
EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 11월 10일 목요일 at 오전 1:03:03

Artist: EvilServant
Title: Zen Zen Zense
Source: 君の名は。
Tags: Kimi no Na wa your name. RADWIMPS bakayaroid 바카야로이드 matsuda tota yagami light death note デスノート
BPM: 190
Filesize: 18320kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.44 stars, 85 notes)
  2. Expert (5.33 stars, 399 notes)
  3. Hard (3.16 stars, 269 notes)
  4. Insane (4.23 stars, 357 notes)
  5. Normal (1.92 stars, 165 notes)
Download: EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense
Download: EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Death Note

The human who uses this note
can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.
They end up as a vocaloid.

>> Download with RADWIMPS mp3 <<
wow! i really love this song from one piece!

xexxar wtf are you doing

o ya nice shuriken thing lo

  1. 01:41:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You could be more creative here. At least try to rotate 90 degrees to prevent the copy and paste of 00:17:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
  2. 00:34:929 (6) - I suggest you reposition this. The movement between this note and the previous one feels unnatural and very sharp.
  3. 00:42:508 (1,2,1) - The placement here is inconsistent from 00:37:456 (1,2,1) - . I assume it's intentional?
  4. 01:21:508 (2,3) - I prefer you make these align because they look more aesthetically pleasing that way.

  1. 00:40:614 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - It would better you center this pattern and make it more symmetrical; It would make it look more visually appealing.
  2. 00:52:614 (1,2) - I see this pattern quite frequently. I would prefer you change it up to make the map as a whole less boring. Try making it blanket slider start of 00:51:982 (1) -
  1. Consider using HP 1.5. Recovery of HP is much less than the regain of HP due to the huge pauses in-between notes.
  2. 01:05:877 (3) - Perfect this slider. The curve is a bit off and it's probably better centered.
  3. 01:39:982 (3) - Slider end could be better blanketed as well.
  4. 01:45:035 - Any reason you skipped this beat? There is enough recovery time after the spinner to add a note here.
Mapset looks good so far. You need to add a normal to complete the spread. Also, the slider-slide sounds horrible with this song; please replace it with a silent soft-slide file.

Call me back when you are ready.
맵셋 완성하기 전부터 QAT 한테 랭크 약속을 받다니 :3
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Enon wrote:

맵셋 완성하기 전부터 QAT 한테 랭크 약속을 받다니 :3
쾃 노미로 갑니다.
i'm laughing so much when i see dat bg :)

  • 이지를 만들면 벌에 쏘이지~~


  • 음 노말하군

  1. 01:14:416 (1) -, 01:24:521 (1) - 등, 익스퍼트가 점프가 많은걸 고려하면 이런부분 같은경우엔 점프가 들어갔으면하는 아쉬움이 있네요, 제가 할 소린 아니지만 노트가 너무 다닥다닥 붙어있는 느낌이라

    힛사는 익퍼랑 동일
  1. 00:18:995 (1) - 음자체도 그다지 강조되는 부분도 아니고 차라리 스피너로 시작됐으면 더 좋겠지만 노트도 나쁘지 않다고 생각은 해요 대신에 강한 느낌이드는 노말휘슬 대신 소프트 휘슬이 더 appropriate한거 같네요
  2. 00:34:390 (2) - 여기 클랩보다 00:34:626 (5) - 여기 대신해서 넣으시는건 어떨까요
  3. 00:41:732 (1,2,3,4) -
  4. 01:09:521 (3,4) - rhythm을 reverse하시는게 보컬?소리하고 좀 더 알맞게 들어가는거같아요
  5. 01:12:837 (1) - 뉴콤보 넣으신 special reason 이라도?
  6. 01:24:521 (1) - 이전노트와 점프가 들어가있지 않은상태에서 반복슬라이더를 넣는것은 playable하지 못하다고 think합니다. what about 반복빼고 뒤에 점프로 a note를 추가하시는게 더 great하겠네요
좀 대충했긴한데 버블이 코앞이시니 괜찮을거라 믿음 ㅎ
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:


  1. 01:41:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You could be more creative here. At least try to rotate 90 degrees to prevent the copy and paste of 00:17:877 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - // I'll make an adjustment here when I get the inspiration. Until then, well I need to think more..
  2. 00:34:929 (6) - I suggest you reposition this. The movement between this note and the previous one feels unnatural and very sharp. // Since I wanted a similar movement with 00:24:363 (2,3), I'd like to keep the flow. Instead made the stream less spaced so the flow to be less sharp.
  3. 00:42:508 (1,2,1) - The placement here is inconsistent from 00:37:456 (1,2,1) - . I assume it's intentional? // Unlike the previous sections, the following rhythm appears after 1/1, so adding a jump wouldn't be appropriate.
  4. 01:21:508 (2,3) - I prefer you make these align because they look more aesthetically pleasing that way. // Not really sure what you exactly mean here, but I wanted (2,3) interact along (1).

  1. 00:40:614 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - It would better you center this pattern and make it more symmetrical; It would make it look more visually appealing. // Guess it is actually centered if you look at (3). The combo colors might've distracted you.
  2. 00:52:614 (1,2) - I see this pattern quite frequently. I would prefer you change it up to make the map as a whole less boring. Try making it blanket slider start of 00:51:982 (1) - // This pattern is to be consistent with expert, and I don't think I've used such rotation sliders too frequently?
  1. Consider using HP 1.5. Recovery of HP is much less than the regain of HP due to the huge pauses in-between notes. // Valid point. Fixed.
  2. 01:05:877 (3) - Perfect this slider. The curve is a bit off and it's probably better centered. // Maybe it's because this contains a red control point. Those normally happen even they are symmetric, and guess this was the case.
  3. 01:39:982 (3) - Slider end could be better blanketed as well. // Tried.
  4. 01:45:035 - Any reason you skipped this beat? There is enough recovery time after the spinner to add a note here. // I normally do not prefer giving edgy recovery times on lower difficulties.
Mapset looks good so far. You need to add a normal to complete the spread. Also, the slider-slide sounds horrible with this song; please replace it with a silent soft-slide file. // That might work. Will add it later.

Call me back when you are ready.

HelloSCV wrote:


  • 이지를 만들면 벌에 쏘이지~~


  • 음 노말하군

  1. 01:14:416 (1) -, 01:24:521 (1) - 등, 익스퍼트가 점프가 많은걸 고려하면 이런부분 같은경우엔 점프가 들어갔으면하는 아쉬움이 있네요, 제가 할 소린 아니지만 노트가 너무 다닥다닥 붙어있는 느낌이라 // 점프도 효과적이긴 합니다만 앞서서 이미 점프를 사용해버렸기 때문에 여기서는 조금 다른 강조포인트를 사용하기 위해서 흐름을 꺾었습니다.

