
Beginner's Training

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[deleted user]
This is Great! I've gotten Really Good Already!
:( it doesn't work with some of them it says the audio is missing and i used winrar into songs folder just as you said... edit: none of the songs work... i've tried everything that has been mentioned in this thread i'm going to faqs :(
sweet.ACCURACY BOOST!!!!!!!
go freebies!
Thanks a lot for this, it helped me a lot c:
thx for the guide..hope it really helps..^^
[deleted user]
:roll: Nice
Mr jiang724
oh thanks a lot
Thanks.. or my cousin will never get used to this game !!!

why i try almost every thing play for 3 days now and still sucks how can ppl be so fast and hit everything i dont get it :cry: what do i do wrong

Debiru1 wrote:


why i try almost every thing play for 3 days now and still sucks how can ppl be so fast and hit everything i dont get it :cry: what do i do wrong

Oh it's all due to a person's hand eye coordination. Some people are just better (quicker) at identifying beats and patterns and can match their hand to the speed of the beat. It isn't something you can just pick up right away, it takes many hours of practice and even that will only get you so far. There exists a skill level in which most people will never reach. Don't worry about being insanely awesome at osu just yet, it will come if one plays long enough.

Keep in mind of the tempo of a song and how it is reflected in the spacing of the map. Tempo is a fancy word for the beat. The tempo of a song for the most part will not change. That means if you find a songs overall pacing, than your overall success at that song will be based on how steady you can move your cursor.The better you can move with a beatmaps tempo, the easier it becomes to notice changes in tempo such as jumps, antijumps, and chnages in spacing. Use approach circles as a guide to finding a beats tempo. If you are able to identify the tempo (how fast you need to move to hit the notes ), and are able to follow that tempo, then most normal difficulties will be no match for you. A mastery of idetifying patterns and following a difficultie's tempo at often higher speeds is required when making the jump from Normal to hard difficulties.
These maps were the first ones I ever played in osu!, and they helped a lot in getting used to these types of rhythm games :P Took me a bit over 2 hours to pass them all. I did find that Puffy Ami Yumi (BOSS) was a lot easier than TAITO or bloody tears. Sparta was just such awful song that I couldn't bear to try it again. Same thing with Animal crossing. But I guess this is simply a matter of taste.

Enough with the whining, thanks for these packs :>
Great!! 8-)
Now, I can play PERFECTLY KOTOKO-Agony :D
But , I'm still lack on using mods :P
i think that the cards/maps are perfect for me.. too =]
This is an amazing selection of songs :) Too bad I don't really need them now, although I still suck at streams.
aww how nice of you for starters
wish I had seen this when I started playing osu, although now Im more focused on figuring out how to do beatmaps that have 100+ notes to em without my arm feeling like its going to fall off :P
Wow. Thanks for the bitmaps to train off of. I have to say. It really help me to play osu better. Also I like a couple songs here =]
Thanks! :) I should of found this earlier in the FAQ's :o
Anyways, the Pollyanna made me improve a lot because it's my favorite song!
Thanks for posting these maps. I am terrible at this game but find it fun, so hope to use them to improve 8-)
wow. now i*m learned how to play and ;)
THANK GOD, now when new people come onto #osu looking for new maps, I can just CTRL + V this thread :D

h4ngedm4n wrote:

Thanks for posting these maps. I am terrible at this game but find it fun, so hope to use them to improve 8-)
Well as long if you are having fun.. that's all it matters xD
Great guide!
Downloaded them all. o_o.

I'm hoping to get better, thanks alot!
Thanks man this really help me improve!
Thank you very much for all these song suggestions with out this I probably would have quit after my first few song which turned out to be 5star :s atm I am up to doing 4 star songs and am enjoying the game a lot.
perhaps i shouldn't have jumped straight in.. i started with KOTOKO agony but another version where the easiest mode is three stars so i thought that was considered easy... how wrong i was.... took me about one hour to get a A on that map lol
Kiro Miyabi
Nice Guide!! Wish I've found this earlier.. haha!! Got an HiddenHardrock SS on KOTOKO - agony!! XD
this would've been quite useful and fun if i had discovered this when i first started playing osu! :?
This is very useful for me, thanks a lot! :) :D
Song list has a lot of cool maps! ;)
Now I'm lvl 16~ :P

Thanks for the help~ :oops:
Awesome tips and songs! thx :)
downloaded already for my lil sis ^^
thank you :)
:? :? :? :? :? :?
Thanks so much for the begining beatmaps :)
ribby yien park
i love it <3
This list is great. I just got back to those maps and I must say, the list it's quite linear although it does misses some maps for a more linear progresion, expecially the easier ones.

