
Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 27 novembre 2017 at 23:37:12

Artist: Kurokotei
Title: Valkyrie Attack
Source: BMS
Tags: dialgadu77 Sayaka- Be-Music West artcore
BPM: 167
Filesize: 3352kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3,38 stars, 287 notes)
  2. Insane (4,63 stars, 542 notes)
  3. Normal (1,95 stars, 172 notes)
Download: Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Check out Kurokotei's SoundCloud here!

bite you death
ez 2 1 2 kds

formatting is gay l0l


timing seems off


01:11:587 (2,1) - ctrl g?
01:09:072 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2) - imo this is a bit repetetive but idk how else u would map it so gg
01:58:113 (2,3) - pls
01:59:550 (2,3) - ditto
eh it happens a lot w/e this rhythm seems kinda random imo


00:13:024 (1,1) - kinda big gap eh idk
01:12:844 (3,1) - i dont like things like these pls fix
01:40:149 (4,1) - ditto
01:51:646 (4,1) - no sound to warrant the spacing imo


00:11:587 (1) - 02:20:928 (1) - remap kds pls
absolute mad man
bite you death

N0thingSpecial wrote:

absolute mad man
ez kds ez life
Topic Starter

bite you death wrote:

ez 2 1 2 kds

formatting is gay l0l


timing seems off idk it seems fine but I suck at timing so ye


01:11:587 (2,1) - ctrl g? Fixed
01:09:072 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2) - imo this is a bit repetetive but idk how else u would map it so gg yes idk neither
01:58:113 (2,3) - pls wat
01:59:550 (2,3) - ditto wat
eh it happens a lot w/e this rhythm seems kinda random imo idk how to simplify the rhythm in another so ye


00:13:024 (1,1) - kinda big gap eh idk hmm idk it uses slider leniency so it should be fine
01:12:844 (3,1) - i dont like things like these pls fix they r cool bruh
01:40:149 (4,1) - ditto ^
01:51:646 (4,1) - no sound to warrant the spacing imo hmm I mainly do a bigger spacing on the start of every measure and here it's not really that much bigger than 01:50:209 (4,1) - for example and I did it for the structure too lo but ye I get wat u mean


00:11:587 (1) - 02:20:928 (1) - remap kds pls yes
Thanks dud
bite you death
most deserved kds ever yaaa
Topic Starter

bite you death wrote:

most deserved kds ever yaaa

Le clap est quasiment inaudible pour moi, jte conseille de changer de sample parce que la on l'entend moins que le soft hitnormal

normal :

00:11:766 (2,1) - j'aurais tendance à eviter les stack dans les low diff comme ça, y'a des chances qu'un mec nul va confondre le sliderend avec le sliderhead, d'autant plus que le spacing est pas trop intuitif et qu'il y a pas de follow point

01:26:317 - étant donnée que le rythme de batterie change ça serait cool que le rythme que tu utilise change aussi

01:32:066 (1,1,2,1) - j'eviterais de mettre des trucs super denses comme ça 01:34:401 (1,2,1) - a mon avis l'extend de 01:34:581 (2) - est pas necessaire ici

01:56:137 (2,1,2,1,2) - beaucoup trop d'overlaps pour une premiere diff de set a mon avis. C'est la mort des débutants ce genre de patterns

02:01:167 (2) - je rotaterais de façon à ce que ça overlap pas le slider suivant

hard :

00:20:928 (4) - j'ai pas compris ce que ça suivait ça

00:45:718 (4,5) - si tu veux faire ça je dirais de pas les overlap parce que la ça ressemble trop aux slider qui se répètent

02:14:820 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - ça a l'air assez dur a lire pour un debutant, comparé au reste de ta map c'est un peu inattendu

insane :

00:20:929 (5,6,7,8,9) - Jcomprend pas trop le stream de 5 notes ici aussi, il est présent qu'une fois dans cette section et il a pas l'air d'être trop justifié imo

00:31:706 (1) - 00:25:958 (1) - nc un peu chelou etant donné que t'a une note toute seule jconseille de le virer la : 00:31:886 (1) - 00:26:137 (1) -

J'ai pas grand chose à dire sur cette diff étant donné que les concepts sont constants, y'a des trucs avec lesquels je suis pas trop d'accord genre le fait qu'il y ait pas d'emphase sur les sons importants mais jpense pas que ça ait son importance ici

00:32:425 (4) - nc on insane
Topic Starter

BOUYAAA wrote:


Le clap est quasiment inaudible pour moi, jte conseille de changer de sample parce que la on l'entend moins que le soft hitnormal J'vais le faire quand j'en trouverai un autre

normal :

