
Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011 at 17:28:56

Artist: Digital Explosion
Title: Driving Force Classical
Source: In the Groove
Tags: itg heatkai
BPM: 168
Filesize: 2968kb
Play Time: 02:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. 52's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 763 notes)
  2. Easy (1.48 stars, 115 notes)
  3. Hard (4.85 stars, 230 notes)
  4. Insane (4.98 stars, 323 notes)
  5. Normal (2.78 stars, 139 notes)
Download: Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy - 100%
Normal - 100%
Hard - 100%
52's Taiko - 100%
Insane - 100%

Thanks to:
HeatKai:For the taiko diff "52's Taiko"
Buena cancion :D
Te puedo ayudar con una taiko diff???
Hay que escribir una carta para postear algo >:(
Huge IRC-mod:

15:28 <MoodyRPG> : hola deif
15:28 <Deif> : hola~
15:29 <MoodyRPG> : obtuvistes lo que querias,una insane
15:29 <MoodyRPG> : e.e
15:29 *MoodyRPG is listening to (Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical)[]
15:29 <MoodyRPG> : me podrias modear porfavor?
15:29 <Deif> : oh, sí :)
15:29 <Deif> : esto lo quiero probar :)
15:30 <Deif> : sí, es un insane puro ^^
15:30 <MoodyRPG> : hehe
15:33 <Deif> : hay un par de spacing raros, pero nada que no se pueda arreglar ;3
15:33 <MoodyRPG> : eso me preocupa
15:33 <MoodyRPG> : lo de los spacing
15:33 <Deif> : te lo hago por IRC, y así voy más rápido?
15:33 <MoodyRPG> : ok
15:33 <Deif> : vamos a ver...
15:34 <Deif> : [Insane]:
15:34 <Deif> : 00:27:129 (4,5) - aquí haría ctrl-R al 5
15:34 <Deif> : nah, mejor no
15:34 <Deif> : movería el 4
15:34 <MoodyRPG> : haha
15:35 <Deif> : en esa posición se ve un poco raro
15:35 <Deif> : súbelo un poco para que quede la misma distancia 3-4-5
15:35 <MoodyRPG> : el 4?
15:35 <Deif> : sí
15:36 <Deif> : ah, recuerda añadir a los tags ITG
15:36 <MoodyRPG> : a verdad
15:36 <Deif> : ahora mismo no me acuerdo si es del 1 o del 2
15:36 <Deif> : pon ITG1 o ITG2
15:37 <MoodyRPG> : itg1 pq es del in the groove 1 la cancion
15:37 <Deif> : ok
15:37 <Deif> : 00:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - estas notas están en grupos de 3 haciendo stack
15:38 <Deif> : yo se lo quitaría y las dejaría a una distancia corta en grupos de 3
15:38 <Deif> : como a 0,5x entre ellas
15:38 <Deif> : así se verán más fácil
15:39 <MoodyRPG> : espera
15:39 <MoodyRPG> : en el 7,8,9
15:39 <MoodyRPG> : puedo hacerlo stack?
15:39 <MoodyRPG> : asi como grupos de 3
15:39 <Deif> : si no lo haces en 1-2-3 y 4-5-6, mejor no
15:40 <MoodyRPG> : bueno el 1,2,3,4,5,6 lo hice a distancia
15:40 <Deif> : ok
15:40 <Deif> : ahora que me fijo en los hitsounds
15:41 <Deif> : hay que poner un clap en cada raya blanca (2ª y 4ª a partir de la larga)
15:41 <Deif> : a ver si lo notas
15:42 <Deif> : como lo tienes en Soft, lo mejor será que busques un custom-clap
15:42 <MoodyRPG> : otro sonido de clap?
15:42 <Deif> : sí
15:43 <Deif> : o hacer el "truco" de llamar al clap normal soft-hitclap
15:43 <Deif> : y enviarlo a la carpeta del mapa
15:43 <MoodyRPG> : mmm podria conseguir un clap diferente
15:44 <Deif> : así tienes los whistles en Soft y los claps en Normal (nombrados como soft)
15:44 <MoodyRPG> : amm
15:44 <MoodyRPG> : tu dices como q el clap suene como bateria?
15:44 <Deif> : no, no hace falta
15:44 <Deif> : espera, que te busco un clap en mis carpetas ;p
15:46 <Deif> : ok, descárgatelo y renómbralo como "soft-hitclap"
15:47 <MoodyRPG> : y donde dejo esto
15:47 <Deif> : cambia en el Timing > Audio > Custom 1
15:47 <Deif> : en la carpeta de tu mapa
15:48 <MoodyRPG> : pq se me abre el quicktime fuck
15:48 <Deif> : lol
15:48 <MoodyRPG> : se pone el sonido
15:48 <Deif> : ah, dale click derecho y "guardar como"
15:49 <MoodyRPG> : ia listo
15:49 <MoodyRPG> : ahora
15:49 <MoodyRPG> : pongo soft-clap?
15:49 <Deif> : lo guardas en la carpeta, te sales del edit mode, F5, y ya lo tienes
15:49 <Deif> : soft-hitclap
15:50 <MoodyRPG> : dale
15:50 <Deif> : pruébalo en algún momento que tenga clap, a ver si te funciona
15:50 <MoodyRPG> : lo probe y no funciona
15:50 <MoodyRPG> : la verdad si apreto F5
15:50 <MoodyRPG> : se elimina
15:50 <Deif> : mmm... has cambiado el sonido en el Timing?
15:51 <Deif> : espera, pruebo yo
15:51 <MoodyRPG> : a no todavia
15:51 <Deif> : a custom1, deja el Soft puesto
15:51 <MoodyRPG> : ai esta
15:51 <MoodyRPG> : si funciono!
15:51 <Deif> : bien =)
15:52 <Deif> : vamos a seguir
15:52 <MoodyRPG> : suena bien
15:52 <MoodyRPG> : OMG XDDD
15:52 <Deif> : ^^
15:52 <Deif> : 00:37:307 (1) - acábalo en la línea roja anterior
15:52 <MoodyRPG> : oie oie
15:52 <MoodyRPG> : lo pongo en todas las diffs?
15:52 <Deif> : sí, claro
15:53 <MoodyRPG> : q mas
15:53 <Deif> : has hecho lo del spin ya?
15:53 <MoodyRPG> : si
15:53 <MoodyRPG> : en la tick rojo
15:54 <Deif> : porque vas a añadir 2 notas en el tick blanco y tick rojo siguientes
15:54 <Deif> : da igual donde las pongas ahora, luego las puedes cambiar de sitio
15:54 <Deif> : es sólo para darte una idea
15:55 <MoodyRPG> : a ok
15:55 <Deif> : añade otra nota en el tick rojo después del 00:42:664 (7) -
15:55 <Deif> : ahora queda mejor, en 2 grupos de 8
15:56 <MoodyRPG> : ia ia
15:56 <MoodyRPG> : listo
15:56 <Deif> : 00:45:879 (1,2,3,4,5) - Stacks de este tipo quedan bien en el Edit mode
15:56 <Deif> : pero en el Test mode pierden bastante
15:57 <MoodyRPG> : es solo una opinion?¿
15:57 <Deif> : creo que deberías separar las notas un poco, aunque sea 0,5x
15:57 <Deif> : pero es sólo sugerencia
15:58 <Deif> : añade nota después del 00:55:522 (7) - en el tick rojo
15:58 <Deif> : e igual aquí 00:56:950 (7) -
15:59 <MoodyRPG> : mmm la verdad
15:59 <MoodyRPG> : esa parte me gusta
15:59 <Deif> : ok, como quieras
15:59 <Deif> : 1:08:736 - Kiai
15:59 <MoodyRPG> : haber
16:00 <Deif> : 01:19:450 (9) - fin del kiai
16:00 <MoodyRPG> : espera
16:00 <MoodyRPG> : dame el tiempo de donde empieza el kiai
16:00 <Deif> : 1:08:736
16:00 <Deif> : es justo el final del spin
16:01 <MoodyRPG> : ok listo
16:02 <Deif> : hay otro kiai time
16:02 <Deif> : desde 01:24:450 (1) -
16:02 <MoodyRPG> : ai 2 mas xd
16:02 <Deif> : bueno, pero ya sabes donde van ;p
16:02 <MoodyRPG> : ok
16:03 <Deif> : 01:19:807 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - parece un árbol de navidad jeje
16:03 <MoodyRPG> : hehe
16:03 <Deif> : 01:20:164 (1) - quita nuevo combo
16:04 <MoodyRPG> : ok
16:04 <Deif> : 01:35:879 (1) - aquí igual
16:04 <Deif> : 01:37:307 (7) - combo nuevo
16:04 <Deif> : por cambio de formación y spacing blablablabla
16:05 <MoodyRPG> : bla bla
16:05 <Deif> : y: 01:57:307 (1) - acábalo en el tick blanco siguiente
16:07 <Deif> : bueno, en Insane y en las demás dificultades
16:08 <MoodyRPG> : mmm
16:08 <MoodyRPG> : sueno retardado
16:08 <MoodyRPG> : cuando termina en el tick rojo
16:08 <MoodyRPG> : termina justo la cancion
16:09 <Deif> : ok, entonces nada
16:10 <Deif> : he probado el Normal, y el diseño está bien
16:10 <Deif> : se podría mapear los mini-breaks del final, pero meh... da igual
16:10 <Deif> : acuérdate de los claps ;p
16:10 <Deif> : a ver el easy
16:10 <MoodyRPG> : si ya lo hice
16:13 <Deif> : está bien, había un finish que sobraba... a ver si lo encuentro
16:13 <Deif> : 01:32:307 (3) - este es el que quitaría
16:14 <MoodyRPG> : ok
16:14 <MoodyRPG> : bueno
16:14 <Deif> : por mi parte, ya está todo =)
Provided also a soft-hitclap:

Good luck, Moody =)
No problems.