    힛사는 익퍼랑 동일
  1. 00:18:995 (1) - 음자체도 그다지 강조되는 부분도 아니고 차라리 스피너로 시작됐으면 더 좋겠지만 노트도 나쁘지 않다고 생각은 해요 대신에 강한 느낌이드는 노말휘슬 대신 소프트 휘슬이 더 appropriate한거 같네요 // 음 고민스럽네요. 사실 이게 직전 음이랑 차이가 보이긴 했는데,
  2. 00:34:390 (2) - 여기 클랩보다 00:34:626 (5) - 여기 대신해서 넣으시는건 어떨까요 // ?
  3. 00:41:732 (1,2,3,4) - // 00:36:679 - 와 같은 느낌 가져가고 싶었습니다.
  4. 01:09:521 (3,4) - rhythm을 reverse하시는게 보컬?소리하고 좀 더 알맞게 들어가는거같아요 // 가사의 의미 단위를 생각해보면 현재 박자를 채택하고 싶습니다.
  5. 01:12:837 (1) - 뉴콤보 넣으신 special reason 이라도? // 지그재그 패턴 리딩 목적이었습니다만 굳이 필요는 없으려나요?
  6. 01:24:521 (1) - 이전노트와 점프가 들어가있지 않은상태에서 반복슬라이더를 넣는것은 playable하지 못하다고 think합니다. what about 반복빼고 뒤에 점프로 a note를 추가하시는게 더 great하겠네요 // 바꾸면 조금 패턴 디자인적으로 통일성이 깨질듯 하네요.
좀 대충했긴한데 버블이 코앞이시니 괜찮을거라 믿음 ㅎ
Thanks for the moddings~

00:01:626 (1,2,1,2,3) - The spacing seems a bit off here? Besides the fact that first (1,2) has inconsistent spacing when compared to the second (1,2,3), if you wanted to keep that spacing, shouldn't (1,2,3) have increased spacing and not the other way around?
00:13:311 (1,2) - Blanket properly? It'll look neater.
00:02:574 (1,2,3,4,5) - AND 00:03:679 (6,1,2,3,4) - These two formations follow different mouse movements. Maybe synchronize them?
00:11:100 (2,3) - Sliders don't look neat :( I feel as if they would look better if both sides were balanced like
00:11:732 (4,5) - Perhaps you can mirror them so that they look more "symmetrical"?
00:13:311 (1,2) - Blanket properly?
00:13:311 (1,2,3,4,5) - Barring your jump from (3) to (4), the spacing here is very inconsistent. Spacing between (1,2) is much bigger.
00:16:153 (2,3) - Sliders don't look quite neat :( || Also, (2) is better off reversed IMO.
00:17:100 (5) - IMO better if you move (5) a little lower, so you can "blanket" (4) more properly.
00:21:363 (4,1,2,3) - There really is no big musical difference to warrant sudden shifts in spacing like this, nor does it look like you were attempting to do pattern-based spacing.
00:32:100 (2,3) - Same as above.
00:29:100 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is a bit weird... The slider tapers to the upper right, and the movement to the next part seems to be counter to the direction of the slider (from a CW motion, you jump in a straight line to a left.) I suggest you either soften the angle of (2,3,4) by moving it down, or make (1) face the opposite direction.
00:33:995 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - The 1/4s here sound a play awkwardly IMO. Considering the offbeat and downbeat, IMO the best pattern if you want to keep the 1/4s would be something like:
00:36:679 (1,2,3,4) - Why the antijump :( IMO you should do increased if not same spacing as the previous combos.
00:41:732 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above.
01:03:205 (1) - Can you restructure the slider such that it can be placed in the center between the (1,2) of the previous combo and still blanket the note after it? As of now, the off-center-ness is off-putting.
01:12:521 (1,2,1,2) - I recommend you doing something more akin to ztrot spacing than doing an antijump like that. Maybe: ?
01:26:258 (3,4) - Hello darkness my old friend... I've come to talk with you again (about the sliders)
- Also that second-to-last part with the copy-paste, apply the respective mods to the ones in the first part?
- There's a surprising lack of 1/4 in the chorus... If you want to add, consider doing it at 01:17:416 (1,2,3,4,5) - since that's where you can use a stream to build up to the second part of the chorus.

A lot of the parts here are similar to Extra...
00:02:574 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hmmm the flow to the slider is a bit off... Unlike your first pattern, this time the slider doesn't run parallel to the square. Maybe shift the square so it'll become parallel?
00:06:679 (7,1) - Make (1) mirrored to (7)?
00:11:100 (2,3) - These sliders again...
00:13:311 (1,2) - Blanket properly?
00:16:153 (2,3) - At this point, I'll just stop mentioning them, but you know that I would like them changed. (Also, 01:01:942 (1) - )
01:09:205 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - This part looks really clustered with all of the overlapping IMO. Also really confusing with the three different spacing shifts.
- Same as Extra with the copy-pasted sections

00:14:258 (1,2) - That tiny overlap looks aesthetically not-so-good :(
Oh.. it's not yet done? Alrighty xD

00:00:679 (2,3) - Same opinion regarding that overlap. IMO you shouldn't make it overlap part of the sliderpath like that. Something akin to is more aesthetically good IMO. Though you do have some examples of these which are ok, I'll just point out the more unaesthetically pleasing ones.
00:17:732 (1,2) - ^
00:27:363 (5,1) - (1) should be facing the opposite direction IMO.
00:29:890 (4) - Plays awkwardly IMO. Either remove, place on the white tick instead, or add a note on the white tick.
01:13:942 (3,4) - Same comment regarding those sliders. This one feels really smooshed up...

