
The Contest-Contest (Free steam games included)

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Topic Starter
I need some ideas for a good contest. A quick and easy one, that can be performed and finished in few days. So this is how this works:

Within the next 48 hours, post ideas for nice contests. Ones that simple-minded creatures like myself can pull off with few problems. After the 48 hours are over, my professional judges MathiasXII, dkun and Danzai will decide on the winner, who gets three of these games on steam. You can choose any game you like, except for Portal 2. The contest that wins will then be executed, and decides on who gets Portal 2 and another game of his choice that wasn't already taken in the first contest, OR if you don't like portal 2, you can freely choose three games on the list that were not yet taken. Does this make sense? I hope so. Will this end in a complete mess? I believe so.

If the winner would like to hand the prize to someone else, that can easily be arranged. Just make sure you have a steam account.

So, post your bloody contest suggestions.

EDIT: Just for your interest, the winner of the first contest won't be able to join in the second contest. It's a bit of a dilemma I'm in here, so this might still change.

EDIT2: Also, please go with one certain contest entry. Even if you have so many ideas for possible contests, just go with the one that you think is best.

EDIT3: I actually wanted to list all the contests you guys are suggesting but oh well too lazy.
oh boy
What Portal 2. Is that full version? o_O; Cause all those other games are like 6 bucks or less if you're smart, and Portal is like 40.

If you answer yes, I will brainstorm you up the sexiest contest ever.
Topic Starter
Yes. But you don't get portal 2 in the first contest! =D The contest that wins this contest will decide on who gets portal 2.
1) Still Alive karaoke, the one that sounds most like the real thing least not like the real thing wins.

2) They all bake cakes and take pictures of what they make. The cake that looks edible wins.

Topic Starter
Oh yeah. Only one contest please, sir.
Round one. Pippi cosplay (men) Agent J (EBA) cosplay (women)
Round two. Wrestle in pudding.
Round three. A race around the world.
BONUS ROUND! Where's waldo speed contest.
Round four. Pie eating contest.
Final round endurance. Listen to rebecca black - Friday in an endless loop, last one standing wins.
Topic Starter
That is... hardly "simple" and can't really be pulled of well over a forum. Are you even trying?
a contest that only i can participate in and only i can win, where i have to do nothing and get all your games

Larto wrote:

That is... hardly "simple" and can't really be pulled of well over a forum. Are you even trying?
Oh right, I forgot.

Off-Topic is srsbsns

Osu! trivia contest such as

Peppy's real name is _____
The first MAT was _____
Why do people hate bad apple? (TRICK QUESTION!!!!!)
Best visual representation of 4 [b]known[/b] community members in osu!* Be it by drawing on PC ot paper, pasting the heads, copy-paste, whatever works best! Just let your mind go wild!

The categories are:
- RPG Team: A white mage, a black make, an archer and a warrior! The best team will be judged upon creativity and personification of each class.
- Family: Mom, Dad, Brothers/Sisters/Dog, the best family will be judged upon how functional (or disfunctional) may that family be irl. Makes us laugh!
- Free Style!: Just choose your favorite 4 known community members and put them on a funny situation.!

The judges will choose the best per category, and then proceed to choose one final winner!
All the categories will be judged on what members were chosen and the quality of the work.

Have fun
Multiplayer osu! contest of specially picked mappers to make a special map for competitors to play (Song might be that Portal 2 song...Forgot what it was called.)

EDIT: OH SHIT, Krisom did better than me.
Draw a circle with a mouse.
The best one wins :D

Also Krisom wins
Best My Little Pony toy makeover.
Shohei Ohtani
A contest to see who can make the best contest.
Fine, fine, I come up with ONE idea, ya?

All the contestants have to come up with the best osu! skin based entirely on Steam games. The skins will be judged on
- Creativity
- Representation of numerous Steam games
- Visual appeal
- Ease of use

One person could request permission to add an osu! logo and hide it somewhere on someone else's site (could be anything), and it'd be our jobs to find them with the few clues given. Then they'd need some sort of proof.

Or something like that.
Find it
I don't want that Portal 2.

Instead, I want Half-Life 1.

Beuchi-chan wrote:

Draw a circle with a mouse.
The best one wins :D

Also Krisom wins
Of course you would pick the one game I would have the hardest time with. D:
osu! Scavenger Hunt
Have a list of ~20 osu!-related things they have to find. First to post in the thread with links/screenshots of all the items wins.

Some examples:

-A ranked map with a number of hitcircles that's a multiple of 100
-A ranked map with a star rating of EXACTLY 1.00, 2.00, etc
-A user whose post count = his rank, or within x of it (a screenshot would likely be required)
-5 ranked maps with a different background in each difficulty

Stuff like that. The number of items on the list could be heightened or lowered, depending on the overall difficulty of the tasks and how long you intend the contest to run for. EDIT: Alternately, if a larger list was made it could be a contest of who can find the most in a 24-48 hour period.
If this gets selected, I can volunteer to help think of items to put on the list.

0_o wrote:

osu! Scavenger Hunt
Have a list of ~20 osu!-related things they have to find. First to post in the thread with links/screenshots of all the items wins.

