
Hardcore Newbie Mafia. (Mafia Win!)

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If you want in as a replacement, PM me.

I just tried to shock you into death. Yes, this IS me hosting another mafia game finally.

If you want to play in future games, be active. If you are inactive for too long without notice, you will be BANNED from future games until my rage subsides. That'll likely only be one game for the first infraction, but take heed, because I will take into account previous games you've played before this.

New note: As people seem to be confused about this. If a player has a majority of people voting him at any point, the day ends with a lynch automatically.

Note 2: Roleplaying makes it a bit harder in mafia, please don't. I will roleplay the day's lynching for you. If you have a specific death in mind for when you're lynched, PM me. I might go with it.

Note 3: Please take this game seriously. It's hard for it to be played properly if you don't.

Final Note: this wiki is from a webside dedicated to hosting mafia games. If you have questions about mafia play, the wiki here can help.

Final Note 2: There are no "items" or simmilar purposes. There are no notes you can send after death. If your role doesn't say it's an ability that you can do, you can't do it. Other than role abilities, you can talk in this thread and you can vote.

If you want to play, post here with /in. We'll start when we have 9. Please read the rules.


This is more difficult than you remember....

Attempt 1

"Please cast your vote in the ballot box. Remember. you only get one vote so make it count." These were the last words you heard before being locked in this room, with 8 other people. Apperently, two of you murdered a small group of people in the past.... Figure out who the culprits are, but don't be too hasty. You only get one vote.


Status: Somewhere between signups and over.

.::] Alive [::.

4. bmin11 (Mafia Roleblocker - Win!)

Replacement Spots - Will be used if needed.
A. o_0

.::] Dead [::.

1. Mashley (Cop - Lynched D1)
9. Ph0x (Townie - Killed N1)
5. rust45 (Townie - Lynched D2)
6. animask (Doctor - Killed N2)
8. Quaraezha (Mafia Goon - Lynched D3)
7. NoHItter (Townie - Killed N3)
2. DxS (Townie - Endgamed.)
3. imuffin o_0 (Townie - Endgamed.)

.::] The Setup [::.

The setup used in this game is known as F11.

It consists of one of the following combinations of roles:
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, 5 Vanilla Townies.
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Cop, 6 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Vanilla Townies.

The Mafia Roleblocker is able to both kill AND roleblock in the same Night, but only one of the two mafia can submit a kill.

Every player in this game will have received one of the following Role PMs.

Mafia Goon Role PM wrote:

Role: You are a Mafia Goon, part of the Mafia with your partner XXX, a [Mafia Goon/Mafia Roleblocker].

Abilities: Each Night you may speak privately with XXX via private messages (PM) or other means, such as instant messengers, and decide on a player to kill. Send me your target in a PM. If you change your mind before the Night ends, you can send me another target.

Win Condition: You win when Mafia make the majority of the living, or nothing can prevent the same from occurring.

The game's thread can be found.

Please reply to this message to confirm that you have read the rules and understand your role.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time and I'll see if I can help!

Mafia Roleblocker Role PM wrote:

Role: You are a Mafia Roleblocker, part of the Mafia with your partner XXX, a Mafia Goon.

Abilities: Each Night you may speak privately with XXX via private messages (PM) or other means, such as instant messengers, and decide on a player to kill. Send me your target in a PM. If you change your mind before the Night ends, you can send me another target.

In addition to this, each Night you can chose one player to roleblock. This player's night action, if they have one, will fail that Night. To roleblock a player, send me their name in a PM. Like the kill, if you change your mind before the Night ends, you can send me another target.

Win Condition: You win when Mafia make the majority of the living, or nothing can prevent the same from occurring.

The game's thread can be found.

Please reply to this message to confirm that you have read the rules and understand your role.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time and I'll see if I can help!

Cop Role PM wrote:

Role: You are a Cop, a member of the Town.

Abilities: Each Night, you can attempt to investigate a player. If your investigation is successful, you will receive a private message (PM) from me stating that the player is "Guilty" (Mafia) or "Innocent" (Town). If your investigation fails, you will receive a PM saying "No result". Send me your target in a PM. If you change your mind before the Night ends, you can send me another target.

Win Condition: You win when all members of the Mafia are dead.

The game's thread can be found.

Please reply to this message to confirm that you have read the rules and understand your role.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time and I'll see if I can help!

Doctor Role PM wrote:

Role: You are a Doctor, a member of the Town.

Abilities: Each Night, you can attempt to protect a player. If your protection is successful, the player will be invulnerable to nightkills that Night. Unfortunately, your cannot protect yourself! Send me your target in a private message (PM). If you change your mind before the Night ends, you can send me another target.

Win Condition: You win when all members of the Mafia are dead.

The game's thread can be found.

Please reply to this message to confirm that you have read the rules and understand your role.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time and I'll see if I can help!

Vanilla Townie Role PM wrote:

Role: You are a Vanilla Townie, a member of the Town.

Abilities: You have no abilities besides your wits and your vote. Use them wisely!

Win Condition: You win when all members of the Mafia are dead.

The game's thread can be found.

Please reply to this message to confirm that you have read the rules and understand your role.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at any time and I'll see if I can help!

.::] Rules [::.

1. Unless otherwise stated in your Role PM, this game takes place in this thread only - do not discuss it anywhere else. Doing so will get you modkilled or immediately replaced, depending on the severity of the offence. (This is important for mafia games.)

2. Do not quote any PM, part or whole, you receive from the Mod. This includes fake or erroneous quoting. Breaking this rule will get you modkilled.

3. If you believe I've made an error as the mod, send me a PM. Please do not post about such things in the thread. If you have anything else you need me to read or address, post something like this - "Mod: You're the best."

