
Hatsune Miku - Hiatus

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年9月24日 at 23:55:48

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Hiatus
Source: mstk
Tags: vocaloid vocaloid2
BPM: 200
Filesize: 13009kb
Play Time: 03:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.2 stars, 189 notes)
  2. Hard (5 stars, 529 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 793 notes)
  4. Normal (4.32 stars, 331 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Hiatus
Download: Hatsune Miku - Hiatus (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 6th beatmap

Insane is APP
Hope you like this song
沙发要坐的稳 :|


- Rche -
Download: Hatsune Miku - Hiatus (wcx19911123) [Hard].osu

这是俩标= = 如果不介意重新full update一次 那就放上去吧
难度设计我也不太清楚 他的肯定没问题 我这个应该也能接受吧 :?

我觉得默认音效尤其是normal-hitnormal非常适合这歌 打击感好
insane我打了3次感觉内容丰富无缺漏感 Hard肯定在内容上缺失一点意思 但考虑到适合度我没选择加自定义音效
自定义能给人新鲜感但能像N默认这么适合的很少 或许我没一个一个试 可以参考一下后续mod的看法

Snowy Dream
00:43:210 (2,3) - 这2个不跟鼓点真的大丈夫?
01:45:610 (4) - ^
02:24:910 (x) - 这个还是去掉clap比较好听

00:43:060 (2,3,4,5) - 听起来很不舒服。。难道是我机器问题嘛>.>?
02:17:560 (x) - 考虑加个note变得更鬼畜
02:24:910 (x) - 去clap

作为一个鬼畜的APP图 建议把最后的部分补完
长喜君难得做一张APP >.> 求更鬼畜
01:55:660 (7) - newcombo
02:44:560 (7) - ^
Insane神谱面 挑不出毛病 除了一些太长的combo之外..
快点来毁灭世界吧 ;)
Modding your map as your request :3
Hope it helps! :D

[!] = You NEED to change.
[?] = Suggestion.
[.] = If possible, change.

Opinion: You used 1,0x spacing in an Easy. It is allowed, yes, but you create too spaced combos, it can be confusing and hard for new players. Consider fixing the whole map following 0.8x distance.

00:28:060 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
00:35:260 - Drag the end of the Break here.
01:14:860 (6) - New combo.
01:16:060 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:19:960 (6) - New combo.
01:20:860 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:32:860 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
01:40:060 - Drag the end of the Break here.
02:10:360 (6) New combo.
02:11:260 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:37:510 - Drag the end of the break here.
03:12:460 - Add a note here? (If yes, start New Combo here.)
03:12:760 (3) - If you didn't add this beat ^, start new combo here.
03:17:560 (1) - Remove new combo.
03:18:460 (2) - New combo.

00:28:060 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
00:35:260 - Drag the end of the Break here.
01:06:010 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:10:360 (6) - New combo.
01:10:660 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:32:860 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
01:40:060 - Drag the end of the Break here.
01:59:410 (8) - New combo.
02:37:510 - Drag the end of the break here.

Opinion: Pretty nice diff. I enjoyed playing it :D
00:28:060 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
00:35:260 - Drag the end of the Break here.
00:41:560 (6) - New combo.
01:32:860 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
01:40:060 - Drag the end of the Break here.
02:37:510 - Drag the end of the break here.

Opinion: Instead of AR9, I suggest you to use AR7 or AR8. With AR9, is way too fast, creating a bad flow in the map.
00:28:060 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
00:35:260 - Drag the end of the Break here.
01:00:760 (8) - New combo.
01:02:560 (4) - New combo.
01:32:860 - Drag the beginning of the Break here.
01:40:060 - Drag the end of the Break here.
01:55:960 (9) - New combo.
02:24:760 (3) - New combo.
02:37:510 - Drag the end of the break here.
02:44:560 (7) - New combo.
02:49:360 (7) - ^
02:54:160 (7) - ^

Pretty nice mapset, deserves a star.
00:19:510 (2) - very awkward. I kept hitting them on the beat.
The storyboarded hitsounds don't work for me.
00:43:210 (2) - this was downright confusing, mostly because of the storyboard.
00:44:410 (3) - ^
This map played poorly for me. I was confused most of the time because the rhythms either followed the lyrics (which are offbeat) or the drum's upbeat (on beats 2 and 4).

