
The Video Game Piracy poll

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Do you buy illegally copied games?

Always, cuz' it saves time and money
No, but I always play games on emulators
Sometimes, just to test the game
No, I seldom play games but I still buy pirated ones
NEVER.I support the game companies and everyone should.
Total votes: 61
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Title says all.

Personally, I do not buy pirated games but I use emulators.Period.
Where's my "No, but I don't care if someone does" option?

I guess I emulate too, but what I emulate I've already owned before (my old stuff got stolen D:)
I pretty much buy all games from legal stores, but sometimes/rarely I download them illegaly to test them.
Few years ago I emulated SNES and GBA games but haven't done that in awhile :P
Why would you buy a pirated game?
This poll is confusing.
Firo Prochainezo
What's the point in buying pirated games? Please fix it.
I was thinking he was referring to items found in the shady markets etc that you can find in some back alley. (Otherwise I'm with you two >.<)
IMO the poll title should be "Do you Pirate your own games" rather than do you buy pirated games because buying pirated games is stupid.
Hmm. I have bought 1 or 2 pirated games.
Once back in time while i was in elementary school and broadband internet wasn't your everyday thing, our school held a flea market. Two baddies from our school had put in sale "Ultimate tapan kaikki"(finnish popular indie game which wasnt free back then) in 5-10 filthy diskettes and a selection of few other quality games like slicks, lemmings, volcano, chopper and even the first command and conquer game copied in huge pile of diskettes lol. To attract ppl they even drew some cover art on the labels of the diskettes: slicks had some sideways car on it and cat-sized letters Slicks and some flames, and C&C game had stick figures with helmets firing themselves with bazookas or something :D

Among the lot of ppl who bought from them, I was fooled too, and bought Ultimate tapan kaikki and volcano which had of course a cool volcano drawn in it and a red firefighter so i just had to buy them. Volcano had a virus in it which completely messed my 166 mhz pentium and that's when i learnt to be careful when pirating games and especially buying.

More on the topic, i do just like mianki, if i don't know if the game is good i just test them for a day or so and then decide if to buy the game or not.

I do "pirate" all doujin games though because chances to get a real copy is so low.
And i use emulators too.
The only thing that counts that I have pirated is old NES/SNES (Sometimes GBA and N64 too, oh and touhou but that's not a rom :P) Roms that I used for three reasons depending on the game.
1. ROM hacking like Super mario world hacking and so on, I usually had the game I hacked but I can't hack the cartridge so yeah...
2. Test games if I want to buy them for Virtual Console/new port.
3.Playing games that would need big problem to get/and or (Exporting from USA/Exporting and understand Japanese games)

Otherwise I try to stay legal.

Option 3 is the closest to what I do.
What? People pay for games? Fascinating.
Generally, I'm a fan of the whole 'Try before you Buy' argument. If I find a game to be worth my time, I will go out of my way to find a hard-copy (Generally Disregarding Doujinshi, but I have Umineko no Naku Koro ni 1-4 to show for it).

This would also explain why a lot of my DS / PSP titles are imports, as a lot of decent games aren't sold in Australian stores.

So, do I pirate games? Yeah. I guess I do.

Do the developers/distributors lose out in the end? I don't think so, not really. Unless they make a really dodgy title I don't like, they'll get their money in the end.
Seeing as my laptop might not be able to play certain games, I always, always pirate before buying. If it works and I like it enough, I will buy it; but if it doesn't work it goes straight in the recycle bin.

Recently i've been pirating more but playing less, but ah well.

adam2046 wrote:

Why would you buy a pirated game?
This poll is confusing.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

What's the point in buying pirated games? Please fix it.
Sometimes: I pirate but not so much to test as to see if the game is worth the money to buy later on (when they're not $50-60 lol).

Sadly, there haven't been many games recently that I like enough to actually consider buying. The percentage of other entertainment (music/movies) is substantially less but then again, who buys movies anymore aside from things like Netflix/Redbox?
buy pirated games?

Isn't that kind of retarded?

