
2016 Top 10 Malaysian Players! (All Modes)

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Topic Starter
Hi all! I'll be hosting ........ nvm i will just copy everything from TequilaWolf's last year post. Thank you for hosting last year :D

Hi all! I'll be hosting the top 10 voting for this year. Vote for the 10 players who are the most skilled in your opinion for osu!, Taiko, Catch the Beat, and osu!mania! I'll do my best to keep the explanation as concise as possible. No fancy banners this year unfortunately Dx

Subscribe to ... Qzp59HfdzQ to get updates on the release date of the osu!standard top 10 video.

How to vote:
1. god player
2. amazing player
3. excellent player
4. very good player
5. gooood player
6. goood player
7. good player
8. notbad.jpg player
9. player
10. pla

1. god player
2. amazing player
3. excellent player
4. very good player
5. gooood player
6. goood player
7. good player
8. notbad.jpg player
9. player
10. pl

1. god player
2. amazing player
3. excellent player
4. very good player
5. gooood player
6. goood player
7. good player
8. notbad.jpg player
9. player
10. p


1) You can only vote if your account was created before 1st of August, 2016.

2) You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself.

3) You are only allowed to vote for players with a Malaysian flag. ***unless they are widely known as Malaysian but has changed their flag for convenience.

4) Anyone with any country flag can vote.

5) It's encouraged but optional to write 1 or 2 lines to describe your reason to vote for a player. (what are they good at, why did you vote for them?) It's perfectly OK to just list 10 names.

6) Please do not vote for anyone who hasn't played anything at all in 2016.

7) You do not have to vote for 10 players if you don't know enough good players. You need to put at least 3 names though to ensure fairness and balance.

8) Please vote based on scores and plays set in 2016. For example if a player was #1 in Malaysia in 2008 but has already quit the game in 2011, for goodness' sake do not vote for him. SCORES SET IN 2016. PERFORMANCE IN 2016.

9) To be fair, you can only vote for players under this constraint:
--- osu!std --- Voted player must be at least 5000pp
--- taiko --- Voted player must be at least 3500pp
--- ctb --- Voted player must be at least 2000pp
--- mania --- Voted player must be at least 7000pp
If not, the vote will not be counted as valid vote

Helpful links if you're newer to this:

1) here you can find the Malaysian rankings, and you can filter by game mode: osu!, Taiko, Catch the Beat, & osu!mania

2) here you can find the individual players' top100 scores by clicking 'Advanced Options' and filter by game type: osu, Ctb, Taiko, mania. (Note: as we all know in every single game mode there are many scores that are 'underrated' in PP and since you might not find them on the player's profile, you can search here instead!)

Results/Calculation method:

I'll keep it short. #1 gets 10 points, #2 9 points and so on. Points are totalled up. Highest wins.


Voting Stage will conclude on 18 December 2016 11:59pm (GMT +8)


Feel free to post any questions you might have in the thread, me or other experienced/knowledgeable players will respond to them


Terjemahan BM (thanks QHideaki13, used your work in 2013)
Di sini, kami akan menentukan pemain 10 teratas bagi setiap mod (osu!, Taiko, Catch the Beat, and osu!mania) berdasarkan undian anda semua.

Cara mengundi:
1. pemain dewa
2. pemain banyak meletup
3. pemain berkilauan
4. pemain amat bagus sangat
5. pemain baguuus
6. pemain baguus
7. pemain bagus
8. pemain macam yes
9. pemain
10. pem

1. pemain dewa
2. pemain banyak meletup
3. pemain berkilauan
4. pemain amat bagus sangat
5. pemain baguuus
6. pemain baguus
7. pemain bagus
8. pemain macam yes
9. pemain
10. pe

1. pemain dewa
2. pemain banyak meletup
3. pemain berkilauan
4. pemain amat bagus sangat
5. pemain baguuus
6. pemain baguus
7. pemain bagus
8. pemain macam yes
9. pemain
10. p


1) Anda hanya dibenarkan mengundi jika akaun anda dibuat selepas 1 Ogos 2016.

2) Anda dilarang mengundi diri anda sendiri.

3) Hanya mengundi untuk pemain yang mempunyai bendera Malaysia di profil. ***KECUALI kes istimewa yang memang merupakan rakyat Malaysia tetapi telahpun menukar bendera bagi kemudahan sendiri

4) Sesiapa pun boleh mengundi di benang ini termasuk pemain dari luar negara.

5) Anda digalakkan (tidak semestinya) menulis penerangan/justifikasi yang pendek tentang sebab-sebab anda mengundi untuk sesuatu pemain.

6) Jangan mengundi untuk sesiapa yang tidak bermain langsung/tidak menghasilkan skor dalam tahun 2016.

