
Linkin Park - Talking to Myself

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 29 июля 2017 г. at 17:40:41

Artist: Linkin Park
Title: Talking to Myself
Tags: Shmiklak marvollo m_a_r_v_o_l_l_o One More Light alternative electronic wajinshu
BPM: 124
Filesize: 7270kb
Play Time: 03:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2,53 stars, 415 notes)
  2. Insane (3,57 stars, 450 notes)
  3. Wajiklak's Normal (1,81 stars, 236 notes)
Download: Linkin Park - Talking to Myself
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
Chester Charles Bennington (1976-2017)

Normal - wajinshu and me (she mapped before first kiai, I mapped after)
redownload 28.07.17 - new mp3

Привет, м4м из #modreqs

  1. 00:57:134 (3) - вроде мапаешь под ударные, но снейру просто отводишь хвост слайдера, что кажется нелогичным, думаю стоит сделать клик на нем (01:01:005 (4,5) - вот тут иначе сделал)
  2. 03:03:426 (4) - этот слайдер заметно выгнутее трех предыдущих, не очень понятно почему
  3. 03:36:565 (7,1) - ееее, фулскрин в конце мапы, Честер был бы доволен
  1. 00:50:368 (1) - непонятно, это хотело быть бланкетом или нет? в любом случае, думаю было бы лучше, если бы был бланкет
  2. 02:01:981 (1,5) - больше нигде таким оверлапом не пользуешься, думаю было бы лучше его здесь избежать
  3. 03:04:884 (2) - просто саджесшн - сделать стакнутые круги вместо этого ибо гитара делает *т-т-т-т*
Надеюсь чем-нибудь помог, удачи
good afternoon xd

  1. Disable countdown + widescreen support? uwu

  1. Lower the OD to 7? OD 7.5 is a little bit pain to play, i was testplayed it and got a lot of 100s in the jumps
  2. 00:42:626 (1,3) - i don't really like this overlap lul, this make no sense because you didn't overlap like this anywhere
  3. 01:03:916 (1,2,3) - turn on stack and move 01:04:642 (2,3,4) - right a bit to make a straight line from 01:03:916 (1) - to 01:04:642 (2) - ?
  4. 01:32:949 (1,2) - spacing look a little bit bigger than 01:29:078 (1,2) - isn't it? it's the same sound
  5. 01:31:013 (1,2) - this look a bit uncomfortable to play because the flow from 01:31:013 (1) - to 01:31:497 (2) - isn't *spinning* like before anymore
  6. 02:39:723 (4,5,6) - ctrl + g? better rhythm imo because it fit the part 02:38:271 (5,6,1) - have the same lyrics
  7. 03:36:094 (5,6,7,1) - what is this sudden cross screen jump lol

guess that's all uwu
gl with fastranking this map!!
Topic Starter

h4d0uk3n1 wrote:

Привет, м4м из #modreqs

  1. 00:57:134 (3) - вроде мапаешь под ударные, но снейру просто отводишь хвост слайдера, что кажется нелогичным, думаю стоит сделать клик на нем (01:01:005 (4,5) - вот тут иначе сделал) была ночь, я хотел спать.
  2. 03:03:426 (4) - этот слайдер заметно выгнутее трех предыдущих, не очень понятно почему таже причина почему и выше
  3. 03:36:565 (7,1) - ееее, фулскрин в конце мапы, Честер был бы доволен там звук нарастает поэтому всё норм
  1. 00:50:368 (1) - непонятно, это хотело быть бланкетом или нет? в любом случае, думаю было бы лучше, если бы был бланкет не было бы
  2. 02:01:981 (1,5) - больше нигде таким оверлапом не пользуешься, думаю было бы лучше его здесь избежать
  3. 03:04:884 (2) - просто саджесшн - сделать стакнутые круги вместо этого ибо гитара делает *т-т-т-т* нет
Надеюсь чем-нибудь помог, удачи