Normally I like your maps, but I really didn't like this easy.

this is an insane.
00:09:760 (1,2,3,4) - These were very confusing because of the anti-jump, and because there's only one part in the song here, and it's all on the offbeats.

since this is (probably) for approval, should put this as "expert" or "lunatic" or something.

Sorry, this isn't a very useful mod. I don't like the song, I don't like the parts you mapped, and it didn't play very well for me. Starred because there's no errors I could find, and because you didn't overmap it on first glance.

There weren't a lot of hitsounds either. Just a bunch of claps. I'd like it better with a different snare hit and normal hitsounds.
mod4mod requested :3

00:41:410 (5) - new combo
00:42:460 (1) - remove the new combo
00:44:410 (4) - new combo
01:13:960 (5) - ^
01:18:760 (5) - ^
03:24:460 (5) - ^
03:30:460 (5) - ^
03:35:560 (4) - ^

00:26:560 (4) - new combo
00:27:610 (1) - remove the new combo
00:40:060 (5) - new combo
00:44:860 (5) - ^
01:06:010 (1) - remove the new combo
01:49:210 (6) - new combo
01:54:610 (7) - ^
01:58:660 (6) - ^
02:22:810 (3) - ^
02:43:810 (6) - ^
02:48:010 (7) - ^

Nice :3

great ~♥

star and good luck :3


01:27:610(3) - 沒有被01:25:660(1)覆蓋好
02:55:360(2,3,4) - spacing還是用1.0x的1.0吧(約0.75x的1.3)...整首歌就這里slider有重疊就真是一顆老鼠屎(略

00:59:560(2) - 換成一個放在00:59:860的note
02:07:810(x) - 加個note
02:17:560(x) - ^

02:58:360(2,3) - 箭頭是不能遮的,而且我覺得這一堆map得太擠了點,好好改造下吧
03:37:435(1,1) - 0.50x啊這個...真不如一個spinner到底...

03:37:435(1,1) - 同hard

01:03:460 (1) - end it at 01:04:060 and finish?

Well, sorry for say like that, But I don't like vocaloid song(with vocaloid voice), So I'll end my mod here.. I'm so sorry.

mapsets are awesome, but.. It's small hard for mod me, sorry.

Get my star.

(you don't have to feed me kudosu.)

00:27:610 (1) - finish?

00:14:560 (1,2,3,4) - 這個和前面的spacing的排法有明顯的差距 建議改一下
03:39:310 (1) - 結尾finish?(Insane一樣)


這首歌前段的音太重了完全無法聽到音效聲 所以無法幫忙mod 只能些微的看一下間距部分
Topic Starter
added kiai time
fixed some modding
thanks you all

@LKs : I'm so sorry but I want to practise mapping skills so I finaly didn't accept your diff
Megurine Luka

Quick Mod:

00:43:210 (2) - 突然出现的重音...是SB里的?好伪和
01:03:460 (1) - 建议spinner前面留足够的时间所以拖后到01:03:760 并缩短到原来结束的位置
01:28:960 (4) - 前面后面似乎也各有一个(00:40:360 (4)&03:31:960 (8))...这种拖后到红线的slider感觉多了一个重拍是不是有点伪和?
01:45:610 (4) - 和第一个同样的问题..吓死我了...
01:52:660 (2) - ^
01:54:010 (3) - 这slider之后^
01:58:660 (1) - 同第二条
02:18:910 (5) - 伪和的重音╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

01:46:210 (10) - 和Easy一样有奇怪的重音...
02:42:910 (5) - ^

00:48:760 (6) - spacing
02:00:460 (1) - ^

00:16:960 (1) - 你确定这一大串stream这样排?

鬼畜wcx\( ̄︶ ̄)/

00:27:160 (3) - 尾finish?
01:31:960 (4) - ^
01:54:010 (3) - 我觉得没必要在Easy追这种节奏,往后1/2在长白线上老实拖个3/2我觉得实际的多
02:55:360 (2,3,4) - 虽然0.75x但我觉得这spacing还是略难看

00:27:610 (1) - 同样我认为finish好于clap,主要clap太干脆就一下,finish有一定滞后效果
01:32:110 (5) - ^
02:24:760 (6) - 像这种地方的SB音真的太别扭了
02:49:960 - 这按了的人得吓一跳真的,我觉得你这样的话做map的意义实在太小了,SB音效和实际的hitsounds已经本末倒置。

