.
Ok not so busy.

I'm going to run under the assumption that there isn't a doctor in this game. Going by that I doubt there is a SK around unless they are miraculously choosing the same targets or alternating kills.
Sorry for not posting guys, Day 2 literally lasted while I was at school/sleeping. I had a pretty rough night before that so I just didn't think to check it before school.

Swift did you actually check Wojjan or is this just a hunch?
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
I actually checked Wojjan.
Vote: Wojjan

plain and simple. If Swift is not paranoid we pretty much won already :D.
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Vote Count

Wojjan (4): Swiftwolf Yellowtail, Chris, Rantai, foulcoon

11 people alive = 6 votes to lynch
I almost feel sorry for the mafia, really.

Not voting til everyone's had a chance to speak, just in case we're missing anything.
vote: Wojjan
Sleep Powder
I don't see any reason for Swift to be lying this time. I find it extremely odd, yet lucky that he investigated two mafia members in a row.

Vote: Wojjan
Sleep Powder
Oh and I think DxS might be mafia. I get the feeling I just got the hammer vote... oops.
HoS: Lyby, animask.
Topic Starter
Ookay Day 3 now over.

Wojjan - Mafia Leader was lynched

It's now Night 3. 24 hours until Day 4, send in night actions

LadySuburu wrote:

HoS: Lyby, animask.
definitely lybydose, only thing he posts are votes now :(

swift you should scan him n3
Posting on cell w restorant inteqnet. Cant check if it'r still d3 plz delete if not swift is paran or bs cop, or one of the remaining mafs is driver. Duno y no one mentioned mafdriver re: p26. Faceman's logic on hitter d2 (wrt probability) was bs and metawise last time he vouched w that in tf2maf he was blu. Chris is either an impatient dick or scum as shit, mbe both. Vote pieguy btw for shit reasoning all over the place and the bussing i called d1. Decent port coming soon.
Topic Starter
Ending night prematurely. You wake up to find that...

Swiftwolf Yellowtail - Fanatic Worshipper (Cop/Psychic) was killed amongst a large pile of "Kill me, I'm a cop" warning signs.

It's now Day 4. You have 72 hours until nightfall.

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch

I take it our bus driver failed to save Swift.
Right now I'm actually thinking the mafia left Swift alone N2 because they thought he would be protected, thus leaving him free to kill the next night.
What stops someone protecting him twice in a row?

But I do see your point.

Rantai wrote:

What stops someone protecting him twice in a row?

But I do see your point.
Traditionally, a doctor can't protect the same player consecutive nights. Though sometimes they ARE allowed if their protection is successful, thus making it even riskier for the mafia.
Fair enough then.

It's nice that we've got 2 mafia down but the downfall to that is we've got very little to work on for the next one, those days went by way too fast >.<
Slipping back into the previous posts again;

Wojjan wrote:

yeah that's true, you don't ever.


feeling pretty good about LS

LadySuburu wrote:

Feel free to lynch me if you'd like, just take the fact that I believe Wojjan and Lyby are almost guarenteed town into consideration once I flip.
These two stand out to me quite a bit right now. Now, aside from being quite cryptic (yep, I'm dumb), LS refused to vote on either bandwagon (granted the reasons were sound, but that's just convenient too). I'll think on this a bit more.

Just for reference - I believe, 0_o, pieguy, Chris and foulcoon (kind of) are town for now, judging by how I'm reading them. animask and DxS I have a null read on them. Lybydose and LS are the two I'm most wary about (LS moreso, Lybydose for his amazing lack of words).
Why do you think Foulcoon is town? He's been inactive for a while now~ (though possibly with an honest excuse, but who knows)

Lybydose has hardly posted at all since D2, only once to bandwagon Wojjan I think. Possibly to clear himself because he knew Wojjan was definitely going to get hammered and didn't want to not vote again for the confirmed Mafia. Not to mention Swift died when he was asked to scan him N3, though how long would Mafia really leave a cop alive? ^_^

faceman is probably the most confirmed town to me, but only based on the fact he pressured NoHitter so badly and helped complete the bandwagon against him and helped convince that he was most likely Mafia.

I still think LS is the Jester who ended up losing their role cause Lybydose called them out, losing post restrictions right after that happens is too convenient.

Animask saying oops about hammering a cop confirmed mafia member, wat.

DxS is inactive as usual, could go either way easily.