Shortthu wrote:

good afternoon xd

  1. Disable countdown + widescreen support? uwu

  1. Lower the OD to 7? OD 7.5 is a little bit pain to play, i was testplayed it and got a lot of 100s in the jumps
  2. 00:42:626 (1,3) - i don't really like this overlap lul, this make no sense because you didn't overlap like this anywhere i want to keep it
  3. 01:03:916 (1,2,3) - turn on stack and move 01:04:642 (2,3,4) - right a bit to make a straight line from 01:03:916 (1) - to 01:04:642 (2) - ? useless
  4. 01:32:949 (1,2) - spacing look a little bit bigger than 01:29:078 (1,2) - isn't it? it's the same sound
  5. 01:31:013 (1,2) - this look a bit uncomfortable to play because the flow from 01:31:013 (1) - to 01:31:497 (2) - isn't *spinning* like before anymore i used the same thing later so it should be fine
  6. 02:39:723 (4,5,6) - ctrl + g? better rhythm imo because it fit the part 02:38:271 (5,6,1) - have the same lyrics yeah
  7. 03:36:094 (5,6,7,1) - what is this sudden cross screen jump lol well if more people tell me to reduce it i will

guess that's all uwu
gl with fastranking this map!!
thank you owo
01:19:400 (1) - не слишком ли рано начинается? я бы его начал 01:21:094 - здесь
00:13:594 (1,4) - стакнуть может?
00:42:626 (1,3) - не очень красивый оверлап
02:19:400 (1,4) - ^
01:36:336 (5,2) - лучше не ставь объекты так близко, выглядит просто некрасиво
02:20:610 (4,6) - ^
03:23:271 (1,2,3) - из-за спейсинга флоу тут не очень удобный, 2 и 3 лучше поменять местами
ставь лайк если понравился мод, гл
PM request
2017-07-22 14:06 NewPlayer: попробуй оффсет 54
2017-07-22 14:06 NewPlayer: с ним у меня гораздо лучше по акке было
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: ACTION is editing [ Linkin Park - Talking to Myself [Hard]]
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: 00:07:304 (2) - почему б не отзеркалить (1)?
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: при 54 расхождения идут лол
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: слышно же
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: даже
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: хз
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: 00:06:820 (1) - сделал наоборот
2017-07-22 14:08 NewPlayer: мне наоборот как-то получше идёт
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: я имею ввиду (2) отзеркалил
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: на место первого
2017-07-22 14:09 NewPlayer: 00:15:045 (4) - не совсем понимаю, зачем выделение на конце слайдера хитсаундом
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: во всяком случае, таким
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: больно он выделяется как-то, не по музыке
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: копиер гонит
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: как финиш прям
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: копиер гонит
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: дальше
2017-07-22 14:11 NewPlayer: чо это значит? :<
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: значит я пофиксил
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: программа которой я копировал с инса погнала
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: поэтому криво пошло
2017-07-22 14:13 NewPlayer: 00:41:416 (2) - вообще, я б этот хитсаунд поменял, да
2017-07-22 14:14 NewPlayer: сам хитсаунд
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: там все норм
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: не буду менять
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: он идеально входит
2017-07-22 14:16 NewPlayer: 01:37:310 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - тут мб разнообразить как-то
2017-07-22 14:17 M a r v o l l o: Не выйдет
2017-07-22 14:17 M a r v o l l o: И так хорошо