Nekoroll wrote:

who buys movies anymore aside from things like Netflix/Redbox?
I know I do. Blu rays are more expensive to steal than to buy
Topic Starter
It all depends on where you are in the world. Here in the Philippines, there is no such thing as GameStop. Games like Portal 2 cost like 1 365.25 php, and you can buy a lot of stuff with that. I saw a pirated Final Fantasy 13 disc for X360, and it cost about 50 to 120 php or about $1.

I'm not talking about those pirated Final Fantasy games made in China. I'm talking about games that are illegally copied to another disc.

Question fixed.
I try to avoid pirating games, but there are some cases where I'll do it.

These are cases like...
1. If a game is really old and near impossible for me to find without importing or pirating it.
2. It's an arcade version of a game that isn't released for any console that I own. See: Beatmania IIDX17
3. I'm not sure if the game is worth my money, so I want to try it before buying.

So yes, I do pirate games. Through the internet, because fuck me sideways if I'm going to give a person money for pirating things for me. That just makes things worse than pirating it yourself.

I'm neither for nor against piracy, but I am against people trying to justify piracy, and I'll lash out at them for doing so.
Why ? Piracy is wrong, and it will always be wrong. I'm sure you don't want your work to be stolen and used by someone else without your consent either.

This is why I try to avoid piracy as much as I can.
There are exceptions to everything, and when the only way to get a game legally is by importing it, I'll only do that if I really want the game in question, such as the DJMax games, because of Denmark's retardedly high import taxes.

Say, if a game costs 50 USD by default, and it gets 30 USD laid on top of that due to shipping, the game is already quite expensive.
For important anything from outside the borders of Europe, Denmark puts 60% of the price on top of the total price as import tax - so the game will have cost me 128USD in total, and this is why I often pirate games if the only other option is importing them.
This doesn't justify it, but I'm not innocent or a saint either, so oh well.
My brother bought a disc that contained (a probably out of date) MAME and most of the (probably out of date) ROMs at the time. This was back when we had dial up (not that long ago ;~;). It was probably something like 30-50 bucks.
This seemed double wrong though, because not only are you buying a bunch of illegal ROMs, you're also buying a copy of MAME which was against their terms of use last time I checked.
Didn't stop me playing the hell out of Street Fighter 3rd Strike and a hundred other games.
Do you buy illegally copied games?
Do you buy legally copied games?

Seriously? The only options on the poll are to spend money?
hello, I live in Russia

TKiller wrote:

hello, I live in Russia

In Soviet Russia, games pirate you!
It's not stealing if the "victim" loses nothing and you weren't going to buy it anyway.
Console games - All pirated
PC games - All legal
Firo Prochainezo
I still do not understand why people buy "illegal games" when you can just download them for free. We have Internet for a reason, guys.

But anyway, I am in the guilt of pirating games. I don't have so much money on me so every time I want to buy a videogame that seems good, I need to wait for my Birthday or Christmas and of course I don't have a lot of patience for that. So half of my PC's games are pirated, but for a... good reason. I hope. All my DS's cartridges are legal, since I have not learned how to modify it yet, but DS's games are not that expensive so I might as well keep buying them.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

But anyway, I am in the guilt of pirating games. I don't have so much money on me so every time I want to buy a videogame that seems good, I need to wait for my Birthday or Christmas and of course I don't have a lot of patience for that. So half of my PC's games are pirated, but for a... good reason. I hope.
No, that's not really a good reason, at all.
Firo Prochainezo
Yeah, you're right, it's not a good reason at all, but still I'll do it since I don't really want to spend a lot of money in games.
Games aren't always expensive. If you buy them a couple years after they come out, they're generally dirt cheap. For the issue of patience, find some classics that you love and enjoy the crap out of them, and let yourself slowly fall behind the stream a year or two. Then you have the concept of "new games becoming available" as their price point drops. It's not like the game gets worse over time (unless it is an online-centric game, in which case, just get it on Steam)

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

it's not a good reason at all, but still I'll do it
+∞. The end.
Well since you changed pretty much the entire meaning of the poll question, I'd like to retract my vote.

