
4Minute - WHY

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 февраля 2012 г. at 10:42:43

Artist: 4Minute
Title: WHY
Tags: k-pop wowshakhov black_cherry_ita
BPM: 130
Filesize: 23951kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,65 stars, 168 notes)
  2. Hard (4,55 stars, 376 notes)
  3. Insane (4,98 stars, 534 notes)
  4. Normal (3,1 stars, 259 notes)
Download: 4Minute - WHY
Download: 4Minute - WHY (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ ~ Why why why ♫ ~

Easy by Black_Cherry_Ita - Done
Normal - Done
Hard - Done
Insane by wowshakhov - Done

● skin - Okami

My first ranked beatmap :3

source :

Thanks for mod

Kawayi Rika
Colin Hou
nice. :3

Topic Starter

Mr_Hyde wrote:

nice. :3

Thanks :D
Very nice!
Topic Starter

Lassic wrote:

Very nice!
Thanks 8-)
Звезду даю ;D
звездочка!!! ;)
good. star~ 8-) 8-)
Лови звездочку! ;)
Мне понравилась.
Topic Starter
Update (◕ ◡ ◕)


00:10:907 (1) - Grid 2 dowm
00:35:138 (4,5) - Change slider and note like this more better symentrical
00:46:446 (2) - Stack with 00:46:676 (3) - the start slider and fix spacing and too fix spacing 00:47:599 (4,5) just better to play
01:03:292 (1) - Grid 1 up
01:24:061 (5) - Grid 1 left

Where kiai time?

again where kiai time !? O_O

00:53:599 (1,2) - try this and with that will be better play
01:19:446 (5,6) - try unstack because is weird play my imo
02:13:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - My favorite :3

fine only me

again kiai time...

this just my imo i very confused this because lot NC combo example this that I will very confused try better patterns
don't worry spacing this just insane because I respect you style and mapping tecninque and I really love this diff aswome jump and stream but patterns are weird try better
Ho also combo black is not my fan lol just my imo
Questions call me and don't forget kudosu if my mod help lol

ho right STAR !

Pereira006 wrote:


again kiai time...

this just my imo i very confused this because lot NC combo example this that I will very confused try better patterns
don't worry spacing this just insane because I respect you style and mapping tecninque and I really love this diff aswome jump and stream but patterns are weird try better
I'll polish things later, now it's kinda raw
To modders: Please, point out only unrankable/absolutely horrible stuff in my difficulty as it's still WIP
- General:
disable countdown

- Normal:

Each mapset must have at least two osu!standard difficulties, one of which must be below a 3-star difficulty level. The difficulty of a single map should remain consistent, whilst the set should provide a steady difficulty curve without any large gaps which could alienate groups of players at certain skill levels. This ensures that players of all experience levels are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love.
please make dont than 3 star rate diff
or normal for remake at dont than 3 star rate

00:51:753 - add note here.
00:51:753 (1) - start at 00:52:215 end at 00:54:984

- Hard:
HP -1
00:22:330 - insert break time
01:10:446 - ^ same
01:58:330 - ^ same
02:10:215 (1,2,3,4) - why bpm x1.5? i think dont match

- Insane:
add audio lead-in (2sec?)

По новым правилам легчайшая сложность должна быть ниже 3 звезд,теперь без исключений.
Так что проси/мапай сам изю,т.к. нормал уже легче не сделать,он сложноват для легчайшей.

Ещё в инсейне убери каунтдаун и поставь Audio Lead-In на 2000.

И ещё,на счёт скина - approachcircle.png всё портит,я бы заменил его на стандартный.
В самой мапе не используются default-comma.png,default-dot.png,default-percent.png и default-x.png.

Если ты хотел отскинить цифры,считающие очки,комбо,точность и т.п. - то они называются как раз score-comma.png и т.д.
Но просто переименовать не выйдет,шрифт ведь у цифр и знаков то разный.

И под припев,конечно,хотелось бы видеть киаи.

