
PyP Mafia - osu! Community [Killer Win!]

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Rolled wrote:

Any opinions on the whole bmin detective bit?
On one hand, it's a little too convenient that his ability only works half the time, especially when it's so weak- it provides heck of a lot of deniability if he's faking it, and he can also get us to vote for somebody incorrectly at LyLo. On the other, though, the flavor of the claim seems correct (though I wonder why bmin chose Daru). When you factor in on his general activity, I'm more inclined to vote Kiddo barring further input from him.

Oh, and are you proposing bmin/kiddo as a lynch target over foulcoon? You ran some scenarios, but seemed to have left out the chance of us hitting town- in which case, the next day we have 2 mafia 2 independant 1 town.
Well you, myself, and Chris are confirmed town as far as I'm concerned. The only interchangeable two are Lilac and bmin. Lilac's commuter claim was the base of my strongman arguement, so as long as a strongman exists, Lilac is likely town.

Thus, the players we need to eliminate in some order are foulcoon, kiddo, bmin, and mashley, depending on how exactly town wins (i forget these fucking win conditions. We win when mafia is eliminated?)

The theory I have only works in the case that a Strongman exists. Since so far it seems we don't have a roleblocker, I was looking for alternative mafia aux powers. The silencer appeared to be one-shot, and the executioner (or whatever Rantai (?) was) was a shitty role, from what I gathered. Seems to be there needs to be some other form of power within the mafia. Strongman makes sense.

And faceman, if you were theoretically creating a role variation that has no previous presence in a mafia game elsewhere, would you theoretically inform us? (similar to how LS does in her "mafia discussion" threads)
I'm interested on Lilac's opinion on the strongman theory.
The role being not so effective is why I role claimed without a thought when you asked me to role claim. I honestly think it could have been just 100% chance and still well balanced. I asked if I could just get 100% success rate and why not, but denied and that's why I was late on confirmation (see page 5 and NoHItter's RV for more info). I'm guessing 0_o was trying out new roles and see how the balance work or something.

Reason why I picked Daru. He was my thired option. My first was ThePassingShadow expecting to be a survivor (ya I want an easy role), and DxS just for the heck of it. Why Daru? I saw his name on Off-Topic. Daru was just a space filler. I really didn't expect to get Daru.

People I want for the lynch

because they are all 2 mafia + a SK for me by just going through a simple elimination process. Mashley? I'm in trouble believing he could turn up mafia/SK because of "I can't win GG" post, but it certainly is a possibility.
Fucking damnit. Akro, your cop oneshot is gone, right?

We could seal the win with that shit :(
wait, did he use it? I don't remember reading his result at all D:
I think I drove it onto pieguy. He scanned foul.
Hopppppppppefully it's not gone, since you examined a dead person? Come on faceman, one time :D
Yep, I got pieguy as a result (of course, else this would be too easy right?). Interestingly enough the result was also "unknown", but that probably just means "vanilla", with an ascetic modifier. That means I'm just a confirmed townie, now, having wasted my protection that last night.

I don't think Bmin could make up that stuff about his role, especially that part about being late.

bmin11 wrote:

People I want for the lynch
1. If foulcoon is mafia:

-Lilac is too, else mafia would just have killed Lilac. He wouldn't be a commuter, because there were three kills that night two/wojjan died. Kiddo is then SK?

2. If foulcoon is SK:

-Lilac is actually townie commuter? Mashley + Kiddo are mafia. The problem with this scenario is, who then killed two/wojjan that night?
-Lilac is scum (foulcoon decided it'd be better to let him live as an easier lynch target). Other mafia could be anyone.
I also had an idea that there actually might not be two Mafia left, but only one... However, this thought meant that I sympathized with a LOT of people and that there's a set possibility of a 3rd independent, possibly Chris. So I scrapped this idea pretty early.

That said, akro's dead set on killing me. Uguu. T_T

With Rolled's Strongman argument, I'm thinking that it might be possible but I'm not 100% sure. It's times like these I wish our Setup Sleuth didn't die N1.

I also don't doubt bmin's role like I said before, it's too elaborate and detailed to be made up. Though I'll be damned if he did. The safest lynch today would be foul or Kiddo in my opinion.
Hold up, speaking of that. Let's rewind back to N1.

Only one person died during N1, I didn't use my commuter ability at that time and considering that there was the mafia and SK lose it's an odd phenomenon to wonder why one one person died.