00:11:766 (2,1) - j'aurais tendance à eviter les stack dans les low diff comme ça, y'a des chances qu'un mec nul va confondre le sliderend avec le sliderhead, d'autant plus que le spacing est pas trop intuitif et qu'il y a pas de follow point Hmm j'vois c'que tu veux dire mais jsp ça me paraît bien pour l'instant mais j'verrai si j'ai d'autres plaintes zz

01:26:317 - étant donnée que le rythme de batterie change ça serait cool que le rythme que tu utilise change aussi Fixed

01:32:066 (1,1,2,1) - j'eviterais de mettre des trucs super denses comme ça 01:34:401 (1,2,1) - a mon avis l'extend de 01:34:581 (2) - est pas necessaire ici Fixed

01:56:137 (2,1,2,1,2) - beaucoup trop d'overlaps pour une premiere diff de set a mon avis. C'est la mort des débutants ce genre de patterns Hmm jsp il me paraît correct j'irai demander des testplays à des débutants au pire

02:01:167 (2) - je rotaterais de façon à ce que ça overlap pas le slider suivant Même si je rotate ça va continuer à overlap vu que je veux garder le blanket et que le spacing doit rester constant mais bon je verrai si j'ai trop de plaintes

hard :

00:20:928 (4) - j'ai pas compris ce que ça suivait ça Y a un genre de stream ici mais j'avoue que c'est subtil

00:45:718 (4,5) - si tu veux faire ça je dirais de pas les overlap parce que la ça ressemble trop aux slider qui se répètent Justement j'aime bien mais bon j'verrai si j'ai trop de plaintes zz

02:14:820 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - ça a l'air assez dur a lire pour un debutant, comparé au reste de ta map c'est un peu inattendu Ouais ici j'avais pas trop le choix si je voulais garder le même genre de pattern alors jvois pas trop comment changer cet endroit :/

insane :

00:20:929 (5,6,7,8,9) - Jcomprend pas trop le stream de 5 notes ici aussi, il est présent qu'une fois dans cette section et il a pas l'air d'être trop justifié imo Comme pour la hard, vu qu'il est un peu subtil il est moins espacé que 00:22:365 (5,6,7,8,9) -

00:31:706 (1) - 00:25:958 (1) - nc un peu chelou etant donné que t'a une note toute seule jconseille de le virer la : 00:31:886 (1) - 00:26:137 (1) - Fixed

J'ai pas grand chose à dire sur cette diff étant donné que les concepts sont constants, y'a des trucs avec lesquels je suis pas trop d'accord genre le fait qu'il y ait pas d'emphase sur les sons importants mais jpense pas que ça ait son importance ici

Merci !

Zerss wrote:

00:32:425 (4) - nc on insane wat
kool =w=

  1. 01:20:569 (1) - 01:23:443 (1) - I think 1/2 slider will better. the song has changed at 01:20:569 (1) - here. you can hear 01:20:748 - 01:23:622 - these two points has same sound as 01:26:497 - here
  2. 01:29:191 (1,2) - change them to 1/2 slider + circle. you should make here more powerful.
  3. 02:16:796 (2,3) - hmm. copypasta 02:15:358 (2,3,4) - these beats will better. cuz i think 02:15:179 (1,2,3,4) - == 02:16:616 (1,2,3) -

sry other diff seems no problem for me

Topic Starter

Kawashiro wrote:

kool =w=

  1. 01:20:569 (1) - 01:23:443 (1) - I think 1/2 slider will better. the song has changed at 01:20:569 (1) - here. you can hear 01:20:748 - 01:23:622 - these two points has same sound as 01:26:497 - here Fixed
  2. 01:29:191 (1,2) - change them to 1/2 slider + circle. you should make here more powerful. Fixed
  3. 02:16:796 (2,3) - hmm. copypasta 02:15:358 (2,3,4) - these beats will better. cuz i think 02:15:179 (1,2,3,4) - == 02:16:616 (1,2,3) - Fixed