00:13:215 - Добавь ноту.
00:14:369 (7) - Начни на 1/2 раньше,чтобы начиналось и заканчивалось на красных тиках.
00:18:061 (1) - Не в ритм,передвинь на 1/2 вперед.
00:22:676 - Брейк отсюда должен начинаться,так что добавь ноту или через блокнот пропиши.
00:27:753 (4) - Первый нота лишняя,начни с 00:27:984.
00:28:676 (7) - Конец не попадает ни в ритм,ни в слова - сократи на 1/2.
00:58:907 - Добавь ноту.
01:10:676 - ^
01:20:138 - ^
01:51:292 (1) - Такие слайдеры теперь неранкабельны.
01:54:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 1/1 ритм не подходит ну никак :| Разбавил бы слайдерами длинными,или,наоборот,как в начале.
02:10:215 (1) - 1.5x? Ну зачем? :<
02:13:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Это специально так? Они,конечно,читаемы,но почему так рандомно всё?
03:03:292 - Ноту с финишом?

00:13:676 (6) - Убери последнюю ноту.
00:14:369 (7) - Передвинь слайдер на 00:14:138.
00:22:676 - Опять же,ноту сюда,и почему брейка нет?
00:59:599 (7,1) - Очень плохо играется этот паттерн..Попробуй следующее:
  1. Чтобы следовать словам,делаем реверс слайдер с нотами: (00:59:599 - 01:00:061 - 01:00:523).И это новое комбо,кстати.
  2. Из оставшихся нот делаем триплет: (01:00:984 - 01:01:215 - 01:01:446).
  3. Передвигаем 01:02:369 (6) на 01:02:138,чтобы попадало в слова.
01:10:676 - Ноту и брейк?
01:20:138 - Ноту?
01:23:830 - Здесь тоже не хватает ноты,так что добавь сюда или на синий тик(01:23:946),но лучше сюда,конечно.
01:25:446 (1) - Опять же,начни слайдер со слов,т.е. с 01:25:907,а на 01:25:446 просто оставь сиркл.
01:27:292 (2) - Слишком поздно стоит,на 1/2 раньше?
01:27:753 (1) - Спиннер тоже? Слова на 1/2 раньше начинаются.
01:51:292 (1) - Неранкабельно.
01:58:676 - Ноту/брейк?
03:03:292 - Ноту с финишом?

00:02:369 (1) - Убрать нк?
00:03:176 - Добавь ноту.
00:06:061 (1) - Слишком близко к предыдущим объектам.
00:18:292 (1,2,3) - Не очень читаемо,но,в целом,всё по правилам.
00:21:984 (1) - На 1/2 раньше должно заканчиваться.
00:31:215 (1) - Убрать нк?
00:35:253 (9) - :o Ну нет же,на 1/4 раньше начни слайдер,с белого тика.
00:48:984 (1) - Слишком близко к предыдущим объектам.
00:53:830 (1) - Убрать нк?
00:56:830 (1,1) - Ну нет,это нечитаемо,дистанция одна и та же.
00:58:907 (1) - Слишком близко к предыдущим.
01:04:215 (1) - Нк убрать?
01:10:676 - Добавь сюда ноту?
01:25:676 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Увелечение дистанции после стаков как-то плохо играется.
01:28:215 (4,5,6) - Да нет там нот :| Лучше вместо всего этого сделай один длинный слайдер красивый.
01:49:907 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Сплошные прыжки через весь экран :| Попахивает овермапом.
02:02:369 - Нотку?
02:18:753 (6) - Слайдеры то тоже должны быть медленными,если используешь такой спейсинг.Иначе будут сплошные слайдер-брейки тут.

Хорошая мапка,удачи!
00:14:369 - Мне кажется что не звучит.передвинь сюда 00:14:599 - а там можно поставить ноту если хочешь
00:17:599 (6) - добавить финиш в конце слайдера
00:18:061 (1) - передвинуть на 00:18:292 -
00:22:446 - 00:26:138 - можно добавить брейк
01:23:138 - - передвинуть на 01:23:599 - а на 01:23:138 - поставить ноту
02:06:061 (1,2) - подровнять
02:21:984 - начать спин отсюда и закончить на 02:22:907 -

вроде все
инс и нормал вполне неплохи
Topic Starter
Update 27.08.2011
Thanks to all ゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚
Очень, очень плохая идея использовать черный комбо цвет. Во-первых, он будет сливатся с твоим БГ. Во-вторых, он будет сливатся с черным фоном (если кто нибудь удалит БГ) и в третих, почему черный? У тебя 2 ярких цвета оранжевый и красный. Заменить на желтый? По моему будет смотреться гораздо лучше.
Стандартные Clap'ы ставятся вот так проверь свои.

