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Hello everyone and welcome to the osu! Amino Tournament! We decided to organise a large tournament for everyone to join.
What is Amino?
Amino is a phone app which allows you to join multiple of the various fan-made and organised communities. It includes an active community for almost any subject. Each community need order, and so leaders and curators are introduced. Leaders have full control over the amino and while curators have fewer permissions, their main role allows them to showcase the best posts on the front page for everyone to see.
Quite suddenly, a change happened in the osu! amino. The old leaders and curators were demoted and replaced by a new, active leader, presumably chosen by the Amino staff (though we cannot confirm this). Our new leader took the role responsibly, promoted new curators and our amino now has an active system of moderation.
Because of this, we have decided that the best celebration would be a tournament. For all of us, it is our first time directing a tournament of this scale, but we believe it will work. I'm sure any details you'll need will be found below.
What will the tour be like?
Within amino, we have created official polls to help us decide some of the basics of the tournament. In short, here they are:
- The tournament will be played in 4v4 format.
The tournament scoring system will use ScoreV1.
Multiple brackets, each with its own rank range, may participate.
Each bracket will have a single mappool throughout the tournament.
Each bracket will be played as a double elimanation bracket.
Players without the Amino app are not restricted from entering the tournament.
You must join the Discord server. Link can be found above.
The rules can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WtI ... PSZAk/edit
Please note that the rules have not been fully finalised and may undergo changes. Any changes to the rules from the point of posting this will be reported to everyone via Discord and this thread. You will also want to see the mappools. To do that, please direct to the link below.
Mappools: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
Where do I sign up?
We have devised 2 systems of participation: Pre-made teams and solo queue. They act just as they sound. Pre-made teams allow teams of at least 4 players up to 7 players to register together, which means you are guaranteed to stay with your teammates. Solo queue allows individuals without teams to be placed in another team. We will ensure that time zones stay similar within the team. Please note that pre-made teams can not refuse from taking in a random player. Only a total of 16 teams may enter a single bracket. Latest entries will be put on a waiting list, should a team decide to forfeit from the tournament. Application forms for both systems can be found below
- Pre-made teams: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... g/viewform
Solo queue: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... w/viewform
We are currently looking for referees, first timers or not. We will arrange you access to the tourney commands and show you the routine of the matches as well as editing access to the spreadsheet. Please talk to someone with the Amino role on the Discord server. Thank you.
- Main Organisers: OskaRRRitoS, Arutsuki, Kajakoro.
Referee: OskaRRRitoS, Kajakoro, Arutsuki, nullfathi, Deadpulse, Kentaro, ForseenParadox, jh1h1h.
Streamer: -Shadow-, ShiiTsuin
Commentator: NosuBrosu, ItsMyMai, Fuutori, InsaneMadness, Wasabi, Gummy.
The dates that have been decided so far are as follows:
- 28th April 2017 - Sign-ups for 100k-150k and 150k-300k brackets end. [Ended]
5th May 2017 - 100k-150k and 150k-300k bracket start.
2nd June 2017 - Signups for 30k-65k and 65k-100k brackets end.
9th June 2017 - 30k-65k and 65k-100k bracket start.
7th July 2017 - Signups for 5k-10k and 10k-30k brackets end.
14th July 2017 - 5k-10k and 10k-30k bracket start.
11th August 2017 - Signups for 1k-5k bracket ends.
18th August 2017 - 1k-5k bracket start.
Anything else?
We are setting up challonge links to help you track the current state of the tournament. They are in the making so please be patient. Links will be found below.
- Challonge 1k-5k:
Challonge 5k-10k:
Challonge 10k-30k:
Challonge 30k-65k: http://osuaminotournament.challonge.com/cn38sph1
Challonge 65k-100k: http://osuaminotournament.challonge.com/16q9q8j3
Challonge 100k-150k: http://challonge.com/osu_at100
Challonge 150k-300k: http://challonge.com/8z5v3fd
Do tell us if we missed anything that you would deem important!