sry other diff seems no problem for me

irc mod
21:15 Shyotamaze: slt mon bro de prénom tu fais des nm parfois ? :eyes:
21:15 Alheak: heu
21:15 Alheak: oui
21:16 Alheak: pas des gros mais
21:16 Shyotamaze: tkt j'ai juste besoin de SP :^)
21:16 *Shyotamaze is listening to [ Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack]
21:16 Shyotamaze: :eyes:
21:16 Alheak: :eyes:
21:19 Shyotamaze: thx dud
21:20 Alheak: déjà les hitsounds wubs heu
21:20 Alheak: 'fin bon
21:21 Shyotamaze: :^)
21:21 Shyotamaze: fais un irc si tu veux oe
21:22 Alheak: et pk t'as une pause de 20 secs sur 2m de drain
21:22 Alheak: ui
21:24 Shyotamaze: a
21:25 Shyotamaze: vu que jmap pas les vocals ça fait chelou
21:25 Shyotamaze: si jles map d'un coup
21:25 Shyotamaze: enfin jsp
21:25 Alheak: nn ça fait pas chelou
21:25 Alheak: c'est plutôt quand tu switch en plein milieu d'une partie
21:25 Alheak: là c'est chelou
21:26 Shyotamaze: a
21:26 Shyotamaze: jsp jverrai si j'ai pas la flemme :^)
21:27 Alheak: - _ -
21:27 Shyotamaze: : ^ )
21:31 *Alheak is editing [ Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack [Hard]]
21:31 Alheak: 02:15:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - tu veux tuer des gens ou koi
21:33 Shyotamaze: a
21:33 Shyotamaze: oe celui là en particulier j'ai dja eu une remarque
21:33 Shyotamaze: mais jvois pas comment le modifier
21:33 Alheak: ah bah ça
21:34 Shyotamaze: t'as pas une idée ? :eyes:
21:36 Alheak: c'est que mon opinion mais tu spammes bcp trop les repeats déjà
21:36 Alheak: et après t'es forcé de tout map en overlap
21:37 Alheak: après genre 02:13:383 (6,1) - là tu te permets de les espacer alors pk pas pour 02:14:820 (4,1) -
21:37 Alheak: ça lâcherait un peu de lest
21:38 Alheak: et tu pourras positionner le reste plus tranquillement
21:38 Shyotamaze: hmm
21:38 Shyotamaze: mouais jvais voir
21:40 *Alheak is editing [ Kurokotei - Valkyrie Attack [Normal]]
21:40 Alheak: 02:01:167 (2,1) - oouuhhh l'overlap
21:40 Shyotamaze: :^(
21:41 Alheak: et bon je pense pas que tu échapperas à l'Easy avec une normal comme ça
21:41 Shyotamaze: a
21:41 Alheak: 02:05:119 (1,2,3,1) - like srsly
21:41 Alheak: un débutant qui joue ta map il va se suicider
21:41 Shyotamaze: mdrr
21:41 Shyotamaze: j'avoue que là j'ai ptet abusé
21:42 Alheak: 02:12:664 (2,1,1,2) -
21:42 Alheak: .......................
21:42 Shyotamaze: :^)
21:42 Shyotamaze: en vrai
21:43 Shyotamaze: 02:05:299 (2,3,1,2) - il me faudrait un meilleur rythme
21:43 Shyotamaze: mais jsais pas comment map les streams comme ça
21:43 Shyotamaze: comment bien les undermap
21:43 Alheak: à mon avis
21:43 Alheak: oublie le piano
21:44 Alheak: tu peux t'en servir pour ajouter des nuances
21:45 Shyotamaze: mais c'est l'instrument le + important dans cte part
21:45 Shyotamaze: :(
21:45 Alheak: après tu peux garder ce rythme
21:45 Alheak: mais t'échapperas pas à l'easy
21:46 Shyotamaze: j'vais voir si jpeux simplifier le kiai zz
21:46 Shyotamaze: comme ça pas d'easy :^)
21:46 Alheak: bonne chance :)))))
21:47 Alheak: mdr
21:47 Alheak: sinon ça m'a l'air correct le reste
21:47 Shyotamaze: merci
21:47 Shyotamaze: suffit qu'un QAT nazi ne croise pas la map :eyes:
21:47 Alheak: y'a juste les overlaps et l'irrespect total du joueur débutant qu'il faut fix
21:47 Shyotamaze: mdr

NM from Q

  • Normal
  1. open aimod
  2. 00:25:598 - et 00:31:347 - pourquoi tu ne mappe pas ce sound, tu l'as pourtant mappé ici 00:42:485 (3,4)
  3. 01:18:054 (2,1) - ils ne sont pas vraiment similaires
  4. 01:45:718 - tbh j'aurais préféré que le piano soit clickable, car à ce moment là il est fort
  5. 02:01:167 (2,1) - je pense que tu peux éviter le contact qu'il y a au niveau de la tête du slider 2
  6. 02:05:928 (3,1,2) - je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu as arrêté de mapper le piano c'était bien comment tu l'avais emphasis là 01:57:934 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
    et 02:03:682 (1,2,3,4,1,2)
  • Hard
  1. 01:19:131 (1,2) - essaye de les stack
  2. 01:22:006 (1,2) - ^
  3. 01:47:335 (3,2) - ^
  • Insane
  1. j'ai rien trouvé xd
Hello Shyotamaze! Your map has been chosen from my Queue


  1. I feel the offset a bit late. I got 36718 (-10) during testplay and 25% playback rate. Do not forget to resnap all elements and green lines if you agree with me.
  2. 00:46:078 I understand we are in the lowest vocal part of the music but this is not a reason to have this long break time (it's more than 21 secs, 22 in the insane!). I highly suggest you to full map it or just start to map it from 00:57:575 till the break ends.
  3. Increase your 5% volume sections to 15-20% at least.

