
[duplicate] Remove the restriction on the choice of time signatures

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Current Priority: +0
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At the moment, there are only few choices when choosing the time signatures, from 3/4 to 7/4. Most of the time that's more than enough. However, some songs don't go according to the most common time signatures, and the choices that are currently offered in the Other tab aren't always enough either. Of course time signatures such as 12/4 or 15/4 can be done with the current choices without butchering the relationship with the music since they can be divided even. Often this still leads to odd parts as the used time signatures has emphasis points where the music doesn't. Also, with time signatures such as 11/4 as in parts of this or 19/4 as in this even that is not possible. This stands true for all time signatures that base on prime numbers.

It could be argued that like in the latter example of 19/4, the guy is counting 2 measures of 7/4 and one measure of 5/4 and even the score is written like it, why should osu! do something differently. This isn't true for all songs of this kind though, and implementing this feature would not only lessen the incredible amount of extra-work needed to time these kind of songs, it would also represent the music better.

Going deeper, adding the possibility of changing the dividing measure to something other than 4 could also be implemented to make possible time signatures such as 19/16 in the end of this or time signatures like X/3, X/5 or X/8. Many of these can be done with more normal methods also, but that leads to the forementioned problem of not always representing the music too well.

"This will just be abused." True in a sense, but that's true for most things in mapping process. This would just add one process more to the checking of timing that is already a matter of fact in modding. Through mods the abuse of random time signatures could be easily cut off and at the same time help could be provided to those struggling with complex time signatures.

"This is too complex, especially for beginners, so it won't happen." There's already complex enough stuff in the Editor, especially for beginners. That's why they are usually adviced to just use the simple options when beginning with Editor. In the same way Special Time Signatures could be done their own options window for more complex possibilities. If needed, warnings and advice like what are already implemented in some parts of the Editor to help beginners, could be added.
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