2017-07-22 14:17 NewPlayer: н01:37:793 (4,5,6,7) - ну вот эти разделить, мб слайдер воткнуть. А то по игре этот момент ничем не отличается от, например, этого 01:33:922 (3,4,5,6) -
2017-07-22 14:18 NewPlayer: хотя вокал интенсивнее
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: там ударные
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: я на вокал не столь сильно смотрю
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: смотрю на него лишь когда он сильно отличается
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: например тут 01:37:545 (3) -
2017-07-22 14:20 NewPlayer: 02:22:787 (5,6) - опять же я б разделил из-за вокала
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: А я тебе опять тоже самое скажу
2017-07-22 14:21 NewPlayer: 02:23:755 (2,3) - а я отвечу, что тут ты делишь
2017-07-22 14:21 NewPlayer: на тех же звуках
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: я стакаю а драмах
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: понимаешь?
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: может ты их не слышишь
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: тогда скажу так
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: я стакаю все ноты после второго даунбита
2017-07-22 14:25 NewPlayer: по харду всё тогда
2017-07-22 14:25 M a r v o l l o: я рад
2017-07-22 14:29 NewPlayer: 00:09:239 (5) - я б поближе поставил к слайдеру
2017-07-22 14:29 M a r v o l l o: :DDD
2017-07-22 14:29 M a r v o l l o: зачем
2017-07-22 14:29 NewPlayer:
2017-07-22 14:30 NewPlayer: смотрится лучше, ничего более
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: там звук сильнее
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: и мне нравится мой вариант
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: у меня там такая конструкция 00:09:239 (5,1) -
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: 00:09:481 (6,2) -
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: основа моего маппинга
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: нахуй стаки
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: просто ставь рядом что бы были милые оверлапы
2017-07-22 14:31 NewPlayer: лол
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: а еще я волны не юзаю, да
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: у меня только три типа слайдеров
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: прямые с точкой
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: чуть чуть искаженные
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: сильно искаженные
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: красные точки тоже не юзаю
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: :DDD
2017-07-22 14:32 NewPlayer: 00:11:175 (5) - мне так тоже покрасивее кажется
2017-07-22 14:32 M a r v o l l o: там звук сильнее
2017-07-22 14:32 M a r v o l l o: ты так дс ломаешь
2017-07-22 14:34 NewPlayer: 00:16:739 (4) - чот мне кажется, что (6) больно близко, поди пониже опустить
2017-07-22 14:34 M a r v o l l o: norm vsyo
2017-07-22 14:35 M a r v o l l o: У нас с тобой разные понятия эстетики
2017-07-22 14:35 NewPlayer: возможно
2017-07-22 14:35 M a r v o l l o: Не возможно, а точно
2017-07-22 14:35 NewPlayer: ну тогда, если исключать эстетику
2017-07-22 14:36 NewPlayer: 03:36:094 (5,6,7,1) - вот это мне при игре показалось непропорционально далеко
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: оно подходит под музыку
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: я знаю
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: мы занимаемся этим
2017-07-22 14:36 NewPlayer: ну пля, можно вообще по углам поставить тогда
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: Это уже будет слишком
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: Я спросил знающих людей
2017-07-22 14:37 M a r v o l l o: Они сказали все хорошо с этим
2017-07-22 14:37 NewPlayer: ну у меня всё тогда
Topic Starter