00:27:610 (1) - finish问题同
00:38:710 (4,5) - 这里是想跟vocal么可是vocal off啊。。。
00:51:910 (1) - 这一串全都按在红线上是故意的吗。。。可是打起来真的不舒服啊
01:03:460 (1) - 既然前面在跟歌词这拍是不是也加上再开始spinner?
01:18:760 (6,7,8,9) - 纯粹为了做难的话就算了吧
01:32:110 (6) - 还是finish

00:27:610 (1) - 液还是finish
01:31:960 (7,8) - 这两个给whistle?8尾finish
01:53:560 (8,9,10,11,12) - 这里感觉略别扭,或许删了11好些
SB hitsounds依然违和

02:25:360 (1) - end spinner here 02:27:610 -
02:29:860 - move the break time to the left when if you fixed at the ^

Name change Normal+. Really fast slider and far spacing :/
01:32:110 (5) - add finish at end.
02:25:360 (1) - same as Easy

01:06:010 (4) - new combo
01:32:110 (6) - add hitfinish end slider
02:00:010 (3,1) - near >_> how about this?
02:25:360 (1) - same as Easy and normal
02:44:560 (4) - do you repair 16/1? and 2 repeat.

OMG score over lol Is this the approval?
01:01:285 (15) - REMOVE!!
01:32:110 (8) - add finish end slider
02:25:360 (1) - same as other diff

Insane is really fun.

good luck.
no problem but bit boring(of course==)

10,660 add one note here?
27,160 spinner?
132,110 slider end 132,410
224,760 slider add one return
339760 spinner end

27,160 slider make curve
240360 add note?
240960 slider change to 240885

oh my god.

actually i dont fit in this song's rhythm awwwwwwww~sorry
Snowy Dream

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Nice mapset :D
This song :(
I hope to help you.


02:00:460 (1,2,3) - This trick is really sudden, I lost my combo here, because the spacing shows some 1/2 or 1/1, but the note is placed 3/4 beat later, and It's something like impossible to read with hidden on the first time, I sugest you to make before the one a note in 1/2 like:

Topic Starter
Fixed some
Thanks you all
What is this >_>
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Hi wcx19911123 :)

- Hard diff have 0.5 slider tick rate, it's different from the other 3 diff. Well I see that there aren't many place that use a slider tick in Hard diff :?
- I suggest to remove the spinner in the beginning. The spinner bonus sound isn't fit and kinda annoying, if you don't want to remove it add a silent spinner bonus wav
- For the break on 02:27:460 the actual break (the Grey area) should start at 02:30:160 the downbeat

01:51:760 (1) - add finish at the start
01:58:660 (1) - add finish
03:37:360 (1) - add finish here too
I found that the combos are quite long for this diff. Considering the density of the objects and the complexity of the rhythm (how it always change to follow the vocal then drum) try keeping the combo to a maximum of 5


00:27:610 (1) - The spacing is already big so this jump hard too read (and the music is surprising too)
01:06:010 (1) - Remove NC
01:29:560 (7) - This short slider that ends on 1/2 beat, makes the anti-jump doesn't play very nice. Maybe change the short slider into a double stack or add another circle at 01:30:010 so it's easy to follow the rhythm
01:31:960 (4) - Add clap
01:32:110 (5) - Add clap at the beginning
01:46:210 (10) - Add finish at the end?
02:17:710 (1) - I keep hitting this on the beat. That's because the previous rhythms heavily follow the drum then suddenly this start on 1/2. I suggest to add a circle on 02:17:560
02:44:560 (8) - For this slider and other similar ones (02:49:360 (9) & 02:54:160 (7)). I suggest to add a repeat to them. The current rhythm is not stressed enough
03:37:360 (1) - Add finish
For a Normal diff, this is quite hard to read :o

00:09:460 (4,1) - Not a good anti jump imo. I suggest to make this into normal spacing like the one you did on 00:14:260 (4,1)
00:11:860 (4,1) - ^
00:54:310 (1) - The 1/4 slider doesn't play nice. I highly suggest to make it into a single circle. It'll make the repeated streams easier to hit too
00:58:810 (1,2,3) - I suggest this rhythm
02:55:360 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - I found this quite hard too read because of the hitburst and 9 is almost completely covered by them
03:39:310 (1) - Add finish at the end

