
Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okae

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年8月28日 at 0:39:00

Artist: Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana
Title: Okaeri
Source: のんのんびより りぴーと
Tags: Non Non Biyori Repeat ending renge miyauchi hotaru ichijo natsumi komari koshigaya 宮内れんげ 一条蛍 越谷夏海 越谷小鞠
BPM: 102
Filesize: 2820kb
Play Time: 01:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (1.53 stars, 171 notes)
  2. Muzukashii (2.22 stars, 228 notes)
  3. Oni (2.8 stars, 315 notes)
Download: Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
irc mod

12:33 Charlotte: こんにちは1diffでもいいんでもしよろしければMod可でしょうか?
13:11 yuzu__rinrin: mesiくってた
13:14 Charlotte: aa
13:14 *Charlotte is listening to [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri]
13:14 Charlotte: 忙しかったら大丈夫です
13:15 yuzu__rinrin: kanou
13:15 yuzu__rinrin: こまちゃんが可愛いのでokです
13:15 Charlotte: やったぜ
13:17 yuzu__rinrin: 特にいうことなさそうでポッチャマ
13:19 Charlotte: 完。
13:20 yuzu__rinrin: 00:38:360 (114,115) - 消したくない?
13:20 yuzu__rinrin: ここ辺り大人しいし密度落としていいと思う
13:22 Charlotte: ありですね
13:23 yuzu__rinrin: 00:55:713 (170,171) - ここctrl+g?かなぁ~
13:23 yuzu__rinrin: 01:14:537 (242,243) - ここの音取りの方がすきという超個人的意見
13:24 Charlotte: ok
13:25 yuzu__rinrin: 01:11:301 - 01:11:448 - drumとってdkdって感じにしたいね
13:25 yuzu__rinrin: kiai前のは外したから効果的な感じには思える
13:27 Charlotte: good
13:27 yuzu__rinrin: 譜面関係ないけど、こまちゃんママ
13:28 *yuzu__rinrin is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Muzukashii]]
13:29 yuzu__rinrin: 00:33:507 - ここkいれて跳ねさせたいなぁ
13:29 yuzu__rinrin: 普通に要らない
13:30 Charlotte: 無しでok?
13:30 yuzu__rinrin: おk、言ってみたけどいらないと思った

fast w
Okaerinasai, Omoide ni, Nakitai toki, Aita- oh wrong song w

-General- maybe take tags from this map?
isnt HP a bit too high?
i think this song uses more 1/6 than 1/4 on percussion, not sure

00:16:007 (20) - finisher? cymbal sound
00:34:831 (55) - ^
00:34:831 - add slowdown SV? song feels a bit less intense owo, maybe 0.9, and then 0.95 at 00:44:243 - and on kiai 1 or more
00:51:301 (89,90,91,92) - too many finisher for futsuu imo, maybe dddK will work?
00:56:301 - kdk? follows voice pitch a bit better
01:03:066 (111) - finisher? cymbal sound owo
01:14:243 - kd could feel better imo

00:06:596 - would make this ddkd and 00:08:948 - ddkk, as it reflects the pitch a bit better imo
00:16:007 (27) - might want to put finisher on this? cymbal sound
00:28:066 (56) - why not making this k and making the difference at 00:29:243 (59) - ? "na i" feels a bit stronger than "ko e"
00:32:919 (69,73) - make them k? follows pitch a bit better, bpm is kinda low anyway
00:34:831 (74) - finisher? cymbal sound
00:42:478 - k d kkk k d K? so the triplet has consistency with 00:37:772 -
01:03:066 (151) - finisher? cymbal sound
01:06:301 (159,160) - ctrl+g? feels better imo with pitch
01:13:654 (179,182) - ^
01:28:948 (218) - finisher? cymbal sound
01:31:301 (223) - ^