Rolled wrote:

Upon LS's death, Mashley claimed that his "win condition is invalidated." What I don't understand is, why are you now a survivor winning with either side? Wouldn't you have already lost the game? Half-win, perhaps? Please elaborate a little, Mashley.
This is what I assumed would happen too - out of interest at the start of the game I asked what would happen if LS got nightkilled, but 0_o simply said I'd find out if it happened. And what happened was I became a survivor.
you guys keep forgetting the "hypothetical" situation that I'm neither mafia nor SK, btw. I'm starting to lose hope.
Fine, let's see.

If foulcoon wasn't mafia or SK my attention would be towards Chris. Chris would not be SK but definitely Mafia. His partner would have been rust/Kiddo because if lied about his role, he would have thought to pull out the naïve card at D2 while hiding his partner D1 with a bunch of other people.

Which means SK is Mash or anyone else really... I'm not even sure.
Hence the only safest option in my opinion is...

Vote: Kiddo

foulcoon wrote:

you guys keep forgetting the "hypothetical" situation that I'm neither mafia nor SK, btw. I'm starting to lose hope.
Yeah because it's basically impossible, given the number of kills and people who were killed. Oh, unless you want to claim something other than night vig?

@Lilac- safest vote is still foulcoon. I did forget the possibility that chris is scum (thanks for reminding me), but I don't believe that too much for now. Kiddo is pretty scummy, especially with all that lurking, so I wouldn't be against his lynch but I'd still go with foulcoon first.
Topic Starter
Vote Count

foulcoon (2) akrosmir bmin
Chris (1) Chris
Lilac (1) foulcoon
Kiddo-kun (1) Lilac

1 day, 2.5 hours remaining

EDIT: didn't see Rolled's unvote.

Lilac wrote:

Hold up, speaking of that. Let's rewind back to N1.

Only one person died during N1, I didn't use my commuter ability at that time and considering that there was the mafia and SK lose it's an odd phenomenon to wonder why one one person died.

Wojjan most likely either jailed the SK, or jailed the target. Didn't really go back and read who she is likely to have jailed.

Chris being mafia isn't really something we can consider right now. We have no room to lynch him, and we're already nearing lylo.

I'm fine with foulcoon, I guess. vote foulcoon for like the fourth time today.
I'd like to vote for foulcoon but I'm afraid just in case the real mafia douche will hammer him so they can win at the end.
Oh screw it.

Vote: foulcoon

Let's see whoever hammers him.
More time to focus on other games I guess.

I've done all I can to persuade you guys from making a mistake.
unvote vote foulcoon
Look at this Chris guy.

What a fag, seriously. I'll be damned if you lynched town.

Lilac wrote:

Look at this Chris guy.

What a fag, seriously. I'll be damned if you lynched town.
lol you think foulcoon is town

Lilac wrote:

I'll be damned if you lynched town.

Lilac wrote:

Lilac wrote:

I'll be damned if you lynched town.
not gonna happen
Also, for the lulz I targeted myself last night. I had a feeling Rolled would switch me my target. Seems like I was right, boy is this game getting hilarious
that was like, the worst lie I've ever seen.

If you think he is town, don't vote. You encourged the hammer.

EDIT: by voting the 4th vote I mean
I acknowledged this before, bmin. Goddamnit, does anyone even care anymore?
No. I just didn't like you calling Chris a fag for hammering.
I really expect the roleplay part of this for me to like, come at him at the last second and cut his head off or something

or something like that only online
Hope that 0_o or Doc does that then.

Eyelander, guys! Or Half-Zatochi, that's equally as cool as well.
The fact that I was able to survive until day 4 is a testament to how hilarious this game was, especially when my team was retarded (except rantai, he just got shit on). Good fight, guys.
I would also like to add before Rolled gets a big head that I killed LS, not pieguy. Looks like the Sk wanted me dead and you got a townie killed instead. High five lolol.

Go serial killer!
At least I got the "someone shot foul, foul shot LS" part right.

Also it sounds like all mafia are dead now? That would be pretty awesome.
And I think I've just figured out who's SK.

Oh wow...I have to reread this thread again to confirm.
Want to tell us before he shoots you?

Lilac wrote:

And I think I've just figured out who's SK.

Oh wow...I have to reread this thread again to confirm.

Yeah, you, kiddo, or bmin.

Leaning you.

I hope you win, serial killer.
It's Kiddo or Chris.

I really would have preferred a Kiddo lynch today though to confirm that.
Kiddo hasn't really said anything much to confirm his identity as town, plus process of elimination shows that.

