
Setting the background's brightness [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +44
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throwing this in before going absent for a long time, a credit goes to Galkan for some grammar help orz

i'm pretty sure all of you guys had a problem with the background being a little bit too bright, tiring for eyes and stuff. since .osz2 is coming soon, many people complain with stuff like "omg it won't be possible to delete storyboards and bgs anymore". also, since peppy has announced a possibility of turning the storyboards off... why can't we set the brightness of the background image, too?

i mean, we could have a scrollbar in options, with which we can set the intensivity of the background, how bright and vivid it is. if you take a close look at the background while playing the beatmap, you can see that it's going a little bit darker exactly at the moment where it starts. why can't we manipulate with how strong that fade is? most of the players would be satisfied with that feature, i guess.

about the black, hard to read circles in a 90-100% fade - I thought of something like adding a brightening function at >50% background fade, where circles are brightened for (let's say) 10% when the fade is set to 60%, 20% brightness when fade is set 70%, and so on. 100% fade = 50% extra brightness for notes. the circles won't lose their hue at all, yet they'll be a lot more vivid and visible.

also, this map is a great example of my idea; in the entire map, the background image was storyboarded to be a little bit darker than the original image, i liked it that way.

so... what do you think, guys?
An excellent idea. Personally I like having images in the background, I just detest really bright ones when I'm doing something challenging. 100% support.
Really good idea, it would be cool =P

So also there will be less removed background from the maps ^^
Darkening the map as far as possible -> Black bg?
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Shiirn wrote:

Darkening the map as far as possible -> Black bg?
exactly. most of people tend to play like that, so why not?
I Support This!

Shiirn wrote:

Darkening the map as far as possible -> Black bg?
Yes this needed too please! :D
i support!!!
I think this is a great idea!
But i have no stars T~T
Yeah why not. I don't know if all the way down = black bg is needed though. Anyway, +1
Yeah, black BG would be really neccesary too
no gray bg please
/me runs

No. I abuse that color reduction in my storyboards.

rEdo wrote:

exactly. most of people tend to play like that, so why not?
No they don't. You're just incredibly picky (so am I but in different ways).

Edit, I wouldn't mind having a "backgroundadditive" or whatever that colorization is called in skin.ini.

rEdo wrote:

exactly. most of people tend to play like that, so why not?
If most people jumped off a bridge, would you?

naptime wrote:

If most people jumped off a bridge, would you?

JesusYamato wrote:

That analogy is completely retarded and unrelated to this issue.
One results in one's death where the other only changes gameplay.

Galkan92 wrote:

naptime wrote:

If most people jumped off a bridge, would you?

JesusYamato wrote:

That analogy is completely retarded and unrelated to this issue.
One results in one's death where the other only changes gameplay.
The end result is still negative if you don't consider the consequences. The idea is to not just assume that what others are doing is automatically correct or good. The idea of jumping off a bridge is used because everyone should know that it's a silly thing to do, so that lets you compare it to the current circumstances in terms of just following along. Of course, it is clearly an exaggeration.

I support this idea.
mfw nobody gets the reference
I was thinking of adding a dimmer adjustment as a BAT setting. (like Genre or Online Offset)
The only use of this is to fix maps with overly bright backdrops that wash out hit objects, and this is the same for all players.
Yeah i support this. But imo it shouldnt allow a complete black/white screen, just more dark/bright but still let the bg visible. Why? It'll make maps with bright BGs playable and ppl wont delete BGs (or at least thay wont have excuse to), so everyone will be happy. Also, peppy is against the idea of the black screen from what i saw in other topic, so requesting something that allows it is a bit useless.

But ofc there always will be ppl that will think its not dark enough

rEdo wrote:

Shiirn wrote:

Darkening the map as far as possible -> Black bg?
exactly. most of people tend to play like that, so why not?
A brightness option may help some taiko users whose vision gets blurred like happens to me frequently.
Support this. Good luck
Perfect. Here, take all my votes
Dark combo colours won't play well with dark BGs tho.

Soooo, being able to change the colours of the combo colours too?
Topic Starter

theowest wrote:

Soooo, being able to change the colours of the combo colours too?
nah, actually I thought of something like adding a brightening function at >50% background fade, where circles are brightened for (let's say) 10% when the fade is set to 60%, 20% brightness when fade is set 70%, and so on. 100% fade = 50% extra brightness for notes. the circles won't lose their hue at all, yet they'll be a lot more vivid and visible. yay for ctrl+c ctrl+v @ main post edit
I think this is an excellent idea.Even though people have personal preferences with bgs and brightness ( I prefer playing with a bg) adding this as an option certainly wouldn't hurt. 100% support. ( I like teh bgs 0u0 )
Good idea. I searched for this thread and had one idea in head.

Maybe we could just do like in StepMania, in the options menu, we can choose the brightness (in the said game, from 0 to 100) but those values are capped.

Let's say 20% for the minimal value atm, never saw any 10% BG in ITG so I'll see.
Miu Matsuoka
this idea's just brilliant
0-100% (full scale) support, every bg is unique and every display has a different brightness/contrast/color temp etc, so this will be excellent for the people who know how to tune a picture and for anyone who are getting a dark or overbright osu experience right now!

theowest wrote:

Dark combo colours won't play well with dark BGs tho.

Soooo, being able to change the colours of the combo colours too?
I'm certainly fine with the two being put together... just having an "Increase Contrast" button that makes the background go one notch darker and the combo colours go one notch brighter would make me happy.

JMC wrote:

I thought ranked maps couldn't have 0,0,0 black hitobjects :o
I play osu!droid with background brightness at 80%(maybe 85%, can't recall the exact number) and find it quite awesome, it seems to help make beats on some maps more noticeable
Yes please, I can't stand playing maps with crazy bright BG's, hurts my eyes.
I like this idea. Some people like to have their face burned from all the contrast, but I don't.

MMzz wrote:

Yes please, I can't stand playing maps with crazy bright BG's, hurts my eyes.
kiai flashes start getting ridiculous on bright backgrounds, support for this.
+1 because sometimes the bright backgrounds can "blind" me and I cant see the circles as a result.
if you add it, players would not be necessary to remove or change the background manually.
i wish it could exist!!!!:)

Minty Gum
I like this. Very useful~
Considering this has been implemented in the Fun Sucker options on Test Build, isn't this a completed request?

Azure_Kite wrote:

Considering this has been implemented in the Fun Sucker options on Test Build, isn't this a completed request?
I'd say yes, but i rather wait until it's in public instead of Test so i'll just add bubble for now.
Yes, it is added on the test server.
nvm, guess ill just give it the heart then.
Glad to see this was finally implemented after my same request was shot down overnight three years ago. :roll: Looks like it just needed a bit more polish.
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Phyrearms wrote:

Glad to see this was finally implemented after my same request was shot down overnight three years ago. :roll: Looks like it just needed a bit more polish.
guess it was necessary to describe more thoroughly. :)
I wonder if peppy actually has read this post when deciding to add this kind of feature... well, guess it doesn't matter now, since it's finally live. the only thing I'm wondering about is... why the storyboards can't be disabled whenever somebody with an ACTUAL epilepsy plays the song for the first time? there should be a toggle like that in the options, not only the pause menu in-game. the same goes with multiplayer games, people can't adjust the brightness, because it's impossible to pause... well, I think it's up to the developers what to do with this, I guess.
in every case, thanks a lot for implementing this! :D
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