EijiKuinbii wrote:

01:19:400 (1) - не слишком ли рано начинается? я бы его начал 01:21:094 - здесь всё заебись
00:13:594 (1,4) - стакнуть может? выглядит лучше ок
00:42:626 (1,3) - не очень красивый оверлап жопа твоя не красиваямне норм
02:19:400 (1,4) - ^ они даже не оверлапаются при игре
01:36:336 (5,2) - лучше не ставь объекты так близко, выглядит просто некрасиво на игре это никак не сказывается
02:20:610 (4,6) - ^
03:23:271 (1,2,3) - из-за спейсинга флоу тут не очень удобный, 2 и 3 лучше поменять местами
ставь лайк если понравился мод, гл

NewPlayer wrote:

PM request
2017-07-22 14:06 NewPlayer: попробуй оффсет 54
2017-07-22 14:06 NewPlayer: с ним у меня гораздо лучше по акке было
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: ACTION is editing [ Linkin Park - Talking to Myself [Hard]]
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: 00:07:304 (2) - почему б не отзеркалить (1)?
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: при 54 расхождения идут лол
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: слышно же
2017-07-22 14:07 M a r v o l l o: даже
2017-07-22 14:07 NewPlayer: хз
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: 00:06:820 (1) - сделал наоборот
2017-07-22 14:08 NewPlayer: мне наоборот как-то получше идёт
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: я имею ввиду (2) отзеркалил
2017-07-22 14:08 M a r v o l l o: на место первого
2017-07-22 14:09 NewPlayer: 00:15:045 (4) - не совсем понимаю, зачем выделение на конце слайдера хитсаундом
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: во всяком случае, таким
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: больно он выделяется как-то, не по музыке
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: копиер гонит
2017-07-22 14:10 NewPlayer: как финиш прям
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: копиер гонит
2017-07-22 14:10 M a r v o l l o: дальше
2017-07-22 14:11 NewPlayer: чо это значит? :<
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: значит я пофиксил
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: программа которой я копировал с инса погнала
2017-07-22 14:11 M a r v o l l o: поэтому криво пошло
2017-07-22 14:13 NewPlayer: 00:41:416 (2) - вообще, я б этот хитсаунд поменял, да
2017-07-22 14:14 NewPlayer: сам хитсаунд
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: там все норм
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: не буду менять
2017-07-22 14:14 M a r v o l l o: он идеально входит
2017-07-22 14:16 NewPlayer: 01:37:310 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - тут мб разнообразить как-то
2017-07-22 14:17 M a r v o l l o: Не выйдет
2017-07-22 14:17 M a r v o l l o: И так хорошо
2017-07-22 14:17 NewPlayer: н01:37:793 (4,5,6,7) - ну вот эти разделить, мб слайдер воткнуть. А то по игре этот момент ничем не отличается от, например, этого 01:33:922 (3,4,5,6) -
2017-07-22 14:18 NewPlayer: хотя вокал интенсивнее
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: там ударные
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: я на вокал не столь сильно смотрю
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: смотрю на него лишь когда он сильно отличается
2017-07-22 14:18 M a r v o l l o: например тут 01:37:545 (3) -
2017-07-22 14:20 NewPlayer: 02:22:787 (5,6) - опять же я б разделил из-за вокала
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: А я тебе опять тоже самое скажу
2017-07-22 14:21 NewPlayer: 02:23:755 (2,3) - а я отвечу, что тут ты делишь
2017-07-22 14:21 NewPlayer: на тех же звуках
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: я стакаю а драмах
2017-07-22 14:21 M a r v o l l o: понимаешь?
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: может ты их не слышишь
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: тогда скажу так
2017-07-22 14:22 M a r v o l l o: я стакаю все ноты после второго даунбита
2017-07-22 14:25 NewPlayer: по харду всё тогда
2017-07-22 14:25 M a r v o l l o: я рад
2017-07-22 14:29 NewPlayer: 00:09:239 (5) - я б поближе поставил к слайдеру
2017-07-22 14:29 M a r v o l l o: :DDD
2017-07-22 14:29 M a r v o l l o: зачем
2017-07-22 14:29 NewPlayer:
2017-07-22 14:30 NewPlayer: смотрится лучше, ничего более
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: там звук сильнее
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: и мне нравится мой вариант
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: у меня там такая конструкция 00:09:239 (5,1) -
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: 00:09:481 (6,2) -
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: основа моего маппинга
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: нахуй стаки
2017-07-22 14:30 M a r v o l l o: просто ставь рядом что бы были милые оверлапы
2017-07-22 14:31 NewPlayer: лол
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: а еще я волны не юзаю, да
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: у меня только три типа слайдеров
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: прямые с точкой
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: чуть чуть искаженные
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: сильно искаженные
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: красные точки тоже не юзаю
2017-07-22 14:31 M a r v o l l o: :DDD
2017-07-22 14:32 NewPlayer: 00:11:175 (5) - мне так тоже покрасивее кажется
2017-07-22 14:32 M a r v o l l o: там звук сильнее
2017-07-22 14:32 M a r v o l l o: ты так дс ломаешь
2017-07-22 14:34 NewPlayer: 00:16:739 (4) - чот мне кажется, что (6) больно близко, поди пониже опустить
2017-07-22 14:34 M a r v o l l o: norm vsyo
2017-07-22 14:35 M a r v o l l o: У нас с тобой разные понятия эстетики
2017-07-22 14:35 NewPlayer: возможно
2017-07-22 14:35 M a r v o l l o: Не возможно, а точно
2017-07-22 14:35 NewPlayer: ну тогда, если исключать эстетику
2017-07-22 14:36 NewPlayer: 03:36:094 (5,6,7,1) - вот это мне при игре показалось непропорционально далеко
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: оно подходит под музыку
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: я знаю
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: мы занимаемся этим
2017-07-22 14:36 NewPlayer: ну пля, можно вообще по углам поставить тогда
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: Это уже будет слишком
2017-07-22 14:36 M a r v o l l o: Я спросил знающих людей
2017-07-22 14:37 M a r v o l l o: Они сказали все хорошо с этим
2017-07-22 14:37 NewPlayer: ну у меня всё тогда
исправь такие штуки 01:06:820 (2,3,4) - / 01:08:513 (5,6,7) - выглядит хуево.
02:27:142 (1,3) - хы, выглядит не прикольно ингейм
03:21:336 (1,3) - саме

