
Menu button background settings?

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How do you make the inactive selections a dimmer color? The neon pink is really hurting my eyes and I'd prefer to keep the current background that I made.

Mino- wrote:

How do you make the inactive selections a dimmer color? The neon pink is really hurting my eyes and I'd prefer to keep the current background that I made.
That isnt possibe. Every mennu-button-background will get tinted, unless it is black.
You can't. The skin element "menu-button-background" is recolored by fixed code:

Beatmap tab background colors (#RRGGBBAA format):
  1. Group tab (opened) - #a3f02cff
  2. Group tab (closed) - #0096ecdc
  3. Group tab (playing) - #449cffdc
  4. Map tab (selected) - #ffffffdc
  5. Map tab (with score) - #e96800dc
  6. Map tab (without score) - #f18b9fe6
  7. Map tab (no map) - #23328fff
  8. Tab (map set found) - #7b68eedc
  9. Tab (map set not found) - #dc143cdc
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