Rantai - Assuming town, nothing to confirm it yet though. Saying you believed foulcoon was town surprised me though, possible you + foulcoon are the last mafia alive.

pieguy I really have no thoughts about, been sorta inactive the past couple days. Didn't vote for Wojjan.

Chris wrote:

I still think LS is the Jester who ended up losing their role cause Lybydose called them out, losing post restrictions right after that happens is too convenient.

Rantai - Assuming town, nothing to confirm it yet though. Saying you believed foulcoon was town surprised me though, possible you + foulcoon are the last mafia alive.
To clear up it's only a slight read on foulcoon.

Alright, time to give you something then and also to show why I don't think LS is a jester.

Roleclaim: Setup Watcher

Basically, every day I am given a list of how many of 4 types of roles are left (Vanillas, power roles, mafia and independents). I will say right now there is 1 mafia left and no independents. Meaning it's a 8v1 set up at this moment.

However I noticed someone was jumping between power role and mafia on day 1 and 2. I believe there is someone who swaps roles based on a trigger. My guess is if that person is voted, they swap alignment then swap back the next day. Now, before I give you numbers, I want to make sure that actually giving out aux role numbers won't hurt the town.


Rantai wrote:

To clear up it's only a slight read on foulcoon.

Alright, time to give you something then and also to show why I don't think LS is a jester.

Roleclaim: Setup Watcher

Basically, every day I am given a list of how many of 4 types of roles are left (Vanillas, power roles, mafia and independents). I will say right now there is 1 mafia left and no independents. Meaning it's a 8v1 set up at this moment.

However I noticed someone was jumping between power role and mafia on day 1 and 2. I believe there is someone who swaps roles based on a trigger. My guess is if that person is voted, they swap alignment then swap back the next day. Now, before I give you numbers, I want to make sure that actually giving out aux role numbers won't hurt the town.


I don't see how it's possible for someone to switch back and forth? .. wouldn't they like, know who the other Mafia are and be able to win it for town?

You wouldn't of been able to see LS as an independent though just for the fact they were called out D1 and possibly lost their alignment right there, unless your ability is used during the day. (and before that happened)

It's hard to believe there is only 1 mafia member left though, I'm assuming it's more along the lines of someone who comes up as town when they use their night ability. (possibly 1 shot?) <-- and oh I just realized this might be what you meant.

I don't think it would be beneficial to state how many of what are left in this game, though. Just keep us informed if the Mafia count hits 2, cause I doubt this was a 3v12 game.

Chris wrote:

1.I don't see how it's possible for someone to switch back and forth? .. wouldn't they like, know who the other Mafia are and be able to win it for town?

2.You wouldn't of been able to see LS as an independent though just for the fact they were called out D1 and possibly lost their alignment right there, unless your ability is used during the day. (and before that happened)

3.It's hard to believe there is only 1 mafia member left though, I'm assuming it's more along the lines of someone who comes up as town when they use their night ability. (possibly 1 shot?) <-- and oh I just realized this might be what you meant.

4.I don't think it would be beneficial to state how many of what are left in this game, though. Just keep us informed if the Mafia count hits 2, cause I doubt this was a 3v12 game.
1. I am unsure how it works, I'll copy paste my notes on mafia numbers for you though.

Mafia - 3 - 4 - 2 - 1
2. There have been 0 independents the whole game, believe it or not. It has been 0 the whole way through.

3. I found it hard to believe too on the first day, then I saw the jump on day 2 and went... uh what? I waited for the next 2 days to see if it wasn't a periodic thing (ie alignment mafia on even days) .

4. Ok, I won't reveal what's left. I bet I'm dead tonight though.

Rantai wrote:

4. Ok, I won't reveal what's left. I bet I'm dead tonight though.
Don't bet on it friend. :)
I found it hard to believe there was 3 mafia members*
Oh and assuming my hypothesis is correct (or even on the off chance it's right) please refrain from voting, use FoS or w/e until we know who we want to lynch.

Last thing we need is to create another mafia.

Good night, see you in the morning.
The Mafia Spy shows up as Town to Cops, but the Mafia can "call them back" at any time to make them full members of the Mafia at any time. (Obviously, the Mafia would know that the Mafia Spy exists.)
^ I assume this would work for your role as well, which would explain the interesting numbers you gathered.
Users browsing this forum: DeathxShinigami, pieguy1372

let me know what you think~
Oh wow, that's interesting. o.o It's definitely a huge relief to know there's only 1 mafia member left (and no SK), because that allows 3 more mislynches before LYLO.