01:57:142 - сюда идет сильный клеп. 01:31:497 - как тут
01:59:078 - и сюда и так далее. 01:59:562 - ну ты понял.
02:05:610 (3) - тут нет ударных, значит, не нужен драм сет
02:07:062 - а тут наоборот нужен.
02:07:545 - ну ты понял
02:31:739 - есть же звук, где драм
02:29:804 - сейм. ну и так далее
02:50:368 - отсюда весь парт. смотри, ведь каждый белый тик — один и тот же кик, так и выделяй же каждый вистлом, в чем проблема
ну вообще сам пройдись еще

по емпхазису в харде
01:28:110 (3,4,5,6) - вообще по звучанию не похоже на 01:26:175 (3,4,5,6) - , но выделяешь так же стаками, вокал там лучше как-то по-другому выделить надо имо

минор, инс
00:07:304 (3) - нк, чтоб обозначить смену эту в музыке силы ударных

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Namki wrote:

исправь такие штуки 01:06:820 (2,3,4) - / 01:08:513 (5,6,7) - выглядит хуево.
02:27:142 (1,3) - хы, выглядит не прикольно ингейм имо норм должно работать
03:21:336 (1,3) - саме саме

01:57:142 - сюда идет сильный клеп. 01:31:497 - как тут
01:59:078 - и сюда и так далее. 01:59:562 - ну ты понял.
02:05:610 (3) - тут нет ударных, значит, не нужен драм сет
02:07:062 - а тут наоборот нужен.
02:07:545 - ну ты понял
02:31:739 - есть же звук, где драм
02:29:804 - сейм. ну и так далее
02:50:368 - отсюда весь парт. смотри, ведь каждый белый тик — один и тот же кик, так и выделяй же каждый вистлом, в чем проблема
ну вообще сам пройдись еще

по емпхазису в харде
01:28:110 (3,4,5,6) - вообще по звучанию не похоже на 01:26:175 (3,4,5,6) - , но выделяешь так же стаками, вокал там лучше как-то по-другому выделить надо имо драмы

минор, инс
00:07:304 (3) - нк, чтоб обозначить смену эту в музыке силы ударных

  1. would suggest to shift the circle sizes a little. normal to 3.5 and hard to 3.8 would be better since it produces a progression throughout the difficulties and smaller circle size in normal would make the whole map neater in my opinion
  2. personally think the background image is rather bland and a concert image would be more fitting since it shows a livelier atmosphere and could represent the whole song a little bit better. also it would be cool if you include the official video in the set
  3. consider to add alternative and electronic in the tags to indicate the genres
  1. 00:22:062 (5) - seems out of place in terms of rhythm and it doesn't really represent the music as good as before, so consider to remove the note
  2. 00:23:271 - it would be better if you could implement a click here to indicate the introduction of the first verse since covering the note up with a reverse didn't really bring out a sense of emphasis to the shifting of the intensity
  3. 00:59:078 (3,4) - distance snap problem
  4. 01:19:400 (1) - didn't really get the purpose of the spinner as well as in hard and insane diff, like you should either start the spinner at 01:17:465 - or 01:21:336 - imo + putting the spinner here causes the two drum notes before the first kiai to be forcibly missed and it really isn't a great idea to be honest
  1. relatively this difficulty is blander than the other difficulties since the aesthetic didn't stand out and the rhythm choice is not representative especially the circle spamming in the kiai parts but it's just my point of view so idk
  2. aesthetic nitpicks: 00:18:916 (4,1) - seem to be clumped and untidy so consider to add a little more distance in between + 00:49:400 (3,1) - consider to add in better blankets or such irdk
  3. 02:40:207 (4) - rhythm wise it would be more interesting if you implement two circles instead of a slider to make the moment denser and stand out from the previous three crotchets
  4. 03:04:884 (2) - applying a different rhythm for this note, like putting two similar 1/2 sliders instead of 1/2 reverses as before, would differentiate the change in instrument in a much more interesting way
good luck in everything for everyone
Topic Starter

HootOwlStar wrote:

  1. would suggest to shift the circle sizes a little. normal to 3.5 and hard to 3.8 would be better since it produces a progression throughout the difficulties and smaller circle size in normal would make the whole map neater in my opinion imo current CS choose is good
  2. personally think the background image is rather bland and a concert image would be more fitting since it shows a livelier atmosphere and could represent the whole song a little bit better. also it would be cool if you include the official video in the set I decided to use dark BG because one of the members of the group had died, about the video, it ends very suddenly and idk if it will fit the map but if anyone will help me with it I'll add it
  3. consider to add alternative and electronic in the tags to indicate the genres
  1. 00:22:062 (5) - seems out of place in terms of rhythm and it doesn't really represent the music as good as before, so consider to remove the note
  2. 00:23:271 - it would be better if you could implement a click here to indicate the introduction of the first verse since covering the note up with a reverse didn't really bring out a sense of emphasis to the shifting of the intensity
  3. 00:59:078 (3,4) - distance snap problem
  4. 01:19:400 (1) - didn't really get the purpose of the spinner as well as in hard and insane diff, like you should either start the spinner at 01:17:465 - or 01:21:336 - imo + putting the spinner here causes the two drum notes before the first kiai to be forcibly missed and it really isn't a great idea to be honest i'll think
  1. relatively this difficulty is blander than the other difficulties since the aesthetic didn't stand out and the rhythm choice is not representative especially the circle spamming in the kiai parts but it's just my point of view so idk
  2. aesthetic nitpicks: 00:18:916 (4,1) - seem to be clumped and untidy so consider to add a little more distance in between i cant because i didnt change ds in this part anywhere + 00:49:400 (3,1) - consider to add in better blankets or such irdk i don't want to use so many blankets
  3. 02:40:207 (4) - rhythm wise it would be more interesting if you implement two circles instead of a slider to make the moment denser and stand out from the previous three crotchets
  4. 03:04:884 (2) - applying a different rhythm for this note, like putting two similar 1/2 sliders instead of 1/2 reverses as before, would differentiate the change in instrument in a much more interesting way im not sure
good luck in everything for everyone
no reply=fixed
A r M i N
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Can I bubble?
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Yes, you can. But let's wait for Voli's mod
some things (top diff)

  1. 00:07:777 (1) - feels like it should have more spacing than the rest of this pattern because strong finish, it doesn't really stand out right now, something like you did 00:15:519 (1) - here is way better
  2. 00:42:616 (1,2,3) - why do they have to overlap in such a weird manner? the song is very calm here so i think you can utilize the playfield more here. Also, I think making 00:43:584 (3,1) - these sliders similar in shape would work way better, since the vocal have the same sort of intensity/tone
  3. 00:51:084 (2,3) - the placement of this slider is kinda weird too, why not utilize the left of the playfield? Everything is kinda cramped into this corner here
  4. 00:52:294 (1,2) - having 2 on the other end (less spacing) would be more fitting since you can really emphasize the strong sound on 00:53:261 (3) - that way better
  5. 00:53:745 (5) - i don't really like the look of this either, its kinda messy overlapping with both 1 and 3 that way, maybe find some other kind of placement or a way to stack it with either the slider or note. Moving it to another position creates a better jump/emphasis towards the new section here 00:54:229 (1) - too
  6. 00:57:132 (3,4,1) - 3 and 4 should be closer together, 1 should be a jump for better pattern separation
  7. 01:02:939 (3,1) - blanket them better?
  8. 01:25:197 (1) - this could have a tad more spacing too, its like the bridge between the leadin and the intense part, has a strong finish and seeing things like 01:26:890 (6,1) - have a huge spacing difference as well i think it'd fit nicely here
  9. 01:27:616 (2,4) - lol pls polish it a bit
  10. 01:37:535 (3,4) - why is the spacing so drastically different from 01:36:568 (6,1) - and 01:38:503 (6,1) - ? it's a very tiny jump here unlike the others
  11. 01:41:648 (3,1) - tiny things, but just copying one of these sliders and rotating it by 90 degrees will give patterns like this a much more polished feel, right now they are just barely different from each other which looks kinda messy
  12. 01:48:423 (1) - can it have more spacing? and 01:47:939 (6) - perhaps a bit less
  13. 02:23:261 (1,4,1) - all of these can be more emphasized imo, spacing on the finishes should differ more from 02:24:713 (5,6) -
  14. 02:29:794 (2,3,4,5,6) - some hitsounds are missing? idk sounds kinda off compared to how you hsed these before. sounds like a stronger sound should be on 02:30:035 (3) -
  15. 02:34:148 (5) - same goes for this, should be a hitsound on here i think. Same for 02:41:890 (5) -
  16. 03:18:181 (3,4) - rly like this kinda movement with the snappy/sharp angle on the finish
  17. 03:21:326 (1) - needs more emphasis tho, something like would work better (i rotated by 50degrees)
  18. 03:28:342 (5) - missing hs again, 03:36:084 (5) - too
sick song
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Since the mod is big I'm gonna just answer the things I didn't apply
00:42:616 (1,2,3) - I like this overlap, it's pretty nice in my point of view. it's smth like mapper's choice.
00:51:084 (2,3) - actually fine for me
00:52:294 (1,2) - idk if I understood you right but now 00:53:261 (3) - is more emphasised (more spacing then 2 has)
01:41:648 (3,1) - fine for me, I didn't even try to make them the same
02:29:794 (2,3,4,5,6) -all hitsounds are placed as they should be
03:18:181 (3,4) - why not
thank you! I guess now we are ready for bubble!
Before I proceed, I have a few concerns about the highest difficulty. I know this is suposed to be an Insane, but I consider some jumps to be a bit too large compared to the rest of the difficulty, especially for a 3.66 SD map. Also, I have some doubts about the offset.