01:10:784 (1) - Flow is kind of odd here? I think it'll be better if you move (1) down instead. (though you have to adjust for offscreen/the next combo)

Honestly pretty solid map as is. I loved those linear parts in Hard and Insane.
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:


00:01:626 (1,2,1,2,3) - The spacing seems a bit off here? Besides the fact that first (1,2) has inconsistent spacing when compared to the second (1,2,3), if you wanted to keep that spacing, shouldn't (1,2,3) have increased spacing and not the other way around? // The blue (1,2) was placed to follow the previous square driven objects and the spacing of (1,2,3) came from a base spacing of 00:00:048 (1,2,3,4,5) as you can see. Since it was a linear pattern, I wanted them close enough to get perceived as a pattern.
00:02:574 (1,2,3,4,5) - AND 00:03:679 (6,1,2,3,4) - These two formations follow different mouse movements. Maybe synchronize them? // Since they were meant to be different, and are in a different music structure, I prefer using a variation.
00:11:100 (2,3) - Sliders don't look neat :( I feel as if they would look better if both sides were balanced like // The image you've posted is a balanced shape to use in a linear curve slider. However when the slider is long enough, it is possible to use the current form of a slider (and is actually one of the sliders that I enjoy using). It indeed is unbalanced, but if you can appreciate this as a styled-slider, you will found it as a personal taste.
00:11:732 (4,5) - Perhaps you can mirror them so that they look more "symmetrical"? // I'll remain as it is since I prefer the current zigzag flow.
00:13:311 (1,2) - Blanket properly? // This isn't meant to be a blanket slider. To explain how this was constructed, (2) is an upscaled slider of (1), and it has been horizontally flipped to create a variation while using a same slider shape.
00:13:311 (1,2,3,4,5) - Barring your jump from (3) to (4), the spacing here is very inconsistent. Spacing between (1,2) is much bigger. // I'll need more opinion on this. Thanks for pointing out.
00:16:153 (2,3) - Sliders don't look quite neat :( || Also, (2) is better off reversed IMO. //
00:17:100 (5) - IMO better if you move (5) a little lower, so you can "blanket" (4) more properly. // There was a reason for the placement of (4), but since it was vague enough, I just placed it higher. Actually this wasn't meant to be a blanket nor blankets in large spacing isn't visibly effective to notice, but made it more balanced anyways.
00:21:363 (4,1,2,3) - There really is no big musical difference to warrant sudden shifts in spacing like this, nor does it look like you were attempting to do pattern-based spacing. // I felt the downbeats to be stronger this point and actually some ctrl+G based patterns were used. Adjusted (4) to feel more ds oriented.
00:32:100 (2,3) - Same as above.
00:29:100 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is a bit weird... The slider tapers to the upper right, and the movement to the next part seems to be counter to the direction of the slider (from a CW motion, you jump in a straight line to a left.) I suggest you either soften the angle of (2,3,4) by moving it down, or make (1) face the opposite direction. // Actually I feel fine enough with this. I assume this to be some personal taste area.
00:33:995 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - The 1/4s here sound a play awkwardly IMO. Considering the offbeat and downbeat, IMO the best pattern if you want to keep the 1/4s would be something like: // The rhythms were constructed according to the song. I do not prefer arbitrary streams.
00:36:679 (1,2,3,4) - Why the antijump :( IMO you should do increased if not same spacing as the previous combos. // This is an interesting fact that some players experience these days; people feel angled jumps easier than none-angled close spacing. It was my kind of an approach to keep the intensity while forming a pattern.
00:41:732 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above.
01:03:205 (1) - Can you restructure the slider such that it can be placed in the center between the (1,2) of the previous combo and still blanket the note after it? As of now, the off-center-ness is off-putting. // Could be possible, but when the slider appears, the previous (1) is already invisible and I don't see a point on adjusting stuff.
01:12:521 (1,2,1,2) - I recommend you doing something more akin to ztrot spacing than doing an antijump like that. Maybe: ? // I prefer the current.
01:26:258 (3,4) - Hello darkness my old friend... I've come to talk with you again (about the sliders)
- Also that second-to-last part with the copy-paste, apply the respective mods to the ones in the first part?
- There's a surprising lack of 1/4 in the chorus... If you want to add, consider doing it at 01:17:416 (1,2,3,4,5) - since that's where you can use a stream to build up to the second part of the chorus. // I was a little depressed that this version didn't had much 1/4s, but I won't add when it doesn't exist in the song.

A lot of the parts here are similar to Extra... // It's to express Taki and Mitsu.. what was the name? I even didn't saw the movie x,x Well this kind of design derives from the original inis style mappings and I feel that to be nice enough in expressing music structures consistently cross difficulties. It will also make players who can't enjoy expert still experience this mapset!
00:02:574 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hmmm the flow to the slider is a bit off... Unlike your first pattern, this time the slider doesn't run parallel to the square. Maybe shift the square so it'll become parallel? // Actually I wanted a consistent square formation, but seems making the slider parallel consistently feels more effective! Fixed.
00:06:679 (7,1) - Make (1) mirrored to (7)? // Actually this is already a mirror too! It is horizontally flipped. You'll want to check for more information.
00:11:100 (2,3) - These sliders again...
00:13:311 (1,2) - Blanket properly?
00:16:153 (2,3) - At this point, I'll just stop mentioning them, but you know that I would like them changed. (Also, 01:01:942 (1) - )
01:09:205 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - This part looks really clustered with all of the overlapping IMO. Also really confusing with the three different spacing shifts. // mm I hope this to be fine because the ar is a little higher than average.
- Same as Extra with the copy-pasted sections

00:14:258 (1,2) - That tiny overlap looks aesthetically not-so-good :( // Actually it was intended. Since the overlap goes enough through the slider body, it creates some kind of an extra overlap effect.
Oh.. it's not yet done? Alrighty xD

00:00:679 (2,3) - Same opinion regarding that overlap. IMO you shouldn't make it overlap part of the sliderpath like that. Something akin to is more aesthetically good IMO. Though you do have some examples of these which are ok, I'll just point out the more unaesthetically pleasing ones. // Not sure why that to be a problem since I see no readability nor aesthetic issue on those. I also assume those to be personal taste areas.
00:17:732 (1,2) - ^
00:27:363 (5,1) - (1) should be facing the opposite direction IMO.
00:29:890 (4) - Plays awkwardly IMO. Either remove, place on the white tick instead, or add a note on the white tick. // Fixed the rhythm. Sticking to the vocals feel better!
01:13:942 (3,4) - Same comment regarding those sliders. This one feels really smooshed up...

01:10:784 (1) - Flow is kind of odd here? I think it'll be better if you move (1) down instead. (though you have to adjust for offscreen/the next combo) // Since there was a strong beat there, I wanted a flow break.