More unlikely though, Chris was probably elaborate with roleclaim but to have suddenly gone broke as to be naive... Bleh, I dunno. Still reading. Hold on.
It all actually depends on tonight's kill.

rust being replaced with Kiddo didn't really help. I just think it's safe to lynch him tomorrow.

Also, the SK won't have the balls to kill me. I dare you.

Lilac wrote:

Also, the SK won't have the balls to kill me. I dare you.
Why did you just roleclaim serial killer.
Final Vote Count:

foulcoon (5) - Lilac, Chris, bmin11, Rolled, akrolsmir
Lilac (1) - foulcoon

Not Voting - Kiddo-kun, Mashley

Writing terrible lynch scene now
Since there were only eight people left, everyone decided it would be way more interesting to solve this case with a multiplayer game. After all, there aren't too many high ranked BATs anyway.

There was, of course, only one map suitable for such a showdown - Marisa.

Chris took the early lead, but missed a note a few seconds into the map. He immediately raged and just stopped playing. He quickly fell into last place when his life bar completely depleted.

Everyone else was doing fairly well except for awp, who was struggling to stay alive. It was probably due to the eyepatch blocking his sight. Oh, it also doesn't help that Cuddlebun was constantly PM'ing him. He eventually failed, but was still a fair bit ahead of Chris.

Just before the final deathstream though, Chris decided that awp had to go. Gathering a reserve of finger tapping speed normally seen only in Taiko players, Chris full-comboed the entire stream sequence with ease. All 300's of course. It was more than enough to put his score above awp's.

awp didn't even care, he was too busy rocking out to Armcannon.

foulcoon (awp) - Strongman - Lynched D4

It is now Night 4, you've got 24 hours. Again, you may send actions to either me or faceman.
Everyone wakes up and logs on osu! at the exact same time somehow.

Well except peppy, who was already online. By "online" I mean he was spamming the channels with Random Jibberish and talking about how clever he was to have hacked peppy's account. Then Banchobot banned him for spamming. You somehow get the idea that no one is going to bother removing his ban for a while.

Looks like they got peppy too. That can't be good...

Mashley (peppy) - Survivor - Nightkilled N4

It is now Day 5, with 6 alive it's 4 to lynch.

You have 3 days from this post.
vote: kiddo
Have you read the thread yet?
They targeted you last night, akro. I played it a little conservative with mashley.

bmin11 wrote:

Have you read the thread yet?
Kinda skimmed through it. Probably missed some important information.
Wanna role claim?
Vote kiddo from iPhone
Thanks, rolled.
Most to least likely:


Today was supposed to be when we lynch chris, but in light of what's been happening recently vote: Kiddo

Night actions, everyone?

Actually unvote, I don't want to have him at L1 already.
stop stalling
... me or kiddo?

akrolsmir wrote:

... me or kiddo?

kiddo dies = town wins
If Kiddo says nothing (no inputs on the game) for the first 24 hours of D5, I'm voting for him.
Same. Meanwhile, chris seems to be encouraging the easy lynch to get to the next night a lot quicker.

akrolsmir wrote:

Same. Meanwhile, chris seems to be encouraging the easy lynch to get to the next night a lot quicker.
or you can sit here for a couple of days and come up with the exact same outcome

if you think I'm anything but town you're bad
I think Chris has a point. I mean, what can Kiddo possibly say to get himself out of this?
Ya I'm pretty confident he is SK for not being able to role claim on D3 or something. I just don't feel it's right to hammer it without giving any chances or indicating "You are in danger. Try to prove yourself"
Well think about it...

...I'm pretty sure rust didn't claim anything as well.
Oh yeah, I wanted to mention that it's possible there's still one mafia lurking around. I mean, foulcoon obviously indicated to the contrary but it could be disinformation.
In this game, I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia faction has disappeared already. The fact is we NEED to find the SK and the most likely one is Kiddo.

If anyone else is Mafia, it's Chris and we can just lynch him next day.
there is no more mafia

kiddo is last

hurry up and hammer so we can win

pretty sure SK wins with whatever side wins

otherwise lynch bmin tomorrow cause he's SK
Vote: Kiddo

Let's get this over and done with. Overthinking can hurt one's brain too much.
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Kiddo-kun (3) Chris Rolled Lilac
Look at this 0_o guy.