- 00:25:522 (4): Add a whistle.
- 00:34:093: You should add a hitcircle here; it feels kind of empty.
- 00:53:736 (End of slider 3): Add a whistle here.

- No hitsounds until 19 seconds in? And then no more until 34 seconds in?

All difficulties:
- I didn't hear any claps, but I'm guessing that's intentional.
- 01:05:879 (Spinner): Add a finish to this.
Yeah! It's Nerv_Mario Modtime! \o/

Si no usarás SB borra el archivo .osb
Recomiendo SB... se vería Nice :P

Nada encontrado aquí (:

01:00:879 (6,7,8) - hmm... no me gusta como queda la ubicación de esos 3... busca otra posición que vaya directo a las notas siguientes.

00:48:557 (6) - Aumenta el spacing de esa nota, es confuso porque pareciera que ahí hay un triple.
01:13:825 (10) - Se que es absurdo pero mueve la terminación del slider un cuadrado arriba para que se vea mejor ese stream.
01:19:539 (9) - Estéticamente hablando se vería mejor si lo dejaras en el mismo espacio que (8) como lo haces posteriormente.
01:24:629 (2) - No se si ahí debería haber un jump, ¿lo crees también?
01:27:307 (1) - Spacing.

Que rápido mappeas mijo xD
Gran map, nada más que decir (:

- There are little overlaps everywhere and it made me feel sort of sad. Distance Spacing 1.0 and a slightly higher velocity might help resolve this on future maps.
- Use Tick Rate 2 on at least [Normal] and [Insane], sir. Ticks are there so the game knows that the player's cursor is on the ball. And they prevent unnecessary drain during sliders.

00:44:450 (5,6,7) - Center these.
00:47:307 (5,6,1) - Spacing is very weird and confusing, so normal spacing might be better. Actually it will be better.
00:51:593 (1,2,3) - This doesn't look exactly perfect but maybe it's just me.
00:57:307 (1,2,3) - These should also be centered, sir.
01:26:950 (7,8,1) - And then the spacing was odd. (1) should be moved up a bit.

Same thing about break dragging as on [Easy].
01:03:022 (2) - Should be centered!
01:57:307 (1) - Same thing as on [Easy]. Yes I modded that one first

00:37:307 (4) - You could center this.
01:20:164 - Break should be dragged to here because at the moment it's a little bit off and stuff.
01:35:879 - Actually, it might be on purpose. Oh well. I like it better on the white tick.
01:51:593 - Yes, yes, yes, you know what I'm going to say by now.
01:57:307 (1) - People might not like having to sit through the break at the end just for a spinner. Perhaps you could map through it.

Good and stuff.
y u c a
hi~ :)


try this combo color
Combo1 : 255,255,128
Combo2 : 36,153,170
Combo3 : 5,5,240
Combo4 : 255,255,255


00:23:022 (5) - new combo
00:23:736 (1) - remove new combo
00:25:879 (6) - new combo
00:26:593 (1) - remove new combo
00:40:164 (1) - add finish
00:54:450 (3) - new combo
01:08:736 - add finish
01:14:450 (1) - ^
01:24:450 (1) - ^
01:30:164 (1) - ^
01:40:164 (1) - ^
01:45:879 (1) - ^


00:23:022 (6) - new combo here
00:23:379 (1) - remove new combo
00:25:879 (6) - new combo
00:26:236 (1) - remove new combo
00:37:307 (6) - new combo
00:40:164 (1) - add finish
01:08:736 - ^
01:14:450 (1) - ^
01:24:450 (1) - ^
01:30:164 (1) - ^
01:40:164 (1) - ^
01:45:879 (1) - ^

no clap this diff D:;;;;;???


00:17:664 (1) - add whistle
00:18:379 (4) - ^
00:20:522 (5,6) - ^
00:21:236 (1,2) - ^
00:21:950 (5,1) - ^
(00:23:022~00:34:272 you can use same whistle pattern)
00:19:450 (1) - remove new combo
00:20:164 (3) - new combo
00:21:236 (1) - remove new combo
00:21:593 (3) - new combo
00:22:129 (1) - remove new combo
00:22:486 (2) - new combo
00:40:164 (1) - add finish
01:08:736 - ^
01:13:022 (1~) - try this (same rhythm 01:28:736 (1~) -)

01:13:736 (9) - remove finish
01:14:450 (10) - add finish(end of slider)
01:24:450 (1,2) - eh? why far?
01:24:450 (1) - add finish
01:29:450 (7) - remove finish
01:30:164 (8) - remove whistle and add finish
01:40:164 (1) - add finish
01:45:164 (7) - remove finish
01:45:879 (6) - add finish
01:46:593 (1) - if you add clap here, you should add more clap. like...01:47:664 (3),01:48:379 (6)~

good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod


Your message is too short

- Debes usar los mismos tags en todas las dificultades. Actualmente la unica diff con tags es la insane.
- Desactiva el countdown, este es realmente necesario cuando la cancion comienza al instante. Aunque es solo una sugerencia porque no suena mal tampoco.


Intenta reacomodar todas las notas, vi muchos errores de spacing, no se notan mientras las juegas pero de todos modos arreglalos.
00:42:486 (4,1) Esta parte resulta un tanto confusa, te aconsejo que sigas con el patron de 1/1. Queda bien para una dificultad facil.
00:44:450 (3) Considerando los slider anteriores con repeticiones, este tiene una demas, es solo una sugerencia, pero creo que deberias separarlo en dos sliders.
01:04:093 (3) Horizontal flip para esta nota? Cosa de que se forme un cuadrado, se ve mucho mejor.
01:15:879 (2) Me pregunto porque este slider no queda encima del (5) anterior si estas usando la misma distancia...
01:45:879 (1,2) El espacio entre estas dos notas es demasiado pequeño, debes cambiarlo. No es malo que cambies un poco el spacing por la simetria como lo hiciste aqui 01:43:736 (4,1), pero la verdad es que se nota demasiado.
01:57:307 - Aumenta el spin en 1/2 suena mucho mejor IMO.


Usar la misma velocidad de los sliders que en la dificultad facil no es bueno, aunque se ajusta bien a la dificultad, no tengo problema con esto, solo recuerdalo para tus proximos maps.
00:28:022 (4) *nazi* Arregla este slider para que quede asi: se ve mucho mejor a mi parecer.
01:57:307 - Agregale 1/2 al spin.


OD -1? Saque muchos 100s cuando la jugue D: ademas no afecta en la dificultad.
Ubica bien el segundo kiai time, el final esta en el tick azul y no en el blanco.
00:21:593 (9) Para ser consistente, necesitas un nuevo combo aqui y quitarlo en el siguiente slider.
00:27:307 (5,6) Spacing.
00:40:522 (1) No entiendo porque hay un nuevo combo aqui, siendo que en el patron siguiente no lo hay.
00:43:022 (1,2) Podrias separar un poco estas dos notas, para que se el jugador no presione antes alli.
00:48:736 (1,2) Spacing.
01:04:986 (1) Estas notas estan muy cerca de las anteriores, la verdad cuando la jugue no falle aqui, solo te lo dejo como sugerencia.
01:24:450 (1,2) Este jump no tiene sentido, aqui si falle... no se siente como si un jump debiese estar entre estas dos notas.
01:44:450 (5,6,7) Muy dificil de leer la forma en la que estan ordenados estos sliders, te sugiero que hagas algo como esto:
01:54:986 (4,5) La segunda repeticion de este slider esta escondida por el hit-burst de la nota anterior, te sugiero mover la nota sin apilarla en el slider.
01:56:950 - Agrega una nota aqui, se siente vacio.

