I need some ideas for a good contest. A quick and easy one, that can be performed and finished in few days. So this is how this works:
Within the next 48 hours, post ideas for nice contests. Ones that simple-minded creatures like myself can pull off with few problems. After the 48 hours are over, my professional judges MathiasXII, dkun and Danzai will decide on the winner, who gets three of these games on steam. You can choose any game you like, except for Portal 2. The contest that wins will then be executed, and decides on who gets Portal 2 and another game of his choice that wasn't already taken in the first contest, OR if you don't like portal 2, you can freely choose three games on the list that were not yet taken. Does this make sense? I hope so. Will this end in a complete mess? I believe so.
If the winner would like to hand the prize to someone else, that can easily be arranged. Just make sure you have a steam account.
So, post your bloody contest suggestions.
EDIT: Just for your interest, the winner of the first contest won't be able to join in the second contest. It's a bit of a dilemma I'm in here, so this might still change.
EDIT2: Also, please go with one certain contest entry. Even if you have so many ideas for possible contests, just go with the one that you think is best.
EDIT3: I actually wanted to list all the contests you guys are suggesting but oh well too lazy.
Within the next 48 hours, post ideas for nice contests. Ones that simple-minded creatures like myself can pull off with few problems. After the 48 hours are over, my professional judges MathiasXII, dkun and Danzai will decide on the winner, who gets three of these games on steam. You can choose any game you like, except for Portal 2. The contest that wins will then be executed, and decides on who gets Portal 2 and another game of his choice that wasn't already taken in the first contest, OR if you don't like portal 2, you can freely choose three games on the list that were not yet taken. Does this make sense? I hope so. Will this end in a complete mess? I believe so.
If the winner would like to hand the prize to someone else, that can easily be arranged. Just make sure you have a steam account.
So, post your bloody contest suggestions.
EDIT: Just for your interest, the winner of the first contest won't be able to join in the second contest. It's a bit of a dilemma I'm in here, so this might still change.
EDIT2: Also, please go with one certain contest entry. Even if you have so many ideas for possible contests, just go with the one that you think is best.
EDIT3: I actually wanted to list all the contests you guys are suggesting but oh well too lazy.