Some examples:

-A ranked map with a number of hitcircles that's a multiple of 100
-A ranked map with a star rating of EXACTLY 1.00, 2.00, etc
-A user whose post count = his rank, or within x of it (a screenshot would likely be required)
-5 ranked maps with a different background in each difficulty

Stuff like that. The number of items on the list could be heightened or lowered, depending on the overall difficulty of the tasks and how long you intend the contest to run for. EDIT: Alternately, if a larger list was made it could be a contest of who can find the most in a 24-48 hour period.
If this gets selected, I can volunteer to help think of items to put on the list. (Me too)
A raffle.

0_o wrote:

osu! Scavenger Hunt
Have a list of ~20 osu!-related things they have to find. First to post in the thread with links/screenshots of all the items wins.

Some examples:

-A ranked map with a number of hitcircles that's a multiple of 100
-A ranked map with a star rating of EXACTLY 1.00, 2.00, etc
-A user whose post count = his rank, or within x of it (a screenshot would likely be required)
-5 ranked maps with a different background in each difficulty

Stuff like that. The number of items on the list could be heightened or lowered, depending on the overall difficulty of the tasks and how long you intend the contest to run for. EDIT: Alternately, if a larger list was made it could be a contest of who can find the most in a 24-48 hour period.
If this gets selected, I can volunteer to help think of items to put on the list.
Fuck comming up with my own idea, this sounds fun.
ok I won

LunaticMara wrote:

ok I won
Hail to you, champion!
Faceman's idea is fun.
I could help finding some things to scavenger hunt for.
Actually, time difference present a problem there.

Shellghost wrote:

Actually, time difference present a problem there.
Not really. 24 hours is 24 hours no matter where you are in the world.

Priestess In Yellow wrote:

Shellghost wrote:

Actually, time difference present a problem there.
Not really. 24 hours is 24 hours no matter where you are in the world.
That was presented as an option.

Topic Starter
To slightly increase the incentive to participate in this round of the contest, the winner of this round gets three games on this list rather than two. The second round's prizes stay with Portal 2 and one other game (Or also three games if you don't like portal 2. But you better do.).
Comic contest: Contestants are given a set amount of time to draw up a comic of a certain amount of pages based around a given theme. I don't know.
A Jarto Fanart contest, because the Jarto art is fairly simple in drawing, the drawings can be made quickly so it's easy to make in 24 hours.
And also easy to overlook on a forum.
The story replacement experiment.

Each contestant creates a story of an amount of images/paragraphs/measures/whatever medium ever equal to one less than the amount of contestants. 12 people playing means 11 parts.

Everyone then sends their story to all the other contestants, but omits one part each time.
The receiving players in the example get a lay-out like this:
1 - X----------
2 - -X---------
3 - --X--------
4 - ---X-------
5 - ----X------
6 - -----X-----
7 - ------X----
8 - -------X---
9 - --------X--
A - ---------X-
B - ----------X

In this asciigraph X is the missing part. The 11 other players are then requested to fill in the missing piece as good as they can while sticking to the medium present.

Everyone sends their parts back to the first person. The final result to be sent in is a string of the parts others drew for you. XXXXXXXXXXX

This is a good idea unless you have a shitload of people, then it could take ages. Also make sure your participants have the time to drawwrite something within a week-ish or else someone will just be holding everything up.
Topic Starter
So yeah, Wojjan's contribution was the last one. Now I just need to discuss which one is the best with my judges. Thank you.
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So yeah. It's been decided. Mathias, dkun and Danzai all three agreed with 0_o's Scavenger Hunt being the fairest, most interesting and appropriate contest. We'll have to do some preparations for this one. Meanwhile, 0_o shall tell me what games he wants. And his steam ID. To all the other participants, we had some seriously interesting suggestions here, that the judges also found worth considering, but well, bad luck this time! Possibly you'll have some luck in the Scavenger Hunt. Whenever that will start.

We'll see if I can put more effort into that one than into this seemingly half-assed contest. But hey, it all worked out. So far!
GAH son of a monkey's uncle, gosh darn it, well shucks. I really wanted some osu! pudding wrestling!
Topic Starter
If you actually manage to find two somewhat well known osu! members and make them pudding wrestle, I'd probably gift you portal 2 either way.
I like where this is going.

I need 2 people to pudding wrestle, winner gets the copy of portal 2, my reward is just getting to see it! GOGOGO!
Me VS Cuddlebun. ROUND ONE DING.

Lizzehb wrote:

Me VS Cuddlebun. ROUND ONE DING.

Lizzehb wrote:

Me VS Cuddlebun. ROUND ONE DING.
Elbow to the face. Cuddlebun wins!

Jarby wrote:

Lizzehb wrote:

Me VS Cuddlebun. ROUND ONE DING.
Elbow to the face. Cuddlebun wins!
We didn't put any rules in place and Lizzehb looks like a biter, I'm putting my money on her.
Tode has had rough battles against hardened enemies such as doors in the past.

She also looks like she can take a hit.
ty larto <3
Too bad I already have all these games.

Shellghost wrote:

Tode has had rough battles against hardened enemies such as buns in the past.
snrk, "rough battles"
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