Good maaap. Star ~
heya ^-^

Hmm.. using white combo colour isn't reeeally a good option, since it gets way too shiny in kiai time. maybe change it?
Well.. yeah, maybe mute the last spinner in all diffs?
aand don't forget to add the tags in all diffs (only in insane atm)

00:42:486 (4) - this slider sounds a bit off imo. maybe start it at 00:42:307? (if so, extend the slider to finish at 00:42:664)
00:48:736 (5) - hmm.. add a repeat here?
00:50:164 (6) - ^ (only if you changed the previous one)
01:29:450 (6) - finsh sounds quite weird here D: consider changing it for a whistle

00:21:593 (x) - consider adding a note here.. or making a slider on 00:21:236 (2) instead. if you wanna keep a "pause" between notes, i think making it at 00:21:950 would sound better, soo yeah. consider removing that note if you want to~

00:40:522 (1) - I don't really see a reason for new combo here D:
01:24:629 (2) - random jump lulz >_<
01:45:789 (5) - random spacing change from the last note.. i suggest making the spacing consistent here

That's all. Pretty mapset :3 ~
- 01:57:307 (1) - Consider extending this by 1/2 so the spinner ends at the end of the song. Adjust volume as a result if you like.
- A Hard inbetween Normal and Insane would be ideal.
- Using pure white as a combo colour isn't recommended and could easily be darkened to a light grey. It can make some skins look very ugly, and isn't nice to look at during kiai.
- Tag in Insane is missing from the other difficulties.

00:20:700 (4) - I recommend you remove the whistle here; 2 soft whistles 1/2 after each other generally doesn't sound good. (Obviously, the same can be said for 00:21:236 (7,8))
00:48:736 (1) - Very obvious and unnecessary overlap and inconsistent spacing. Rearrange this so it's in line with the rest of the combo, as demonstrated here.
01:01:414 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - These triples sound awkward and sudden. Perhaps you could find a more natural rhythm to map to here?
01:19:361 (8,9) - You might as well make this a stack.
01:24:629 (2) - This is an incredibly sudden, large and mostly uncalled for jump. Tone it down to readable sizes or just keep the pattern normal?
01:45:789 (5) - This is a rather ugly spacing inconsistency. You might as well make the stream consistently spaced.

00:54:093 (4) - I wouldn't recommend stacking hitcircles on slider ends on an easier difficulty; as this is the only one, you could let it go though. It just can be incredibly difficult for lower level players to read, especially on Hidden.
01:27:307 (1) - Add a finish here?

00:42:486 (4) - The offbeat start of a 1/2 slider at a highish BPM might be quite hard for Easy players to easily play in this case.
01:05:522 - Add a hitcircle here? It feels odd to be mapping to what you were mapping in the rest of the combo and then stop here.
01:09:450 (1) - An object 2/1 after a spinner at 169 BPM is a bit difficult for an Easy, as many Easy players' spinning styles require more recovery time.
01:17:307 (3) - A whistle, for luck?

Your hitsounding method could do with some work; too many whistles at some points, but then it seems like you just stop. Don't be afraid of using claps and finishes more if they fit. Good work.
you have got so many high quality mods :?


[00:11:593] move up a bit
[00:17:664] (brown notes) i can not recognize your intent here. why you changed the rhythm of notes so suddenly(unexpectedly)?
[00:46:950] spacing

there is 1 important thing lost in your map, the logic of hitsounds. everytime we start to set hitsounds, we firstly ensure that we have had a completed plan, that's called the hitsounds system. we need to proceed by the system strictly but not to be random


not bad, i suggest adding some N hitsounds in kiai parts instead. the song contains a lot of heavy beats, why didn't you cooperate it?


[00:19:093] whistle
[00:19:450] no whistle
[00:23:002] ~ add hitsounds

im thinking about the default normal-hitnormal, will it work well in kiai parts?
Don't change my diff's name >:3

add " heatkai " and " heatwave95 " at the tags .

my taiko ! :D

Download: Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical (MoodyRPG) [52's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

Don't change my diff's name >:3

add " heatkai " and " heatwave95 " at the tags .

my taiko ! :D
[52's Taiko]
- Make the sample sounds normal, not soft.

I know it's a repetitive song but the way you have it k d d d k d d d k over and over again is just.. eh, and makes the map look a lot like a standard map played in taiko. The kdd doesn't help, as it's also a common pattern in standard hitsounding. It's usually preferred to use kkd instead, as the katus provide less of an interrupting sound than a don. Don't you think the two dons sounds bad?

And then when you start mapping the different pitches with different patterns, that's nice, but dkd and kdk don't really fit that nicely there.
00:33:200 (204) - don instead, flows and sounds better.

d dk d ddd k k d dk d ddd k d
Use that pattern during the k d d d k d d d k parts, it's a nice improvisation and is better than that repetitive pattern used.

Moral of the mod is don't follow the music too much, or at least not all the time, dkd and kdk are bad when used in a rather unfitting way, mapping in a way similar to how standard maps look like in taiko is bad, and kkd is better than kdd.

The end. Hope it helps.
Add a [Hard] before Pending, please.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[52's Taiko]
- Make the sample sounds normal, not soft.

I know it's a repetitive song but the way you have it k d d d k d d d k over and over again is just.. eh, and makes the map look a lot like a standard map played in taiko. The kdd doesn't help, as it's also a common pattern in standard hitsounding. It's usually preferred to use kkd instead, as the katus provide less of an interrupting sound than a don. Don't you think the two dons sounds bad?

And then when you start mapping the different pitches with different patterns, that's nice, but dkd and kdk don't really fit that nicely there.
00:33:200 (204) - don instead, flows and sounds better.

d dk d ddd k k d dk d ddd k d
Use that pattern during the k d d d k d d d k parts, it's a nice improvisation and is better than that repetitive pattern used.

Moral of the mod is don't follow the music too much, or at least not all the time, dkd and kdk are bad when used in a rather unfitting way, mapping in a way similar to how standard maps look like in taiko is bad, and kkd is better than kdd.

The end. Hope it helps.
fix , and I follow your pattern for the middle part , other I stay.
thank you ozzyprorock :D

Download: Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical (MoodyRPG) [52's Taiko].osu

Yeah,you need a Hard difficulty to fill the gap,without a doubt..
It would be nice.
But,despite few streams that look kinda too fast for this difficulty,overall it looks more like a Hard to me.

Also,set Audio Lead-In to 2000 in Taiko difficulty.

Otherwise looks fine in general.

AR +1

00:19:450 - Why did you stop using whistle pattern from here? :| Continue to add whistles to every 3-rd tick.
00:29:450 (1) - Move if some grids up to avoid overlapping with 00:28:022 (2)?
00:51:236 - Add a note with whistle here,otherwise rhytm looks incomplete.
01:05:522 (5) - Stack with (1) maybe? Or make a pentagon shape pattern out of these circles?
01:12:307 (3) - Change clap to something else,it sounds awkward here.
01:18:022 (2) - ^
01:57:307 (1) - So there's a break and only 1 spinner after it? :|

OD -1(-2)
HP Drain -1?

00:49:093 (2,3) - Believe me I got this rhytm and I personally like it,but sadly it breaks the flow a little,so add a note between them,please.
00:59:450 (4) - Move 1/2 back.
00:59:807 - Add a note.
01:03:379 - ^
01:57:307 (1) - And again,the lonely spinner after break.Maybe map the last break? And in Easy as well.

01:01:414 (5) - I'd use new combo here.
01:32:307 (1) - Too close to previous object and don't use new combo mark for a single object.
01:55:164 (5) - A bit odd.Remove last repeat as you used 2 repeats throughout the map.

I really enjoyed this difficulty.
This is so classic,and a bit old school.
The only things that pissed me off a bit are stream parts,but I just suck at hitting them,so it's okay.

Issues are really few,so very well done on this one.
Good luck to you~

-- The gap between Normal and Insane is too much imo; without the streams Insane could probably be classed as a Hard, just something to consider xD
-- Hitsounds aren't very consistent, I think the map would benefit for a more consistent pattern across diffs.


-- Don't really like the breaks here.
-- Tick rate 2?

00:41:950 (3,4,5,6,7) - Hitsounds?
01:57:307 (1) - Lone spinner, map something before this please.


-- Don't really like the breaks on this diff. It seems odd, especially the break at the end.

00:58:736 (3) - End at 00:59:093? I think this has better rhythm.
01:40:164 (1) - Finish.
01:57:307 (1) - Odd ending. Break then spinner? Please map something before this...

Solid normal.

52's Taiko:

00:17:307 to 00:33:022 -- zzz same pattern over and over and over.
00:40:164 to 01:05:879 -- ^

Well I stopped playing taiko a while ago but this is kind of repetitive and some parts feel overmapped, but idk what's classed as a good taiko map now so whatever =P


-- I think the hitsounds would sound better if you followed the claps in the song. Atm the hitsounds are a bit inconsistent.
-- The streams in this diff are a bit of a difficulty spike!

00:27:307 (5) - New combo
00:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Align the notes in this section, it looks so messy! xD
01:18:736 (5) - New combo?
01:24:450 (1) - Finish
01:40:164 (1) - ^
01:44:450 (5,6,7) - The sliders returns here are unexpected, there's no way to tell that 01:44:807 (6) - will be 3 returns. Imo you should keep this consistent, have all the returns as 3 or 4.
01:50:164 (6) - New combo?