00:07:478 (4,12) - ctrl+g? so pitch raise is more notorious, maybe make 00:10:713 (16) - k to enhance effect?
00:13:066 - add d?
00:15:860 (33) - move to 00:15:566 - and then make 00:16:007 (34) - finisher? for cymbal sound
00:25:713 (66,74) - ctrl+g? sounds better imo
00:33:066 (95,98) - ctrl+g? voice pitch is followed better this way imo
00:34:684 (101) - delete? theres no sound to follow, and maybe make 00:34:831 (101) - finisher too for cymbal
00:38:507 - add k?
01:02:919 (196) - delete and make 01:03:066 (196) - finisher instead? for cymbal
01:28:948 (291) - finisher? for cymbal
01:31:301 (298) - ^

good luck on map!
its very good owo
Hi! Lets mod :)

Not many suggest, especially Futsuu and Muzukashii orz

  1. 00:51:595 (90) - delete?
    It is Futsuu diff but still for easy, maybe it is better to delete big note here?
  2. 01:21:890 (149) - change to D
    follow the cymbals and more prominent behind the kddk sound

  1. 00:26:301 (52) - the note move to 00:26:595 - here
    The note put here sound better for me
  2. 01:03:066 (148) - and 01:28:948 (215) - big?

  1. 00:15:713 (31,32,33) - change to kkd
    The sound here changes from high to low , singer also followed it.
  2. 00:33:507 (95,96) - change to kd
    Make it more diverse and fun.
  3. 00:34:537 (99,100,101) - change to kkd
    Similar reasons in ^^
  4. 00:53:213 (159) - add k?
  5. 00:56:301 (171) - change to k
    If you are following the voice of the singer
  6. ^If you accept it, 00:59:831 (184) - maybe change back to ddk here better
    Because 01:12:919 (236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262) - follow the consistency
  7. 01:05:713 (207,208,209,210,211) - change to kdk k d
  8. 01:07:184 (212,213,214) - change to k d k
    Better to follow the bass
  9. 01:28:948 (292) - Big?

Really nice mapset, Ren-chon is cute!
good luck!! :)
こんにちは :3 量の割に遅くなって申し訳ないです;

  1. Widescreen Supportのチェックを全難易度で統一してください。
  1. 00:02:772 - add d? ピアノと笛の音が重なって強く聞こえるため、Muzukashiiから減らさずにノートがあった方が自然に感じます。
  2. 00:12:478 (13) - change to k? 音程が上がっていくような雰囲気にマッチするかもしれません。
  3. 01:11:595 (130) - change to k? ボーカルの音程によりマッチするように感じます。
  4. 01:14:537 (136) - change to d? 上記同様にボーカルの音程を意図。
  1. 00:18:066 - add k? このパートにおいてはvocalに重きが置かれてマップされているように見えます。
  2. 00:22:331 - add d and 00:22:478 (44) - move to 00:22:772 - ? 上記同様の理由です。
  3. 01:11:595 (172) - change to k? Futsuu同様の理由です。
  1. 00:24:095 - 00:24:537 - add d? この難易度になってくると、複雑なリズムが入り混じる雰囲気から1/1のみの雰囲気への移行が急激に感じ、プレイ中に違和感を覚えます。ドラムにそれとなく合わせることで平坦さを除くような意図です。

Topic Starter

Vulkin wrote:

Okaerinasai, Omoide ni, Nakitai toki, Aita- oh wrong song w not okaerinasai

-General- maybe take tags from this map?
isnt HP a bit too high?
i think this song uses more 1/6 than 1/4 on percussion, not sure

00:16:007 (20) - finisher? cymbal sound
00:34:831 (55) - ^
00:34:831 - add slowdown SV? song feels a bit less intense owo, maybe 0.9, and then 0.95 at 00:44:243 - and on kiai 1 or more
00:51:301 (89,90,91,92) - too many finisher for futsuu imo, maybe dddK will work?
00:56:301 - kdk? follows voice pitch a bit better
01:03:066 (111) - finisher? cymbal sound owo
01:14:243 - kd could feel better imo