00:09:460 (6,1) - Same anti jump problem as Hard
00:11:860 (6,1) - ^
03:37:360 (1) - This anti jump could make the player rage not only because it's at the end, but also because the intensity of the previous notes could lead the player to think this is actually just 1/2 beat apart from the last note
03:39:310 (1) - Add finish at the end
Surprisingly the rhythm in this diff is easier to follow

I agree with ziin that you should consider renaming the diff name. That's all from me
Good luck and ~star

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S o r d a
hi there :P
sorry for delay
Insane for App map Cant mod sorry

  1. Offset 175 Dont forgot Resnap All Notes
  1. 00:46:660 (7) - Repeat 1time
  2. 01:46:660 (5) - same
  3. 02:25:360 (1) - end 02:27:610 - like this point
  4. 03:10:660 (1,2) - Flip Horizontally Notes?
  1. 00:18:160 (1) - beginning finish
  2. 00:20:560 (1) - ^
  3. 00:22:960 (1) - ^
  4. 00:27:160 (5,1) - Spacing far 00:27:610 (1) - this note x256 y284 better?
  5. 02:13:210 (2) - beginning finish
  6. 02:25:360 (1) - end 02:27:610 - like this point
  7. 02:42:160 (4,5) - near spacing
  1. Fine
nice map :D

Honestly, putting a storyboarded hitsound is not a good idea when there is no notes to use them with. It will really put some confusion on new players thinking they are either hitting too early or about to hit way too later, especially on sliders. Not just that but it sounds very odd in Taiko....


Feels a bit harder than normal, but I can still find it within agreeable limits... Also, the hitsounded storyboard is confusing where there is no beats as i've said about Easy, but it's not as bad though.


03:39:310 (1) - The fact that this blends into the color of the spinner made me frown.... Please change the color to something else that won't blend into the spinner.

The map is nice so far, but still worried about the storyboarded hitsounds as that is easily mixed up with that is actually being hit on time. If you still want to keep the hitsound in the storyboard, then it would be best to try lowering the volume of the sound itself (used for the storyboard).
wow awesome song and map.

lol sorry, but i actually have no time to mod this since I'm leaving today for two weeks >_>. if your map doesn't get bubbled after two weeks, i'd be happy to mod it.

anyways, awesome map and awesome song, deserves a star. :3

Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:


Honestly, putting a storyboarded hitsound is not a good idea when there is no notes to use them with. It will really put some confusion on new players thinking they are either hitting too early or about to hit way too later, especially on sliders. Not just that but it sounds very odd in Taiko....
thanks for point out this, I just want to try new things in my maps, but seems it is not so good enough ;_;
I turn down the volume of sb hitsounds, hope it is not too confusing to play 0.0


Feels a bit harder than normal, but I can still find it within agreeable limits... Also, the hitsounded storyboard is confusing where there is no beats as i've said about Easy, but it's not as bad though.
same as Easy


03:39:310 (1) - The fact that this blends into the color of the spinner made me frown.... Please change the color to something else that won't blend into the spinner.

The map is nice so far, but still worried about the storyboarded hitsounds as that is easily mixed up with that is actually being hit on time. If you still want to keep the hitsound in the storyboard, then it would be best to try lowering the volume of the sound itself (used for the storyboard).

thanks for checking >w<
00:46:360 (6) - Add a finish to this sliders end.
01:03:460 (1) - Adda finish to the end of this spinner.
02:17:860 (3,4) - Awkward on the timeline. You suddenly switch from mapping to the lyrics to mapping the drums.
03:06:160 (4) - Remove new combo to match 02:58:960 (1,2,3,4)
03:13:210 - Bring the volume up in this section so people can hear the hitsounds better.
Nicely made Easy diff.

- The AR is pretty low for a Normal diff. Bring it up a few. (Actually, I noticed, if you bring the AR up to 7 or 8, this diff can easily be a Hard...And not that bad of a Hard >w<)

00:46:660 (9) - Add a finish to the end of this slider.
01:21:610 (5) - Add a finish to the start of this slider.
03:06:160 (4) - Remove new combo to match 02:58:960

00:46:660 (7) - Add a finish to the end of this slider.
01:06:010 (1) - Add a finish to the start of this slider.
03:37:360 (6) - Add finish to this note.