7) Anda tidak perlu menyenaraikan 10 orang pemain jika tidak mampu mengenali 10 pemain baik untuk sesuatu mod. Walaubagaimanapun, anda perlu menyenaraikan sekurang-kurangnya 3 nama pemain supaya undian seimbang.

8) Sila mengundi berdasarkan skor yang dibuat pemain dalam tahun 2016. Sebagai contoh, jika pemain tersebut merupakan pemain #1 dalam Malaysia pada tahun 2008 tetapi sudah berhenti bermain dalam tahun 2011, tolonglah guna otak sikit, jangan mengundi untuk dia. TENGOK SKOR YANG DIBUAT DALAM 2016. PRESTASI PEMAIN 2016.

9) Anda hanya boleh mengundi pemain-pemain mengikut had yang ditetapkan seperti berikut:
--- osu!std --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 5000pp
--- taiko --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 3500pp
--- ctb --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 2000pp
--- mania --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 7000pp

Link berguna jika anda tidak beberapa berpengalaman:

1) Ini merupakan kedudukan pemain-pemain Malaysia dalam mod masing-masing, anda boleh mencari mod kegemaran sendiri: osu!, Taiko, Catch the Beat, & osu!mania

2) Di sini anda dapat mencari skor top100 yang diperoleh siapa-siapa pemain dengan menekan 'Advanced Options' kemudian 'filter by game type': osu, Ctb, Taiko, mania. (Tidak kira mana-mana mod, banyak skor tidak memberi PP yang menunjuk kesukaran sebenar sesuatu lagu, oleh itu banyak skor tidak akan muncul di 'Top Ranks' di profil pemain, anda boleh mencari semua itu di sini!)

Kaedah pengiraan mata/skor:

#1 memperoleh 10 mata, #2 9 mata dan sebagainya. Mata diperoleh setiap pemain dijumlahkan. Tinggi yang menang.


Undian akan ditutup 18 Disember 2016 pada masa 11:59pm (GMT+8).


Jika ada sebarang soalan boleh tanya dalam benang ini, saya ataupun pemain yang LEBIH FASIH DALAM BAHASA MALAYSIA LOL (lebih berpengetahuan/berpengalaman) akan berusaha untuk menjawab soalan anda. :) :) :) :)


terima kasih SolarFox Rumia- Gon untuk bantuan yang /dihulurkan/ Pogu :) :)
Topic Starter
[ -Scarlet- ]
1. Claw
2. Ruey
3. Ama
4. Ram
5. sama
6. jy
7. mineral
8. noobmia
9. gone
10. tobikc-tequi

1. ffstar0716
1. ClawViper (dat quaver play)
The 2nd Malaysian player to reach 8kpp.This year he showed us massive improvement in his streaming skills,while not forgetting to improve his already godlike aim.While his top scores are with HDHR,it is also worth mentioning that he can also read low ARs with ease.His amazing score this year is fhana - Wonder Stella [Stardust] HDHR 420pp KappaPride
2. Rampax (faster than bugatti veyron)
Seriously,this dud is a beast.High BPMs,no problem.He makes every score he sets look easy (which isn't).Sick Nomod,HR,DT,and HDDT scores (seriously,look at his top plays).Superior when it comes to fast fullscreen jumps.Also a great player overall (and great guy).However,he's abit inactive due to the final year examinations (SPM).Very respectable decision for prioritizing education first. :)
3. TequilaWolf <3
The only player that made me stick to osu!.Friendly guy.My inspiration.I will never forget the day when I received 2 inboxes from this guy.Also sick scores this year.Umaru HD fc and Everything Went Numb HD fc.It is very saddening to see him being inactive for quite awhile :( please come back
4. Amane- (jaw dropping nomod playss)
The perfect genderscores blender.Absolutely HARAM plays.JK.Incredible play on Blue Zenith [ktgster's Extreme] fc with an amazing accuracy.Also he's the most inconsistent player to play in multiplayer as he's been carrying in multiplayer countless times.Probably because he's cold hearted.Also idk he/she
5. TheSomething (good?)
Have you seen his ORA ORA ORA fc yet?You should.Amazing rounded mouse player (hue).Great Nomod scores this year too.
6. Rumia- (long map lover 3;;33)
Also a great mapper.His most notable plays this year are Camellia & DJ Genki - Feelin Sky [Cloud] and Reol - No title [jieusieu's Lemur] fc.Great guy in general.
7. TechnoTrance123 (nice hardrock skiills)
The highest pothead I've ever seen.Probably been smoking the dankest kush.Very good aim.Great Nomod,HR,and HDHR scores.His most notable score this year is Reol - No title [deetz' Expert] with HDHR.
8. Ex6TenZ
Yes,he does exist.Setting an impressive jumpy scores such as DaiDaiHoneyWorks - Akatsuki Zukuyo [Taeyang's Extra] fc.Though,not abit active.If he is,i'm sure he'd demolished the top ranking.Because his top scores are pps xDDDD
9. BornBorn (the future)
Wow.Less than year playing osu! and already 5kpp?Damn son.Howudodat?Constantly setting 300pp scores.Good Nomod player.Notable score this year is probably MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - SANTA SAN [X-Mas] fc.Expect him to be in future leaderboards.
10. King Hong (same as BornBorn)
A ponier version of BornBorn.Also has a lot of potential in future leaderboards.Great HD player.Most notable score is the LiSA - Kimi ni Pierrot [Emotions] +HD fc.