00:06:596 - would make this ddkd and 00:08:948 - ddkk, as it reflects the pitch a bit better imo
00:16:007 (27) - might want to put finisher on this? cymbal sound
00:28:066 (56) - why not making this k and making the difference at 00:29:243 (59) - ? "na i" feels a bit stronger than "ko e"
00:32:919 (69,73) - make them k? follows pitch a bit better, bpm is kinda low anyway
00:34:831 (74) - finisher? cymbal sound
00:42:478 - k d kkk k d K? so the triplet has consistency with 00:37:772 -
01:03:066 (151) - finisher? cymbal sound
01:06:301 (159,160) - ctrl+g? feels better imo with pitch
01:13:654 (179,182) - ^
01:28:948 (218) - finisher? cymbal sound
01:31:301 (223) - ^

00:07:478 (4,12) - ctrl+g? so pitch raise is more notorious, maybe make 00:10:713 (16) - k to enhance effect?
00:13:066 - add d?
00:15:860 (33) - move to 00:15:566 - and then make 00:16:007 (34) - finisher? for cymbal sound
00:25:713 (66,74) - ctrl+g? sounds better imo
00:33:066 (95,98) - ctrl+g? voice pitch is followed better this way imo
00:34:684 (101) - delete? theres no sound to follow, and maybe make 00:34:831 (101) - finisher too for cymbal
00:38:507 - add k?
01:02:919 (196) - delete and make 01:03:066 (196) - finisher instead? for cymbal
01:28:948 (291) - finisher? for cymbal
01:31:301 (298) - ^

good luck on map!
its very good owo

sing216 wrote:

Hi! Lets mod :)

Not many suggest, especially Futsuu and Muzukashii orz

  1. 00:51:595 (90) - delete?
    It is Futsuu diff but still for easy, maybe it is better to delete big note here?
  2. 01:21:890 (149) - change to D
    follow the cymbals and more prominent behind the kddk sound

  1. 00:26:301 (52) - the note move to 00:26:595 - here
    The note put here sound better for me
  2. 01:03:066 (148) - and 01:28:948 (215) - big?

  1. 00:15:713 (31,32,33) - change to kkd
    The sound here changes from high to low , singer also followed it.
  2. 00:33:507 (95,96) - change to kd
    Make it more diverse and fun.
  3. 00:34:537 (99,100,101) - change to kkd
    Similar reasons in ^^
  4. 00:53:213 (159) - add k?
  5. 00:56:301 (171) - change to k
    If you are following the voice of the singer
  6. ^If you accept it, 00:59:831 (184) - maybe change back to ddk here better
    Because 01:12:919 (236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262) - follow the consistency
  7. 01:05:713 (207,208,209,210,211) - change to kdk k d
  8. 01:07:184 (212,213,214) - change to k d k
    Better to follow the bass
  9. 01:28:948 (292) - Big?

Really nice mapset, Ren-chon is cute! nyanpasu~
good luck!! :)

_yu68 wrote:

こんにちは :3 量の割に遅くなって申し訳ないです;

  1. Widescreen Supportのチェックを全難易度で統一してください。
  1. 00:02:772 - add d? ピアノと笛の音が重なって強く聞こえるため、Muzukashiiから減らさずにノートがあった方が自然に感じます。
  2. 00:12:478 (13) - change to k? 音程が上がっていくような雰囲気にマッチするかもしれません。
  3. 01:11:595 (130) - change to k? ボーカルの音程によりマッチするように感じます。
  4. 01:14:537 (136) - change to d? 上記同様にボーカルの音程を意図。
  1. 00:18:066 - add k? このパートにおいてはvocalに重きが置かれてマップされているように見えます。
  2. 00:22:331 - add d and 00:22:478 (44) - move to 00:22:772 - ? 上記同様の理由です。
  3. 01:11:595 (172) - change to k? Futsuu同様の理由です。
  1. 00:24:095 - 00:24:537 - add d? この難易度になってくると、複雑なリズムが入り混じる雰囲気から1/1のみの雰囲気への移行が急激に感じ、プレイ中に違和感を覚えます。ドラムにそれとなく合わせることで平坦さを除くような意図です。

Ranked頑張ってください~ とても助かりました。
Thank you mod everyone.

