Slots: 3 M4M slots
M4M Map:
- Standard only. If you have a hybrid set I'll just mod the std diffs
- I'll mod in case of M4M first. So you owe me and not the other way around.
- No maps over 6.5*.
- No placeholders, No tickets. At least not for now
- Unrankable sets are accepted too. You probably should tell me how to approach them though, otherwise I'll will just treat them as every other map.
- M4M should be done 1 week after I made my mod or you might be blacklisted form this queue. only if M4M is non-optional
- Read my latest post.
- Map: A link to your map listing or other page where I can download it in case you want to save slots
Song: Give a quick Description of your song like a genre or a meme description like "a song about funny triangles". Don't just put the song name though or from which Game/series it is.
Rankability: Put here if your map is going for rank. This will not affect if your request will be taken, but What I will focus on when modding
Controversial design?: Put here if you "think" your map does or does not have some unconventional concepts or things that can be viewed as controversial. I need this question to know if you are aware of any major issues or not, if there are any. If your map is just a bit experimental mention it here that might help a lot.
if you have any questions feel free to pm me.