ALL of these players are great ;) (sorry if i didn't name others)
Players that should also be mentioned
xsrsbsns - not active but still set amazing scores this year
sprItzEr - seeing his plays make me dry
Gon - old player.still hangs around and set impressive scores like ok dad
hamato - enjoy game :}
caleb123456 - looking at his top plays,i am legitimately impressed.setting huge scores this year.very undertalked and almost not even mentioned.however i still do think he can set amazing scores in the near future :)
yumesaki-hikari - just another dud randomly playing for fun :P
CrescendoV_Leux - is into furry stuff 10/10
[ -Scarlet- ] - still no sponsor lel
YewJoeChai - mouse player that can aim?sign me up yaaaaaaap
L u m i n o u s - got some great scores this year...also <3.
Jeffrey - underranked player
Ging- - need more -er and scores
ffstar0716 - how does this guy stream with mouse only????
TayGames - notbad.cmd
sorry if my list isn't even organized
osu! std:
#1 ClawViper: The second Malaysian player to hit 8k pp. He is a flawless HDHR player and he truly deserves his number 1 spot.
#2 sameperson123: Major improvement this year, he first FC'd Best Friends DT and recently he FC'd that Dragonforce map with HR, making him hold one of the highest pp scores in Malaysia.
#3 Rampax: Another amazing DT player. He is definetly one of the fastest players in Malaysia.
#4 Amane: Set an FC on Blue Zenith ktgster's Extreme, which is highly respectable. He also holds the highest HDHR pp score in Malaysia.
#5 yumesaki-hikari: Another insane improvement by yume. He is an insane nomod player (like me ayyy) and he is definetly someone I look up to as an NM player.
#6 TayGames: Yet another fast improver. He has a lot of insane nomod plays, and I also look up to him as an NM player.
#7 Rumia-: Although not too much recent activity, he still deserves this spot, because he pro af.
#8 TechnoTrance123: Insane HDHR player, but also a great NM player.
#9 BornBorn: In my opinion, the fastest improver this year. Only joined about 7 months ago, yet he is in the Top 30. Massive props to BornBorn
#10 xsrsbsns: Despite being #1 and of course undoubtedly the best Malaysian player, he has been very inactive, but he still deserves a spot here, as he will remain in our hearts for many years to come.

1.ClawViper (#1 before 2016 ends plz)
2.sameperson123 (400 pp gg nore)
3.Rampax (bit inactive cause of spm but still good year)
4.Amane- ( g a y )
8.Ex6TenZ (pls notice me senpai)
10.yumesaki-hikari (ppfarmer)
1. ClawViper
Upon changing his stream techniques, he has managed to overcome his huge weakness, as he had obtained such a strong abilitiy to stream. (as shown by scores such as ETIA. - Claiomh Solais)He also has one of the better abilities to aim on Hard Rock among the country as he's able to consistently throw scores on maps which require a lot of solid strong aim on such as dj TAKA - Quaver [Nino's Extra]. What else is there to say? He's also pretty well rounded and can play most maps. (except for speed maps, which may be his weakness, FOR NOW) My expectations for next year is that he becomes the #1 Malaysian player, and who knows, years later he might even put Malaysia in the top 50 global spot again.

2. Rampax
As seen by everyone last year, he had really great potential in being one of the fastest Malaysian players to date. And he hasn't disappointed anyone so far, as you can see by how well he can spit out speed scores here and there. Tapping speed and aim may be his strong points, but he's also good at aiming on HR too, and his nomod play on Toumei Elegy is an incredible display of how good his aim is. Also a core Hard Rock and DT player in big tourneys.

3. Amane-
This guy is someone who is really well rounded. For he can play nomod, HD, HR or even DT. As such, he's someone who can be well selected for a tournament. And sweet lord, his xi. - Blue Zenith [ktgster's Extreme] score is just out of this world, and it's a score that just displays his stability in streaming and his consistency in aiming, even for when the stream starts having some ridiculous spacing, he can still hold combo with great excellence.