00:14:138 (8,1) - spacing
00:51:753 (6) - clap
00:52:215 (1) - закончить на 00:54:523? чтобы было больше времени на восстановление после спиннера (если так и сделаешь, то можно добавить clap)
00:55:907 (2) - finish
00:56:369 (3) - а тут finish убрать и поставить clap
01:40:676 - clap
01:41:138 (1) - clap
02:17:599 (1) - убрать финиш
02:17:599 - 02:30:061 - эта часть намного медленнее и тише остальных тут можно использовать вместо Clap'ов > whistle. И не надо там финишей.
02:30:522 (1) - clap
02:35:138 - ^
02:36:061 - ^

00:27:753 (4,5) - с начало у тебя идет слайдер на 4 тика а потом на 3. По моему это вообще не предсказуемо.
00:53:599 (1) - clap (oh no... модить хитсаунды не буду ибо тут я бессилен orz )
01:42:061 (1) - ^
02:17:599 - ^ см. normal

00:27:061 (1) - убрать НК
00:29:138 - мб тут следовать под вокал? прям напрашивается нотка.
00:55:907 (1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - спам НК ;[ предлагаю вот так ↓↓↓ 01:00:523 (1) - убрать НК
01:01:446 (5) - добавить НК
01:31:215 (6) - НК
01:32:369 (1) - убрать
01:32:830 (6) - НК
01:32:830 - 01:36:061 - часть без хитсаундов?
02:17:138 - и снова эта чать. Я настаиваю на софте.
02:47:138 (1) - убрать НК
все пофиксил, благодарю :3
Download: 4minute - WHY (IchiGUN) [Insane].7z
Topic Starter
Hellzero, спасибо...что смог - исправил ;)
Напишу немного.

— В самом начале киай не запускают обычно.
— Тот, который у тебя второй по счету, начни с 00:55:907.
— 01:58:676 — начни брейк отсюда.
— 02:27:292 (2) - свисток на конец.
— 02:28:215 (3) - сними свисток с начала, на конец поставь.
— 02:29:599 (5) - свисток сюда.
— 02:29:138 (4,6) - а отсюда я б снял.

— С киаем всё то же самое.
— 00:26:369 (1) - зачем отступ перед перерывом?
— 01:14:369 (1) - то же самое.
— 02:02:369 (1) - то же самое. Наверное, я тормоз.
— 00:46:215 (2) - хлопок.
— 00:46:676 (4) - а отсюда сними.
— 00:47:138 (5) - хлопок.
— 02:09:753 (5) - убери хлопок. С этого места у тебя звуки почему-то местами поменялись: там, где хлопок нужен, стоит свисток, и наоборот. Поменяй на слайдерах.
— То же самое. 02:13:907 (1) - сюда вешаешь хлопок, с (2) снимаешь. На (3) вешаешь хлопок и так далее.
— 02:17:599 (1) - то же самое. Надеюсь, ты таки поймал ритм.
— Четвёртый киай начни отсюда: 02:33:753

— 00:06:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - ха-ха, ловушка. А мне нравится, когда стримы с таким спейсингом идут.
— 00:12:061 (5) - на такие моменты лучше б лепить свисток вместе с хлопком, чтобы не терять ритм.
— 00:44:599 (6) - потерял свисток?
— 00:55:907 — и опять киай стартует отсюда.
— 01:28:211 (4) - может, конец в другую сторону выгнуть?
— 01:36:057 (4) - что хлопок, что без хлопка, там такая мощная штука в музыке на этом моменте. Можно свисток попробовать.

-You need a diff less than 3 stars for this to get ranked :cry:
-Tick rate 1? (all diffs)


00:31:446 (4) - clap on start?
00:52:215 (1) - end it 1/1 later?
00:59:599 (6,1) - switch NCs
01:32:830 (8) - add NC, then remove NC from 01:34:676 (1), then add NC on 01:36:522 (3)?
01:36:522 (3) - remove clap from start and add on end
02:05:138 (2) - clap on end
02:07:907 (1,3) - claps should be on (2) and (4) IMO
02:27:292 (2) - remove whistle?


-for a song like this, claps on beats 2 and 4 would really sound better IMO...