AR = 9.
Really? For Normal you used 3...Whatever, I guess it's fine.
This diff is a little too crazy for me to follow.

Everything is fine, just some hitsound suggestion.
- Rche -
01:12:010 (4) - 彎一點?
03:15:010 (4) - 搞不清楚這slider是來幹啥的...
03:19:810 (4) - ^

pink star & no kds.
已经快要rank了么= =+


omg such a good song : DDD

so fun !!

star :DDD

:) :D ;) >:( :( :o :shock: :? 8-) :x :P :evil: :evil: 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

The video got some frame rate issues and the quality isn't that good, maybe replace it with this one:
(the size is a bit big, but it looks good!)

I think you should remove all SBed hitsounds D:

02:25:360 (1) - Fix the break after this spinner on all diffs

00:09:160 (3) - I fail to see this slider after completing the spinner >_>
maybe move 00:08:560 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - to a different location?

nice stuff you have here o.o
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:


The video got some frame rate issues and the quality isn't that good, maybe replace it with this one:
(the size is a bit big, but it looks good!)
sorry , but the size is 18MB , I think it is too big , so I change it to flv

I think you should remove all SBed hitsounds D:
fixed , removed all sb hitsound and fixed some hitsounds

02:25:360 (1) - Fix the break after this spinner on all diffs
what? the breaks are fine I think , sorry for my poor english , I don't know what you mean

00:09:160 (3) - I fail to see this slider after completing the spinner >_>
maybe move 00:08:560 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - to a different location?

nice stuff you have here o.o
thanks for modding >w<
About the video, could you try converting my video to flv again?

however this time don't set the framerate to 18, but to the same as the original video (in this case 29.917)
your video still looks a bit choppy now.
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:

About the video, could you try converting my video to flv again?

however this time don't set the framerate to 18, but to the same as the original video (in this case 29.917)
your video still looks a bit choppy now.
I try to convert the video to flv with the original framerate , but seems that its size is bigger ;_;
so I just use your avi file and full submitted
The video offset feels really off but may be due to the actual animation of the video itself that makes it appear late.


00:43:210 (2) - The slider tick sound really awkward here. To make better use of the hitsounds, you would either use the hitnotes and sliders in whole beats like this , or form another beat pattern to use the hitsound with 1/2 notes
01:51:760 (1,3) - These sliders don't sound good at all. (1) ends 1/2 beat too early and (3) looks like it was moved back by 1/2.
02:18:910 (5) - Could have started this slider 1/2 later to make the clap hitsound fit with the consistency.


01:46:210 (10) - The clap hitsound here doesn't sound right and isn't with the consistent flow.
01:54:610 (7) - ^
02:44:560 (8) - This could sound and fit better with a single repeat to make it a 3 beat slider.
02:49:360 (9) - ^
02:54:160 (7) - ^
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:

The video offset feels really off but may be due to the actual animation of the video itself that makes it appear late.
changed the video offset to -36ms , seems better now


00:43:210 (2) - The slider tick sound really awkward here. To make better use of the hitsounds, you would either use the hitnotes and sliders in whole beats like this , or form another beat pattern to use the hitsound with 1/2 notes
this part is really mess , fixed
01:51:760 (1,3) - These sliders don't sound good at all. (1) ends 1/2 beat too early and (3) looks like it was moved back by 1/2.
sorry , I think it is fine , this part is following the vocal , and they are all sliders , I think it is not bad to play
02:18:910 (5) - Could have started this slider 1/2 later to make the clap hitsound fit with the consistency.
removed clap


01:46:210 (10) - The clap hitsound here doesn't sound right and isn't with the consistent flow.
removed clap
01:54:610 (7) - ^
sorry , but I want to keep this , it is sound ok cuz the claps in this part are not following the drums , and it is not confusing to play
02:44:560 (8) - This could sound and fit better with a single repeat to make it a 3 beat slider.
sorry , I really want to keep this , if repeat , it is sound too busy , but the music in this part is softer than other parts
02:49:360 (9) - ^ ^
02:54:160 (7) - ^ ^
hmm let's try this again, happymod v.2

General technical stuff
  1. 02:27:460 - Fix the break here on all diffs
    It looks like this currently:

    Make it look like:

SB Sounds / Sliderticks that sound a bit weird
I understand that you want to keep the hitsounds in the SB, however just a few should be removed imo, they came rather sudden