4. xsrsbsns
Our current #1 in terms of rank, and he has been keeping it for years already, however he hasn't made much scores in 2016. But his score on Orangestar - Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan [iyasine_sk's Extra] shows how well he is at streaming, aiming and being consistent in general. There's not much to say about him now since he's come into inactivity.

5. sameperson123
Raising attention in the community by suddenly FC'ing Fujijo Seitokai - Best Friends [Insane] with DoubleTime, he has, ever since then been consistently throwing DT scores left and right, and he rivals with Rampax when it comes to speed. His ability to stream on high BPM seems effortless, as he can just have a nice line of 300s despite it being on high BPM. And it's also worth mentioning that he also can pull off pretty good HR scores. One of the most notable ones is his recent DragonForce - Valley of the Damned [Apocalypse] score. In which is a long map, but yet he manages to full combo it, with Hard Rock. From being someone who wasn't known, to rise suddenly in the middle of the year, he's truly Malaysia's most improved player.

6. TequilaWolf
Another inactive player, but he still managed to set really great nomod scores. The most notable one that everyone will know about is his xi. - FREEDOM DiVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] clear which displays his ability to stream and read high densities on low AR. His jumping ability is also pretty good, and can be demonstrated from his DM Ashura - Deltamax [Challenge] clear, which only has 7 misses. Which may be something that can't be rivaled by any Malaysian anytime soon.

7. TheSomething
ORA ORA ORA ORA. A mouse player that has really good, and consistent aim. My personal favourite score from him is his JO*STARS ~TOMMY, Coda, JIN~ - JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku~end of THE WORLD~ [STAR PLATINUM] FC which displays his incredible ability to aim.

8. Rumia-
Being one of Malaysia's best nomod players currently, he has made pretty good nomod scores such as his Camellia & DJ Genki - Feelin Sky [Cloud] FC. And of course, he's no slacker when it comes to Hard Rock either. As seen in his play on Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira! [Happy~!] in which it requires a really good ability to aim, on those widely spaced jumps. (Although the map is optimized to make it easy for the players to aim, the spacing is still pretty high)

9. BornBorn
Bringing up suspicion among the community for not being legit, he suddenly managed to rise out of nowhere, and spat out multiple highly skilled nomod scores such as his Yuaru - Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan [Sky Arrow] FC and his AKI AKANE - FIRST [Saut's Extra] FC. He has a lot of potential to penetrate the top 10 rankings next year.

10. TechnoTrance123
Someome who has really good HR potential. His aim on HR is really something incredible and worth mentioning. He has incredible consistency with his Hard Rock scores too. And he's pretty damn good at nomod. Someone who has great potential in making good scores next year too.

I'm a rule breaker.
Its this time of the year again ~.~

2016 Top 10 vote

  1. Amane- -sick top plays over this year , blue zenith ktgster fc is totally wicked
  2. sameperson123 - this guy from nowhere ?????? top 5 now , mouse hr dt god , too much greatness , most improved player in 2016 . no doubt
  3. ClawViper - this year around finally manage to break his stream limit , making his top plays now very high skill player. still remember the wonder stella score 420pp Kappa
  4. TequilaWolf - based god , sadly went inactive recently , passed Delta Max )(sickkkkk) Umaru HD fc , consistent player while active , high reading skills
  5. Rampax- despite being less active , still pull out sick scores once in a while , Toumei Elegy Skystar's FC was impressive play and of course all the dts LUL
  6. sprItzEr the accuracy god once again resurface at the end of the year .
  7. TheSomething - good player,sick nomod plays everywhere before inactivity , y go play trash mania game what a waste dude its so stupid fuking game mode LOL (JK).
  8. yumesaki-hikari - recently pull out great nomod plays , fast improving player , his score within these 3 months was all new top plays which is impressive but still call himself noob like no other noob than him.
  9. TayGames - Sick aims , pass lots of hard maps , underrated to pp system kappa
  10. Ex6TenZ- inactive on first half of the year , come back boom top plays , god , and ??????
This year is interesting, many hustles through the top 30 compared to previous year shows that malaysian playerbase are really improving and getting bigger
1. Rumia- (senpai <3 no gay)
2. Amane- (senpai <3 no gay)
3. Rampax
4. ClawViper (sensei <3)
5. YewJoeChai
6. sameperson123
7. TechnoTrance123
8. [ -Scarlet- ] (<3)
9. King Hong
10. TayGames