4. A player who is modkilled will lose the game, regardless of whether their team mates eventually win.

5. Omitted.

Voting, Lynching and Deaths

6. Any voting action must be bolded - Vote: destructor, etc.

7. You may vote to end the day without a lynch by voting No Lynch.

8. You are not able to change your vote once you have voted.

9. A lynch occurs when a player has an absolute majority of votes on them, or once all players have voted.

10. At deadline, the player with the most votes is lynched. In the event of a draw, the player who had the most votes before being tied will be lynched.

11. Once a lynch occurs the Day is considered to be over. Please, please, PLEASE do not post again until the next Day begins, especially if you are the player who was just lynched. (I accept talking beforehand as long as I haven't posted the lynch scene yet.)

12. On death, a player's role will be revealed.

13. A modkill will end the Day.

14. Once a player is dead, they cannot contribute any more to the game. They are not to post anything. (I'll accept a simple Bah! or Go Town!)


15. Please treat this game as a commitment.

16. Day one has a length of 5 IRL days. Each consecutive day's deadline is cut short by a day, unless a No Lynch is called for. There are only a few reasons why I would extend one (such as replacing players).

17. If a player has not posted in 24 hours, I will prod them if requested to do so. That is, it's up to you to ask me to prod a certain player.

17b. Don't make me prod someone. As in, post once every 24 hours. If you have nothing to say, say "I'm here." I will be much more strict with prods this game.

18. Prods must be responded to in thread.

19. A player who doesn't respond to their prod will be replaced or modkilled.

20. If you are going to be unable to post for over 24 hours, leave me a note in thread. As long as I am personally given notice, you will not be prodded.


21. Be courteous and respectful to your fellow players.

22. Blatantly antisocial and offensive behaviour or personal attacks will be grounds for replacement at my own discretion.

23. Finally, Mafia is for fun, so enjoy yourself.

24. If you've noticed I've missed something, feel free to ask me about it.

25. I reserve the right to change these rules if I notice I wrote something wrong.

LadySuburu wrote:

8. You are not able to change your vote once you have voted.
This bear's repeating.
Also bold.
Pssshhh... newbie mafia :\
Can I join anyway?
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adam2046 wrote:

This bear's repeating.
Also bold.
Hey, someone read the rules. That's good.

Edit: Mashley in.
Maybe me...?

I promise I won't drop the ball like the last time! :c
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Also not bolding any rules that aren't already bold. people should read them instead. :D
I'm posting to join in this
Two mafia games at once!
I'll join as well
Only one vote will be interesting.
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Not sure if I wanna do two games at once, but put me down as a replacement.
Sleep Powder
@LadySuburu oh gawd, haven't seen you here in forever

I almost feel like joining. Add me anyways. I'll change my mind when I change my mind.
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What? No vote swapping? How is RVS going to proceed then?

On a sidenote, joining.
Random FoS syndrome! I'm already on to you and I'm not even playing!
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NoHItter wrote:

What? No vote swapping? How is RVS going to proceed then?

On a sidenote, joining.
FoS / HoS.

Finger of Suspicion: I think you're kinda scummy.

Hand of Suspicion: I'm just about to vote you.
So many mafia games, so little time.
Count me in.
3rd one.

I'm in.

inb4 Lotsa Prodz.
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TBTE wrote:

3rd one.

I'm in.

inb4 Lotsa Prodz.
I may have had someone already opt-in. I just have to confirm witht them.

Of course, I might do something crazy like make there be more players, assuming I get 7 votes for increasing the player limit. (By current players)
A small game is enough IMO.
I wouldn't mind more players
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On the note of more players, the new max would only be 11 if changed. I don't want to manage more than that.
In this.
Newbie should equal smaller mafia games...imo. So no.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Newbie should equal smaller mafia games...imo. So no.
Don't really mind as long as
It consists of one of the following combinations of roles:
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, 5 Vanilla Townies.
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Cop, 6 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Vanilla Townies.
that gets renewed
Why? That's the setup. You can't have a 9-man setup with more than 9 people.

Wojjan wrote:

Why? That's the setup.
but that's only for 9 people. I just wanted to know what would the setup be if we have more then 9
The smaller the better for newbie. And I don't really want to see a lot of inactives.
Sleep Powder
This should be enough people.
Why do you keep talking about newbies? There's no newbies playing.

Wojjan wrote:

Why do you keep talking about newbies? There's no newbies playing.
Topic Starter
Nine it is.

Edit: Confirming who gets the last spot, and then roles will be sent out.
Sleep Powder

Wojjan wrote:

Why do you keep talking about newbies? There's no newbies playing.
I've only played once...and I was the first to get lynched D:
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If I can't get ahold of my other player before this time tomorrow, TBTE (or whatever) will be in instead, and I'll send roles out.

animask wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

Why do you keep talking about newbies? There's no newbies playing.
I've only played once...and I was the first to get lynched D:
Let's lynch animask first again

LadySuburu wrote:

If I can't get ahold of my other player before this time tomorrow, TBTE (or whatever) will be in instead, and I'll send roles out.

I'll play.
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Ph0X wrote:

I'll play.
There you are. Getting roles randomized and sent out.
I'll play!
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bmin11 wrote:

I'll play!
You're already in, silly.
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All role PMs have been sent out, waiting for confirmations.
Vote: FOS: Quaraezha for having a weird name.

Oh god that avatar tripped me over
Um, game hasn't started yet?

rust45 wrote:

Um, game hasn't started yet?
The game don't start 'til I walk in~
hi strager
i liked that
Just got home to confirm role and lol already FOS?
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