Not bad. The mapset needs another difficulty or reduce the difficulty on insane imo.
- INsane
00:19:450 (9-1st) - missing clap
01:02:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Just make it as W>N>W W=wistle
01:09:093 (1,2,3) - spacing
00:43:022 (1,2,3,4,5) - I just confuse the figure. What is this ~.~?
01:44:450 (5) - New combo and remove 01:45:432 (1).

- Normal
00:38:736 (3-4th) - Finish and remove 00:40:164 (1) ?
01:28:736 (3-2nd) - remove finish
01:27:307 (1,2,3) - The strongest music is 2, right? so remove 1 finish and add it to 2.
01:43:022 (1,2,3) - ^
01:57:307 (1) - I just thought that is useless

Thats all =]
STAR and good luck
Hi there

  1. In the Groove is the ablum name? If it is, then it should be added to tag, source sould be the movie, game, anime name etc. where the song come from
  2. I think you need a Hard diff. bettwen Normal and Insane, present diffculty spread is not as good as expect
  1. 01:57:307 spinner - It's a bit awkward that only a spinner after a break, maybe map the last break part should be better
  1. 01:40:164 (1) - Add finish?
  2. 01:57:307 spinner - Same to Easy
  1. 01:24:450 (1) - Add finish?
  2. 01:40:164 (1) - ^
nice map in all
Hi Moody

- Is "In The Groove" a TV show ? if it's an album name then move it to tags
- I suggest to increase the volume for each kiai times on every diff, the current volume are a very low compare to the music. Increase it around 15%
- In the music there's a 1/1 beat clap pattern. If possible it's better if you use a clap too. Using whistle on 90% of the map is very monotone
- Use 8 for the stack leniency. This would fix the bad stack on Insane diff ( 01:27:307 (1,2,3) - 01:40:164 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - etc)

I agree with IceBeam & Shulin. The break after last kiai is better if it's mapped
00:22:307 (3,4) - add whistle to these. I strongly suggest to add whistle on every similar rhythm (00:25:164 (4,5) - 00:28:022 (2) - etc) it's fits the music
00:23:022 (1) - remove NC then NC on 00:23:736 (6)
00:42:664 (4) - NC
00:48:736 (5) - ^

Same as above it's better if you mapped the last break and this is a normal too to make it more challenging I suggest you to do so
00:58:736 (3) - this half beat slider doesn't work and it sounds very awkward. I suggest to make it into 1/1 slider

I thought the hitsounds is good you use clap on the beginning but you suddenly stop using clap on kiai time. You should use clap on it too
01:29:539 (10) - finish at the end is better
01:24:450 (1) - add finish
01:40:164 (1) - finish at the start
01:44:807 (6) - I strongly suggest to make this into 4 repeats too. Just like what shulin said it's inconsistent and hard to predict. My suggestion is to delete 01:45:432 (1) move 01:45:075 (7) back 1/4 beat then add another repeat on 01:44:807 (6)
01:45:075 (7) - remove finish
01:45:879 (6) - add finish

Not bad but you should really work on the hitsounds. Currently it's quite monotone with the majority of whistle
Good Luck getting it ranked
Topic Starter
Thanks to:

All Fixed ^^

Your message is too short.


Unused OSB file so Delete it
Add some claps in Easy and Normal they really seem to fit in this song
Mp3 kbps could also be 192


00:37:307 (4) I'd say NC this one and remove NC from 00:38:736 (1) looks better i think


00:38:736 (3) Missed a Finish at the end of the slider maybe?
01:13:022 (2) hm maybe remove this Finish?
01:28:736 (3) Here too?
01:34:450 (3) Hm Half this one and make him a Reverse Slider? Sounds good here
01:44:450 (3) Remove Finish?
01:50:164 (3) Half it and Reverse
01:59:450 (4) And here too

Insane seems fine for me
Topic Starter

Lightgazer wrote:



Unused OSB file so Delete it
Add some claps in Easy and Normal they really seem to fit in this song
Mp3 kbps could also be 192


00:37:307 (4) I'd say NC this one and remove NC from 00:38:736 (1) looks better i think


00:38:736 (3) Missed a Finish at the end of the slider maybe?
01:13:022 (2) hm maybe remove this Finish?
01:28:736 (3) Here too?
01:34:450 (3) Hm Half this one and make him a Reverse Slider? Sounds good here
01:44:450 (3) Remove Finish?
01:50:164 (3) Half it and Reverse
01:59:450 (4) And here too

Insane seems fine for me
Thanks For Mod ^^
I am sorry to say that, but yeah. You need an in-between Hard diff

00:48:557 (6,1) - Make them so they don't touch each other
01:06:593 (1) - Stop spinner at 01:08:379, remove Finish from it
And map something starting from 01:08:736
01:09:093 (1,2,3) - Maybe you can make a some kind of symmetric pattern here? What you have now doesn't really look good
01:13:825 (10) - End this slider at 01:14:361
And then place something at 01:14:450, 01:14:629, 01:15:343
01:17:843 (X) - Add a circle here!
01:25:343 (6,1) - Upbeat sliders
Read about these here - viewtopic.php?f=56&t=58959
01:29:539 (10) - Same suggestion as for previous same slider
01:30:343 (X) - A circle!
01:31:236 (5,6) - I dunno... This stack looks like weird for me. Maybe make it in some other place so it fits the music better?
01:38:914 (3) - Upbeat slider
01:46:057 (X) - Circle here!

00:12:307 (2,4,5,1) - Symmetry, please!
00:34:093 (6,1) - Make them don't touch each other~
01:05:879 (1) - Stop spinner at 01:08:379, remove Finish from it
And map something starting from 01:08:736
01:57:307 (1,3) - Make them symmetrical

00:47:307 (3) - Nazi 1 grid up
01:05:879 (1) - The same thing about the spinner as before
01:41:593 (4) - Remove one repeat from it, because it sounds weird ending at big white tick
And map something there
01:58:736 (3) - This is terribly not symmetrical lol Fix it!

I am giving you the star, cause it seems that your mapping skils are starting to improve~
- I guess you are not using grid snapping at all? It might be better to use it if you want some symmetricity.
- How about making a 'Hard', for players like me? (At least I can survive in Insane with terrible accuracy, lol.)

00:20:879 (1) ~ 00:25:879 (5) - Try spreading those things a bit? Those notes are placed on similar places with previous notes...
00:32:307 (1,2,3,4,5) - I guess we need more symmetricity here?
00:39:807 (X) - Add a note nere? Since it's kinda transition to another part, it's ok to emphasis here.
00:41:236 (2,3,1,2,3) - Add whistle in all of this notes would be better, since sounds in 2nd & 4th beats are similar.
02:00:164 (4) - I guess adding a note in 01:59:807 instead here would be better. Or just silencing it would be better.

01:14:629 (X) ~ 01:14:807 (X) - Add something here?
01:59:450 (4) - Similar with 02:00:164 (4) in Easy, or just silencing the end of the slider?

52's Taiko
- Lead-in is kinda short for Taiko.
- Try using kiai with a measure as a minimum unit. (=End kiai in 01:20:164, 01:35:879, 01:51:593)
00:16:593 (93,94,95,96) - Make same with 00:13:736 (77,78,79,80)? For firm composition of pattern, I mean. you can choose one of them. (or just leave them as current state since I think both are making sence.)
00:28:736 (173) - I guess starting new type of pattern from here would be better, for firm composition, as I said.
00:51:593 (325) - Try using different beat from here, like 'o-o-o--oo-ooo-o' instead of 'o-o-oo--ooo-o'.
01:08:736 (17) - It might be better to use some other patterns instead of kdd for those kiais, since you used this for different parts quite a lot already.
01:13:022 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54) - I recommend 'ddkdddkdk'.
01:28:736 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - 'kkdkddkkd'?
01:37:307 (196,200) - k?
01:59:451 (328,329,330,331) - a stream with 8 dons might be better.

00:22:129 (4) - Felt a bit of strange here, 1/2-beat-long siders in 00:22:307 & 00:22:664 could be better.
00:26:593 (3,4,5) - Try something like this?
00:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - It is my personal preference, but I usually prefer to put one or two kind of patterns in something like here instead of trying varous things. You can also use jump to emphasize this part. (I mean, you used linear-form circles, overlapped circles, repeat slider, etc., but I prefer using simpler patterns with some jumps.)
00:37:307 (1) - Remove whistle from here? You can add something else instead, like finish. (I feel that it's a bit weird to hear the same hitsound with 00:40:343 (1,3,5,7) in here.)
01:09:093 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think this kind of rhythm doesn't really suite to music. Starting from 01:08:736, the music is like 'o===o-o-o===o-o-o===o-o-o==oo', but the pattern here is 'o---o===o---o===o'.
01:11:057 (4) - Move this to 01:11:147 would be better.
01:13:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Try using 'smoother' arrangement for this kind of streams?
01:27:307 (1,2,3,4) - This looks weird with testing, try raising Stack Leniency a bit?
01:40:164 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:43:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try using symmetricity here?
01:44:807 (2,3,1) - This doesn't looks so good to me, just 3 2-time-repeat slider like 01:44:450 (1) would be better.
01:51:236 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same with 01:27:307 (1,2,3,4).
01:53:736 (1,2,3) - ^
01:57:307 (1) - Similar with 02:00:164 (4) in Easy, or just silencing the end of the spinner?

