22:27 Critical_Star: sorry about just now, my com sometimes got crazy a bit xd
22:28 Maxus: that;s alright, hope it's fine xd
22:28 Maxus: what do u think about the map?
22:29 Critical_Star: i accidentally sent wrong msg to monstrata lol
22:30 Critical_Star: l0oks, i just suggest a little stuff here
22:30 Critical_Star: 04:31:053 (271053|2,271097|1,271141|0,271185|2,271229|3,271273|0,271318|1,271362|2) - personally prefer a short LN to differentiate the sound here
22:31 Maxus: omg to monstrata? ._.
22:31 Maxus: at first i want to, but im not sure about 1/8 LN
22:31 Critical_Star: because i click wrong since your name panel are just beside him lol
22:31 Maxus: it's not too excessive?
22:31 Maxus: u mutual with him? im jealous qwq
22:32 Critical_Star: nah no xd
22:32 Critical_Star: i think 1/8 LN is nice to do so here
22:32 Maxus: ok will make 1/8 'w')
22:33 Critical_Star: some pattern remind me of happiness xd
22:34 Maxus: the burst and the LN /run xd
22:34 Maxus: but this one is less agressive imo
22:34 Maxus: since i make this more comfortable xd
22:34 Critical_Star: 03:37:759 (217759|0,217759|3,217759|1,217847|2,217935|1,217935|0,218023|3,218112|2,218112|1,218200|0,218200|3,218288|1,218288|2,218376|0,218465|1,218465|3,218553|2,218553|0,218641|1,218641|3) -
22:35 Critical_Star: how about just do double for vocal here?
22:35 Critical_Star: 03:40:582 (220582|1,220582|0,220670|3,220670|2,220759|0,220759|1,220847|3,220935|1,220935|2,221023|0,221023|3,221112|2,221112|1,221200|0,221288|1,221288|3,221376|2,221376|0,221465|1,221465|3) - ^
22:35 Critical_Star: i think that
22:36 Critical_Star: u been doing this kind of pattern all the time so maybe give less anchor here will be good
22:36 Maxus: i just realize it can be made to follow vocal xd
22:36 Critical_Star: 03:43:406 (223406|0,223406|2,223494|3,223494|1,223582|0,223582|2,223670|3,223759|2,223759|1,223847|0,223847|3,223935|2,223935|1,224023|0,224112|3,224112|2,224200|1,224200|0,224288|3,224288|2) - then start here is okay since the kick are getting intensive xd
22:37 Maxus: 02:35:641 - here too i think?
22:37 Critical_Star: 04:05:994 (245994|1,245994|0,246082|3,246082|2,246170|0,246170|1,246259|3,246347|0,246347|1,246435|2,246435|3,246523|0,246523|1,246612|2,246700|0,246700|3,246788|2,246788|1,246876|0,246876|3,246965|1,247053|3,247053|2,247141|0,247141|1,247229|3,247229|2,247318|0,247406|2,247406|3,247494|1,247494|0,247582|2,247582|3,247670|0,247759|2,247759|1,247847|0,247847|3,247935|2,247935|1,248023|3,248112|1,248112|0) - same idea vocal layering
22:37 Critical_Star: yea\
22:38 Maxus: to also differentiate with 02:38:465 - ? since i notice they are different in intensity xd
22:38 Critical_Star: u get the point xd
22:39 Maxus: yeah, it will be dense jumpstream instead of jumptrill xd
22:40 Maxus: 00:48:523 - hmm about this, do you think this too boring? bcoz i think so xd
22:40 Critical_Star: hmm seems pretty fine imo
22:41 Critical_Star: or
22:41 Critical_Star: u can ignore 1/2 sound and catch every vocal here with LN
22:41 Critical_Star: also it is a good build up structure after 00:59:641 -
22:42 Critical_Star: but current one is fine too
22:42 Maxus: somehow i felt it is too long to make players waiting.. but i'm not sure either
22:43 Critical_Star: but still i prefer your current one 1/2 pattern
22:45 Maxus: hmm i see, then will use the current for now then xd.. if players find it boring, i might change it xd
22:45 Critical_Star: sure xd
22:46 Critical_Star: rest seems fine for me, only those double trill stuff i mention
22:47 Maxus: double trill for pp /run xd , jk
22:47 Maxus: thank u so much my moe star >//<
22:49 Maxus: may u post the irc so i can give kudosu? xd
22:49 Critical_Star: np np :D
22:49 Critical_Star: suree