If anybody asks about help with osu! I'll make sure they get here. Thank you!

Hope you or someone else will uodate this. :) I'll try to hunt down some nice maps to suggest.

And just so you know, bloody tears is a fitting name for your map T_T I still rage when I play it.
Yuki Hana-Chan
Great idea O: Although this post was from 3 years ago.. o-o Many people still use it O:
Nicely done. :3 Great way to help the newbies out.
This thread is a lie.
You're supposed to play chipscape 10 times a day until your hands break off, then you can call yourself pro.
Good guide for beginners,I am not really a beginner anymore (Okay,I am a bit lousy but not that bad) but still thank you. 8-)

Hika wrote:

This thread is a lie.
You're supposed to play chipscape 10 times a day until your hands break off, then you can call yourself pro.
@_@, if you say so...
Really nice guide.
I'm currently playing a bit of Osu! too, but no succes yet :(
Maybe CTB is the only thing I'm good at :P
Thanks for the tips, and the songs too :)
love mine_old
Thank you :).

Im new to OSU! and From Audition. It's a good game.
hi i followed this guide and i am still not able to pass any maps not even easy on half time after 2 years of game play what should i do?
please help me i'm going to go crazy soon i want to kill my self i spectated many players play they do crazy things but i cannot what is this everyone is hacking in this game? cheaters ! i want to do like them too : (
Thank you for the guide, very helpful 8-)

Any suggestion for some other song (not too difficult)?

Thank you for this!
This is a good beatmpa selection for beginners :D
Yay! Songs for beginners! I really need this.
IT helps a lot in me!! :) in normal mode I got SS already in 1day play :)
Beatmap packs apparently don't exist on mediafire anymore. :( Can you please fix this???
Working my way through these. Thank you for this post! :D
I guess I should try getting used to osu from this guide....
Silly me, what did I play for my first time... :P
좋은 정보 감사드립니다^^ :)
Good information, thank you ^ ^ :)

BY.KorManiaChobo ;)
Yeah, I was cocky and so I was humiliated. Osu isn't THAT easy...for me anyway. :lol: thank you very much! I shall now 'train' with these songs~
Can somebody please unsticky this thread

It has maps from 2008 that are godawful (no offense to the mappers ;_; you know it to be true... most of them don't even have correct bpm) and gives beginners the wrong idea. A simple guide telling people "disable mouse acceleration, make sure your frame limiter is set to unlimited, and play the latest maps you see under Beatmaps > Ranked" would be 100x more effective than this misleading thread.
Ahh... this is nostalgic. I remember downloading the beatmap packs from this thread 2 years ago and just grinding them until I could SS the songs that I liked. It gave me a really good image of this game, because the maps were of perfect difficulty to a total beginner.

Without this thread I would've just gotten scared of the high difficulty of new maps and would have quit in a few hours.
just practie more more practice :)

Aqo wrote:

make sure your frame limiter is set to unlimited
I cannot play without vsync, and if that happens to me, it can happen to someone else.

If anything, we should recreate this with a list of recent maps.
yay ty :)
Hello! I'm new here. Downloaded osu! because of my sister's suggestion. I'm no good at rhythm games so this guide help me so much. Thank you!
And I'm still failing at the first Orange Range song xD
Pretty good help, I use these maps for my aptop though xD
Thanks, "This is sparta!" it's amazing haha :)
I had forgotten about this thread... oh man those first few days after finding osu! were amazing. brb playing that ancient orange range map
Flashlight.. it's really Hard huh ? especially if we also use DT -_-
Woah... Thanks this will is going to help me a lot! I am such a newby at this
Please update the OP I made a list of maps that is good for beginner training:

Freedom Dive
Big Black
Eighto (totally not biased)

Play those and you'll be good at everything! Streaming fast, streaming long, stacking patterns, sliderjumps, circlejumps, everything :D