And myself jk
Oh, it's this again. time to get started

mania only this time
Lets Goooooo
1: Sern888
2: cheewee10
3: [MY]Idiot
4: watarakisah
5: LawXIII
6: ZYuan
7: seyren95
8: [MY]Smokey
9: Explosive-XII
10: UchihaxHoNG
(Notable Mentions, those who would have made it to the list if more than 10 allowed; in no particular order)
i) KagaNyan
ii) InabaYap
iii) HunterproX
iv) SReisen
v) idan_93
vi) nnaryuji
vii) Midori Carrot
viii) saltedfeesh
ix) kaname-san92
x) [Xiiao]Ray

Got realllly hard to determine the list now because there's many more pros migrating here from other places, hence the notable mentions.
Mania Player

[MY] Zylat
Mania player
1 sern888
2 cheewee10
3 watarakisah
5 cryolien
6 ZYuan
7 seyren95
8 kagaNyan
9 Explosive-XII
10 [xiiao]Ray
Mania :

1. Sern888
2. Cryolien
3. watarakisah
4. cheewee10
5. [MY]Idiot
6. UchihaxHoNG
7. Explosive-XII
8. seyren95
9. ZYuan

1. ClawViper
2. sameperson123
3. Rampax
4. Amane
5. Rumia-
6. TayGames
7. TechnoTrance123
8. BornBorn
9. King Hong
10. TheRandomGuyJr

osu! standard

#1: Rampax (It was so difficult for me to choose between this guy and ClawViper, but I chose him mainly because of the fact that he can convert between HR and DT so flawlessly and casually. His improvement within this year was insane as well.)
#2: ClawViper (What can I say? God-like HDHR skills, not forgetting about his ability to play low AR maps. He deserves it, really.)
#3: Amane- (Flawless accuracy and pretty consistent as well. Great player in general.)
#4: xsrsbsns (Looked up to him since I joined the game 4 years ago. Despite being inactive, he has still made legendary HR plays that even most players now wouldn't stand a chance in sniping it.)
#5: TequilaWolf (Pro.)
#6 Rumia- (Pro player and mapper.)
#7: samperson123 (Pro v2.)
#8: Jeffrey (I would say that this guy is still arguably underrated at his current rank and he has proven to me that he can play a variety of alternate/technical maps. His consistency might not be the best but i'm sure he's working for it.)
Tsukimi Luna

I can't really vote since I never kept up with things recently heh..

Ill just pass by
Mode permainan ossmanoa:

(after rolling dices for 6-10)
1. SernLapanLapanLapan888
2. cheeweeSatuKosong10
3. [MY]Idiot
4. Cryolien
5. watarakisah
6. ZYuan
7. [MY]Smokey
8. KagaNyan
9. HunterproX
10. seyren95
[ -Scarlet- ]

Yuu-Chii wrote:


I can't really vote since I never kept up with things recently heh..

Ill just pass by
vote4me only thanks 8-)

InabaYap wrote:

Mode permainan ossmanoa:

(after rolling dices for 6-10)
1. SernLapanLapanLapan888
2. cheeweeSatuKosong10
3. [MY]Idiot
4. Cryolien
5. watarakisah
6. ZYuan
7. [MY]Smokey
8. KagaNyan
9. HunterproX
10. seyren95
why not seyrensembilanlima
1. ClawViper - Improved the most, managed to lay 400-300 pp scores consistently
2. Rampax - Minecraft survival with no /tp, very commendable actions, nice scores on stuff like Toumei Elegy
3. sameperson123 - Shitting 400 scores yo. Ezpz.
4. Amane - Managed to get a gf via online, pro sia.
5. TequilaWolf - FDFD, DELTAMAX, big ass cursor with robotic movements.
6. TheSomething - Most improved mouse player this year? Sick plays
7. sprItzEr - veteran player who hasn't lost his skills.
8. hamato - Ascension to heaven hdhr 97%(He fced it multiple times to fix acc), 97% on road of resistance until he failed, best stream stamina and high bpm streamer in Malaysia (Seriously, nobody voted for him?)
9. Rumia - Professional multitasker, nasi lemak while driving, veli pro. Sick aim, funny guy, good mapper.
10. Taygames - Sick plays ever since converted from mouse to tablet. Only lacks high bpm stream skills and stamina.

1. ClawViper
2. Rampax
3. Amane
4. TequilaWolf
5. sameperson123
6. xsrsbsns
7. Rumia-
8. TheSomething
9. hamato
10. Ex6TenZ

based of epic scores for this year

especialy for the 1-4top players, i respect all of you guys!!

