
How good were you...?

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at 3-4 months of gameplay? Were you able to play insanes with a FC?
I can only play a few insanes decently atm ;(
I was yes, but everyone is different, it matters your play style, how you fair with rhythm games in general and, not everyone is as good as everyone else, so it might take some more time to get good :3~

Don't worry though, give it some time~
I could do insanes with 93% almost FC's
Nowadays the average is FC insanes after 2 months of playcount. I only could do that after 1 year+, though
I still can't do insanes. Hell, I can barely do most hards.
I can FC some Hard diffs... but Insane diffs, very rare.. (but I can finish them)
I think I SS'd my first insane at 2 months or so, but it was one of those easy insanes, labeled insane but not really. I think your PC matters more than time since joined though.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Nowadays the average is FC insanes after 2 months of playcount. I only could do that after 1 year+, though
pooting this.

Standards have increased over the years, Which I'm not necessarily sure is a good thing, as it's usually difficulty > fun, nowadays.
plaing about 2weeks now...
able to FC hard..(2songs only)
never FC'ed insane though.... only can pass it
3~4 months into playing this game I was still having difficulty with Hard difficulties.
I still can't FC most insanes...

At 3-4 months I was probably getting the hang of hards.
i got my first #1 with hd+hr on an insane after 4months of play.
Took me about 2 months to do my first insane song. with 96%+

The thing is that "back in the day" maps we're SO goddamn different. The styles, such precise timing, and especially approach rate wasn't used like it is today. People joining osu in the last few months have had it extremely lucky because there have been some amazing maps which can challenge you, yet seem do able.

As osu ages and the maps get more fluid, you'll see people doing insanes in about 2-3 weeks of play time. Unforgivable you seem to hit a peak for a while after that where you can do any more than you're able to do. Once you finally get over that peak it's an amazing feeling though....until you realise that there was an everest behind that peak and you'll need to spend another 5 months climbing that.

JesusYamato wrote:

i got my first #1 with hd+hr on an insane after 4months of play.
Also I remember when you couldn't do songs with a slow approach rate. :P

KRZY wrote:

3~4 months into playing this game I was still having difficulty with Hard difficulties.
This really surprised me.. until I saw your playcount graph. I mean, almost no plays at all during first 4 months D:
Im about 4-5 month only I can pass any Dragonforce maps but not FC'd lol
And Im kinda good at streams :D
I thought I was cool for S'ing insane diffs but not Taiko Onis.

After like 4 months I could pretty much FC all "normal" insanes in no more than 2 or 3 plays in a good day, an with effort I could FC those somewhat harder insanes (ofc no super insanes). I couldn't play HR at all and I had many ranked scores with DT or HD, but since the map's difficulty has been increasing with time (and no everyone FCs everything so damn easily lol), it really depends on when you started playing and how much you played in those 4 months... like really now you see some kind of very hard insane map and lol everyone has FC with somehow good acc, while I'm sure some time in the past those maps would have idk 15 FC only. A case I saw develop itself was Matryoshky (gowww's map). I remember when I joined it had like idk 20 FCs and Cookiezi was like top 1 or 2 with 1x100 nomod, and now you gotta do HD to get into the top 20. xd
I was absolutely terrible in all three modes.
I've been here for 1 year. I only played CTB & a bit of standard, then I quit & came back in May.

I started playing standard since then & have improved greatly. ~
That was about the amount of time I needed to realise I had to turn off mouse precision or w/e it's called in windows ._. Yay me

CXu wrote:

That was about the amount of time I needed to realise I had to turn off mouse precision or w/e it's called in windows ._. Yay me
I needed a full year before I knew that ._.
I heard that mouse only wasn't a good way to play, and plus playing with just mouse was hurting my hand, so I mapped my left click to spacebar, and didn't notice that you could click with the right mouse button as well.

Basically I was trying to single tap my way through everything by pounding spacebar really fast. Streams baffled me because I couldn't figure out how people could tap one key that fast.

zx was something of a revelation :roll:
I started to pass insane songs when I learned that you can use two buttons for faster notes. Now I can fc most of the easy insane songs but still can't do 180+bpm insane songs.
I can't FC anything, I've been playing like 9months. I am terrible.
Sup A Noob
Four months in I started passing Insanes like normal. Two months later I was getting S'es on the wrong rig. Another two months later I was regularly first-try S'ing Insanes since I don't repeat play most of the time.

