
Manually scripting a pre-song intro

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Note: I already made a topic about this but mistakenly put it in General Help, and it died quickly.

I'm hoping to make a series of story-based beatmaps that follow the story structure of EBA/Ouendan levels: A brief intro cutscene that, when skipped, cuts to the beginning of the song, which can then be skipped to the countdown as usual. Don't Stop Me Now is the only one I can think of right now that does this.

However, I have found out that making an intro is not supported by the current storyboard editor, and it has to be done manually by typing in the .osb file. I have literally no experience with storyboarding, and need to figure out some things before I try and do this:

- What is the equivalent of a certain amount of time before the song? If I want the intro to be a minute and thirty seconds long, would it be -9000 for 90 seconds or something?
- How do you make sprites animate via just scripting? And pans across background and foreground?
- Finally, how exactly do the coordinates for placing and moving graphics work? Does it just boil down to trial and error, or is there a general technique for it?

Timestamps are in milliseconds, so 1000 ms = 1 second

Placement is based on a 640x480 window, so 0,0 is top left, 640,480 is bottom right, and 320,240 is the center of the screen. It helps to design all your backgrounds and sprites based on this resolution, so everything is to scale and you don't have to worry about estimating

You could always place your sprites using the editor and then just adjust the timestamps in the text file afterward. In fact, your best bet is to make some simple animations in the editor, and then look at the osb file that gets generated to see what the code looks like.

Moving an animation around the screen is always always like

_M, easing, starttime, endtime, startx,starty,endx,endy

Experiment with coding during a song before you move onto doing an intro, since it'll be easier to test and practice that way
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