  1. 00:25:239 (2) - Consider to move this slider's tail a bit upwards because it's covering the accuracy bar while gameplaying, and it is bad and ugly honestly.
  2. 00:42:485 (3,4) - I would change this with an 1/1 slider instead, for two reasons. First, it would be consistent with 00:40:329 (1,2,3,4,1,2) that after the slider->circle the slider comes. Second, the slider's body would even cover the sound that should be on the red tick at 00:42:664.
  3. 01:11:946 (1) - There should me Drum sampleset here instead than clap for consistency with next 01:14:820 (1) and 01:17:694 (1) and so on.
  4. 02:02:245 (1) - The slider is good but it would be even better if you moved its curve away from 02:01:167 (2)'s head creating the same spacing that is between 02:01:167 (2)'s tail and 02:02:245 (1)'s head. Something like this:
  5. 02:05:299 (2,3) - This sudden change of rhythm is too hard for this kind of diff. It's a normal diff yea but it's still the easiest of the mapset. This one should be applied instead (or just make it consistent with previous and next part) :
  6. 02:12:664 (2,1) - Consider to do the same I did for 02:02:245 (1)

  1. OD is too high. Decrease it by 1 tick.
  2. 00:23:084 (1,1) - (nazi) but check this stack. It's actually looks bad xD
  3. 00:26:676 (4) - I would set NC here to "separate" the whole pattern 00:26:137 (1,2,3) from this one. If you do so, do the same for 00:32:425 (4)
  4. 02:06:018 (4,5) - Maybe chance with an 1/4 slider? With this AR it looks kinda confusing being placed between two sliders with small spacing. If you do so, change it for 02:17:515 (4,5) as well
  5. 02:10:509 (5) - This slider's head is unsnapped by 2ms
  6. 02:15:808 (3,4,5) - This pattern full stacked with 02:14:820 (4,1) is really confusing and can even be unreadable for some players, being the hard diff and not insane one. Just my opinion, I feel like this needs to be changed with some other spacing decision avoid this sudden stack.

  1. 00:27:395 (1) - Consider to move this slider some grid below because it is actually covered by HP bar and it's ugly.
  2. 00:43:922 (6) - I would start NC each time you make this jump (even because I am not a lover of longer combo than 9 elements xD). So, if you do so, do the same for 00:45:179 (6) and for all other parts of the map (I won't mention them each time).
  3. 01:24:700 (8) - Till now this is the only slider you decided to stack. I think it should be unstacked from 01:24:072 (5) for consistency with all other parts. I would do it even because it would be confusing and easily exchangeable with a circle (= missread). Same is for 01:47:694 (8)
Very clean mapset. Insane is particular.
Well, that's all I found and I hope it will help you.
Good luck for the rank!
Topic Starter

ShogunMoon wrote:


NM from Q

  • Normal
  1. open aimod Fixed
  2. 00:25:598 - et 00:31:347 - pourquoi tu ne mappe pas ce sound, tu l'as pourtant mappé ici 00:42:485 (3,4) Je trouve que ça aurait rendu le rythme trop compliqué/dense si je l'avais map et puis pour 00:42:485 (3,4) je map les drums
  3. 01:18:054 (2,1) - ils ne sont pas vraiment similaires Comment ça ? la forme ? pourtant je les ai copy/paste :thinking:
  4. 01:45:718 - tbh j'aurais préféré que le piano soit clickable, car à ce moment là il est fort Fixed
  5. 02:01:167 (2,1) - je pense que tu peux éviter le contact qu'il y a au niveau de la tête du slider 2 J'ai remap le kiai donc du coup on peut dire que c'est fixed :^)
  6. 02:05:928 (3,1,2) - je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu as arrêté de mapper le piano c'était bien comment tu l'avais emphasis là 01:57:934 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
    et 02:03:682 (1,2,3,4,1,2) ^
  • Hard
  1. 01:19:131 (1,2) - essaye de les stack Pourquoi ? c'est 2 sliders reverse et les stack ça rendrait le reading difficile pour rien imo
  2. 01:22:006 (1,2) - ^ ^ Pareil ça rendrait le reading difficile pour rien
  3. 01:47:335 (3,2) - ^ Hmm là je peux comprendre mais j'ai fait ça pour garder le spacing constant, imo que je stack ou non les 2 versions sont valables
  • Insane
  1. j'ai rien trouvé xd
Merci !