  1. 00:43:510 - Remove it here
  2. 00:46:660 - Add one here?
  3. 00:58:660 - Try to get a sound 1/2 later instead?
  4. 01:49:060 - Remove it here
  1. 01:06:010 (1,2,3,4,5) - This rhythm you used here is not very consistent to the rest of the map
    Maybe add some notes on red ticks, make it similar to 01:15:610 (1,2,3,4,1) -

  1. 02:58:360 (2,3) - Hidden sliders, you might not see the repeat arrows ><
I'll check the map again after you update it, also don't kudosu this post since you already gave me one on the other post
Topic Starter

happy30 wrote:

hmm let's try this again, happymod v.2

General technical stuff
  1. 02:27:460 - Fix the break here on all diffs
    It looks like this currently:

    Make it look like:

I'm so sorry , I want to keep this , the break is following the music , and if I fix this , this break will be kinda long

SB Sounds / Sliderticks that sound a bit weird
I understand that you want to keep the hitsounds in the SB, however just a few should be removed imo, they came rather sudden

  1. 00:43:510 - Remove it here
    sorry , but hiesounds feel empty if remove this , for not too sudden , I turn the volume down
  2. 00:46:660 - Add one here?
    sorry , I feel so sudden if add this , and it is not follow the drums in music , so I just keep this
  3. 00:58:660 - Try to get a sound 1/2 later instead?
    sorry , I think it is fine , not too sudden and fit the song , also not confusing to play
  4. 01:49:060 - Remove it here
    sorry , same as 00:58:660 , I think it is fine
  1. 01:06:010 (1,2,3,4,5) - This rhythm you used here is not very consistent to the rest of the map
    Maybe add some notes on red ticks, make it similar to 01:15:610 (1,2,3,4,1) -
    sorry , I want to keep this , the vocal in here is just "e~~~~" , so I follow the drums

  1. 02:58:360 (2,3) - Hidden sliders, you might not see the repeat arrows ><
    oops , thanks to point out , fixed
I'll check the map again after you update it, also don't kudosu this post since you already gave me one on the other post
ok, thanks for the reply :)
I didn't understand the purpose of the delayed break (I thought it was bugged) so thanks for explaining

Bubble #1
Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this


I wouldn't recommend mapping using Grid level 4 here; it can cause a large number of smaller spacing issues that just cause confusion. I recommend sticking to Grid Level 2 or 3.

Additionally, this feels way to hard to be an Easy.

00:09:160 (1,2,1,2) - Might I suggest using this as the first two combos, as it looks a little messy to me (Flip the second combo first)?

00:19:510 (2) - Reposition like this?

01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.

Apart from that, there's nothing "wrong" with it, but it feels a little too difficult for my liking.


01:13:960 (3) - Please don't put notes on the top of a slider end; it is quite confusing to players

Other than that, it's fine =3


00:09:760 (1,2,3,4) - To be honest I really don't see how this kind of spacing makes it fun. This would *maybe* be seen in an Insane Map, but I think it would be much more fun placed as small jumps, rather than negative spacing. The same applies to each group of notes placed like this.

03:11:260 (1,2,3) - This is the only exception that I would suggest leaving as is.

03:37:435 (1) - Please move this forward by 1/4 and shorten by 1/4. Spinners should not start 1/4 after a note, as they appear before the note has been hit, which confuses players.

Other than that, this was a great map. I loved your sliders. Keep up the great work.


03:37:435 (1) - Please move this forward by 1/4 and shorten by 1/4. Spinners should not start 1/4 after a note, as they appear before the note has been hit, which confuses players.

Other than that, I see no actual issues with this difficulty; It definitely earned it's name.

Popping this bubble for the time being; I'll run this map by some other MAT members before proceeding further.
Topic Starter

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this


I wouldn't recommend mapping using Grid level 4 here; it can cause a large number of smaller spacing issues that just cause confusion. I recommend sticking to Grid Level 2 or 3.
ok , I will use Gird Level 2 or 3 in my later maps

Additionally, this feels way to hard to be an Easy.
the BPM is 200 , so I think it is fine.