Just 0_oing.
23 hours, but that's good enough

Vote: Kiddo-kun
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That's the lynch, 1 sec.
Leaving for a short field trip by the way
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Kiddo-kun stared at the chatlog. The whole week he was cruising on Chris's claim that he was innocent, but that ship has sailed: it was unanimous that he was next to go.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," Kiddo-kun typed. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be off to my moon base, watching the community fall apart from a safe distance ^_^"

*ztrot has disconnected

Kiddo-kun (ztrot) - Goon - Lynched D5

It is now Night 5, you've got 24 hours.
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Remember to send "No Action" if you don't wish to do anything.
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9 PM

He sat at his desk, watching the community scramble. The threat of a corrupt administration served as a convenient and effective distraction; the timing couldn't have been better to carry out his agenda. Soon, the real villains will be brought to justice, he thought as dusk started to fall. He took out a shabby old notepad, on it the names of nine admins:


He took a pencil, and with it wrote and circled the tenth and final name:

Hitoshirenu Shourai

Tonight, justice will be served.

Tonight is the night of Mystearica.

1 AM

Mystearica approached the quaint suburban house. He compared it to the photo in his right hand. Yep, this is it. Out of his trenchcoat he produced a flat, circular device with a red light in the centre.
"A miniature EMP pulse should do the trick." he said out loud. "And look at that, she was kind enough to leave her window open."
He walked over to the window, took a deep breath, and motioned to activate the charge -
Hito was awake, and was now standing across the room staring at the intruder at the window. "I knew you would come here eventually. Why? Why are you doing this?"
Myst hid the device behind his back. He glared at her: "You think it was just a small group of the BAT that was corrupt? It's ALL of you! The entire administration is nothing but a group of power-hungry, controlling dictators shaping osu! into whatever benefits themselves!"
"You're delusional," Hito said with a smirk. "I'm sure the cops would love to hear your story once they come pick you up. I called them as soon as I saw you from my upstairs window." As if on cue, the flashing of police lights lit up the street. "Sorry buddy, you're screwed."

Myst activated the charge behind his back. "We'll see about that."

Seconds later, everything was dark.

Lilac (Hitoshirenu Shourai) - Commuter - Nightkilled N5


The community had finally come to rest. They corrupt administration had been purged, and the mysterious rogue was nowhere to be seen. They had lost a fair portion of their administration, but contributions were made to help get the innocent BATs and developers back on their feet, and MATs were temporarily given admin status until the BAT shortage was over. Eventually, everything would return to normal.

"But don't worry," Myst said, breaking the fourth wall as he crossed out the tenth name and started a new page.

"I'll be back."

bmin11 (Mystearica) - BAT Killer - Win!

Town recieves a half-win for eliminating all mafia without the help of the killer!

Mafia... loses!
gj bmin
Topic Starter
gj bmin :(
wow what the fuck. I didn't think we had anything to worry about, it was obvious bmin was the SK.

lilac = commuter = direct counter to strongman
chris, alec, akro 100% confirmed (along with lilac)
i thought SK needed to be last alive :(

role list pls.

edit: ninja 3x.
Username: awp
Role: Strongman
Ability: Strongkill - kills target without fail
Uses: One-shot

For the record, I called foulcoon to be most likely to be mafia from the get go because I couldn't imagine him picking anybody other than awp/ival/seibei/me ^__^
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Rolled wrote:

i thought SK needed to be last alive :(
Remember what adam's death revealed D2?
"There is an independent killer who wins when a certain group of people are eliminated."
just for the record I picked two/rolled/peppy

also lol my night questions

edit: ya me too rolled, we should of lynched bmin first then kiddo :(

would of won, oh well

Rolled wrote:

For the record, I called foulcoon to be most likely to be mafia from the get go because I couldn't imagine him picking anybody other than awp/ival/seibei/me ^__^
no one picked you ~

0_o wrote:

Rolled wrote:

i thought SK needed to be last alive :(
Remember what adam's death revealed D2?
"There is an independent killer who wins when a certain group of people are eliminated."
:( Fuck me I'm bad. Did anybody point this out/notice it?
wow, good job bmin~

I picked Index-san/Saten-san/Hentai (I think I said this). Then since I got that damn role I probably would have been lynched for claiming townie. Oh well, good game everyone :D
I picked quaraezha animask bmin if I didn't say already
Topic Starter
Everybody's three choices are on the "Role Choices" page of the mod notes.


faceman deadchat wrote:

Then Lyby came up with the overconfident fact checker thing and it was just too hilarious not to use :P
also lold
Topic Starter
Just a few comments, first one quoted from the dead chat:

Two (Chris)
This was the last role we figured out; I wanted him to be a cop (woman's intuition) and/or a vig who has to kill someone day 1, but we already had a flavor cop and 1-shot cop (jack-of-all-trades), and with siblings, an SK and a 1-shot vig (akro again) that would just be too many deaths.