Chewin wrote:

Hello Shyotamaze! Your map has been chosen from my Queue


  1. I feel the offset a bit late. I got 36718 (-10) during testplay and 25% playback rate. Do not forget to resnap all elements and green lines if you agree with me. Fixed holy shit resnaping the green lines was the most annoying thing I've ever done in my life
  2. 00:46:078 I understand we are in the lowest vocal part of the music but this is not a reason to have this long break time (it's more than 21 secs, 22 in the insane!). I highly suggest you to full map it or just start to map it from 00:57:575 till the break ends. Hmm idk I never mapped the vocals so imo it would be weird if I mapped them only there but I'll see
  3. Increase your 5% volume sections to 15-20% at least. Hmm idk I did it to silence sliderends during the wub parts, it would be weird to hear the sliderends that aren't meant to be heard

  1. 00:25:239 (2) - Consider to move this slider's tail a bit upwards because it's covering the accuracy bar while gameplaying, and it is bad and ugly honestly. Fixed
  2. 00:42:485 (3,4) - I would change this with an 1/1 slider instead, for two reasons. First, it would be consistent with 00:40:329 (1,2,3,4,1,2) that after the slider->circle the slider comes. Second, the slider's body would even cover the sound that should be on the red tick at 00:42:664. Did something else
  3. 01:11:946 (1) - There should me Drum sampleset here instead than clap for consistency with next 01:14:820 (1) and 01:17:694 (1) and so on. Fixed
  4. 02:02:245 (1) - The slider is good but it would be even better if you moved its curve away from 02:01:167 (2)'s head creating the same spacing that is between 02:01:167 (2)'s tail and 02:02:245 (1)'s head. Something like this: I remapped the kiai so I guess everything is fixed
  5. 02:05:299 (2,3) - This sudden change of rhythm is too hard for this kind of diff. It's a normal diff yea but it's still the easiest of the mapset. This one should be applied instead (or just make it consistent with previous and next part) : ^
  6. 02:12:664 (2,1) - Consider to do the same I did for 02:02:245 (1) ^

  1. OD is too high. Decrease it by 1 tick. Fixed
  2. 00:23:084 (1,1) - (nazi) but check this stack. It's actually looks bad xD idk it seems fine I can't really do a perfect stack by lowering the stack leniency because it would affect all other stacks in the diff :/
  3. 00:26:676 (4) - I would set NC here to "separate" the whole pattern 00:26:137 (1,2,3) from this one. If you do so, do the same for 00:32:425 (4) Fixed
  4. 02:06:018 (4,5) - Maybe chance with an 1/4 slider? With this AR it looks kinda confusing being placed between two sliders with small spacing. If you do so, change it for 02:17:515 (4,5) as well It would be even harder to read with a 1/4 slider here imo
  5. 02:10:509 (5) - This slider's head is unsnapped by 2ms Fixed
  6. 02:15:808 (3,4,5) - This pattern full stacked with 02:14:820 (4,1) is really confusing and can even be unreadable for some players, being the hard diff and not insane one. Just my opinion, I feel like this needs to be changed with some other spacing decision avoid this sudden stack. Fixed

  1. 00:27:395 (1) - Consider to move this slider some grid below because it is actually covered by HP bar and it's ugly. Hmm I can't without killing the structure and it's not a really big problem imo aaa
  2. 00:43:922 (6) - I would start NC each time you make this jump (even because I am not a lover of longer combo than 9 elements xD). So, if you do so, do the same for 00:45:179 (6) and for all other parts of the map (I won't mention them each time). It would be inconsistent with the way I'm NCing (every new measure)
  3. 01:24:700 (8) - Till now this is the only slider you decided to stack. I think it should be unstacked from 01:24:072 (5) for consistency with all other parts. I would do it even because it would be confusing and easily exchangeable with a circle (= missread). Same is for 01:47:694 (8) I was forced to stack them because I couldn't put them somewhere else without hurting the structure since they are too close from the borders of the grid but I don't think it's a big problem since this diff is already quite difficult to read because of the overlaps, stack, unusual rhythm etc
Very clean mapset. Insane is particular.
Well, that's all I found and I hope it will help you.
Good luck for the rank!
00:20:738 (4,5,6) - make the slider on downbeat instead would make it stand out more which is better emphasizing
00:42:475 (4) - this is dam strongest snare in verse pls emphasize moRE place it here
00:57:635 - u lazy missed slider art opportunity
02:20:559 (12,13) - tbh these should be circles cuz strong drums on all ticks
Topic Starter

Deppyforce wrote:

00:20:738 (4,5,6) - make the slider on downbeat instead would make it stand out more which is better emphasizing I did dat to differentiate the stream 00:20:919 (5,6,7,8,9) - (basically the same sound for 5 notes which starts on 00:20:919 (5) - ) from dat 00:20:738 (4) - to emphasize the start of the stram better I guess lom
00:42:475 (4) - this is dam strongest snare in verse pls emphasize moRE place it here Fixed
00:57:635 - u lazy missed slider art opportunity rip
02:20:559 (12,13) - tbh these should be circles cuz strong drums on all ticks idk I prefer them dat way bc if they were circles I couldn't emphasize movement dat much
thank loma late reply
clean map

You can probably lower your NC usage on Normal and Hard from once every 1/1 to once every 2/1. Most of the time the combo never goes above 3-4, so would look a bit nicer if there was more numbers seen.
I think a louder soft-hitclap would work, since the song's snare is really loud

AR 7.5 would probably be much easier to read
01:50:199 (4,1) - Spacing is a bit excessive, not much sound here
01:57:924 (1) - This section just has too many 1/4 rhythms for a hard diff, not all of them need to be mapped. You can interpret the song how you want and change some parts to 1/2. I'd suggest going through a couple ranked sets sets that are stream heavy with a hard diff. Try having a look at some of their ideas for how to reduce the note density on parts with lots of 1/4. If you need further help with this feel free to ask me.

01:10:498 (1) - + 01:12:295 (2) - Having objects overlapping while the other is not fully faded out is really discouraged for a normal diff, as it's quite difficult to read. If you want to overlap things, you need to have at least 4/1 between each object. eg 01:13:014 (3,2) - is fine. This applies for the whole diff
Otherwise it looks mostly fine

Just read the mods from before about the timing. As a note for the future, you can highlight all timing points, set the thing to 10, click move, and everything's done! (There's also the 4th tool here that does it )

Call me back after you've lowered your usage of overlaps in normal, and decreased rhythm density on hard's kiai!
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

clean map

You can probably lower your NC usage on Normal and Hard from once every 1/1 to once every 2/1. Most of the time the combo never goes above 3-4, so would look a bit nicer if there was more numbers seen. Fixed on normal diff, it feels too inconsistent on the hard diff since wub parts have a lot of NCs due to SV changes and it would kinda ruin my concept of emphasizing every new measure with a jump since you wouldn't rly notice the new measure without the NC
I think a louder soft-hitclap would work, since the song's snare is really loud Fixed

AR 7.5 would probably be much easier to read Fixed
01:50:199 (4,1) - Spacing is a bit excessive, not much sound here I think someone mentioned it before but the spacing is smaller than here 01:51:636 (4,1) - so it's not that big imo, maybe it looks big because of the way the sliders are arranged
01:57:924 (1) - This section just has too many 1/4 rhythms for a hard diff, not all of them need to be mapped. You can interpret the song how you want and change some parts to 1/2. I'd suggest going through a couple ranked sets sets that are stream heavy with a hard diff. Try having a look at some of their ideas for how to reduce the note density on parts with lots of 1/4. If you need further help with this feel free to ask me. hmm I don't rly know how to fix that tbh, anyways wouldn't it make the gap in the spread between hard and insane too big if I reduce the density? :thinking: so ye I don't think it's a big problem since almost all streams are kicksliders which are pretty easy to play imo but I'm willing to change the rhythm if you have a good suggestion

01:10:498 (1) - + 01:12:295 (2) - Having objects overlapping while the other is not fully faded out is really discouraged for a normal diff, as it's quite difficult to read. If you want to overlap things, you need to have at least 4/1 between each object. eg 01:13:014 (3,2) - is fine. This applies for the whole diff ehh idk how to fix that since the whole diff is based on stacking for clean structure rip, I increased the AR tho since it was kinda low/for a better spread so maybe now it's less noticeable?
Otherwise it looks mostly fine

Just read the mods from before about the timing. As a note for the future, you can highlight all timing points, set the thing to 10, click move, and everything's done! (There's also the 4th tool here that does it ) oh thanks I didn't know about that lmao it would've saved me some time yea

Call me back after you've lowered your usage of overlaps in normal, and decreased rhythm density on hard's kiai!
Thanks! (holy my first icon ever)

Shyotamaze wrote:

Sinnoh wrote:

clean map

You can probably lower your NC usage on Normal and Hard from once every 1/1 to once every 2/1. Most of the time the combo never goes above 3-4, so would look a bit nicer if there was more numbers seen. Fixed on normal diff, it feels too inconsistent on the hard diff since wub parts have a lot of NCs due to SV changes and it would kinda ruin my concept of emphasizing every new measure with a jump since you wouldn't rly notice the new measure without the NC you can still start doing the NC change after the break in hard, the song is composed very differently so not as much need to be consistent with the first half's patterns