The Taiko map could have been better...
Topic Starter

lepidopodus wrote:

- I guess you are not using grid snapping at all? It might be better to use it if you want some symmetricity.
- How about making a 'Hard', for players like me? (At least I can survive in Insane with terrible accuracy, lol.)

00:20:879 (1) ~ 00:25:879 (5) - Try spreading those things a bit? Those notes are placed on similar places with previous notes...
00:32:307 (1,2,3,4,5) - I guess we need more symmetricity here?
00:39:807 (X) - Add a note nere? Since it's kinda transition to another part, it's ok to emphasis here.
00:41:236 (2,3,1,2,3) - Add whistle in all of this notes would be better, since sounds in 2nd & 4th beats are similar.
02:00:164 (4) - I guess adding a note in 01:59:807 instead here would be better. Or just silencing it would be better.

01:14:629 (X) ~ 01:14:807 (X) - Add something here?
01:59:450 (4) - Similar with 02:00:164 (4) in Easy, or just silencing the end of the slider?

52's Taiko
- Lead-in is kinda short for Taiko.
- Try using kiai with a measure as a minimum unit. (=End kiai in 01:20:164, 01:35:879, 01:51:593)
00:16:593 (93,94,95,96) - Make same with 00:13:736 (77,78,79,80)? For firm composition of pattern, I mean. you can choose one of them. (or just leave them as current state since I think both are making sence.)
00:28:736 (173) - I guess starting new type of pattern from here would be better, for firm composition, as I said.
00:51:593 (325) - Try using different beat from here, like 'o-o-o--oo-ooo-o' instead of 'o-o-oo--ooo-o'.
01:08:736 (17) - It might be better to use some other patterns instead of kdd for those kiais, since you used this for different parts quite a lot already.
01:13:022 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54) - I recommend 'ddkdddkdk'.
01:28:736 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - 'kkdkddkkd'?
01:37:307 (196,200) - k?
01:59:451 (328,329,330,331) - a stream with 8 dons might be better.

00:22:129 (4) - Felt a bit of strange here, 1/2-beat-long siders in 00:22:307 & 00:22:664 could be better.
00:26:593 (3,4,5) - Try something like this?
00:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - It is my personal preference, but I usually prefer to put one or two kind of patterns in something like here instead of trying varous things. You can also use jump to emphasize this part. (I mean, you used linear-form circles, overlapped circles, repeat slider, etc., but I prefer using simpler patterns with some jumps.)
00:37:307 (1) - Remove whistle from here? You can add something else instead, like finish. (I feel that it's a bit weird to hear the same hitsound with 00:40:343 (1,3,5,7) in here.)
01:09:093 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think this kind of rhythm doesn't really suite to music. Starting from 01:08:736, the music is like 'o===o-o-o===o-o-o===o-o-o==oo', but the pattern here is 'o---o===o---o===o'.
01:11:057 (4) - Move this to 01:11:147 would be better.
01:13:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Try using 'smoother' arrangement for this kind of streams?
01:27:307 (1,2,3,4) - This looks weird with testing, try raising Stack Leniency a bit?
01:40:164 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:43:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try using symmetricity here?
01:44:807 (2,3,1) - This doesn't looks so good to me, just 3 2-time-repeat slider like 01:44:450 (1) would be better.
01:51:236 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same with 01:27:307 (1,2,3,4).
01:53:736 (1,2,3) - ^
01:57:307 (1) - Similar with 02:00:164 (4) in Easy, or just silencing the end of the spinner?

The Taiko map could have been better...
Thanks for mod ^^

lepidopodus wrote:

52's Taiko
- Lead-in is kinda short for Taiko.
- Try using kiai with a measure as a minimum unit. (=End kiai in 01:20:164, 01:35:879, 01:51:593)
00:16:593 (93,94,95,96) - Make same with 00:13:736 (77,78,79,80)? For firm composition of pattern, I mean. you can choose one of them. (or just leave them as current state since I think both are making sence.)
00:28:736 (173) - I guess starting new type of pattern from here would be better, for firm composition, as I said.
00:51:593 (325) - Try using different beat from here, like 'o-o-o--oo-ooo-o' instead of 'o-o-oo--ooo-o'.
01:08:736 (17) - It might be better to use some other patterns instead of kdd for those kiais, since you used this for different parts quite a lot already.
01:13:022 (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54) - I recommend 'ddkdddkdk'.
01:28:736 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - 'kkdkddkkd'?
01:37:307 (196,200) - k?
01:59:451 (328,329,330,331) - a stream with 8 dons might be better.
fix some , add some.
sorryy orz

I'm not good taiko mapper like you yet..

Download: Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical (MoodyRPG) [52's Taiko].osu



-01:04:986 (1,2) - el hitburst de (1) tapa el reverse arrow del slider (2), asi que mueve (1) a otra parte.

Eh.. nada mas q aportar, no kudo y suerte con el map.
01:51:593 - break start

01:35:879 - break
01:51:593 - ^
01:59:450 (4) - move left. symmetry on the 01:58:022 (2) -

00:41:593 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - can you put 00:40:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ctl + h and j?
01:08:736 (1,2) - suddenly spacing low D:
01:13:736 (9) - delete.andmove the 01:13:825 (10) - at 01:13:736 -
01:29:450 (9,10) - ^
01:44:450 (1,2,3) - or something
01:35:164 - kiaitime end
01:50:879 - ^
01:57:307 (1) - end here.02:00:105 - 1/6

oh yes!!
Topic Starter

val0108 wrote:

01:51:593 - break start

01:35:879 - break
01:51:593 - ^
01:59:450 (4) - move left. symmetry on the 01:58:022 (2) -

00:41:593 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - can you put 00:40:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ctl + h and j?
01:08:736 (1,2) - suddenly spacing low D:
01:13:736 (9) - delete.andmove the 01:13:825 (10) - at 01:13:736 -
01:29:450 (9,10) - ^
01:44:450 (1,2,3) - or something
01:35:164 - kiaitime end
01:50:879 - ^
01:57:307 (1) - end here.02:00:105 - 1/6

oh yes!!
Thanks for mod ^^
Hello there~ Sorry for being so late!

  1. Perhaps it could be a good idea to add heatwave95 to the tags, as it was HeatKai's previous username.
  2. As some modders stated before, a [Hard] would be mighty nice for the spread (for not saying necessary). If you feel too lazy, maybe I can volunteer one~
  3. Offset feels a liiiittle early to me. I'd give it about + 7 ms. That should do it.
    Once you change the offset, don't forget to resnap both objects (circles and stuff) and kiais!
  1. 00:20:886 (1) - A logical placing of hitsounds would indicate that you have to add a whistle here.
  2. 00:33:029 (2) - And here too. I'm counting the patterns in the hitsounds by pairs of combos.
  3. 00:40:172 (1) - I wouldn't use x1,1 if I were you... Normal spacing (or well, perhaps x0,9) works fine for this, as we're in [Easy].
  4. 00:47:314 (3,4,1) - I know I'm gonna feel super nazi after this comment, but can you align them and make the distances even?
    It didn't look so good the way it was :P
  5. 00:51:600 (1,2) - I don't think the whistles at the end of these sliders fit so well, the music asks for more silence. Can you remove them?
  1. If you're gonna have a [Hard], perhaps you could have OD -1 and AR -1 on this diff.
  2. 00:30:164 (1) - You might wanna have a whistle here, as in [Easy]. Overall, hitsounds are sometimes inconsistent, but it's not really an issue.
  3. 01:58:736 (3,4) - But yeah, here, it really impressed me that you didn't use finishes as in [Easy]. It was a pretty nice detail, try doing it here too (you know, whistle in (3) and in (4)'s beginning).
  1. I noticed here how you didn't use as many whistles as in the other diffs, and instead of that, much more claps. I know it is intentional, but it kind of leaves me an inconsistency feeling... Perhaps you could try using some?
    Nevertheless, don't think I'm making you do this! Of course, this is your decision ^^
  2. 01:57:307 (1) - End this with a whistle, or a low-volume finish?
Can't really say anything about the Taiko, looks pretty good. I STILL have to learn Taiko mapping aaargh.

Well, that's all. Sorry for the long delay, for such a short mod. GL!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Hello there~ Sorry for being so late!