[Xiiao]Ray wrote:

Mania Player

Agreed except u should be number 10 or 11 senpaii :D
my first time voting >.<kek


1. ClawViper
2. Rampax
3. Amane-
4. sameperson123
5. yumesaki-hikari
6. Rumia-
7. MiraiXu
8. King Hong
9. Mak Kau Hijau
10. Slyn

Since slyn didnt receive enough pp to be included (farm more pp pls cbai) he will be in my Honorable Mention(s) :D


1. Shadow Fear
2. Future_miku95
3. murutattack
4. Lute
5. -Rin senpai is back~ owo

Honorable Mention(s)

1. Gilochan - this cb stopped playing ctb... pls racun him back
2. QHideaki13 - we need you next year hue :3
3. [Maid] NekoRyo - respectable HD player o7
4. XiaoShiro aka KKC - another respectable player, mainly in DT
ok rip everyone under 5kpp

ffstar0716 wrote:

After some discussion, I added a new rule to avoid upset result.

9) To be fair, you can only vote for players under this constraint:
--- osu!std --- Voted player must be at least 5000pp
--- taiko --- Voted player must be at least 4000pp
--- ctb --- Voted player must be at least 2000pp
--- mania --- Voted player must be at least 7000pp
If not, the vote will not be counted as valid vote

BM (thanks SolarFox)
9) Anda hanya boleh mengundi pemain-pemain mengikut had yang ditetapkan seperti berikut:
--- osu!std --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 5000pp
--- taiko --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 4000pp
--- ctb --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 2000pp
--- mania --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 7000pp

Please change your vote if necessary!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Gonna Vote Random Order xd

1.ClawViper Because ClawVaper
10.CrescendoV_Leux cuz why not. since its over 5kpp lol
1. sameperson123 - my fav player for the year, also the most improved imo.
2. ClawViper - 400pp scores erryday errytime. Feels encouraging to see he's still around even when everyone else is quitting LOL
3. Amane- - great memes + rinne
4. Rampax - amazing stuff as always
5. TequilaWolf - wtf I thought the fd4d score was last year. 1k combo is enough to net him a spot on this list, srsly no Malaysian can stream as well as this guy.
6. Spritzer - he just set some crazy acc plays so I guess hes up there
0. [ -Scarlet- ] o(v)o ily
Topic Starter
After some discussion, I added a new rule to avoid upset result.

9) To be fair, you can only vote for players under this constraint:
--- osu!std --- Voted player must be at least 5000pp
--- taiko --- Voted player must be at least 3500pp
--- ctb --- Voted player must be at least 2000pp
--- mania --- Voted player must be at least 7000pp
If not, the vote will not be counted as valid vote

BM (thanks SolarFox)
9) Anda hanya boleh mengundi pemain-pemain mengikut had yang ditetapkan seperti berikut:
--- osu!std --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 5000pp
--- taiko --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 3500pp
--- ctb --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 2000pp
--- mania --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 7000pp

Please change your vote if necessary!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Basing my list off these few criteria: Consistency, versatility, overall skill level and degree of improvement.

1) ClawViper
2) sameperson123
3) Amane-
4) Rampax
5) xsrsbsns
6) Ex6TenZ
7) Gon
8) sprItzEr
9) TayGames
10) BornBorn
rip Taiko lol

1. ffyong - revived since 6 months ago and become a DT god.
2. [ Erika ] - Std! converted player is always a progood, especially with his/her accuracy.
3. pimniko - He/She is pro at streams.

Vlerias wrote:

rip Taiko lol

ffstar0716 wrote:

After some discussion, I added a new rule to avoid upset result.

9) To be fair, you can only vote for players under this constraint:
--- osu!std --- Voted player must be at least 5000pp
--- taiko --- Voted player must be at least 4000pp
--- ctb --- Voted player must be at least 2000pp
--- mania --- Voted player must be at least 7000pp
If not, the vote will not be counted as valid vote

BM (thanks SolarFox)
9) Anda hanya boleh mengundi pemain-pemain mengikut had yang ditetapkan seperti berikut:
--- osu!std --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 5000pp
--- taiko --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 4000pp
--- ctb --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 2000pp
--- mania --- Pemain yang diundi sekurang-kurangnya 7000pp

Please change your vote if necessary!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Asal semua nak 4000 pp aaaaaa lol i thought only people with certain number of pp can vote... sorry i misunderstand llol xD

Vlerias wrote:

rip Taiko lol
rip ctb
Kopi Pasta from last year cuz not much has changed lol jk


1. ClawViper
2. TequilaWolf - Champ
3. Amane
4. SamePerson123 - sp00k
5. Rampax - more hr thx
6. Rumia - eh too high might edit l8r put him at the bottom :^)
7. TheSomething
8. Scarlet - nokappa
9. Spritzer
10. Hamato - luh u no homo
0. CrescendoV_Leux - "I will fucking be there next year"