  1. 00:06:810 (1,2,1,2) - Do you really need big jumps like this at the beginning of the map? What do they emphasize?
  2. 00:42:616 (1,2,3) - I don't like how those objects are put next to each other like this. This is the only place where you did a pattern like this and it seems rather unfitting.
  3. 01:24:955 (2,1) - This jump is a no-no. It is way too large, you have to cross the whole screen to reach it.
  4. 02:26:890 (6,1) - Same thing for this one.
  5. 02:38:261 (5,1) - I don't really like how the circle overlaps the slider.
  6. 03:36:084 (5,6,7,1) - Same as before, these jumps do seem a bit too large.
  1. I'm pretty sure the offset should be 26ms; I am way more accurate with this as I am always clicking the circles too early with 36ms.
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

Before I proceed, I have a few concerns about the highest difficulty. I know this is suposed to be an Insane, but I consider some jumps to be a bit too large compared to the rest of the difficulty, especially for a 3.66 SD map. Also, I have some doubts about the offset.

  1. 00:06:810 (1,2,1,2) - Do you really need big jumps like this at the beginning of the map? What do they emphasize? They emphasis the strongest drum sounds of the song, you can find the same thing in moments like 01:24:229 (1,2,1,2) -
  2. 00:42:616 (1,2,3) - I don't like how those objects are put next to each other like this. This is the only place where you did a pattern like this and it seems rather unfitting. well, since everyone tells me about this lemme fix.
  3. 01:24:955 (2,1) - This jump is a no-no. It is way too large, you have to cross the whole screen to reach it. reduced
  4. 02:26:890 (6,1) - Same thing for this one. reduced
  5. 02:38:261 (5,1) - I don't really like how the circle overlaps the slider. I'm sorry, but it's fine for me, it's a part of my mapping style
  6. 03:36:084 (5,6,7,1) - Same as before, these jumps do seem a bit too large. music gets louder here but well reduced a bit
  1. I'm pretty sure the offset should be 26ms; I am way more accurate with this as I am always clicking the circles too early with 36ms. 26 sounds even worse, asked pishifat for checking and he told me to move offset by -4 so moved
thank you
I would consider putting an epilepsy warning :x

I'm getting seizures after seeing all "straight" sliders not being straight, thanks


00:54:225 (1) - It looks more natural that way.


it's ok


I would change the ar to like 8,3

01:24:225 (1) - slider?

Topic Starter

CptSqBany wrote:

I would consider putting an epilepsy warning :x it's useless in this map because SB doesn't have much strobes

I'm getting seizures after seeing all "straight" sliders not being straight, thanks it's my style


00:54:225 (1) - It looks more natural that way. they are kinda the same. everything is changed is curve style, waji uses another type of curves and it's totally fine, it won't have any effect while playing


it's ok


I would change the ar to like 8,3 BPM of the song is low so 8 works great

01:24:225 (1) - slider? no reasons to put a slider here

thanks. no changes
luv this <3
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Just my feeling or this mp3 is diffrecent with original version?