  1. Perhaps it could be a good idea to add heatwave95 to the tags, as it was HeatKai's previous username.
  2. As some modders stated before, a [Hard] would be mighty nice for the spread (for not saying necessary). If you feel too lazy, maybe I can volunteer one~
  3. Offset feels a liiiittle early to me. I'd give it about + 7 ms. That should do it.
    Once you change the offset, don't forget to resnap both objects (circles and stuff) and kiais!
  1. 00:20:886 (1) - A logical placing of hitsounds would indicate that you have to add a whistle here.
  2. 00:33:029 (2) - And here too. I'm counting the patterns in the hitsounds by pairs of combos.
  3. 00:40:172 (1) - I wouldn't use x1,1 if I were you... Normal spacing (or well, perhaps x0,9) works fine for this, as we're in [Easy].
  4. 00:47:314 (3,4,1) - I know I'm gonna feel super nazi after this comment, but can you align them and make the distances even?
    It didn't look so good the way it was :P
  5. 00:51:600 (1,2) - I don't think the whistles at the end of these sliders fit so well, the music asks for more silence. Can you remove them?
  1. If you're gonna have a [Hard], perhaps you could have OD -1 and AR -1 on this diff.
  2. 00:30:164 (1) - You might wanna have a whistle here, as in [Easy]. Overall, hitsounds are sometimes inconsistent, but it's not really an issue.
  3. 01:58:736 (3,4) - But yeah, here, it really impressed me that you didn't use finishes as in [Easy]. It was a pretty nice detail, try doing it here too (you know, whistle in (3) and in (4)'s beginning).
  1. I noticed here how you didn't use as many whistles as in the other diffs, and instead of that, much more claps. I know it is intentional, but it kind of leaves me an inconsistency feeling... Perhaps you could try using some?
    Nevertheless, don't think I'm making you do this! Of course, this is your decision ^^
  2. 01:57:307 (1) - End this with a whistle, or a low-volume finish?
Can't really say anything about the Taiko, looks pretty good. I STILL have to learn Taiko mapping aaargh.

Well, that's all. Sorry for the long delay, for such a short mod. GL!
Thanks for mod,All Fixed
Folder's clean!

  1. This set could use a harder difficulty, or perhaps one in between Normal and Insane.
  1. Tickrate -1, seems too high for this difficulty.
  2. 00:22:314 (3,4,5) - Many beginner players don't know how to read these stacks. I suggest spreading them out, maybe in a triangle formation.
  3. 00:25:171 (3,4,5) - Same as above. I've seen countless beginners mess up on these types of stacks.
  4. 00:33:743 (3,4,5) - Same again.
  5. 00:44:457 (4) - Short, multiple repeat sliders are hard for beginners to read. Shortening this to one repeat would be a good idea.
  6. Of all the diffiuclties, this has the hardest ending. Either make the others harder or this one easier.

    It's pretty good.
  1. Slider velocity seems to slow, I suggest setting it to 1.2x to bridge the gap between Easy and Insane's velocities.
  2. 01:09:457 (1) - This slider is a little covered up by the hitburst of the spinner. You might want to move it away from the center of the screen.

    I like the ending on this one.
52's Taiko
  1. Audio Lead-In 2 or 3 seconds. Taiko takes some players a while to set up, and a 2 or 3 second lead-in is enough time. One second is not enough time.
  2. 00:00:975 (6) - Remove don? Seems out of place.
  3. 00:39:636 (248,249,250,251,252,253,254) - Instead of DDDKDDK, maybe DDKDDKD?
  4. 01:28:743 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - Instead of KKDKDKKKD, maybe KKKDKKKDK?
  5. 01:58:743 - Start the ending stream here maybe? I like ending streams :D

    A little repetitive but it's fun.
  1. 00:37:314 (1) - Shorten this so it ends at 00:39:814? It would play better in my opinion.
  2. 00:41:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move these a red tick to the right on the timeline. It would match the previous combo and play better.
  3. 00:52:314 (4) - Move this to the right more so it's perfectly in line with the 5 and 6. (x:214 y:67)
  4. 01:35:261 - Kiai is unsnapped. Move it to 01:35:171.
  5. 01:44:457 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This stream is very confusing to play. I recommend doing something like this.
  6. 01:50:975 - Kiai is unsnapped. Move it to 01:50:886.

    Solid difficulty. Streams seem a little out of place but it's no big deal.
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

Folder's clean!

  1. This set could use a harder difficulty, or perhaps one in between Normal and Insane.
  1. Tickrate -1, seems too high for this difficulty.
  2. 00:22:314 (3,4,5) - Many beginner players don't know how to read these stacks. I suggest spreading them out, maybe in a triangle formation.
  3. 00:25:171 (3,4,5) - Same as above. I've seen countless beginners mess up on these types of stacks.
  4. 00:33:743 (3,4,5) - Same again.
  5. 00:44:457 (4) - Short, multiple repeat sliders are hard for beginners to read. Shortening this to one repeat would be a good idea.
  6. Of all the diffiuclties, this has the hardest ending. Either make the others harder or this one easier.

    It's pretty good.
  1. Slider velocity seems to slow, I suggest setting it to 1.2x to bridge the gap between Easy and Insane's velocities.
  2. 01:09:457 (1) - This slider is a little covered up by the hitburst of the spinner. You might want to move it away from the center of the screen.

    I like the ending on this one.
52's Taiko
  1. Audio Lead-In 2 or 3 seconds. Taiko takes some players a while to set up, and a 2 or 3 second lead-in is enough time. One second is not enough time.
  2. 00:00:975 (6) - Remove don? Seems out of place.
  3. 00:39:636 (248,249,250,251,252,253,254) - Instead of DDDKDDK, maybe DDKDDKD?
  4. 01:28:743 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - Instead of KKDKDKKKD, maybe KKKDKKKDK?
  5. 01:58:743 - Start the ending stream here maybe? I like ending streams :D

    A little repetitive but it's fun.
  1. 00:37:314 (1) - Shorten this so it ends at 00:39:814? It would play better in my opinion.
  2. 00:41:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move these a red tick to the right on the timeline. It would match the previous combo and play better.
  3. 00:52:314 (4) - Move this to the right more so it's perfectly in line with the 5 and 6. (x:214 y:67)
  4. 01:35:261 - Kiai is unsnapped. Move it to 01:35:171.
  5. 01:44:457 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This stream is very confusing to play. I recommend doing something like this.
  6. 01:50:975 - Kiai is unsnapped. Move it to 01:50:886.

    Solid difficulty. Streams seem a little out of place but it's no big deal.
Thanks for mod ^^

Charles445 wrote:

52's Taiko
  1. Audio Lead-In 2 or 3 seconds. Taiko takes some players a while to set up, and a 2 or 3 second lead-in is enough time. One second is not enough time.
  2. 00:00:975 (6) - Remove don? Seems out of place.
  3. 00:39:636 (248,249,250,251,252,253,254) - Instead of DDDKDDK, maybe DDKDDKD?
  4. 01:28:743 (142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150) - Instead of KKDKDKKKD, maybe KKKDKKKDK?
  5. 01:58:743 - Start the ending stream here maybe? I like ending streams :D

    A little repetitive but it's fun.
Thank you so much :)
all fixed

i forgot to give this :P
sorry xD

Download: Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical (MoodyRPG) [52's Taiko].osu


- El preview point no esta bien puesto (en el tick blanco) orz, esto es algo totalmente innecesario, ignorame si quieres D:


00:17:314 - Se siente raro como usas los claps aqui, deberias moverlos todos al siguiente beat, para que siga el ritmo de la musica, ya que como está ahora solo sigue el ritmo del piano (lo que puedes hacer con whistles y suena mejor).
00:34:457 - Considerando el jump anterior esta parte se siente un poco apretada, aumenta un poco el espacio entre estas notas.
00:44:814 - Estos claps se sienten raros, eliminalos o agrega claps a la parte anterior, ya que son algo molestos.
00:53:029 (7) *nazi* Mueve el punto medio del slider y hazlo mejor, se ve muy mal asi.
01:19:100 (3,4,5) En esta parte estas agregando un ritmo nuevo, que quizas es algo confuso (confundiendolo con un pequeño jump) te recomiendo que para esta parte hagas esto.
01:33:029 (4,1) La nota esta muy cerca del slider.
01:44:457 - Este stream es algo dificil de leer, te recomiendo cambiarlo, es extraño como la primera vez que lo juge lo hice bien (y no segui el ritmo que sigues tu) pero la segunda vez que intente (intentando seguir tu ritmo) falle muchas notas y los sliders los hice 100s. Lo normal en streams como estos es que cada slider tenga 2 repeticiones.
01:45:886 - La misma sugerencia que al principio, usa whistles en vez de claps y pon los claps en el siguiente tick blanco.




Te recomiendo bajar el AR ya que esta algo lenta la velocidad de los sliders y las notas estan muy apegadas, pero si no quieres cambiarla ya que cambiará el spread (EEII) esta bien.
01:51:600 - Este break no tiene sentido, despues solo vienen unas notas y un slider, seria mejor si mapeas esta parte.