Given what you said, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Lybydose or LS (or far less likely, Chris) was that person (and they originally wanted to be mafia). Perhaps they didn't know they had that property, but there's definitely a chance they did.

Chris wrote:

pieguy I really have no thoughts about, been sorta inactive the past couple days. Didn't vote for Wojjan.
I went to bed during night 2 and when I came back, day 3 had already ended and it was already night 3 >.<//

1. Rantai
If his claim is true, this means he's town. I'm willing to believe it for now, I can always go back and change it if it leads to a contradiction (and we have a lot of time left, unlike in community PyP). He was also first on the bandwagon of NoHItter, and I'm further inclined to say he's town due to meta (and no I won't say what meta :P)...

2. LadySuburu
Let's see here... First of all, if Rantai's claim is true, IMO he has a high chance of being the person whose alignment switches back and forth. Plus, the way he was posting D1 makes me think that he might have had a pro-town power (or some other power) that he lost. Either way, if he lost it, I doubt he would become a mafia member, so I think he's town.

3. 0_o
Inactive near the start, but he had a reason for that so I can disregard it. He seems very proactive and trying to help the town, so I think for now he's town.

4. Chris
Confused everyone D1, though I don't think he meant to. He has also been quite proactive and has analyzed quite well so far, so I'm pretty sure he's town.

5. animask
He's been quite inactive, but he was also on the bandwagon for both mafia members (though with Wojjan, it was clear he was going to be lynched anyway, and it was quite obvious he was mafia). I haven't picked up any other reads on him yet, I'll reread the thread later and hopefully get something.

7. foulcoon
He's been really inactive so far, so I'm not sure what to say about him.

8. Lybydose
If Rantai is telling the truth, due to the way he was acting early on, he has a higher chance of being the person whose alignment switches, and thus town. This makes him more likely to be town. Yes, Swiftwolf died after supposedly checking Lybydose, but this is WIFOM.

9. DeathxShinigami
What I'm wondering is this:

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

I have a feeling that DxS watched me in this situation, but right now, all I know is that NoHitter is mafia.
Does this mean DxS is a watcher? Swiftwolf said this, so he has no reason to lie (and DxS never claimed anything). Aside from that, I haven't picked up any reads on him just yet, but I plan to reread (rereread?) the thread later today when I have more time. >.<

Essentially, there are a few people who are more likely to be town, and that's it. Regarding the issue with Rantai, LS, and Lybydose, that was just me making a guess based on how they acted D1. If they did switch back and forth based on if they voted, that situation would make a lot of sense given how they were acting. However, the other one may still very well be mafia, or I might be completely wrong. Also, since days 2 and 3 were so short, some people such as DxS, animask, and foulcoon appear inactive because they have no chances to make posts. In other words, I don't have enough information yet to tell anything for sure. :?

Chris wrote:

The Mafia Spy shows up as Town to Cops, but the Mafia can "call them back" at any time to make them full members of the Mafia at any time. (Obviously, the Mafia would know that the Mafia Spy exists.)
^ I assume this would work for your role as well, which would explain the interesting numbers you gathered.
That would explain the jump from 3 to 4, but not from 4 to 2.
Wojjan accused me/faceman/pieguy of being scum, and they were the Mafia Leader soo..

.. I'm assuming us three are all confirmed town, though it's possible they did that and tried to place a Mafia member in there knowing they were lynched. <-- That'd be a really shady thing to do though.

I feel like faceman/pieguy/Rantai/me are pretty much confirmed, kinda.

I do think that Suburu is probably the Mafia Spy, them having a posting requirement kinda makes sense since a spy would want to be "out of sight" for the most part. It also says that the Spies can go right back to the Mafia, which would in turn allow them to speak freely again with no posting restriction. Maybe that's what happened? I'm not sure if something like that is a day or night action though, so I might be off.

Lybydose is ridiculously inactive, and I think it's worth pointing out that him + animask were the last ones to vote for Wojjan. He posts but only to vote and hasn't really given his input on anything since D2. This is all just information though, not really an accusation. I would like to see some sort of post from either of them though.

DxS claimed he believed Swiftwolf was Mafia and voted for him. Just another bit of information that I should point out. Not to mention he lurks and refuses to post.