00:22:907 - reinsert this break :?
00:51:753 (1) - this spinner is weird, perhaps move it 1/1 later, delete 00:53:599 (1), and put a note where it starts currently?
00:55:907 (6) - new combo
01:10:907 - reinsert this break :cry:
01:58:907 - reinsert this break
02:10:215 (1,2,3,4) - 1.5x doesn't really fit this part of the song IMO, use 1.0x please @.@
02:36:292 (1,2,3) - not consistently spaced
03:00:984 (2) - perhaps unstack this?


-CS 4?

00:36:292 (1) - remove NC
00:54:523 (1) - start it 1/2 later
00:57:753 (1) - remove NC
01:21:292 (1) - remove NC?
01:23:369 - add a note?
01:39:292 (2) - please move this so it forms an equilateral triangle with (3) and (4) :) (then move 5 too)
01:40:907 (1,2,3,4) - these jumps are huge :cry: please reduce them~
01:45:061 - add a note?
01:49:215 (1) - remove NC
01:50:369 (1) - ^
02:17:138 ~ 02:29:830 - this part was really awkward for me, the spacing was generally too low (or the SV was too fast) and it changed at awkward parts. For example, at 02:25:446 (2,3,4) the lower spacing and higher SV doesn't really match the song that well, then the spacing at 02:27:292 (1,2,3,4) is higher which doesn't really match the song either :? perhaps change this a bit? (If you think it's fine, just keep it~)
02:30:753 (1) - remove NC
02:33:523 (1,2) - switch NCs
02:36:061 (3) - this note is really close to (2) o.o, perhaps move it farther away?
02:42:061 (1) - remove NC
02:42:523 (1) - too close to (1)
02:55:907 (1) - huge jump O_O perhaps reduce it?

nice map~ :)
This was a really fun map- really liked the patterns on [Insane]

This also probably only applies to me, and other colorblind people- but it is actually easier to see your skin with the video going, as the default image for no-video is really white... If I had not already played the map with the video, I would have insta-failed a few sections because of the bg image =0X

edit: although, I could always just delete the bg image from the folder myself =0p
However I tested 539 for the offset ~~~
Must fix ^

-- Combo Problem --
01:32:369 (4) - New combo and remove 01:32:830 (1)
02:20:830 (1) - Remove new combo (This useless) And new combo 02:21:292 (2)
-- Sound --
00:21:292 (4-1st) - Clap
03:02:385 (6) - ^
-- Spacing --
01:19:907 (1,2) - is x1.0 and 01:20:369 (4,5) - X0.9. So fix 1 and 2 to x0.9
02:45:061 (3,4,5) - Spacing
-- Other(S) --
02:04:002 (X) - WHY wHY wHY ~~~ Hard maped here but Insane didn't ?

-- Combo Problem --
00:55:446 (5) - New combo for the kiai time maybe
-- Sound --
00:26:369 (1) - Finish
01:03:292 (1) - ^
01:43:907 (1) - ^
01:51:292 (1-1st) - ^
02:41:138 (1) - ^
02:48:523 (1) - ^
02:55:907 (1) - ^
-- Spacing --
00:27:292 (3,4) - Spacing
-- Other(S) --

LIKE : Good song and good insane
UNLIKE : However, you should do more about hard first and the normal are too hard for the player, please fix it. Good LUCK ~~ STAR !
Sorry for the post.... I dont know what happen
diff. don't know why puush
Topic Starter
KingsAL2 thanks, fixed ;)
I don't normally mod wip stuff (seems like you didn't read the queue rules x-x) but I'll mod anyways since i like the song

00:14:830 (x) - add a note here?
00:35:138 (3) - use distance snap
00:52:215 (1) - the sound of this spinner sounds a bit weird imo. end it at 00:54:984?
01:50:369 (6) - move it to 01:50:138? sounds better imo
02:41:600 (5) - this note is kinda hidden under 02:40:215 (3) (i know it's not too much, but eh.) move it a bit to the left?
02:42:984 (1,2) - remove the last repeat from (1) and start (2) at 02:44:138? if so, add a slider that starts at 02:44:830 and finishes at 02:45:061
02:46:676 (6) - add new combo?

AR +1?
01:01:446 (4) - replace it for a slider that finishes at 01:01:676?
01:02:138 (x) - add a note here?
01:36:984 (4) - new combo
02:39:753 (7) - make it like this (changed slider's shape and placed it a bit higher)
02:54:984 (7) - same of the previous suggestion
03:03:292 (10) - stack correctly with the end of 03:02:599 (9)

*wondering why this is still wip*

that's all :)
Topic Starter
Thanks Wiinter ;)
Already in Pending :3
From my modding queue.