Now I'm trying to regular first-try SH Insane but it's hard as hell.
f e a r
I'm still bad. \:D/
On a more serious note, it took me some time before I could even get past 1/4 of insane songs. Never been too good at stuff. orz
FC's some hard maps (tryd some Insanes but failed x.x) now (after 5-6month) passing Insane and Lunatic^^ (playstyle: only-mouse , for long streams keyboard)
hmmm ...
I guess after 3-4 Months ... hard to say ...
Passing Matryoshka on Hard i'd say (the first (real) challenge for myself)

Now, probably passing those shitty maps i've mapped myself xD
was FCing hard/insanes, terrible accuracy on streamy maps though
I was able to FC most hard/insane maps, even the streamy ones, however jumps were really hard for me and i could barely play them.
I started pretty well, after 3 months or so i could FC quiet some insane maps with over 95%. After changing mouse and keyboard due to an accident with tea and sugar, i couldnt fc anything, not even 4 stars maps; thought my acc hasnt dropped.
Firo Prochainezo
3-4 months ago I was still doing Normal/Hard.
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I probably have a lot more plays than anyone did in 4 months lol, (13.5k) . Mostly from retries for high accuracy, and top 40. I have 65 or so top 40s so far. dunno why i care for top 40s at this point~
After 2 months I was 1st place overall. Or was it 2 months and 1 week... I can't quite remember.
3-4 months and I was #6.

Damn u cyclone~
um..3-4 months i could get A's
i still cant play insanes, theyre do hard and ive been playing for over half a year now
I think i fc'd my first [Hard] there :D
it judgelight - fripSide from DJPop
I always played songs that were too hard for me to FC in hopes I could improve my skill at a faster pace. I'm still sort of doing that. I could FC some insanes but I can't say I ever tried very much.
Took 3 months to get an S on a 4-star hard map...
Starting out. I didn't have even a moderately good mouse, attempted Hards ~ Insanes. Got quite annoyed at my performance.

Decided to enjoy CtB instead. After 1-2 months I rose to #2000. Another 1-2 months I was in the #100's. Continued for another while and settled at #24 Overall for CtB.

And only in the recent months I've decided to pick uo osu! again since I have an acceptable mouse. Taking it very very casually since my focus, time and energy mainly goes to mapping.
After 4 months? Hmm... Let me look...

I could pass that IIRC.

That for sure.

I could do the stuff after the first 10 seconds, but when it came to the stream at the beginning, I often lost so much HP getting through it that I failed soon afterward.

I could do the Hard, but the Insane was beyond me.

Gosh, 3-4 months... That feels like it was years ago... Which is why I had to use my maps to remember. :P
Nah I always sucked at osu!
was trying to single click everything
could only pass some hards
after 3 months i started to play hard maps, after another 2 months i started to play insane maps but not the hard ones, i was never interested to become better at this game until january, i became a bit more obsessed
I used to be extremely good at CtB, played it non-stop and since I stopped playing it, I fail to even get a S on "Jun Wakita - Shounen A = Another" ;_;
Raging Bull
I can't do jumps as well as before anymore. :( On the other hand, I can do streams better. :L
3~4 month after i signed up i stopped playing lol, at that time i can't barely even pass hard diff maps. I continue playing after a few months, around this January after i saw the top 20 player video on youtube. That's when i can pass an insane map \o\
After 3 months I could easily FC many insane maps, few even on my first try, but back then I was totally addicted to osu!, playing at least 15 hours a day everyday wasn't good for my health. Now I switched to iPad osu :c
During my first months of osu! I played extremely little. I could only play normals and easys.
Right now I can S every 3rd Insane I play (but not over 180 BPM). Mostly on my first try. Hards are SSable (but not over 200BPM, I'll only get S on those, mostly.) But I hardly ever play hards. That's why I have so little SS's. I'm pretty good I guess..
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