Everyone helped me very much.
00:08:360 (8) - k
00:10:272 (14) - k
00:10:713 (16) - k
00:14:831 ~ 00:16:007 - kkd kdd
00:26:890 (73) - k
00:58:360 ~ 01:00:713 - d ddk d kkd d k d
01:17:184 ~ 01:19:537 - d kdk d kkk d k d
01:30:713 (298,299) - kk
Topic Starter

Ni-Sokkususu wrote:

00:08:360 (8) - k
00:10:272 (14) - k
00:10:713 (16) - k
00:14:831 ~ 00:16:007 - kkd kdd
00:26:890 (73) - k
00:58:360 ~ 01:00:713 - d ddk d kkd d k d
01:17:184 ~ 01:19:537 - d kdk d kkk d k d
01:30:713 (298,299) - kk fixed.
no commnt = no change. Thank you mod :)
irc mod
14:04 Charlotte: hi surono. Do you remember my request?
14:04 Surono: yes
14:04 Surono: soon(tm) keks - _- lool
14:05 Surono: yeh its about when it started, imm a bit lazy and my brain now complicated with things x'd
14:06 Charlotte: I'm waiting about 1month >_<
14:06 Surono: ahueauehauhauehae x'd
14:07 Charlotte: you are my hope <3 .. .. ..
14:09 Surono: lul, was unexpected.. time so fast i guess ( but imma feel u reqs from 2weeks ago++ but yeh almost 1month ) xd yeh ikr waiting is crazy. ok seems now me haev time - _- lul i will check this today rn
14:12 Charlotte: Are you angry?
14:12 Surono: lol nope, sorry if my writting format looks like something illfeel
14:12 Surono: im fine~ XD dw, im not type person like that haha wwwwww
14:15 Surono: oke, irc
14:15 *Surono is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Oni]]
14:16 Surono: tesss, dem disconnect orz
14:17 Charlotte: npnp
14:17 Surono: 00:47:478 - k dkdd 1/2 pls - _-
14:18 Surono: 00:47:478 - then muzu from here, k dk d 1/2 ........................................................
14:19 Surono: 00:47:772 - 00:48:654 - futsuu.. delete
14:20 Surono: 01:09:243 - move to 01:09:831 - here and change kat.. give short pattern pls x'd
14:20 Surono: tes
14:20 Surono: lul
14:20 Charlotte: sorry.I crashed osu! ;w;w;w;w;
14:20 Charlotte: edit is often crash...
14:21 Surono: same ,. or maybe our computar are too old - __ lets buy new, but first... destroy them.. ok jk
14:21 Charlotte: my pc is low spec. sorry
14:21 Charlotte: 00:47:478 - k dkdd?
14:22 Surono: thats why you rarely to play osu? XD
14:22 Surono: since u crashed, this is
14:22 Surono: last point for muzu diff... orz i forget to type it lel
14:24 Surono: 01:23:360 - add here don for futsuu, cuz in here the intense of song still strong than ending X"D
14:27 Charlotte: fixed.
14:29 Surono: bg position looks fit? owo
14:29 Surono: oke good lol
14:30 Charlotte: position is ok
14:30 Charlotte:
14:30 Surono: asdfasf
14:31 Charlotte: That's all?
14:31 Surono: yep
14:31 Surono: fixed those and anything fine for me lul xd aaa what is the current bg resolution, still 1024x768?
14:31 Charlotte: I'll updated.wait a moment.
14:32 Surono: or have u changed it? 1024 ok too wwww - _-
14:32 Charlotte: no I need 1900 * 1200 so I'll ask friend.
14:32 Surono: i can do that xd
14:32 Charlotte: Can you resize?
14:32 Surono: yep wait, i will try and will show to you first.
14:33 Charlotte: ohhhhh
14:33 Charlotte: image is above.
14:33 Surono: lel
14:33 Surono: from that link?
14:34 Charlotte:
14:34 Charlotte: yep
14:39 Surono: resized to 1920x1200
14:40 Surono: xd
14:40 Charlotte: dling
thingy fixing for better emphasize, few things to balancing spread density and changed resolution of bg.