And it's also easier than the maps in the original op so it's more beginner-friendly! 1000bpm what the *
And THIS is how I started Osu! :)
Thanks for the training maps, going to try them out.
Tsukimi Luna
Im suprised people still use this.... Really...
AxE Rayden
This selection helped me and my friends to become an OSu player and not a player clicking the screen hoping to hit notes :) Thanks for your help man
Me, I did things a bit differently since I don't own copies of the songs used in the tutorial thing here(and I'm ridiculously rule/law/proper-conduct abiding)...I basically just searched for some random DDR songs in games I have and some Touhou stuff, and played the Easy maps for my start. Now, a bit under a week later, I can handle some maps between 3.5-4.5 stars, so I guess another good way to do things is to pick songs you already know that you like, if you find a .osz for it, so that you already have the rhythm down so it'll be easier to understand how the notes are supposed to flow together or something.
Can somebody please delete this thread
It does more to misguide beginners looking at the forum than help them
beginners should start off with insanes and DT >:
Regardless of map difficulty, beginners should start with maps that are timed well and follow the song and not maps that have incorrect tempo and an offset more than 20ms off, which is the case with nearly every single old map that makes up the OP of this thread.

Those maps shouldn't even be ranked anymore. Or at least majorly fixed from the ground up. Osu needs a serious re-ranking purge to be done once every year or so.

I know a person who has been playing from 2009 and could barely pass [Hard]s up until two weeks ago, then I told him to play on 2012 maps instead of the stuff he played until now (which was mostly 2009/2010 maps, I specced him and asked him what he plays, etc). Now he is already able to play Insanes with little to no problem and is already trying out HardRock and Hidden on them.
I started with Touhou - Bad Apple, It follows the song well

Still, I sortof regret the choice, I can't even get halfway through the song without failing.
Havn't tried this guide but once I get home I'm hopping on it xD :D
TY SO MUCH :D These songs are really fun and after 2 hours of play (lol XD) I can see my skill increasing! I'm halfway through the first list :3
Thanks for the maps
- 1 -

she wrote:

beginners should start off with insanes and DT >:
As a complete beginner...
I just skipped to the end ones just to see if they'd be any challenge, and i was pretty right and assuming they weren't.

"Academy" is wrongly used here. Sure, they might be fun to play for beginners. However, if you want to get better, IMHO, play really hard songs, or at least ones out of your reach. I always play insane charts even though i just started...and my accuracy has improved over 10% in the week or two i've been playing(no, i don't play 24\7.)

If someone played insane charts for 100 hours versus someone playing easy-med charts for 100 hours starting out, who do you think would be better at playing higher difficulty charts?

The beginner couldn't even begin to sightread(which is my main problem in playing if i can add - i can stream\follow just fine, i can't read the charts well yet though(Meh, my eyes are terrible to go with this too though sadface. Could probably consider me nearly blind in the only one i can use...))

The begginer might have improved a bit, but he wouldn't be able to play at the higher speeds either. Assuming the expert player practiced intelligently, he should be more skillful than the beginner, although it's only 100 hours time.

That's my take on it at least. At least start on hard+ charts(bad apple was a nice starter for me, cirno's perfect math class is hell but was my first map. playing something that's almost out of your reach isn't something i've really tested much yet - may later on...) and you'll be better than sticking with what you're good at.

EDIT: also the miku - this is sparta map is pretty badly timed...and i hear the others are as well...that's just misleading the beginners even more....shouldn't even be ranked.

SECOND EDIT: Oh yeah, one more thing. Get used to playing AR10, good way to increase your accuracy on your hardest maps in an hour lol..(for me at least xD)
The reason to not spam stuff that's way too hard for you at the start is because you'll get bad habits like spamming your keys to hit jumps, or to purely play on reaction and not sense of rhythm.
Though if you're having fun like that then you should keep on doing so, having fun is the point of the game after all.
Thanks for the beatmap tips. I seriously need Practice.
You know.. this thread is submitted at 2008... of course it listed old maps..
Well i think Osu is pretty easy u just need to play everyday and u will get better!
Try always to play harder beatmaps and there shouldnt be a problem :)
why is this still stickied
jesse's thread is clearly the better of the two
It's stickied because it's still a useful collection.

Don't be afraid of old songs, the majority of the osu achievements are maps from 2008/2009.
it's still outdated though, those maps look nothing like the later maps and aren't the way to train now
These are great maps for beginners. Training, though... hmm, I'm not too sure. This thread is kinda historic though, so I'm reluctant to unsticky it.
It's bad history and it should be hidden. FL'd, even.
t/99612 this was a pretty cool thread
Well then, I just discovered that support team members can't actually change sticky status in this forum anyway. That makes this decision easier, haha \:D/
would be great if this gets unstickied and jesse's thread gets stickied instead.

maybe some aqo training thread would be nice too

she wrote:

would be great if this gets unstickied and jesse's thread gets stickied instead.

maybe some aqo training thread would be nice too
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