Usas la misma velocidad del slider que en la dificultad normal, realmente te sugiero cambiarla, tube una rara impresion con la velocidad del slider al principio, me pareció algo rapido.
00:23:743 (5,1) Error de spacing, realmente confuso para los novatos, se apresuran y apretan la nota antes de tiempo, deberias cambiarlo.
00:26:600 (1) Esta es la unica nota/slider que esta apilada en toda la dificultad, es mejor si la mueves.
01:30:171 (1) Un finish aqui se escucha bien, ademas ya lo tienes en las otras dificultades, te falto aqui.
01:51:600 - Misma sugerencia sobre el break que en la dificultad normal.

Ya deje mi star, suerte <3
Topic Starter

eldnl wrote:


- El preview point no esta bien puesto (en el tick blanco) orz, esto es algo totalmente innecesario, ignorame si quieres D:


00:17:314 - Se siente raro como usas los claps aqui, deberias moverlos todos al siguiente beat, para que siga el ritmo de la musica, ya que como está ahora solo sigue el ritmo del piano (lo que puedes hacer con whistles y suena mejor).
00:34:457 - Considerando el jump anterior esta parte se siente un poco apretada, aumenta un poco el espacio entre estas notas.
00:44:814 - Estos claps se sienten raros, eliminalos o agrega claps a la parte anterior, ya que son algo molestos.
00:53:029 (7) *nazi* Mueve el punto medio del slider y hazlo mejor, se ve muy mal asi.
01:19:100 (3,4,5) En esta parte estas agregando un ritmo nuevo, que quizas es algo confuso (confundiendolo con un pequeño jump) te recomiendo que para esta parte hagas esto.
01:33:029 (4,1) La nota esta muy cerca del slider.
01:44:457 - Este stream es algo dificil de leer, te recomiendo cambiarlo, es extraño como la primera vez que lo juge lo hice bien (y no segui el ritmo que sigues tu) pero la segunda vez que intente (intentando seguir tu ritmo) falle muchas notas y los sliders los hice 100s. Lo normal en streams como estos es que cada slider tenga 2 repeticiones.
01:45:886 - La misma sugerencia que al principio, usa whistles en vez de claps y pon los claps en el siguiente tick blanco.




Te recomiendo bajar el AR ya que esta algo lenta la velocidad de los sliders y las notas estan muy apegadas, pero si no quieres cambiarla ya que cambiará el spread (EEII) esta bien.
01:51:600 - Este break no tiene sentido, despues solo vienen unas notas y un slider, seria mejor si mapeas esta parte.


Usas la misma velocidad del slider que en la dificultad normal, realmente te sugiero cambiarla, tube una rara impresion con la velocidad del slider al principio, me pareció algo rapido.
00:23:743 (5,1) Error de spacing, realmente confuso para los novatos, se apresuran y apretan la nota antes de tiempo, deberias cambiarlo.
00:26:600 (1) Esta es la unica nota/slider que esta apilada en toda la dificultad, es mejor si la mueves.
01:30:171 (1) Un finish aqui se escucha bien, ademas ya lo tienes en las otras dificultades, te falto aqui.
01:51:600 - Misma sugerencia sobre el break que en la dificultad normal.

Ya deje mi star, suerte <3
Thanks for mod ^^
Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

IRC Mod:

14:19 <Crimmi> : hey hey :3
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : hey hey crimmi
14:19 *Crimmi is editing (Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical)[]
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : yay
14:19 <Crimmi> : i owe you a mod
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : ok
14:20 <Crimmi> : On Easy: 00:18:029 (1) - Align with (3), it's a bit silly but yeah :P
14:21 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:22 <Crimmi> : 00:43:386 (2) - Same here.
14:23 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:24 <Crimmi> : 02:00:171 (x) - Add a note?
14:25 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:28 <Crimmi> : 02:00:171 (x) - Same here as Easy.
14:29 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:30 <MoodyRPG> : ignore the taiko if you wanna
14:30 <Crimmi> : kk
14:33 <Crimmi> : hard is alright
14:33 <MoodyRPG> : okay
14:35 <Crimmi> : The streams in Insane could use some tidying up but it's alright
Topic Starter

Crimmi wrote:

Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

IRC Mod:

14:19 <Crimmi> : hey hey :3
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : hey hey crimmi
14:19 *Crimmi is editing (Digital Explosion - Driving Force Classical)[]
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : yay
14:19 <Crimmi> : i owe you a mod
14:19 <MoodyRPG> : ok
14:20 <Crimmi> : On Easy: 00:18:029 (1) - Align with (3), it's a bit silly but yeah :P
14:21 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:22 <Crimmi> : 00:43:386 (2) - Same here.
14:23 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:24 <Crimmi> : 02:00:171 (x) - Add a note?
14:25 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:28 <Crimmi> : 02:00:171 (x) - Same here as Easy.
14:29 <MoodyRPG> : k
14:30 <MoodyRPG> : ignore the taiko if you wanna
14:30 <Crimmi> : kk
14:33 <Crimmi> : hard is alright
14:33 <MoodyRPG> : okay
14:35 <Crimmi> : The streams in Insane could use some tidying up but it's alright
Thanks for IRC Mod ^^
yo modding this map because of ur in game request :)

00:13:743(4) - Aline this to (2)
00:19:457(3) - Aline this to (1)
00:20:886(1) - Stack it on (2) at 00:18:743
01:54:457(4) - NC

00:25:171(4) - Remove whistle
00:25:529(5) - add whistle

01:04:457(6) - NC
01:32:314(7) - Ctrl+R

No problems here

This is the best i can do. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

yo modding this map because of ur in game request :)

00:13:743(4) - Aline this to (2)
00:19:457(3) - Aline this to (1)
00:20:886(1) - Stack it on (2) at 00:18:743
01:54:457(4) - NC

00:25:171(4) - Remove whistle
00:25:529(5) - add whistle

01:04:457(6) - NC
01:32:314(7) - Ctrl+R

No problems here

This is the best i can do. GL :D
Thanks for mod ^^
I put my hands up, they're playing my song- oh. I'm still thinking about the last map I modded, you see. This one lacks Miley Cyrus.
Disclaimer: This mod was written while slightly sleep deprived. If anything is sort of weird, that's why.

- Preview Points are slightly inconsistent, so they have to be consistent and blah blah blah.
- You might consider removing "heatwave95" from tags, as HeatKai has no ranked maps under that name.
- Possibly have the kiai extend to the next measure, especially to line up with the point the break starts. It sort of gives that feeling of "HEY PLAYER, THE BREAK HASN'T STARTED YET." and then the player is like "Uh-oh, you're right, the stuff is still flashing and the bar is still there and stuff." and then it's like "YO, NOW THE LETTERBOXING IS HERE ENJOY YOUR BREAK, PUNK." and the player is like "Yeah that was epic, yo." ...I have no idea what that was.
- Are there any good 1024 x 768 backgrounds for this song? Because of quality and stuff. If not, whatever, it's fine now.

00:52:672 (6,7) - This overlap doesn't look very good. It's quite minor, but sometimes it's the small things in life that matter most.
01:01:243 (4,1) - This pattern bothers me a bit, and it may not bother you, which is perfectly fine, because we're all different. But it looks a bit odd for me to stack a new combo under a stack. As RJ would say, it's either the wrong time for a new combo or the wrong time for a stack. So yes, if you could just move it around a bit I'd be satisfied.
01:44:457 (1,2,3) - Oh no. This plays rather awkwardly, as the player is mostly left relying on approach circles to tell when one slider stops spasming and the next one begins to spasm. Perhaps it would be best to do something like this. Also, for the rest of the stream, I think it would make more sense to have it all one combo.

01:38:743 (6,7,8) - Wait. The spacing here makes no sense. Why did it suddenly switch to 0.6x spacing? Why are two of the notes stacked? What is the meaning of life? The answer to all these questions is simple: re-space the notes a little. Some people say the meaning of life is 42, they are silly.

[52's Taiko]
- Wait, who is this 52 person? I go to look in the tags, and it is HeatKai. But I don't see how HeatKai is 52. It puzzles me. HeatKai's taikos have also been labeled as [HeatKai's Taiko], [Hw's Taiko], [H's Moe Taiko], [HeatKai's Taiko Oni], [Heat's Moe Taiko], and [Heat's Taiko]. It's like some sort of identity crisis, but with difficulty names. Anyhow, I don't know why I started this whole rant, so please excuse me.

00:13:743 (4,5,1) - I'd complain about stacking notes under new combos here but I already did, but it also applies here again! So yeah.
00:16:600 (4,5,1) - And again!

01:41:600 (4,1,2) - It bothers me how (2) seems to be hiding under (4) for some reason. Perhaps it's just a bit paranoid of the outside world, but you could encourage it to come out from behind under (4) and show itself for everyone to see clearly. In other words, remove the overlap here.

"Spasming" is not recognized as a word. I think it should be.
Oh. Also, forum PM me for a re-check after this and stuff. I will be happy to do so.
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

I put my hands up, they're playing my song- oh. I'm still thinking about the last map I modded, you see. This one lacks Miley Cyrus.
Disclaimer: This mod was written while slightly sleep deprived. If anything is sort of weird, that's why.