01:50:199 (4,1) - Spacing is a bit excessive, not much sound here I think someone mentioned it before but the spacing is smaller than here 01:51:636 (4,1) - so it's not that big imo, maybe it looks big because of the way the sliders are arranged 01:50:199 (4,1) - Is not on a downbeat, 01:51:636 (4,1) - is on a downbeat and has a synth/chord change which is justified for emphasis. Because the first one doesn't have this additional downbeat, it's overdone.
01:57:924 (1) - This section just has too many 1/4 rhythms for a hard diff, not all of them need to be mapped. You can interpret the song how you want and change some parts to 1/2. I'd suggest going through a couple ranked sets sets that are stream heavy with a hard diff. Try having a look at some of their ideas for how to reduce the note density on parts with lots of 1/4. If you need further help with this feel free to ask me. hmm I don't rly know how to fix that tbh, anyways wouldn't it make the gap in the spread between hard and insane too big if I reduce the density? :thinking: so ye I don't think it's a big problem since almost all streams are kicksliders which are pretty easy to play imo but I'm willing to change the rhythm if you have a good suggestion i will ask for 2nd opinion here

01:10:498 (1) - + 01:12:295 (2) - Having objects overlapping while the other is not fully faded out is really discouraged for a normal diff, as it's quite difficult to read. If you want to overlap things, you need to have at least 4/1 between each object. eg 01:13:014 (3,2) - is fine. This applies for the whole diff ehh idk how to fix that since the whole diff is based on stacking for clean structure rip, I increased the AR tho since it was kinda low/for a better spread so maybe now it's less noticeable? good decision on AR, but will also get opinion for this
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

Sinnoh wrote:

clean map

You can probably lower your NC usage on Normal and Hard from once every 1/1 to once every 2/1. Most of the time the combo never goes above 3-4, so would look a bit nicer if there was more numbers seen. Fixed on normal diff, it feels too inconsistent on the hard diff since wub parts have a lot of NCs due to SV changes and it would kinda ruin my concept of emphasizing every new measure with a jump since you wouldn't rly notice the new measure without the NC you can still start doing the NC change after the break in hard, the song is composed very differently so not as much need to be consistent with the first half's patterns aaa Fixed

01:50:199 (4,1) - Spacing is a bit excessive, not much sound here I think someone mentioned it before but the spacing is smaller than here 01:51:636 (4,1) - so it's not that big imo, maybe it looks big because of the way the sliders are arranged 01:50:199 (4,1) - Is not on a downbeat, 01:51:636 (4,1) - is on a downbeat and has a synth/chord change which is justified for emphasis. Because the first one doesn't have this additional downbeat, it's overdone. oh you're talking about the downbeat here? 01:50:738 yea but that jump emphasizes the change in the music here 01:50:559 anyway (which is shown by making that pattern 01:50:559 (5,6,7,8) - ) I tried to reduce the spacing a bit to satisfy you but I can't do it without ruining the structure and that pattern 01:50:559 (5,6,7,8) - so yea I'd rather not :(
Thanks again! Waiting for the 2nd opinion now :eyes:
Nao Tomori
gonna slide in here

these electronic hitsounds are kinda weird af, sounds like police sirens lmao. personally i'd just remove them, they sound really discordant and annoying...

00:42:475 (4,5) - would b cool to continue ur parallel concept here..

01:30:618 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - i dont like this rhythming here at all, the cymbals stick out a lot but you don't really highlight them that well. sometimes its 1/2 slider, or triple end, or kicklider.. why not just put a stream with direction change on each finish lol

01:45:618 (5,6) - i know u want pattern but this makes no sense considering literally every other instance of this in the map is a double with a 1/2 slider lol

02:02:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - imo make this a bit more spaced out cuz the piano is climaxing but nothing really changed in the spacing of the stream
01:38:603 - imo add some triples in this section, since there's constant 1/4 in bg and insane is very high 1/4 density. same in kiai, you cannot have these massive streams in the insane and have your entire 1/4 use in kiai of hard be like 4 triples. it needs to be more dense.

kiai is still a bit too low density for my liking, since you should be buffing the hard. and its actually lower density than a lot of the rest of the map anyway lol... compare 02:08:702 - to 00:29:181 - .
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

gonna slide in here

these electronic hitsounds are kinda weird af, sounds like police sirens lmao. personally i'd just remove them, they sound really discordant and annoying... ehh idk I like them but if you have better ones I can try them

00:42:475 (4,5) - would b cool to continue ur parallel concept here.. That concept was already finished before tho 00:36:008 (1,2,3) - 00:37:085 (4,1) - for example

01:30:618 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - i dont like this rhythming here at all, the cymbals stick out a lot but you don't really highlight them that well. sometimes its 1/2 slider, or triple end, or kicklider.. why not just put a stream with direction change on each finish lol Fixed