Vote based on their overall skills and how much points i want to give them (if i vote them high, doesnt mean they're better than the player below them k)
1. SernEggEggEgg888 (my idol)
2. ciwi10 (his score damn scary) [cheewee10 la dui]
3. HunterproX (gg pro spam)
4. seyren95 (DT a fool moon night 4K?????)
5. [MY]Idiot (how u FL sia)
6. watarakisah (god at 4k, pro at 7k learn so fast sial)
7. Midori Carrot (gg stamina gg jumpstream pro dao me run away liao)
8. UchihaxHonG (i baru tau he play with shit laptop and shit keyboard but still getting high score, respect 8-) )
9. johnzai (stamina very good sia wei)
10. ?????????????? (i rly hate this guy but yet making me put him in this list, cb kia)

Notable mention: (not even 7k pp, fuck u man)
1. Satoshi Kazuki (never disappoint me at getting high score in hard song haha)
2. passo12 (even tho this guy never play ranked map, but his score is pretty high when it comes to unranked map, g8 one m8)
[ -Scarlet- ]

HeatKai wrote:

Vlerias wrote:

rip Taiko lol
Std ♫
#1 ClawViper
#2 Samepeson123
#3 Amane
#4 Rampax
#5 TW
#6 TSomething
#7 Rumi
#8 Ex6TenZ
#9 Teknoterance
#10 yumesaki-hikari
buah 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 buah
#1 Shadow Fear
#2 Future_miku95
#3 K A G A RI I
#4 Gilochan
#5 murutattack
#3 Future_miku95
#4 Gilochan
#5 murut
#6 ~ #10 Im not sure yet

saltedfeesh wrote:

1. SernEggEggEgg888 (my idol)
2. ciwi10 (his score damn scary) [cheewee10 la dui]
3. HunterproX (gg pro spam)
4. seyren95 (DT a fool moon night 4K?????)
5. [MY]Idiot (how u FL sia)
6. watarakisah (god at 4k, pro at 7k learn so fast sial)
7. Midori Carrot (gg stamina gg jumpstream pro dao me run away liao)
8. UchihaxHonG (i baru tau he play with shit laptop and shit keyboard but still getting high score, respect 8-) )
9. johnzai (stamina very good sia wei)
10. ?????????????? (i rly hate this guy but yet making me put him in this list, cb kia)

Notable mention: (not even 7k pp, fuck u man)
1. Satoshi Kazuki (never disappoint me at getting high score in hard song haha)
2. passo12 (even tho this guy never play ranked map, but his score is pretty high when it comes to unranked map, g8 one m8)
same old SF, salty, straight salty!

Slyn wrote:

#1 Shadow Fear
#2 Future_miku95
#3 K A G A RI I
#4 Gilochan
#5 murutattack
#3 Future_miku95
#4 Gilochan
#5 murut
#6 ~ #10 Im not sure yet
apa benda ni mabuk ke ape xD

Slyn wrote:

Std ♫
#1 ClawViper
#2 Samepeson123
#3 Amane
#4 Rampax
#5 TW
#6 TSomething
#7 Rumi
#8 Ex6TenZ
#9 Teknoterance
#10 yumesaki-hikari
buah 🍑 🍑 🍑 🍑 buah
#1 Shadow Fear
#2 Future_miku95
#3 K A G A RI I
#4 Gilochan
#5 murutattack
#3 Future_miku95
#4 Gilochan
#5 murut
#6 ~ #10 Im not sure yet
smok weed everydai

1 - Shadow_Fear
2 - Future_Miku95
3 - Kagariri
4 - Xanus/Lute dat boi
5 - -Rin
7 - miku003
8 - Wattatata-

Sry didn`t add Detective Q cause inactive ctb, dun awp me ;<

Kagari wrote:

Slyn wrote:

#1 Shadow Fear
#2 Future_miku95
#3 K A G A RI I
#4 Gilochan
#5 murutattack
#3 Future_miku95
#4 Gilochan
#5 murut
#6 ~ #10 Im not sure yet
apa benda ni mabuk ke ape xD

I already stopped playing ctb. if can, exclude me from the ctb list. no replays already lel. Maybe will start to play ctb again Can vote me for STD though jk it will never happen. cri
Rip CeeteeBee
Taiko oso Rip

I don't know who to vote though, but here. (Osu STD)
#1 Clawviper
#2 sameperson123
#3 Rampax
#4 Amane-
#5 xsrsbsns
#6 TheSomething
#7 rumia-
#8 TayGames
#9 yumesaki-hikari
#10 Ex6TenZ

didn't vote for TequilaWolf since he's inactive

Looking forward to the video and the commentary :D
1. sameperson123

2. ClawViper

3. Amane-

4. Rampax

5. sprItzEr

6. xsrsbsns

7. Rumia-

8. TayGames

9. TheSomething

10. hamato
My top 10 Malaysian Osu Players :


I like the name lol

Rem is still better though. Kappa

I like his DT plays lel

A Senpai Who I look up to, and a fellow Yaoi Fan ;333

Cute lol.


