How it works:
Someone posts a loanword, preferably one that is not part of the 90% of vocabulary every english speaking person uses.
You can either consult a foreign word dictionary, choose a word that gives sufficient room for interpretation or think of a nonsense word that isn't identifiable as such without consulting a search engine.
The next user invents an etomology for that word, explaining the meaning and optionally the origin of that word/phrase. It should be obvious that this does not have to do anything with the actual meaning.
Let's start, the first word is:
Someone posts a loanword, preferably one that is not part of the 90% of vocabulary every english speaking person uses.
You can either consult a foreign word dictionary, choose a word that gives sufficient room for interpretation or think of a nonsense word that isn't identifiable as such without consulting a search engine.
The next user invents an etomology for that word, explaining the meaning and optionally the origin of that word/phrase. It should be obvious that this does not have to do anything with the actual meaning.
User1: [explanation of the previous word]
User2: factice or sometimes spelled "factise" describes the process of creating facts from opinions by repeating them over and over again. Such factism often received great recognition in the past and was particularly practiced by past monarchs monarchs and politicians.
Nowadays factising mainly finds its application in denouncing authentic and well researched news as so called "fake news" in order to keep people from thoroughly educating themselves.
[next word]
User2: factice or sometimes spelled "factise" describes the process of creating facts from opinions by repeating them over and over again. Such factism often received great recognition in the past and was particularly practiced by past monarchs monarchs and politicians.
Nowadays factising mainly finds its application in denouncing authentic and well researched news as so called "fake news" in order to keep people from thoroughly educating themselves.
[next word]
Let's start, the first word is: