
The osu!monthly #3

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Thank you for all the support you have given us within the last 3 months! Thanks to the feedback that you have given us, we have improved our newsletter in hopes that everyone will enjoy it. The 3rd edition of the osu!monthly has nearly twice the amount of content from the last edition with new additions such as the osu!monthly Crossword and an updated layout. We have put a lot of hard work into this one and hope you enjoy it!

To download the high quality version that's 2.6 MB, click here, and for those who cannot, there is a compressed, lower quality version powered by Google Docs here!

EDIT: Just a note that the link to the complete staff list seems to be adding an extra line break character to the URL, thus breaking it. When clicking on that link, remove the %0D from the URL and you should be fine. Alternatively, you can click this link instead. We're sorry for the inconvenience!
Make sure to check the Back Page for any important links, such as suggestions, criticism, and some other interesting tidbits to go for.

Next edition we'll be interviewing Cookiezi, so view the newsletter to see how you can be a part of this. ;)

Also, have fun with the crossword! It took me quite a while to create it. Remember that you can work in teams and can submit your answers as many times as you like. Just don't discuss any of the answers or hint at them publicly. ;)

We're also experimenting with the .pdf medium, so please tell us your thoughts about it. The use of .pdf allows us to create a more visually appealing newsletter, but it also can alienate those that do not use a .pdf. We have the alternate, Google Doc Viewer version for that. Please tell us your thoughts of our switch and the newsletter in general by filling out the form on the back page (and/or just posting here).

Cheers, and I hope you enjoy this edition!
Love the colour and designs ^^
you go
For anyone who tried to click the Printable link to the Crossword, try again. I updated it with the latest version so things are primp and dandy.
*jumps up and down, acting giddy like a school girl* Yay! ^^
kyaa~ kita*ahem*...awesome job :D entertaining read as always
ohhhh nicccce!
Good job! I enjoyed reading it
looks awesome :D
A really nice improvement on the overall appearance in my opinion (some... odd interview questions but the answers were entertaining :P)

Wonder how far I can get on this impossible crossword~

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Next edition we'll be interviewing Cookiezi
I like the new layout and design. It's very colorful
The 08 team_Bourdon
nice design.. <3 this monthly ;)
Holy shi- jjrocks made the actual thread in the announcements forum?
Wow, a newsletter I actually enjoyed reading!
Love the new layout, and the articles and interviews are nicely paced (and I lol'd at poison-chan's rather.... unorthodox questions)

My personal fav though, is Kirby's mapping article; really informative and motivating for a newbie mapper like me.

Can't wait for the next one!
/me waits
Quick and unfortunate?! that crossword clue better not be what I think it is...

Great issue otherwise though :P
Really great issue. Enjoyed it plenty^^
Several times better.
this is hawt.. grabbed and currently reading the .pdf


Found a link that doesn't exist?

^ in pdf

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Holy shi- jjrocks made the actual thread in the announcements forum?
Also I think this edition came out quite well~

Just a question.
I see "Seven New Combo Color" in Osu! Technical page but as I know, the maximum number for color is 5.
What is this, did my eyes get wrong?
love it!
Card N'FoRcE
Maaaan, that crossword is hard ;_;

Anyway, really nice monthly this time: nice layout and nice articles, good job :)

Shino wrote:

Just a question.
I see "Seven New Combo Color" in Osu! Technical page but as I know, the maximum number for color is 5.
What is this, did my eyes get wrong?
The test build supports up to 8 colours. It's a new feature that should be implemented soon to the public build as well.
Loving the layout, keep up the great work people :)

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Shino wrote:

Just a question.
I see "Seven New Combo Color" in Osu! Technical page but as I know, the maximum number for color is 5.
What is this, did my eyes get wrong?
The test build supports up to 8 colours. It's a new feature that should be implemented soon to the public build as well.
Great. Thanks for the answer CN'F :)
Good job, Like the interview with ztrot ^^
Really liked this one~ good job with the interviews \:D/
Man, is this freaking awesome.
I read the articles beforehand so I knew what it was gonna be like, but that layout was just so damn good!
I had no idea it would look so pro.

I hope I can get my article published in next month's issue
sweet ;3
Glad to see that you've made such progress in the visuals of the newsletter in the span of only two issues.

Just to be a little nitpicky, you may want to work on the readability of the text. It seems a little bit cramped to me and more straining to read than a regular newspaper in large paragraphs.

A few other problems, but nothing too bad for me to point out. Great job revamping the newsletter. It looks quite full and much more interesting to read now.
Yay!!!!!!!! *claps*

I knew it was out, I just hadn't had a chance to post/comment till now! ;o;
Awesome job on the 3rd issue~
wow you guys really show what you've got in this edition. Nice lay out, more interview, more article, a puzzle game and more awesomeness

next time maybe put a poll of anything if you run out of idea :P
keep up the good work everyone~

Edit: who made the banner on top of each page? I love them
I loved this one better than the other ones!
Love the way it looks!

MDuh wrote:

this is hawt.. grabbed and currently reading the .pdf


Found a link that doesn't exist?

^ in pdf
That's odd. I don't know why it adds the extra %0D. From what I'm gathering, it seems to mean a line break, but I don't know why it's there. In the meantime, just remove the %0D, as the complete staff list URL is . Sorry for that inconvenience. There were other small hyperlink problems that were really headscratching earlier, so I guess this one went under the radar. It's odd though as it worked before in previous versions.

Nekoroll wrote:

Glad to see that you've made such progress in the visuals of the newsletter in the span of only two issues.

Just to be a little nitpicky, you may want to work on the readability of the text. It seems a little bit cramped to me and more straining to read than a regular newspaper in large paragraphs.

A few other problems, but nothing too bad for me to point out. Great job revamping the newsletter. It looks quite full and much more interesting to read now.
Thanks! No, please be completely honest about your thoughts here. When I was getting the layout through with the newsletter here, the biggest thing that irked me was the column usage (which made reading a little inconvenient) and the font sizes (The fact that I had to change the font size a whole lot to fit things around). For the next edition, we'll try our best to combat those issues. And yeah, that would mean having more of a feng shui when it comes to articles and other things. ;)

Sallad4ever wrote:

Awesome job on the 3rd issue~
wow you guys really show what you've got in this edition. Nice lay out, more interview, more article, a puzzle game and more awesomeness

next time maybe put a poll of anything if you run out of idea :P
keep up the good work everyone~

Edit: who made the banner on top of each page? I love them

Quaraezha made most of the graphic banners. The graphic banner on the front page was created by Rokodo.

If anyone has any suggestions, go to the newsletter and follow that link ~ We'd love to hear from you!
Good job with this! is looking good :3
This month's newsletter is awesome!!!! I like the rainbow sliders on the picture.

Also, I wish I could be on the interview. But may I have one if that's okay?:-)

kokoroanime wrote:

This month's newsletter is awesome!!!! I like the rainbow sliders on the picture.

Also, I wish I could be on the interview. But may I have one if that's okay?:-)
Are you talking about being interviewed or joining the interview team?

You're free to leave an application, but due to the current size of the team and the somewhat busy scheduling, we're looking for people with lots of credentials/skill and dedication.

As for being interviewed, a person would need to be widely known throughout osu!, whether it'd be a skill they possessed or a position they are in. However, we're considering to do more things that involve readers like you, so keep your eye on that. ;)

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

kokoroanime wrote:

This month's newsletter is awesome!!!! I like the rainbow sliders on the picture.

Also, I wish I could be on the interview. But may I have one if that's okay?:-)
Are you talking about being interviewed or joining the interview team?

You're free to leave an application, but due to the current size of the team and the somewhat busy scheduling, we're looking for people with lots of credentials/skill and dedication.

As for being interviewed, a person would need to be widely known throughout osu!, whether it'd be a skill they possessed or a position they are in. However, we're considering to do more things that involve readers like you, so keep your eye on that. ;)
Okay. But... Where can I get a free application for the osu interview?
Please check the back page of the newsletter for all important links, including the form you are asking for ~

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Please check the back page of the newsletter for all important links, including the form you are asking for ~
I found it but I wouldn't let me click on this newsletter on Samsumg phone, could you link this for me plz?

kokoroanime wrote:

I found it but I wouldn't let me click on this newsletter on Samsumg phone, could you link this for me plz?
DJ Angel
loved the design, gratz.
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