Only people nowadays that I know who "buy" illegally copied games are those who have bought illegally copied 360 games.
I rarely pirate games, but when I do its always a non-indie game. I dunno why, but I think pirating an indie game is not justified while pirating a commercial-corporation game is semi-acceptable....
I buy pirated game discs and download pirated games not in spite of those big corporations or whatever, but because I simply can't afford being able to spend $50-$60 for every game. If I had that luxury, I could see myself paying for it, but then again most of us would right?
Topic Starter

FruitTingles wrote:

I buy pirated game discs and download pirated games not in spite of those big corporations or whatever, but because I simply can't afford being able to spend $50-$60 for every game. If I had that luxury, I could see myself paying for it, but then again most of us would right?

I put my own games on my DS flash card.

I guess everyone has a trace of piracy inside of them?
I don't buy games, I download them and unfortunately, there's no option on your poll for this..
except for the ones I rly want to play online bcuz I know I'm too good already for single player
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MDuh wrote:

I don't buy games, I download them and unfortunately, there's no option on your poll for this..
except for the ones I rly want to play online bcuz I know I'm too good already for single player
True, but what kind of games do you download?

this is the only ones I can remember,
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Awakening
Dragon Age: 2
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
6 Versions of NFS
Bioshock 1 & 2
Resident Evil~

the only game did I buy was L4D2 when it was on sale and Mass effect
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MDuh wrote:


this is the only ones I can remember,
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Awakening
Dragon Age: 2
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
6 Versions of NFS
Bioshock 1 & 2
Resident Evil~

the only game did I buy was L4D2 when it was on sale and Mass effect
On what system do you play them?
Topic Starter
OK then....

I couldn't add another option because it will change EVERYTHING on this poll. I thank you though for your reply :)

FruitTingles wrote:

. If I had that luxury, I could see myself paying for it, but then again most of us would right?
Hell no. I can afford $60 games but I don't pay $60 because it's unnecessary. Lots of games drop to $20/$30, and sometimes even 10 (PoP, Ghostbusters, Brutal Legend, etc) and yeah I'd certainly pay 10 bux for a game I might be interested in

Black and white is never a good debate platform
I usually buy legal games, but I will pirate if the game is obscure/impossibly old/not available in Australia/impossibly rare. Only occasionally I pay, but that only when the game is 10GB+ and would bust my internet. Honestly - trying to find a legal copy of any of the Persona series is impossible, and I had to go through 15 different stores to find Ar Tonelico Qoga a week after it was released (they didn't stock it due to managers thinking they wouldn't be able to sell it)

pintapau wrote:

and I had to go through 15 different stores to find Ar Tonelico Qoga a week after it was released (they didn't stock it due to managers thinking they wouldn't be able to sell it)
That actually makes a lot of sense.

pintapau wrote:

Honestly - trying to find a legal copy of any of the Persona series is impossible
Welcome to the 21st century.

adam2046 wrote:
Welcome to the 21st century.
Rephrase - impossible to find a legal English PAL copy that's not scratched to hell and back (Yes, I tried ebay, and yes, it was scratched to hell and back when advertised as mint condition. Fuck ebay)
Do you buy illegally copied games?
buy illegally copied games?
buying bootlegs

pintapau wrote:

I had a bad experience with a seller, therefore that reflects on all sellers on ebay.
lrn2complain and check feedback?

adam2046 wrote:

pintapau wrote:

I had a bad experience with a seller, therefore that reflects on all sellers on ebay.
lrn2complain and check feedback?
I will admit that was a valid interpretation of what I typed, but he did have a large amount of positive feedback (98% or something) and complaining got me nowhere. Multiple other bad experiences has taught me not to trust anything on ebay, hence I don't use it.

pintapau wrote:

I will admit that was a valid interpretation of what I typed, but he did have a large amount of positive feedback (98% or something) and complaining got me nowhere. Multiple other bad experiences has taught me not to trust anything on ebay, hence I don't use it.
Buy new and sealed if available. Buy from power sellers if available. Always check negative feedback. Demand refund if product is not as advertised.
It's not perfect, but ebay is a great resource.
eBay has never let me down, actually. I've purchased at least 10 videogames off ebay, most of them NES/Genesis era, and not once have I been disappointed
buying a used copy of a game makes zero sense to me, unless you are a collector
Well, it's legal for one thing.
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