00:09:160 (1,2,1,2) - Might I suggest using this as the first two combos, as it looks a little messy to me (Flip the second combo first)?
sorry , I don't understand what you mean , I checked this and find nothing need to be fixed. the combo is ok imo

00:19:510 (2) - Reposition like this?
sorry , I don't think it need to be done like that

01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.
sorry , here is just following the vocal , and they are all sliders , so I think it is not hard to play

Apart from that, there's nothing "wrong" with it, but it feels a little too difficult for my liking.


01:13:960 (3) - Please don't put notes on the top of a slider end; it is quite confusing to players

Other than that, it's fine =3


00:09:760 (1,2,3,4) - To be honest I really don't see how this kind of spacing makes it fun. This would *maybe* be seen in an Insane Map, but I think it would be much more fun placed as small jumps, rather than negative spacing. The same applies to each group of notes placed like this.
sorry , I really want to keep this , the big spacing is following the bass , the amall spacing is following the drums , and I think they are easily readble with AR7

03:11:260 (1,2,3) - This is the only exception that I would suggest leaving as is.
same as ^

03:37:435 (1) - Please move this forward by 1/4 and shorten by 1/4. Spinners should not start 1/4 after a note, as they appear before the note has been hit, which confuses players.

Other than that, this was a great map. I loved your sliders. Keep up the great work.


03:37:435 (1) - Please move this forward by 1/4 and shorten by 1/4. Spinners should not start 1/4 after a note, as they appear before the note has been hit, which confuses players.

Other than that, I see no actual issues with this difficulty; It definitely earned it's name.

Popping this bubble for the time being; I'll run this map by some other MAT members before proceeding further.

wcx19911123 wrote:

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Additionally, this feels way to hard to be an Easy.
the BPM is 200 , so I think it is fine.
I think it's more about the rhythm you give this difficulty, because it's very varied and it could be hard to read for beginners (at least for some places, even if it follows the music). I kinda had the same problem with one of my maps.

Also, the slider tick hitsounds can be really disorientating as well for beginners, especially since they seem to overpower the actual hitcircles sometimes, which probably is not good ._.

And yeah, I'm back lol. Would you still want a mod from me? I can't really find much anyways if you even ask. You seem to have this map under control anyways :3

amfg i just love this song so much lol.
i love you <3

asdasdasdasdasdsadasdasdasdasd pooting short

wcx19911123 wrote:

Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this


01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.
sorry , here is just following the vocal , and they are all sliders , so I think it is not hard to play
I failed at this point and accidentally put a Blue Colour on this part, instead of a Red one.

In truth, an Easy should follow the Beat of the Music, It should not attempt to follow the Lyrics or Vocals of the song, unless for example it was the end of a spinner at the end of a map.

01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.*
Topic Starter

Azure_Kyte wrote:

wcx19911123 wrote:

Here's my mod

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this


01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.
sorry , here is just following the vocal , and they are all sliders , so I think it is not hard to play
I failed at this point and accidentally put a Blue Colour on this part, instead of a Red one.

In truth, an Easy should follow the Beat of the Music, It should not attempt to follow the Lyrics or Vocals of the song, unless for example it was the end of a spinner at the end of a map.

01:27:610 (3) - I would recommend shortening this by 1/2 and moving forward to the next tick. It's nice to follow the lyrics, but in an Easy it's recommended to follow the beat.*
I'm so sorry that I really want to keep this
so I don't think every Easy diff should only follow the beats , it is completely readble , but too boring
follow lyrics or vocals somewhere makes it more fun to play and sound more better I think
but , yes I know , an Easy shouldn't be confusing , so I found some newbies to test the Easy , they can only nearly pass the Easy diff , but just a few of them missed here(01:27:610 (3) -) at their first play
I don't think this is confusing , even for newbies , and I don't know why you feel it is odd
on the other way , if fixed this , I feel it is not fit the song well , sound very bad here
and there are many other sliders that start from 1/2 beats in this Easy , you didn't point them out , then why you only point out this one?
this are the reasons why I want to keep this
After discussing some finer points about the map and fixing a few things here and there, I can feel moderately satisfied with bubbling this.

[Insane] Will need to be going for Approved status, as the Max Score is 20 mil+.

Well, some stuff before ranking :

Since your *.ocz with video is ~24Mb...
Ranking criteria says :
so, i suggest to remove audio from your video file (It might "save" ~4mb and your file will be ~20mb)

Ask Azure for rebubbling, i guess he'll make it.
Good luck with ranking~

edit : well, okay. ignore my post then
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