- Due to the bursty nature of this song and long streams, I would increase OD/HP to 8/8 at the minimum, though 8.5/8.2 or so would work better imo.
- tfw no hitsounds *sad day*
- You can remove "4K" from the diff name since it's the only keymode present in the map.
Here's some formulas and stuff for calculating SVs, I'll be using them a ton.Y = average of an SV sequence
S1 = Starting SV value (the one you choose)
S2 = Second SV value to make the sequence average 1x
U = Units (counted by snaps)
U1 = Total number of units
U2 = Remaining number of units
N = Normalizing SV
Finding average SV of a sequence when given both values
(S1 × U + S2 × U) ÷ U1 = Y
Finding S2 when given the average SV, U1¬, and S1
(U1 – S1) ÷ U2 = Y
Finding the normalizing SV in a multi BPM song
Base BPM ÷ Current BPM
Anyways, onto the actual SVs present in the chartNote: You always want your SV sequences to average out to the overall SV of the section that you're in. What this means is basically if you have only a 1x section for like 90% of the map, and you decide to add SVs, those SVs should average out to 1x so that the scroll speed is consistent with the rest of the map. Think of it like chord consistency, if you hear a kick, you map it with a double, and then you hear a kick 2 seconds later, you still wanna map it with a double cause that's how you've always done it. Another thing is that SV sequences span between two notes, and never across notes. Lastly, when chaining SV sequences, the starting SV should always be the same as the previous sequence's starting SV. I dont mean value wise, but in how it starts. For example, you can go fast (SV > 1) to fast, or slow (SV < 1) to slow, but never fast to slow or slow to fast as that ruins the effect.
00:06:981 - to 00:07:330 - Ok, so starting here, your average SV is 1.5x because 1.25 + 1 + 0.75 = 3 / 2 units = 1.5x average. If you wanna make it average to 1x, you could do something like 00:06:981 - 2.2x, 00:07:068 - 0.6x, and then back to 1x at 00:07:330 - .
00:07:504 - ^
00:07:330 - to 00:07:504 - This is where chaining SVs come into play. You could do the above and just end it at 1x, but that would be boring cause then this 1/2 beat wouldn't have an SV sequence within it. So what you might do is 00:07:330 - 1.5x, 00:07:417 - 0.5x for a quick stutter.
00:07:853 - ^
00:08:202 - As for this, since there's a triplet here, you'll need to go into a 1/8, or even 1/16 snap to apply your SVs. If you want to half the values and call it a day, use 1/8 snap and just choose two values that will add to 2. If you want to do 1/16, then the values you choose will have to add to 4 since there's 4 units in between each 1/4 note. It'd be something like this:
- 00:08:202 - 00:08:289 - 1.9x
- 00:08:224 - 00:08:311 - 0.7x
- 00:08:376 - 1x
00:08:376 - Same thing I've mentioned above applies here. Basically, you can use the half and half method with 1/2 units so long as the distance between notes is one beat, otherwise it doesnt work because you have SV sequences going across notes which makes reading an ass because the effect is no longer contained between notes, and affects the overall average scroll of the player.
00:09:772 - As for this, you should try to start your SV sequences
on the first note and not between as the first note tends to act as the cue for the player to know that a visual effect is coming up. If you start it in the middle, there's no sense of rhythm for the player to get a hold of.
00:11:167 - 00:12:562 - ^
00:20:934 - This entire measure averages to above 1x (im too lazy to actually do the math). To remedy this, you should make 00:21:022 - 00:21:283 - 0.875x or 0.88x. If you want the effect to be stronger, you can turn the 1.25x into 2x, and then the next SV is 0.5x which is pretty cool imo. It's a lot easier to solve when it's just 3 units orz
00:22:417 - ^
00:21:545 - As for this one, if you want it to average 1x, this needs to be 0.92x, but that's a pretty weak effect which I dont think you were going for. Instead, you can do 2.2x starting, and followed by 0.6x
00:22:591 - to 00:22:679 - This SV spans across one note instead of between. To fix this, the SV at 00:22:679 - should be on the 1/8 before, and be 0.75x to average.
00:22:679 - If you accepted the above, then you can just do the half half method here. Technically there's a piano note at 00:22:766 - which I would map since it's part of the same sound as 00:22:679 (22679|2) - though.
00:23:376 - 00:23:463 - 00:23:551 - 00:23:638 - And here's how not to do the half half method. Reduce the 2x to 1.5x if you want it to average 1x. Currently, the average is (2.0 + 0.5) / 2 = 1.25x which, for players who tend to read around 26 - 28 scroll, is about 33 to 35. I read at scroll 32 which goes to show that it's much higher than what players will be used to.
00:25:120 - to 00:25:469 - This averages to 0.94x. If you wanna make it 1x, just remove the 0.5x at 00:25:382 - so that you have the 0.75x SV for two units instead of one.
00:36:370 - Same thing as above, just remove this so it averages out and isnt played as a slowjam. Though in my opinion, I think it might be better not to do a gradual slowdown and instead opt for a more sudden jump because the crash comes suddenly. Maybe 00:36:109 - 2.8x to 00:36:196 - 0.4x if you want something pretty heavy.
00:48:841 - Ok, what actually are these SVs and why do they exist. Like, the speed ups and slow downs are kind of random, and it looks like you tried to emphasize 00:51:632 - which is the start of a new scale I guess, but reading this is incredibly difficult, and not for the reasons you want, but because the player can't adjust to whatever scroll speed you're forcing them to read at because you're constantly changing it. In this way, they can't adjust where they're reading on the board (top, middle, bottom) because by the time they've found the correct place to read to give them enough reaction time to hit the coming notes, it's changed again. I would just suggest using 1x here, and what you can do to accent those chord changes every two measures is just a simple bump SV between the two 1/4 notes.
01:11:254 - Needs to be 0.5x to average properly.
01:11:429 - Should be 0.83x to average 1x because there's four units here instead of just 2. Also, you need to add a 1x SV at 01:11:690 - to finish off the SV sequence here.
01:14:045 - 01:14:219 - Same stuff I mentioned as above.
01:16:225 - If you remove the note at 01:16:574 (76574|1) - and extended 01:16:225 (76225|3) - to a full 3/2 length LN, you could do a pretty cool drag SV imo. Something like 0.6x at 01:16:225 - , and then 3x at 01:16:661 - .
01:19:626 - 1x, 01:19:713 - 0.75x to average 1x. Then end your SV sequence at 01:19:888 -
00:05:934 - to 00:06:109 - Is actually 1/6.
00:36:806 (36806|2,36981|2,37155|2) - I'd definitely try to avoid stacks like this. They're annoying to hit because of the unnecessary strain on the right index finger. What you could do instead is something more linear like this
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/846169800:37:853 (37853|1,37940|0,38027|1,38115|2,38202|3,38289|2) - Would also recommend against stairs. I know this map is called the clown of 24 stairs,
but you dont need to take it so literally in the patterns. This sound is all descending, so you could just make a linear pattern going from right -> left like this
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/8461715 . In this way, the strain is even since there's generally the same amount of space between notes in every column.
00:49:016 (49016|2,49190|2,49277|1,49452|1,49539|2,49713|2,49801|1,49975|1) - Why do stairs generally suck? Because of these mini stacks all focused in column 2 and 3, but never on the outside column. Might help to make something more evenly weighted like this
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/846172801:21:981 (81981|1,82068|2,82155|3,82243|2) - Since the snare comes in at this part, might be cool to either add a short jumptrill or a dense burst, like this