Honestly pretty solid map as is. I loved those linear parts in Hard and Insane.
Thanks for the modding~

  1. everything is clean
  1. 00:15:205 (1) - curving this slider to look similar to 00:15:837 (2) as opposed to leaving it straight looks more aesthetically pleasing. here's an example:
  2. 01:38:574 (1) - same suggestion as above in order to maintain structural consistency
  1. 00:20:890 (1) - this comes too soon after a spinner for a normal difficulty. allowing only two beats at 190 BPM isn't enough time. it's crucial to allow newer players ample time to recovery from spinning before placing the next object. i suggest deleting this entirely and placing a circle at 00:21:521. you could do something else, however. what matters it that an oject is not occurring too soon after this spinner
  2. 00:32:890 (1,2,3) - the pattern involving these objects isn't as neat as the previous patterns in the difficulty. i suggest completely forgoing the red node in (3) and making it blanket (2), like this:
  3. 00:46:153 (1) - same thing as i mentioned previously about objects coming too soon after spinners. i recommend deleting this and placing a circle at 00:46:469
  4. 00:47:416 (3,1) - to remedy the overlap between (3) and the end of (1), i think a pattern like this looks much neater:
  5. 01:22:626 (1) - it feels rhythmically inaccurate to have this start on the red tick, completely disregarding the heavy beat of the next measure. i strongly suggest altering this to have more of a downbeat based rhythm, like this (in this image, (4) stars on the red tick and (1) starts on the large white tick):
  6. 01:33:521 (1) - same thing as i mentioned previously about objects coming too soon after spinners. this one is not such an easy fix, however, since this object starts at the downbeat, and removing it would sound rather odd. i propose deleting the spinner before this entirely and remapping it as a slider.
  7. 01:44:258 (1) - same thing as above. however, in this case, it would be fine to just delete this slider entirely.
  1. 00:14:258 (1,2) - i know this overlap is intentional, but i agree with NoHitter that it doesn't look very good at all. i would just separate these two objects
  2. 00:51:522 (3,2) - this overlap is VERY slightly incorrect
  3. 01:22:626 (1) - same thing about rhythm that i mentioned in the Normal difficulty. i strongly suggest placing a circle at 01:22:626 (1) and moving the slider to start on the large white tick and end on the red tick, like this:
  4. 01:37:626 (1,2) - same as i mentioned previously about this overlap
  1. 00:10:784 (1,2,3,4) - the pattern involving these sliders seems rather odd and doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing or flow too well. it also contrasts heavily with the rest of the difficulty's style (tidy, neatly made and flowing patterns) i came up with a much neater pattern that looks better and flows well. i recommend trying this or re-arranging it your own way
  2. 00:15:837 (1,2,3,4) - same thing as above, just shifted in orientation to match
  3. 00:48:048 (1) - move this slightly up and to the right in order to avoid a slight overlap with 00:47:416 (1)
  4. 00:52:469 (1,1) - same as mentioned above for structural consistency
  5. 01:00:679 (2) - reversing this makes the flow into 01:01:153 (3) feel a lot more natural and fluid
  6. 01:34:153 (1,2,3,4) - same as my first and second suggestions
  7. 01:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - same as above
  1. 00:01:626 (1,2) - why is this NC, and why is it blue? you didn't do this on any other difficulties
  2. 00:10:784 (1,2,3,4) - same suggestion here as in the insane difficulty. this pattern feels really out of place from my perspective. i tried coming up with a neater pattern as a recommendation once again (you don't have to use this pattern, of course. this is just an idea):
  3. 00:15:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - same as above
  4. 00:29:100 (1) - curve this in the opposite direction, like this. it carries the flow out of 00:28:784 (3) much better. it also links into 00:29:574 (2) more smoothly.
  5. 00:42:363 (1,2,1) - this arrangement can definitely be improved. the straight sliders seem rather mundane. here's an example of a pattern i made that i believe looks cool and flows really well:
  6. 01:00:679 (2) - reverse this like i mentioned in the Insane diff at the same pattern. it carries the flow into the next slider better
  7. 01:34:153 (1,2,3,4) - same as my second suggestion
  8. 01:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - same as above
  9. 01:45:995 (1) - this is REALLY cool! love this
this map is structured very solidly and is even consistent in its patterns and rhythm throughout difficulties. although it doesn't offer much in terms of innovation, you clearly are very knowledgeable when it comes to handling beatmap composition. good luck
offset felt a bit late to me while playing and in editor

Lyrics\Thumbs.db is unused, but I think that sometimes gets automatically created by some windows versions for image thumbnails, might still want to delete it though

00:20:732 (2) - stack here just didn't feel very fitting with how important 3 is and you normally used jumps or at least normal spacing for such
00:23:337 (3) - do you really need to put a note here..
00:29:574 (2,3) - soft sampleset would fit better as it seems you wanted to follow piano here + maybe soft-whistle on 2
00:33:837 (5,6,7,8) - autostacking makes this noticeable uneven and that just doesn't really fit the otherwise very clean structure of this map : (
00:39:837 (5) - nc on this would make sense with your other nc patterning around here and vocals starting on 5
01:07:074 (1) - spinner just felt way too short for me personally, I usually don't have problems with spinners at all, but got a 100 on this on all of my plays, it's only like 500ms. also (1) is very far from the center so you basically have another big jump to get around the middle before you can start spinning properly
01:45:995 (1) - would be great if you could mute sliderticks on this one
also, the volume changes you did on the slider only work for the ticks, slide stays the same because it doesn't work like that. It only gets loaded again/can change volume when you change sampleset, like

think this could use slightly higher ar as that always put some expetation on the sv and right now it feels a bit weird to me (like 8.5)
01:17:416 (4) - I see you wanted to put more emphasis on vocals at 01:17:890 (1,2,3) - but still don't really get why this is mapped, but 01:17:732 - is not when they are the same sound

00:11:890 (2) - not stacking this would make more sense with the other things you did and 3 being so strong. how about doing to keep it fitting your structure?
00:31:942 (1) - rhythm choice didn't seem optimal here because the end with the vocal is so much more important than the head. rhythm similar to higher diffs would be nicer
01:16:784 - vocal seemed noticeable here to be completely ignored
01:45:521 (1,2,3,4,1) - doesn't look very nice cause autostacking makes it so unven visually

so many spinners might be a bit annoying for newer players lol
01:21:995 (3,1) - looks like your 2 measure focused nc pattern got messed up here

00:22:153 - 00:45:521 - i get what you're following in this part, but the difference in difficulty (mainly density) to normal seemed way too huge. this is more like some "utra beginner" difficulty for this part, whereas normal is just mapped like an average normal.

solid and nicely structured overall, but I'm not really sure about that thing on easy
also really unsure about the video because of parts like the one around 00:45 etc.
whyy ;w;

btw im modding with the normal mp3 so some things might be wrong.

00:18:838 (9,1) - i think a larger jump might fit well here, try
00:26:258 (3,1,2,3,4,5) - spacing could be a bit bigger here? so its similar to 00:25:311 (1,2,3,4) -
00:36:679 (1,2,3,4) - why do u switch to small spacing here rather than the snappy jumps u used before? '-'
at least you're consistent with it i guess o-o
01:30:837 (2) - slider end finish really sounds off here.

00:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - imo just 1/2 sliders would fit better here. there isn't any particular vocals so i dont think there is much of a need to emphasize it with circles.
00:46:311 (2) - u can stack it on the slider end of (1) to emphasize that 'pause' feeling.
00:51:364 (2) - ^
01:17:574 - why skip the finish here ;w;
01:31:153 - what is the slider end finish for? i dont really get it o-o
01:45:679 (2,3,4) - nazi, make it straight?

01:09:363 (1) - finish here?
01:14:416 - 01:19:468 (1) - 01:24:521 (4) - ^
01:31:153 - same as insane

00:57:995 (1) - 01:00:521 (1) - could try deleting these to emphasize the calmer music section maybe
01:13:942 (3,4) - ran out of space huh? xD
01:45:363 (3,4,1) - try something like this maybe, gives better emphasis on the ending notes

00:08:890 (1) - NC doesn't seem too necessary to me, i guess its for the whistle?
good otherwise.
Topic Starter

Low wrote:


  1. everything is clean
  1. 00:15:205 (1) - curving this slider to look similar to 00:15:837 (2) as opposed to leaving it straight looks more aesthetically pleasing. here's an example: // For visual diversity, I'd prefer the current.
  2. 01:38:574 (1) - same suggestion as above in order to maintain structural consistency
  1. 00:20:890 (1) - this comes too soon after a spinner for a normal difficulty. allowing only two beats at 190 BPM isn't enough time. it's crucial to allow newer players ample time to recovery from spinning before placing the next object. i suggest deleting this entirely and placing a circle at 00:21:521. you could do something else, however. what matters it that an oject is not occurring too soon after this spinner // Even this wasn't super intensed enough, since I have a lower difficulty than this, I didn't wanted to get forced for a beginner friendly one here. Anyways the guideline provides 2 beats as a minimal, and hope it is fine. Actually normals are for low ranked players who wish to deal some harder stuffs, so they should confront this sort of challenges.
  2. 00:32:890 (1,2,3) - the pattern involving these objects isn't as neat as the previous patterns in the difficulty. i suggest completely forgoing the red node in (3) and making it blanket (2), like this: // Well since (1) was an angled wave slider, I wish to keep sliders all being an angled one here. At least I could figure out that the placement wasn't perfectly balanced.
  3. 00:46:153 (1) - same thing as i mentioned previously about objects coming too soon after spinners. i recommend deleting this and placing a circle at 00:46:469
  4. 00:47:416 (3,1) - to remedy the overlap between (3) and the end of (1), i think a pattern like this looks much neater: // Actually the design was done to avoid the complete coverlap between those two to avoid possible confusion. Tried to keep the ds while deciding the placement. If this was too much aesthetically unpleasing, then I should consider a change..
  5. 01:22:626 (1) - it feels rhythmically inaccurate to have this start on the red tick, completely disregarding the heavy beat of the next measure. i strongly suggest altering this to have more of a downbeat based rhythm, like this (in this image, (4) stars on the red tick and (1) starts on the large white tick): // This is a vocal rhythm.
  6. 01:33:521 (1) - same thing as i mentioned previously about objects coming too soon after spinners. this one is not such an easy fix, however, since this object starts at the downbeat, and removing it would sound rather odd. i propose deleting the spinner before this entirely and remapping it as a slider. // Actually I've just removed the spinner to make more consistency with easy.
  7. 01:44:258 (1) - same thing as above. however, in this case, it would be fine to just delete this slider entirely.
  1. 00:14:258 (1,2) - i know this overlap is intentional, but i agree with NoHitter that it doesn't look very good at all. i would just separate these two objects // I've figured out how to avoid that small overlap while keeping a nice pattern. It became more consistent with higher diff patterns, so I'm happy now!
  2. 00:51:522 (3,2) - this overlap is VERY slightly incorrect // Adjusted.
  3. 01:22:626 (1) - same thing about rhythm that i mentioned in the Normal difficulty. i strongly suggest placing a circle at 01:22:626 (1) and moving the slider to start on the large white tick and end on the red tick, like this: // Vocal rhythms.
  4. 01:37:626 (1,2) - same as i mentioned previously about this overlap
  1. 00:10:784 (1,2,3,4) - the pattern involving these sliders seems rather odd and doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing or flow too well. it also contrasts heavily with the rest of the difficulty's style (tidy, neatly made and flowing patterns) i came up with a much neater pattern that looks better and flows well. i recommend trying this or re-arranging it your own way // The placements are basically arranged with a ctrl+G logic and the combination with unbalanced angled sliders with a curve slider was how I wanted to represent this section along that flow. mm I feel this stuff to be rather personal?
  2. 00:15:837 (1,2,3,4) - same thing as above, just shifted in orientation to match
  3. 00:48:048 (1) - move this slightly up and to the right in order to avoid a slight overlap with 00:47:416 (1) // Since I feel the 1/2 (1) is already invisible when the long (1) appears, I guess it wouldn't be really necessary. It will cause some extra work,,
  4. 00:52:469 (1,1) - same as mentioned above for structural consistency
  5. 01:00:679 (2) - reversing this makes the flow into 01:01:153 (3) feel a lot more natural and fluid // I wanted the flows break each other while forming a current visual since I felt this way to fit the strong sounds of the music effectively.
  6. 01:34:153 (1,2,3,4) - same as my first and second suggestions
  7. 01:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - same as above
  1. 00:01:626 (1,2) - why is this NC, and why is it blue? you didn't do this on any other difficulties // Since 00:01:626 (1,2,1,2,3) were having diverse spacing logics along a linear beat, I had to divide those with a different combo. Blue was selected since yellows are mostly used as a finisher pattern and the only color remaining was blue afterall.
  2. 00:10:784 (1,2,3,4) - same suggestion here as in the insane difficulty. this pattern feels really out of place from my perspective. i tried coming up with a neater pattern as a recommendation once again (you don't have to use this pattern, of course. this is just an idea):
  3. 00:15:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - same as above
  4. 00:29:100 (1) - curve this in the opposite direction, like this. it carries the flow out of 00:28:784 (3) much better. it also links into 00:29:574 (2) more smoothly. // I can agree the flow wasn't super smooth, but well I think I have to sacrifice flow here for several placement reasonings... Actually I didn't experienced much flow issues here despite the unsmooth ideal path, and the visual was seperated enough to cause an issue imo.
  5. 00:42:363 (1,2,1) - this arrangement can definitely be improved. the straight sliders seem rather mundane. here's an example of a pattern i made that i believe looks cool and flows really well: // I've used a 30 degree rotation and a straight slider to be consistent with 00:36:679 (1,2,3,4,1). I'd like to keep that.
  6. 01:00:679 (2) - reverse this like i mentioned in the Insane diff at the same pattern. it carries the flow into the next slider better
  7. 01:34:153 (1,2,3,4) - same as my second suggestion
  8. 01:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - same as above
  9. 01:45:995 (1) - this is REALLY cool! love this
this map is structured very solidly and is even consistent in its patterns and rhythm throughout difficulties. although it doesn't offer much in terms of innovation, you clearly are very knowledgeable when it comes to handling beatmap composition. good luck

Lasse wrote:

offset felt a bit late to me while playing and in editor // Will get some opinions.