dem nothing too much about emphasizing of mapset cuz already good for me, make new rhythm and not too force for music. ( wwww i luv follow dun tak dun tak and layering with flow or blah idk )
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

irc mod
14:04 Charlotte: hi surono. Do you remember my request?
14:04 Surono: yes
14:04 Surono: soon(tm) keks - _- lool
14:05 Surono: yeh its about when it started, imm a bit lazy and my brain now complicated with things x'd
14:06 Charlotte: I'm waiting about 1month >_<
14:06 Surono: ahueauehauhauehae x'd
14:07 Charlotte: you are my hope <3 .. .. ..
14:09 Surono: lul, was unexpected.. time so fast i guess ( but imma feel u reqs from 2weeks ago++ but yeh almost 1month ) xd yeh ikr waiting is crazy. ok seems now me haev time - _- lul i will check this today rn
14:12 Charlotte: Are you angry?
14:12 Surono: lol nope, sorry if my writting format looks like something illfeel
14:12 Surono: im fine~ XD dw, im not type person like that haha wwwwww
14:15 Surono: oke, irc
14:15 *Surono is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Oni]]
14:16 Surono: tesss, dem disconnect orz
14:17 Charlotte: npnp
14:17 Surono: 00:47:478 - k dkdd 1/2 pls - _-
14:18 Surono: 00:47:478 - then muzu from here, k dk d 1/2 ........................................................
14:19 Surono: 00:47:772 - 00:48:654 - futsuu.. delete
14:20 Surono: 01:09:243 - move to 01:09:831 - here and change kat.. give short pattern pls x'd
14:20 Surono: tes
14:20 Surono: lul
14:20 Charlotte: sorry.I crashed osu! ;w;w;w;w;
14:20 Charlotte: edit is often crash...
14:21 Surono: same ,. or maybe our computar are too old - __ lets buy new, but first... destroy them.. ok jk
14:21 Charlotte: my pc is low spec. sorry
14:21 Charlotte: 00:47:478 - k dkdd?
14:22 Surono: thats why you rarely to play osu? XD
14:22 Surono: since u crashed, this is
14:22 Surono: last point for muzu diff... orz i forget to type it lel
14:24 Surono: 01:23:360 - add here don for futsuu, cuz in here the intense of song still strong than ending X"D
14:27 Charlotte: fixed.
14:29 Surono: bg position looks fit? owo
14:29 Surono: oke good lol
14:30 Charlotte: position is ok
14:30 Charlotte:
14:30 Surono: asdfasf
14:31 Charlotte: That's all?
14:31 Surono: yep
14:31 Surono: fixed those and anything fine for me lul xd aaa what is the current bg resolution, still 1024x768?
14:31 Charlotte: I'll updated.wait a moment.
14:32 Surono: or have u changed it? 1024 ok too wwww - _-
14:32 Charlotte: no I need 1900 * 1200 so I'll ask friend.
14:32 Surono: i can do that xd
14:32 Charlotte: Can you resize?
14:32 Surono: yep wait, i will try and will show to you first.
14:33 Charlotte: ohhhhh
14:33 Charlotte: image is above.
14:33 Surono: lel
14:33 Surono: from that link?
14:34 Charlotte:
14:34 Charlotte: yep
14:39 Surono: resized to 1920x1200
14:40 Surono: xd
14:40 Charlotte: dling
thingy fixing for better emphasize, few things to balancing spread density and changed resolution of bg.

dem nothing too much about emphasizing of mapset cuz already good for me, make new rhythm and not too force for music. ( wwww i luv follow dun tak dun tak and layering with flow or blah idk )
All diff updated. & Thanks resize image :)

