
A way to improve UR?

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I know this question has been asked but necro posting is bad and I haven't found a answer to this except "play more." I know play more is the key but i would like to know in what way i should play more. My unstable averages around 180-190 in jump maps and around 230-280 on stream maps. On 2-3 star maps I get about 300-500 UR. My tapping is consistent at hitting both early and late( -ms and +ms are usually around the same number. I think my bad acc is not because of me playing songs that are too hard but is because my tapping is very inconsistent. I use a K70 with blue switches if that is useful information. I've had this UR for probably the past 6-7 months. Ive tried playing OD 10 for awhile and putting on HD and carefully listening to the music but none of that really helped.
Stop playing 98753948573985734 star maps

Go back to like 4-5* and work on your acc there

Also play more
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HK_ wrote:

Stop playing 98753948573985734 star maps

Go back to like 4-5* and work on your acc there

Also play more
I get around 96-99 on 4-5 star maps and yes i do still play them frequently( probably half my daily plays are on those). MY unstable rate still nears 200.
Edit them to OD9 and watch your acc drop to 80%

And it's to early for you to play OD10 at all, or well to expect any results
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HK_ wrote:

Edit them to OD9 and watch your acc drop to 80%
I edit them and t my acc drops yes, but my UR remains the same. I play it over and over at OD 10 and everything remains nearly the same. Did so for about 3 weeks.

Whats the difference of edditng to OD 9 instead of going straight to 10? The difference will be the same. I will pass the song with lower acc but at the same UR. Knowing that I am mistiming a note will not help me because no matter how hard i focus to hit a note perfectly i will not thus why i said at 2-3 star songs i get above 300 UR.
Dude people play for years to get good UR, don't expect to get consistent 30 UR after only 3 weeks or ever really
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HK_ wrote:

Dude people play for years to get good UR, don't expect to get consistent 30 UR after only 3 weeks or ever really
Did i say i want a UR of 30? I said I was asking for tips on a way to improve. I said my UR has stayed the SAME for 6 months. If i saw a slight improvement in my OD trainign ofcourse i would have continued but i didn't thus is why i am here. I am not expecting anything quickly. I just want imput on what i should be doing or doing more.
After 2 or so years my UR varies between 100 and 200

All I did was play more

I understand that you want an easier way but something like that doesn't exist

Oh and also stop playing stupid pp farm maps, play some stuff from 2012-13
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HK_ wrote:

After 2 or so years my UR varies between 100 and 200

All I did was play more

I understand that you want an easier way but something like that doesn't exist

Oh and also stop playing stupid pp farm maps, play some stuff from 2012-13
Play more is general. That is to improve at the game as a whole. How do you improve your aim? Play heavy jump maps and maybe focu less oin streaming. How do you improve at streams? Play more stream heavy maps and focus less on jump maps. Right now i want to focus on a specific aspect in the game, UR. There ways to improve at a specific area. I just want to know what people did that worked out for them and try them out if i haven't yet or continue what i'm doing. I'm not looking for an "easier" way in the aspect that i want to git gud quickly, . The amount that i play will still be the same.

Most of those plays are from 2-3 months ago. I'm playing more diverse maps now.
You could also try that Rouhulk's thing, low AR combined with high OD

It will improve your reading and force your fingers to do what they are supposed to do

Aside from that I'm a noob myself so what do I know about good UR
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HK_ wrote:

You could also try that Rouhulk's thing, low AR combined with high OD

It will improve your reading and force your fingers to do what they are supposed to do

Aside from that I'm a noob myself so what do I know about good UR
Thank you. Ive done low AR training and high OD training separately but never together. Ill make to sure to spend some time on trying that out.

Dw we are all noobs arent we.
Theres a single way to get better UR and its to play more. Good UR comes from experience and knowing what youre doing, good rhythm sense develops over time and your tapping gets more stable. You should rather focus on improving at the game as a whole instead of focusing on a single aspect. Its too early for that. Improving your reading and tapping will improve your UR. You cant improve UR without improving those. Git gud at the game and your UR will follow. About ODs, OD10 gives more accurate feedback, ofc yiur UR will be the same since youre still tapping the same way, you just get harsher feedback (and more pp). However OD10 is way too hard flr you currently, it will not provide you feedback since youre just gonna get 100s upon 100s. Dont bite more than you can chew.

My UR is usually 90-120 lowest is something like 72. For singletap maps its 90-105 and on stream maps 95-120
I think it took me like 7 months to get scores with UR under 100, then it took me another 3 months to get used to my laptop keyboard to get UR under 100.

Play more is what I'm saying, it comes naturally if you pay attention to it
Yeah I wish there was an easy way to lower UR but I haven't found it. Been stuck at around 90-120 UR for several months now and can't seem to improve it. I mainly play Taiko where getting low UR is extremely important as OD is harsher than the other gamemodes. I will say I've noticed is that my UR is lower on songs where I am comfortable with all the patterns and doesn't have huge SV or BPM changes. I've tried about everything to lower my UR as well but nothing seems to work. Only thing that significantly improved my UR was getting a mech keyboard. Also since the game determines hit timing based on frames playing with unlimited FPS can improve UR.