  • KIAI is not consistence.

    Since you added "hitcircle.png", you must add "approachcircle.png", and "reversearrow.png" too.
    I can say same thing about spinner skin. You must add "spinner-approachcircle.png".
    Speaking of score numbers, you must add "score-dot.png", "score-percent.png", and "score-x.png".

  • There are many finish sounds that are placed on wrong place. I recommend you to use it on downbeat, basically.
  1. 00:18:984 (2,3) - Add finish to (2), then remove it from (3).
  2. 00:20:830 (1,2) - ^
  3. 00:22:676 (x) - A note is needed here with finish sound.
  4. 01:10:676 (6) - Use finish instead of clap.
  5. 01:36:522 (3) - Add finish here.
  6. 01:54:061 (5) - Remove finish, and add it to 01:54:984 (1).
  7. 01:55:446 (2) - Remove finish.
  8. 02:36:523 (1) - Remove finish, and add it to 02:37:446 (2).
  9. 02:55:907 (1) - You should add finish.

  • Your hitsound seems not have regular can improve it more.
  1. 00:55:907 (2) - Use finish instead of clap.
  2. 00:56:369 (3) - Add clap.
  3. 00:56:830 (4) - Remove clap.
  4. 02:10:215 (T) - It's not a good idea that increasing SV here imo. And also, please make (1,2,3,4)'s shape more beautiful.
  5. 02:27:984 (8) - Move it to x:432, y:176. That's symmetry with 02:26:369 (1).
  6. 02:30:061 (3,1) - Hmm, I feel these notes don't follow the music, try the pattern below.
  7. 02:47:599 (2,3,4) - Stack them perfectly with (1).
  1. 00:11:369 (3,4) - Try to move (3) to the top of (4) (x:128, y:208), and then try Ctrl+R on (4). The flow will become better imo.
  2. 00:19:330 (3) - Move it down by 2 grids.
  3. 01:15:984 (1,2) - How about the pattern below? I think that fits the rhythm more.
  4. 01:22:215 (2) - Stack it perfectly.
  5. 01:23:599 (1,2) -
  6. 01:34:907 (3) - A bit near from (2).
  7. 01:35:830 (3) - ^
The mapset is fine, and Insane looks great. But [Normal] and [Hard] need more works, especially about hitsound.
Star for now, good luck! :)
Topic Starter
Suzully thanks a lot ;)
done everything, thanks alot. 00:11:369 (3,4) improvement was really great :)
Hi~ sorry for the late.. ;)
can i make the normal diff?

00:58:907 (4,5) - add clap

CZ -1

00:49:676 (3) - one grid down

hi, as your req from my queue



  1. a approachcircle pic is needed
  2. hitcircleselect actually doesn't make sense to players, it can only noticed on edit interface
  3. add default spinner-clear, spinner-osu and spinner-spin to avoid clash between yours and player‘s custom ones


00:19:446 (3) - clap?
Break time areas:
no evidence tells me set-up time(dark green area) is needed, please just restore them


03:03:292 (10) - stack


00:06:869 (1) - whistle
00:07:099 (3) - ^
00:07:446 (6) - whistle at beginning and body of the slider
Hi, from my queue


  1. Unused osb file in file folder, maybe delete it?
  2. The hitcircle in the skin is not complete, you need approachcircle.png, reversearrow.png
  3. The spinner in the skin is not complete, you should have spinner-approachcircle.png

  1. 00:15:292 (1) - 5 grids right
  2. 00:15:753 (2) - ^
  3. 02:10:215 (1) - move to (124,332)

  1. 00:33:753 (1) - move to (140,24)

  1. 00:35:138 (8) - remove sliderwhistle
Good luck~
Topic Starter
LKs, [CSGA]Ar3sgice thanks a lot :3
request from my queue

3:03 - 2 diff
00:55:907 2nd kiai starts here
This is an insane diff...why you use the biggest circle size? least use 4 circle size
00:19:214 (2,3,4,5) - these spacing is like 00:18:292 (1,2,3) - .but they are different
00:24:523 (1) - too big jump...
00:44:830 (1) - auto play can only spin this 3000...maybe this is too short
01:04:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - copy 123 to make symmetrical
01:19:907 (1,2,3,4,5) - why not use soft hitsound?
02:50:369 (3) - 1 grid left to stack last 2

