Problem Details: to make it short, if you worked a bit in the editor for a storyboard and you go out of the editor, osu! won't ask you if you want to save your map. That's pretty annoying when you put a lot of effort in it and you maybe go out of the editor without thinking about to save the map or just by mistake. Elements are still in the beatmaps folder then.
Dntm8kmeeatu - TL;DR Making changes in the Storyboard will never prompt a save upon exiting the editor, unlike adding or changing notes.
osu! version: 20170222.2cuttingedge
Dntm8kmeeatu - TL;DR Making changes in the Storyboard will never prompt a save upon exiting the editor, unlike adding or changing notes.
osu! version: 20170222.2cuttingedge