03:27 Mir: u need to listen closer >:
03:27 _83: z
03:28 _83: ??
03:28 Mir: 01:25:091 - 01:22:573 - 01:25:930 (4) - 01:29:077 (6) - clap lo 01:30:126 - kick 01:35:161 - etc
03:29 _83: f u c king
03:29 _83: I must've skippedfirst kiai somehow then
03:30 _83: either that or I'm as retarded as I am retarded
03:30 Mir: 02:16:804 (2) - 02:17:119 (4) - 02:24:881 (1) - missing kicks on these passive beats probably
03:30 Mir: you need to sit down with someone and fix them xD
03:32 _83: wtf'
03:32 _83: im angry boi
03:32 Mir:
03:33 _83: tbh
03:33 _83: what the fuck is some of this hitsounding
03:33 Mir: LOL
03:34 _83: like why is there a fucking normal whistle
03:34 _83: on a snare note
03:34 _83: but the normal whistle is customized to a fucking crash
03:34 Mir: LMAOOO
03:35 Mir: what the fuck lol
03:40 _83: this is what I'm going to do
03:40 _83: I'm going to listen to the song at 50% volume 0% effects
03:40 _83: and do the same shit
03:40 _83: but for every sound
04:02 _83: at this point I've gone over everything twice today
04:03 _83: I changed good number of hitsounds
04:03 _83: and god damn I'd rather shit be ranked wrong because fucking
04:03 _83: finger my asshole
04:03 Mir: did you change the normal whistle from a clap
04:03 _83: yes twice
04:03 _83: I probably have unused hitsounds somewhere now
04:04 Mir: just run it through ma and delete anything you know isn't used
04:05 _83: kk
04:05 _83: wait
https://bor.s-ul.eu/1A4OxHjj.png04:05 Mir: thinking
04:05 _83: can you run it through MA
04:05 _83: LOL
04:05 Mir: yeah update it
04:07 _83: ok its updated
04:07 Mir: soft-hitnormal29.wav
04:07 Mir: thats it
04:08 _83: ok
04:10 _83: cool its deleted
04:10 Mir: should i make a post with missing shit
04:11 _83: missing shit
04:11 _83: I don't think saying each thing is necessary
04:11 _83: cuz there was a lot of "etc." fixed
04:11 Mir: yeah its not much
04:11 Mir: just some stuff
04:14 _83: you could just post log
04:14 _83:
04:14 Mir: i haven't posted a list of missing hs in my life
04:14 Mir:
04:14 _83: well the thing was
04:15 _83: most of it was double hitsounding
04:15 _83: like soft whistle and drumhitnormal
04:16 Mir: 05:08:308 (4) - do you wanna nc this
04:16 Mir: or no
04:16 _83: naw
04:16 Mir: are you SURE
04:16 Mir: you dont wanna nc this
04:16 _83: HIV positive
04:16 _83: the very last note of the map
04:16 Mir: alrighty
04:17 Mir: posted missing shit
04:18 _83: wait
04:18 _83: still missing stuff??
04:19 Mir: ye
04:19 Mir: s
04:19 _83: brb kms
04:19 Mir: lmaoo
04:22 _83: 04:56:979 - this isn't kick
04:22 Mir: thought so
04:22 _83: idk
04:22 Mir: as i said soem might be wrong
04:22 _83: it doesn't sound as kicky as the rest
04:22 Mir: apply at your discretion!!!
04:22 _83: i did rest
04:23 _83:
https://bor.s-ul.eu/cGMdTejk.png04:23 Mir: :'(
04:24 _83: idk how you find the missing ones so fucking fast
04:25 Mir: yea seems gucchi now
04:25 *Mir is listening to [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1269565 FELT - Little Nova]
04:26 Mir: ignore
04:26 *_83 is listening to [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1269565 FELT - Little Nova]
04:26 Mir: need to redl a lot
04:26 Mir: cuz hs
04:26 Mir: zzz
04:26 Mir: do you want booble
04:27 _83: ye
04:27 Mir: metadoots where?
04:27 _83: lemme see
04:27 _83: I'm pretty sure I confirmed with kwan in pm
04:28 Mir: ooo kwanfirmation
04:28 Mir: goodie
04:28 _83: ok it was half kwanfirmed
04:28 Mir: only half kwanfirmed
04:29 Mir: where is the other half
04:29 _83:
https://bor.s-ul.eu/JjGoicQu.png about sinnoh post
04:29 _83:
https://bor.s-ul.eu/LyAgOEZI.png04:29 _83: this is half kwanfirmed
04:29 Mir: o
04:29 Mir: do you wanna put the actual game it's from
04:29 Mir: or are you content with just touhou
04:30 _83: i can't read japanese
04:30 _83: but i put something as source
04:30 Mir: solid
04:30 _83: and other thing in tags
04:31 Mir: seems fine i guess
04:32 Mir: you can put
04:32 Mir: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
04:32 Mir: as your source if you want
04:32 Mir: and move touhou to the tags
04:32 _83: can you send that somewhere else
04:32 _83: I can't copy pasta
04:33 _83: anything else
04:33 Mir: move touhou to tags if you didn't already and updoot
04:33 _83: kk
04:34 _83: updoot takes forever I think cuz of so many hitsounds
04:34 Mir: yep
04:34 Mir: keysounds and whatnot