01:45:618 (5,6) - i know u want pattern but this makes no sense considering literally every other instance of this in the map is a double with a 1/2 slider lol Fixed

02:02:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - imo make this a bit more spaced out cuz the piano is climaxing but nothing really changed in the spacing of the stream hmm good point but I can't space it more without making it too difficult (and it's already kinda difficult for that star rating imo lol)
and it would be too inconsistent if only 2 streams had a larger spacing for the whole kiai

01:38:603 - imo add some triples in this section, since there's constant 1/4 in bg and insane is very high 1/4 density. same in kiai, you cannot have these massive streams in the insane and have your entire 1/4 use in kiai of hard be like 4 triples. it needs to be more dense. hmm triples in this section would feel weird since they're almost inaudible compared to the main melody that I'm following here 01:37:804 (1,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - , for the kiai it was actually really dense but I nerfed it because of Sinnoh's mod so ye idk where to put 1/4 stuff on the kiai so if you have precise spots then why not but otherwise it's fine imo

kiai is still a bit too low density for my liking, since you should be buffing the hard. and its actually lower density than a lot of the rest of the map anyway lol... compare 02:08:702 - to 00:29:181 - . Hmm changed some stuff but I can't add much more
02:13:373 (11) - ctrl-g, jump is pretty far

02:20:558 (4,5) - Can you ctrl-h and move these on the left side, the ending section is somewhat limited to the top right corner.
Topic Starter

Sinnoh wrote:

02:13:373 (11) - ctrl-g, jump is pretty far Fixed

02:20:558 (4,5) - Can you ctrl-h and move these on the left side, the ending section is somewhat limited to the top right corner. Fixed
check out my soundcloud
Veto this please
Topic Starter

N0thingSpecial wrote:

Veto this please
ill veto ur life
bite you death

N0thingSpecial wrote:

Veto this please

N0thingSpecial wrote:

Veto this please
Topic Starter
Qual this please

Not sure for soft-hitclap4 but other are for sure not used anymore after check.
Also soft-hitwhistle3.wav have a 6ms delay.
I'm not fan of that 22s break, it's really long :/

[Normal :]
  1. 01:37:804 - Rhythm killer here. You mapped the drums from the start, and then suddenly going offbeat to follow piano. I know like that it seems k, but as lowest diff of the set, this is not okay at all. Same here 01:49:301 - .
  2. You missed some clap like at 02:09:780 - because you used Hitsound copier and you didn't map them on last diff so do a double check thx.
[Hard :]
  1. 01:29:900 (3,4) - Not the best kind of pattern for the reading. Space them a bit more. And same for other like this one ofc (like 01:34:571 (2,1) - ).

put dialgadu77 in tags since its his old username
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Not sure for soft-hitclap4 but other are for sure not used anymore after check. oops there were used before I remapped the Normal diff's kiai zzz fixed
Also soft-hitwhistle3.wav have a 6ms delay. Fixed
I'm not fan of that 22s break, it's really long :/ aaa sry as I already said it would be really weird if I only mapped the vocals there and instruments for the rest of the whole map

[Normal :]
  1. 01:37:804 - Rhythm killer here. You mapped the drums from the start, and then suddenly going offbeat to follow piano. I know like that it seems k, but as lowest diff of the set, this is not okay at all. Same here 01:49:301 - . I added some variety since the music changes here, it would be really boring to play the same drum pattern for half of the map (I already find the rhythm of that diff a bit boring lmao), I don't think it's a problem since the gap between notes stays the same, here 01:40:678 (1,2,3,4) - I can understand that the rhythm is "weird" but the piano is quite strong so the player should easily know when to click
  2. You missed some clap like at 02:09:780 - because you used Hitsound copier and you didn't map them on last diff so do a double check thx. Fixed
[Hard :]
  1. 01:29:900 (3,4) - Not the best kind of pattern for the reading. Space them a bit more. And same for other like this one ofc (like 01:34:571 (2,1) - ).It's not that difficult to read imo and that pattern is introduced quite early 00:20:918 (4,5) - so it shouldn't be a problem if the player wants to practice that pattern to understand it


AyanokoRin wrote:

put dialgadu77 in tags since its his old username oops I forgot
bouyaaa next

actually checked modding assistant this time -_-
Stop stalking me thx.

Also I still hate french btw.
Nao Tomori
u never call me back lo
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

u never call me back lo
oops you didn't tell me to call you back sry 👀
DeRandom Otaku
kool!!!! congratz =w=
someone veto this
why there is too much jaunes?
omg grats with your first qualified <3
Topic Starter
Thanks everybody especially Nozhomi and Sinnoh aaa

Pachiru wrote:

why there is too much jaunes?
the circlejerk is too strong
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