Lyrics\Thumbs.db is unused, but I think that sometimes gets automatically created by some windows versions for image thumbnails, might still want to delete it though // As long as I know, they are fine enough to keep (and I actually failed to found that in my file lol)

00:20:732 (2) - stack here just didn't feel very fitting with how important 3 is and you normally used jumps or at least normal spacing for such // Due to the static nature of that drum beat combined with an additional note, I wanted it rather as a stack. This is a characteristic feature appearing this part, so I feel it fine.
00:23:337 (3) - do you really need to put a note here.. // Since there is an instrumental sound supported from the song, yes.
00:29:574 (2,3) - soft sampleset would fit better as it seems you wanted to follow piano here + maybe soft-whistle on 2 // Adjusted.
00:33:837 (5,6,7,8) - autostacking makes this noticeable uneven and that just doesn't really fit the otherwise very clean structure of this map : ( // Since the spacings of this pentagon pattern was pretty high enough, I believe at least this one wasn't highly bothering for me. As seen above from your stack mod, seems we have a different viewpoint towards the importance of stacked objects since you seem to be considering first object of the stack more important while I consider the final object of the stack to be more important. Just different viewpoints.
00:39:837 (5) - nc on this would make sense with your other nc patterning around here and vocals starting on 5 // If you listen along the music that I am expressing along the hitsounds, and the patterns to support that expression, you'll see dividing this with a new combo wouldn't fit my intentions.
01:07:074 (1) - spinner just felt way too short for me personally, I usually don't have problems with spinners at all, but got a 100 on this on all of my plays, it's only like 500ms. also (1) is very far from the center so you basically have another big jump to get around the middle before you can start spinning properly // A difficult spinner was real! Well jokes aside, I actually feel spinning abilities are one of the things in this game, and as long as it is long enough to fit the ranking criteria and the song, I personally feel why not. The biggest point I'd like to make here is that it fits the song, and the difficulty. But I at least tried starting the spinner 1/8 beat earlier for those who might not even pass this.
01:45:995 (1) - would be great if you could mute sliderticks on this one // I've added a empty sliderslide, so I'd like to keep here.
also, the volume changes you did on the slider only work for the ticks, slide stays the same because it doesn't work like that. It only gets loaded again/can change volume when you change sampleset, like

think this could use slightly higher ar as that always put some expetation on the sv and right now it feels a bit weird to me (like 8.5) // I personally don't really like high ars, and don't use them unless there are real significant issues with readability. Since it is already using a 8.3, I don't want to use a higher one. (It originally was an 8.)
01:17:416 (4) - I see you wanted to put more emphasis on vocals at 01:17:890 (1,2,3) - but still don't really get why this is mapped, but 01:17:732 - is not when they are the same sound // I was thinking about multiple options here, but the current design was what I felt the most optimal one for now. To emphasize the vocal-only at 01:15:837 (1,2,3,4), I must have mapped until the reverse of (3) but that created a flow that I didn't intended. Removing (4) made an awkward rhythm, and mapping 01:17:732 out didn't really created an emphasis afterwards.

00:11:890 (2) - not stacking this would make more sense with the other things you did and 3 being so strong. how about doing to keep it fitting your structure? // Well having 2 overlaps in one slider feels too much.
00:31:942 (1) - rhythm choice didn't seem optimal here because the end with the vocal is so much more important than the head. rhythm similar to higher diffs would be nicer // hm Switched as a circle.
01:16:784 - vocal seemed noticeable here to be completely ignored // According to the lyrics, I don't feel any major vocal line.
01:45:521 (1,2,3,4,1) - doesn't look very nice cause autostacking makes it so unven visually // Valid concern. Adjusted.

so many spinners might be a bit annoying for newer players lol // removed one.
01:21:995 (3,1) - looks like your 2 measure focused nc pattern got messed up here // It was for vocals.

00:22:153 - 00:45:521 - i get what you're following in this part, but the difference in difficulty (mainly density) to normal seemed way too huge. this is more like some "utra beginner" difficulty for this part, whereas normal is just mapped like an average normal. // (In fact, that kind of stuffs are what I expect on easy diffs >w<) Well, the first intention here was to give a slightly different expression in this calm section of the song. Since the difficulty was an easy, having a less difficult section wouldn't be much a problem imo? If the concerned part was the gap with the normal, I think I have to say that actually, normal-hard gap isn't pretty small also.

solid and nicely structured overall, but I'm not really sure about that thing on easy
also really unsure about the video because of parts like the one around 00:45 etc. // Death note is an 15+ viewable animation as I know and such portrays are widely uploaded in youtube or multiple websites. I don't think those would be nsfw. It is just a simple effect of bloods, without any actual unsafe brutal contents along.

Kibbleru wrote:

whyy ;w;

btw im modding with the normal mp3 so some things might be wrong.

00:18:838 (9,1) - i think a larger jump might fit well here, try // I was having trouble with dealing that final object. Making a jump do makes sense.
00:26:258 (3,1,2,3,4,5) - spacing could be a bit bigger here? so its similar to 00:25:311 (1,2,3,4) - // well since this is the second part of the 1/2 spams, I wanted this less intensed from the first one. and this setting is consistent at the further part.
00:36:679 (1,2,3,4) - why do u switch to small spacing here rather than the snappy jumps u used before? '-' // m because others were a jump along a slight angle change while this was rather straight. Players will experience similar difficulty here.
at least you're consistent with it i guess o-o
01:30:837 (2) - slider end finish really sounds off here. // guess mp3 issue :p

00:39:205 (1,2,3,4) - imo just 1/2 sliders would fit better here. there isn't any particular vocals so i dont think there is much of a need to emphasize it with circles. // There is an intensed instrument that I wanted to emphasize.
00:46:311 (2) - u can stack it on the slider end of (1) to emphasize that 'pause' feeling. // This was a consistency issue with expert, and I feel this way to flow better.
00:51:364 (2) - ^
01:17:574 - why skip the finish here ;w; // mp3
01:31:153 - what is the slider end finish for? i dont really get it o-o // mp3
01:45:679 (2,3,4) - nazi, make it straight? // Man how did I placed this incorrectly?! Thanks for pointing out!