- Preview Points are slightly inconsistent, so they have to be consistent and blah blah blah.
- You might consider removing "heatwave95" from tags, as HeatKai has no ranked maps under that name.
- Possibly have the kiai extend to the next measure, especially to line up with the point the break starts. It sort of gives that feeling of "HEY PLAYER, THE BREAK HASN'T STARTED YET." and then the player is like "Uh-oh, you're right, the stuff is still flashing and the bar is still there and stuff." and then it's like "YO, NOW THE LETTERBOXING IS HERE ENJOY YOUR BREAK, PUNK." and the player is like "Yeah that was epic, yo." ...I have no idea what that was.
- Are there any good 1024 x 768 backgrounds for this song? Because of quality and stuff. If not, whatever, it's fine now.

00:52:672 (6,7) - This overlap doesn't look very good. It's quite minor, but sometimes it's the small things in life that matter most.
01:01:243 (4,1) - This pattern bothers me a bit, and it may not bother you, which is perfectly fine, because we're all different. But it looks a bit odd for me to stack a new combo under a stack. As RJ would say, it's either the wrong time for a new combo or the wrong time for a stack. So yes, if you could just move it around a bit I'd be satisfied.
01:44:457 (1,2,3) - Oh no. This plays rather awkwardly, as the player is mostly left relying on approach circles to tell when one slider stops spasming and the next one begins to spasm. Perhaps it would be best to do something like this. Also, for the rest of the stream, I think it would make more sense to have it all one combo.

01:38:743 (6,7,8) - Wait. The spacing here makes no sense. Why did it suddenly switch to 0.6x spacing? Why are two of the notes stacked? What is the meaning of life? The answer to all these questions is simple: re-space the notes a little. Some people say the meaning of life is 42, they are silly.

[52's Taiko]
- Wait, who is this 52 person? I go to look in the tags, and it is HeatKai. But I don't see how HeatKai is 52. It puzzles me. HeatKai's taikos have also been labeled as [HeatKai's Taiko], [Hw's Taiko], [H's Moe Taiko], [HeatKai's Taiko Oni], [Heat's Moe Taiko], and [Heat's Taiko]. It's like some sort of identity crisis, but with difficulty names. Anyhow, I don't know why I started this whole rant, so please excuse me.

00:13:743 (4,5,1) - I'd complain about stacking notes under new combos here but I already did, but it also applies here again! So yeah.
00:16:600 (4,5,1) - And again!

01:41:600 (4,1,2) - It bothers me how (2) seems to be hiding under (4) for some reason. Perhaps it's just a bit paranoid of the outside world, but you could encourage it to come out from behind under (4) and show itself for everyone to see clearly. In other words, remove the overlap here.

"Spasming" is not recognized as a word. I think it should be.
Oh. Also, forum PM me for a re-check after this and stuff. I will be happy to do so.

Thanks for mod ^^
Wait. Waaait. I swear these kiai times were consistent when I first saw them, but nooope. They're not. They're inconsistent. So yeah, they'll have to be consistent and stuff. I think that's it. That better be it.
The difficulty jump between Hard and Normal is pretty big. Reconsider that.

00:30:886 (1,2) - That jump's kinda weird and surprising. Playable, but not ideal.
00:42:850 - Add note
01:02:850 (1,2,3) - A bit close to the previous slider.
01:13:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Awfully surprising and annoying to play. Look for a replacement for that pattern or use overall more 1/4 streams/stacks in your map.
01:19:368 (4) - Technically spaced correctly, but still, I think you should space it further away from 3.
01:27:314 (1,2,3) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:28:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as earlier
01:33:029 (1,2,1,2,3) - Hitsoudns?
01:40:171 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:44:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as earlier.
01:51:600 (3,4,5) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:53:743 (1,2,3) - ^

00:31:957 (1,2,3,4,5) - Those 1/4 repeats don't fit at all
00:40:886 (2,3) - Asymmetric
00:41:957 (1,2) - Same, and you're using the same pattern for two different musical patterns. Feels, plays, and looks odd.
00:47:314 (5,6) - OVERLAP
00:51:600 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:51:957 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
00:53:029 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:53:386 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
00:54:457 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:54:814 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
01:18:743 (3,4,5) - wtfspacing
01:38:743 (6,7,8) - Those antijumps are really just weird :/
01:40:171 (1) - Unfitting 1/4 repeat...
01:40:886 (3) - ^
01:50:796 (6) - To close to previous object

oh well

01:19:457 - That rhythmical break doesn't really fit imho...
01:35:171 - ^
02:00:171 (5) - Remove that? And maybe just make the ending a spinner.

02:00:171 (5) - remove
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

The difficulty jump between Hard and Normal is pretty big. Reconsider that.

00:30:886 (1,2) - That jump's kinda weird and surprising. Playable, but not ideal.
00:42:850 - Add note
01:02:850 (1,2,3) - A bit close to the previous slider.
01:13:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Awfully surprising and annoying to play. Look for a replacement for that pattern or use overall more 1/4 streams/stacks in your map.
01:19:368 (4) - Technically spaced correctly, but still, I think you should space it further away from 3.
01:27:314 (1,2,3) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:28:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as earlier
01:33:029 (1,2,1,2,3) - Hitsoudns?
01:40:171 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:44:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as earlier.
01:51:600 (3,4,5) - Stacking looks weird while playing
01:53:743 (1,2,3) - ^

00:31:957 (1,2,3,4,5) - Those 1/4 repeats don't fit at all
00:40:886 (2,3) - Asymmetric
00:41:957 (1,2) - Same, and you're using the same pattern for two different musical patterns. Feels, plays, and looks odd.
00:47:314 (5,6) - OVERLAP
00:51:600 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:51:957 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
00:53:029 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:53:386 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
00:54:457 (1) - Weird unfitting 1/4 repeat slider
00:54:814 (2,3,4,5) - That return stack is going to confuse Hard players a lot
01:18:743 (3,4,5) - wtfspacing
01:38:743 (6,7,8) - Those antijumps are really just weird :/
01:40:171 (1) - Unfitting 1/4 repeat...
01:40:886 (3) - ^
01:50:796 (6) - To close to previous object

oh well

01:19:457 - That rhythmical break doesn't really fit imho...
01:35:171 - ^
02:00:171 (5) - Remove that? And maybe just make the ending a spinner.

02:00:171 (5) - remove
Thanks for mod ^^

Larto Mod: fixed
Kiai: Fixed
Some weird kickslider thing on [Insane] was fixed via PM, and now we're happy. So yeah.
Request taken from #modreqs.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. The combo colour 1 blends with the background.
  1. The comboing is consistently bad in the beginning. By that I mean to say it's bad - yet consistent. The new combos should be on the big white ticks, but they are one tick after, which musically doesn't make sense. There are two choices - either you think it's good enough (which is fine) in which case add a new combo on 00:12:314 (2) - for consistency, either you decide to change, in which case you'll have to turn 00:13:743 (4,3,3) - and 00:28:029 (2,2) - into slider (without repeat)+circle (with a new combo) and add a new combo on 00:23:029 (5,5) - not on the next notes.
  2. 00:38:743 (3,4) - Weird finishes. They sound quite sudden and don't lead to anything. Wouldn't it be better to remove them ?
  3. 01:57:314 (1,2) - These claps sound weird to me. Why not have used whistles ?
  4. 01:59:814 (4) - It sounds A LOT better to me if you add a finish on this, then add a note 1/1 after with no hitsound.
  1. Comboing is inconsistent in the beginning. The new comboes should be here: 00:14:457 (6) - 00:17:314 (5) - 00:19:457 (4) - this slider's end (you'll have to replace it with slider+circle) 00:28:029 (4) - same 00:30:886 (2) - same
  2. 00:38:743 (3) - Same comment as for Easy for the finishes.
  3. 01:58:029 (2) - Weird clap. See above. Also same suggestion for the end. =P
  1. Same comment about the comboing as in Easy. Also noticed a few isolated and weird-sounding claps: 01:38:743 (6) - 01:48:743 (1,2) -
  2. 00:31:957 (1,4) - These two triples don't make sense at all. They are nothing in the song. They threw me off badly when testplaying too. You don't even use this kind of rhythm ever again.
  3. 01:04:457 (1) - I think a rounded slider would work better here. You'd even be able to blanket the circle which would look awesome !
  1. Stacking circle+slider under a sliderend looks bad in-game. The sliderend being a passive object, it doesn't count for stacking, so in the stack, only the circle is pushed to the upper left, which makes it overlap in ugly ways with the sliderend. This is true for pretty much all times you used that pattern.
  2. 01:13:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I honestly don't like these. They don't make sense. A timelinelike this would be a lot better to me, as it would make more sense and have a better rhythm. Same goes for 01:28:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - and 01:44:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - of course.
52's Taiko
  • At least add "Oni" to the name...
  1. Raise the lead-in to at least 1.5s.
  2. Hitsounds are too loud during kiai. D:
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