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It isn't. I used original mp3 from the album
there's very noticeably a different pitch in the mp3 vs the yt link kitty provided 🤔
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YouTube version ends very suddenly, I used mp3 from vk from official album.
Kyouren!K5wFDK6A!nil28z533NeR ... Skzv6ZQ6SE

I found the better mp3 and it's really original
Yeah, think I can confirm with Kitty and plaud said. The version in this mp3 sounds higher pitched than the youtube version (which Im inclined to believe is the original, from my experience hearing linkin park and knowing what Chester sounds like).
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I will check later. Okay, I see. They are actually different so lemme update the map with the mp3 Kitty suggested. Thank you!
For some reasons I feel like the new offset should be -10ms (50). I can feel that the objects are not exactly on time when I test play the map.
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after checking with several people we didn't notice any mistakes in timing. check your audio devices, they might work wrong.
EDIT: we decided to use 55
As Marvollo and I didn't agree with the offset, detective me listened to the drums more carefully and did some research. What I found might shock you!!1! More information in the box below:

09:01 M a r v o l l o: hello
09:01 M a r v o l l o: about timing
09:01 M a r v o l l o: 50 sounds actually weird
09:02 M a r v o l l o: are sure that your audio device works right?
09:03 M a r v o l l o: im gonna ask a few people for checking
09:27 M a r v o l l o: so I asked around 5 people
09:27 M a r v o l l o: all them said offset is great
09:27 M a r v o l l o: :V
09:43 M a r v o l l o: so, what are you gonna do?
09:48 M a r v o l l o: also I've already found t2 bn who would qualify
09:48 M a r v o l l o: he said timing is fine
14:16 M a r v o l l o: so
14:25 Kurai: I'm plugging my studio soundcard and headphones
14:25 Kurai: I guess it'll be more accurate than my gaming headset
14:26 Kurai: I asked two other persons, someone told me 60ms, someone else told me 50ms :x
14:27 M a r v o l l o: 50 sounds weird
14:30 M a r v o l l o: people who I asked are very experienced in timing
14:37 Kurai: I don't really care about that, I trust my experience as well
14:38 M a r v o l l o: after rechecking
14:38 M a r v o l l o: I decided to use 55
14:38 M a r v o l l o: it sounds better than 60
14:38 Kurai: actually
14:38 M a r v o l l o: and better than 50
14:38 Kurai: I understand why the offset sounds weird
14:38 M a r v o l l o: 55 sounds perfect imo
14:38 Kurai: I listened to each beat individually
14:38 M a r v o l l o: why?
14:38 Kurai: and, they don't always follow the same offset
14:38 Kurai: I read a bit more about the album
14:39 M a r v o l l o: :O
14:39 Kurai: and found this:
14:39 Kurai: "Mike believed that the album is totally different from all their previous releases and wanted to use more live drums instead of programed beats during the recording process."
14:39 Kurai: It's a live recording of the drums, it's not programmed beats, so it's normal it is not perfect

14:39 M a r v o l l o: so it is just impossible to find perfect timing?
14:40 Kurai: yeah, you can expect some a difference of around 10ms sometimes
14:40 M a r v o l l o: well anyway lemme update it with 55
14:40 M a r v o l l o: because it sounds even better than 60
14:40 Kurai: nothing that hurts much, post production has probably [worked on the drums as well]
14:41 Kurai: yes, that's my conclusion as well
14:41 Kurai: 55 is a good middle ground
14:41 M a r v o l l o: so
14:41 M a r v o l l o: we are ready for rebubbling?
14:41 Kurai: so yep yep, upload that and I'll rebubble
14:42 M a r v o l l o: updated already

offset: 55ms → Rebubbled

Oh crap I'm late, It is already bubbled!

Map is great, good luck :D
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@Gero, are you alive?

~ Chester Bennington (1976-2017) ~
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rest in peace Chester, we all will miss you ;w;
also rest in peace Chester ;-;
Congratulations! <3

M a r v o l l o wrote:

rest in peace Chester, we all will miss you ;w;
and thanks for making the world bright again Chester <3
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