01:09:363 (1) - finish here? // Quite weak, so I'd like to remain this a blank.
01:14:416 - 01:19:468 (1) - 01:24:521 (4) - ^
01:31:153 - same as insane

00:57:995 (1) - 01:00:521 (1) - could try deleting these to emphasize the calmer music section maybe // I'd like to follow the vocals.
01:13:942 (3,4) - ran out of space huh? xD // xD But I feel no issue on this flow. Just that it was the only usage but oh well.
01:45:363 (3,4,1) - try something like this maybe, gives better emphasis on the ending notes // I didn't combined 1/2 sliders with a 1/2 click usage, so I guess I'll keep the current design.

00:08:890 (1) - NC doesn't seem too necessary to me, i guess its for the whistle? // yeah, and also for blue combo colors that would be consistent with higher diffs.
good otherwise.
Thanks all!
18:54 *Sonnyc is listening to [ EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense]
18:54 Sonnyc: 이거 오프셋 확인도 같이 해주시면 감사할듯요
18:54 Len: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
18:54 Len: 저 좀만
18:54 Len: 던파레이드끝나고 아얄 ㄱ?
18:54 Sonnyc: 아 넹
18:59 Len: bpm은 맞나여
19:00 Len: bpm 애널라이저였나 머 있던데 그걸루 한번 다시 확인점해주세여
19:00 Sonnyc: 타이밍 때문에 그러신가요?
19:00 Sonnyc: 이게 아마
19:00 Len: 소숫점나오면 소숫점써야할듯
19:01 Sonnyc: 조교 베이스가 기본일거 같긴 하지만
19:01 Sonnyc: ㄱㄷㄱㄷ 돌려볼게요
19:04 Len: 저는 오프셋은 38생각중
19:04 Len: 근데 bpm이 약간 안맞ㄴ느거같기도
19:09 *Len is editing [ EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense [Hard]]
19:10 Len: 01:10:784 (1,2,3,4,5) - 위험할듯
19:10 Sonnyc: 음악의 절정이라고 할 수 있는 부분이기도 해서
19:10 Sonnyc: 하드에서는 등장하지 않던 1/2 단타가 상당히 긴 호흡으로 등장했습니다.
19:10 Sonnyc: 브픔 측정기 돌려보니까
19:11 Sonnyc: 189.996
19:11 Sonnyc: ㅋㅋ
19:11 Len: ㅋㅋ
19:12 Len: 인세인 cs 낮아도 괜찮을려나
19:13 Len: 01:09:205 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2) - 여기 엄청 복잡해보임
19:14 Sonnyc: irre가 읽기 어렵다고 해서 ar 8.3 설정했긴 한데
19:14 Sonnyc: 더 높힐 필요가 있어보이시나요?
19:14 Len: ㅇㅇ
19:15 Sonnyc: 점프 쎈거 없어서 cs 는 더 작아도 될듯요
19:15 Len: 8.7?
19:15 Sonnyc: 8.4는
19:15 Sonnyc: 8.7는 너무 높아요
19:15 Len: 8.5 ㄱㄱ
19:15 Sonnyc: 9에 수렴하는거는 되도록 피하고 싶네요
19:15 Sonnyc: 네
19:16 Len: 끗
19:16 Len: kds pls
Topic Starter
방해를 하러 왔습니다 #2

  1. Expert가 CS 4인데 비해 Insane이 4.5인 특이 케이스인듯 하네요. 맵을 보자니 4.5를 사용했어도 Insane이 더 쉬운 상황이니 상관은 없을것 같지만, 좀 걱정이 되기도 하네요.
  1. 00:44:252 (1,1) - 01:42:357 (1,1) - 개인적으로는 스피너 후에 노트가 좀 빨리 나오는 감이 있습니다. 특히 AR이 낮은 상황에서 이렇게 짧은 간격에 노트가 나오면 이런 상황이 발생해서 초보자들은 하기에 좀 헷갈릴수도 있을것 같네요.
  2. 01:13:936 (3,4) - 전체적인 패턴을 봤을때 유일하게 눈에 띄는 패턴인듯 싶네요.
  3. 01:16:936 (3,4) - 리듬 표현이 좀 아쉽다고 생각이 드네요. 차라리 01:17:410 - 부분에 서클을 두고 01:17:568 - 에 슬라를 두는게 더 자연스럽게 넘어갈것 같아요.
  1. 00:01:936 (1) - 패턴 느낌상 뉴콤보가 있어도 될것 같긴 한데, 다른 비슷한 패턴 부분도 고려해보면 그냥 지워주는게...
  2. 00:00:357 (3,4) - 플레이에는 위화감은 없는데, 00:02:884 (3,4) - 00:05:410 (3,4) - 이런거랑 패턴 맞춘다는 느낌으로 두개 위치 바꿔주는건 어떨까요?
  3. 01:07:028 (1) - 이거 최선입니까? 스피너 1000점은 나오니 언랭은 아닌데...
이블님.. 히익
Topic Starter

Sylphi wrote:

방해를 하러 왔습니다 #2

  1. Expert가 CS 4인데 비해 Insane이 4.5인 특이 케이스인듯 하네요. 맵을 보자니 4.5를 사용했어도 Insane이 더 쉬운 상황이니 상관은 없을것 같지만, 좀 걱정이 되기도 하네요. // 두 난이도의 구성이 비슷하지만, 요구하는 능력치가 달라서 괜찮지 않을까 싶습니다. 무엇보다 점프력을 요구하는 익퍼와 그렇지 않은 인센에서 서로의 강점을 부각하고 싶었습니다.
  1. 00:44:252 (1,1) - 01:42:357 (1,1) - 개인적으로는 스피너 후에 노트가 좀 빨리 나오는 감이 있습니다. 특히 AR이 낮은 상황에서 이렇게 짧은 간격에 노트가 나오면 이런 상황이 발생해서 초보자들은 하기에 좀 헷갈릴수도 있을것 같네요. // 이지 난이도가 존재하는 상황에서 노말 단계가 마냥 초보자만을 배려할 수는 없다고 봅니다. 일단은 2박자라는 여유를 두긴 했고요.
  2. 01:13:936 (3,4) - 전체적인 패턴을 봤을때 유일하게 눈에 띄는 패턴인듯 싶네요. // 이거는 사실 공간이 모자라서.. 흐름적으로 위화감이 존재하지만 충분히 작동하는 패턴이니 킵하겠습니다.
  3. 01:16:936 (3,4) - 리듬 표현이 좀 아쉽다고 생각이 드네요. 차라리 01:17:410 - 부분에 서클을 두고 01:17:568 - 에 슬라를 두는게 더 자연스럽게 넘어갈것 같아요. // 총소리 강조용 슬라이더여서, 다른 박자를 표현하면 조금 효과가 덜 할것 같네요.
  1. 00:01:936 (1) - 패턴 느낌상 뉴콤보가 있어도 될것 같긴 한데, 다른 비슷한 패턴 부분도 고려해보면 그냥 지워주는게... // 뉴콤이 없으면 간격 설정이 조금 난잡해져서.. 일관성에 타격이 있지만 유지하고 싶습니다.
  2. 00:00:357 (3,4) - 플레이에는 위화감은 없는데, 00:02:884 (3,4) - 00:05:410 (3,4) - 이런거랑 패턴 맞춘다는 느낌으로 두개 위치 바꿔주는건 어떨까요? // 열심히 보니 조금 거슬리는 감이 있네요. 초장부터 강력한 점프는 바라지 않아서 다른 방향으로 수정해보았습니다.
  3. 01:07:028 (1) - 이거 최선입니까? 스피너 1000점은 나오니 언랭은 아닌데... // 최선이라고 생각합니다..
Thanks for the modding~
2016-11-09 23:41 Chaoslitz: hmm delele the Thumbs.db
2016-11-09 23:42 Sonnyc: it is legit to contain that file, but most importantly
2016-11-09 23:42 Sonnyc: it doesn't exist in my file.. :(
2016-11-09 23:42 Sonnyc: \lyrics
2016-11-09 23:42 Chaoslitz: :( okay
2016-11-09 23:42 Chaoslitz: because i found it here
2016-11-09 23:42 Sonnyc: #blamebss
2016-11-09 23:42 Chaoslitz: xd
2016-11-09 23:43 Chaoslitz: ACTION is editing [ EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense [Normal]]
2016-11-09 23:43 Chaoslitz: 01:08:884 (2) - This sounds really weird when you skip the white tick on 01:09:199
2016-11-09 23:44 Chaoslitz: this is like the only one skipped :v
2016-11-09 23:44 Sonnyc: sounds valid
2016-11-09 23:44 Sonnyc: I will try a fix
2016-11-09 23:45 Chaoslitz: okay
2016-11-09 23:51 Chaoslitz: ACTION is editing [ EvilServant - Zen Zen Zense [Expert]]
2016-11-09 23:52 Chaoslitz: 00:34:305 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is intened to be overmapped or?
2016-11-09 23:52 Chaoslitz: i cant really hear sounds on blue tick
2016-11-09 23:52 Sonnyc: hm
2016-11-09 23:53 Sonnyc: I can say that I can hear sounds at the blue tick which is pretty similar to 00:34:068 -
2016-11-09 23:54 Chaoslitz: hmm okay
2016-11-09 23:55 Chaoslitz: 00:13:620 (2) - 01:36:988 (2) - use a denser rhythm i guess?
2016-11-09 23:55 Chaoslitz: they dont really give a good feeback with the long 1/1 reverse
2016-11-09 23:55 Chaoslitz: and better to map something different from insane lol
2016-11-09 23:57 Sonnyc: For me, those beat of 00:13:620 - 00:13:936 - 00:14:252 - felt equal enough so I just wanted them to express with enough time as a 1/1 interval using a 1/1 reverse slider.
2016-11-09 23:57 Sonnyc: and yeah you did catch this is similar with insane, but for structure issues,
2016-11-09 23:57 Sonnyc: I'd want to keep this consistent.
2016-11-09 23:58 Chaoslitz: ah i see
2016-11-09 23:58 Chaoslitz: just think it will be better the map vocal(? on red tick out
2016-11-09 23:58 Chaoslitz: but thats fine i guess
2016-11-09 23:59 Sonnyc: What should we call it, when the instrument is done with the vocals? xD
2016-11-09 23:59 Chaoslitz: can we even call it vocal
2016-11-09 23:59 Chaoslitz: ACTION runs
2016-11-09 23:59 Chaoslitz: idk xD
2016-11-09 23:59 Sonnyc: xDDD
2016-11-09 23:59 Chaoslitz: well thats all from me lol
2016-11-09 23:59 Chaoslitz: nice set cant really point things out =w=/
2016-11-10 00:00 Sonnyc: =w=
2016-11-10 00:00 Sonnyc: and
2016-11-10 00:00 Sonnyc: I HATE 11% BUG
2016-11-10 00:01 Chaoslitz: yea that bug LOL
2016-11-10 00:01 Chaoslitz: eait
2016-11-10 00:01 Chaoslitz: wait*
2016-11-10 00:01 Chaoslitz: what is the use of White.png in sb?
2016-11-10 00:01 Sonnyc: The fade out at the end.
2016-11-10 00:01 Sonnyc: Check the storyboard.
2016-11-10 00:01 Sonnyc: along the video!
2016-11-10 00:02 Sonnyc: It ends with "Created by EvilServant" with a black background,
2016-11-10 00:02 Sonnyc: and the video just ends
2016-11-10 00:02 Chaoslitz: ahh you mean fading out the video
2016-11-10 00:02 Sonnyc: which didn't made much sense for me
2016-11-10 00:02 Sonnyc: so I decided to fade out using that white.png
2016-11-10 00:02 Sonnyc: yeah
2016-11-10 00:02 Chaoslitz: okay
2016-11-10 00:03 Sonnyc: updated.
2016-11-10 00:04 Sonnyc: You'll want to check 01:08:884 (2,3,4) - in normal, if it's properly done!
2016-11-10 00:04 Chaoslitz: ok!
2016-11-10 00:04 Chaoslitz: btw what did you fix on sylphi's mod?
2016-11-10 00:04 Chaoslitz: i dont understand korean -.-
2016-11-10 00:04 Sonnyc: 00:00:042 (1,2,3,4) -
2016-11-10 00:04 Sonnyc: Adjusted the order of this
2016-11-10 00:04 Sonnyc: and that was all what I fixed
2016-11-10 00:05 Chaoslitz: oh ok
2016-11-10 00:05 Sonnyc: (in expert)
2016-11-10 00:05 Chaoslitz: thats minor xd
2016-11-10 00:05 Sonnyc: indeed :3
2016-11-10 00:05 Chaoslitz: hmm let me post the log first

Nice mapset, Qualified!
the quality of mp3 is already the highest as stated in the irc log
And thanks Sonnyc introducing this artist to me

Happy Birthday!
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone! Happy birthday, Sonnyc.
oooo happy 20th birthday sonnyc!! 🎉
happy birthday!!
퀄파 / 생일츄카드려용
ty sonnyc
Snowy Dream
Happy birthday!! Sonnyc!
happy birthday sonnyc
앙 생축띠
앙 랭축띠
8-) 8-) 8-)  cool 8-) 8-) 8-)
The song is hella tight men 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
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