lul meme of recorderz flutee xd
12:31 Jonawaga: heyo
12:32 Charlotte: heyo
12:32 *Jonawaga is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Oni]]
12:32 Jonawaga: wanna mod?
12:32 Charlotte: IRC?
12:33 Jonawaga: sure
12:33 Charlotte: okay
12:33 *Jonawaga is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Oni]]
12:33 *Charlotte is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Oni]]
12:34 Jonawaga: 00:10:713 (16) - since you marked the drum as k 00:07:184 (3) - / 00:08:360 (8) - / 00:09:537 (11) - here, should this be k too?
12:35 Jonawaga: or is it coincidence
12:36 Charlotte: sounds like k drum sound.but,00:10:419 - here is I prefer ddk d
12:37 Jonawaga: 00:08:066 (7) - it's the same here but you did ddk k
12:38 Charlotte: eh I used ddk d
12:38 Jonawaga: oops
12:39 Jonawaga: i forgot to update ;w;
12:39 Charlotte: okok ><
12:40 Jonawaga: 00:19:831 (48,49) - why's this dk?
12:40 Charlotte: follow the vocal
12:41 Jonawaga: is the vocal ascending there
12:42 Charlotte: 00:19:537 - "ta" 00:19:831 (48,49) - "ru ga"
12:43 Jonawaga: k because ga is the hardest?
12:44 Charlotte: 00:19:978 - have extend sound.I prefer kd < dk.
12:45 Jonawaga: 00:19:243 (46,47) - should this be d k then because of the "ta"
12:48 Charlotte: 00:19:537 - 00:19:831 - I think same sound.& d-k-d-k pattnern only is bored
12:48 Jonawaga: ok
12:48 Jonawaga: 00:23:066 (61,62) - k k same sound?
12:50 Charlotte: I think 00:23:066 - high 00:23:654 - low 00:24:243 - high 00:24:831 - high
12:51 Jonawaga: 00:23:066 (61,62) - these both sound high to me ;w;
12:53 Charlotte: 00:24:095 - 00:24:537 - try remove.竊談-d-k-k looks good.
12:53 Charlotte: easy to understand
12:54 Jonawaga: ok
12:54 Jonawaga: thanks
12:54 Jonawaga: keep it >w<
12:54 Charlotte: b
12:58 Jonawaga: 00:56:301 (173,174,175,176) - kkd k ?
12:59 Jonawaga: for vocals and stuff
13:00 Charlotte: 00:58:360 (180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189) - here have ddk k d kkd k for various
13:01 Charlotte: & I think kdk d is not bad.
13:02 *Jonawaga is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Muzukashii]]
13:02 *Charlotte is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Muzukashii]]
13:03 Jonawaga: in muzu you have it as 00:56:301 (131,132,133) - dkd to prevent from d k d k d right?
13:04 Charlotte: how about you think kkd?
13:04 Charlotte: more good?
13:04 Jonawaga: 00:56:301 (131,132,133,134) - i was thinking kdk k
13:05 Jonawaga: kkd is fine if you want
13:06 Charlotte: ok.I changed kkkd
13:06 Charlotte: miss
13:06 Charlotte: kkd
13:06 Jonawaga: miss?
13:06 Charlotte: I wrong type kkkd
13:06 Jonawaga: oh
13:07 Jonawaga: 01:00:125 (140,141,142) - dkd to vary it?
13:08 Charlotte: 01:18:948 (191,192,193) - I used dkd
13:08 Charlotte: first is kkd second is dkd
13:08 Charlotte: already various pattern.
13:10 Jonawaga: 01:00:125 (140,141,142) - / 01:18:948 (191,192,193) - switch them,
13:10 Jonawaga: 01:15:125 (182,183,184) - / 01:00:125 (140,141,142) - so they're not close to similar patterns
13:12 Charlotte: okay fixed.
13:12 Jonawaga: 01:29:831 (218,219,220,221) - ddkd for vocals or dddk for drums?
13:12 Jonawaga: or dkkd for vocals still
13:14 Charlotte: dkkd
13:14 Charlotte: fixed
13:14 Jonawaga: ok
13:14 *Jonawaga is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Futsuu]]
13:15 Jonawaga: 00:58:360 (101) - k because it's higher than the previous
13:15 *Charlotte is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Futsuu]]
13:15 Jonawaga: and possibly to vary with 01:17:184 (140) - this
13:16 Charlotte: 00:58:948 - here have more high d-k is good flow
13:16 Jonawaga: ok
13:17 Jonawaga: 01:01:890 - dk for flow because 01:01:890 (108) - this is very high
13:19 Charlotte: have high sound.but,01:03:066 - here is still high sound. so d-k-d d-k-d is good flow
13:20 Jonawaga: I thought 01:03:066 (109) - this was a lower sound
13:21 Jonawaga: 00:45:419 (77) - k for high sound?
13:21 Charlotte: no
13:22 Charlotte: 00:46:007 - here is more high.& I think d-k- flow is good
13:22 Charlotte: k k < d k
13:22 Jonawaga: 00:45:419 - / 00:46:301 - this is all the same sound but ok
13:23 Jonawaga: 00:46:890 (80,81) - kd for lower sound?
13:24 Charlotte: 00:48:066 - I prefer low is here only
13:24 Jonawaga: true
13:24 Jonawaga: 00:30:713 (49,50) - ctrl+g for pitches and stuff?
13:27 Charlotte: I prefer this part is easy pattern.
13:27 Charlotte: & 00:24:831 - remove this notes. for break.
13:30 Jonawaga: ok i guess we're done here
13:30 Jonawaga: I talked about colors the whole time because it's fine in terms of objective stuff
13:31 Charlotte: okay
13:31 Jonawaga: upload, say the changes you made in a post, and I'll qualify