00:07:907 (1) - finish
00:41:138 (1) - finish at the beginning
00:59:599 (1) - move clap to the repeat
01:04:676 (4) - clap at the beginning
01:18:061 (1) - finish
01:39:292 (3) - move clap to 1
03:01:907 (6,7,8) - a little close to 5
Hitsound set is a little disorderly..Use 24clap will be much better imo.
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No_Gu thx :D
YESSSSSSSS~ Finally a good kpop beatmap in the pending pile that I've seen in ages ahaha ><""" Been downloading all dodgey ones lately sigh ><" I look forward to this being ranked soon XD
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lily_no_hana wrote:

YESSSSSSSS~ Finally a good kpop beatmap in the pending pile that I've seen in ages ahaha ><""" Been downloading all dodgey ones lately sigh ><" I look forward to this being ranked soon XD
Thanks! I hope so :P
sorry for really late mod :(


--to be honest i like CS 4 a lot better than this. idk why but i've begun to dislike huge hitcircles now, but that's just me. it's also a little weird to have your insane difficulty to have a larger hitcircle size than hard.

00:05:138 (4) - flows better if you delete this note, then fix the spacing.
00:13:908 (3,4) - the notes are a little backwards :/. Switch them around to follow vocals more?
00:18:292 (1,2,3) - i don't mind if the spacing is a little smaller, but i wouldn't make the spacing the same as 00:19:214 (2,3,4,5) -
00:25:676 (1) - i would turn this into two notes
01:10:676 (4) - new combo? this is more of my personal opinion though. it's nor really necessary
01:16:676 (3,4) - these two notes don't follow the vocals very well :/ well, i would advise you to change it to follow the vocals, but some reason i don't mind it that much if it stays.
01:23:946 (2) - this kinda of unexpected since you aren't really following the vocal's sixteenth notes and you've never used this rhythm before. Probably a better idea to unstack this note.
01:37:446 (1) - remove combo
02:18:753 (6,1) - the jump here seems a little forced consider the spacing is so small. I would decrease the jump distance


00:39:292 (5) - new combo?
00:57:292 (1,2,3) - i'd rather not have these overlap each other but thats my personal preference.
01:02:368 (2) - fits better if this note was at 01:02:138 - :/
01:10:676 (8) - new combo?
01:42:061 (1) - start the spinner at 01:41:830 -
01:49:215 - add note to follow vocals
01:50:369 (6) - start the start at 01:50:138 and end at 01:50:599 to follow vocals more? (you could also add a note at 01:51:061 - so that it's easier to read)
01:58:676 (8) - new combo?
02:23:599 (1) - this slowed down slider doesn't really fit :/ it doesn't follow anything. the vocals don't provoke something like this either
02:29:599 - add note
03:02:599 (9) - new combo?


--AR +2/1

00:22:676 (4) - new combo?
00:31:446 (3) - it's better to follow the same pattern so you don't confuse beginners.
02:23:599 (1) - This note is just too far away from the center for a spinner of this length. I'd also adivse you not to slow this slider down.
02:42:984 (1) - this note is just a little awkward to play, and it isn't intuitive that it will repeat 3 times. (combo 1 only repeats 2 times.)

good luck :3~~

oh hey, it's my 1111st post.
Topic Starter
winber1 thanks :3
P.S. Better late than never ^^

winber1 wrote:

it's also a little weird to have your insane difficulty to have a larger hitcircle size than hard.
It's guest diff :)
oh ha. i never realized. i didn't read the info lol >_>. Well, either way, i still likeAR -1 CS +1 (lol at my mistake), but i somehow doubt you'd change it. anyways... good luck
well done, skiped
song too long, more breaking times.

(no KDS)

From ax_pokl's modding Queue
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ax_pokl ok, thx :)
Louis Cyphre
Хотелось бы увидеть лёгкую сложность.


TicClick wrote:

— Тот, который у тебя второй по счету, начни с 00:55:907.
мне вот тоже так кажется
а ещё бы первый киаи закончить на 00:22:676, а третий на 01:58:676, но это я просто предлагаю :3
звезда ^^

Download: 4minute - WHY (IchiGUN) [Easy].osu
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Black_Cherry_Ita большое спасибо. Диффка класс! ^^

TicClick wrote:

— Тот, который у тебя второй по счету, начни с 00:55:907.
Похоже, что так и надо...поправил :)
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