0_o wrote:

That would explain the jump from 3 to 4, but not from 4 to 2.
Maybe they became a Spy again? It doesn't say anything about not being able to do it more than once.

also 4 -> 2 would be one Mafia dead and the Mafia Spy going back into hiding.
Users browsing this forum: animask

why no post~
Sleep Powder
I thought someone wanted more input before the hammer vote.

The days are ending pretty quickly and I'm starting to think only 1 mafia member is doing the NK work.

I don't really have much else to post right now...

Chris wrote:

0_o wrote:

That would explain the jump from 3 to 4, but not from 4 to 2.
Maybe they became a Spy again? It doesn't say anything about not being able to do it more than once.

also 4 -> 2 would be one Mafia dead and the Mafia Spy going back into hiding.
It doesn't make sense for a spy to be able to go back into hiding though:
-When the spy is hiding, he appears as town under investigation, but the mafia doesn't know who he is
-When he comes out, he is revealed to the mafia but is not longer immune to investigations
After this there would be no downsides not to go back into hiding as the mafia already knows who he is.

Maybe there is a mafioso who has a night action, but can forfeit it for the night in order to appear as town?

0_o wrote:

It doesn't make sense for a spy to be able to go back into hiding though:
-When the spy is hiding, he appears as town under investigation, but the mafia doesn't know who he is
-When he comes out, he is revealed to the mafia but is not longer immune to investigations
After this there would be no downsides not to go back into hiding as the mafia already knows who he is.

Maybe there is a mafioso who has a night action, but can forfeit it for the night in order to appear as town?

Maybe there is a Mafia Hider role, still looking around to see what I can find.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

On the bandwagon upon me I can only say that town will be harmed much more if I do get lynched.

Unfortunately I am unable to roleclaim due to role restrictions.
I'm still curious as to what he meant by this. At this point he should have some information for us, since if he was a protective role or a driver swift shouldn't have died.

0_o wrote:

-I think I got what LS was getting at, thus I believe he is also town
If this statement is true, he should basically know that I'm town. It should be the same reason I'm basically sure he's town.

As for Lyby and animask, Lyby was the one to place Wojjan at L-1, and animask the hammer. Both actions lead to quickly stifling town discussion. If we do have someone who is switching between mafia and town, I'd say it's one of them (If not one of them actually being the mafia in the first place.)

We're still far enough ahead that if I'm going to be a target for a lynch near / at LyLo based on speculations like what Chris is mentioning, I'd rather you lynch me now so you can actually focus on finding the mafia.
why don't you go ahead and roleclaim if you don't care about dying then

tell us what your post restriction was about as well
Sorry for not posting guys, I'm lacking internet at home right now for reasons unknown and I've been at work a lot with a stripped down workstation as I typically work via remote desktop (lol can't do that with no internet at home).

Basically town is awesome this game. It sucks that we lost Swift but it is to be expected, no mafia in their right mind would leave such a powerful role alive for any longer. I think Swift being NK'd while investigating Lyby is just a coincidence and shouldn't really be taken in to account. I'm not saying its impossible for Lyby to be the mafia, but just that we shouldn't take it too seriously as Swift was probably the NK target long before his investigation target was decided.

LS's role seems most suspicious to me. I don't know why a mafia member would try to fake a post restriction so early int he game though, it seems like it would call too much attention.

animask is animask. I don't know how to put this correctly. Hammered the lynch yesterday but the target was Mafia so its okay. However, a mafia about to be down their second member would have to play aggressively and cut-throat to survive.

As for Wojjan's FoS, s/he did that in a previous mafia game when s/he/it was mafia. I wouldn't take it as those people being confirmed town. Also in PyP Mafia I used a similar tactic to try to throw a tiny bit of suspicion off of my mafia buddy Kiddo (which was not really effective but pretty much guaranteed a SK win lmao).

As per Rantai's request I won't FoS or vote anyone at this point in time.

Chris wrote:

why don't you go ahead and roleclaim if you don't care about dying then

tell us what your post restriction was about as well
I'm not sure if a Modkill shows proper results. Showing up as "Neutral Survivor" for being modkilled would be even more useless to the town.
Yeah I'm pretty sure LS is town. If you trust me you can probably trust him.