So if you play with 120fps locked for instance each frame will consist of 8.33ms of time. which the perfect frame to hit the note could be evenly +\- centered around the note or it could be Anywhere in that frame. But regardless of where the actual timing in the frame occurs the game assumes the note is at the center of the frame. It also assumes your hit are at the center of the frame. So if the beat occurs towards the end of frame 1 and you are just slightly late so it registers your hit in the next frame your hit will be seen as 8.33m/s delayed. Long story short higher framerate will reduce the severity of this as time is divided more evenly.

Domo3311 wrote:

On 2-3 star maps I get about 300-500 UR.
That's kinda unusual as I play 3.5 - 4* maps and I get around 170 on average.. Something over 200 isn't that good of a sign. However, I do think that maps with slower BPM / spaced out hitcircles give you higher UR, since it's just harder to hit at the right moment than consistently hitting to the song on the beat.


N0thingSpecial wrote:

I think it took me like 7 months to get scores with UR under 100, then it took me another 3 months to get used to my laptop keyboard to get UR under 100.

Play more is what I'm saying, it comes naturally if you pay attention to it
I Give Up
Plan for a 4 hour osu session. Pick your best AR, type it in song menu (like "ar=9") then play those songs. By the end of 4 hours your UR will drop 200 -> 120. Do this once or twice a week over a month period, that should permanently fix your UR for that particular AR. Some of that skill carries over to other AR, mods and playstyles. Good luck.

Edit: almost forgot to mention to play at your comfortable bpm as well. Type "ar=9 bpm<195 bpm>165" or something)
This never happened to me Kuki. When I was still bad enough to get 200 UR on maps I was capable of playing I wouldn't ever get something as good as 120 later that day, 150 neither. I never had any nonfluent jumps like that unrelated to special maps that were just a lot easier to get low UR on, speaking of stuff like Hikaru nara.
Play more isn't good advice. Tap more consistently and on the beat.

kai99 wrote:

That's kinda unusual as I play 3.5 - 4* maps and I get around 170 on average.. Something over 200 isn't that good of a sign. However, I do think that maps with slower BPM / spaced out hitcircles give you higher UR, since it's just harder to hit at the right moment than consistently hitting to the song on the beat.
The lower the OD, the higher the UR.

F1r3tar wrote:

The lower the OD, the higher the UR.
Proud of 96-99% acc on 4* maps smh...

I'll tell you how to get lower UR:
-get enough stamina
-become fast
-be able to stream sub140bpm (finger control is the key!)
-tap to the beat
-get at least 99.5% accuracy on od8 maps (in the 4* range)
-SS everything that has no complex patterns

TL;DR: play more

Endaris wrote:

Indirect correlation, which I probably should've mentioned but was too lazy (still am) to edit.
Anemic Witch
General advice - make your sound settings like 100% hitsounds, 70% music and pick a skin with hitsounds you like.
On jumps try to concentrate on aim and then tap, on streams listen to the music and try to make your hitsounds align with streaming bit. Playing low bpm streaming maps like Midnight Siege will help you on this.
tape a subwoofer to your chair so you can really feel the beat. Turn the volume to max and your well on your way

-Jukke- wrote:

Theres a single way to get better UR and its to play more. Good UR comes from experience and knowing what youre doing, good rhythm sense develops over time and your tapping gets more stable. You should rather focus on improving at the game as a whole instead of focusing on a single aspect. Its too early for that. Improving your reading and tapping will improve your UR. You cant improve UR without improving those. Git gud at the game and your UR will follow. About ODs, OD10 gives more accurate feedback, ofc yiur UR will be the same since youre still tapping the same way, you just get harsher feedback (and more pp). However OD10 is way too hard flr you currently, it will not provide you feedback since youre just gonna get 100s upon 100s. Dont bite more than you can chew.

My UR is usually 90-120 lowest is something like 72. For singletap maps its 90-105 and on stream maps 95-120
Basically this

The only way you can learn UR is to play on higher OD with harsher feedbacks
So in short you need to improve all other aspects of your skill to at least around 4k pp??(<--Jukke check this number man, idk)
And then specialise in something
Id say 5k pp since at that point you should have learnt all the basic skills and gotten more into streams and stuff. Its relatively easy to get to 4k pp with only aim heavy maps but after that maps with streams become way more effective sources for pp (due to OD and length). Of course there are exceptions too

F1r3tar wrote:

Endaris wrote:

Indirect correlation, which I probably should've mentioned but was too lazy (still am) to edit.
There is no correlation at all.
UR scales with complexity and bpm (the lower the bpm the higher the UR gets for most ppl).
OD just tells you how much pp the map will shit with high accuracy and how difficult it is to SS the map - regardless of UR.
In Vitro
My suggestion is to play long maps (~5min) where you get around 99% acc. Good UR is just a matter of good accuracy and consistency.
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