
Your best Taiko BPM

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I'm making a taiko practicing etudes where BPM is increasing from 150 BPM to 200 BPM.

I'm asking mainly more advanced taiko players - what's the biggest BPM where you can play but with some problems sometimes?

I'm asking, because I'm planning adding special part for more advanced players with bigger BPM. :P
Like, 270 is probally the max I can play with no problems. Maybe 280/290.
Lol...i start going :o when a song reaches 200 bpm....i play good till 180/190
I can go until 210.
I get some mistakes in hyadain no joujou yuujou because it's fast AND really hard, and it's BPM 200 :o
Hm, I think something like 220 is my limit. It depends also on how long a map is.

NeoRainier wrote:

Lol...i start going :o when a song reaches 200 bpm....i play good till 180/190

Well I might play good 'till maybe 230--ish bpm

Depends of the length

In StepMania I can easily hit 300-ish bpms.
220 bpm +/- 10 I think.
250. No more unless simple patterns. Even HayaSai kills me :/

Could go more than 500 actually, but just triple 1/4 I guess xD
300+ on don/kat-only, about 200 on advanced streams
For me, it's around 210.
I usually completely use both hands (Autoplay) for songs that are higher than that.
Yes, I'm weak at BPM :o
In 1/2 sections I've never played anything over 262 (White rose insanity) but my guess would be 300 probably, not sure.
As for advanced streams and patterns 240 is as fast as I can go. ( Although I do get tierd after playing that fast ) But songs 230 and under I can do no problem.

Backfire wrote:

Like, 270 is probally the max I can play with no problems. Maybe 280/290.
In 1/2 sections I bet you can, but not complex 1/4 V:.
I don't even think Noobita was that fast.

MMzz wrote:

Backfire wrote:

Like, 270 is probally the max I can play with no problems. Maybe 280/290.
In 1/2 sections I bet you can, but not complex 1/4 V:.
I don't even think Noobita was that fast.
They didn't specify WHAT was in it. I was giving an estimate if it was just like some random 1/4 3 or 5 notes of the same color. Complex? I'd say 240.

Backfire wrote:

They didn't specify WHAT was in it. I was giving an estimate if it was just like some random 1/4 3 or 5 notes of the same color. Complex? I'd say 240.
even a simple d k ddk pattern in 250+ is hell

_Gezo_ wrote:

NeoRainier wrote:

Lol...i start going :o when a song reaches 200 bpm....i play good till 180/190
Yes, i suck at fast songs...i can do them just when i'm in berserk(FCing continously or playing from more than 3 hours)
208 is my limit...

Zekira wrote:

208 is my limit...
Hurrrr ryougen.
Didn't you FC Jyoubutsu? >220
Once. Out of 12908357023975023 times.

Anything 210 above usually hurts my hand after around 90 seconds of playing. Yes, my hand hurts from playing Punishment and H.Sai. Go figure.

Zekira wrote:

Once. Out of 12908357023975023 times.

Anything 210 above usually hurts my hand after around 90 seconds of playing. Yes, my hand hurts from playing Punishment and H.Sai. Go figure.
H.Sai does hurt to play when not properly warmed up. Mata.Sai too
stable at all time under 200

For 200~300 I can't play too long (e.g. I can't FC Demetori's Sanae theme orz)

For short 1/8 I can play BPM190 9-plets, and 1/4 BPM190 in one finger.

(single handed player :3)
And yeah high BPM is my one and main weakness when playing any rhythm game, which is why for me, aside from Joubutsu2000 and Shimedore2000, K.Sai2000 is the hardest song ever ._.
Update !
Well in fact I can FC Seirogan2000 Oni, so I think It could be more up to 230 :D
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