Then Lyby came up with the overconfident fact checker thing ("Two is always right!") and it was just too hilarious not to use :P It ended up having a much bigger impact than I was anticipating though.

One thing that confused me though was why nobody considered the possibility that Chris was insane when he got the false result on himself. All of his results at that point were the same as they would be if he was insane.

NoHItter's "anti-town forces" bit
Yeahhh I pretty much dropped the ball on this one - I was planning on letting everybody in on the PM wordings, but I actually did forget; It wasn't until NoHItter quoted that part that it occurred to me. Worried the game was going to break with all the townies confirming each other, I told the mafia what happened, and played dumb when Mash & bmin PMed me saying I forgot to tell them about it.
So sorry about that, it probably wasn't the best solution, but when the game I spent so much time crafting is on the verge of breaking, it was time for desperate measures :P

So yeah, hope you guys had fun ^_^. Maybe a game this experimental was a little much considering it was my first time hosting, and there are a few things I would do differently in retrospect (*cough* Two *cough*), but it was a good experience and I'm looking forward to doing another one. A little more normal next time, though.

Oh also, huge thanks to Lyby for co-hosting :D Couldn't have done it without ya. Well.. maybe I could have, but it would have been harder and more work :)

0_o wrote:

Just a few comments, first one quoted from the dead chat:

Two (Chris)

One thing that confused me though was why nobody considered the possibility that Chris was insane when he got the false result on himself. All of his results at that point were the same as they would be if he was insane.
I already got most of this out of my system in dead chat but it was a matter of balance. Yeah, a fact checker is itself imbalanced, but only if you have both the time and strategy to use it correctly. Naive fact checker, in conjunction with the other roles in this game, was just too bad for me to consider.
at first I was annoyed when I found out I was useless but I can settle with a half win

I think in some way I might of helped

The hard part was realizing Chris wasn't sane. Fortunately, someone had figured it out by day 3. I can't remember who it was (I wasn't the first one to say that, so I don't mean me). >.<

Lyby wrote:

Maybe if people would listen to what Rolled is saying, the town might actually win, because he's right about almost everything.

Rantai wrote:

Well this game is just about over if anyone listens to Rolled.

Naive fact checker was obviously the biggest downfall of the town, but I think it could have been managed had we proven it earlier. Seeing whether or not Chris was roleblocked/nked, etc is way too WIFOMy and I think town would have done much better had he checked N2, if not N1. Regardless, still impressed with how we turned it around. Hat off to bmin though, he played fucking amazingly, regardless of how helpful the mass roleclaim was. The Daru claim impressed the living shit out of me. I would had never considered you being the SK had not just been for process of elimination.
until you notice that his daru claim was a nerfed version of my role, like foulcoon's was a nerfed version of akrolsmirs

the flavor was so on point though :(

Chris wrote:

at first I was annoyed when I found out I was useless but I can settle with a half win
Yeah, pretty much this.

Also, I'm totally going to host three games at once at some point in the future, and have roles that can interact with the other games. Thanks for that idea, Chris.
Yeah, I found it a bit odd that there were two of the same role, but at that time there was still a chance there was a vigilante in addition to the one-shot vigilante, so I thought it was plausible :?

LOL @ LS...That would definitely be interesting. (inb4mind game mafia 3, 4, and 5 that all interact with each other in some unknown way)

foulcoon wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

A mafia that went to shoot Two, but not Lilac while he said he will shoot Lilac?
What is this, admitting you're the SK and that you killed Wojjan?
So called it. Too bad I poisoned your minds by trying to get you guys to kill Lilac so Kiddo would survive.

foulcoon wrote:

So called it. Too bad I poisoned your minds by trying to get you guys to kill Lilac so Kiddo would survive.
You're totally a fool for killing me instead of bmin. Not that it would've made any difference at all. I was a (justified) fool for following along with the assumption Chris is sane. But honestly, I didn't care at the point that I actually evaluated it.
Maybe he really was onto me, since the strongman kill was already used at that point. I gathered he was strongman even though he apparently didn't kill pieguy though, which I was wrong in thought but not actuality. Oh wells.

Also had he targetted pieguy instead of you, they would have had one less mafia that night while we would have had one more town. So why he's a fool I'm not sure, worked out pretty good for him :P
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