Because furry??? . . .

Because Rem is Best Girl ;333

10)King Hong
"First play is best play" -King Hong 2k16. #preech
1 - ClawViper (god)
2 - Rampax (god)
3 - Amane- (god)
4 - sameperson123 (god)
5 - TheSomething (god)
6 - yumesaki-hikari (god)
7 - Rumia- (god)
8 - TequilaWolf (god)
9 - TayGames (god)
10 - [ -Scarlet- ] (god)

k :)
Asagi Mutsuki
top tier taiko activity amirite
osu! standard

1. Rampax
Working on expanding his skillset from last year, the racecar is now able to set sick HR, DT and HD scores for various maps. His agility (aim speed) is still unchallenged in Malaysia.

Some notable scores
Toumei Elegy Skystar FC
Yuuhei Satellite HDDT sliderbreak
Deus Ex Machina DT 1x miss
Packet Hero HD FC
Close to an DT FC on Still Alive

2. Amane-
Enjoys game most of the time, and makes getting accuracy and deathstreaming up to 200BPM look easy. Arguably one of the most consistent and best tournament players in Malaysia.

Some notable scores
Blue Zenith ktgster FC
Santa-San HDHR sliderbreak
Bakunana Testroyer 6x100 HD FC
Innumerable Eyes 2x100 FC
Mynarco Addiction 6x100 FC

3. sameperson123
Most improved player in 2016, and arguably the fastest player in Malaysia, comfortably getting 99%+ accuracy up to 270BPM.

Some notable scores
Valley of the Damned HR FC
Enkan no Kotowari HR 4x100 FC
Best FriendS DT FC
First [pkhg's Insane] 285BPM DT FC
The Pretender DT clear

4. TequilaWolf
The champion of OMT 2015/16 edition, he is one of the most versatile players in Malaysia, being able to play all kinds of maps at a high level.

Some notable scores
Umaru HD sliderbreak
New World HD FC
Everything Went Numb HD FC
FD4D 1k combo
Road of Resistance 90% clear

5. xsrsbsns
Reigns as the king of Malaysia since 2010. Despite inactivity, he has still proved to be able to play everything at a high level and has set enough scores at the start of the year to secure a top 10 spot in this list.

Some notable scores
Fast's Caramel Heaven HR FC
Saut's First HR FC
Santa-san HR sliderbreak
Snow Halation DT FC

6. sprItzEr
The runner-up of OMT 2015/16 edition, he is a veteran who shows that he still remains relevant despite periods of inactivity.

Some notable scores
Night of Knights HD 99% 1x miss
Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan HD 1x100 FC
Eisou Youga ~ Meikyou Shisui HD FC

7. TheSomething
Made his mark as a fast improving player throughout 2016, he has consistently set scores throughout the year with solid aim.

Some notable scores
Belief EX FC
Jojo End of the World FC
Gimme Chocolate Expert FC

8. Rumia-
Champion of the OMT in the 2014/15 edition, he remains relevant with his outstanding aim and consistency. Well-rounded, being able to play any mod at a decent level.

Some notable scores
Dear Brave FC
Cry Thunder 1000 combo
Piranha 1x miss at the end

9. hamato
The Malaysian stream god - His incredibly high accuracy on deathstreams is still unmatched nationally.

Some notable scores
Unlimitation HR 98.91% FC
Ascension to Heaven HDHR 97.38% FC

10. yumesaki-hikari
A fast improving player towards the end of the year, he sets himself apart from his peers in the new generation with his aim and accuracy.

Some notable scores
Can Do Kagami 1x100 FC
Brand New World SS
1.Shadow Fear
Osu Std

1) Amane-
2) Rampax
3) Clawviper
4) sameperson123
5) Rumia-
6) Taygames
7) Yumesaki-Hikari
8) hamato
9) SprItzEr
10) Thesomething
Top 10 Osu! Malaysia Players of 2016 !

1. ClawViper !
2. Sameperson123 !
3. TequilaWolf !
4. Amane- !
5. sprItzEr !
6. TheSomething !
7. Rumia- !
8. hamato !
9. yumesaki-hikari !
10. xsrsbsns !

1. ClawViper
2. Rampax
3. Amane-
4. sameperson123
5. TequilaWolf
6. hamato
7. Spritzer
8. TheSomething
9. Ex6TenZ
10. Rumia-
Topic Starter
ended :D thanks for the votes guys
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