Chris wrote:

why don't you go ahead and roleclaim if you don't care about dying then

tell us what your post restriction was about as well
so we can lose 2 town and be no wiser at all? the days have already been short enough.
so is anybody going to bother trying to figure out what Rantai's talking about or are we all going to play the respond to posts and contribute nothing game

only two things I can find so far as to how Mafia ended up gaining then losing a member (other than the spy thing)

I doubt it's the framer one though cause I doubt there is 3 mafia total
Hi posting from phone

What if mafia switch happens when that person votes? Did anyone vote d1 and d2 but not d3?

Also could be mafia that can hide from cop but cant use aux power or maf chat while hiding as town

Will post more later
Framer seems unlikely unless it's a one-shot deal. Why would they only use it once in 3 nights?

Mafia hider doesn't really work either:
-hiders are immune to night actions targeted directly at themselves; they can only be effected when a night action is used on the player they're hiding behind
-thus, a mafia hider would have no reason to hide behind someone, as that would give up their death/investigation immunity
-even if they were compulsive, i.e. they HAD to hide behind someone each night, it wouldn't make sense that their alignment would be hidden. If they hide behind a townsperson A, and A gets investigated, the cop would get results on both players.

Honestly, right now I don't think there's a whole lot of point in speculating Rantai's findings. It's obvious Two's using obscure, made up roles this game, so it really could be anything.

At this point it doesn't really matter if there are one or two mafia remaining. Just lynch whoever we find most suspicious.

Chris wrote:

only two things I can find so far as to how Mafia ended up gaining then losing a member (other than the spy thing)

I doubt it's the framer one though cause I doubt there is 3 mafia total
The odd thing is that Rantai recieves results at day. (Based on what was said, I think it's a passive role that gets automatic results. I'd like more clarification from Rantai.)

I know that in my games, Night roles such as Framers stop applying once day hits. It may not be the same here.

Also, If we're to believe Rantai, I'd assume the "Mafia Leader" is either not a godfather, or an altered Godfather with some odd role.
Who does everyone believe is most likely to be Mafia?

I'd like to hear from everybody. ^_^
No i dont mean hider like on the wiki. Every role so far seems to have been made up or altered by two, so he probably made up a new role that's a mafia with some other aux power that can choose to be a "godfather" at will but cant use maf chat or his aux power when he does.

Also i think animask is mafia.
This would make sense because he would want to go mafia mode night 1 to talk or use his other power, but then chose to hide night 2 and on once he saw there was a cop.
Also it doesn't seem there is a roleblocker. It might be best if everyone claimed, or, at the very least, claimed to be either power role or vanilla so we could compare results to whatever Rantai got.


Lybydose wrote:

Also it doesn't seem there is a roleblocker. It might be best if everyone claimed, or, at the very least, claimed to be either power role or vanilla so we could compare results to whatever Rantai got.

That sounds like a terrible idea and an easy way for Mafia to pick people off
Well I can't claim my role but I can say that my power allows me to act in a pro-town manner. So there.

Don't really have any suspicions on anyone right now but I'll post my idea later.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Well I can't claim my role but I can say that my power allows me to act in a pro-town manner. So there.

Don't really have any suspicions on anyone right now but I'll post my idea later.
allows me to act in a pro-town manner
act in a pro-town manner
allows me to act
pro-town manner

How is that a terrible idea? They will probably already target rantai anyway and it would be pointless for him to die with usefjl information before we can even do anythig with it (referring to his aux role counts).
Okay, I'll explain since that was worded so odd (posting from a phone)

I am pro town, my role is pro town.

Lybydose wrote:

How is that a terrible idea? They will probably already target rantai anyway and it would be pointless for him to die with usefjl information before we can even do anythig with it (referring to his aux role counts).
hey guys I'm aux
me too
me too

kill those 3 no more aux's, roleclaiming is not the way to go imo

and rantai isn't going to die ^_^

at best I agree with him stating how many roles their are of each, no roleclaiming though
If anyone lies (ie dxs) it would be obvious to rantai because the count would not match up
Besides if you and dxs are town im sure mafia already know their 3 auxes to target

Lybydose wrote:

Besides if you and dxs are town im sure mafia already know their 3 auxes to target
I'm pretty sure Chris is roleclaiming doctor or bus driver or roleblocker/protector, etc.

foulcoon wrote:

I'm pretty sure Chris is roleclaiming doctor or bus driver or roleblocker/protector, etc.

Hey look there's the three aux roles that the mafia can pick out even though no one really "claimed".
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