tl;dr hardly anything changed, just some colors
おめでとうございます :) :) :) :) :) :)
congra chu =3=
Disqualified as requested by map creator to fix the issue of consecutive mapping in Muzukashii.

IRC with Charlotte, Aug 27, 2017
22:18 Nardoxyribonucleic: hi
22:22 Charlotte: hi
22:23 *Nardoxyribonucleic is editing [ Koiwai Kotori, Murakawa Rie, Sakura Ayane, Asumi Kana - Okaeri [Muzukashii]]
22:23 Nardoxyribonucleic: The whole map has no breaks...
22:25 Charlotte: so hard?
22:25 Nardoxyribonucleic: Yes, it needs some 2/1 rests
22:27 Charlotte: if you want to dq,please post
22:28 Charlotte: & please break suggesttion.
22:29 Nardoxyribonucleic: Okay. I am going to point it out in the thread, then you respond to it. I will give suggestions after DQ.
22:29 Charlotte: but,too late
22:30 Nardoxyribonucleic: what too late
22:30 Charlotte: suggestion.
22:34 Nardoxyribonucleic: In case you want to fix the issue, request a DQ first
22:34 Charlotte: Well, I agree that there is no break
22:36 Nardoxyribonucleic: So are you requesting me to DQ the map so as to fix that?
22:38 Charlotte: yes/
Here comes the suggestions regarding the problem stated above.

  • [Futsuu]
  1. From 00:11:301 to 00:17:184 - maybe rearrange the pattern like this for a better spread with Muzukashii ? (cursor at 00:13:654 - )
  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:14:243 (20,21) - consider removing these notes to leave a 2/1 break ? It would accompany the transition into verse well.
  2. 00:44:831 (102,104) - similar to ^ , you may delete these notes as well.
  3. 01:24:831 (204,206) - delete and move 01:23:948 (202) - to 01:23:360 - ? Same as ^
You may call me back after that.
Topic Starter

Nardoxyribonucleic wrote:

Here comes the suggestions regarding the problem stated above.

  • [Futsuu]
  1. From 00:11:301 to 00:17:184 - maybe rearrange the pattern like this for a better spread with Muzukashii ? (cursor at 00:13:654 - ) nice pattern.
  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:14:243 (20,21) - consider removing these notes to leave a 2/1 break ? It would accompany the transition into verse well. fixed.
  2. 00:44:831 (102,104) - similar to ^ , you may delete these notes as well. ^
  3. 01:24:831 (204,206) - delete and move 01:23:948 (202) - to 01:23:360 - ? Same as ^ ^
You may call me back after that.
Thanks for mods :)
Rechecked and confirmed that the issue is resolved.

Im not Nardo, then this is fine.
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